Is every single sidequest in this game a fetch quest?

Is every single sidequest in this game a fetch quest?

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 2.jpg (497x806, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:*/ 1 fan/


Most of them are. They aren't worth it.

Morag finally change her clothes, what do you think?

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That isn't Morag

yeah, not to mention that the first game had 140 or so and this one has 50 or something. and in the first game those quests also included town quests, like solving disputes or relationships because it had a city affinity chart for every town with all the residents who all had their own relationships and schedules.
all of which was dropped by this game sadly.

theres just no effort in this

What RPG type game isnt almost entitely filled with fetch quests?

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Is just an effect from the organization very thigh coat.

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Yes, most quests are also "walk up to something, trigger dialogue, walk to next trigger point".
Unless it's Blade Quests, almost 90% of all the side quests are complete garbage and I hate how they made them mandatory in Torna.

the more I see about this the more I'm glad I decided to not buy a Switch just for this game.
Will probably cave in if they port 1 and/or X

It's a bustle.

On a different topic Im about halfway through chapter 8 and have a metric tonne of common core crystals. Is the chance for rare blades worth going through them or should I just sell them?

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Is this your sad attempt at damage control?

I finanlly have an excuse to post these

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I got KOS-MOS after 20 or so common attempts.

Just sell them.
The models from this game look so shitty outside of XB2's lighting.

I was averaging 1.5 rares for every 10 at 130 luck

Those ar very nice, if only the models faces could make expressions.

Depends on how many Rare blades you have now. If you dont have many it might be worth. If you have a lot then nah. I know the last blades I got from commons were Zenobia in chapter 7 or 8 and Dahlia in chapter 10 when I misclicked a common

>yfw videogame have better taste in swimsuit design than 99% of clothing designers
bring back the one piece

What do you think of this? looks pretty good.

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STOP fucking your blades

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This is coming and you can't stop it.

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Yes, they're all fetch quests and/or Merc missions. Also hate ones that require specific field skills.

fuck off eric


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all me LMAO

If you don't have many rares, you should probably rip open common cores first, at least to give yourself some good %luck generic blades, before you start using your legendaries/rares for Rare Blades. But if you're sitting on a pile of rare cores already then commons are useless.

No rare cores unfortunately, just about 56 commons. Thanks for the advice though.

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Meh, I was getting tried anyway.

These threads are fucking dead without my influence anyway, see you guys later.

That is a very clever way to make Pneuma's gundam wings funbctional,

Have a good one whoever you are.

You don't know me?

Objectively who is best spear using driver? I need to give Wulfric to someone worthy of him

I am bald and have a thin, whispy beard but I'm not your average Nintendo fan. I loved this game. If jrpgs are not your thing then this isn't worth buying a switch for; but if you do love jrpgs or you already have a switch this is a must have.

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Zekes pretty gud but Praxis outclasses Wulfric

Rex, I guess. Zeke's not bad and I prefer putting Wulfric on him because Rex'll get access to him later anyways but his spear arts are so slooow.

Do you think they will use the rare blades for a later project? it would be silly to not do anything more with those characters.

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I could see them showing up in a Xeno Warriors game, but otherwise no.

cursed image

You are seeing pretty much the first Pyra's fanart ever.

In that case, would they include ALL the rare baldes or just the most popular?

>I hate how they made them mandatory in Torna.
How? The side quests are the best part of Torna
>Help me fix this problem! I need you to talk to this NPC who never stops moving around and only shows up on your map when they're nearby
>oh and if you kill 5 crabs for me I'll wire you some gold, don't even come back

>Help me... learn how to cook! *laugh track* Do I put in red pepper, or blue pepper? [CHOICE]
>*anime hijinks happen*

>Help me fix this problem! Talk to this NPC
>Now that NPC. Now do 4 more things. Then return to the first NPC. Then the second NPC. And talk to the first NPC and we're done!

>Help me fix this problem! Talk to this NPC
>Now talk to that NPC and we're done!

Torna's quests were great. They were short and to the point, while also reusing the same pool of NPCs so you end up with plotlines intertwining and culminating together and add loads of character interaction

>16 IPs

Is this the new "everyone bump at page 10 to desperately keep this dead meme alive" thread?

It's never been anywhere near Page 10 though, autist.

shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit

You'll see.
First time it gets bumped at page 10 I'll post "that" image.

What's "that" image?

What about my post made you THIS mad?

They are lovers. Discuss.

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You'll know it when you see it.
I'll probably get banned for it, but it's well worth it.

Post minge

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This isn't Metal Gear Revengance, you can't scissor a blade

Added to the /qa/ folder.

>enemy starts walking slowly to the left
>I die
Fucking katana bastards

Torna quests were garbage. At least blade quests in 2 had some story to them

Only Blade I've bothered to Max out.

