You are going to vote for him right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"first-a order of business, free lasagna and-a linguine for everybody!"
unironically would
What's his foreign policy?
wtf im voting for mario now
No, he's just recruiting a new batch of fresh graduate slaves.
I'm not voting for anyone who wants to instate the Switch tax.
Mr. Mario, what is your stance on ISRAEL
>It-a as real as sony's exclusive game library.
Even Nintendo thinks American politics are a joke.
Give me free red wine and it’s gold
>"waluigi is a MESS. waluigi is a disgrace. waluigi is the weakest person on this stage by far, and everybody knows it. waluigi is a big, fat MESS. wahoo!"
He's good folks
fuck kikes
fuck beaners
fuck the eu
fuck saudis
fuck south america
fuck india
fuck pakistan
fuck black african republics
fuck britain
fuck china
fuck japan
fuck the koreas
fuck russia
fuck canada
and fuck every other second world forgettable shithole too
america first.
Mario would be based and redpilled
Under rated
>mario's a commie
i guess that explains all the red
I'm voting for Bowser you queer, he owns Nintendo after all.
Why not. He can't be any worse than Trump.
I'm voting Trump, even against Mario. There are some things too serious to joke about, and triggering libs is one of them.
>instant (You)'s imminent.
Hillary lost, you know.
Well, you just did what you expected would happen...
She shouldn't have been the party nominee in the first place. The dems should have laughed her out the door
Fuck Bowser, he isn't a self-made man, he was never one of us. Mario on the other hand was born in a Brooklyn ghetto and worked hard his whole life to get where he is. Even now he is still in touch with his roots and would rather focus on helping people than live "the good life" with the rich assholes in Toad Town
I think we know what party he'll be a part of
the mario party?
what's his tax policy
But Bowser has tons of experience being a ruler, while Mario hasn't even had a position of political power. Bowser may be somewhat corrupt, but we at least know he's competent at the job.
I think he would be generally friendly with most other nations but he won't abide the really evil ones, he would probably be open to immigration but except imigrants to conform to local culture.
Bernie's running again so hopefully he'll get his rightful chance
>the right-wing has actually managed to brainwash people into thinking that a moderate Democrat was a bigger joke than a reality TV host with no experience
God damn, and here I thought boomers were supposed to be smart?
I don't think Trump would laugh at anti Israel speech, he is extremely fond of the place.
>it's his turn!!!
literally yes
Xd I get it, just like Trump
No really what would his policy be? Edgy uneducated politics aside
>Bernie supporters unironically becoming just as insufferable as Hillary supporters were
Oh this is gonna be good
Jump on them and pull down their flags
If you don't think he'll expand, you've forgotten his past policy of conquering Koopa Kastles and sinking Air Ships
>You're not allowed to support a candidate or you're insufferable
Hey bro, i hope you matched my donation already, daddy bernie needs a 4th house for the good of the people
You guys were already insufferable enough in 2016 when you whined about losing the primary, just imagine how much you'll whine about losing the general in 2020
>wealth gap worst than ever
>lower half of American society doing worse than ever with tax reforms fucking everyone but the 0.1%
>"they're so annoying and insufferable!!1! How dare they expect any serious policy that isnt a waste of our hard earned money!"
They're the same people.
>his nomination was stolen, but you're not allowed to whine about it
Nice, cuck
Fuck off.
>he thinks bernie will improve their situation
A bit of advice for someone who made this mistake already, don't vote jews
Good, gonna vote for Bernie, then.
>don't vote jews
So vote third party and throw your vote away? Both main parties already exist in the pocket of Israel
Trump is only bowing to Israel to appease establishment republicans. After 2020, he won’t have to worry about reelection and can turn his back on the Jews once and for all.
5D chess, libcuck.
>Hillary gets more votes than her primary opponent
>Trump's campaign works with Russia to help spread disinformation and engage in voter suppression to tip the EC in their favor
>"lol Hillary lost fair and square, get over it, the Mueller probe is a witch hunt, Bernie would have won(because obviously Trump wouldn't have cheated against him, right?)"
Bernies problem is he doesn't go far enough. No campaign reform, no cutback on corporate subsidies, 0.1% still pay nothing on capital gains, programs all half assed Obamacare-esque "solutions" because republicans and mainline democrats don't want key issues solved because how are we going to take advantage of our incredibly dumb citizens, only dumb because of years of extreme health/education underfunding.
One day maybe life will be as nice as it is in parts of Europe, assuming the US doesn't cause more wars that result in refugees running amock.
Funny how you downplay/oversimplify one and not the other, can't be bias, nope
Gonna vote for Bernie, then.
Sanders is the only one who criticizes Israel regularly, though.
>Funny how you downplay/oversimplify one
Nothing to oversimplify, that's exactly what happened
That's why there's an ongoing investigation that has yielded dozens of indictments, 0 of which are related to Hillary Clinton
Burgers out
>le russians meme
You're going to run the country into do the ground you stupid fucking commie. we'll have country wide poverty within a year.
Kill mario.
>Mario builds the wall
>bad hombres go home
>Mario then smashes the wall for all the coins inside, fixing the economy in the process
If you don't vote for me, you're gonna turn into a GOOMBA!
And if you vote for my opponent, you go to hell before you die.
Nintendo is really pushing 2020
"free" coins for everyone every month!
however you have to earn social points by "helping out" in the kingdom
I'ma gonna accuse Mario of Rape...
Everyone-a gonna believe me because there's no such thing as a perfect victim any more.
>vote against own economic and environment interests
>”lol but at least I made some pink haired sjw cry!”
>repeat CNN talking point verbatim
>while getting buttravaged every single day
>America is a global laughingstock
>"lol butthurt?"
How’s that “”””””””””tax cut””””””””””” working out for you?
>keeps doubling down on the CNN talking points
>will do this for 6 more years while becoming increasingly bald from constant stress
>anyone who criticizes Trump is just repeating CNN
lol you're a joke m8
Which of those is a talking point and not reality? Certainly not the part about economics. Environmental issues are more long-term and they're not constrained to only affecting republican voters, but the effects of climate change are already having negative economic impacts.
no more free rent boy. also you learned english for no reason. wont help you anymore.
>Not voting for Wart
Sure, he'll ban vegetables, but he'll also hook us up with easy lucid dreaming. I'm willing to give them up for this.
You guys don't get it and you never will, enjoy being mad all the time. Trump is the greatest entertainer of our times.
>Being this brainwashed by fox
I bet you even think cnn is liberal
>You guys don't get it and you never will
Actually this guy summed it up:
"Triggering libs" is all the right cares about, there's almost no difference between conservatism and trolling anymore
Personally stomps on the skulls of foreigners and tears down their flags, raising his own.
Takes their money and destroys their architecture with his head.
Bing bing wahoo.
>earth’s ability to sustain human life is being threatened
>”lol but look how mad those people on the internet are!”
oh shit its that time isn't it
Mario is everything the left feared Trump would be.
The greatest gift is being able to laugh at self-defeating zealots.
source? only news i'm seeing is multiple articles spaced months apart saying no collusion has been found
Why wouldn't you vote for pic related? He's charismatic, he's got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, and wants to make sure everyone carries a smile on their faces
>source? only news i'm seeing is multiple articles spaced months apart saying no collusion has been found
Weird, because we first learned that Trump's campaign manager was working for the Russians all the way back in the summer of 2016, care to explain that?
