Devil May Cry 5


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Other urls found in this thread: 5 MotherFather&font=slab

For what?

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this is another mgsv

>meanwhile on more shitty parts of the internet

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>dmc5 6/10
>gone home 10/10
Yeah don't trust shucks like this.

TL note: "dated' means "gameplay-focused."

Translation: It was too hard and there was no boss skip option!! Also, why is there so much gameplay?!

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Its funny how someones can be so utterly terrible at their job isnt it

Ign sucks. Overall its 80%

>fun in the way old games are fun
What the fuck is up with people nowadays. I saw one dude on twitter complaining it was a prettied up PS2 game like thats any sort of knock against a game.

>template thread

Fuck you.

>Isn't IGN based guys!?

kys you pathetic fucking shills

>Couldn't beat Vergil 7/10
You can't make this shit up

Ive seen people on this very website try to use that as an insult
Usually they get laughed at though
6th gen games were the last year before corporate fucks went overboard and started pushing for widest appeal

Not as funny as the concept that someone can be terrible at their job, then lash out at their readers for accusing them of doing so and have all their industry buddies back them up. Can't think of any other industry where this shit flies.

Same guy by the way

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do you really expect me to read this wall, are you retarded?

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How did gaming "journalism" reach this point where people who can't even play them ended up writing the reviews?

its even worse
>vergil is cheap and throws all the rules out
Meaning the "rules" they claim to know they didnt learn in the first place
especially if they are relying on spamming gold orbs

>IGN scores are valid now

kek DMCuck

>not just waiting for bayonetta 3

Its 3 different images that should take max 3 minutes to read each if you arent as braindead as the people who wrote them

He's right though, that guitar solo scene was pretty fucking gay even for a game about a shirtless faggot fighting in the rain with his anime obsessed brother.


t. Steve

Everyone who loves Nu Capcom does this shit now. IGN reviews matter alot now.

Not true. Everyone here laughed their ass off at the IGN reviewer of RE2 because he played route A for both characters complained it was exactly the same and deducted points until everyone told him he was a retard and then upped their score.

ign is pretty base with Dan Stapleton at its helm.

Anyone did this bingo card with reviews that already rolled out?

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>Nero is kind of boring and feels like he's tacked onto the story, despite being playable for about half the game's content
>Dante feels great, but he doesn't have enough levels or screentime
>V is really interesting and fun, I picked him every time I could, and probably the only fresh and new thing DMC5 does when you match it up against the old games
>Fan favorites Trish and Lady don't get to do anything cool and are just damsels in distress that get demon semen'd and sexualized before being put back in the van
>The story is kind of unfocused and messy given it's unnecessary non-linear presentation and split across 3 different characters

>6/10; the game is good, but it's just more Devil May Cry in an era where other action games are shaking up their fundamental formulas

I am perfectly fine with this opinion and people like and sound like triggered babies.

t. someone who has the game pre-loaded and has the collector's edition slated to be delivered on the 8th

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If only I could go back to when DmC was announced and told everyone "Don't worry guys, years from now you'll swallow down the same exact shit because a Japanese guy made it" and save everyone the trouble of getting mad over it.

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>Dan "complains that bloodborne fucking sucks because he never found the shortcut to cleric beast and couldn't beat him and have to run all the way back at least 20 times and fully blames the game not himself because the game didnt say grab this shortcut" Stapleton

>damesel in distress
>when they lost to the same demon that beat dante and nero

shut the fuck up already. you're just mad v is vergil. yeah, i know it's you.

Cry more Donte cuck

that guy is shit at videogames and shouldn't have a job reviewing them, it is that easy

>not buying both

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It is pretty stupid that Trish and Lady get sidelined for the whole game and just show up for cutscenes and loading screens where they just lounge around Nico's bangbus the entire time.

I'm not the fan of Donte 2.0, you are.

Reveal to me the games in the action game genre that shook up their fundamental formulas. Because all I can think of is Bayo 2 fucked everything that was good about 1 and made it very easy for new players to feel cool on normal which is why all journos really like it.

>when they lost to the same demon that beat Dante and Nero
>but instead of getting to fight their way back up the tree, knee-deep in demons, they get to be used as gooed up naked batteries, saved, and then relegated to background noise while the boys do all the fighting

Yeah, they're just damsels in distress.

>you're just mad v is vergil. yeah, i know it's you

What the fuck are you talking about?

>DMC5 looks like shit because it looks so similar to DmC

The absolute state of (you)

>The PS4 reviews are more honest than the shilled Xbox reviews

Really makes me think btw

Game """journalists""" will all proceed to give DMC5 glowing reviews because they know it's a hardcore game for hardcore gamers and so they want to seem like they themselves are hardcore gamers who play hardcore games and not filthy casuals. When will people catch onto this?

PS4 version is apparently censored as well

The article names God of War and Nier: Automata. You can argue whether or not the changes to the games were benefits or not (I'd say GoW was more good than bad and Automata being a functioning game over the horseshit that was Gestalt/Replica is a clear upgrade).

It also says that Bayonetta 2 revitalized the genre, but I disagree with that since that game was received kind of lukewarmly and I think it was step back for Bayonetta.

same shit happened to vergil

I already pre ordered DMC5, Capcom has gained money from me.
Does this upset you?
Tameem didn't get my money?

shut up dweeb

I was with it until they started complaining about the sexualisation being problematic.

>DMCfags when press gave DmC good reviews: SHILLS
>DMCfags when that same press gives DMC5 good reviews: SEE? PROOF ITS A GOOD GAME

why are white, male, cis-gendered gamers so threatened when someone plays a game 'poorly'

I bet you think rock bands are gay and listen to nigger music.

Yeah I'm absolutely steaming, you sure got me.

>Bad game gets good reviews
>Good game gets good reviews
Ever notice how when a bad game gets good reviews suddenly they need to defend their viewpoint by dumping on "Gamers"

Good thing it's not shit, as evident by this thread.


