This is just as bad as the "laughing" scene in Final Fantasy X

This is just as bad as the "laughing" scene in Final Fantasy X


>bro it sucks on purpose!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe Devil May Cry should have stayed in the 00's

It's bad because Capcom sold out to the kikes.

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>bait threads on Vergils face doesn't work anymore so tries to go for something else
>its LITERALLY nothing but a typical DMC cutscene
Where were you when shitposters ran out of shitposting material.

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>typical DMC cutscene

Maybe DMC just hasn't aged well?

>millenials forget how old the director is

You're the only one shitposting in this thread. Just because you ignore the fact the game is a pile of shit, doesn't change reality.

Are you sure you just haven't grown so cynical you can't enjoy anything fun anymore. Whats a game you actually genuinely enjoyed recently?

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>This is just as bad as the "laughing" scene in Final Fantasy X
That scene was pure kino though

>it sucks on purpose
it's GOOD on purpose

>Ignores the Shakespeare cutscene in 4
Its great fag

Sure thing Barry.

the laughing scence in ffx was never bad

>I'm not shitposting you are!
>The game is shit because I said so!
Imagine actually getting mad you can't shitpost one game.

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The laughing scene isnt bad

this was totally unexpected, and i fucking loved it

>insulting MJ
>acting like this is out of character
>acting like this is not par for the course of DMC

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man you can tell this was made in shitreal engine by how ugly everything is

You left out the bit where Nico is doing the same pose as him at the end.
>Dante did this in front of everyone

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>shitreal engine
What? Are you saying it's the unreal engine, because it's not.

reminds me of these scenes form DMC4:

>The amount of brainlet in this post

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>zoomers hating on smooth criminal
Sorry not everything is presented in Rick&Morty bran cycynicism and behind 7 layers of "irony"

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I will give you that the timing is inconvenient considering the current push to get Jackson banned from radio stations.

Fortunately it doesn't seem to have turned into a talking point yet or cut into the reviews any. You know some journo would have loved basking in the clickbait.

micheal jackson is bad now

How does it suck?
It’s not that different from the guitar scene or the rose scene or the intro to DMC3

I havent enjoyed a single game this gen

Nico is cute! CUTE

>tfw ywn ever be as chad as MJ was in his hayday

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It'd be weird if Dante DIDN'T act like a corny Ninja Turtle.

It's not even as "bad" as Nevan scene in 3, what are you on about?

Damn straight

>People are so up there ass that they can't understand/handle pure cheese
Sucks to be you I guess faggot

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anybody have this in wallpaper quality?

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You're implying that faggot OP even likes DMC
It's funny how many people don't know the context of that scene

>typical DMC cutscene
Typical DMC4 cutscene maybe.

>all this soul
how is capcom doing it?

>that shit animation when the hat goes on his head
holy shit did they run out of budget or something

Where did the spotlight come from?

This is no different than when he got the lucifer wing or whatever it was called in 4
Also, do you think fags are going to be triggered now that the MJ doco has been released?

>every shitpost thread barry makes turns into a genuine DMC5 thread
truly the most based fanbase on Yea Forums

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do you not remember the Nevan scene?


If this was any other series Yea Forums would call this cringe.

>Dante did this in front of everyone.
What a story to tell the Grandchildren.

DMC5 isn't one of the 10 greatest games ever made.

Attached: 10 Greatest Games Ever Made.jpg (1920x1920, 1.25M)

> SJWs want Michael Jackson banned
> DmC brainlets seething at DMC5 for honoring the King of Pop

Is this a false flag op by Tameem in concert with Channel 4 because he can't stand that his game will be lost to history now, his Shakespearan directorial debut?

I've been saying the same thing about nico, if she was in literally any other game everyone would be shitting on her nonstop, but because it's dmc she gets a pass

>one of the greatest games ever made
It's a good game but you can fuck right off.



What is the better dante, the slapstick dante or the cocky dante?

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>the laughing scene in FFX is bad
What's bad about it? Tidus forces a retard laugh to try and cheer everyone up. He laughs normally right after.

Im so happy that i have remained unspoiled by avoiding these threads

Barry come on

They have got to be joking about wanting to ban Jackson's music right? RIGHT?

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libshits want to ruin everything

>Complaining about MJ Dante when we had Shakespeare Dante in DMC4
user, what game franchise do you think this is?

I see no Vagrant Story here.

>implying anyone here gives a fuck about nu/v/'s opinions

How do we purge Liberals from the Earth Yea Forums?

Complain about them on anonymous image boards. Trust me Goy, it'll work.

>SJWs Want MJ banned
wait, what? why? he made Thriller...Thriller

I was kind of hoping DMC5 would have "that" moment.
especially when the rest of the writing is surprisingly good. I both like it and don't like it. I think the execution on the scene was just bad and so were dantes movements apart from the moonwalk.

>SJWs want to destroy good thing
nothing new.


Is there anything good in the world that Kikes & SJW Trannies haven't ruined yet?

>Hard rock
>Cringe compilation of faux-Shakespear and solo Tango

That user hasn't played DMC. He saw a pop culture reference and is going to use this as fuel to shitpost with. He's not buying DMC5 either.
No, the mods will not ban him. No, I cannot ban him.
But he deserves to be banned by someone.

Dante is the coolest dork

Proof that you don't need to look chadlike to get girls. Just look at the females cry over just looking at him.

Based Michael. Had a horrible life but stuck through it all.

I miss when Dante wasn't a 60 year old immature virgin.

how can I be like him, Yea Forumsros?

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>it sucks on purpose
It doesn't suck though.

Skipping this cutscene so hard. DMC1 Dante would never do this faggy shit.

Among other things, yes, he did.

MJ was good looking though

With re2 and dmcV being the best games this year so far how happy is Kamiya right now?