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now get to s+ trust

Regarless "wale! not scotish!", you have to admit she looks cute in these clothes.

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>beat boss
>lose in cutscene every single time

Christ, this game loves shoving this trope down your throat.

Fill her battle pounch with her favorite item!

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Also added

licensing nightmare, plus most of the designs suck


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>Pop Meme Epic

What a cancerous image.

Farm Love Sources if you have DLC, several dozen times faster than any other method.
Without DLC, lel your fucked.

>her favorite item
No. Use noponchos or love sources if you have the DLC.

Keep playing the game and spend ages refilling her favorite pouch items. It's a pain and not worth it if you're just going to finish the game and move on.


>licensing nightmare
I am sure all xenoblade 2's characters are owned by Nintendo.

so the artists all have to let them do whatever they want?

Well I have DLC na djust rewlizes I haven't touched any of the DLC quests. Thanks.

I might do it for KoMo and that's it.

here's another minge for your collection

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Yes, what do you think this is? Square Enix from the 90s? when they fucked up the licensing of live a live giving the rights of the characters to each artist that made them?

Keep it coming.

yep, this is going in my minge compilation

Should I focus on using the top tier/OP blades or instead focus on element variety so I can build orbs for chain attacks?

>die in dream sequence
>have to run back from the real world to dream.

haha wtf how can anyone defend this goofy shit

>25 IPs

All 30 people are almost here.

Dude, as Nintendo is the publisher that means they have the rights for everything original in xenoblade 2. They would only have to get licencing for KOS-MOS and T-ELOS but they get along with Namco these days.

SHHHHHHH you're gonna wake up the XC2DF
Not even number 1 fan is here.

Shit, this was for

You can only craft Love Sources after completing a Chapter 8 quest, has a similar name like Source of Love or something.
The unique quest item will respawn every time you consume it on crafting.
Also take a look at the DLC blade quests, because every blade you get from DLC are very powerful.

that bit where Rex goes all DBZ and Jin goes HOW ARE YOU MATCHING MY SPEED made me laugh my ass off
this game is fucking stupid


I love this game, but the amount of people violently defending that in the thread earlier was pathetic.

They violently defend everything from this game, it's not new.

Shit fucking taste. 2 side quests have nothing


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XB2 is literally a shonen anime.

are these girls considered fetch quests?

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Not just she.

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Why does Mythra's voice sound so weird?

I miss the days when Xeno was a mecha anime and not shonenshit.

So I was rewatching the scenes for chapter 8 and noticed that Malos states that Amalthus can't control Flesh-Eaters. Why then do we see Nia being affected by his power?

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i love her art but i hate her accent

The Blade specific quests are okay for some Blades, but terrible for others which are nothing but Merc quests.

He probably fucked her as well at some point.

>Not liking both

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Control is not the same than being affected.

Hack writing

Xenoblade is objectively better now

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honestly i haven't ever watched any gameplay but i love fapping to nia

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Nia's only being affected by Haze's power of Blade suppression, which Amalthus is using in conjunction with his own master driver ability.

I can tell since you're posting terrible crystal-less art. Nia's crystal and ether lines are her cutest features

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If they just completely threw out the combat system and actually put in something that required player interaction outside of 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 it'd be a decent game.

What's the best chip in the game? I'm Lv. 75 and been farming Gold chips.

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Isn't it Haze's power that he uses? I'm pretty sure his ability to control Mythra is just part of him being a master driver, and he used Haze's ability to suppress the other blades in the process

Only if you like bad anime.

I just made it into Leftheria Village proper (dunno what the place is named, was half asleep when I reached it). About what level should I be? And should I start popping Cores more now?

Right now I'm running
> Rex with Roc and Generic Elec Axe for the full CC combo chain
> Nia with 2 generic Healer Blades (she ended up with Godrey, Perceval, AND Elektra opens)
> Morag with Kasandra and Agate/Generic Tank one

I'm a full 10 levels over almost everything in the area, but even abusing combos and elemental chains it takes forever to kill some shit

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I have no idea what they were thinking. Its literally an offline MMO. People used to shit on FF12, but it's nowhere near this bad.

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>running generic anything for no other purpose than field skills and merc abilities

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>30 IPs


honestly i've been having a really hard time in life lately and i got grilled the fuck out at work tomorrow and almost fired... at least i was able to tell my mom that i loved her for the first time in a few years though, which took a lot of me overcoming insecurities in myself... just wanted to say thanks for posting anime boobies man, they're one of the few sources of joy in my life tonight

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Xenoblade 2 is like old classic anime

It's probably because you're using trash Blades.