>Zoomers think review scores mean anything

Not one journo that praises Nier automata even touched Original Nier. they have no basis for how much of an improvement combat was. The only thing I can really think of its that both God of War and Nier Automata are story heavy and nier has a fucking ridiculous dodge in it which journos just fucking can't get enough of games with a dodge button in an action game lately. Jouros also fucking loved Bayo 2. it was getting 9s and 10s out the ass and I couldnt disagree with those scores more because like you its a serious step backwards from 1 but the average player isn't gonna notice that and they are gonna notice "whoa this game is so crazy haha im punching and dodging and this feels so smooth 10/10"

It's truly depressing that we got DmC2 and everyone is praising it as the second coming of Christ just because it's called DMC5 instead.

I don't care that he played poorly. I care when he goes on podcasts and just slams a game for him being stupid and complains how anyone could like it.

Automata's combat was shit compared to the original Nier though, they just made it more flashy and for braindead idiots like you that means it's better.

Jesus when was this made? It's eerily accurate.

I saved it from thread from last week I think.

They do when there's a consensus. One review one way or the other doesn't make a difference, but when there's 10+ reviews all saying the same thing? Then there's obviously a common theme they can all agree with.

>They do when there's a consensus.
I was trying to insult you before by calling you a zoomer but holy shit you might actually be one.

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You can easily find 10+ good reviews for any major triple A game, you dumbfuck

basic combat is in no way better. You can get any greatsword weapon and just helmsplitter everything or use the big fist spell repeatedly to win. Hard mode is also jsut ridiculously hard for hard mode sake. The cool gameplay ideas like emils mansion being resident evil like fixed cameras and the like were much cooler in OG Nier. Automata focused a little too much on the bullet hell stuff when it could have done a few more really cool singled out things.

lets roll

>doesn't display denuvo.
it should.

You are objectively wrong and only saying such a ridiculous opinion for the sake of being a contrarian.

I will not hold it against you and would even respect your opinion if you said that the original Nier was a better game (because for all its awful combat, it still had a more cohesive and satisfying story that didn't rely entirely on the bonus playthroughs), but I will never agree with you that the original Nier had better combat.

>Pretend oldfags arguing with oldfags by calling them newfags because they're upset people didn't like the new game they liked so they're shitting on the brand new game that's trying to go back to its roots, although not perfectly
I've seen enough of this shit in Resident Evil threads to know these shady ass tactics.
We can all tell you're pretending and you're asshurt no one likes the shit you like, but shitting on the game everyone is excited for won't bring that garbage back.
Instead of trying to hijack a series people already want more of, find something different.

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Nice try, Xcuck.

wtf I love IGN now since their opinion now aligns with mine!

plz 6

i'm okay with heather


OH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol it's over.

give me a young one

baby steps dude, it's about rallying behind a positive change for the franchise that was thought to be dead. hopefully they'll do better next game as well.

I believe so too but I buy the games I want anyway.
I don't give a fuck about a 5FPS difference.
Game isn't going to get locked away because companies take it off when they don't feel it helps anymore.
I'm not going to waste my limited time on this earth fretting over bullshit


my game is delayed until next fucking week, should i just fucking cancel it and buy it on PSN?

cmon not claire this time


>spending 9 minutes to read some literal who's opinion

lets a roll

>Automata's combat was shit compared to the original Nier though
glad to see Yea Forums is still competing with /vp/ for the title of Most Contrarian Board.

>20 levels
I thought it was 10 missions each to Nero, Dante, and V?

If you feel waiting a week for a physical copy isn't worth it.
I don't think physical copies are worth it at all, BEST CASE SCENARIO, you get it fastest waiting at a midnight release at a gamestop, and even then, a night like tonight, you'd be freezing fucking cold.
Just download that shit at midnight man.

here we go

god dammit


thanks, i'm going to cancel my preorder and just get it on PSN instead.
it'd be nice to have a physical game, but fuck it
I want to play as soon as possible

on the bright side having all DMC games on my PS4 will be nice instead of constantly switching discs

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fuck off nigger

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no 20 levels
some missions can be played as multiple characters and have different routes

This, why don't DmCfags go play God of War?


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>God of War, Bayonetta 2, and Nier: Automata all stand out as stellar, modern examples of what the action genre is capable of
>Devil May Cry 5’s risk-averse approach grounds it as other games in the genre are reaching for the sky.
why do you put your word in his mouth then? this review basically saying DMC5 is copy itself while others being inventive. My Ass, Nu-GoW copying a little bit of everything out there,make a mish-mash of system with no originality at all.
and Nier from trash to slightly-less trash is an achievement now? Anyone play the demo who also played DMC4 can tell the arm is a very nice addition to nero‘s play which makes him more intuitive and is actually being inventive.this review is total bs and it's resonable ppl will get angry
>that psycho siren remix at 12:13
Damn that's the good stuff

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Fucking hell

gib gib

>Was told Dante didn't get style switching in this game
>See it in this video
How far are shitposters willing to go to get BTFO?
Are they just lying about everything now?

We've known about style switching since TGS of last year my dude

Why would someone mislead in that sort of shitposting about style switching when we've had available footage for months showing Dante gameplay with the styles?

awwwwwww nu




Post them favorite quotes in DMC bros. I’ll start off with one of mines

“Flock off, Featherface”

Here we a goooo

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. "


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H-here I go!

Was anyone ever really talking that much shit about DMC? The series had had stumbles and poor decisions, but it's a staple.
The only problem is the constant non-stop threads of low-tier memes. Just stay in the fucking generals

Where’s your motivation?

give me my wife.