>Cringe edgy rock
>Shakespearean dialogue and classic Tango
Look I can do it too
The scene in DMC3,4,and 5 all fit Dantes demeanor and you're just looking for a contrarian excuse to have a problem with it

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I don't like her tattoos though. Facial scanning is still a mistake but her personality is pretty playful and charming.

Its a meme retards are pushing. How the fuck would you ban MJ? Think about it for two seconds.

Zoomer tards would.

based dogola

>Hating on MJ
Bet you weren't even born when Billie Jean came out.


*Itsuno Dante's demeanor
The real Dante was only in 1 and VJ

>jarpig shit

lmao manchild

He was a child molester


> Star Wars is dead
> Michael Jackson's Legacy is dead
> Powerpuff Girls is dead
> Harry Potter is dead & ruined
> Batman is dead
> Bugs Bunny is dead
> SpongeBob has been ruined
> WWE is ruined
What the fuck do we even have left my fellow Americhads?

Go back to Resetera tranny

No one says that the scene sucks on purpose. They say Tidus was laughing intentionally retarded to mock Yuna. You guys are fucking idiots.

3, 4, 5 says differently.

So is everyone in Hollywood


You know damn well no one on fucking v can appreciate the masterpiece that is vagrant story.

>push to get Jackson banned from radio stations.

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He wasn't. Just a weirdo and no documentary with contradictory information with sappy music will change it.

Do you consider Metal Gear Acid's Solid Snake to be the canon interpretation of him?

>harry potter

not sure but he's also dead. does his music molest children?

what was with the hat toss? it looks so terrible

Still not as faggy as Reubon Langdon's botched persona

No but this is DMC. What if DMC1 and VJ Dante is fake and this is the real Dante?

So? some people say that cucumbers taste better pickled

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No, also he was the only person in Hollywood that WASN'T molesting children which is why the kikes framed him for it. Ever notice how nobody ever talks about Kevin Spacey or all of the horrible things Hillary Clinton has gotten away with anymore but still tries desperately to frame MJ 24/7?

He didn't toss it. The hat floated on his head itself. It's sentient. It's why it looks unnatural because it's impossible in the real world for it to look like that.

Obvious bait
Why would a victim out themselves now on a TV show after the culprit is long dead? Cause they're talking shit and want money

everything about this is kino except the starting hat toss.

>Ever notice how nobody ever talks about Kevin Spacey
That's cause they already have. It's no secret.

Considering Kamiya created Dante, and Kamiya directed Viewtiful Joe and DMC1, those are the canon interpretations. Kojima didn't direct MGA, so those aren't canon either.

i grew up with DMC. i still find if funny

This, none of these fake scandals & propaganda would exist if MJ simply sold the Beatles music catalog back to Sony when he had the chance. That's literally why all of this shit happened in the first place

>all of the horrible things Hillary Clinton has gotten away
Like what?

3,4 and 5 aren't spin offs like acid. Shit comparison

Only one good game on this list and it's OOT

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Wait what's wrong with the laughing scene in FFX?

its magic you retard

It's not a toss, the hat did that on its own

the hat is alive, if you see he just opens his hand instead of throwing


Fucking go back to 4eddit right now faggot, not even kidding

They're not directed by the creator, either. Use Survive then.

Retards think he is laughing that way due to bad VA because they never played it

It's alive, hence why it has eyes
There's a demon inside of it

>dude every game needs to be super serious and being dramatic
>how will games ever be considered art if they do stupid shit for laughs ever

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Allegedly. Plus 1 child as sacrifice per hit from the legend himself doesn't seem like that bad of deal.

I don't think he tosses it, look at his hand.

>Capcom owns DMC so everything they publish as Dante is the real Dante
I can do it too.


>Ever notice how nobody ever talks about Kevin Spacey
people knew and they're just all scumbags who don't say shit

There's Micheal Jackson accusations starting up again, so a lot of these cunts are learning who he is.

1. I'm not american 2. I don't really follow american politics 3. I'm not defending her, I'm honestly curious

Yeah, because he'd say totally not dumb or cringy shit amirte?


Everything that doesn't belong to Asians is by default American

I don't give a shit what he did, Thriller is a top tier song and my dead brother fucking adored it.

I unironically thought this was a fan-made SFM/blender animation
I love it

That explains a lot.

how can one man's taste be so shit none of his top ten games are even decent.

You can see this is Barry because he mentioned FF, the only franchise he ever played in his life.

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The transition between the hat jumping on his head and the dance is jarring. It's like there's a scene missing.

DMC1 Dante isn't "Dante".
his character has been solidified as a wacky demon hunter since DMC3. This is apparent since they go with this idea even further in DMC4, MvC3, and other crossover games.

After all the plastic surgery? No

Dante and Nico were made for each other. Dante could lose his virginity with her.

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>"dmc1 dante wasn't a cringy faggot"
>posts proof he was
>"W-Well he wasn't as bad..."
I swear you faggots are mixing up dmc2 Dante with 1 considering how much you seem to view his as this totally serious guy.

of course

He only had Plastic Surgery twice, the change in his face afterwards was because he stopped eating due to him being afraid that the kikes would poison his food


I love these scenes. I like that DMC4 portrayed Dante as a goofy jokester, even if it was a bit too much for some people.

people are still thinking of him as how he was when he was good looking
here's a thing about famous people, they are more of a perception than a person.

and either way, he might not look like a Chad, but he's still a world famous performing and musician. that's chad as fuck

if you think you can be a chad withotu being good looking, more power to you. but you still need to live like a chad


The hat is sentient


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You don't think maybe he was taking shit more seriously because it was dealing with the fag who killed his mom and was his dad's enemy, and not when he was a literal teen who didn't give a fuck about anything or 40 year old who wasn't that fazed about facing something like the Savior?

