Rape Day banned

>Rape Day banned
>yet this was brought back even with a personal apology from Gabe himself

Attached: hatred_game_icon_by_awsi2099-d9taj15.png (512x512, 265K)

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because it wasn't a porn game?

Hatred is just Postal 1 but hilariously edgy
Rape day can barely even be counted as a video game

There's an entire NSFW category, dumbass

>Society finds rape to be more grotesque than Murder
This is nothing new. Also, the game was literally called Rape Day. They weren't even trying not to get banned. They were deliberately stirring up the pot to get a couple hhundred bucks by selling their cheap meme VN at the expense of Valve.
It is no wonder a business like Valve wouldn't have any of it. They should have tried not being retarded if they didn't want to get banned.
At least Hatred was a legitimate game.
Here is the game in question if anyonen doubts what I am saying:

>this would be banned if the main character had "rape" dialogue

Because this game is just boring?
It was a bunch of controversy over nothing, games with a similar subject matter have been around for years

I think it partially has to do with the fact that rape is seen as a worse crime than murder.

Rape day was less of a game and more straight up trolling.

Especially this month since it's woman's month. We're supposed to be worshiping women, not desecrating their holes.

Attached: 1546802516946.jpg (640x527, 41K)

It should be the joy of every woman, to be held down and violated.

modern day AAA releases can barely even be counted as a video game

when you were little and played as a kid
how many time did you play
the rape game
where you rape pretend your friends

Animals play, to train in a certain way for fighting
Thats why we enjoy the idea of killing so much, it's instinctive

>and more straight up trolling.
or money laundering through some payment scam
or an attempt to get people to download a bitcoin miner
or any other number of fucked up things, including being the idea of some dumbass that they've "made a videogame" when what they've actually made is nothing but a shitty porn "visual novel" that would be put on a shelf next to 50 shades of grey and some foreign import porn comic.

>how many times did you play
>the rape game
Never, user.

>rape pretend

Attached: 1550621265110.jpg (798x747, 46K)

Hey now. A LOT of the rape shit in Japan for instance, is created BY women.

They also move so much more product that morals don't get in the way as much. A lot of places that don't do nude shit sold and covered the Witcher for example.

this is a real thing. I've all the tinder hoes ive met, most have been into a "rape fantasy"

is there actual gameplay clips or what

>gets banned