Even Capcom knows how badly they got fucked up by Con Man Inafune.
Even Capcom knows how badly they got fucked up by Con Man Inafune.
The energy in that video really feels like Matt has him at gunpoint while sporting an erection tougher than titanium
>Capcom is good now guise, really!
Making a DMC game doesn’t make you good.
Everything else you’ve put out is a port or mediocre at worst.
Sorry, meant to say mediocre at best and garbage at worst.
RE2 was the best I've played in a long time faggot. Prove me wrong
>mediocre at WORST
That's a pretty good goal for video game companies. Have you seen the state of video games?
If Capcom comes out with an HD port of Resident Evil Outbreak File 1 + 2 combined for the PS4, I'll forgive them for every wrong doing they've ever done, and financially suck their dick.
Capcom has been on a roll. Eat shit, faggot.
They still managed to put out some incredible games near the end of this gen.
This makes me so happy :D
My sons will grow up playing Capcom like I did decades before.
>CRAPCOM is back
No is not
Gimme Mega Man Legends 3 ffs
ok mr soi
When I think of Capcom this decade there's a big blank space between Dragons Dogma and RE7, SFV could have break the cycle but it was terrible, I think it's not right to judge by what could be their lowest point in history but I still can't quite trust that their next games will be good, let's hope they keep it up in the next decade.
Ono is a problem in the fighting game division yeah.
A guy like Itsuno could put the fighting games back on the map. Ono is a sound engineer and does not have the credentials to be producer/director, and should accept his limitations as such and pass the baton to somebody else.
Cringe. Your image says it all. You only want the game for the sake of pedo porn
Legends 3 will happen eventually, give it time.
As one user said Earlier today, capcom may be doing the next SF game on RE Engine, but using all of the Street Fighter 2, Victory and Animated Movie artwork
Which fits with the RE Engine shenanigans unlike IV and V, since they can facescan the Original character Arts
Don't like these kinds of messages. I feel like games are a better measure and I think they've been kinda making some good but also making some bad decisions. They made DMC5 too lenient. Enemy Step was overpowered before but increasing the hitbox is outright broken. Nero's amount of swearing has increased that it feels influenced by Donte. RE2make removed the zapping system which was something OG RE2 did to try to improve the genre. The RE Engine's focus on photorealism when it can't handle facial capture and mocapping well. MM11 is too much a safe classic game with just Megaman.
Spotted the tranny.
they already did
see DR4
Yeah, maybe in 10 years
Literally what did he mean by this?
Like what’s the context here, was it part of an interview or something?
>saying anything bad about Capcom on the Capcom board
What were you thinking?
I kind of expect it after they finally announce the next X game
This kind of thinking gets you a Tetsuya Nomura situation where he had a few successes that played to his strengths, and then Squeenix thought there was no better idea than to put him in charge of every single project at the same time.
This is Nintendo's board more than Capcom's board. Yea Forums will be sucking Capcom's dick more if their games look more anime than photorealistic.
Animated movie Chunners> Animated movie promo album > Victory >>> OVA >>>>> Alpha >>> Cartoon
Unless Capcom manages to work some magic with the RE Engine, It wouldn't fit. I don't like scanning people instead of making your own models. I mean look at Vergil and compare him to DMC3's CG render. MK11 is already facing backlash from facial scanning.
hurry up and save 2D Zelda next you bastards
>Everything else you’ve put out is a port or mediocre at worst.
Sounds to me like you're just upset you only own a Switch and nothing else.
Capcom knows that they can't facescan real life faces into Street fighter, But they are EAGER to use it on the artwork, mostly the SSF2T Art and the Animated movie since its more consistent than the SF3 ones that became a norm with the recent titles.
I hope so. I despise facial scanning real people. They feel soulless sometimes.