>DMC1 Dante is a corny 80s action hero.
>DMC3 Dante is an immature party animal.
>DMC4&5 Dante are immature manchildren.
Know the difference.

It is now.

Attached: 10 Greates Games Ever Made.png (960x960, 1.77M)

Yes? I've already read the thread. That's not what I was talking about.

nice bias here

those kids had a better life after being diddled by michael than they would had been whitout it


flanderization is a fact of life, especially for a series that never intended for its story to be taken to seriously

also explain how this is a deal breaker?

The demon of Michael fucking Jackson ? does the demon like MJ ? Does he just really like thriller ?

Why is this so funny ?.. Why can't people realize that the hat vibrates itself magically onto his head ?

the fuck

My liiiiife
Will never be the sameeeeeee
Cos girl you came and changed
The way i walk
The way i talk
I cannooooot explainnnnn

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>the first incarnation of a character isn't the original

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Didn't one of them get cured of some terminal disease as a result of allegedly getting sucked off my MJ?

>flanderization is a fact of life
It really isn't. Itsuno just had a poor grasp of the character and turned him into a cringe compilation.

>also explain how this is a deal breaker?
I'm just pointing out the difference and why people wouldn't like nu-Dante versus the original portrayal.

How do I live like a Chad bros?

Didn't he mention"them" in an interview?

It's not, it's just gay. Really, really gay.

You sound like a fun person to hang around user. Are all dmc1 fags this mad about the latter games not having Dante be as serious as he use to be?

its the original, but perceptions of characters change, and people prefer a different interpretation of characters that might not be the original and that's okay
being the first isn't inherently a good thing.

example, what's your favorite Batman?

you suck dick on purpose lmao

No no no they are all the same dante, dmc3 dante is a boozing gambling teen who loves pizza and doesn't give a shit about anything that doesn't immediately give him a rise.

He matures over the events of dmc3 and gets the M O T O V A T I O N to kill mundus after his bro dies and so is a bit more serious and bitter. This is afterall the jackpot he's been looking for. Dante kills his brother AGAIN and finishes his blood feud.

So no dante gets kinda bored, racks up a pizza debt takes on oddjobs a low point being a baby sitting gig and gets introspective. He still doesn't know alot about his father who he's rejected so he goes around asking grannys and meets other demon hunters giving them pointers. But he's really bored, really really bored and can't be bothered to do more than shoot at everything.

In his journey to reconnect with his dead family he follows up on a cult worshiping his dad when he realizes to his amusement that his dead old brother had a son. He figures he should take a back seat and do the mentor thing again popping in again to have fun with his leftovers. After that he kinda let the kid handle most of the business as he settles into his boomer years.

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>his character has been solidified as le wacky demon hunter
So Dante confirmed to be reddit-tier.

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Same as Star Wars fans are pissed about what Rian Johnson did to Luke, and with good reason. It's the same situation.

This was made by Japan, it's actually a famitsu list, although FF3 refers to FF6.

>Op can't bust moves like this so he decides to be a fag
How pathetic

Attached: Dancing Dante (Devil May Cry 5).webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

what do you like


What's gayer: this or Soldier 76?

>You sound like a fun person to hang around user
You sound like an angry manchild over a flanderized poorly-written video game character in a series know to have poor writing.

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Guys kamiya would NEVER make such a goofy idiot like Itsuno's Dante! He's so much better
Just ignore Bayonetta please

>although FF3 refers to FF6.
christ fuck off, i'm tired of you faggots thinking this is a good bit of trivia to point out whenever the topic is on the table

>Japanese humor
DMCV is so shit it hurts, fucking embarassing

Ah, my bad, also yeah, I kinda see that. Like there's a camera transition or something missing so it looks a little jank.
I wonder what it looks like in live action.

DMC3 has aged like fine wine.


It is miles away from being anywhere near as bad as what Rian did to Luke you melodramatic faggot.


How is american humor better? Shit's just as retarded, not to mention that the scene is cool even if it isn't funny

Why do you have a reflective monitor?

Why is this animated so poorly? They couldn't find someone to fucking mocap MJ? Really?

because adam sandler and SNL are so topical bro it's good because its mainstream.

dumb humor is only allowed when its "subversive"

It's unironically worse

There is nothing in DMC1 that isnt "Dante"
It just so happen that most enemies dont speak in DMC1, so he is mostly quiet.
Still, in DMC1:
>Flock off feather face
>Stabbed through the chest twice
>Wacky airplane escape

>calling anyone else a angry manchild
>spent the entire thread being butthurt Dante doesn't act exactly the same as he does in dmc1
Lmao sure user.

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he ran right right into it

Where's my Anarchy in the UW and Psycho Siren rips?

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Dante is way better in every apperance after 2 though
Id say itsuno had a grasp on how to make the character better if anything

All I did was point out the difference. You're the one started projecting and bitching like a woman.

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>MJ's slick dance moves
Pick one betaboy you'll never get Stacy wet with such moves as "The Sprinkler".

If you honestly think that then you are retarded. Itsuno made Dante act more goofy as a literal teen and a dumb boomer who knew he could handle the fags in fortuna, Rian completely destroyed Luke as a character.

MJ died ten years ago before anyone could even hope to mocap him, and no one can quite dance like MJ could. Besides, it being a pale, dorky imitation is pretty much right up Dante's alley.

Then why are all of his guest appearances (Project X Zone, Monster Hunter, God of War, Dragon's Dogma online) based on the first Dante?

I liked the laugh

Game looks cheesy and fun. Do I need to play the previous entries

Imagine being such a brainlet that you can't see kino when it's staring you right in the face

Yes, especially 2.

because every Dante design is cool and alastor looks rad
Id argue MvC(was) bigger than all those and he had his 3 appearance in those

In Nocturne he's pretty goofy

Pretty sure it’s just their way of saying “FUCK YOU” to Tameme

Would you be ok with Solid Snake or Sub-Zero dabbing, painting pictures of train tunnels on rock walls, or doing the Macarena in a canon appearance?

