This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
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This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
How?its not meant to be a souls game.Go be a retard somewhere else.
yeah, honestly
why the fuck dont they let me overlevel everything and summon people to carry me through content?
im literally shaking atm just thinking about playing this game solo
im a hardcore fucking gamer how could from do this to me
Let from have some fun making something a bit different for a change. I'm sure they'll get back to Zombies In A Castle XVII soon enough.
I'm gay btw not sure if that matters
FROM should be focusing on Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2, not this casual shit
Sekiro is casualized tho
Infinite stamina spamfest, parry replaced by timed blocking, instant Assassin's Creed style stealth kills, and combat basically just boils down to dodging your enemies unblockables (which are telegraphed by a massive glowing red symbol above the enemies head, ala Arkham) while you max out their posture bar for a free insta-kill. Also, you literally are just given extra lives. You can easily escape combat to heal by just zipping away using the grappling hook, and there was no real reason to actually fight most enemies as far as I could see, since the shinobi arm is only really useful against a few gimmick enemies and you can collect the Ninjutsu talismans out of combat so the enemies don't really matter anyway.
Look at this ridiculous glowing QTE bullshit. Dodge if you see the giant red symbol, parry otherwise. Such nonsense
user, I am glad you know all of this stuff about a game you haven't played. you should apply for a oracle position at some job or something, because everyone who has gameplay experience contradicts everything you say.
but you go you!
I played it's demo at gamescon retard
From has always been mediocre
Is this the Sekiro's free out of spoilers Thread?
I'm actually scared of the internet and litterally shaking right know
This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
and i played the demo at fromsoftware's offices last week, retard.
>FROM should be focusing on Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2, not this casual shit
They should give it a bit of a break so going to anor londo again and fighting some undead knights again feels a bit fresh.
what a sad, mad man-child you are user
come the fuck on don't respond to every single one of these garbage threads
good for you faggot
you still can't refute anything I said fanboy
it's what people want
nobody wants this casualized weebshit
it's great for us tenchu fans
sekiro internet defense force out in number I see
I remember when Yea Forums wasn't full of paid shills
no point refuting anything you said, anyone who was even watched any video on sekiro or touched it knows most of the post is bullshit lol
sorry you're so angry
This game will be their wakeup call it doesn't have half the hype of any Souls release
Yo bro shut the fuck up bro. The fucks your prob? Explain your position atleast you virgin bitch. Jesus christ bro.
How’s the level design when you can literally zip around and hop over walls? This is the thing I’m most worried about. Seems like you have too much mobility and can fly through stages
>What people want
People are already grumbling about DS3 being a rehash collection.
day of the tetsubishi soon, brother
Dark souls fans should be slaughtered
>literally on steam global top sellers top 10 3 weeks away from release
Is the game even out yet you ginomous mangina?
Dark Souls is casual bro.
Reddit Souls fans continue to prove they are cancer.
>autists unironically this mad that souls is done
i can't believe i share a board with such pathetic 'people'
And literally the #1 Wishlisted game on Steam.
Good, fuck Soulsfags. By far the shittiest fanbase on the planet of any medium.
Repost from previous thread:
His armor is so good he doesn't even take damage.
you're probably that kid who watched too much naruto in school and ran around with his hands behind his back because he thought it looked cool
god I wish ninja weebs would just fucking die, they're literally the worst kind of weeb
it lets you get away from fights really easily
all the enemies in the gamescom demo could be escaped from in seconds then go back for an easy stealth kill
admittedly I haven't tried the newest demo, I saw no point since the game was so shit, but the demo at gamescom was awful
still, if naruto-fags want to waste their parents money, I guess I can't stop them. I hope sekiro crashes and burns tho so From can get back to making games that are actually good
Are dark souls asskissers the new meleefags? It's sure starting to look like it.
>das3 pvp youtubers getting their army to shitpost about sekiro
if i saw you irl i'd put you in the hospital kid learn to measure your words
people like you ruined from soft
i remember when they used to make real video games
>make fun of your assmad
so... so predictable, user-kun. mendokusai!
Man, Souls community sure are a bunch of toxic shits, not supporting their latest games.
and in a few minutes, I'll no longer be mad but you'll still be a retarded weeb
there is no demo to try you shitspouting turbonigger
Melee, Kh, DMC, FF, Undertale, Sonic... all bearing the brunt of autistic fan bases. But none compare to the autism that comes with Dark Souls fans
you've been making this thread for weeks KEK
so fucking mad
good fuck people who like rehash souls
>I'm gonna threaten you on the internet!!11
based middle schooler
>you're probably that kid who watched too much naruto in school and ran around with his hands behind his back because he thought it looked cool
Nice projection bro, sounds like you m, honestly bro. God bro, you might actually wanna go to the doc and get an autism test, I think you'll ace it. Good luck bro.
