Fire Emblem Thread

Imagine my surprise to get no results by pressing CTRL+F and typing fire emblem.

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Threads like this are not video games.

I need more pics like this

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I have a really nasty flu and I can't properly do anything, so I have plenty of time.
Which Fire Emblem game is the best?

In Fire Emblem the waifu elements ARE gameplay.

some people use the abbreviation "fe"


Story is the Gamecube and Wii games.
Gameplay is fire emblem fates conquest.
Overall in probably Awakening or Blazing Sword.

Post webm or youtube link showing said gameplay elements in action or you are lying.



Meh, dont care enough.
Basically having an S-support (Which is marriage) gives the best stat bonuses out of any pair up options. Then by using Marriage Seals you can either take your wife's class or your wife gets to take your secondary classes.
Then you have the child units who will inherit the growths, classes and skills of each parent which usually means a pretty powerful unit.

Thats why many will choose a wife based on its gameplay inplications rather than just preference.

there's always a general on /vg/ so you don't really see them here unless they're actually about something specific (e.g the awful art in FE: Hogwarts)

Dragon action

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I dont play heroes so i prefer to come to be when it comes to non-gacha talk.

>heroes general

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*to come here

I'm playing Radiant dawn for the first time
big surprise for me you got so many characters at one point you have to separate them into three groups
what the fuck
game is cool, but fuck the laguz they are so boring

I'm genuinely afraid how much that game looks like it might finally be the first Fire Emblem I don't like.

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I want to commit a crime

what don't you like about it? I'm pretty casually into them.


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Its okay, they are thousands years old. If anything you are the underage one.
Cant wait for Sothis and see how she fares in the Dragon Loli scale.


A dragon loli is a dragon loli, can't really go wrong

New fire emblems are always fun on the first playthrough... then shitty games don't get a repeat (por, rd, awakening, fates)

Sothis looks more like the lolibaba type (ie sage/knowledgeable loli) so she is relatively a new dragon loli archetype.

I just finished FE6.
Wtf was up with that sudden ending? And god damn, no wonder why people really hate Roy as a unit, I thought I'd turn him into a beast after he promoted since I already got really lucky with his level ups going up to 20 pre-promote, but fuck due you only get ONE chapter to use him promoted? That's some shit, its like the devs actively hated him or something.

>if you want to make your character a fag in fates you can only do so with two specific characters
that was pretty lazy, do you think they'll change that in 3H?

Nice bait

New Mystery

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it's the nips. I don't think they care.

Why? Because the gameplay looks good? Would be a series first

>That support where you finally heal her heart.
Based, Kris deserves her not Marth.

They made Leon gay when he wasn't in the original. Seems like IS has been opening up to gay romance more.

my man

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Ophel this dick in her ass

Literally genetically engineered for creampies

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That's every woman you donut

>have a folder of just Ophelia
Feels pretty good

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I think visually it looks like a total mess. It looks worse than the 3DS games in certain aspects. Obviously the character models look better. But the presentation of the overhead map is incredibly empty and ugly looking with the awkwardly giant 3D models rather than continuing to use sprites on the overhead map like the 3DS games used. The avatar character doesn't seem to be customizable at all other than their gender which makes me question why they would even bother with it. The school setting doesn't seem like it benefits the gameplay in any meaningful way and feels like a downgrade back into generic after we just had a pretty interesting Japanese style setting with the Hoshido half of Fates. Granted these are all mostly visual things and the game could still play fine. But it kind of indicates to me that this game lacks any singular direction. It looks like it's trying to be the best of both worlds in terms of classic and modern fire emblem but it's actually the worst of all worlds. I'm not the biggest FE fan in the world. I've only played the ones that have been officially localized. But I've liked and have been excited for each of them. My gut feeling on this one being bad is a first for the series. It looks like IS was woefully unprepared to make the jump back to a console Fire Emblem game again and are scrambling to come up with something.

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Radiant Dawn

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Yeah but Ophelia needs to be bred 24/7

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I think they had the right idea but executed it poorly. The gays should have had a few more options. But I don't want them to make everyone bi because that's just kinda dumb. I want there to be straight and gay characters and only a few bi ones.

nice desu, i've got a few at least

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How much?

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This. More distinct tastes among characters would be nice. But it would be even better if every goddamn character wasn't crafted with the sole purpose of getting someone's rocks off

Truly. I want to marry Catria and make her a happy women.

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Is it really so alien now to have folders dedicated to characters?