>making dante dance like a pedo child molester
big yikes
but I expect Yea Forums will like this since this is a pedo board

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Based and redorbed

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kys furfag

MJ hated jews of course (((SJW))) would go after him, they did it even when he was alive with the supposed pedo charges.

See >"The only REAL Dante..."
>"F-Fuck Reubens Dante!"
>"T-Totally not mad though you guys, just point out the difference!"
Yeah, here's your (You). It's the last one you'll get from me.

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DMCucks have been eating shit for 11 years, this is nothing new to them.

Pretty much every Dante besides DmC is fair game, seeing as DMC2 Dante was in SMT3. There's plenty of fans of 1, 3 and 4, but some people really love 2's design and just hate the wasted characterization.

solid snake no, big boss on the other hand yes

He basically did this in front of Vergil

It's the quality of the animation, not the imitation. People don't dance like robots.


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Dante is a half demon who hunts demons
Dante had a brother named Vergil who he fought
Vergil died(?) and had a son(?)
Dante now continues to fight demons

thats all you need to know, have fun

although its not like the previous games are bad
1 is dated but still good
2 is bad
3 and 4 are good

you're not hurting yourself by playing most of these games honestly

literal retard

Are people complaining the DMC series is cheesy?

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The hat dance is pretty gay but if you danced like that in real life you would get mad pussy. Is there maybe something weebs can take away from this? Could this be a turning point?

Calm down kid.

Dante does none of those things or anywhere near that over the top save the Shakespeare scene, and in that case he's simply playing along with Agnus who started it, now you are completely exaggerating now.

Why do most modern dance moves devolve either flippy shit or grade-school tier repeats like flossing? What happened to the intricate and high SOUL dance moves of MJ and James Brown?

Honestly I can see the human mocap in this one, but I think instead of actually doing the whole dance they just did a different mocap animation per every couple of shots, which is why it's kind of stiff due to the actual actor not transitioning properly from move to move.

Not him but why are you pretending like dmc1 Dante was some well written character to begin with?

What's the game on the bottom left?

>me when I see a janny do his work

MJ dances were the flossing of that generation.

DMC1 is the best DMC because Dante isnt a faggot... but theres still some cringey shit in there like the whole "you filled my dark soul with LIIIIGGGHHHTTTT" or whatever.

cheese is part of the charm

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Yeah maybe that's it.

He's literally given a cowboy hat and starts dancing like Michael Jackson. Nevermind MJ never had a cowboy hat, it's completely out of character and serves no purpose. It's retarded. Imagine if, when Link gets the Master Sword, he starts planking.

Yes, either because they're zoomers who never played it or boomers mad about Dante being CUR-RAY-ZEE pizza man since 3.

thank the reactionary community that youtube thrives on
everything that's not great is immediately terrible until a few months later and we call it "underrated"
and only things that are universally praised will be praised upon release until a month later we say "was it really that good"

fuck youtube essayists, fuck people thinking people roasting a game counts as an "objective" review, and fuck niggers

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>some fags spam some DMC copypasta edit based on the janny song
>now Dante literally dances like MJ in the game
DMC5 is meme magic coming to life.
All these years of meme chanting, wishful thinking and hypeposting paid up.

How does dancing like MJ being a faggot? Dante can't dance now?

DMC1 Dante had the right balance between serious and wacky. 3Dante is wacky but that's because he was younger and more arrogant. He slowly becomes more mature which explains why he isn't all that wacky in 1. This is reflected in gameplay as well. 3Dante can do all sorts of crazy bullshit but most of those moves don't feel powerful and he's weaker overall despite his versatality. 1Dante is simple but more efficient and optimal. He has no time for wacky bullshit and his playstyle shows that.

This user is close IMO. DMC1 Dante was cool. OP's Dante isn't.

>Think you can beat me? Not in a million years
>Save that until you win, if you can
AHAHAHAHAHA they actually did it. How will DmC niggers ever recover? DMC is truly back Yea Forumsros.

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>i never played the previous games
I know you just want to shitpost, but at least put some effort in it.


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>in a series know to have poor writing.
Then it shouldn't matter how he's written at all in that case.

not silly shit in my metal gear solid game.....

god... not the guy who believes in santa claus and has to be told eating mushrooms doesn't recharge your batteries... whose sidekick makes burgers...

not solid snake, the guy who pointed to his bandana as a Canon indicator of infinite ammo....

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This is corny, not cheesy. DMC1 is authentic, but bad, which makes it corny. DMC3+ is satire and/or purposely made to be bad, which makes it inauthentic, meaning it's cheesy.

Counterargument. DMC1 Dante was a bore while DMC3-5 Dante is cool and entertaining.

Funny since you have shit taste yourself

Okay you know what? No. Fuck you. Take your Jewish lies and get the fuck out of here.

>Imagine if, when Link gets the Master Sword, he starts planking.
I wouldn't care since I don't play shitty nintendo games.
>Serves no purpose
What purpose does Dante calling Griffon Feather Face and telling him to Flock off serve? Nothing except Dante enjoys having fun.

Oh wait I've played 3 before when I was young. Don't remember the story but I do know there was kino team up near the end

But DmC niggers like DMC5 because how similar it looks and play

See here: Know the difference.

How is it satire? Is the game saying Dante isn't cool when everything points to him being cool enough that he doesn't care what other people think about him?

>DMC3+ is satire and/or purposely made to be bad
What in DMC can possibly make you believe that it's satire?

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I think you just have a different opinion of what's cool.

Seth Macfarlane called out a lot of people

Which: Zelda or DMC? I'll happily prove you wrong on either
Well, every accepted hypothesis needs its rejected null

i mean Corey Feldman, who was basically a communal toilet for all the kiddy diddlers in Hollywood said he Never touched him or molested him.

