Tons of games I want to play

>Tons of games I want to play
>have no will to play them

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>want to play games
>no will(read:want) to play games

See someone about your depression.

Or if you aren't depressed, stop complaining that you're so oversaturated in entertainment that it's become boring to you. That's beyond first world problems.

>nothing is interesting because I have already played the best games out so far

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>I have already played the best games out so far
Which ones, user? Maybe you just need som recommendations.
If you aren't open to recommendations, then you simply do not want to play video games.

Maybe you just don't like video games user

is this ghost in the shell 1st film?

just spent almost 194 hours on this game
it's because finishing games will always give me this melancholy feeling like saying goodbye to a friend you'll never see again

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Get a job. Having less time helps. Though I went a few years with a renewed game mania while I was a NEET and 5 years later it still hasn't stopped, I just don't have nearly as much time for them.

>working on my backlog
>it keeps getting bigger
>i've only beaten like 10 games so far in 2019
Not gonna make it.

I think a lot of people enjoy more the idea of playing games, thinking that they want to play a game than actually play it.


I understand that but the last time I felt that was mass effect 3 when I replayed the whole series two years ago.

Yeah I know that feel. I'm and I've been trying to get back to a state where I don't have too many new games to play for years so I feel less like I'm wasting time when I reply games I particularly enjoy and so I can catch up on other stuff.

>10 games
we're only three months in tho
that's nearly a game a week

>assuming I don't have one
Yea I'm going through that but I just keep dropping games after a few hours or 30 because they just fucking suck. I uninstalled FFXV after having it installed for almost a year. I want to like games they just fucking suck so often.

>have a massive backlog of games
>want to get around to them at some point
>instead just play insurgency sandstorm or some other multiplayer game

>i've only beaten like 10 games so far in 2019
What? That's fantastic.

You're like that guy who shows up to a support group for addicts and says

>only 10 games
jesus christ thats fast, ive barely finished 3-4 games this year

Sounds like you're just picking really bad games then? I mean I pick up some bum games now and then too, Xenoblade 2 gave me the worst buyer's remorse I had in years, but my ratio of good to bad games played is pretty good.

where am I supposed to even find a dl for this AHHH nyaa doesnt have shit

I got it on nyaa

in English?


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Haha, I also watched the film 'Half Baked' starring Dave Chappelle.


I know Japanese you weeb, I'd prefer to read it in English cause its my native language. Fucking weebs

Guess it's different for me, I learned Japanese primarily to play games, so I usually play Japanese games in Japanese given the choice, with some exceptions.

no I never said it was in English

let me explain it to you
those torrents from before last year show 0 seeds only because they're from the old nyaa that got shut down
they got scraped and put on the new nyaas
plenty of them are like that but they're still alive.
one of those Games-tagged ones is the one I got my copy from

Which games specifically got you to bite the bullet?

>Spend $60 on a game
>Spend half a day downloading it
>Play it for 20 minutes
>Never touch it again
why do I do this to myself

to simplify it for you
those torrents from before 2018 will NOT show seeds even if they still have seeds so just open them in your torrent client.

Wasn't and games specifically, I was just tired of shitty localizations or no localizations. JRPGs were a big push for me. Naturally as soon as I started studying, many "Never ever!" games started getting localized, but it's fine, I prefer playing Japanese games in Japanese anyway because there's a lot of poor localizations, especially in older games, or there's just stuff that simply doesn't translate.

Wasn't any*

Because you're suffering from a depressive episode.

Do you feel something pulling you away? I can never get comfortable playing games because I feel like I should be doing something more productive, even when I have a very busy and productive day. It's weird to feel yourself slowly, unwillingly grow out of something.

Care to find out?

Ok, so which translated games did you see that were unsatisfactory to you, that caused you to learn a new language to see the true text?

Well, just to name a few: Most Final Fantasy games before VIII (and when I played IX in Nip I was surprised at how many scenes it had that were rewritten for no reason at all, though the overall localization is good), I was a Talesfag at the time and many of them lacked localizations, at the time I was really annoyed at things like sexual references/alcoholic references being removed from games (still not a fan of it) so I was probably influenced by that as well even if in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter if you know that that old man in the street in Viridian City was actually drunk off his ass, and probably some others I was forgetting. I hadn't gotten into Dragon Quest yet, I didn't until I could read Nip but I know that entire series would've spurred me to learn Japanese too.