I made 27% more last year thanks to tax reform must suck to live in a heavy SALT area
Gigantic closet full of skeletons outweighs businessman with a reality tv show.
Trump, in a twist of fate, has been the cleanest candidate in like, 120 years, what with constnant, unending investigation from every major media source and the government it's self scraping every little place they can get to for information, and the only things they've indicted people on has been unrelated to Trump himself. Say what you will about the guy, he's kept his asshole cleaner than almost anyone else with his money, power, or position. Any other candidate would have been snibbedi snabbed on something by now. Except Jim Webb.
These guys are so far gone they don't even realize that the MSM has been trying to prep them for Mueller's report being a complete disappointment. It won't matter as long as they have the next outrages lined up to distract.
If you don't keep up on the news in the slightest why do you pretend to know everything?
>Gigantic closet full of skeletons
Invisible, immaterial skeletons made out of the delusional ramblings of Rush Limbaugh hopped up on Oxycontin, how fascinating, better investigate them again
lol stop spouting bullshit. trump is losing most of his voters because he hasn't given the working class their tax breaks.
>These guys are so far gone they don't even realize that the MSM has been trying to prep them for Mueller's report being a complete disappointment.
Said delusional Trump supporters for the 17th time this year
>Trump, in a twist of fate, has been the cleanest candidate in like, 120 years
No joke I had become completely politically apathetic after Obama turned out to be a complete disappointment so I just assumed Trump was a typical slimeball businessman in it for himself.
It was the media circus that caught my attention though and their inability to scrounge up anything substantial that clinched it. After that I kept on digging and holy fuck do I regret it, I want to go back
World 1-1: Go Nuts on the Gaza Strip!
Why do people keep mentioning Israel anyways. At least more than usual now. I hate history and the middle east so I never gave a shit about those Israel and Palestine nonsense you see around college campuses.
>here's a deal that will take over 30 years to implement if literally everyone trusts the democrats with their property that will also choke our budget and do nothing about the hyperpollution in two countries that would rather go to war with us than follow our guidelines
>also let's fuck it up even more with polarizing immigration policies that nobody on the right will agree to so we can continue to blame them for not working against climate change by pure coincidence
C'mon man, Bernie needs another beach house.
>quote someone asking for source
>continue to not provide source
you're a worse liar than the "chaos agents"
Does /pol/ just choose to ignore Trumps proven connections to Mogilevich's croneys and money laundering through his businesses? Theres an obvious Trump connection there that you dont need to dig deep to find, yet I see people posting things like
So what's their policy on chance time?
It's going to be fine. People are fighting for themselves.
stop living under a rock dumbass. you don't even have to know history.
I just did my taxes it's not hard to compare w2s from 2018 and 2017. I literally got a raise the day the tax cuts got signed
I don't like politics so I purposely hide under that rock.
Not the guy you're talking to but
Heres one on definite Russian connections to Trumpo.
who YANG GANG here?
It-a will come out of-a Mario's pocket! Marik is-a very rich!
Also the US will enter a personal union with the Mushroom Kingdom
It's strange right? Maybe worth looking into. Why is criticism of Israel suppressed by the free speech Right? Why do American students have to learn about the Holocaust constantly? Why are Jews not held to the same standard as "rich white men" despite almost always being those rich white men?
The world is the way it is for a reason and the truth is never what's presented on a platter.
post source anytime
like i said, the most recent news i've seen is CNN going "fuck, we've still got nothing, oops!" so i'd love to see you support your argument
I saved 8% which was nice.
The economy is unironically doing quite well, people feel more confident than the last 12 years, which is to say, we're back on track after the 2008 recession.
who cares about 2020? The real fight is gonna be the Shapiro/Crenshaw 2024 ticket
>muh evil fox
>You're the one brainwashed because I accused you of consuming fox
>Hell yeah case closed no more thinking necessary
If you actually believed that you'd try to learn more about it, and history
Instead you're just hopping onto the low-effort bandwagon outrage train because you have no capability for individual thought and you assume everyone else is like that too.
Wake up, the world is infinitely complex and you're being played for a fool. The world is in danger, but maybe you're not the good guy. Maybe nobody is. Wouldn't that be some shit?
i like shapiro and what he does, but i don't think hed be a good president.
He could curbstomp a toddler in full view of the press and every republican in congress would vote to keep him in office. American electoral politics is buy the line at all costs, it doesn't matter in the slightest how guilty he is of anything because for like 90% of his term so far he's had a cabal behind him.
It also takes some serious gymnastics to root for Trump, saying that all of the allegations against him are a witch hunt, when he ran on a platform saying that corrupt freaks who are shielded from consequences run the country
This is actually what I was talking about
You'll never see the big media corporations tackle anything substantial until Muellers report drops
I-I thought this was a Mario thread...
I think he'd make a great president
my ancestors knew english before your third world shithole was even a thing
turbomanlets don't get elected in the TV news era.
Retards like you think it's red vs blue but even saying it's a 2v2 is a gross oversimplification. Are you even aware of the growing divisions in the left and how it's driving the party off a cliff?
You're playing a game of telephone with the MSM and social media, people like you are better off ignoring politics entirely because you're a rodent that only exists to be frightened and outraged deliberately by forces acting in ill-will.
It was.
>He could curbstomp a toddler in full view of the press and every republican in congress would vote to keep him in office
The thing that makes Trump so dangerous is that he has a solid 30-35% base of people who will literally crawl through broken glass to vote for him. No other candidate in the running currently has that dedicated or fervent base. The problem lies in getting the 10-15% of true independent/undecided voters on his side, and I think his record with the economy and some policy wins is enough to get him reelected unless something massive changes
free helicopter rides by Premiere Mario
>and I think his record with the economy and some policy wins is enough to get him reelected
Most people got screwed by the GOP's tax bill so lol no
doesn't matter as much as you would think. As long as he has a good running mate (pic related) he's good.
chances are he'll be running against a woman or WoC, so height won't be as much of a factor
>Are you even aware of the growing divisions in the left and how it's driving the party off a cliff?
The Democratic party is being salvaged, it's the Republicans that are being driven off a cliff
>Most people got screwed by the GOP's tax bill
citation needed
Why do republicans even defend trump? The man's an idiot.
today i learned 11 million people was most Americans. My return barely changed at all.
Holy fuck this post
They defend Trump for 1 of 2 reasons:
1. They don't want to admit that Trump was unfit for office, because that would mean admitting that the liberals were right and they'd lose face.
2. They're on the take.
Trump is a lot of things, but he's not stupid, and it's that constant underestimating of him that got him where he is in the first place
That's mostly the fault of the left.
For the past 5 years we've had riots, unprovoked attacks, and other bullshit from the left, from communists, from race riots, etc, and so the left is fracturing in 4 different directions (Socialists, Communists, Social Democrats and Neoliberal Democrats) and the left doesn't care what you are, but makes everything to the right of them the "Enemy" as we've seen the socialists eat their own who were moderately right of them, and anyone that ISN'T a Dem is put into the "Trump" club and so people rally around Trump because Trump has become the wall, and there's no where left to go and no where else to punch.
It's not even a matter of Trump anymore, it's about what everybody else is.