Hi (((user))), but we don't like your kind around here. So take an Air Hike

DMC5 doesn't play like DmC. Just looking at the control scheme is enough to tell you they're different. DMC5 also doesn't have the combo offset of DmC.

No because dancing isn't cool.

The mission was boring anyways that's why he fucked around so much

then no one is wrong then.

Why are people claiming this game is bad, exactly?
The gameplay looks fantastic, the story looks campy and fun
Nico is cute
What gives?
This is literally >>/OurGame/

I like DMC. DmC and DmC2 here can fuck off.

When did that happen?


Solid Snake, Ryu Hayabusa, John Marston, Master Chief, Doomguy, Gray Fox. Those guys are my idea of cool.

Are you saying he didn't?

because barry and tortanic

this is why stacy never wanted to fuck you


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how dare you make me smile

>dante doing stupid shit when he gets a new weapon is out of character
t. never played the games

Then why are we all still arguing about this? I like dmc1 Dante and while I think 4 was a little over the top at times I was fine with it, and I enjoyed 3 Dante.

t. cucked on prom

>thank the reactionary community that the internet thrives on

Let's not pretend it's just YT that does that.
This place is even faster and harder

Its already happened once.

I still laugh at the baiting faggots to this day.

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Most people are arguing over the thematics of the game and not the gameplay. DMC5 fanboys get triggered by this and resort to shitposting non-stop because there can't possibly be any flaws, because it would diminish their shitposting over other action games for the passed decade.

>John Marston
Why do you have a literal cuck in your list? Arthur was better but he would have been top tier if they didn't make him just go along with whatever Dutch was planning all the time.

Reminds me of old PS2 Japanese game humor

Fucking based

This mashup is now relevant

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>DMC3+ is satire and/or purposely made to be bad
You ever think people might like stuff like that user?
the opening scene in Dantes office is cool and doing sick surfing moves on Lady's rocket after cerberus is rad
I dont give a shit if you think its poor taste or whatever, I like the crow, kill bill, hellsing ultimate tons of cheesy action movies like predator and Aliens and my entire playlist of music is rock and metal

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Looks similar enough, even the Vergil fight is a reminiscent of DmC final boss battle. Also ugly chick, its clear that Itsuno takes some aspect of DmC and put it in his game

>Most people are arguing over the thematics of the game
What's wrong? Does it somehow shit on the legacy of the franchise? Do it make the characters into something they're not?


t. subhuman

Attached: chinks are inherently worthless.jpg (271x400, 21K)

I was falseflagging as the other user brainlets.

Arthur was quite literally raised to blindly follow Dutch, my dude

Imagine being so mad you make a thread to shitpost and samefag in

What's wrong with 5?

The game is being a huge success on all fronts.

Tortanicfags are just copping and desperately looking for any scraps to say that the game flopped somehow.

Alleged, never went before trial

>Nico is cute

Attached: JayLv2.gif (379x457, 1.56M)

Did they actually pay to have an MJ song there or not?
Doesn't the Jackson estate also sue people for doing his dances or am I thinking of some other group of black people?

And DmC vergil was just a shitty "reminiscent" of DMC3 vergil, what's your point?

DMChads are:
>Chads IRL
>Gives good diet suggestions
>Loves fun
>Loves to dance

The virgin DmC/Shitposters:
>can't dance
>has mutliple health issues from consumption of dewritos

The contrast between Nico and Trish is great. Dante must have done it way too many times in front of Trish to get this kind of response.

Excellent rebuttal. Fucking flawless.

lmao i was just about do this

Wait they do? Why? Because he was a pedo? That secret's been out for a long fucking time. I thought we all quietly agreed to forget about it after he died.

We've discussed gameplay though. Enemy Step and Snatch are shown to be overpowered in lower difficulties. Gravity has a slow buildup and Red Queen air combos have shown to stop land cancelling for some reason. Not being able to switch between lock on targets while moving is still a problem.

Basically what you are seeing in this thread is two different philosophies as to what makes a character "cool": the Kamiya way and the Itsuno way.
The Kamiya way (DMC1 Dante, Bayonetta, etc...) involves the character acting cool and stylish in a way that makes them look good. They do ridiculous things and everyone either accepts it outright or at least doesn't comment on it. This makes their cool almost feel like an accepted reality of the world.
The Itsuno way takes the Kamiya way and subverts it in a sense: the character tries to do something cool or wacky but right at the end they get completely sandbagged. Rather than being accepted or ignored the characters and sometimes reality itself seems to like to point out just how dumb everything is. For example, look at everyone's favorite "THIS PARTY'S GETTING CRAZY" bit in Mission 1. Everyone remembers that line but immediately after saying it Dante's jukebox wont play till he wacks it. Or when he throws his coat on and then immediately sneezes and his building collapses. Or when he finally gets DT and then gets eaten by Leviathan. Or when he rides Lady's bike and then it falls apart completely. The list goes on. The same thing is observed here with the MJ Faust hat bit: Dante starts acting ridiculous and right after this scene plays you see Trish and Nico looking at him. Nico goes along with it because she's an autistic fangirl but Trish is looking at him like he's retarded.

tl;dr Kamiya characters are cool and everyone treats them as cool. Itsuno characters are characters that are trying to act cool but are actually in-universe treated as being really lame.


They're not similar at all
t. someone who just beat the Vergil DLC in DmC last night

You're thinking of Prince

People don't like meth head characters, buttwubrock, and bad UI I guess.

Only brainlets who don't read books and aren't aware of what actually good stories are like enjoy jrpgs. The gameplay is boring dogshit and the stories are just as bad.


This is good.

>Not being able to switch between lock on targets while moving
You cant just click the stick like previous games?