These posts are mostly bait / false flags. The only Souls fans I know who are not interested in Sekiro are ones that are solely PvPfags and they still think it looks good for a single player game.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I NEED MY SHITTY CLUNKY LAGGY ASS GARBAGE PVP ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so sekirofags are literally r*dditors, huh?
not surprising
Do actual soulsfags really hate Sekiro?
y tho?
These false flag threads are starting to jump the shark
Please take more pride in your shitposting, OP-kun
Just stop, you autistic faggot. Nobody has been betrayed. Nobody cares that you wanted DS4 or Bloodbourne 2. Nobody agrees with you. Nobody even likes you.
Let these fucks do something else for once, for christ's sake.
>ala Arkham
Stopped reading there. All I needed to hear. I was gonna wait but this is now a guaranteed Day 1 buy.
says the guy who is LITERALLY r*ddit spacing. Keeek kekeekekeekekekkek KEKEEKEEEK
>threaten others on anonymous board
I think you should go to bed now
>let your favorite devs shoot themselves in the foot and inevitably go bankrupt because they're too autistic to just continue to make good games
as if the nerd gamer who plays half-assed RPGs is better than a naruto fan
This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
>No character creator
Why? It's not like the personal narrative of the MC is the main draw of these games.
it doesnt have epic gamer 360noscope pvp backstab pwnage
You keep resorting to le redditor, it'd be cool if your argument had any other substance
based falseflagger faking a post just to try to win an argument
>This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
For fuck sake
Stop trying to compare it to something it's not. Is this the new meme now? Every new From game is gonna be hated cause MUH DORK SOULS
Bro your posts are onions as fuck reddit tier rage. Get a grip bro. Faggot fuck.
it's not a souls game
There are zoomers who think that every FromSoft game needs to be a Dark Souls clone, but these threads are just bait.
cause it's not a souls game
Can you refute his points?
it has to be dark souls
fromsoft only makes adrk souls games
You aren't that important.
>I'll take things that will never happen in a million years for $100, alex
It's pretty sad when you have to resort to this shit, and I'm not even OP. Learn to cope, user
lookit this dood
cool down brah sorry its not ds4
It's like bloodbord. Yes, it's dark souls, but with ninjas
You are going to have a fucking mental breakdown when Fromsoftware decides to make a large scale Armored Core game.
>keep resorting to
I posted it once
getting a bit too defensive there, aren't you?
you're probably the falseflagging fag, aren't you?
apparently the entire dark souls fanbase isn't that important to From either
Ashen > shart souls
oh im spooked
i am spooked as spooked can be
Is the antiSekirofag Barry or Michael?
>keep resorting to
Learn to read or have a grade school level of reading comprehension
>Assassin's Creed style stealth kills
>when From made Tenchu, which predates Assassin's Creed by almost a decade
Jfc you're one dumb faggot. everything in this post is either applicable to tenchu or a souls game.
>Soulsfags can understand action games
every thread
At least that's a series with an actual fanbase
Sekiro will crash, burn and cost From millions
they'll probably be bought out by EA in the next three to five years after this disaster
by all means, keep replying to the obvious falseflag
What's the deal with this turboautist? Game clearly has more depth than any souls game, relative to its single player experience.
>tutorial area is easy
Like every other Souls game? Kek.
Your screeching is a betrayal to the dark souls fan base.
i died 4 times to a jump in the ds2 tutorial
i can hear it, i can heeeeeear it in your words
the actual fanbase seems to be very excited for this game. you're the only retarded little faggot that seems to have a problem.
Can't. Fuck me I fucked it all up.
i am part of the fanbase and i'm not happy
nobody wants a single player game
they have zero replay value
I can boot up any Dark Souls game and replay it with some friends, have a great time fucking around in anor londo or drangleic
I can't do that in shitero
the falseflagging faggot is also a furfag
again, not surprising
>FROM should be focusing on Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2
Why do autist want to rehash the same game over and over? Let me guess, you also buy all of the Pokemon games too
>it's not a souls game
How? I've watched all the recent gameplay vids that just got released and it looks exactly like souls shit. It's as much Souls as Bloodborne was.
It's not a souls game in the same way Bloodborne isn't technically a souls game. Watching any gameplay you can clearly see that's it's a souls game with a bit more mobility.
like I said, 99.999% of the fanbase besides you seems interested.
not a single person on this earth cares about your opinion. may i suggest suicide?
>still cares about Dark Souls
Oh no why they can't make the same broken half game over and over.
>Implying From makes anything but weebshit
But they do make the BEST weebshit
my opinion is more valid than yours because i'm smarter
>everyone is a falseflagging faggot
Learn to accept that companies move on from a product, especially when the lead director and developer admits he doesn't want to make souls games anymore.
>would have been above dmc if it was dark souls 4 or even a bloodborne pc port
>proud of sharing space with gta v
>nobody wants a single player game
Wrong faggot. Nobody wants to play with multiplayer fuckwits like you
>coop scrub
Git gud faggot
>zoomers can't deal with games that have no multiplayers
the fact that it has zero design traits in common with a souls game. swinging a sword around doesn't make you a soul game. this is a straight action hack and slash with stealth elements. it's pretty much exactly like tenchu with some twists to the combat.
