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VR is gay but I bet nintendo could make a couple games that are actually entertaining for awhile idk
Is this a joke?
Using this to play DOOM or the TUROK games might be cool.
Labo for smash
F-Zero is coming, baby
What is that, 640×720 per eye? No thanks.
PSVR is blurry enough at 960x1080 per eye, switch VR would be actual torture
>cardboard ridges against your face
haha please tell me this is a joke
even with foam pads on the oculus and vive both of them still make your face sore after 30 minutes
Wait this is fucking real?
>640×720 per eye
the human eye sees in about this resoultion, so its fine.
I mean, Google Cardboard has been a thing for a while now. This is basically the same thing except more limited (and way more expensive) as you can only play the boring ass Joy Con games with it
Already a Mii Costume
I mean labo man not the robot suit.
Let's see the gamed
holy fuck I thought this was a joke
>cardboard directly pressing against your face
>no headband, have to hold it to your face
this is literally a slideshow picture viewer gimmick, calling this VR is going to make alot of kids VERY disappointed lol
not to mention it doesn't appear to have IPD adjustment of any kind so it is going to be sized for a 10 year old's head
Lol they brought back the virtual boy
Holy shit
I wrote thinking it was a joke/hypothetical. Jesus.
>he didn't have one of these as a kid
Did Labo really sell that much to get another addon? This must be the final one cause no one seems to talk about this shit
It's probably gonna suck ass but at least they're making an attempt?
>no headband
Well at least the Switch has a good record of surviving drops.
>ITT a bunch of retards argue over a toy that's not marketed to any of them
thats literally what I referenced in my post and I don't think those cost the average 40-60 dollars the labo kit asks for.
OH NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the smelloscope design
at 24 fps
Elementary schools are gonna be using them apparently.
Then don't buy it? I don't know what to say, we're talking about a kids toy that works with a video game console, it's not a mandatory purchase.
This isnt going to work worth a shit it looks bad on my 3000 x 1400 phone
>elementary school is going to have a bunch of stolen/broken expensive nintendo devices
elementary schools can barely afford textbooks that are well over a decade old do you really think thats going to happen?
That's actually a better pricing setup than I was expecting. $40 is a great price to buy it for your kids to mess around with.
>don't buy this thing you've made clear you are not interested in
thanks for letting me know my guy
doesn't change the fact this is a bad addon for a bad toy to begin with
>>no headband, have to hold it to your face
What the fuck? How is Nintendo consistently so inept?
The whole point of VR is to be immersed having to hold a bunch of fucking cardboard to your face is pretty immersion breaking
the kid on the left looks like those brap posting sniffing memes
This is an absolute shit move on nintendo's part. Not only Labo fucking bombed but VR failed to take off. Almost no one will buy this and was probably a money sink to make.
oh shit i just saw the thread, looks like i was not the only one
It gets talked about, but the overlap between Labo's market and Video Games is surprisingly small.
It's only going to be used for the shitty Labo game you'd play for 10 minutes anyway
google: gives cardboard vr away for free
nintendo: $139.99 + tip thanks
Developmentally stunted child detected, lmfao.
because it isn't VR and nintendo is behind the curve on hardware by an entire console generation as usual
its just a toy for parents to buy their kids and theyll get sick of it after a week, its cardboard so its naturally disposable at least
>I'm clearly not interested in this thing yet for some reason I can't stop bitching about it
Just walk away from the computer dude, get some air.
baized swede poster
You know a buncha horny teenagers are going to ask their parents for this and use it to browse VR Porn without their parents knowing
See You're looking like quite the fool now.
haha oh man hahahahaah
>stop having discussion on an imageboard
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>elementary schools can barely afford textbooks that are well over a decade old
...and this is why we need socialism!
google: hundreds of vr titles available free
switch: ... $139.99 + tip for a couple of demos
you know nintendo isn't going to make a full switch dashboard for the labo goggles and its only going to be usable with whatever apps nintendo wants to make for it?
This dude posted this before the announcement.
My opinion is that Google cardboard worked, since it was primarily used for videos. So long as Nintendo can make make good games in VR, they might be able to pull it off. If it ends up like other labour titles though, it won't last.
>Google Cardboard has been a thing for a while now
It was also mostly treated as a cheap demo for people who wanted to get a rough idea of what VR was like.
>rough idea
Very very rough, I'm worried about kids using this shit. Might fuck up their eyes permanently.
This looks like basic ass phone cardboard VR, meaning you could just google Side-by-Side VR 'videos' and shove the screen into the headset.
cool VR bro
>still 360 photo taken from the unreal engine zelda demo made for PC
how is this proof for anything? painfully obvious you've never used VR.