Best chips really depend on the weapon in question
The superboss ones are usually the best of the bunch though, and are easy to shell out with driver combos given you're well equipped

>play for four hours
>hear the same awful battle quotes screamed in your ear a few thousand times, often several times per fight
I just can't. Tora broke me, but they were all bad.

Okay, this is f*ckin' epic for the win!
I'm Xeno isn't niche anymore so we can epic comics for true gamers like this!

>and i got grilled the fuck out at work tomorrow


No it fucking isn't. It's generic shonen shit with some moeshit thrown in. It's the worst aspects of anime.

You know you can turn them off, right?

I feel like I'm running the most boring team imaginable yet I'm having so much fun doing it

Rex's story blades synergize really well with each other for my combo heavy playstyle

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sorry, yesterday. my brain is still fried

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Sweet mother of god, I stroke gold this thread.

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Everyone was saying not to open Blades on Rex, because of the whole "he can use them all later", so I ended up with just Boreas and Ursula on him. Nia got nothing but tank opens, and Morag has fucking Attackers. Only higher tiered cores I have right now are from the DLC packs, and I've been holding them because I honestly don't know if its worth it with how low of a Luck stat I have on anyone

Classic anime is shit.

The writer literally confirmed it was based on old anime


Play a real RPG instead of this cringe-borefest with horrible VA.

With the same basic - "Press X when Y happens"over and over and over and over and over again.

I finished this horrible game without dying once on the last part and never touch it again.


no one cares nigger

Do you have Nintendo Online? If you then you can savescum using cloud saves. Just be sure to turn off autosave.

Wait, seriously? Now I need to look this up. I had no clue you could scum this game since it forced a save before after every open

>Play a real RPG
Such as?

I'm saving a bunch of images that show the 30 people(including me) that post in these threads acting in very /vg/ manner, and I intend to make a /qa/ thread with my evidence urging the mods to move the threads to /vg/ or /trash/.

I'm also making pastebin filled with all the info on the 30 people I have, if you'd like to help with anything, feel free.

He's a retarded samefag that shitposts, then take screencaps of his shitposts, to build a massive collage to have the mods ban Xenoblade threads forever.

See:*/ 1 fan/

Attached: I'm retarded.gif (218x228, 1024K)

Man, too bad you're basically forced to cheese the harder challenges on BoC.

Manually save.
Back up save.

If you don't like your results then exit the game and download your previous clouds save.


The only one that demands you cheese it as Elma which is appropriate as the final challenge the game released

Corvin destroys her.

well shit. I might just do this with the few Legendary Cores I have, til I get something good for Nia. Would it be worth it to burn an overdrive or 2 to move Boreas and Ursula to Nia, and just scum a good 3rd for Rex and Morag? I'm kinda partial to Roc now, even though I do 90% of my fighting with Mythra/Pyra out

I consider him cheesing it since pretty much nothing else works. Even my OP solo Poppi build got obliterated


>Nia with 2 generic Healer Blades (she ended up with Godrey, Perceval, AND Elektra opens)
You don't have Vess?

Excuse me XC2fags, what's the name of that girl in the image where she sees Elma and is disappointed, but sees Pyra and is excited?

>Would it be worth it to burn an overdrive or 2 to move Boreas and Ursula to Nia

No. There are much better healers you can get.

Crossette, friend

Can Monolith Soft release an "Ultimate Edition" version with all the DLC and extras in the futr¿ure? Nier game of yorha edition makes me think that Crapcom no longers holds that absurb copyright.

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I wish Poppi was the MC.

I honestly completely forgot about that sidequest, since I wasn't to Mor Ardain yet. Still need to find the bracers.

Why couldn't they patch the map and collection point changes from Torna into the main game? Shoudln't have been too hard.

Her VA did a great job I reckon. Best in the game.

Okay, nice, thank you.
My list is up to 14 of the 30 now.

Cut mandatory town levelling from the end of Torna and it is literally flawless. Best DLC EVER.

Poppi's VA seriously doesn't get enough credit.



Persona 5.

The American release of XCX was kind of an "ultimate edition" since it came with all the Japanese DLC, so it's possible, but not really likely.


What copyright?

I dare say she's the best in the game.

Malos wins that title with this scene. Poppi is number two

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*blacks your path*

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How much did all of the DLC for XBX cost originally?
Malos's English VA is still my favorite, but she's sure up there. And I can't think of any major flubbed lines for Poppi like I can for Malos.

I mean unironically.

Somehow Capcom managed to get a copyright about "releasing an upgrade version of a game on the same console the orginal was" and they fucked Koie with it. To this day, Koie still hates Capcom.

Okay guys, here's my current list of posters that frequent these threads, just hit 20.