I was afraid of this. Now i'm really going to have to go back and finally finish DMC 3 and 4

Y̧̼̝ͬ̋͒̇͒ͨ̚Ơ̜̳̦̰̱ͨ͐ͪ͑̕͞U̠̐̉ͧͩ̇ͭ̿͐ ̛̖̬͓̻̗̺͍ͬͭ̆͗̽̂̃Ạ̴͔͉̭̳̄̐̇ͮͫͦͧͧR̴̢̳͕̝͑̌̎̈́̿͐͆ͤE̥̘͈̜̫̿͛͗ͧͦ͘͠͝ ̡̮͓͕̥̎͑̔ͯ̒͛͟N̷̼̮̱̫̊̔ͫ͂O͇̳ͦ̏͡T̬̫͕̗̝̉͛̍̓͑́͠ ͈̻̝͍ͮ̑W̶̛͕̝̥̤̗̍͗ͨ̀O̷̠̼̭̻͂ͪ̈̓ͤ͋̿R̨̠̫̟̦̠̣͛ͨ̃̉ͧ̈ͪ͞͡T̶͈̫̱̫̙͆̍̉͋ͤ̽ͬ̊̄H̹̗̙̘̃ͧÝ̙͚͔̣̗̮̟ͫ̀ͩ̓͂͛̈́͘͞ ̡̺͙̜̱ͭ̎̎̌ͬ͋̈̓ͯA͎ͦͨ͒ͩS̸͖͈̪͉̬̳̽̽ ̥ͣ̾͢͡M͚̟̘̻̗̐̎̚ͅY̶̫̼͙̹͓͉̽̇ͬ͐ͯ́ͦͭ̇̀́ ̘̺̼̻̠ͯ́͘O̴̱̗̞̔͌ͪ̀̒̾͟P̢͖̱̩͎͍͓̼̐̓ͨ̿̀͜P̴̱̰̟̈́͑̔̕O̹̜̝̾̂̓ͩ̈́ͮ͘N̺̤̆̽̿̉͐̉̚͝E̝̝͎̱̪̺͊ͣͨͪ̓̆͗N̙̖̜̼̠̩̠͒̋͘͡T̸̥͓̗̃̏͗̚


Sorry Dante, I'm baggin' this bitch!

I can not wait until the honeymoon phase is over and Chasertech writes us a doctoral thesis on why 4 is the real game and 5 is merely the pretty good game with momentum that does not work correctly. I want to listen to the sonnet DelusionaryKiller composes that lets us understand and share the pain of that feel when Vergil is not playable and the game does not have a turbo mode. I hope old man Blowhard drops in to tell us exactly how bad they fucked it all up and if they are currently fucking it all up more or less than the last time they fucked it all up.

do not do this you have made google asked if they wanted to translate for me and that is unforgivable

Any chance dmc5 will end Marvel's capeshit reign of terror?

If it does, for that reason alone it is better than DmC

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How long is the game?

̨̬̺͚̘͈̭̫̞́͞C̪͉͕͕̣̜ͅU͓̻̬͖̜ͅT̩̝̼̞̝͚̻̞ ̼̪͖̰̯̀ͅO̢͕̠F͚͕̦͔͚̺̬̣̟̀͜F͓̳̺̭̰̹͟


Eh well no one really gives a shit about captain marvel
believe me I can tell you with confidence that dmc5 will be more popular than captain marvel



>tfw we knew from the beginning he was smiling at Vergil.

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10-12-ish hours

I came here for this.

So now that we've seen pretty much every cutscene in the game, why does Vergil do everything he does? Even after merging V and Urizen and seemingly achieving "balance" within himself, he's not content sealing the portal. Did he do everything just so he could one-up Dante, like what he says during the cutscene where V is created?
I guess that's an acceptable motivation, but it seems kinda shallow. Then again, this is the man who does everything for power.

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>Any chance dmc5 will end Marvel's capeshit reign of terror?
In popularity or something? Doubt it, movies still have a far wider reach to the mass audience than video games, though it would be a very big fuck you from Capcom to Marvel

Dante and Vergil are extremely fucking petty and it took Nero punching them both in the face to calm down a bit. That didn't stop them from autistically trying to one up each other in hell tho lmao.

They will care about Captain Marvel this *one* time because this movie is going to lead into Endgame but any other time anything with her would do badly

let's see

>Did he do everything just so he could one-up Dante
Pretty much.


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>gold orb
okay gross get that shit out of here. if you suck the fucking dick at videogames do not record yourself playing.

>think you can bear me? Not in a million years

I mean Swordmaster fuck.

Yea. That's what I'm getting.
Vergil searched for the Yamato after being free from Mundus for seemingly years, just so that he could split himself into two beings just to, as he explicitly says in the cutscene where V is born, beat Dante.
Very petty, but also kinda cool. Too often video game villains try and be some DEEP shit, but Vergil in DMC5 is just tryna kick his brothers ass. There's some depth in V regretting his actions, but it doesn't change Vergil's mindset anyway, since even after merging, he keeps the portal open just to beat Dante's ass.

give qt waifu


Vergil's an attention whore that wants to prove he's stronger than Dante.

lets see

That Judgement cut was cool.

Not even Marvel fans want her

>video games



While Dante obviously cares about Vergil quite a bit, him fucking goading Vergil in hell during their never ending duel just reeks of sibling childishness.
>Haha I score for me I'm the lead
>That's wrong you fucking faggot
But it's nice to see that their animosity was dispelled thanks to Nero and they have all the time to mend their relationship.

They went to close the portal together though, he evn says he wanted to fight nero again but can't because he has to finish destroying the roots.

Vergil looks perfectly fine in these scenes.

It's truly depressing that we got an actual DMC game from the same team that made DMC3 and 4 that continues the storyline in that universe but you are deadset with calling it DmC2 because of "NERO'S HAIR LOOKS LIKE DONTE!!!!"


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anyone seen this retards review yet

>Yea Forums likes IGN now

i never get anything good

"DmC2" got blown the fuck out half a fucking year ago with the initial Nero reveal, it's time to lay it to rest user.

That's why most of the time my general rule of thumb is just rely on GameSpot/ign.

If they give it a good score then most of the time it's right. Even if they are corporate shitholes they don't need to rely on edgy clickbait like other indie sites.

I'm saying that he waited at the top of the Qliphoth like a proper villain until Dante had arrived, just so they could fight. He could've closed the portal, but refused until they (would've) killed each other, had Nero not interrupted.

