Japanese game/anime has rape in it

>Japanese game/anime has rape in it
>advocates rape culture

>american game has brutal gore and murder
>doesn't advocate violence and murder cultures
I'm confused

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Daily reminder that anime is gay


sauce on top pic?

sauce me breh

Everyone consented to potentially be brutally murdered so they could participate in the brutal murder tournament. Nobody consents to be raped, because then it stops being rape.

Then why do sjws advocate for it?

why don't**

you can't know that

user, everyone knows the ONLY reason to put sexual content in your video game is for people to jerk off to it.

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I can probably masturbate to both.

this actually makes sense. I should probably have more discussion about this stuff irl.

>He doesn't know what killing bites is

Killing Bites

Ah, nice recovery. Thanks user.

There isn't a fucking "violence and murder" culture you dumb mother fucker

You can reason your way around why taking someone else's life might be justified. You can't reason why rape might be justified.

yes, there is
you can't prove otherwise

What does depicting an action have to do with justifying that action?

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you should travel more lel

Do you even know what a rape culture is?

>Country that mass mutilates infants, unnecessary and excessive gun ownership, the only country that literally worships its military, and the only country on the planet with daily school shootings
>No violence and murder culture

>Get into argument with developer
>He claims that murder simulator games have no effect on someone's psyche but saying mean words online does
If you haven't realized yet OP, the world's insane have gotten a soap box.


REMINDER that the above introduced a character and endeared her to you only for the author to kill her suddenly

because rape culture isn't universally regarded as a bad thing yet and can be encouraged, while everyone knows murder is wrong
not that you're actually here to talk about it ofc

the japanese are so cringe

no, they don't
they see the term, instantly get defensive, and shut down into their autistic hugbox instead of trying to find out

>unnecessary and excessive gun ownership
>the only country that literally worships its military

>rape isn't universally regarded as bad
>people are encouraged to rape
>not everyone knows rape is wrong
>everyone knows murder is wrong, which is why nobody ever murders anyone

>people needed to be taught these things by video games and chinese cartoons

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>rape isn't universally regarded as bad
that's actually not what i said, but it's also true.
look at incels. actual incels that is, not just meaningless buzzword "you disagree with me so you're an incel" types

>everyone knows murder is wrong
You realize that war is a constant for humans and that there are cultures which encourage stoning and honor killing, right?

No one ever murders anyone because it's already highly regulated by law and they know there gonna get life in prison.
The fear is that sexual content will inspire immoral acts in youth where the laws hold a lesser punishment if there caught.

Unironically, the porn industry is the reason why.
To the average person, thinking about sex/lewd imagery is almost exclusively geared towards porn.
Unlike the sexual porn industry, gore porn is incredibly niche and rare by comparison.

Also consider that with the varying qualoties of sexual porn vs gore porn, you could easily confuse fan service moments to actual porn, but no one is going to believe Robocop or even Friday the 13th real gore videos.
People will call you a dirty pervert for liking games like DoA because the characters have big boobies like in porn, but no one is going to call you a weirdo that likes watching brutal isis killing when you play MK.

Although I don’t think either should be censored, I can at least see why one is taboo while the other isn’t as much.

Hemipenis... is the peculiar intromittent organ of the scaled reptiles, which is located in a pocket on the abdomen. It has a completely different structure to a human penis and occurs in a variety of forms, which differ by species. It is particularly worth mentioning how aggressive the organ is. As soon as it penetrates into a female, the penis expands, forming its complicated spines and humps into barbs and thus becomes a construct that can no longer slip out so easily.

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just wait after the cucks get rid of rape they'll come for that next - something to be offended by

>excessive gun ownership
>a bad thing

>Murder and Rape are against the law.
>Anyone with a good grip on reality and proper parents can tell you both of these things are bad.
I don't understand why people think video games fucking increase murder or rapes. It's more affected by fucking poverty and mental illness than anything else.
"Muh violent videogames" "Muh rape culture"
Fuck off.

just goes to show how people try to justify their opinions after they form them rather than applying consistent logic beforehand

You are aware that the US has one of the highest rates of gun violence on the planet, no?
You really think all the violent media has nothing to do with it?