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About 40 in there, I'll have to make the collection bigger at some point since I'm sure some are lost in the regular FE folder

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Fucking pleb

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Yeah I would like that too. Japanese players would freak the fuck out if a waifu rejected them by saying she wasn't interested in a relationship though. As someone that has really enjoyed the matchmaker aspect of recent games, I think it would be fun to see it go a little more in depth and see more incompatible characters that could still have conversations. Maybe a character that doesn't want to S support and get married right away might change their mind over the course of the game. I might even like the idea that you're only in control of who the main character marries but in exchange for less supports there's more things to do with your S support after you're married.

Easy just don't have everyone marry then. :^)

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>muh graphics
Holy shit what a faggot.

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You saved that picture from your phone.


Correct. And?

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Which ending did you get? There's multiple.

He said one chapter

>but fuck due you only get ONE chapter to use him promoted?


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She'll be in 3H

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user, if you can stomach FE11 and FE12 art, FE16's art should be fine.

>Shitting on based Daisuke

What the fuck, there's multiple endings? Is this the only game in the series to do that?
Lemme guess, in the other endings the game goes on to the usual 25 chapters instead of ending at 22? How do I get there?

Izuka's art is spotty as fuck and he can't draw good faces for shit.

It's fucking hilarious how everyone has to cherrypick on the graphics with 3H because everything we have seen looks fucking great. The promoted knight and mage classes have amazing looking armor to make up for the really boring Noble-class outfits, there is an actual continent name and lore, and the mechanics themselves look really neat.

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imagine basing your opinion of a srpg on armor and a continent name

Shit son, if you unlocked all the gaiden chapters/got all 7 divine weapons (and they're still in your inventory) after you beat Zephiel you get 3 more chapters and the "true ending".


i'm liking how in depth the customization looks, coming a long way from GBA-era when most units didn't even have skills

The game has optional chapters that give you legendary weapons, you have to complete all of them. It's practically impossible to do blind though, so use a guide.

Right, better base it on the art style like Echoes right? New Mystery must have bad gameplay and Echoes must have good gameplay because of the art style.

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the point of my post escaped you and somehow you came back with the very thing I was shitting on you for. well done.

I got a handful of them, but definitely not all of them, I skipped the last gaiden chapter purposefully because I figured "all its gonna do is delay Roy's promotion and I'll just probably get more shit I'll hoard and won't use"
So basically I'd have to play through the whole game again? Fuck that shit, bad endings good enough for me then.

How come she says she loves you but then her vagina is basically up for grabs?

>literally nothing about gameplay
Honestly it's fine if you dont like it one less nuemblem fan

This is beyond pathetic.
This is not "video games" this is just you trying to start a fucking /e/ thread here in Yea Forums.
Why do mods allow this kind of shit?
Because it is not, it is on the same degree of stupidity that made this place go from almost average to utter shit, go fuck yourselves or at least go to another board if all you can do is think with your dicks.

we are talking about the game you fucking mong

he's trying to justify wojak cancer why bother replying?

autism and baitpilled

Her easter art is super cute and im glad i rolled her, even though i dont use her

Catria is always cute!

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Probably. Reyn knocks his students up in Cold Steel 3


Fire Emblem was always so mechanically barebones and simplistic. What they've shown with Three Houses looks promising and could be a sign of IS finally adding much needed depth and variety to this series.

It's our turn, gameplayfags. Story (lol) and artstyle cucks can seethe all they want.

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One of the biggest "controversial" things about Awakening were lolis and marrying your friends children and Fates kept doing it. I dont see why 3H would be the exception.

I like everything i have seen of 3H, this and SMT V are my biggest reasons to ever get a switch.

You know he's agreeing with you right?

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Of course man, I gotta save all my ultimate shit for the final chapter and then still end up only using iron, steel, and sometimes silver weapons because I forgot I had the other stuff. Happens every game.


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Why doesnt she just lets her hair grow, kill Caeda and then take her place?

Same reason why Hardin doesn't just dye his hair blonde, stay in his paladin class and then find and hunt down Camus.

That underwear seems to girly for Hinoka

My favorite is Sacred Stones. It’s a fun game with a good story. You can go as quick or slow as you want, and it has infinite replayabilty

Because he already killed Camus?

t. Sirius trying to stay undercover
No one's falling for it.

I don't know how you could have fun with a game that easy. you might as well play birthright

i love lezdom flustering type pics