>Wanting Bloodborne 2
Why would you want perfection to be tainted by a potentially shitty follow up? I don't want to get Dark Souls 2'd. The shitposting would be even worse if Bloodborne 2 happened, the threads wouldn't be comfy anymore.
my opinion is more valid than yours cause I suck less dick.
infinite stamina, stealth kills, timed blocking
it's souls but casualized
please read the thread before you comment stupid shit
>he continues to resort to falseflagging
except that and are actual, genuine falseflags
it's honestly kind of pathetic
I said the game has no REPLAY value
of course I can beat it single player, but then what?
you go through NG+ once and suddenly you're out of content
the true value of the game, its staying power, is playing with other people, be it co-op or pvp
bloodborne literally uses the same mechanics found in dark souls, it only modifies the dodging and removes shields
>stealth kills
already existed since DeS
>timed blocking
parrying has existed since DeS
It's like you refuse to see rationale. Keep crying, maybe when you let out all that frustration you can learn to cope or keep acting like a whiny child, faggot
That's my point. Sekiro will be the same.
Some shit are locked at NG+ you mong, also different endings were confirmed.
fuck you ive played all the souls games multiple times each, enjoyed them every time, and did it COMPETENTLY OFFLINE
coop is a garbage mechanic for all these games
How is it a betrayal?
It's not even a Dark Soul's title.
Are you trying to imply that FROM making any non souls title is a betrayal? They can't make new ips? Or can they only make new ips like Bloodbourne that are just souls clones?
the hell are you on about, no they didn't
backstab isn't a stealth kill, and parrying is much more than timed blocking
>you go through NG+ once and suddenly you're out of content
based faggot can't even read
>death mechanic completely changed
>combat considerably sped up and deadlier
>items all naturally combo into the sword's moveset
>no armor
>grappling hook lets you hook onto enemies as well as environment
>can swim
>no attributes
>no character creation
>no multiplayer
yeah, it's totally the same game.
yeah, cause stamina is so limited in dark souls
Now you know how Armored Core fans felt
Loving the Soulsfag tears.
>multiple endings
Dumb ass
bloodborne isn't a souls clone
>no multiplayer
more limited than literally just having an infinite amount faggot
nobody plays armored core anymore user
>backstab isn't a stealth kill
>when you can literally walk up to any enemy in the game, unnoticed, and instakill them
>parrying is much more than timed blocking
>"Players may perform a parry and riposte by first positioning themselves directly in front of a parryable enemy. As the enemy attacks, players may parry with their left-handed weapon or shield."
>as the enemy attacks
looks like a timed thing to me bro. literally QTE.
me too, its honestly amazing
t. souls fan excited for sekiro
>I said the game has no REPLAY value
what replay value do souls games have?
the game is the exact same every single time you play through it, how is this an argument
This is a betrayal to Evergrace fans
same bros
im laughing hard at these autists
are you one of those guys hoping any of the souls multiplayer suddenly becomes active and fresh again?
hes going to say souls games are ONLY fun when you coop
New weapons, new builds, different armor, PvP, co-op. What I'm tryna say is... ... come on now.
From now on if any Nintendo game doesn't play like BoTW I will make 3 threads a day for 2 years about how they betrayed us.
What a sad post this is.
Dark souls games have all had multiple endings, every single one
you don't have to be in stealth to backstab, it's about positioning
you don't get a free backstab just because you're hiding in some reeds, and even when you get the backstab it isn't an instant kill the way stealth attacks in shitero are
coop and pvp
trying out new builds in pvp, helping new players and invading
you can't do any of that in shitero
please actually do this
>new weapons
you mean the ones that are just reskins of the same weapon?
>new builds
you can do that
>new armor
no one is replaying dark souls so they can play through with a different set of armor
the autistic pvp fanbase is like 5% of the overall souls fanbase
who the fuck is replaying through the entire game so they can play with random people and carry them in fights
Pumping out a Dark Souls 4 would have been downright disrespectful. Let them do something new, it's fine. No need to drag the franchise into the mud.
>hes going to say souls games are ONLY fun when you coop
yeah fucking called it
BB is 100% a clone some new weapons and setting doesn't make it not a clone. The core of the game is just more souls stuff.
>replay value
Then you haven't played anything outside of Souls it seems. You are a sad soulsbabby.
>co-op and PvP
I'd forgive co-op, but PvP is a fucking mess and no one with a shred of intelligence would think otherwise.
>ghost range
>ss spam2win shitfests
>retarded ping
>broken weapons
>one shot darkbeads
>auto backstabs
No one wants to jump into that pit of shit.
>casualized souls game
Because Souls is such a hardcore game yes?
>DaS1: Poisetank or Magic builds to never ever die
>DaS2: Hexes and free i-frame gibes
>DaS3: Free rolls, stamina, and SS spam for unrivaled, massive dps
C'mon, don't fool yourself. These games are not hard. They've always done exceedingly well with new IPs: DeS, DaS1, and BB. You seriously think this trend won't most likely continue?