The west sees sex either as reproduction or as play. They are too sexually repressed (even the sjws with their so called sexual revolution) to explore other faces of sex, such as its darker side. Part of the problem is Christianity in its different forms. A culture that has been influenced by the church will be sexually repressed and there’s not much you can do about it

Yeah excess guns isn't a problem. A macho culture of solving issues with guns is a problem.

Yeah there virulently misogynistic isolated subcultures online that hate women and have autistic entitled fantasies. There are also far more widespread and significant cultures you might actually experience in real life like gangs and rap shit where women are heinously objectified as a matter of course but those cultures aren't vilified because they're predominantly black or other poor oppressed minorities.
Rape is still "universally" regarded as a bad thing as much as murder (which again has significant subcultures where it's acceptable, again namely gang cultures) by the overwhelming majority of public opinion in our Western culture, which is the only relevant culture group in the context of this discussion so nobody brings up all the 3rd world barbarians.
And again, being told something is bad does not stop anyone from actually doing it, the adults who are committing the crimes you're worried about are responsible for themselves and do not learn what is good or bad from Japanese cartoons and violent video games, and depicting an immoral action is not in any way a justification or endorsement of that action.

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>America and SJWs supports guro of girls
wtf based

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Yeah I fucking hate it when my commute to work is interrupted because the guy in front of me challenged someone who cut him off to a duel at high noon

>macho culture

hello r*ddit

>not glorifying violence

We worship our soldiers and thank them for killing, and we enjoy it. We like killing people.

We respect soldiers because they risk their lives. Nobody likes them because they kill people. Only retards that don't understand what a soldier does think that.

Yeah those shitholes ain’t gonna destabilize themselves. Thank you for your service sir! Thank you for keeping us safe from the goat herders that we themselves fund and arm so that we have someone to kill
Thank firefighters if you want to thank people who truly risk their lives for you. Or paramedics. Even the pigs. But soldiers ain’t risking their lives for you at all

I do, and I was one.

Gee I wonder if there's any statistically significant factors among people who commit gun violence
Could it be that they all played Call of Duty when they were 12? I wonder what the evidence suggests.


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>protecting anyone

Lmao they won’t even go in a building if someone even says the word fire, they’ll put it out while you burn inside. They sit around working less than half the month collecting government pay to tell people after the fact that their house burned down with their kids in it and they couldn’t go in because it was too dangerous.

>[muffled school shooting audible in the distance]

>video games cause school shootings

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>There isn't a fucking "violence and murder" culture you
Respect the Army
Join the Army
Support the marines
Remember kids, those soldiers are killing kids in Israel for you!

Are you retarded? The U.S. has shown Israel unwavering support for a while.

>those soldiers are killing kids in Israel for you!
wtf I love America now

The ideology behind whoever serves is irrelevant. Its still the fact they risk their lives fighting for a government they may or may not really believe in. Soldiers are mostly treated like cannon fodder anyway by the governments using them. I also respect firefighters, paramedics, and the police. "Pigs". That word. Seems like you don't like them very much if you're using that language about them.

Its not about if they are risking their lives for me, I don't give a shit about that. But if you're going to go through hell for a thankless government doing their own agenda because you believe in their ideology, communist, democratic, fucking tribal even, you deserve at least a bit of fucking respect.

The violence is so hyper and cartoony it becomes a joke, the ladder is just rape porn

>Hyper and cartoony
>Anime is literally cartoons
>Somehow more realistic than MK

Israel, Adfghanistan, Syria, whichever middle eastern country with oil is the monster of the week for your current president.

Fact remains: USA's culture REVOLVES around war and its Army and identify it's nation with gun ownership. And Americans have the gall to come out and say they "don't have a violence and murder culture"


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Rape culture is a thing
Murder culture isn't

Europe has a murder culture too, they just imported it.

