Who is the next company you would like to see start a redemption arc?

Who is the next company you would like to see start a redemption arc?

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Square Enix and Konami

Square Enix by far, they were almost as good as the almighty Nintendo back in 1995-2001

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Capcom still sucks. SFV Arcade is a trainwreck.


Fpbp, also rare but I think that one is impossible because the people that work there now are complete retards.

All Capcom did was dumb down/ruin their franchises. No actual redemption anywhere.

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>Still having SFV rent free in your head

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Looks like a Mexican standoff


Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger & Final Fantasy VI are infinitely superior to anything Konami has ever made

I just want Castlevania to be a thing again

SEGA in full force. They are showing, but they need more then what's going on right now if you're not a Sonicfag.

Following capcom, say you get
>2 large scale games
>1 remake
>1 smaller scale game
What do you pick?


I just want Left 4 Dead 3

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>REmake 2
>dumbed down

Assuming they are actually good?
> Chrono Break
> World Ends With You 2
> FF7 Remake
> Valkyrie Profile 3

>the crapcom shill that defends goblina garbage will also defend shit fighter 5
wow, what a twist! didnt see that one coming

it'd be nice if they made games that didn't have etrian odyssey or smt/persona in the title again

Or Bethesda, but in my heart I know neither will happen.

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How many hundreds of times have you made this exact same fucking thread?

Sega is the correct answer

>Cries shill
Hmm how about that, another fag that doesn't realize everyone has moved on from SFV except you FGCucks. Seethe harder spic.

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Yes, dumbed down, not to mention looking and sounding horribly outdated even with the uncanny new textures they spent so much money on.

>Versus XIII
>Deus Ex 2
>Chrono Triggerwith Kingdom Hearts combat
>Sleeping Dogs 2

Bungie and 343. I feel like they're both on track to do things right. Not holding my breath, though. Really, I just want more Halo that isn't just multiplayer and also for Bungie to do what they're good at and not be influenced by a company like Activision.

Fuck what you guys say, they made good games with fixable flaws.

right because the original RE2 didn't give you even more health items and ammo than the remake does

Sega/Sonic Team

>Redemption arc
>No Breath of Fire
Yeah, no. They're still shit.

Valve, no contest. Artifact crashing and burning might finally be the wake-up call they needed.

Capcom. MHW felt like MH-lite with no content and no challenge. SFV was even worse than 4. Marvel Infinite was somehow even more shallow and stale than UMVC3. Everything after Dead Rising 1 was pretty boring. Resident Evil has just been getting new gimmicks and paintjobs rather than fixing the core gameplay to actually make it fun. Capcom is not as bad as Bioware but with the amount of classic series they're ruining they're getting there.

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>see daily "Le capcom is back guys!"
>pirate the game everyone was praising
>it's always dull normie trash and not entertaining in the slightest


I honestly wish game freak would lose the rights to Pokémon or at least also give another studio like Atlus a chance to make their version of it.

>Play MHW because of the praise
>Every monster is literally just a dinosaur
I got bored, why is there no variation? I thought I was going to be hunting monsters but lost all interest. Who cares what I hunt next when it's another dinosaur.

Konami or SquEnix

It's a damn shame how far from greatness they've fallen and it pains me that all their IPs, but sonic and yakuza are doomed to gaming puratory.

Electronic Arts
Think about it. If the ultimate evil idiot company of all game companies does a 180° turn, sorts out all of its developers and caters to the players instead of shareholders, it could have significant, potentially positive ramifications across the rotten AAA industry.

Konami or Sega.

Preferably Sega.

Bioware is probably going to get put out to pasture by papa EA soon

More like that puppeteered corpse known as """"""Bioware"""""" is going to have its strings cut.

I have day dreamed about this. They have a ton of IPs wasting away.

I know, it hurts.

Both OG resident evil games are easier than their remakes. You can run past pretty much every zombie in the original re2

Probably Blizzard, then Square, then Bioware, then Bethesda.

We all know none of them are going to happen, though.

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Microsoft remotely caring about making games would be a game changer, at least people wouldn't have to depend on Sony for single player anymore.