OP is a glutton for punishment. Keeps making the same shit thread everyday and getting his shit pushed in hard every time. His opinions are shit and literally no one agrees with him so he samefags hard like the pathetic loser he is.
Can't wait for the game to come out and he kills himself.
>no one is replaying dark souls so they can play through with a different set of armor
I've literally done that
Do you think this game will play it "safe", or will it spawn another new subgenre and a bunch of derivatives?
>you don't have to be in stealth to backstab, it's about positioning
ok so you can backstab at any time in dark souls, nice casual game bro
great cope btw
which armors?
t. actually curious
We got Eric, Barry and now who???? What name do we give to this soulfag?
i think it'll spike the number of Cheat Engine downloads so people can get past some of the bosses.
come at me bro
jesus christ that looks painful
As long as it has some cool shit like Bloodborne's chalice dungeons, I'm 100% sold.
I'm still probably like 90% sold.
Gas soulsfags
>zoom-zoom hate dark souls
>zoom-zoom like sekiro, it just like boruto
elite knight set, iron set, black iron set
basically any armor that let me rp as a character
Why does the discussion always have to be about difficulty? Miyazaki doesn't try to make hard games, that's just a product of the storytelling. How do you think this game will affect the overall videogame market?
it's pretty hilarious how badly people want co-op, because it's obvious the only reason they want it is because they cant play actually difficult content solo
Get it through your head you fucking retard this isn't dark soul its a new fucking game. Its like crying about Zelda not playing like Mario.
End your fucking life.
oh, how about Cooper? he cant stop going on about coop
Come on man. I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, but you're just being disingenuous. There are more than one (1) weapon in DeS, all DaS and BB, even if some of them share movesets. There is also pyro or sorcerer builds. Also, I like trying out different armor during my playthroughs. From what I understand, you can max out your talent trees with enough experience. I have not seen anything that says otherwise, but if I'm wrong, please show me proof - I hope I am. PvP and co-op are one way to add replayability and longevity to a game, and it has been a staple of the endgame for Souls games up until BB added Chalice Dungeons. Maybe there will be some type of procedural generation or other endgame we haven't heard about in Sekiro. I think the game looks fun, but I am nervous about a few things, as I think many fans are.
FROM should be focusing on those because a retarded person like you says so?
Don't forget that From Software has more games.
>Single player games have zero replay value
Source? Your ass?
Does every game has to be multiplayer by your standars to be enjoyable?
Do you shit on every game that has actually no multiplayer?
I don't think it will affect the videogame market. It's not a shock phenomenon like Dark Souls was, it'll just be seen as "more of the same from FromSoft" by mainstream media.
again, of course I can get through the game without co-op. it's not that difficult
when I say I like playing co-op, I mean as the summon, not as the summoner
I love Dark Souls, just know when the director says it's time to end the series, it's time to end the series.
Don't buy the game, don't play it. Stop shitposting, you look like a fucking wailing child
Sekiro looks too much like souls
How about not coming up with names in the first place
so you enjoy carrying shitters and taking out the difficulty of a game known for its difficulty
>T-those things that add replayability don't c-c-count cause I s-said!
Guys why Mother 4 won't come out wtf this is a betrayal.
>makes a new game
>says its not dark souls and something new
>"wahjhhhh this isn't dark souls
god you guys are the biggest fucking snowflakes
Is this a new trend started by discord trannies?
This is a betrayal to all Armored Core fans.
except they dont
you're still fighting the same boss at the same place, except now its even easier, oooooh
no that was an actual betrayal to souls fans
>Do you shit on every game that has actually no multiplayer?
honestly? yes
there's no excuse not to have multiplayer in your game in 2019
if you think about it like that, of course it wouldn't be fun
I unironically agree
I just don't want to see From crash and burn after they spend so much money making a game that will be a complete disaster
oh fuck off armored core was never good
Imagine Armored Core on PC with decent online
It's more like crying about DK games not playing like Mario.
>any game that doesn't have variable boss placement has no replayability
t. Anonymous 2019
>I just don't want to see From crash and burn after they spend so much money making a game that will be a complete disaster
not him but this is so ignorant holy shit
so after a company makes a good series, they should be locked into that series and literally never make any other kind of game ever again?
>i dont want to see them crash and burn
lol this game looks great and will sell great. kill yourself literally.
>there's no excuse not to have multiplayer in your game in 2019
what the fucking fuck
>complete disaster
>there's no excuse not to have multiplayer in your game in 2019
This is probably the shittiest take I've ever seen.
You get the item that lets you gain skills by killing minibosses which are out in the middle of levels so you cant really fly past everything. You are able to zip away to break sight and then come back in with stealth but you are pretty much only able to stealth kill one enemy each time your hidden because it alerts everyone.
The level of Soulsfag cope in here is amazing. Get fucked you fucking losers.
Armored core is older than you
>look mom I'm pretending to be an EA tier jew isn't it funny?