>I can get a high score so it's good!
I'm fucking dead

At first V was fine with just trying to stop Urizen. He actually felt bad about shit and wanted to put things right, but seeing Dante in a vulnerable position reminded him of all the shit he got put through and despite Griffon trying to pull him away from that, he gave in. He wanted to kill Dante and since his body had acquired even more demonic power, he might just be able to do it. He's known nothing but combat his entire life, while Dante at least had friends, comfort. In short, he's kind of jealous and he doesn't know how to vocalize that to Dante and instead feels that he has to fight him for it.

>Any chance dmc5 will end Marvel's capeshit reign of terror?
My boys Cameron and Rodriguez have already done that.

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>1 day until play


Give me a cute one please

>v and urizen combine
>vergil is reborn
>story still plays out as vergil being the bad guy
>vergil still being a power hungry autistic
>all of a sudden nero intervenes and beats vergil's ass
>vergil suddenly pulls a xehenort and becomes a good guy
>dante and vergil forget their difference even though they were fighting to the death not even 3 minutes ago
>by the end of the game vergil and dante are best buds

what the fuck is this writing?

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>25 hours from now
where my /centraltime/ niggas at

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I think the new sword has helmbreaker but it does 3 hits before the downward slash. I am going to handwrite a nasty letter and send it to matto kun.

Urizen was the bad guy. Vergil after recombining just wanted to settle up with Dante. After Urizen's death Vergil doesn't actually do anything evil.

First marvel movie to flop while dmc5 sells 10 million.

I saw that. What the hell was that?

rollin b

If I remember DmC correctly, the game took itself way too seriously. Compare that to DMC5 where we have shit like this

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>DmC babby this upset he didn't have his school shooting Donte

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How wet was Nico during this scene?


This image alone makes DMC5 10/10



>i recognize every single character in this image
i regret my life choices

Wait, omg. Can you Faust hat Vergil?

fuck yes

So what does Sword Formation does with Royalguard? I can't tell

I need to know


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So the urizen's side of vergil just doesn't exist anymore? That's bullshit because that raises a ton of problems.

>Flock Off! remix
>Psycho Siren remix
>Mental Machine remix

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There was a shortcut to Cleric Beast?

you can pasta breaker and sweet surrender vergil as well.

>by the end of the game vergil and dante are best buds
That's the best ending that could have happen, what the hell are you complaining about?

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>parries projectiles, but not the hat
Madness, simply madness lads

where is Astolfo?

Literally everyone agrees that the art direction was the only good thing about DmC. The big issue was the games tone, for a supposed DMC reboot the game took itself way to seriously.

I know what I'm doing now.

>vergil suddenly pulls a xehenort and becomes a good guy
Vergil was literally just bidding his time since he just wanted to wait for Dante atop the tree for a true rematch. He could've closed it anytime.

hang in there man.

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So did we find out if there was a "Not in a million years?" line in the game. Please tell me Vergil says it when you put the hate on him as well as this.

Because the writing is too rushed for the relationship to build from years of hatred and rivalry and vergil wanting to beat dante to them being best buds after nero kicks vergil's ass. It's shit writing.

Oh no

>My son means nothing to me!
>Nero is my son?!
What's with that?

Oh, I'm going to have fun. I waited so long to bully him.


>Nero was unironically seething over being called "DEAD WEIGHT".
The Vergil genes are too strong.

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Dante says not in a million years to vergil

V was Vergil's soul, Urizen was his body. V was Vergil's personality while Urizen was just his pure power hunger

V's Side surpassed urizen and Dante finally dealt with Vergil's nightmares.
Therefore, Vergil changed, he's still an asshole, but his heart is now on the good side.

what went right

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Give me the best option to turn into.

Inafune deciding to bail, thinking he'd be leaving for greener pastures under his own company

Why did they make Morrison a black guy? Is the anime only partially canon?

Shit talking in the moment and then having a "wait a minute" moment at the end.

It seems he knew he had a son, but wasn't thinking clearly about who it could be. Took a bit to put together that Dante said "cut off sons arm".
>Oh shit, he means Nero, I cut off Nero's arm. Nero's my son?

>art direction
the first thing ninja theory showed everybody was the faggy dmcdmc version of ebony and ivory. they ruined rebellion too.

strange that dmc fags aren't posting metacritic when that's what's people post for every game

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There's a gate you can open right near the first (?) lantern.

So, the novel says that Mundus is still alive, or that was just a mistranslation?

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the anime IS canon
Morrisson probably opened the RE Engine console and used showracemenu

He's actually a shapeshifting demon that has to change his identity every couple of years.

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>DmC gets good reviews
>people mad
>DMC5 gets good reviews
>people still mad

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Mundus was only sealed again at the end of DMC1, not killed.

Hey that's pretty good score

now i want to play but I can't because my cpu is not powerful enough

I think those last leaks had really bad resolution. They look night in these scenes and Vergil doesn't look as bloated. He actually looks very daddy.

He’s still alive, gathering power in hell

Rollan for next waifu to lewd


It's 91 on PC and 88 on Xbox.

oh yeah the transition from that is rushed but there's only so much you could fit towards the end of the game. The extra scene with dante and vergil looks like it took place a few weeks after the incident so it's understandable they're more buddy with each other.

>well, well...that was a long time ago

Vergil is a horny bastard.

DmC was a slap in the face to long time fans. DMC5 is a slap in the face to fan's of DmC. It was gonna happen.

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Capcom has saved
>Monster Hunter
>Resident Evil
>Devil May Cry
What game should Capcom revive with their new unholy vidya magic?

>Nero grows his arm back
>Nico tells him to use Devil Breakers anyway
>magically diffuses his own arm to wear the robo arm
>"feels good"
I'm so glad they didn't drop the Breaker system in the endgame

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Dino Crisis, and if some kind of miracle happens, Godhand

Ghosts n' Goblins

86 on metacritic PS4?
Tsk tsk, not even as good as Horizon Zero Dawn

Street Fighter or reboot Darkstalkers or Rival Schools
Fighting games are the only place they need to save now - their single player stuff is great nowadays

How the fuck did Nero learn to dematerialize his body parts?