At least you can buy them if you can
>be me
>be poor fag

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>listing a bunch of entry-level translation issues that a fucking wiki could tell you
You're full of shit, and you probably don't even know Japanese.

I go through the same thing and i don't know why.

>Bought tons of games in the last 2 months
>Lack the resolve to start playing them
>Even games like KH3 which i've been waiting for years
>Literally start the games yet i don't go pass the new game screen
>End up replaying some game i already finished instead of playing something new

I swear to god, i even got a hacked Switch which i filled with games i never played before like Octopath Traveler, Labyrinth of Refrain, Wargroove, on PS4 i got KH3, Prey, Nier Automata and on PC i recently got RE2 Remake and God Eater 3.

What do i end up doing? Beating Borderlands 2 for the 5th time or just replaying Diablo 3/PoE

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For you backlog-fags, I KNOW the feeling. The solution I found to not make me unbearably depressed by a hobby that is supposed to be enjoyable is to do the following:

Install /prepare everything at once; tell yourself that you’ll give each game fifteen minutes. Once it is over, you uninstall /store the game away. At some point you’ll either break the rule because something is fun; or wind up with no games left to play because none of them were fun.

I mostly stop buying bundles now because I can’t handle knowing there is thousands of hours of mediocre gameplay and story telling sitting in my library; and eventually you’ll get better at recognizing what you’ll really enjoy.

not him, but recommend some gaems pls

This was seven years ago, you nimrod. I've gotten into a bunch of other shit since then. And if just reading about TL issues was enough, I'd have never learned the language. I didn't want to have to rely on websites to tell me, there's a lot TL issues that no one ever talks about. Hell, there are idiots that still think FF VI's SNES translation was "fine" and Legends of Localization only recently tore it apart. Fortunately, I played it in Nip myself years before.




I have thought I was growing out of games many times - but it usually just takes something really sick to bring me back. My tastes are so refined now that only certain games can trigger the “give-a-shit” gland.

Games that triggered the gland in 2019:
>Resident Evil 2; since even that demo I KNEW I’d have to buy it. Gland went crazy; cross-fired with the nostalgia-nodlue. But when they came out with Ghost Survivors I suddenly absolutely cannot give a shit about that shit.
>Assassin’s Creed Odyssey; couldn’t give a shot beyond getting the ending. Once the story climaxed I didn’t give a shit about further content.
>Dark Souls 3; when my mate bought it, I started a new game to co-op with him. Mmm that shit is fine when you have a friend to show off weapons and secrets to.

>“Hit this wall.”
“Cool a secret.”
>”Now hit the other wall.”
“I would never have known...”
“How would you know this shit?”

I wish I was a kid again, just sit and enjoy games with almost no thought given to anything else.
I hate having a job, it is all just so tiring.
Being 30 really fucking sucks

>Hell, there are idiots that still think FF VI's SNES translation was "fine"
It was fine. We're talking about fucking 90s Nintendo allowing a fucking suicide in their games. What more did you want?

My two-year-old plays the first level of Sonic Mania over and over and yells at me because the level only scrolls right instead of left. She yells SEEEGAAA when it launches.

Damn man I was like 2 when sonic 2 was released

>tons of games i want to play
>only want to play TF2

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>only game I want to play is a stressful PVP game that requires my full attention for prolonged periods
>really don't want to deal with having to tryhard
>want to relax and play games while watching TV instead
I hope End State ends up being good. I would love a new tactical shooter to play.

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play games who's gameplay is rewarding, not games where you're trying to unlock a hit of dopamine when an item drops

because you're a faggot

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Yeah me too. Tell you what though, you ever worried someone is going to take your balls? Take em off. Or you’ll get your groin blown off while fucking a firework or something.

Well holey shit the releif when that “protect my balls” stress goes away. The child will go on, the lineage is preserved. The balls can go.

Reminder that the game and circus aspect of games has been utterly casualized and coroporatized. It's only a matter of time until young white men have absolutely nothing left in their life and they decide to revolt.

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>2 more weeks until Sekiro

bros i cant fucking wait that long

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>My Orange Box was stolen by a friend I got back in touch with.
>Usually don’t lend things I’m actively playing still but he really pleaded with me. We were adults.
>He fucks off with it and I never saw him or my Orange Box again.