>there's no excuse not to have multiplayer in your game in 2019
If it's not a Souls game how is it even a betrayal
For god's sake FROM isn't all about Souls. I want Armored Core, not more Souls.
>oh fuck off armored core was never good
KYS Soulscuck. Your franchise is dead and is never coming back.
>people still replying to this retard OP
dark souls is what they're good at, so dark is souls is what they should stick to
it's really not that hard to understand
he's finally lost it
he seethed too much and now he's had an autism induced stroke
if the series is their biggest money earner, yes
why do you think nintendo hasn't made a new IP since splatoon?
it's true and you know it's true
Thanks to this falseflag I bet someone will go and buy Sekiro because this poster implies every DS fan thinks like this. Based shill.
Yes Armored Core should be next.
>I posted it once
kek, so much for that. you're so fucking pathetic all you can do is twinge about zoomer and le reddit boogeymen as you get curbstomped in your own thread AGAIN. you're such an insufferable little faggot.
What's with folks getting so butt flustered over this and DMCV?
Dark Souls is done, friend. Time to move on.
>if the series is their biggest money earner, yes
Maybe western AAA games are more your thing?
Soulsfags are having a meltdown because FROM is sensibly moving away from a genre they've beaten into the ground. Armored Core next!
hey does it bother you sekiro MC has a voice and a name and talks a lot?
>it's true and you know it's true
Nope it isn't, at this point it is clear as fucking day that you are shiposting and baiting. If you are brain-dead enjoy your:
>ghost range
>ss spam2win shitfests
>retarded ping
>broken weapons
>one shot darkbeads
>auto backstabs
from across all the PvP in the series, the one thing that actually ruined the franchise, ironically enough.
honestly at this point i might give armored core a try if they make a new one
>FROM should be focusing on Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2, not this casual shit
Holy shit what a fucking baby, you will get your game in a few years.
If anybody has the right to complain about froms output ignoring a franchise its the armored core fags.
Dark Souls is a betrayal to all Tenchu fans
is this that faggot that kept calling the director ‘Miya’ like they were fucking buddies? sad shit
Armored Core is definitely difficult to get into now, since the best ones are on PS1/2 and are both difficult and clunky. If they redid it correctly with updated graphics and smoother controls, it could be amazing. Could have great multiplayer if they got the balance right, given the ridiculous level of customization.
>yfw there will be literally 0 reviews by "journalists" that don't mention dark souls with this game
>inb4 caring about journalists in the first place, you just know Yea Forums will post their reviews on the board
>why do you think nintendo hasn't made a new IP since splatoon?
ARMS you dumb fuck
>improving on the Souls formula
>making even better combat
>something other than generic gothic shit
how is this a betrayal? are you on drugs?
It's not a Souls game though, how is it betraying anyone? That being said, it kinda looks like shit so i'm gonna pirate it.
>why do you think nintendo hasn't made a new IP since splatoon?
Arms and astral chain.
careful, seethe too much and you'll go full retarded like and not really
nioh had a voiced protag and it still had great co-op and pvp
they're different games user, they aren't related at all
no, I'm not your internet boogyman
sorry to inform you that there's more than one person who disagrees with you
as well they should, shitero and dark souls invite comparison
right I forgot about that
but it just proves my point, nobody gives a shit about ARMS, nintendo lost money on it
it's combat is worse in every way though
it even has multiplayer, he has no reason to complain about it
this is you
this is literally you
>it's combat is worse in every way though
source me chief
>they're different games user, they aren't related at all
Whoa...just like Sekiro and Dark Soul are different games....mind blowing bro................
no you post exactly like that guy from the other day, you are the same sad person, tell your friend Miya im looking forward to Sekiro
Is there any reason so many are white knighting for Shitero? I love From but it really does sound like it won't have as much Value as the other games
You lost when you started touting this bullshit
>there's no excuse not to have multiplayer in your game in 2019
See you on Sekiro's release day.
>nobody gives a shit about ARMS
It sold over a million copies, just because it didn't do splatoon numbers doesn't make it a failure
They used to make shit games, literally who games, and financial flops. Then they made Dark Souls which was game of the generation and Bloodborne which was game of the decade, so maybe they should stick to what they're good at.
Hurr durr, speak for yourself.
dark souls 2 was a betrayal, such a shitty game.
Yeah and I have the full release since E3 faglord
Anybody who plays dark souls for the multiplayer is a retard
cookies and cream was one of the best puzzle platformers
I want to confess that I like to summon people for bosses then use the black separation crystal to deny them souls once the boss gets to a low enough health
wow look at this samefagging here
lol you're gonna get your shit pushed in by this game
.holy fuck how /devilish/
thats a new form of trolling, like soulcucking or something
how fitting
It's not like From has ever been consistent, they can't keep the same level of quality in a series how the fuck are they gonna keep it for other things? The problem it's not saying that you think it's mediocre or lame the thing is the guy is saying it's shit because it doesn't has coop or the aesthetic he likes that's why everyone is making fun of him
>Game clearly has more depth than any souls game
In what aspects?