Yeah, MJ sucked the cancer out of him

Put them side by side. DmC has a higher color contrast in Limbo while a grey texture in the real world. DMC5 has muted colors but it's not grey. They don't look similar at all. The only difference I would make it increase the color saturation on the playable character's clothes.

The Stacy Nico
The roastie Thrash

Dante himself is no more or less genuine between games, it's just that the rest of the universe doesn't go along with it all of the time.

Dunno if this was posted before but, there is a webm or video to show when Dante told Nero about Vergil been his father?

Sure but he clearly viewed Hosea as more of a father figure and says in his Journal he outright cares about him more, and that he was the one who thought him to be a man. Arthur's cool but he just feels very passive a lot of the time.

>Things I don't agree with are libshits
you realize wanting to strip the radio of the music from an alleged gay pedo is an extremely conservative stance right?

It reminded them of DmC
>Nero looks like Donte (denied all you want)
>Ugly girls

T. mong

Hence, shitty

Not since 4. You have to stop moving to do it. It's my first complaint after they release the feedback survey.

>Ugly girls

>Chads IRL
>Gives good diet suggestions
Where are you getting this from? do you remember any of those tips?

Is this the first time somebody's actually supported/encouraged Dante's bullshit?

It was a different time

I like both.

Magic Mike 3 looking good

I'll be honest, I was one of those that thought it was Donte at first until I saw the Blue Rose.
And yeah, most of the girls are not that cute
Mocap didn't do them any favors.
The only one who did turn out great is Dante
Nico is cute enough I guess, but still not that great. Trish is a crack whore. Lady is whatever

For those that don't know, this is the Faust hat. It's alive and it's possessing him, kinda. Dante can use it to summon soul orb meteors. That's why the hat animation looks odd at the start here. The hat is jumping out of his hand onto his head.

So we're gonna start a thread right before the game releases tomorrow and show off our pizzas, right Yea Forums?

>DmC Vergil = Shitty version of DMC3 vergil
That's my point user, and Itsuno use that version in DMC5

It doesn't suck on purpose, its fun as hell and you don't know what that word means you sad little manlet.

From a couple of threads ago. 3 anons started giving out diet tips and 1 user was too chad someone on the Capcom event gave him an entry for the upcoming DMC event

How many people are going to put their boots up in their photos?

What? He barely gets sandbagged. Punching the jukebox and it playing was cool. Did Dante get sandbagged when he got the Devil Arms? No. He plays Nevan. No sandbag. He uses Agni and Rudra. They call him impressive. Thinking about it there are barely comments about Dante's antics. He just goes with the flow if something goes wrong when he's showing off.

Show me trophies. I don't think you played it.

Where is the hate for this game coming from? It literally has no direct competitors coming out anytime soon. Is it just being a contrarian for the sake of it?

I hope the vergin mobile gets a cameo.

Attached: file.png (1244x643, 265K)

It's Dante. His mother is tired of his ass.

It’s pretty on character for Dante and the best part is that Agnus’s daughter gave him the hat and then tried to the same pose

He took the doppleganger, that's about it.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Pretty much this. See where Nico is the only one into it because she's literally a fangirl of his who was spilling her spaghetti a few minutes ago since it was their first meeting. Trish looks unimpressed as fuck and I can imagine Lady, V and Nero acting the same off screen and thinking Dante is a dumbass.

>thinking the DmC vergil fight is good

Part contrarian and part not liking the direction the series is going into. There are legitimate criticism and people just accepting the changes is causing some pushback. Don't really care about it much but DMC5 has some gameplay and dialogue issues I want "fixed".


Doves this mean we can have some new suda51 weird games again

Wouldn't Sekiro be since both are action games out this month? Plus soulsfags can be pretty fucking bad.

There's a spammer who said he would post threads to try to get Yea Forums to hate it via manipulation tactics, there's a screencap out there and I'm surprised everyone has forgotten about him. It's the same people who spam Yea Forums with blacked and they have a discord groupchat.

no way

Attached: move_aside_vorgilmobil.jpg (1812x964, 320K)

why are you actively so fucking stupid? Do you bask in the stupidity of yourself or are you actually embarassed of it afterwards?

>Destroyed luke as a character
>EU luke turned to the dark side and caused millions of people to die through stupidity and negligence.

Because it vastly different aesthetically from previous DMC and only have major similarity with DmC.

How the fuck can anyone not love Nico? She's got so much charm and personality and a fine piece of ass. She's brilliant.

Why are you so desperate at pushing DMC5 to be similar to DmC when its not?

Some people hate the realistic artstyle, some people are complaining about muh inertia and muh slower than 4 and some people are just shitposters.

Wasn't that guy demake-kun for resident evil 2? I don't recall him saying anything about dmc.


The problem with this is that Nico had never been exposed to Dante. Lady, Trish and Nero are all exposed and used to it. Seeing somebody do a flip 100 times that it's bound to get old. He's still cool but Dante's randomness has sorta become predictable.

>thinking the DmC vergil fight is good

>Whats a game you actually genuinely enjoyed recently?
Dead Rising. As for recently released games Kingdom Hearts 3 and Travis Strikes Again.

>The Liberals want to keep him on the air! The man is a PEDOPHILE!

>The Liberals want to take him off the air! Who cares if the man was a pedophile!

Identity politics are the stupidest shit ever actually. Everybody just assumes that their opinions automatically align with their political standpoint.

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Yeah I think so? He got so butthurt/autistic that he said his next target would be DMCV and he would get everyone on Yea Forums to hate it.
t. lurker

You are grouping the legit criticism with a bunch of shitposter, which is more infuriating because DMC fanbase are acting like KH and Nintendo fans where their corporate product can't do no wrong. Even now peoples say Nico looks cute, she looks whitetrash crackwhore

I hope she stutters a bit more now and then, since it's mentioned in the novel she does that when excited.