I had at most one glorious week of playing TF2 in it’s highly populated, paid-players-only; fresh and vanilla state.

I refused to re-buy the game out of principle. By the time I got the free version on PC the game was fucked forever.

Not OP but I get the feeling, you look at all these games you want to play but you just can't bring yourself to do it.

>Lost interest in video games
>start playing the dark souls series
>actually enjoying video games again
Don't know why I put off the soul series for so long

Quit worrying about it.
Play the games you like to play, don't worry about the rest.

>tfw bought so many games in 2016-2018 alone
>tfw shitty combination of irl stress and bad gaming setup has discouraged me from playing vidya
Fucks sake if my life was in order I wouldn’t be bitching about my backlog

Which games, faggot?

too bad now nothing will compare

my life is in order and I think too much about my backlog. I am afraid I won't be able to play all the games, read all the books or watch all the anime I wanted before I die

These ones faggot, and let’s not get started with Steam

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Nigger, you're a stupid normalfag. You don't belong here.

I got these games years ago fucking kid. At one point the 360 was the better system games wise

Congratulations you’ve joined the ranks of souls-fags and you’ll have to compare everything to that series from now on. I basically consider it Zelda for grown-ups which is why it appeals to me so much.

Are you me?
>have tons of games bought on steam during sale
>only plays csgo

You're a normalfag. Just admit it.

I fucking wish man

Oh, so you're a failed normalfag. We don't want you here, though. Go enjoy your retarded fucking cow games on your Xbox elsewhere.

I know exactly how you feel. You've got to develop some self-discipline. Pick a game, use RNG if you really can't decide. Force yourself to play it. If you start feeling yourself wanting to quit, keep going. It will pass and you'll resume having fun. Decide that you are NOT going to play anything else until you've finished this one. Every time you finish a game, the decision to play the next one gets a little bit easier.

I’m more of a PlayStation/Nintendo/PC guy anyway. You could just stop trying to look cool

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you are making a thread and waiting for responses instead of playing it, that is one of your problems

Your ownership of products links into your very personality. Prove me wrong.

Wow, lots of those games are really high quality too. I see your issue. As said before, play the Souls-ones maybe.

Or do what I said even earlier and play each for fifteen minutes and then store the game away. Any you don’t want to STOP playing mean you are having fun.

But you’ll also have to learn to stop buying every good looking game and really consider a game that’ll interest you. I was madly interested in Far Cry 5; Nier Automata; Vermintide II - but I knew I was more impressed with the IDEA of the game; like how I have the IDEA to absorb all those thousand hours of JRPG that are mere seconds away from being my hands at any moment but I resist.

What games can you recommend to someone whose favorite games are MGS 2-3, SH 2-3, Souls series and SOTN.

You just played all the best games. Enjoy hating everything going forward.

Nah see that’s making it into a chore. Plus you’ll hit some indie trash or JRPG and be stuck on them for ages.

I prefer the give it 15 minutes trick. Tried and tested by carefree console normies sitting with shelves of games, buying shit on release and never playing beyond the opening because they don’t really like games. They say “I’m too busy” but that’s bull shit.

t. busy guy who plays games

I solved this problem by deleting games that I know that I am not enjoying and streamlining my library until the games that I like are the only ones there. This works if you didn't buy them

Kill yourself.

what is this gif?

>Games I recommend to anyone of good taste:
FTL: Faster Than Light
Into The Breach

>And for your list specifically:
Resident Evil 2

>Also here is a random one, because if you actually have the same taste as me you’ll be pleasantly surprised by a game from a less-common genre:
Legend of Grimrock 2

Absolutely ditto.

>Buy video games
>Buy books
>Buy movies
>Spend every day shitposting and going to work

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Can you imagine getting so mad over the internet that you need to start shit with someone based on a word. What is your problem, man?

I'm not angry. I'm just pointing out the fact that you are using the wrong terminology to fit in here. Don't get angry at me because you're too stupid to know that we say 'normalfag' instead of 'normie'.

That’s it. You don’t have a backlog if it’s all pirated shit. I don’t lose sleep that I never finished any of those Megaman Battle Network games even if I loved the series. Easy-come-easy-go. Why stress and force yourself to play some Humble Bundle shit that cost a dollar.

Oh okay.