>have Camera as one of the setups
>still no Pokemon Snap
Why can't they do the obvious move?
Can I wear It for long periods without headaches?
you will get your shitty voxel rouge like and you will like it
Why are you angry? Good Lord...
>32x60px resolution
>12.33 fps
>battery reaches 2^65°c during operation
>weight of only 4kg hanging off your face with patented *comfey cardboard strap* tech
yeah im sure it'll be just like a vive
I fucking hate everything. I just want to end it all.
Enjoy the cardboard reek, especially if you play anything remotely strenuous
PP already took up the surprise rep slot
there is no IPD adjustment so theres no guarantee that will come up as a clear image, however theyre rendering in VR on a gyro based tablet insert with no head tracking is not going to be comfortable for short periods of time since the tracking (or lack thereof) is garbage, you have cardboard ridges directly on your face AND you have to manually hold it up, throw sweating all over the place and using your other available arm to jack off for 30 minutes into the mix and you are objectively better off with google cardboard
the headset is going to be child sized anyways and I doubt the target audience for this is even aware of what masturbation is
Pretty cool desu, this at the very least signifies that they’re taking ventures into VR with the console. I’d like to see if this goes anywhere in terms of creating a full on Switch VR headset peripheral in the future.
it's physically impossible with the switch hardware. if they tried to compete with that screen they would be laughed at
Do it then, coward. You won’t. You’ll just keep posting about it and never do it.
How do you know what games are on it?
Yeah probably, but a fully-realized VR mode will most definitely happen on the Switch when they release an upgraded revision model.
I mean the shit like the camera and the bird is stuff that we saw back in the original reveal video for Labo itself
the switch working as a VR headset is not possible because as it is a switch and vive are nearly identical in weight and even then the vive sits a bit heavy on your head, the switch will just get heavier with a peripheral like that, the battery inside the thing will make it unbearable to enjoy it for anything longer than 10 minutes because of the heat, they would need to release a completely different hardware revision with IR lights on the outside for any sort of head tracking and at that point they might as well design entirely new hardware to pursue VR, which they won't because theyre already incredibly far behind on hardware in general let alone VR
>Expecting gamefreak to be able to program Pokemon Snap in "VR"
I mean, with the right support I could see a lot of neckbeards on Yea Forums spending an afternoon papercrafting the shit out of the headset to play certain games. If they support it with Pokemon Snap alone it'd sell gangbusters.
You could theoretically play MK8D in VR first person, undocked Switch holds split screen multiplayer at a steady 60fps.
>Pokemon doing a spinoff
>Pokemon Snap specifically
>Pokemon doing an obvious move
>Pokemon making non-mobile spinoff games in current year
good joke user
If they had any intention of doing Pokemon Snap I still think it would've happened by now with the Wii U
Pointless unless they finally rerelease VB Wario Land.
we know the games are going to be labo VR specific at the very least because nintendo isn't going to spend the insane amount of developer man hours and money that would require on previous titles to render games in side by side view for an addon that you have to hold to your face, which isn't going to be for a very long time, is made out of cardboard so it won't have lasting longevity or quality when covered in sweat and most likely won't sell well considering ACTUAL VR devices don't sell very well either
doubt it, nintendo has never tried to compete on technology, rumer is the next switch will be a smaller low power switch.. can you even imagine a console lower power than the switch? yoikes
>You could theoretically play MK8D in VR first person, undocked Switch holds split screen multiplayer at a steady 60fps.
I don't think the switch can render mk8 twice, once for each eye, maintain gyro head tracking which in itself is garbage, and then still have a fully featured game with multiplayer
>papercrafting the shit out of the headset
headsets get drenched with sweat very quickly to begin with, not accounting for the battery in the switch which will make it even sweatier and your papercrafting will be ruined, not to mention the headset has no IPD adjustment so your fat head will never fit into the chassis designed for a 10 year old
nintendo labia majora
Stop making stuff up, idiot.
It's fucking cardboard, just add a strap and cushioning.
I've always thought VR would be a good idea for a switch 2 with a 1080p screen. This isn't gonna cut it though.
It's $40, probably soon discounted to 20. Fine for the price, not personally interested
Honestly do you even need the labo kit. maybe if nintendo starts supporting VR products you can get a third party VR kit.
The full set is 80, basic with the vr is 40, plus with 20 and 20 from the other kits. Lie better next time.