>Trump is a lot of things, but he's not stupid
A smarter man wouldn't have left such a big trail for Robert Mueller to follow
>lets do nothing
What gets me is that Bowser's consistently shown to have the genuine respect of his minions and he treats them fairly despite his brash personality. Dude seems like he'd be a tough, but fair ruler that people will look back on as leading the nation's golden years provided he can stay out of the tabloids for constantly fucking around with foreign women.
The right was driven off a cliff decades ago, it's why the left became virtually invincible. And they would've gotten away with it if a New York Democrat businessman with numerous accolades from the the left hadn't stolen the Republican nomination on a centrist populist platform.
The left is devouring itself, it will get worse. This was the only possible outcome.
That's literally fake news and something only repeated by people that didn't look into it.
I wanted Trump to pick Webb as VP.
I too was a Webbslinger.
Sometimes you should ask yourself "what would it actually take to convince me that I'm wrong"
But that's something only a rational human could figure out.
>The left is devouring itself
No, it's not, it's just driving out the "moderate" Democrats who are basically right-wingers in disguise
Did you fail english?
what trail? They've spent 2 years digging and have nothing to show for it. everything they've found has nothing to do with Trump from a criminal activity standpoint
>Sometimes you should ask yourself "what would it actually take to convince me that I'm wrong"
If the Mueller investigation turned up nothing, and then a half-dozen more investigations also turn up nothing
Even then I'll still insist that Trump is a crook who needs to be locked up, and lead a "Lock Him Up" chant at my rallies
>Implying Mr. Grab Them By The Pussy is clean
Moderate dems don't exist, you drove us out years ago.
If you mean establishment dems, lol. They're merely humoring the upstarts for now. They're an ancient evil with deep roots indeed, and they love the neocons on the other side of the aisle much more than they love you.
>what trail?
The one that's leading them from Trump to Russia to the GOP
He's pretty fucking clean if the worse you can think of is him saying "Grab them by the pussy" in a consensual context.
and what you have after this is a divided party. Happened before when Andrew Jackson Derangement Syndrome caused the dems to fracture and form the Whig party.
>He's pretty fucking clean if the worse you can think of is him saying "Grab them by the pussy" in a consensual context.
But it's not in a consensual context, lol
I'm glad you understand. So 'owning the libs' is truly the only recourse.
I hope you understand that the past few years has been the appetizer to the main course.
>super-rich celebrity billionaire remarks how easy it is to sling 10/10 puss
>this is somehow a shocking revelation
i hate the left so much that i have no other choice
>The economy is unironically doing quite wel
Undoubtedly. But that's true globally, it has nothing to do with Trump.
>H-he totally meant it consensually, he wasn't taking about sexually assaulting people!
How delusional do you have to be
In case people aren't aware, this contains hints as to what's in store for Super Mario Odyssey 2.
>But that's true globally, it has nothing to do with Trump
who do you think dictates the world economy? don't say the Jews
If the U.S. economy does poorly, the world does poorly.
Then why did the stock market only start going up when Trump was elected?
>Conservatives will keep impotently mocking me as they continue to go to jail
Works fine for me, I'll take that trade
He's making fun of Trumpanzees for screaming that Hillary is a criminal despite absolutely no evidence indicating that she has broken any crimes appearing anywhere, even after extensive investigation. Yet despite there being more evidence of Trump's crimes than there was for Hillary, they still defend him tooth and nail and insist he's done nothing wrong.
>graphs show the us economy bouncing back during trumps presidency campaign and many bouncing back the day he was elected
>lower taxes has allowed for companies to invest in higher risk/reward operations instead of stable ones like they do when taxes are high
>nothing to do with trump
Makes sense.
>graphs show the us economy bouncing back during trumps presidency campaign
Trump was campaigning in 2009?
holy shit this is some serious CRINGE
It literally was. He said "They let you grab them by the pussy",in response to people being starstruck and wanting to fuck any celebrity.
So the economy is improving and no one can cite the economy as doing poorly as a point against Trump.
My little shitposter can't be this retarded.
you have to be delusional if you think he was specifically talking about sexually assaulting anyone. Generalizations aren't assault.
>"grab them by the pussy, they let you do it."
general statement, nothing wrong with it
>"I grabbed Jane by the pussy, she didn't want it, but she let me do it."
description of sexual assault
Third Sin-Japanese war
>It literally was. He said "They let you grab them by the pussy"
And you believed him?
you can clearly see the point where the economy starts to skyrocket, not lazily drift up, and it's right when Trump was elected.
user, that first sentence HEAVILY implies that he was sexually assaulting people.
>Donald Trump went back in time to 2009 and fixed the economy
How BASED can one president be?!
Well, I am an American, and here we have innocent before proven guilty. What he said isn't admission of guilt and so I have no reason to believe he's a serial rapist. Especially given all the rape allegations fell through as lies and slander.
>you can clearly see the point where the economy starts to skyrocket
Yeah, back in 2009
Because of anti-Semitism. Young men are being radicalized by Neo-nazi propaganda like the Kalergi Plan or the Lavon Affair.
I'm surprised that people still think Trump is a genius after Cohen basically confirmed that there has been a huge effort to bury his grades and standardized test scores
He also lied about being valedictorian, later claiming he was exaggerating, and isn't found on any dean's list or honor roll
Red vs blue right right, a useful idiot indeed.
You guys do realize you're cheering on the establishment right? It's getting comical at this point. Where do you even get your news?
Can’t get enough of lasagna. It’s like spaghetti in a cake format.
>Funny thread about "What would Mario be like if he were president, haha"
>Turned into a Trump argument
Get me off this fucking board.
no it doesn't. it doesn't imply anyone was assaulting anybody. It's like saying "walk past security with a clipboard, they won't notice". That's not an implication of the guy trespassing, it's a generalization
>Funny thread
there's where you fucked up
The global economy is interconnected. The US is a major part of it, but no single country "dictates" it.
Because they thought he'd do what he did: give a massive tax cut to corporations which they'd spend on stock buybacks.
The American (and global) economy was continuing the recovery that had been ongoing since ~2011. Does Trump get credit for that too? I do seem to recall him calling the dropping unemployment numbers fake news under obama, but flouting them as soon as he assumed office.
>So the economy is improving and no one can cite the economy as doing poorly as a point against Trump.
Despite people liking to blame/credit everything to the president, they're only a small part of the complex machine that is any economy.
I personally blame trump for his hilariously childlike understanding of international trade and manufacturing, setting off a global trade war (which he's already needed to bail out farmers for), and his shitty deficit-funded tax cuts that primarily benefitted the wealthy and corporations.
>Cohen caught lying so many times he's been told that if he lies again he's going to prison for a very long time
>"No bro Cohen was totally telling the truth this time"
>another think veiled /pol/ thread
People think he's a genius because he's a rich billionaire and president of the USA and CNN can only sputter lame reasons as to why he's actually dumb and maybe senile and Hilary's Campaign Was Too Smart To Win
And then he makes just one tweet and the left has a collective aneurysm. And it happens like every other day.
>It's like saying "walk past security with a clipboard, they won't notice"
>That's not an implication of the guy trespassing
That's exactly what it sounds like, actually.
Special kind of retarded
Cohen's testimony is just more evidence on the pile though. Either he's correct about Trump's grades or Trump is, and Trump has been caught lying about them too.