The next time you try to fit into a community that isn't yours, I hope you will take my words into consideration.


hey OP, im in the same situation

thank god for lets plays, amirite?

What in the every living fuck is this, how in the holy hell does this have anything to do with someone playing Sonic 2.

What did I just read.

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unironically do the Marie Kondo method.
>get rid of games that don't spark joy
>keep the ones that make you happy and remind you why you loved games in the first place
>start playing games as soon as you purchase them and don't let them languish in a backlog after you purchase them

The next time I trigger a teenager I’ll be sure to kill myself, yes.

I have no way of knowing if you are one of the people I was recently agreeing and suggesting games to or if you are some rando that jumped into this thread from the catalog to start shit.

So... are you getting sad about video games or are you all good now? Do you want some recommendations?

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

so the fuck what

how about

deal with it?

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Oh sorry I totally didn’t segue those posts clearly. I also played Sonic 2 when I was 2; I made an assumption that you hadn’t had children yet.

The point is it feels good to have children because if some guy with a machete comes to collect your dick-sack you can say “Take em off, neighbor. They’ve done their job.”

Kill yourself.

Holy shit, that’s actually perfect.

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say that to my face bitch not online and see what happens


thats what I thought

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The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

if only I had this kind of confidence in real life

IRL i'd probably just slink away after the first sign of confrontation

Are they games you've already played?
>Games been out 6+ years
>Max gear/settled skin combinations
>Done most quantifiable quests/achievements
>Only really play anymore out of boredom and erping

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Wait has this been a Chinese poster the entire time trying to get back at burgers for those Tienamen Square posts? Did you ever think that maybe the people in this thread are not burgers either and don’t care about those things?

Holy crap I wish I could talk about VIDEO GAMES with people who play games.

By the way I think they solved the JFK nonsense which is really funny because not everyone really noticed and it made a whole bunch of media redundant. Like massive essays and books written about nonsense and then you go back and laugh.

Yes I know this feeling. Very sad. I feel tremendously guilty every time I play video games. Mainly because I have creative endeavours that I should be pursuing. It helps when I play a game to put an audiobook on. I listened to the Yale lecture series on John Milton while playing DIV: OS2 and I really enjoyed it.

>By the way I think they solved the JFK nonsense

Get a wagie job for a few months and get fired
Then that drive will come flooding right back

Just lately I had a trashy bogan woman try crossing the street while I was trying to leave the drive way of my work’s carpark. She didn’t see me right away / was distracted and tried crossing in front of my car instead of behind. I jerked the car forward only little and then put breaks on when I saw what she was doing and it gave her a fright. She instantly jumped into aggressive fight mode instead of flight and yelled something like “Dickhead, I’ll fucking smash your face!” and without hesitating I belted out the open window to her “Fuck off!” and we flipped eachother off as I drove away. Really fucked my afternoon up and it was basically nothing except minor confrontation.

>Hack 3ds
>Enjoy replaying older snes and gba games
>Also enjoy playing 3ds remakes of games
>Also enjoy games I randomly pirated and ended up loving
>Finally got around to playing xenoblade chronicles
>It's comfy as fuck
>Tons of other jrpgs like dragon quest, smt, devil survivor, Monster hunter, Persona Q, pokemon mystery dungeon, and other shit if I feel like it.

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Nice live action roleplaying, you fucking kike. You are actually going to be subjected to the inhumanities that your retarded low-IQ grandparents put in to place. You are actually going to ride a roller coaster into an oven now.

>Tons of games I want to play
>Buy them
>No time to play them

By nonsense I meant the second shooter. But maybe I got bamboozled.

Oswald took shots; but the mystery second shooter was revealed to be one of the body guards riding with them who had really poor trigger discipline. Basically squeezed his finger in fright once the first bullet went in. But I can’t seem to find any fucking evidence any more even though I thought it was case-closed last year or so.

Just started on GBA Harvest Moon; mmm baby.

exactly. even if you know youre 100% in the right (assuming you were), youll still get worked up and have to go through the rollercoaster right. might as well expedite the process by being submissive and slinking away. problem is that becomes a go-to strategy for life

Play at midnight and just be tired.

having a job actually reignited my passion for vidya
I feel like those few hours of free time you are given make any sort of activity incredibly more meaningful

it also helps to not spend all of your savings on shit that you already know from the get-go that you aren't going to play

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