Enemy can delete your save data

>enemy can delete your save data

Attached: 1545095175252.jpg (500x508, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>character threatens to delete your save, turns out they're just bluffing
>later on, another character makes the same threat but actually goes through with it

Attached: 1550640926918.png (297x314, 162K)

Jusn game

>boss drains a level from you
>you can no longer properly wield your weapon

Attached: 1516242449271.jpg (464x401, 31K)

>enemies can open doors

Attached: 1515627325704.gif (245x200, 1.53M)

The only true one

Spoilers for Earthbound btw (kinda but not really)

Attached: 1545513173632.png (537x599, 446K)

>enemy can brick your console

Attached: 136033269690.png (569x571, 46K)

>Enemies can load your save data

Attached: crowaaa.jpg (574x800, 40K)

Fuck you, Green Orange.

>Enemy can corrupt your save data

Attached: fucking spiderman.png (103x112, 16K)

name 5 games

>enemy can leave the game and enter our plane of existence

Attached: 1541058988757.jpg (649x638, 42K)

>enemy is your son
>says thank you when you kill him

Attached: D06T5S3XcAAjYHr.png (626x627, 225K)

>Enemy can tear off your health bar and beat you with it

>enemy is your wife

Attached: Silent_Hill_2_shot_24.jpg (640x383, 48K)

Name 3 Games.

I can do 2

>Humanoid enemy starts climbing ladder
>"Okay that's fin-"
>Animal enemy starts climbing ladder

Attached: 1504304810539.gif (500x271, 582K)



Attached: AAAAAAH.png (622x754, 305K)

Name 30 games

>Monstrous enemy climbs the ladder in one jump

Attached: PANIC.jpg (220x229, 7K)

Attached: 1543790019805.jpg (1024x723, 63K)