Trump ruined my cheese making business. I wont be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors one day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.
>Red vs blue right right, a useful idiot indeed.
The Mueller probe keeps locking up Republicans, and all the Republicans can do in return is come up with different ways to call liberals "sheeple," which they mindlessly and repetitively state without a hint of irony
This is like Nixon supporters except even fucking stupider
Fuck off weeb
The worst thing Cohen said was Trump was rude sometimes.
Thats wasn't what it was meant to be. I just thought the picture looked like a campaign ad of mario and that we could get some humor out of it. Should have known better I suppose.
>economy starts improving at a faster rate when trump presidency starts to become a possibility
>collapses as interest rates are adjusted to offset the extremely small increases during the obama era
>still manages to bounce back and continue to grow
Truly based.
>Trump, in a twist of fate, has been the cleanest candidate in like, 120 years,
Bull-fucking-shit. He was just good at keeping his skeletons in the closet because he's a crooked-as-fuck businessman with decades of experience in getting his underlings to intimidate, bribe, and make backroom deals for him. Shits falling apart now because he's drawing too much attention to himself and his business by being an incompetent, raging cunt who no one but the most indoctrinated still like.
Yeah, he got rich using nothing but the booming urban real estate empire he inherited and his wits
>America is a global laughingstock
No one is going to give a fuck about what Europe thinks and none of it is going to matter when the rest of the world is a smoking nuclear crater claimed for the glory of Pax Americana.
I don't think Ben Shapiro will ever run but I wanna see Crenshaw run just for all the inevitable Metal Gear memes
I think the most absurd part of all this is how the left has eagerly embraced the CIA/FBI performing blatantly shady shit
Oh and of course the warmongering as well
The party was always two-faced but now it doesn't even have to pretend
Don't know about that, but I heard is main domestic policy is
>so long gay bowser
>I think the most absurd part of all this is how the left has eagerly embraced the CIA/FBI performing blatantly shady shit
Ah yes, of course, because the CIA and the FBI didn't become shady until they started looking into the GOP's business, right?
Good lord, no. Let me go over a brief list of scandals just off the top of my head:
>Trump university
>Ridiculously Fraudulent Trump Foundation charity
>housing discrimination
>a dozen independent women who have come forward with claims of sexual harassment which they told people about before Trump was even running
>insurance fraud
>Pay for play (doubling the price of Mar a Lago memberships after winning the presidency, then visiting as often as possible and conducting presidential business in the open there)
>Profiting off the secret service to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by charging them to fly on his jet
>committing campaign finance fraud to cover up how he slept with a porn star while his wife was pregnant
And that's putting aside the massive lingering question of russian collusion which has already produced dozens of indictments, whereas all of Hillary's "skeletons" produced jack shit.
I maxed out 3 credit cards donating to Sanders and can barely afford to pay my bills this month... Either he wins tonight or im done. If Bernie cant fix my problems, my .45 will.
BASED and shroompilled
Are you even American? Do you know any history at all? This is sad dude, I'm not sure if you think you're sticking it to the republicans by being a shithead but there's a steep price to pay for ignorance.
Based Bernie culling the flock
Based retard
>Are you even American? Do you know any history at all?
Of course I do
The FBI and the CIA have been cracking down on leftists for decades and no one cared, but they look at the GOP for 2 years and suddenly we gotta stop them
Doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot, does it conservatives?
Always funny.
There is nothing wrong with discriminating against destructive tenants.
Said no one besides strawmen.
Republicans have always loved the CIA and FBI, though. Only leftists and libertarians have criticized them until now.
So no
And I'm not a conservative, not even close. You're utterly sick, like a diseased animal.
Stopped reading
Ok sweetie
All foreign disputes are settled in Mario Kart.
Blame real life for being whackier than a hypothetical video game scenario
>hating any government agencies
>When liberals spoke up against COINTELPRO and the like, they were called unpatriotic commies and how dare they speak out against our intelligence agencies
>when conservatives whine because Bob Mueller is about to use the RICO act against the GOP because they're obviously covering for criminals, it's because they're concerned about the "shady activities" of the intelligence agencies
>opposing the CIA/FBI intelligence state
>opposing organizations that seek to control and subvert public understanding through psyopS
>what is history, yr a shithead
I just want to say I like that this post got all the replies instead of the fag below it
it's an just an edgy topic of discussion, supposed anti-semites like Donny support it and jews such as Chomsky criticize it. the influx of muslims to america has caused public opinion of the israeli government to shift due to percieved imperial tendencies, a topic which can lead to yelling from a civil discussion in moments is funny in a farcical way
That's funny, since he's such a fighter I would assume he would fight it if he was in the right instead of meekly handing over a huge wad of cash to make them go away. I mean, he once sued a guy for libel for supposedly undervaluing his worth (a case he lost in truly hilarious fashion).
I'm glad you accept the other points though.
Friendly reminder that things just kinda fall into place after owning the libs, so there's nothing wrong with making that your goal
Quality pun.
Yes, they’ve historically been suspicious of all law enforcement, intelligence and military agencies.
>it's a freshman democrat filler arc
There’s a coordinated effort by the left right now to incite conflict among the right. We love Trump and hate Israel. Trump likes Israel. The left is using this to try and bring Hillary back from the grave, but we are too united in our loyalty to Trump to buckle.
Something that not even liberal media talks about enough is that Trump was asked "if you knew Cohen was a liar, if you knew he was unreliable, why did you hire him?" and answered "he did a favor for me a long time ago". He ran on the premise that he surrounds himself with the best people when he admitted to knowingly hiring unqualified individuals who do him favors.
Did it upset you because your parents were dirty illegal subhuman rats?
Mueller is living the dream: taxpayer funded coke and hookers for two years now
All he has to do is finger some russian h4xorz or get someone vaguely trump related with a procedural crime
You're crazy if you think he's going to wrap it up
I would like to know where the article got it's information.
So that's why he got office and proceeded to do nothing for two years?
>the right-wing talks about Hillary Clinton more than the people who actually voted for her do
This is just a coping mechanism for the right, since they can't bring themselves to admit that they stole the election, since that would be admitting that she's the rightful president
Same reason that the right still brings up Al Gore after 2000
yes. trump is literally wario
Mueller is working for Trump. He knows damn well that Trump is squeaky clean, and is timing the end of the investigation for maximum effect. The goal is to demoralize liberals to the point where they don’t vote in 2020.
It hurts because I know you're right
Is this Q retardation
Do you follow politics at all or do you just watch Colbert sometimes
Where do you get your narratives from?
Israel is a country that was created by zionist jews who used their political power in the wake of WW2 to force a jackbooted invasion of a land that they think God entitled them to for the purposes of expelling natives and forming an ethnostate. It's one of the most serious modern cases of naked, criminal aggression in the post WW2 world and a lot of people don't learn about it in school because (most of) the Jewish diaspora maintains a perception that they were in the right
>America is only turning anti-israel because of muslim immigration
this is the worst opinion I have seen all year so far
All he does is golf.
>procedural crime
This is how you know Trump is fucked, conservatives are already trying to downplay crimes as "procedural"
Bill Clinton was nearly removed from office because of the "procedural" crime of perjury
>but he's not stupid
No, no, he's definitely stupid.