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>Order NZ PSN cards to gift DMC5 to a friend 6 days ago
>Codes still haven't been emailed even though the game is out in a couple of hours
I bet these lazy assholes won't even give me a refund, I don't think they even read their support emails. Does there happen to be any kiwis around that have experience with giftstation?

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It has higher scores on the Xbone and PC versions cause the PS4 version is where they got the 2 shit reviews, one from a DmC apologist and the other from a rampant SJW who didn't even talk about the game


Some scenes he looks a bit strange but overall he looks better than when we first saw him.

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Give her to me!!!




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I'll never be happy.

Either revive Dino Crisis or make a good Street Fighter game again

I'm probably going to sound crazy but I really think they'll do something with mundus in the future.

Don't forget Mega Man you nigger, X9 is already being teased and maybe down the road they'll fucking finally develop Mega Man ZX 3

Ah, what the hell, this looks fun.

He's still seething back in hell.

rollin rollin rollin

>the host to the most casualized gaming journalists
yikes. you guys are really reaching for praise now

You don't sound crazy, because that’s what everyone wants and expected to happen

Gimme Kat

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maximo please.

remember that time dante beat up the rival he hates and pushed him off a cliff? no you do not, because that is not what happened at all. pay close attention to the moment their eyes meet.

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I really do not think that's even remotely true. I am not going to watch Captain Marvel but am hyped beyond belief for Endgame. CM just looks like a really bland movie without any stakes since it is set in the past so anything it contributes to the larger story really won't be so important that you will be lost without it. At worst Endgame will have to dedicate 3 minutes of screen time to catch up with whatever CM presents.

let's go

>Steve's the owner of this very site and an active games journalist for the past ten years. He's a Canadian-Australian gay gaming geek, ice hockey player and fan. Husband to Matt and cat dad to Wally and Quinn
>gay gaming geek

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It's my headcanon

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Inafune leaving.
even after he left, his ideals and influence stuck to some of the projects, the unrealistic sales expectation stuck to it and it's subsequent failure proved to Capcom he was a hack, and they decided to change.
Capcom re-threading their golden age prior to the 360/PS3 era of gaming, definitely gave them the soul searching they needed.


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has anyone posted the Devil Trigger remix yet? preferably with lyrics and not shitty bootlegged

So once you get the actual Buster in the post-game with the Devil Trigger, what use is the Buster Arm?

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gib loli

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Deal more damage?

I don't think there are actual "fans" of DmC. The ceiling for that game is "I liked it".

what's happening here is just typical shitposting

It is entirely true
people are going to watch this movie just for the ending credits that lead into endgame

Is there a husbando roulette

>Some scenes he looks a bit strange

I think most of the characters do. He just doesn't have as many scenes to redeem himself.

Is this V's alt costume?

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the ost comes out on march 20th. I did not expect music to be so expensive.

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pew pew like megaman


And i'm saying this BECAUSE of endgame
I agree with you that no one gives a shit about captain marvel, as I said before you replied to me

I thought for a second it was sfm because no way that they could put something that stylish in

>almost as much as the game
someone'll put it up on youtube eventually

Is this on the easiest difficulty? I really have in my mind that the Vergil fights should be better than this but they seem so easy. Shit, I just want to play the game on a real difficulty already.




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its on the easiest yeah
heres SoS difficulty

and heres nero v. vergil

Remember it's a hundred thirty freaking eight tracks over 5 discs. It's not an Atlus cheapskate fucking "sampler" disc.

shiburin please

DMC5 is a slap in the face for DMC fans too faggot.

Why are these popular again?

Is that supposed to be based on Gilver? Gilver wore a green coat with the markings on it


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But V specifically states that he wants Dante to right his wrongs, but then when he merges back with Urizen he falls back into his tsundere I want to beat the shit out of dante mode.

pls give me chunners

rattle them dice por favor


an extra ending scene

Oh, please explain why this is user, I need to know how I'm being wronged here.

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V is Irish?

Trish, Lady, and Lucia all playable with tag/assist mechanic from the MvC games.


>that uncanny valley on the female on left

No but I wish it was

it's just bait.

The hell are you talking about? DMC fans are praising the living shit out of DMC5, most people are saying its even better than DMC3.



>not in a million years

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You'd prefer something cool like squirrel semen and brotherly dick measuring, eh?

roll i guess


i'm going to mod this over the nero vs vergil theme as soon as the game drops

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I'm scared of DMD Vergil.

I know. I'm waiting for another shitpost that explains nothing.

I still think he looks great tbqh

Because V still has a bit of that resentment for Dante in him and seeing him in a vulnerable position reawakened that, which is why Urizen even let V back into him in the first place. Vergil doesn't hate his brother, it's just that he hates that Dante got the better life out of the two of them and he's having trouble moving forward. He's still stuck on it and seems to believe that he needs to beat Dante for his life to improve. Really Dante himself is part of the problem too. If he could have just waited a second, talked with Vergil after he got back to normal, then things might have been just fine. But Dante's convinced himself that Vergil is irredeemable at this point and will continue to do stupid shit to gain more power, putting lives at risk and will never stop trying to kill Dante for reasons that he can only guess at. Nero coming in, telling them they are both morons is a little fast for them to change their minds though, but that's what we have to take as having happened.

Oh yea from my experience the vast majority of people who are "fans" of DmC have either never played the other DMC games or were so shit at the other ones that they loved the watered down easy as shit combat in DmC

Was Yamato always that long?

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Nuclear from MGSV for Dante v. Vergil.

PS2 is the golden age of games where the graphics were just good enough to engage you but not good enough to distract from shitty gameplay or poor design. Theres a reason it was the highest sold console. How is that a complaint from a technical standpoint?

Yes. If anything it should be shorter, since it was apparently still missing a fragment that Balrog found in hell, but Dante destroyed that with Cerberus.

>"I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on the preparations for the bash"
How Dan delivered that "baash" was amazing.





Is the Deluxe edition worth it for those extra devil triggers, music and motorcycle?