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>haha this bitch got her face ripped off that's hilarious
>oh my god a villain in a cartoon did a bad thing Japan is fucking sick

Explain Rape Culture for me real quick please.

Because one is made for the purpose of jerking off and one isn't.But either way faulting one but not the other is hypocritical as fuck and being hypocrites is something that both the US and Japan excels at.

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I don't disagree, but if you don't want to embarrass yourself and your goal is to persuade people, don't make a simple mistake like saying the U.S. is killing Israeli children. It's common knowledge that Israel has been a U.S. ally for a long fucking time.

>macho culture

Go back. Also it's solving problems with unnecessary violence that's he issue

>You can reason your way around why taking someone else's life might be justified
You can't reason your way around brutally annihilating someone that they become a mangled corpse like its some kind of sick joke.

the dude in the op is sensually licking her neck and shit, clearly made for rape fantasy porn, mk on the hand is so fucking goofy, she put her fucking through some guys body(?) so the camera angle could catch her making heart, it's so far removed form reality there's no way i can take it seriously

As long as you agree, It's fine.

Good thing i don't listen to Yea Forums. I would have nothing to watch or play.

Murder is literally in every aspect of culture. Humans are obsessed with it. Are you fucking high?

Personal responsibility is sexist and transphobic

>"We need to ban Japanese games and cartoons to combat the """rape culture""" epidemic!"
>(Big Booty Bitches plays in the distance)

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Now I'm gonna rape your raifu

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>Licking neck = rape

Give me literally one (1) good reason why you shouldn't own a gun.

Heh. If only people didn't actually think this.

>without knowing the context of the scene this is clearly porn
We got a genius here.

>killing kids in Israel
Sign me up!

>murder people in various ways
>"video games don't promote violence, nobody is going to kill anyone just because they saw it in a video game"

>play game with cars like GTA and go over the speedlimit
>"video games don't promote speeding, nobody is going to speed just because they saw it in a video game"

>steal in any RPG
>"video games don't promote stealing, nobody is going to steal just because they saw it in a video game"

>make woman look good in a game
>"this will have wide spread consequences on the objectification of women and needs to be stopped ASAP"

>have rape scene in a game
>"rape rates will sky rocket because of this! We need to stop it ASAP!"

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>Western game has blacks in it
>advocates for white kids to suck and fuck black dick.
>Japanese game has sexual themes with lolis
>doesn't advocate for pedophilia
I'm confused as well.

Not murder, murder is the killing of the innocent.

I've never seen the source material and the op presented it as rape she also crying, being held down, and the guy is clearly naked or at the very least not wearing a shirt, I can only make assumptions on the information that's been feed to me

>this rape scene is making me feel uncomfortable with how rapey it is
>obviously whoever made this wanted me to jerk off to it
What the fuck makes people think like this

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Rape is very sexy.

>killing a woman for being a rape victim isn't murder

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>the opposite of child porn
>Komaru is under 18 so Americans would still consider it child porn

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The scene is about a 4 massive conglomerates all getting purged and the guy(who's got lion DNA) takes the girl to be his mistress as a reward and rapes her then and there(not shown is he impregnates her as she is now his breeding bitch.)

Not him consdering he's retarded but I think OP is trying to bitxh and moan about Rapeday not being sold on steam because you play as the rapist and the goal is to rape as many women and zombies as possible. Now if there was a game that let you play as a Goblin then maybe just maybe the user you replied to would have a point.

By their cultural standard no, because she is not innocent, she's sullied and worthless as a bride.

>school shootings
>hood culture
>redneck culture
>male circumcision
>petrodollar warfare
There CERTAINLY is a violence and murder culture going on right now in Amerimutt states.

there isn't enough porn of her and that makes me and my dick sad

user I was pointing out the hypocrisy that Yea Forums has. Of Course loli shit doesn't advocate pedophilia and having blqcks in a game Doesn't advocate cuck shit. Anyone that believes otherwise is a loon.