>no weapons or armor
>no builds
>no stats
You cocksucker. I think I've been summoned by you in DaS3. I spent the rest of that day thinking about why someone would do that.
Shut up fag, fromsoft can’t just make darksouls games for the rest of their lives.
This, the downgrade proved they never cared.
You remind me of that alpha autistic from the nioh threads
Is just not an RPG so what?
Finally, a troll who puts in some actual effort. God bless user.
>pvp sperglords won't be part of this games discussions
thank fuck
Sekiro is a good game it just isn't a fallout game
jumping, climbing, grappling, stringing together combos that can seamlessly move from sword to tool to item, to the same combo being continued off the ground, a tree of skill to be unlocked, ninja arts that can alter the flow of a battle, rapidly gaining or making distance, timing constant parries
compare that to
>strafe left
fucking hell honestly
nice larp seethefriend
it's true
no AAA game should lack multiplayer, multiplayer is what makes vidya good
nobody wants to be a sad pathetic fag sitting alone in their room playing a single player game, the only people that do that are 300+ pound ATLASfags and other lonely, pathetic neets
I'll say it yet again, infinite stamina ruins combat
best pvp and ng+ in the series
I remember the alpha of nioh
btfoing faggots on Yea Forums was fun
is falseflagging the only thing you know how to do, or are there actually more than one sekirofags who do this shit?
it's honestly pathetic to see done even once, but this is just...
I don't even know what this is
So what is providing the depth? I am genuinely curious.
dammit this is a betrayal to fallout 76 fans
Even action games have collectables, different weapons and progression systems now. Why? Because it gives the game actual replay value and longevity.
It's a shame such an innovative thing like invading people's single player game had to come with all the trash and get ruined.
>no AAA game should lack multiplayer, multiplayer is what makes vidya good
someone put this fucking rabid raccoon out of its frothing misery holy fucking shit think of the children
I want it
This is the company that milked Armored Core with near yearly releases for the latter half of the 90's and most of the 00's
AC was the COD of the PS1/PS2 era
if i ever pick up sekiro this will basically be a blessing. invaders want to fight in a game, sure i'll take you on unless you're an AoE nerd that just nukes people to feel good, but i'd rather just not have to deal with that shit rather than turn my fucking internet off
Pack up boys, this is clearly a baiting nigger who needs a dose of (You)s for the dopamine rush.
>reddit spacing mouth breather responding to everyone
I'm going to buy two copies just for your developmental disorder having ass
right here if you arent just baiting, theres even more than this too
Your character's increased number of moves and mobility and overall possibilities when it comes to killing enemies. As opposed to different damage types and defense numbers.
LI Joe just did a Sekiro stream analyzing his demo playthrough. He said while Sekiro borrows elements from Souls games here and there, it's pretty much its own thing. What was shown easily confirmed that pre-ordering blind was the right choice. Pretty excited desu senpai.
I probably would've bought the game if it had multiplayer. Now i'll just wait for the crack.
>This is a betrayal to all Dark Souls fans
In all likelihood, OP has never played a single From game and just wants cheap (you)s. How does a board get to this point?
It's not trolling if I'm right user
and that's why it'll fail
76 was the best fallout game too, idk why Yea Forums hates it
games with multiplayer are just better, they have more replay value
honestly with friends anything can be fun
you really can't handle the idea that someone would disagree with you, huh?
it's your money to waste
well, it's your parents money but you get what I'm saying
nice bait OP but I won't give you a single (You)
Good gameplay? Do you only play RPGs?
the combat system is far more complex than dark souls the levels are now more non linear a tight focus on the enemies/bosses to your toolkit prosthetic arms are the replacement for weapons you have a skill tree that is enormous finally you can swim
for a second, I thought they were cutting his nuts off.
Nothing, it's the hardest cope i've ever seen.
I'll give him a couple in your place ;)
>These same fucking Sekiro threads popping up lately.
>All these baited replies.
Disregarding the OP, I feel like Dark Souls sequels should have never been made, imagine how cool it would have been to go directly to Bloodborne, would have felt like a bigger improvement and it makes sense because Demon Souls never had a sequel.
But I guess this is expecting too much of From Kikes.
>multiplayer is what makes vidya good
weak bait or absolute shit opinion, you decide
>76 was the best fallout game too, idk why Yea Forums hates it
ok wait this trolling is turning into some kind of meta greek tragedy
Congrats the falseflag worked.
see you on Sekiro's release day anons
>It artificially stretches a game and makes it appear deeper when previous games didn't lock weapons and abilities behind stats and allowed you to go crazy.
>Also, millennials need progression systems to feel like they accomplished something.
Basically all it has that Soulsborne doesn't is verticality. Look, I can oversimplify too
beasthood, plunging attacks, R2 from behind into a visceral, transformation attack combos, arcane stat to use hunter tools that change the flow of battle, bloodbullet into parry+visceral attack
compare that to
>parry enough times
eh youll be back
The Souls community is absolutely cancerous enough to shit on other FROM games so they get another rehash. I wouldn't assume conspiracy.