People are only memeing the screens where he looks really bad. I think he looks great. I hope he's in Model Viewer.

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>Vergil parrying Helm Splitters

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or... hear me out here.. maybe; just maybe; IGN have different, multiple reviewers with different tastes.

review sites are for retards; if you need someone to boil their enjoyment of a game into a number out of ten to figure out whether to splash cash on it; you're actually brain-dead.

how did they get away with an mj reference in the current year?

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>What did I fuck to make that?

I want to marry Chie or Yukari!!

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So far it seems like no. Only good arm of the lot is the Megabuster. Cavaliere-R seems like it didn't even need the air stinger to be good and losing super armor actually hurts it a lot. Music isn't dynamic, even if they are good tracks.

I blame Trishfags. They were tired of being bullied.

>comparing DMC with Souls
>complaining about muh dodge button

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>a guitar that shoots bats is lame

What a fucking faggot. Why even play video games when you hate anything fun?

pls be brownish

Anonymous literally predicted this

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What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy-gods! Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!

Vergil is handsome as fuck
I don't understand people bitching about him

lets a go

I was enjoying this thread
Oh well, let's roll

Because he wants games to be taken 'seriously'. This is the kind of person Lewis Carol warned you about. The person that is wants to be treated as an adult, so they reject childish things. But being an adult means not being afraid of what others think of you. It's ok to like silly stupid shit.

when Capcom is happy with it's sales, if Okabe is to be believed. my bet is on some playable Lady/Trish missions. Vergil saved for later if not last.

hit me with that 45

rolling because i'm a sinner

>meanwhile on more shitty parts of the internet
There are people still complaining about a lack of a dedicated dodge button.

or anyone with a fat ass

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I bought I can rip it if no one else does.

I'm going to make an edit of this for tomorrow, link me as many DMC threads as possible in no particular order please

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Hit me with a brown qt3.14

fuck it

>SJW pandered "Gaymurrrs", who just want a pretentious walking simulator, being this predictable


Old black dudes that talk jive are cool, user.

>gets BTFO by son's devil trigger
>What form of power is this?
>gets BTFO by son in fight
vergils autism has no bounds

I think you are right. Morrison's 'new job' seems to be pretty much a stinger for the idea of Lady and Trish as the next playable characters. Mini campaign for them, 5 missions and completely co-op if you want. Probably killing other resurrected demons, Alastor and Ifrit. Then you could stinger again with finding out that Dante and Vergil could leave hell anytime and are just fine, they are just having fun. Dante Vergil mini campaign, co-op, 10 missions, where they encounter Mundus and decide to finally end him once and for all.

check out this 20

Video games are escapism. I dont play video games to work a dead end job and be ignored by attractive women. I play video games to be a superhuman badass dropping silly one-liners and beating up giant demon dickwads while I eat pizza. What kind of absolute retard doesnt like that?

Rerolling because I got some anime thot I don't even know who it is

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People seem to be forgetting an awful lot about who Vergil is.

Vergil is as much of a goofy cuh-razy goofball as Dante is at heart, just more chuuni. But it's covered up by his all emo horseshit from his past. Same thing happened here. After both halves of himself realizing they needed each other, and he came back together, he didn't try to kill Dante. To the contrary, he gave him time to get ready so they could have their big stupid sword fight, because like Dante says, that's the only kind of memory they have with each other. That's what their relationship is, a rivalry only ever once pushed to actual animosity by circumstance.

Hell, look at when Nero showed up, both he and Dante stopped fighting immediately, and Virgil cuts in with a stupid fucking line about beating Nero meaning he beat Dante. There was never any chance of them trying to kill each other during the final encounter.


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sure why not

I needed to make the text bigger.

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my penis is ready

Here bro 5 MotherFather&font=slab

Vergil is just a try hardy emo kid. Hes the opposite of Dante. He wants to be idolized for being powerful whereas Dante is just in it for a good time.

They MIGHT have though. With that much power being thrown around, killing each other has a strong possibility of happening. Even if it's not their real intention, it's still all that they have known and one day it will end when one of them takes it too far. Nero showing up and reminding them that they have more then each other was probably for the best.

>Last chapter of Son of Sparda saga
>Don't get to off Mundus for good
Fuck this shit.

No, he's a goof, trying hard to be emo.

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why not

Vergil seems to enjoy fighting just as much as Dante does. The problem is that Vergil also thinks that the quality of his life is tied to power and if he doesn't have enough, it will be taken away from him and if Dante is stronger and keeps standing in his way, then it will one day be Dante taking his happiness away. That's where the fight autism comes from.

>1 day away
Wait, what? I thought it was more like 18 hours

let's get rolling

Actually the reviewer IGN used for this review is a DMChad and is also based

One more work day to get through then I'm off for a 3 days DMC weekend.

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No man, it releases midnight EST for america and midnight GMT for europe/asia. So if you are in an Asian country, then yes. You'll be playing it about 18 or so hours from now.

Paying homage to a literal child molester, with new accusations popping up. Hope this game fails


does anyone else kind of like this theme? not as much as vergil 2/3 or even 1 but it sounds a little like Let's Just See. they fucked up by having no sick choir part tho

So how did the game end? I heard dante and vergil are just trapped in hell and that's it?

Does Son of Sparda mode change the enemies you fight in 5 or is it just bigger healthbars and doing more damage?

I love it but it's not grand enough for a semi-final boss theme, Nero's Devil Trigger remix is much better for that

They fucked up by not having the shredding heavy guitars from both Vergil 2 and Let's Just See, his best themes

Shitposters looking for something to latch onto.

They're there, but they can almost certainly get out whenever the feel like it.

let's roll

Yes, but the Yamato has the power to open portals whenever it wants to escape. Nero doesn't know this of course. So the two idiots can leave whenever they want, but they are sticking in Hell because it lets them have the most fun with fighting each other and any demons that pop up. They'll be back for the next game, which will probably involve Mundus.