>Number 1 Fan
>Liquid Eric
>Elmafag that likes XC2
>Elmafag that doesn't like Xenoblade 2
>Pyraposter that gets triggered by everything
>Mingeposters (Exact number of them unknown, may overlap with other users)
>Redpilled Pyrafag
>That one Niafag that won't show the fuck up
>Gearsfag that likes XC2
>Gearsfag that hates XC2
>Classic anime fan
>Dream guy

Do you have a source for that? How have other companies been releasing GOTY editions then?

>>That one Niafag that won't show the fuck up
I'm right here

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You forgot Joseph

I meant shut the fuck up, just fixed it.


Wasn't it also Capcom that copyrighted "have an arrow at the top of the screen indicating the direction to the next objective" and "have a minigame during your loading screen"? What's with Capcom and scummy copyrights?

I'm still here with my wife

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>dude stabs me in the back and basically a mass murderer
>supposed to feel bad for him because muh Lora

Nope, fuck off with this shit Japan.

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Joseph Anderson doesn't actually browse these threads.

Yes they did, I don't understand how they get patents over concepts.

>According to a report from Japanese publication Sankei (translated via Siliconera), Capcom claims that Koei Tecmo infringed upon a patent it filed back in 2002 that lets you gain new content by combining a new piece of software with an already existing game. Ostensibly this could refer to save data transferring or DLC that ends with the player acquiring new content in the parent game.
This doesn't seem to have anything to do with what you're talking about.

Edward here, you forgot me.

where's the depressed pyra poster from this thread

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Max here.
Don't forget me.

Why the fuck are you morons replying him?

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Persona 5 barely has any quests at all. Quests are literally bosses you add on Mementos.

Don't know who you are, but added.

Does he hate XC2's rabid fanbase? Because that's redpilled Pyrafag.

T. Joseph

People made fun of your tweet. Move on

Number 1 fan is back!
You were late this time.

this guy that you screencapped

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He might be "Pyrafag that gets triggered by everything" because I've seen him post that image before, but I'll add him as a separate person just in case, with an explanation when I add notes to each person.

Probably all of them, and then some. Warriors games are all about being packed with as many characters as they can fit.

Except FEW.

i'm him, i just come here for the boobies. not sure if i was ever "triggered." That was my first time posting that pic. pic related is my goto

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>the power to make dreams come true

Just when I thought this game couldn't possibly get any dumber..

Thread should have ended here.

Hmm, he certainly has posted this before, have you ever strongly defended the game and posted Pyra in an attempt to counter shitposting?

>obsessing over a character for almost two years without playing their game

yes, all the time.

Damn, I forgot the lore autists and Anti-XC1fag/Monado Beginning of the World fag.

Xfag, for a wannabe internet detective you aren't very good at this.

i have never played the game nor have i ever even seen a gameplay video, i just like the waifus

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They blew their budget on casting Matt Mercer twice.

Then you probably are him.

I will replace "trigger Pyrafag" with Depressed Pyrafag.

Holy fuck you were the Pyrafag that never even played the game? Fuck it, that's you're new title.

No, the director was retarded and staff hated him.

>he doesn't main Zeke

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Should I add an image that best represents each person when I make the list to send to the mods?

Sorry, I like spin2win and my healslut wife to much.

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stellar, thanks boo

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when are you sending this list anyway?

Don't know, but when I decide I won't say, I don't want you guys to swarm the /qa/ thread and try and ruin it.

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Yeah I wasn't a fan if how hard they tried to force Jin.

Don't forget Hector

Look at all these assholes, all them killed by a fucking oversize key.

The concepts for the villains were good but used poorly. FInal boss should have either been Amalthus or a team of Jin and Malos in his Logos form. The fight with them in chapter 7 offered more of a challenge than Aion ever did

>tfw don't fall into any of those

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I think he somehow fused me and another poster into one person.

portable or docked mode?
I can't believe the bullshit resolution and framerate this shit has, holy fuck.

I'm a Niafag, but I know I'm not the only one

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I only played in docked mode.

Portable mode for comfy sidequesting, salvaging, affinity chart filling and whatnot, docked for main story progression

>doesn't even mention Jim

I can't do this game portable, it's too weird, but it's okay for salvaging and farming I guess. I mainly play on a Sony TV with Motionflow, so I at least get the illusion of 60fps.

Not sure, was too boring for me to finish

>half my body is in another dimension

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When in doubt, use Tachyon.

Unironically Runescape. Only some of the very beginning intro quests are "bring me twelve bear butts"

>Lv. 130 enemy

No thanks.

The levels for the superbosses don't mean that much. Kurodil's easier than the level 99 guy at the CoM.

Same with Vesperia for me. This game was much more entertaining honestly.

Played this game then emulated the first at 60fps.Such a better experience.

Should I play as Zeke using her or just play as Rex with Zeke in the party?