Look at the two games and compare the color contrast and look. The only similiarity is that DMC5 is using a facial scanning that it's making the abomination of the dirty DmC models look similar.

once the game comes out and people start snapping pictures of it on 4k resolution, there will be

because it is?

Super Scared Sissy!

but it isn't any other series
we want stylish action and hammy, dorky cutscenes from our DMC
and it's exactly what we're getting

>if you don't like X about the game then you're a fan of DmC
That's a pretty disingenuous argument, bro. That shit should be left in wojak threads. And while those posters are coming in these threads, you shouldn't sink to their level.

Thats what I'm saying, everyone else is use to it and just going to be thinking "oh great Dantes gonna act like a fucking idiot for the next few minutes" while Nico not only just meet him, but is also a massive fangirl of his.

If people get excited or anticipate a game people feel more compelled to shitpost it. This is what happens when you're a massive contrarian and don't like people having fun.

No, you're just a retarded shitposter

They are, just different in intensity. Vorgil judgement cut, Summoned Sword, Helm Breaker and Rapid Slash less and slower than 3 Vergil even when he has DT and Doppelganger on

>thinking the DmC vergil fight is good

shut the fuck up faggot

>There are literal videos and streams of the whole game already out there.
>He still tries to shitpost with DmC
At this point you're actually just coping and lying to yourself.

>Please...PLEASE hate DMC guys! I work hard all day long to make threads over and over to tell you about how the game you like is bad. Are you convinced yet? Has my attempts at manipulation worked yet?

No you fucking chode. I pre-ordered two copies of DMC5. One for myself and one for a friend. Pretty stoked to play it. Also, FFXV was a dismal failure.

I have no dog in this fight. All I'm saying now is that there is someone out there autistic enough to make threads like these 24 hours a day.

>This is literally >>/OurGame/
Shitty DLC, microtransactions in a full priced single player game, Subhuman, ugly characters, etc. I'm not really happy with how a lot of DMC5 turned out, but even DMC1 had Dante imitating Austin Powers so him imitating Michael Jackson now isn't out of place and not really a good criticism.

"Our _____" is cringe though

maybe your just a faggot user


MJ was never a pedophile

>People don't dance like robots
So nobody is going to tell him?

You are right, it wasnt a piece of shit at all

>Look at the two games and compare the color contrast and look.
It looks the same

or maybe you just a shill user

Attached: 1551684288060.jpg (1153x866, 218K)

>Dipshits try to start another anti-game thread

>It becomes an anti-barry/organized shitposter, or even just a thread for the game in question

Every time.

>Anonymous 03/06/19(Wed)23:03:07 No.453
Your just a shitposter from nu Yea Forums one of those sad pathetic fucks cucked by life that can't stand people having fun and now that DMC5 is coming out and its being big your jumping on this bandwagon to be a contranian because your a piece of shit whose life is just a waste of your parents sperm.

or ur a faggot


Attached: d.png (1280x720, 579K)


Good job fellow Cap.. I mean random anonymous poster, BUY our game.. I mean DMC5. Don't forget all the upcoming DLC and Special Edition

>Didn't he mention"them" in an interview?
Literally a whole song about them.

sick post newfag

>ITT bitter virgins can't grasp the concept of fun and camp
stay mad

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If my criticism triggered you so much then maybe you should lay off the internet for a while, or check your shill employees handbook on how to deflect criticism.

Oh boy, you got me there. Tomorrow night, I'll be enjoying a video game. You'll still be shitposting here, and FFXV's DLC will remain cancelled.

TWEWY is one of the best games of all times, tho.

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>Anonymous 03/06/19(Wed)23:03:07 No.453
Your just a shitposter from nu Yea Forums one of those sad pathetic fucks cucked by life that can't stand people having fun and now that DMC5 is coming out and its being big your jumping on this bandwagon to be a contranian because your a piece of shit whose life is just a waste of your parents sperm.

or ur a faggot

It's always this same idiot that talks about his criticism of DMC. Always with the mention of criticism. Saying that the game looks like DmC is a criticism I guess. Saying that some of the scenes are too corny is valid as well. The fans still don't agree with you. They probably wont.

>get home
>bunch of shitposting threads with 1-5 replies
lmao holy shit hes still trying since yesterday

If only having some books was the only thing they were trying to accuse him of.

Well I will wait and pirate the game and judge it by its own merits

Nico looks cute for a whitetrash skank in my opinion. Trish looks a little weird but whatever. Some animations are a little stiff, and the whole twist is not impressive enough. What other criticisimisms are there?

i remember slappin in MJ when i was in 2nd grade and my brother was fucking embarrassed
well look where we are now bro. fuck you

One more day and then we can blow loads for eternity, praise capcom, and then hope to god we get a DMC6 with Dante's daughter or DMC0 with Sparda.

We will NEVER run out of material, faggot.

Right on. I hope you enjoy it.

*dodges your pizza*

You guys know MJ was a pedo, right?

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>Nico looks cute
Stop reading right there

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The issue isn't how corny it is, it's how fucking LAZY it is.

Attached: Devil May have no soul.jpg (1931x2522, 1.04M)

Prove it.

Leaving Neverland.

>Doesn't even show off what the weapon does cause it's too busy being a le epic reference


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either provide some hard proof or fuck off hes still the king in my eyes

he sounds based

There was never proof of it. And even if he was, what does it matter?

why would a 50 years old dude invite underages childrens to a slumber party?

Okay I'll rephrase that then.

>Trish looks a little weird but whatever. Some animations are a little stiff, and the whole twist is not impressive enough. What other criticisimisms are there? for a whitetrash skank in my opinion Nico looks cute

Neither did Hillary, guess she's great too now.


How fucking pathetic are you, jesus christ

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Wait what the fuck? They blackwashed a guy?

well guys... we're shit out of luck
we can't beat this argument

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>cropping her masterwork tits
I hope you get dick cancer.