It puts enemies from all over the game at the start apparently and also adds more in some places, so it's effectively like a whole other game. Not even the other DMCs did that if I recall correctly and DMD may also add devil triggers for enemies but I don't even know if there's enough info on it

Yep; final mission is another Vergil final boss

somewhat disappointed especially since I know Sibling Rivalry isn't in the game :/

>"I can still fight!"
>Sheaths sword
>"My son means nothing to me!"
>"Here, hold on to this, I want it when I come back"
Jesus christ what the fuck is Vergil's problem? Why do I still like him despite him being responcible for killing millions of innocent people with his bullshit in this game and 3? Why does Dante get all angry then suddenly not care about that? Nero doesn't seem to care either. Litterally ass pullint, well arm pulling his devil trigger because he doesn't want daddy and uncy to kill each other in their domestic despute and finally, why are they so fucking giddy being in hell, fuckers can barely stop chessing and despite his words Vergil actually sounds happy in the ending scene even with that DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT!

>no rain
>no vergil 1 remix
i love the game but this is forever kino

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I saw what appeared to be screens of everyone back in the office alive. Doing another trapped in hell nonsense after ten years of that shit seems stupid, return to status quo with setup for sequel is far more likely

>no naoto

Is Sanity the price to pay... FOR POWER!?

Vergil doesn't like talking about his feelings.


DMC3 changed some encounters on hard, but not the majority. VH and DMD changed the majority of encounters, such as having hell vanguards in a lot more areas and some areas that had one already now have two. Increasing difficulty also gave enemies more moves. In SoS and DMD, enemies apparently gain a lot of anti air attacks, where before they couldn't do shit to you if you were high enough.

With the deluxe edition music can you swap battle themes for each character?


>DANTE... (DANTE... (DANTE...)

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It'll happen when Dante's kid takes over the franchise user
Japanese people are autistic like that

Because Dante is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY about killing demons and is always having a good time if it means he gets to fight.
Vergil is the exact same way. He's having the time of his life, but would never admit it. He's loving this shit. V is the case in point - V is Vergil, for all intents and purposes, and Vergil retains all aspects and memories of V when they merge. And V has tons of taunts and boss banter as we've seen. Vergil just got to have some more fun when he was V because he didn't have to hide behind his stone-cold demeanor.

They're in hell, but not trapped. Just brotherly bonding.

Can we have a fucking demo on PC now?

Yes you can. I only bought it to change Dante's theme and I thought Nero's Alt-Colors looked fucking cool.


One of these days I'll get my waifu.

roll tresasesrd

Why would they? Game fucking comes out in 24 hours plus the demo isnt all that long.

truly ultimate

Anyone but DoA is fine with me.

I hope Patty and Lucia move on, dante's cool and all but he'd make for a shit boyfriend

LITERAL autism. He can't express feelings or affection like a normal fucking human being and instead of being a cocky slacker goofball like dante he decided that being a wet blanket was his best option.

I 1000% guarantee Nero's mother was the one who came onto him and he was too busy spilling his spaghetti and embarrassingly stuttering about power to stop her from deflowering him

>Why would they put out a demo for potential customers to test the game before buying it

I always liked Vergil, but I'd like to say that V has indirectly made me love him so much more. V is Vergil. That means that everything V does, Vergil also would do, if he wasn't putting up his motivation facade.
That means Vergil loved to read poetry, was into classical music, and has just as much boss banter as Dante. Now that he's "embraced" that side of him with Urizen and V merging, I really want to see him be playable with a revamped personality akin to V - since V is him.

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>My sincerest apologies, brother.

I wish we could have Vergil shit talking a boss in game.



Why does it sound so good?

dumb question, but if i preorder 5 on greenman gaming will i get the preorder bonuses

lets a go


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Supposedly V is more like what Vergil was like before their mother was murdered. The book V carries was his favorite book when he was little. When he splits himself apart from V, he recites one of the poems.

>no tao
rollon for 50 i guess

Vergil is just scared to be hurt again and when he can't hold onto his facade anymore, things come crashing down hard. It's why he spent a night of sex with a stranger in Fortuna. Dante never really cared about the fight, but he knew that Vergil did and he's just kind of indulging him because it's the only way they know how to spend time together. Nero doesn't know what to feel about everything, it all hit him to fast and Dante dropping the bomb on him that Vergil is his father really messed him up. Kryie's words though made him realize that in his heart he had already made the right decision and so he's just following through with it. He wants a family, like what he had with Credo before things went south. He's a reflection of Vergil. Just like with him, Nero lost his family to a demon attack, except for his brother and sister. While he butts heads with Credo a lot, he still cares for him and Credo thinks highly of Nero. Nero doesn't want another Credo to happen. He won't just sit there and let two people he cares about kill each other, even over his personal feelings of Vergil ripping his arm off. So he'll beat the shit out of him and make him understand his feelings.

> V kick his collective ass
> Think he can takes on Dante


I saw that cutscene. Was really cool.
Man, I like V. His voice and design is great. I wanna see him return, but I don't see how that'd work now that he's restored into Vergil.


Honestly I've seen the demo turning away new players for the most part cause it does a piss poor job of explaining how to play the game without going through menu's. Plus new players can'e even beat Goliath on when the Demo is running on fucking easy, its a turn off for most normies.

Give me chocolate.


Honestly this chart sucks ass and has way too many ATLUS girls on it.

I like how game churros can't bring themselves to give any Japanese game a 10.

>mfw my friend got a digital copy instead of the based physical edition
who here /physical/?

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It was Arkham and Urizen that did that though.

>"If I beat Nero that means I beat you,right?"
>Whatever, I don't care, fuck that punch hurt, I'm just gonna catch a few z's while you and your son stab each other for a little bit.

This whole family has autism poor Nero still has Credo's death hanging over him, at first I wondered why then I remember he got shanked by the old man for trying to save Kyrie and Nero.

Still how convenient that a phone was nearby for Nero to call his girlfriend so she can one line resolve him

>most people are saying its even better than DMC3.
So this is brain damage...


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The only review that matters is Susie's.

I am insane and got both a physical and digital.