>Conflated the Baltics with the Balkans and accused confused leaders of starting Yugoslav wars
>Called his national security advisor at like 3am early in his term to ask if a strong dollar is better than a weak dollar
>Spends the literal majority of his day on "Executive time"
>repeats shit he hears on fox news every morning
>gets basic facts wrong on a regular basis because he doesn't give a shit about being accurate
>doesn't read the things he signs
And it's recently come out that he threatened his high school and university not to release his grades.
He is not a smart man. Or an honest one.
>5D chess
The whole process has made Trump look bad. He fired Sessions for recusing himself RIGHT after midterms after saying he wouldn't fire him after midterms and replaced him with someone who openly opposed the investigation and outlined a plan to end it. Someone Trump said he didn't know when he was recorded saying he knew him.
Bill Clinton was nearly removed from office for the crime of being a Democrat with a Republican-controlled Congress. Did you know that the impeachment vote was almost entirely along party lines, with I think only one Democrat and one Republican voting opposite?
Not an argument
You make this joke but I remember one of the Mario Party games (either 4 or 5) literally had a presidential campaign spoof going on on their website promoting the game.
They've been stated as procedural crimes since the day they kicked down Manafort's door at 3am for lying to the FBI or some ridiculous shit that nobody would've put up with 10 years ago because it's so patently insane to let secret police run loose like this
But sure, if they get 10 stamps on the card they can put Drumpfff away forever and then everyone lives happily ever after right? No precedents were set in the meanwhile.
You idiots don't even understand the factions, basic stuff or you'd be horrified with the rest of us.
This, jesus christ.
Eventually they'll get trump to testify under oath about something and he'll inevitably perjure himself. Then if he ever confesses they'll say
>pffft why should we trust that guy, he's a liar!
So Republicans voted honestly and democrats voted only to further their best interest? Interesting.
The corruption is blatant as fuck.
Trumptards have reached cult status.
>conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory
H-heh, Trump will be impeached, right, fellow Muelleur b-bro?
>Mueller is working for Trump
lol no
he is cleaning up after Uranium One and anything that leads back to Obama however
Of course the longer the dems draw this out the harder a blow it will be when they do finally end the investigation with nothing but some played up tax fraud against some Trump campaign hangers-on
They'll lose credibility they didn't even know they had left
Maybe not STUPID stupid, but certainly world leader stupid, solidly in the average range at best. He probably wasn't raised right and he's almost certainly going senile, which probably fucks with his behavior a lot.
>It's-a me, Mario! I'm-a gonna throw out the goombas and-a make Bowser pay for it! BING BING YIPPEEEE HAHA!
Woah, what the fuck Nintendo? Not cool.
>No precedents were set in the meanwhile.
Actually I'm cool with setting the precedent that a president as corrupt as Trump should be removed from office, I'm even cool with setting the precedent that a political party who obviously harbors such a criminal should face reprisal too
making him look even worse to own the libs
Will Trump even allow elections in 2020? He has to power to suspend them.
What conspiracy theory?
Conspiracy theories are dumb shit /pol/ makes up like pizzagate and that seth rich shit, these are all just examples of Trump being a moron.
That's probably fair, honestly.
Imagine being this retarded.
Do you actually believe the literal dribble, no evidence backed bullshit you're typing?
Opposite actually
>Shits falling apart now
For realsies this time or are you just joshing like the last 200 times?
>making him look even worse
Lol libs do not have single candidate that is reliable enough to face Trump in the election. You need to realize that.
Bernie would get utterly destroyed by Trump's zingers in a debate. Kamala is probably the most uncharismatic person alive. Who else do they have? It's dead.
meanwhile after Hilldawg lost there were riots in the streets for days
>This is like Nixon supporters except even fucking stupider
In some cases it IS
>Roger Stone does the nixon pose as he's being arrested
>has a fucking tattoo of Nixon on his back
why the fuck would anyone think that's a good idea
>mention /pol/ for no reason
/pol/ doesn't make up a majority of Trump supporters, user. Stop living in a delusional world.
>meanwhile after Hilldawg lost there were riots in the streets for days
Oh yes, the mountain of crimes Trump's totally been indicted for.
The clown show is just a setup to get people desperate enough to bet it all on hildawg one last time
Truly that woman is the best worst thing that ever happened to America
the topic at hand was trump's inability to lead but okay
the only person I was remotely worried about was Biden, but he's a straight white male, so he has not show of getting the nomination this go-around.
Blumpf will be in prison though
Pretty tame riots. Tame to the point where some would call them protests.
Are you implying I'm Rudy? I can assure you I'm not.
>protesting a democratically held election
>Hillary Clinton announces she's not running
>Trump supporters: "This is all just a set-up so that she can run in SECRET! No we're not obsessed with her, shut up"
Didn't hillary already deconfirm? Not like it matters, already a majority of dems are predicting bernie will win the primaries, and with a field of like 10 serious contenders, unless something earth-shattering happens he has it clinched.
You know Mueller outright said that was bullshit, right? That buzzfeed (>Literally Buzzfeed) had lied?
Are you implying that people haven't protested every election
You’re right; that makes them violent riots. My mistake.
Time for a history lesson. The Constitution provides for impeachment for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." Now, at the time the Constitution was ratified, the word "misdemeanor" had a very different definition from what it does today. There were only like 7 felonies back then, and most of the bad crimes that weren't bad enough to be considered felonies were called misdemeanors. Perjury likely wouldn't even have qualified as a misdemeanor.
tl;dr The Framers of the Constitution probably never intended for perjury to be an impeachable offense.
>You know Mueller outright said that was bullshit, right?
Then who told Cohen to lie to Congress?
i for one am voting bernie.
Worried about Biden? Holy fuck the memeing would've been off the wall.
Nobody but two bit faggots who fudged their taxes are going to prison. Surely you're not so stupid as to believe that the supremely corrupt DRUMPFFF would go to prison right? Why, he'd declare martial law and mobilize the nazi stormtroopers first. It'd be just like one of those movies where a plucky teenager fights the dystopian government!
all jokes aside, How will you lot cope with another 4 years?
No, I'm voting for Donald Trump.
>protesting a democratically held election
Yeah, the right-wing would NEVER do that
What riots? Also it's "Drumpf" which is the original last name his family had when they migrated. It's not just dumb liberals making a stupid name for him.
>the topic at hand was trump's inability to lead but okay
>you responding to an hilariously bad edit of Trump is trump's inability
The absolute state of the left. You guys are a fucking joke.
That's actually pretty shocking, I think Biden was the least threat to reelection. Trump needs to call him a creep (which he definitely is) and that's all. Share a few videos of him acting totally pedophilia towards children and it's all over.
I’m voting Trump twice.
But we want a rematch, don't you?
what are y'all gonna do with your $1,000 Yang Bux every month?
>people think Bernie won't make Hillary look like a saint compared to him
I mean the dems don't have a single non-corrupt potential nominee at this point.
This is going to be another bloodbath and everyone deserves it.
What's that, a nut?
>Trump needs to call him a creep (which he definitely is) and that's all.
Yeah, Trump, the guy who liked to peep on underage girls changing at beauty pageants, is the guy that's best equipped to call Joe Biden a creep
Spend it on bread
Hopefully they'll shoot first but even then I don't think the 2A cucks would actually do anything but LARP harder.
is hilliary running again, and do all the dem candidates suck again?
