Is this is the best weekly Video Games podcast?
Is this is the best weekly Video Games podcast?
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Hell no
I know you're here Ben
t. Jacob Levelle
They called God of War's combat "deep"
How 'bout that DMC5 review eh? Ben dropped the ball HARD with Travis Strikes Back: No More Heroes but this DMC review almost makes up for it.
You can't hold all 9 them accountable for everything each one of them has said about a game. I highly doubt they ALL called it deep.
Probably. It definitely isn't good though. There are no good video game podcasts.
I like Giant Bomb better
>Huber review
Huber overall is a good reviewer, but he has no business reviewing action games, recently he outed himself saying that he liked DmC because it was easy to get high ranks on it
A little too close to SJWs, but overall they are good at staying out of controversies
They get a huge backlash whenever they get too close to being proper SJWs. Also, you can't really expect people in LA to not be SJWs. That'd be like expecting people in Afghanistan to not be filthy goatfucking animals.
They defend firing people for wrong think
If that makes them the best I dont want to know about the worst
It's up there with the Game Informer Show.
Is Brad the best overall gamer of the bunch? Don't agree with some of his opinions (in what world is KH3 a 9.5) but he seems to be the most skilled gamer of the bunch.
Also, still can't into Ben. Even Damiani and Ian are tolerable in their own lane compared to Ben.
Ben Hanson is a treasure.
Him and Leo Vader.
Link when? Bloodworth? Ben? Generous Patrons?
Basically the only non-boomers in the main crew are worth a shit. Andrew Reiner is a fucking moron.
It was already posted in an earlier thread.
I think Brad probably is, yeah. Maybe Damiani as well, but he's autistic so he'll do the same shit over and over until he gets good.
I've slowly been starting to dislike Ben as well. I used to think he wasn't so bad but I've been noticing things he does that are super annoying. He seems fake.
But on the other hand he also seems like he's the only one who gets annoyed with the overly PG act that the channel has sometimes. I bet he'd be alright to hang out with off camera.
Ian and Damiani are still the worst. Damiani is a bit forgivable because I think he legit has high functioning aspergers or autism. It becomes apparent when he's playing a game while the others are watching and he's just mumbling to himself while everyone else is laughing and making jokes.
I searched all over the fuckin' catalog. Thanks buddy. Love and Respect.
Anyone have the RE2 spoiler mode?
Dunno about best, but this is probably the worst/
Thanks Kyle/Ben/Blood
Ian is good behind the scenes guy as shown in the lead up to the new studio, and also has different taste in games compared to most of the other allies. I respect that he calls games out for their bullshit when all the other allies aren't being critical. Like KH, smash, or Last Guardian.
It was Blood. It's always Blood.
I can't really figure out a reason to watch them anymore, they have no real insights in any of their podcasts, their jokes are all really weak and the majority of their content is unedited and far too long.
Fiasonauts used to be entertaining but half the time it's only three people or with some guest who fucks up the chemistry of the group.
Don't forget to give the comment a thumbs up that mentions Ian calling Jared Leto a rapist. Absolutely based.
>I respect that he calls games out for their bullshit when all the other allies aren't being critical. Like KH, smash, or Last Guardian.
Yeah I get that, but other times it comes off as him being dismissive of things just because they're popular, over minor things.
haven't really enjoyed anything they put out in a while. got tired of ian tryharding tabletop, got tired of ian treating fiasco like it was a game to be won, got tired of the only streams I used to like watching (kyles) becoming seven hour snoozefests etc. I'd put the podcast on as background noise while doing other shit but rarely paid attention anymore. things like whining about a female character wearing a bow or defending chinese review-bombing has just gotten so tired I don't even want to listen to the latest podcast anymore.
my problems aren't well defined but it's almost not worth trying to define them either, since they've got such a hugbox community around them that any criticism I was able to muster up would just get swept under the rug in favor of someone sucking them off anyway.
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if the janitor wants to delete this post, delete the thread while you're at it.
Man Ian fucking up fiasconauts by trying to get a good ending every time makes me livid, especially since he plays nearly the same female character in all of them.
There was a particular example where he tried his hardest to become queen or something, despite constantly being shut down by the group, at the end of his scene he ended up in jail, and then during his next turn he literally said they made him queen off-screen.
Amusing given he's always the one saying fiasconauts isn't about winning, like he's trying to remove his fucking competition.
>Started watching for more George, because I like SBH
>Dropped because of George, even though the other members were cool
This is the "Matt and Liam have cool talks while George is a little bitch on the background podcast"
They're reaction to the latest Pokemon game was really good. Not the main three guys, Kyle had his own reaction and it was really refreshing watching someone just tear the game apart. GameFreak really messed up if even normalfag youtube reviewers are gutting them. Nintendo wouldn't even let them upload the reaction separately so it's buried in a 90 minute video.
Did the separate upload get taken down? I saw that it was uploaded, but didn't bother watching it as I had seen it in the longer video
>Trying to watch the podcast
>That THQ Nordic discussion
If THQ Nordic are Nazi Pedophiles for associating with 8ch, then EZA are into Doxxing, Nazi-ism and Child Porn because they associate with ResetEra, Reddit and Twitter