Attached: sr-Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you Youre so warm nuzzles your necky wecky hehehe rubbies (480x208, 12K)

Yes, and? Jerking off isn't illegal.

While I agree that fiction doesnt cause real crimes, you can't take any data from the JPN justice system seriously.
Their system is a massive fucking joke.
Some of the worst laughing stock of the world.

Probably because the game makes you feel guilty for having lewd thoughts about her.

I always stars and strip people who bump into me

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I thought it was porn, i'm sorry i don't immediately recognize cropped anime scenes

Yes which is part of why cultural relativism is bullshit

>It doesn't count if I don't like them!

Perpetrator of the two world war were literally from Europe.

Even if they are under-reported it would not be that massive of a gap.

Christkeks disagree.
>yfw they unironically let millions of children have their genitalia mutilated just to stop them from jerking off

>murder is bad
>but killing isn't bad
>if killing someone isn't murder, then everything's okay
lmao what the fuck am I reading m8

>over the top wacky shit thats impossible to happen in real life happening to enemy combatants offends people less than something that happens regularly to innocent people in real life

hmmm really got my noggin joggin

So you can't read huh.
I'm saying I agree with the message, you fucking retard.
I'm just saying that the Japanese justice system is a thirdworld tier joke, so dont take their numbers seriously. Especially relating sexual offenses.

White people are giant pussies and anything that harms women makes them shit their pants in rage, even when it's fictional women.
Thankfully they're quickly becoming irrelevant since the Chinese are taking over the world, so soon we won't have to worry about their stupid bullshit.

"Rape culture" is a bullshit phenomenon that late stage feminists living in some of the safest countries in all of history made up to smear men and further their political agenda. Countries with actual rape cultures are in Africa and the Middle East, where it is actually systemic and condoned.

If feminists in first world countries have any complaint about "rape culture" it is the result of the extreme amount of liberty they enjoy in their societies. That is, the details of their lives are so far outside of the control of men, that when we recommend they do simple, common sense things to prevent themselves from being victimized (e.g. not getting irresponsibly drunk around strangers whom, by their own admission they know want to fuck them, not dressing in an overly provocative manner, or waiting until you know a person and they earn your trust before fucking them), they claim not only that that is also part of "rape culture", but demand the right to continue acting irresponsibly out of spite.

If it was, what's the problem? There's fuckloads of rape porn on the internet already and as long as kids aren't getting access to it, who cares? Both men and women get off to rape fantasies, you can enjoy fantasy without apply it to real life, no different than violent video games.

>It's more affected by fucking poverty and mental illness than anything else
And race.

I never said murder isn't bad, maybe the guy getting murdered was a prick who deserved it. But I was just clarifying that it's not murder.

Isn't that jews?

>Protestant heretics
Catholic countries don't do that.

No the jews do it because God told them to. Christians do it because a crazy Christian 70 years ago started a successful propoganda scheme to stamp out masturbation.

Like a small think like guilt would stop that. I really wish I had any artistic ability

And that's why you are on an anime imageboard

I have never once seen anyone who repeats this provide a shred of credible evidence, and their justifications are usually hilarious stereotypical generalizations of Japanese culture.

And I was agreeing with you my good man

>Christkeks disagree.
So? I'm not those cucks. They can limit their own body however they want. But you don't get to restrain my right of jerking off just because someone else don't want to.

Is that some crazy American cult?

Is it worth watching at all?

>murder is the killing of the innocent
the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

It's not about whether the victim is innocent, it's whether the killing was lawful.
So Chief Ooga Booga can say that Kunta Kinte needs to be stoned because he's being a mean kunt to everybody.
You were not called up to be part of the execution squad, but stoned the bitch anyway.
That's an unlawful kill.
However, Ooga Booga looks at the corpse you created, and laughs "all is well".

It was quite literally started by the guy behind Kelloggs cereal.