How come a prosthetic arm from the Sengoku period has more functions than the ones we have in current year?
>people unironically think dark souls is over
putting out a dark souls game no matter how bad is pretty much the same as printing money
parrying is the hardest thing about souls combat
>no more laggy, strafing, insufferable pvp centric shits
>sweet sweet verticality
>tasty nip aesthetics
How did you get to play the game?
To discuss our enjoyment for the game and comfy lore threads? Yep, we will be back.
Kill yourself.
I only want nioh-tier bosses (big animals and mythic beasts) and maybe some horror sprinkled on it
That would be mega sick
it's not real life you dumb idiot cretin retard dumbass cunt bitch retard idiot
because its cool
No to screech and fling shit all over this board over which game is better or most difficult in a casual series.
Fuck Soulsfags
>I can't defeat his argument, so I'll just screech about bait
even Doom had collectables and secrets user
you're probably too young to know that game tho
>he actually enjoys fighting shitty AI
you first spregfriend
Final boss is nue
OPs right about one thing. no online. THAT MEANS DAY ONE PIRATE BAE BEE
Well it may be a bit of a disappointment, but it still looks a million times better than DmC 2. Glad I never even got my hopes up for that shit after the first trailer came out.
Posting quality on Yea Forums is at an all time low. Give it a couple of months and the unironic equivalent to Grug posting becomes the norm here. And don't get me started on the braindead hordes that come here from /pol/.
>he actually enjoys strafing and dodging for minutes at a time just to get lag back stabbed
literal retard
That's probably going to be the case for Sekiro too. Look don't get me wrong, I've already preordered and I think it looks fun. I do have concerns though, and I think it is warranted at this point.
>76 was the best fallout game too, idk why Yea Forums hates it
Imagining getting six installments of your favorite series in eight years. Must be real tough being a persecuted Soulsfag.
all bethesda fallouts are shit, this is not really a high bar tbqh
>fallout 76 is the best fallout
>all games should have multiplayer in current year
this desu
by supersimplifying any combat system you can make it sound really bad too, please save your hyperbole
No Denuvo too. PCbros win again.
Secrets and collectables are not the same as a progression system, you stupid cunt. And Doom's collectables were not nearly as numerous as say Assassin's Creed's. You zoomers are unsufferable when pretending to be oldfags.
I need this
god I fucking need this
Tbh, the multiplayer guy is right. Playing single player games with no multiplayer at all in 2019 just feels so wrong. At least add bloodstains or something.
Oooh fucc, I thought with Activision in the mix it would have Denuvo for sure.
have you never actually played a souls game before? that's what at least 70% of pvp ends up being
it wasn't the collectables that made Doom fun anyway, it was the co-op
only so much fun can be had mindlessly killing demons all day
it'll be the same for sekiro
embarrassing post desu
Multiplayer modes are responsible for dragging down the overall quality of games.
Except multiplayer Souls is more fun experience.
>game comes out
>isn't actually Dark Souls
You are the type of faggot that will buy fifa annually
post yfw game turns into this half way through
>he actually enjoys a broken shitty afterthought of a PvP system
kill yourself, you metashitting kike
Can you stop, not every game they make needs to be fucking dark souls now
>literally everyone disagrees with me despite sitting on Yea Forums for hours arguing reddit tier rhetoric
no, no OP you're right, it's everyone else who's retarded
>i want every from game to be a souls game gnnnn
>it wasn't the collectables that made Doom fun anyway, it was the co-op
Be less obvious next time.
Seething retard
yeah, so what?
if a game is good I'm going to support it no matter how many come out
>he actually enjoys backstabbing shitty AI all day because the devs were to lazy to put in multiplayer
kill yourself you singleplayer enabling kike
unironically yes
Dark Souls multiplayer is the perfect game
we don't need others
just because you disagree doesn't mean I'm baiting faggot
Soulsfags are the worst fanbase. the PC release was a mistake.
Fucking how
Please leave
Are all soulfags retarded?
Why does it look harder than Souls then?
But it is Dark Souls.
>Dark Souls multiplayer is the perfect game
Yeah no, literally everyone bitched about balance for fucking ever. No fucking wonder from soft removed it because you cucklords weren't ever happy anyway
You keep bringing up multiplayer but what you really do is play coop, you unironically play the souls series in coop, kill yourself
>never played Doom on a 56k modem with a friend
Missed out on max comfy
nice texture mapping
muh miyazaki such pristine art direction
Maybe but its a love letter to Tenchu fans
Now FROM has to ditch the Souls formula and make a new Armored Core
Yes I want FROM to ruin the Bloodborne world and continue to circle jerk Dark Souls 1 off.
This is why Nioh is a better Dark Souls
>falling for obvious bait
How underage can you be?
