Attached: laboVR.png (592x966, 609K)

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nintendo really doesn't wanna kill labo huh

Looks expensive and will be boring after 20 minutes

Can't even begin to imagine how shit VR is with hardware that weak

>google shitboard but with an even worse screen and tracking
jesus fuck they really want to kill VR

I didn't believe this butfuck

That camera one looks perfect for Pokemon Snap. That’s a good way to save way labo

Attached: 5E244869-3799-4F2C-8F6B-01BEAF7A33C8.png (220x151, 82K)

>that orange on of the left
Is that a sniff enhancer?

I know you faggits usually go false flagging in threads like these, but seriously, what the fuck are they smoking?

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-144515.jpg (1080x2340, 899K)

PSVR is blurry enough. This will be impossible to work efficiently

I can't fucking believe they made the Virtual Boy again

Attached: 1540872302081.png (480x320, 617K)

Id do this with pokemon snap

>YFW people will defend this

Attached: 1544436340856.gif (228x211, 267K)

No they wont shut up

That kid on the top left is doing that BRAPP meme shit.

Attached: 4564564263626.jpg (720x687, 67K)

Nigger Nintendo kids will defend everything. Don't kid yourself

at this point they should've made this thing stronger instead of trying to make some sort of pseudo "vr" they are trying to work with on these specs

the fuck is this gonna have? The switch cant run vr games

So you put the screen in the box and rest a joycon in front for tracking.
I get it but it sounds shit.
Will this work for the DOAX game?

Attached: 1550342697663.jpg (508x524, 26K)

>that moment when you realize nintendo is gonna kill both labo and the vr market

Attached: based nintendo.jpg (1111x272, 71K)

Which Veruca James video is this? I can never seem to find that specific one.

toy-CON alright

Cant wait for Nintendo Labo: Child Head Injuries Edition!

No idea, I'm gonna look for it now

Attached: Adobe_20190306_211439.png (540x540, 179K)


Attached: fug.jpg (265x459, 41K)

Congrats, you are the first

that's labo for you...but it still sells

>VR senran kagura reflexions
nintendo won

Shop it up baby! Don't forget that elephant looking fuck too.

>720p screen
You just know ninfags will eat this shit up.

Keep us posted senpai


>not even out yet
>Snoycuks seething already

Attached: smug bird.jpg (225x224, 6K)

>360p per eye

This has me giggling fuck

>cirtizing a poorly designed "VR" idea for a poor quality 720p screen is seething
You have to be 18 to post here.

Attached: stfu.jpg (440x623, 36K)

Thanks user. I love seeing my memes used

kek. What is the fps on these things?!


Ohhhh yeah...

Attached: SNIFFFFFFF.png (300x379, 157K)

Pretty sure the lukewarm sales of the Labo series so far prove otherwise, Labo is pretty much just a side brand aimed at rich kids parents at this point and sales reflect that, the average household is either spread too thin with multiple consoles or settles for actual games.

I look forward to seeing it in all the brap threads to come

yummy tears. reply more

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Attached: 1517611261314.jpg (540x438, 19K)

should have been ZSS or wiifit trainer

>buying literal cardboard is for rich parents
someone post that minecraft kid pic

>paying for literal cardboard


Attached: Adobe_20190306_213119.jpg (1440x1948, 211K)

Let's Try Anal - Mofos - Veruca James

Attached: !!e!Ui(g!WM~$(KGrHqUOKp!E0Uc5hywYBNP3Y0BCUw~~_1.jpg (228x266, 18K)


Attached: Dedede laugh comp.png (1384x776, 1.39M)

>Google Cardboard
I still have mine, I only used it for low tier VR porn

The likely point is that making trivial purchases is for rich parents, I sure as fuck would've ever asked for Labo as a kid instead of a brand new game, hell there were plenty of times where I had to coordinate with friends to figure out which games I could miss and hopefully borrow later. I'm sure there's also grown ass people willing to buy Labo for themselves but I think they're an even smaller pie of the low Labo sales.

you mean, like, a handheld? which it is?

here is your switch vr bro

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO.jpg (1200x666, 59K)

>two d-pads
always confused me

>The Virtual Boy system uses a pair of 1×224 linear arrays (one per eye)
24 years later still almost the same resolution.

I supposed they will put the trailer tomorrow

seriously what is going on lmao

Attached: chink.png (1500x1179, 2.06M)

Lol bring on the hate seething roach

>Sister bought a labo after her recent trip to Japan after I jokingly said "Labo looks fun" one time.
They're (yes, she bought 2 of them) still unopened, sitting in the closet.

>3.5x the resolution is "almost the same"
At least put effort into your shitpost

Just keep using your IMAGINATION!

Clicked on thread for this, thanks

It is 360p per eye.

Your move, Nintendo.

Except it's much heavier than a normal handheld.

40 is expensive? Hell the package that includes the other crap like the bird only bring it up to 80. Cheapest VR around.

I don’t think it’s meamt to be strapped to your face
You’re always going to be holding it which is even more shit

THIS, I'm going to burn my Switch just like I burned my PS4 after the Life of Black Tiger trailer.

Dude I literally googled brap png. I don't have a brap folder

>40 is expensive
for cardboard that's like 10 cents, yes.

Labo was the best thing to happen to /po/ in years.

Nice. Thanks.

>let's pretend for the fourth time these shit packs don't come with games
inb4 20 cents game

It's cardboard and a video game... just like the other packs.

The original Labo thread is still up
A thread from 2016 is still alive

What a strange and magical place.

not really

who cares when the games are shit you dumbfuck drones. Holy shit, you spastic retards would literally eat shit if it had a nintendo logo on it.

Here they come

>point out reality
You're the one who thinks the packs are just cardboard.

card board AND a piece of shit?!? whoopty fucking doo. Faggot.

yeah cardboard against your face, yeah no.

what the fuck is this even for

how is this shit going to hold?

Attached: IMG_20190306_212333.jpg (673x379, 50K)

You hold it with your hands while playing at the same time

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Actually, only 1.6. The Virtual Boy was capable of 384x224 per eye. Labo does 640x360. That is actually fucking pathetic.

>Labo does 640x360

The Virtual Boy was also only capable of displaying a single color.

Nintendo and their stupid fucking gimmicks.

I honestly can no discern whether you are sarcastic or not.