>no wall
>Obamacare is concrete
He has less than two years left to achieve a single goal in office. If the following 4 are as much of a blunder as his first four with majority then I would be ecstatic
>But we want a rematch, don't you?
You had to cheat to win last time, are you sure you want a rematch?
a THICC nut
Do you know how crimes of this nature are prosecuted? They start at the bottom, get those people to flip on their superiors, then work their way up. They're currently working on roger stone and getting cooperation from a foreign company. You can't reasonably say the investigation is taking too long and not producing results, because by historical standards, it's moving pretty quickly.
Mueller will most likely never indict Trump, because justice department policy is that a sitting president can't be indicted. He'll prepare a report and hand it to congress to decide what to do with it.
I can't imagine Bernie has done anything illegal considering how much of a wimp he is.
>the left
Rent free
Cory Booker
Trump is untouchable as you're now aware. A normal politician? Absolutely destroyed. Trump will flatten any contender with his memes, again. Prepare yourself.
Where's your evidence? There's multiple clips of Biden making young children looking incredibly uncomfortable around Biden.
Get owned you fucking tard.
So that's what happens to the excess thermal paste?
>Who do these Washington fat-cats think they are, huh?
No she officially said she wouldn't run.
The Army is building the wall as we speak.
same. This is the run too, every year more reaganist boomers die and they're hardly able to fight off socialism as it is
trump is a fat poo poo head don't (You) me bitch
Obama said the elections were unhackable, no cheating happened don't be silly.
Say, why did California refuse to release voting records to Trump's voter fraud investigation? And why did Judicial Watch have to sue them into removing a million+ invalid voters from the rolls? Weird stuff.
no, and yes
No to both
>Trump is untouchable as you're now aware.
Just because the GOP is protecting him from criminal prosecution doesn't mean people won't think he's a hypocrite
Warren is only popular among radicals.
Bernie is only popular among college students.
Harris is only popular among niggers.
Biden is the only one with mass appeal.
Source: your ass
this graph is misleading as fuck. look at how many overlapping bubbles there are on watergate. how the fuck am I supposed to get a clear interpretation from this? just use a standard 2 axis histrogram ffs
Even WaPo reported that Mueller made a statement that Cohen lied about being told to lie
o im laffin
Both sides are puppets of Israel, We won't have peace until Israel is destroyed
>Obama said the elections were unhackable, no cheating happened don't be silly.
Oh well if Obama said it, then I guess that means reality warped to fit his whims
What about Hickenlooper?
Just because he got wrecked by the queen of the nasty ladies doesn't mean he's a wimp, I'd like to see how well you'd deal with the threat of Arkanicide.
That being said he does love to redistribute wealth to himself.
if you think about it, you aren't really voting for bernie. you are voting for his "vice president" to be president, because bernies going to die in office.
Joe detected
center right libshittery is dead, the midterms were enough evidence of that. In real terms Warren is probably the only one who can stand up to Bernie as far as chances go, the only thing he has going against him is age, and even that's a stretch.
I'm sorry you are retarded
>Cohen lied on behalf of Trump for purely altruistic reasons and wasn't pressured into doing it at all
Okay chief, I believe you
It's amazing how you idiots still can't figure out that most people were just voting against Trump, not for Hillary specifically. I would've voted for fucking Jeb over Trump
>Biden is the only one with mass appeal.
this. He's the only one that I am afraid could take back those blue dog democrats that went for Trump in 2016.
Also I think he would be the worst debate challenge for Trump, because he's quick on his feet and witty enough to handle Trump's bantz on a debate stage
>self made small business owner
>understands the plight of the working man
>egalitarian, doesn't discriminate, has worked with goombas, koopas, bob ombs, etc.
In a heartbeat.
Massachusettsfag here. I'm a liberal but I fucking hate Warren. She seems so slimy and fake.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
2017 – Berkeley, California, February 1, civil unrest ensued at UC Berkeley as Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak on the campus.[2][3]
2017 – 2017 Anaheim, California protests, February 21, protesters demonstrate after police officer grabs boy and fires his gun. Protesters damage property and throw bottles and rocks at police.
2017 – Berkeley, California, March 4, Brawls erupt when Trump supporters and counter-protestors were attacked at the March 4 Trump rally.[4]
2017 – Berkeley, California, 2017 Berkeley protests become violent when Trump supporters and protestors clashed at "Patriot's Day" rally for Trump.[5]
2017 – May Day, violence breaks out at May Day protests in Olympia, and Portland, as masked anarchists damage property and clash with police.
You're willfully retarded if you honestly don't know.
they could have used thin vertical bars instead of gay ass circles. it would take up the same amount of vertical space still.
>most people were just voting against Trump
Odd I thought most people were just voting against Hillary. Well you must be right, Hillary won after all.
>but muh cheating
Obama said the elections were unhackable, period.
are you talking about the same Manafort who plead guilty to Conspiracy Against the United States?
That Manafort?
Or was there a separate Manafort you were thinking of who's an innocent victim of the big mean Mueller man?
Not die from starvation...
>You guys don't get it!
I get it, all conservatives care about is triggering the libs. Funny how you're entire ideology relies on other people to care.
Warren's campaign is fucking dead in the water. After the whole 1/1024 native American thing, combined with her using her fake heritage to help her get jobs and benefits she didn't deserve, pretty much knocked her out of the running. Plus she's a white woman, which isn't very high on the intersectional hierarchy
>no riots actually listed
Okay then
Bernie's not going to get the nomination so you don't have to worry about that.
>implying jewish longevity won't keep him running into the triple digits
Nah, dude can still pick up his feet and run, he's more spry than most people ten years younger. Trump is only trailing him in age by a few years, it's just the hair that makes him look old.
How come no one is screaming /pol/?
>Funny how you're entire ideology relies on other people to care.
That's why conservatives are absolutely terrified of AOC
She knows they're trolling and doesn't give them the benefit of the doubt
There were only like 4 documented voter fraud cases in 2016. And guess who they were all for (Trump).
And guess who was found committing actual voter fraud the other week....a Republican.
All the dem candidates do indeed suck.
Last time they at least had Jim Webb who didn't suck.
So you're just joshing like the last 200 times, got it. Because everything you linked to was last year (or worse, the year prior's) news.
lmao this girl is actually running after all the retardation shes pulled?
so whos left for dems, joe?
because no one is screaming about the N-word or Jews or other dumb BLACKED shit, just having a general discussion about the election (and Mario)
Obvisouly not, /pol/ isn't big enough. But the majority of /pol/ is made of Trump supporters, and they represent a particularly deluded part of his base.
We're just that against the ropes bro, you've almost got us. all we can do is meme
Just a little bit more extremism, a little bit more of calling everyone nazis for're almost there
Yes AOC is kryptonite to the dems. I mean the republicans. yaaas queen slaaay
>this is your brain on the left
Come on man, claiming Warren has mass appeal is just embarrassing.
I would vote for Biden, but it looks like he's getting absolutely slaughter in the early polls. He probably won't even get the nomination.
lol yes, she still decided to throw her hat in the ring. In my opinion, it'll either be Joe, Sanders, or Kamala. Joe has one shot to kill it in the first debate, or he's done, he's too moderate to get out of the primaries otherwise
Faggot, are you insinuating Mueller outright lied to the public and defended Trump? Is Mueller now a Russian working for Trump?