Well you're all underage enough to like Souls games, apparently.
uh can i run this shit on my 760. cus if not someone hand me the fucking rope
Someone give me the gist, why is everyone losing their shit over this game?
I'm actually looking forward to some samurai kino
We are having fun with it
>stunning visuals and designs
>tight atmosphere
>simple, yet engaging combat
>fantastic level design
>"Meh, something's missing."
>"If only the game allowed me to pester random players, circle strafe around them like a fly over a gigantic turd and basically roll for victory because the lag makes precise play impossible. Yeah, that would be something. It will help with my self-esteem because I'm too much of a pussy to play fighting games or anything else that is competitively viable.
Don't even listen to the lies of the shitposting baiting nigger. Look up online, there's a bunch of previews ready.
I'm thinking one of these:
>Underworld/Buddhist layers of Hell
>Dragon God
It's not le grimdark so it's bad weeb shit
There's no real tension unless you have a real risk of being ambushed by some backstabbing faggot
Plot twist: it's a Demon's Souls sequel
>World Tendency mechanic is back
>mfw game journalists have to show everyone their fucked-up game world because of how much they died
>I want to be pandered to forever.
soulsbabbies want the same tendies every year, it seems
It could be a sequel to any of them, really, as there's always a "eastern land" referenced.
It's a standalone, though. Demon's is still Sony IIRC.
>can't grind and overlevel
>can't summon people to carry you
>dying too much will make NPCs sick and lock you out of talking to them
>no iframes when dodging
Zoomers are already seething.
There is nothing tense about broken ass multiplayer. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. Too many factors other than pure skill decide the victor.
I think there's some rare item you can find that'll cure a specific NPC of your choosing.
I hope that's all you can go with, and there's only a couple of them at most.
Making consequences of death almost impossible to reverse, would be awesome.
Buddhist hell is what I'm hoping for
A world without gankers is just too safe.
It could be an amalgamation of both
Forget it people, there's no helping a guy who thinks that multiplayer is required.
you actually can, 760 is for minimum playablility,
at least 960 for recommended
I'm noticing a trend here. Half of Bloodborne shitposters were salty PCfags shitting up threads, and the others were all salty Dark Soulsbabbies that didn't get more sword and board. Sekiro is a new thing that Miyazaki wanted to do in order to get even further away from the Dark Souls brand, and there's still Soulsbabbies bitching and crying that they won't get more of the same monotone gameplay. Therefore, we can conclude the "hardcore" Soulsfags are the problem when discussing non-Souls Fromsoft games.
I'm guessing the sacrifice of the kid is meant to ward off whatever is coming.
Probably a bit of bother, yeah. Dragon God can explain the Rot and also the headless Kappa. And all the spirits and monks point to a Buddhist hell.
>Sekiro is bad because it's not similar to Dark Souls!
>Dark Souls 3 was bad because it's too much like Dark Souls!
All the monks show signs of "corruption" they clearly don't look normal at all in the gameplay shown. Can't wait for the lore threads on this one.
Good, fuck the Souls fanbase.
They can replay the old games instead of getting Malibu Stacy with a new hat.
Christ do you cunts not want something fresh and new?
I really wish that they didn't do that. It's predictable by this point.
The Souls fanbase is fucking cancer.
of course we do, this is unironically one guy
Literally this.
go fucking kill yourself people like you are the worst. I don't give a shit if Sekiro ended up being as casual as fucking Kirby Star Allies at least its something different.
only das1babbies are upset about this
>FromSoft trying to balance out weapons so they won't be OP in PVP but totally fucks with PVE.
Yeah, no.
Advanced Nip tech
Probably dragon magic or something
shit bait or nice bait, i dunno
I'm sure it'll be something unexpected.
>Bosses shown today
>Bosses shown today
>Bosses shown today
How? This isn't a dark souls game and was never adevertised to be. You have 5 souls games to play, 3 available on all the major platforms* that can be played, and if you play on the pc, can be modded. You are a hypocrite to bitch about a new game doing something different when said new game has nothing to do with the old games save for the develpoers.
i hope we see some references to BB or Souls in it
would be neat easter eggs
>Non-bait thread
>Non-bait thread
>Non-bait thread
>Non-bait thread
>his argument
Stop assuming genre on 4chin, faggot
Ever thought that From wants to do something other than a souls game?
You good bro?
but the game has exp and skills user
you can grind levels
it's amazing how little skeirofags know about the game they're shilling
yeah, of course
if its good why change it?
combat is "sped up" with infinite stamina and timed blocking instead of parrying
basically it's been casualized
but the combat is so braindead that you'll never die anyway so what does it matter?
>he says, posting a character from a game that's been topping steam player count for more than a decade because of it's amazing multiplayer
Dark Souls 3 was bad because it wasn't enough like Dark Souls 2
not bait just because you disagree nigger
>please please PLEASE join my shill thread
Ooooooh a tough guy on the internet. How's the 8th grade treating you?
You are just listing everything positive about the game. It's almost like you are shilling it to me. I still preordered, though so no need.
you're replying to a falseflag btw