How is that unlawful, the governing head of society condoned it.

I'm saying that is what most people didn't like about it, in most if not all rape doujins you never root for the rapist and they usally get their comeuppance sooner or later unless it's NTR but that's a different nasty ass story. This game made you rape and that was the goal, remember Custards Revenge? Same shit and was trashed as well. Game of Thrones has rape scenes but the entire story isn't about rape and the rapist usally gets hurt or lilled afterwards.

Literally all they have are blog posts.
It's just retarded white people trying to justify their stupidity and inferiority when compared to Japs, don't pay it any mind.

My bad I apologize

His example is dumb, but I think the point is that it's unlawful in the same way that personally killing someone on death row would be unlawful. You weren't told to do it.

It's like an 80s ex-cop movie but with magical girls.
I don't know, I like it

>proJPN post
>uses a racial slur
Im confused.

Murder is going against free will. Free will is ultimate rule of universe. murder is the biggest fucking up.

It's Yea Forums nigger, I'm black and I call myself and others a nigger all the time, who gives a fuck?

Lurk moar faggot

I'm not saying that.
You said that murder is bad, but killing someone isn't bad, because some bushniggers can explain why it was done lawfully from their perspective.
That's honestly fucking retarded m8, and that's not how law works at all.
Also, it is murder by definition.

Is that girl that got slimed gone for good or is there some system like in Gantz or Madoka Magica or some shit where no one stays dead?

>It doesn't matter if I'm losing because I always win
>That's what Killing Bites is
Wow this looks like a great anime

God I hate anime. It's guaranteed that almost any anime with a female character lead or focus is instantly shit.

It's Western exceptionalism user.

She's presumably fucking dead.

>Japanese games add in rape scenes specifically so people can beat off to them
>Western games are bloody and gory because the devs are edgy

>Christkeks disagree.

It’s technically not outlawed in any of the Levitical Laws.
So I'm guessing it's just zealot propaganda.

Nigger A killed Nigger B while the act of killing Nigger B under those conditions was sanctioned.
That was murder.
The fact that the head of society annulled it afterwards doesn't change the fact that murder took place and it was accepted, or perhaps even praised.

>Japanese games add in rape scenes specifically so people can beat off to them
Gee user that's pretty fucking xenophobic of you, don't you think?

What if you're raping a rapist?

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>be Grug
>kill Nuhg
>take his wife
>make many babies
>make big shack
>everyone strong and happy
>christfag tell me this bad

its more specifically they called there game rapeday like stupid cucks and bragging about it what an idiot he derserved it

That's a society thing though and it's not universal. Imperial Japan had a concept called Gekokujō, which translates to "the lower rules the higher" or "the low overcomes the high". Basically the idea that it's ok for people in the military to act on their own if they did it for the sake of their moral principles. This is most famous in an incident on May 15, 1932, where 11 junior officers of the Imperial Navy barged into the Prime Minister's office and executed him for "leading the country astray and coddling weakness in the people". And in their court defense they basically said, "you can't say we love Japan, we love Japan more than anyone else in this room and we proved it through the conviction of our actions". And what happened to them? Slap on the wrist, couple years in jail.


"you can't say we don't love Japan", I meant

It's not hentai, that much I can tell ya.

>You said that murder is bad
I never once said that.

>Grug equalized himself as animal, Grug now can be bitch for advanced people with morale and law and God himself.
Grug gets consequences and became bitch slave without rights.

>couple years in jail
Your example doesn't really fit since it ended up being considered murder anyways

Daily reminder that you're a failure and no one on this earth loves you.

We're not talking about sophisticated bugmen here.
It's about hungry niggers killing people because some shaman in bumfuck nowhere rolled a 3 on the dice and decided that it's genocide time.

The idea is society thought it was ok, but the government had their hands tied and thought they had to punish them SOMEHOW.

Because violence is human's nature, while sex isn't.

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>Nuhg coping with being a cuck