Cohen lied to try and score political points to save his own ass.
>Just a little bit more extremism, a little bit more of calling everyone nazis for're almost there
See? The Democrats are taking back the government and all you can do is post dumb shit like this because "gotta trigger the libz"
Very nice.
Are you going by op-eds or poll statistics? Actually, don't answer that, I hear Schultz, Bloomberg, and Hillary are combining into one big supercandidate, focus all of your energy on them
Pretty much this. Unfortunately, Warren and Harris will probably make some comment about him being a white male and the media will all claim he got owned.
If just seeming slimy and fake is bad for you then she's the best we've got by a long shot
Because this is an innocent thread about Mario.
I hope this thread was enlightening to you very few sane people left out there.
Our ancestors were not as commonly mistaken, violent brutes by nature. They had just been forced to understand as we are currently being forced, that some people are beyond reason, sense and compromise because they exist in a different reality. One that can only be reached with the tip of a spear. In minecraft.
>not voting for pete buttgay
>Faggot, are you insinuating Mueller outright lied to the public and defended Trump?
No, I'm saying that Mueller's not saying what you think he's saying, and that Cohen wasn't DIRECTLY told by Trump to lie, but was told to lie on behalf of Trump by someone else
lol ok, the fake native american white woman is gonna win the nomination
Look man, moderates are not going to vote for Warren. And Trump will absolutely tear her to shreds on Twitter. She doesn't stand a chance.
I meant the people voting for Hillary, dumbass.
>Because everything you linked to was last year (or worse, the year prior's) news.
Because that's when the article with that infographic was published user, July 2018. There have been more indictments since then, as well as several guilty pleas.
The purpose of the image was to illustrate that investigations of this magnitude usually take well over 2 years to finish. It's entirely possible Mueller won't wrap up until after the 2020 elections... or he might submit his report next month. It's very hard to tell.
>And Trump will absolutely tear her to shreds on Twitter.
Yeah, he'll call her a dumb nickname and then she'll explode
Oh wait no, everyone will just laugh at Trump
>Exclusive to /pol/
Good one, user. Don't you cunts whine about politics on Yea Forums whenever they talk shit? Make a rebel fist and sit on it, Queer.
Kamala Harris unfortunately.
What? He's the only candidate that's actually been significantly ahead in every poll. Even Bernie has been consistently behind him.
this. God forbid she actually won the nomination, it'll be Jeb Bush 2.0 on the debate stage with Trump
I didn't say she would, but once election season heats up, she at least won't be eaten alive by half the party the way Harris and Biden will for being total center-right shitheads
>230 people arrested for rioting and torching businesses
>It's not a real riot though
Fuck off, this is why everyone fucking hates the left. You bastards are such pussies you wear masks to riot and then deny the riot ever happened in some stunt to gaslight the public into thinking you're the joy and peace party.
You people are pure fucking evil for trying to justify your violence and gaslight the public into thinking none of it ever happened.
You are aware that this strawman actually proves my point right? Are you guys owning the libs by letting them win arguments now?
I think it's weird too, but people actually take Trump's tweets seriously. He could actually do some damage to her campaign by mocking her on Twitter.
user, she's not even gonna make it to the prime election season time
I wouldn't hesitate to put him as VP, but as much as I like him you can't go from running a medium-sized city straight to running the country.
>Nazis get punched for being Nazis in public
Sure. Looking straight at early polling data has been a fantastic way of predicting election winners as of late.
Spotted one. Look how triggered he gets when we talk about his safespace
Really? Last poll I saw had him behind Bernie, Warren, and Harris.
5D chess but unironically
Don't worry though its in the bag...just as soon as you can figure out who the nominee is. Gosh they're all so strong.
He's got my vote
Woah calm down
say what you want about Trump, but he is a master at branding people. "Pocahontas" single-handedly ruined Warren's presidential aspirations by convincing her to release her fucking 23 and me results to the world, showing that she had LESS native american ancestry than the average white American!
>Gosh they're all so strong.
Well yeah, I thought the problem was that the Democrats ran Hillary specifically
Unless you mean to tell me that there were other factors at work here?
>unending investigation from every major media source and the government it's self scraping every little place they can get to for information
And found plenty. But maybe they're too embarrassed they're the ones who made him hundreds of millions of dollars by exempting him from tax when he bought up all those buildings for basically nothing when NYC was desperate and willing to try anything in the 80s. Plus the way he's lowered the bar there's basically nothing to find that people wouldn't already be expecting, the guy could literally punch a baby in the face and say it's doctored footage at this point and enough people would believe it.
>and the only things they've indicted people on has been unrelated to Trump himself
Any self-respecting mobster will keep as much distance between himself and the dirty stuff obviously, he had associates for that, but there will be plenty for an indictment when the time comes. That said I'm just glad he didn't start another war, he has that going for him, but he still has 1-5 years to go and the way he's treating the whole NK thing is tantamount to keeping the US hostage imo, but then I'm mostly thinking of foreign policy stuff and I don't know what he's actually done at home although I haven't heard much good indicating he actually cares about the poor and middle classes.
You think the danger is Trump mocking when in fact it's who he endorses
>Trump calls her Pocahontas
>Warren shits herself and goes and takes a DNA test to prove she's whiter than most Americans
>Somehow still claims she's really native American because she's 99.9987% white
>Gets told to eat shit by native Americans because they hate how she is trying to politicize her whiteness as being exotic and not white
>She bends the knee and is forced to apologize
That nickname already lead to her getting shit on by her own team. It worked.
Anyone remember this guy's name?
>actually thinking normal people will care about any of this shit
it has on the Democratic side. Your election system isn't set up for a Trump-like wildman to take over the party, so the early statistics are easier to draw conclusions from
*GASP* H-he threw away a fake oscar? How daring and bold! Truly he is the most based of redpilled men
Electioneering hasn't even started yet, he just has brand recognition. Most people just know him as that goofy old guy that the Onion made fun of a lot, once his out-of-touch platform comes under scrutiny he's fucked
Rejoice friend
you mean Nate Unobtainium?
Are you kidding? It's the first thing anyone thinks of when you mention Warren's name. She will get absolutely torn to pieces in the general election if she wins the nomination.
Nate Silver actually gave Trump the best chance of winning out of any other pollster, he literally did nothing wrong
Take a second to remember that the Nazi party doesn't exist anymore in the US and the few white supremacists that are left were not anywhere among the people arrested in the unlawful riots.
He actually gave Trump a higher chance of winning than he gave Romney in 2012.
So you're saying that nothing has changed since then or rather you think that optics have been wholly in democrat favor?
Nah you're right the dems could run literally anyone and win easily, after all everyone else thinks exactly like I do except a lunatic fringe.
You know i'm right fool, Who are you voting for anyway? Bernie i bet
In a field this crowded all it takes is one gaff to sink you
>Ben Shapiro WRECKS leftist idol with FACTS and LOGIC
You guys got some real winners right? Nothing says "definitely not a laughing stock" like forgetting how to close an umbrella, having toilet paper stuck to his shoe, or serving McDonalds at the white house.
How'd those mid terms go for you by the way? Why it was the largest democratic victory since Nixon went down, I'm sure this is in no way a precursor of things to come right?