You're paying for the software. You could easily cut your own cardboard.
hes an idiot but the assumption nintendo will make a full fledged VR headset with a switch revision makes no sense
how are you going to have a self contained tablet screen with a battery inside a headset and not sweat immediately?
how is nintendo going to put head tracking on a tablet based system? isn't a tablet supposed to be portable? where will the sensors go? how will the sensors see the IR if the tablet is in a headset enclosure?
more importantly why would nintendo jump in VR at all when they're years behind the competitions hardware, the hype has died down, VR shelfstock is moving slower than ever before, and they have no IPs other than fzero (which theyve abandoned) that would justify VR.
>play the joy con games
>can't remove joy cons otherwise you lose the only gyroscope on the entire system
When they do real VR it won't be sticking the system in cardboard it will be a sub headset like everything else. The switch isn't strong enough for it but the switch 2 in 5 years will be.
Go see a doctor user please.
>wow guys sony copies nintendo at every turn why don't they get original
>nintendo copies fucking google cardboard with a 720p res
Seriously corporate shills need to die on both ends
if you lock yourself into one fucking console you are an idiot
Dunno why people throw a tantrum about it, it's meant to be for literal kids. If you're an adult then of course you're not going to give a shit about it, you're not the intended demographic. Just let the kids buy it and move on with your life. That being said, I really doubt even kids would like this thing.
when they do 'real' VR in 5 years it might be equivalent to what we have now, and actual VR devices will be on an entirely different level
>it will be a sub headset like everything else
>switch 2 in 5 years will be
so are they making a switch 2 or are they making an independent device like everything else make up your mind
my entire point is that you can't have both, namely because of battery heat
not to mention nintendo doesn't follow trends and doesn't give a shit about hardware so they're never going to actually pursue vr this labo cardboard shit is just another way to print money
2 brapometers in a single purchase.
enticing indeed.
>you're an adult then of course you're not going to give a shit about it, you're not the intended demographic.
>he doesn't know
People really take labo too seriously. It's extremely low budget. Nintendo probably has 5-10 employees making these things. Even if it only sells 10k that's probably fine. They wouldn't keep making them if they weren't profiting.
Other VR devices won't have Nintendo IPs to push the product. If they stick VR support in Pokemon gen 10 people will buy it.
Zoomers grew up with facebook. They did't have analog toys.
when was the last time nintendo allowed pokemon as an IP to innovate
people will buy their IP either way, they don't need to sink millions of dollars and man hours into another device to do that
nobody is throwing a tantrum, nobody has put their life on hold because of nintendo labo
reading these threads like a soap opera in your head is textbook autism and you're probably the target audience for this shit anyways
Is this the true "going into games" machine we've been waiting for?
>No strap
It’s going to be garbage but of course n*ntendrones will eat it up
The only way the Switch would work well with VR is if Nintendo release an updated 1080p model of the system that could do console graphics in portable mode, and then released something that you didn't have to hold up to your face like this ridiculous piece of shit.
Honestly, Virtual Boy games might actually be a decent use for this thing, since they were low-res to begin with and were also made for a system that wasn't strapped to your head.
They won't sink anything. They'll pay someone else to do it for them.
I'll get when some actual games make use of the thing, even if it's Virtual Boy ports.
This is a terrible idea. Resolution isn't high enough, no strap is retarded. I thought Google Cardboard already proved what a miserable idea this kind of VR is, why do we have to prove it again?
I can't believe the Switch got VR support before Xbox did.
They partner with Oculus, create an entire line of WMR headsets, develop the best inside-out tracking in the industry, and build their entire VR platform around UWP to make it cross-compatible with Xbox. And then they just cancel all of it.
I'm going to buy this, just so I can prove how shitty VR is.
>b-but this isn't real VR
Sure. Keep moving those goalposts, VR babies.
nigga, they had their chance with the Wii U and didn't do SHIT. Pokemon Snap 2 will NEVER be thing.
>cardboard toys that let you hold your 360p tablet onto your head while you attempt to use the actual controller in the other whilst also throwing up every where from 30fps """VR"""
>VR support
>whilst also throwing up
Nintendo won't let this happen
Meaning all their VR experiences are going to be extremely baby-proofed and boring
>goggle cardboard 5$
>nintendo cardboard 80$
Nintendo needs to do a VR platformer
>they won't pay money
>they'll pay money
what did he mean by this
Fatal Frame? Or did Nintendo just buy the ip to kill it off?
And of course this is ignored.
>it is going to be sized for a 10 year old's head
That's the whole purpose of Labo.
Only manchildren will hate it because they won't have fun with it, while comparing it other big VR products.