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user that was a pretty gay comeback

Jackson was a rabid antisemite and a pedophile.

People are so use to being battered by game companies that they now make a complex that everything new is going to be shit.

Luke had three movies of buildup
Dante had 1 game being edgey boy and even then it was because he was leftovers from RE.
At this point, wacky Dante is in more games than serious Dante. Luke was changed for one movie

Hello Schlomo


Literally /our/ guy.

Now this is a valid criticism. I thought it was a nice comic relief moment, but at the same time, it was just a short little "stageplay moment" like from 4 and it didn't showcase the weapon like all the others. I was hoping for a Dr. Faust boss too.

Nero flipped the bird first. I don't even know what the Nico/feminist chick thing is supposed to insinuate.

>Ninja theory invented short hair

Never mind that Donte cobs Nero's grab function. The two Vergils look nothing alike (If that's even what's being insisted here, and lastly we have two background shits with some neon. Whoa...same game. The only one I will give you is Morrison's palette swap. That's kind of silly.

Whatever (((you))) say.


If you were the original poster in this chain, you did more than point it out

The use of facial scan that cause uncanny valley effect, photorealism aesthetic which clashed with the anime style, the most obvious one is Vergil that looks like a cosplay.

>still shitting on FFX laughing scene

you wouldn't understand acting if it hit you in the face

DMC1 Dante isn't really edgy, he's more like RE4 Leon, standard 80s action protagonists with badly translated and voice acted one liners

>Defending everything a piece of media does to "own" the people who don't like something
This is how franchises die, this is how the industry as a whole got so bad, console wars pushing things like paid online because xbox people were eager to defend it, or loot boxes because TF2fags were eager to defend it.

These fucking fanboy wars don't do anything to actually help the games or the industry, the dance scene is well done but in the end it's a lazy call back to pop culture and we should be pushing for developers to at the very least hold up to the standard previous games in a series had. I mean hell can anyone even tell what the hat does based off that? Every other weapon introduction actually showed Dante using and getting a feel for the weapon. This is just lazy pandering.

When Dante and Nero are spouting literal reddit memes in DMC6 it'll be too late to go back and you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.

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That's some proof I can get behind

He didn't with Nevan if you think about it.

I wasn't. I posted and , and the post you responded to.

He's unironically based. Get fucked, Schlomo

Considering you actually play the guitar for some of Nevan's moveset, he technically did.

I agree with your points definitely, but I don't think the uncanny valley effect is 100% there. I also dislike the faces of nero and dante in dmc4 and can play it fine though.

I cringe a lot with some of the taunts as well. Are you saying these things make the game irredeemable though? I'm not sure cause I wasn't following the post chain.

Well we are in 2019 and there are still people that don't understand how to use Nevan and Lucifer
When they show Dante's summoned swords there are anons that says it's just Lucifer


Remember when DMC had nice character designs, no politics AND good gameplay?
I member.

whatever fag

>anons ignored it because it was the truth

Yes user, I remember that DmC was shit too.

It absolutely should have. It was cringe back then, and it's just sad now.

what's it like to have autism?

>linking to your own post
How much of a pathetic attentionwhore are you?

It's literally nothing though.

Because he got jewed even now after his death he is getting jewed.

you'll have to face the truth one day

>Are you saying these things make the game irredeemable though
I don't like the direction they are going with DMC. They might get the wrong impression that this is what the fans want. It might not be the end for DMC but it could be a start of something bad, e.g: Monster Hunter

seeliterally retarded

Have a pity (You)

>Getting offended by a dance cutscene
>bringing up a reddit false equivalence to fear monger
If you actually unironically believe anything you typed I truly feel sorry for you

unironically kill yourself

Attached: 1535314352409.png (400x434, 90K)

What? I don't think you know what that word means.
>Implying it's a stretch that they'll include reddit memes when DMC5 itself literally has grafetti on the wall with "WE WANT MEMES"
DMC 3 is a lot of fun

Attached: simply epic bang bang xd pull le trigger meme.jpg (2048x1536, 515K)

you have to be incredibly awkward and out of place in society to think this is anything but embarrassing

Attached: 1549575991694.png (512x512, 634K)


Hopefulyl not but if its gameplay is as good as dmc4 and I don't find something way worse than this, then I personally am satisfied playing it. After all they at least didn't make DmC2.

to be fair memes are very important for popularity these days, it's just that like when some normalfag, a celebrity or a journalist says the word it sounds fucking lame because they're probably out of touch. doesn't change the fact that whatever meme you use is still a meme by definition even if you find them fun.

the games not even out. you cant prove any of what you just said. come on man smarten up

Literally how does a dance scene even make you think about any of the shit you just typed? How does any of that correlate to 'this will lead to the downfall of the series' not anything to do with gameplay but a cutscene of a dance routine. Lets not even bring up DMC4s Shakespeare cutscene or the nevan scene , how are you so retarded and autistic you came to that conclusion in your original post is beyond fucking me.

He did though, he played the guitar, did a power slide and used the scythe. You're a fucking idiot.

Hey, faggot. King of Pop had style at the time

it is. and its funny. dante is dorky and embarassing because he thinks he looks cool
have you played dmc?


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>Campy and cheesy shit is embarrassing in society
>When shit like comic book movies makes billions of Dollars

Attached: 1527393008827.gif (200x200, 1001K)

>The Janny song

Kill yourself.



Do you have any idea how much pussy you could get if you could dance like that? That moonwalk alone would make jaws drop.

It's the same one from the Angelo Agnus cut scenes in 4.

Are you saying it wasn't silly when it came out?

I think so.

>It was cringe back then
You weren't even born yet though. How do you know?

None of the other DMC games are nearly this shit

>3 anons
More than 3. I'm one of them

People like this reddit shit?

they literally were on the same level, what are you talking about