Go back
>guilty pleas
For things unrelated to Trump
The majority of indictments have been over unrelated manners or things that Trump had no hand in. People have been caught money laundering and many other things, but Trump is still coming out clean so far.
Everything you had listed isn't being charged against him, and was old news. It's literally the same bulk of "But it'll work this time" nonsense we've had the last 3 years.
>Take a second to remember that the Nazi party doesn't exist anymore in the US
They just renamed themselves, they're called Republicans now
>the few white supremacists that are left were not anywhere among the people arrested in the unlawful riots.
Why would the cops arrest themselves???
Basically imagine if hundreds, even thousands of years from now, the native Americans were given a portion of the USA because it's their historic land. Then imagine they started invading the rest of the US and all the world powers supported this.
Although true, he still fucked it up. He assumed that the entire election would rest on Florida and Virginia, both of which Trump had to win, so he gave Trump a 25% chance and Hillary a 75% chance. He still didn't predict that Trump would flip Pennsylvania and Michigan.
And this is why the democrats will lose, see you in 2024.
>In a field this crowded all it takes is one gaff to sink you
Which is why Donald Trump never became president with his constant, embarrassing gaffes in a field of 17 other Republicans
Good. Dems finally ran you fucks out of the country
They do, though.
Progressives and non whites were right on her ass for it, becuase it "Belittled the Native Americans struggle in America while profiting off the blood shed as an oppressor", but to your average person they think she's just wonky and played pretend to get into college easier.
>He still didn't predict that Trump would flip Pennsylvania and Michigan
to be fair, no one did
this. unironically china and india should be nuked
They plead guilty to lying to investigators.
What do you think they were lying ABOUT? Pro-tip: it was mostly related to shady shit involving Trump and Russians.
Trump's former campaign manager also plead guilty to conspiracy against the united states, I don't know how the fuck you're gonna try to spin that one.
Trump just never let anything significant stick to him. They didn't call him Teflon Don for nothing
>And this is why the democrats will lose, see you in 2024.
Ah, the right-wing version of "Let's agree to disagree" or "I"m taking my ball and going home!"
If they were actual Nazi's, Wouldn't you lot be in concentration camps?
Did he really have any gaffs this early on? Like a 'please clap' moment? A lot of stuff and mistakes happened later but at that point it was just him and Ted Cruz.
You're talking about democrats user. Biden had to apologize for calling Mike Pence a "decent guy". Gaffes matter MUCH more to them than it does to the current Republicans
>Concentration camps just immediately sprung into existence the instant Nazis took power, there were no signs of civil unrest or anything before then
Hey man I said you guys would win, why are you so desperate sounding? Drumpf is done! Mueller is about to unleash the pain any day now...
I mean it's not like the left is going to fall for the same feelgood propaganda that sunk them in 2016 haha that'd be crazy if everything you believed was actually propaganda! Propaganda that blinded them to the machinations of reality! No way!
I just play games user
Trump has had gaffes since 2008, user. Did everyone just forget that he was the leader of the "Obama is Kenyan" movement?
>Torches Muslim Immigrant's business
Everyone fucking hates you maniacs and your attempt at gaslighting. God bless whoever lawfully shoots back at rioters and kills them.
>Gaffes matter MUCH more to them than it does to the current Republicans
Not just current ones
Republicans and Democrats have been held to ridiculously different standards since Nixon
Nice source there user
Would America become a constitutional monarchy? Mario's girlfriend is a Princess
Also worth noting that Trump was revered for being brash and crass. Warren prides herself for being extremely proper and professional.
>Warren prides herself for being extremely proper and professional.
And she's been nothing but that, which is why this is dumb
You said there were riots in the streets for days after Hillary lost and all I'm seeing is events scattered throughout 2017. I'm not going to deny that there were antifa assholes knocking over trash cans.
People still believe that and worse, they just realized it's not a hill worth dying on. Speaking of hills, wasn't hilldawg part of that too...?
Truth or not, it's just not the nature of the game these days. I think it was an educational experience for Trump.
So in short
"Yeah they found a huge mountain of evidence but we literally can't discuss any of it because it might be kinda rude.
Oh yeah also there's no evidence at all because he's like a mob boss who never gets his own hands dirty."
And the FBI and CIA are happily allowing for a super felon foreign puppet handle the nuke codes and sit as president for 8 years. Yes, they must be Russian agents, all of them..
What are Mario's plans to fight a problem of Incels and low fertility rate.
Exactly why she won't make it very far
All I can say is thank god that john mccain and george bush are dead.
The republicans can't stick to their nonchalant 'I'm sorry for being christian' attitude anymore.
LAtimes gave him the best odds throughout the election cycle. Nate Copper was still far off base
Better than free college I'll tell you what
>And the FBI and CIA are happily allowing for a super felon foreign puppet handle the nuke codes and sit as president for 8 years.
No they're not, lol, it's the Republicans in the Senate that are protecting Trump(they were doing it in the House too, until they lost that)
>antfia must target only whites or they'll run counter to my bullshit narrative
>The republicans can't stick to their nonchalant 'I'm sorry for being christian' attitude anymore.
Last I checked, they still have Mike Pence
LA Times's methodology was pants-on-head retarded, though. Their poll was still incredibly shitty even if it did technically predict Trump winning.
Fuck that old kike he doesn't even have $1000 #Yanggang
Mario already ran in 2003 and he lost.
By making it legal to kill trannies, the biggest incels of all
Amen for that
Turn everyone gay for Bowser.
only the ugly ones though
>the biggest incels of all
Still second to /pol/ virgins
The GOP was weak enough to be stolen by a fucking NYC democrat but that doesn't mean it can be salvaged. It's literally neocon intervention that screws up everything that Trump tries to do and refuses to go after criminal scum, every single time.
lol at anyone who thought the swamp would go down without a fight, it is the most powerful entity on the planet
Fuck hillary
This is a pretty neat site. Thanks user!
The quality of this gets lower every time I see it.
+1 for mediabiasfactcheck, good site. I also use for a second opinion.
Video games somehow got worse under Trump.
You can't hide from me, I saw your mistake.
Reminder that Trump is the swamp.
yes,goblins are ancestors.
Only if you're poor
You don't even know what the swamp is you dumbshit
And you probably never will because willful ignorance is the only security blanket you have left in this bleak world. Now go on twitter and make a harry potter analogy.
of course he promised to bring more coins to the mushroom kingdom. he wont build that stupid wall of pipes like wario. they can come out of thos pipes you stupid fat head!
Yeah, Funny thing how they were found after the war.
not on my watch
How many days was that? I just read that it was one day.
>using the one repurposed due to poor planning, the one that wasn't destroyed specifically because it wasn't used more than once or twice before being repurposed due to location.
5 I'm pretty sure. Nintendo Power had stickers and shit for it, too. Top tier advertisement.
Honestly if mario had ran agains trump instead of hilary, they would have won.
It's been going down hill since 2008
You know I was really enjoying the idea of Mario becoming president but y'all had to bring reality into the thread and now everything's boring. What a bunch of fucking buzzkills
Then there was some housing bullshit with blacks and the "grab em by the pussy" video.
LOL Why would the Italian character created by a Japanense company care about America first?
Here is the exact moment this thread went to shit