>Still how convenient that a phone was nearby for Nero to call his girlfriend so she can one line resolve him
They were on a tree floating in space. I feel like Nero just had that conversation in his head.

From a gameplay standpoint DMC4 was also better than DMC3. It's just that DMC3 was the most memorable cause you had a boss that was actively growing in power along with the player through out the game.

Urizen is vergil dude y and vergil helped arkham do that he never would have been able to accomplish that without vergil.

I'm surprised Lady is actually messed up over splattering his brains on that tower she looked like she regretted what she did.

There are two endings. The 'what if' when you beat any of the Urizen encounters where you would normally lose. Which has everyone back at the office and the words "Happily ever after". Then the real ending, which is Vergil and Dante in hell, while Nero returns home. Lady and Trish are at Dante's office, thinking that if he doesn't return, they might as well make the place theirs, but Morrison was given the deed by Dante, which means he owns it and he's going to put them to work if they want to live there.

So I won't be able to play this game for a long as time. Can anyone explain who and what exactly V is?


>real life ranking systems listed as a negative
Reviewers really hate seeing how bad they are, don't they?

>That means Vergil loved to read poetry, was into classical music
Vergil was always chuuni as fuck, this was expected.

Can't shit on you for that, based Itsuno supporter.

Maybe Air Rave is just a normal air combo with Dante's sword now

Sure, the raising of the tower part. This would have happened regardless of Vergil's involvement, but Vergil was still complacent in it's happening. So he's partially responsible.

All Vergil's fault. The reason that V knows what Urizen's plan was, is that he has all of Vergil's memories. So he came up with the Qliopth seed and growing a fruit to gain power ever since he was killed back in DMC1 and reformed in hell. He was carrying a seed when he crawled out of Fortuna's hell gate, then waited 5 years to steal Yamato from Nero, seperated himself and then planted the thing. Regretting it as V, doesn't absolve Vergil of his crimes.

I've been a huge fan of DMC for well over a decade now and was able to get a copy early cause Im friends with a manager at my local Gamestop.


>Urizen is vergil dude y and vergil helped arkham do that he never would have been able to accomplish that without vergil.
Urizen isn't Vergil himself, he's a distinct being that's a manifestation of Vergil's devil side and his obsession with power. What he did can't really be attributed to Vergil, especially since Vergil didn't continue on with what he was doing. In 3 raising the tower was Arkham's idea and Vergil wasn't interested in all his weird evil philosophy shit.

V is Vergil's humanity split from his lust for power.

Zombie Vergil was so sick of losing to Dante and being a little bitch to Mundus for almost 2 decades that he decided to purge his human half with Yamato and become a monster aka Urizen.

At the end of the game, Urizen and V merge back into Vergil but Vergil retains V's memories or personality deep inside so he's good now.

mythra pls

Remind me why Dante even has guns? They're useless in every game except for scissor-like enemies

>It really was about the Sword, not the demon

Cavaliere/Trish getting ordered by Malphas wasn't what I was expecting, but pretty cool. I wonder why Malphas was so keen on seeing Vergil rule. You would think they would back Mundus, since he still controls half of hell.

ayy lmao

Vergil and Dante are finally at peace with each other and it made me cry bros.
Is it okay to cry?

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>So he came up with the Qliopth seed and growing a fruit to gain power ever since he was killed back in DMC1 and reformed in hell. He was carrying a seed when he crawled out of Fortuna's hell gate, then waited 5 years to steal Yamato from Nero, seperated himself and then planted the thing
All of that is speculation. In actuality he couldn't have known what Urizen would do anymore than he could have known what V would do. Like V says his main motivation before splitting was just to beat Dante and his weakened body made that impossible, but Urizen was almost totally uninterested in Dante and only wanted to become demon king and rule over the realms.

devils never cry

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Gimme jill

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Wait, so that's the sequence of events Vergil followed? What a fucking psycho, the image of him taking advantage of the Fortuna incident just to reinstate his autism quest is unbelievable

Devil may cry a little

>i prefer ninja theory's take


it did have some top tier environmental design though

I want to suck her cock

Shotgun and grenadegun in 1 were really powerful
Every gun was stupid broken in 2
Kalina Ann was pretty fuckin good in 3

Really made me think

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>You would think they would back Mundus, since he still controls half of hell.
I think it's strongly implied that Mundus was backing Urizen. On top of his #2 Malphas being there, Urizen also had access to Angelo technology and a whole army of them. I don't know why Mundus would do it, but clearly he was involved somehow.

Vergil split himself before he grew the tree

So who ends up being the final boss if Vergil is a good boy again ?

Yea Forums is nothing but reviews and being mad for years now




Yeah, exactly. And V says his motivation before splitting was just to beat Dante. Urizen didn't care about Dante and did the demon king thing on his own.

Vergil. They fight just because it's mandatory. In fact it's even more nonsensical than DmC's retarded Vergil fight out of the blue, and Yea Forums defends it because one is a Japanese game.


>I'm surprised Lady is actually messed up over splattering his brains on that tower she looked like she regretted what she did.

Even in DMC3, she was laughing like a mad man and then started to cry, saying she was surprised. She thought that she was dead inside to the idea of killing her father, but it clearly messed her up something bad. She was fine by the time Dante came back, but she's obviously been surpressing it and using the excuse of killing all demons to keep it off her mind. Her opening up to Nero about it just shows how seriously she thinks it is and I fucking love that. It really makes Lady stand out, even if she didn't get a chance to show off combat wise.

Figures I'd get the most bottom tier garbage trash fire waifu.

Fuck my life.

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Vergil. Nero and Dante has to beat him into being a good boy first. Only then does he give up being a power autist and decide to help them stop hell.

MH was ruined. All the new monsters suck dick and the take on armor and weapon design is very dull. The QoL is great though, but there wasn't much there worth experiencing.


shit negro hit me up

9.5 is a perfect score for DMCV. It gets that rating instead of a 10/10 because it didn't have a Vergil 4 remix of his boss theme. That's the biggest mistake of this game.

I'm probably gonna get trash

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