Here's your VR, bro
Here's your VR, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks fun
This real?
>wrong timeline detected
wtf user, this lookntoo dumb to be false ffs.
oh its real
looks awesome thanks man
it may not be the highest tech but Nintendo sure knows how to make fun stuff
imagine walking into your kid's room and seeing this
360p per eye 10 fps per eye.
We viewmaster now!
i honestly have no fucking clue what that's supposed to be
holy shit Nintendo Switch and its owners are fucking stupid
Considering I see a missile on the top left side, probably a missile launcher of some sort.
enhanced sniff device
Sony: PS VR
Microsoft: Holo Lens
Steam: HTC Vive
Fucking Facebook: Oculus Rift
Nintendo: Cardboard
I mean, it looks stupid, but it makes a lot more sense than actual VR. The tactile feedback alone makes it a lot immersive than current VR systems.
The memes were real all along?
Everything you just listed is fucking shit
he's the final boss
Fucking hell, MatPat called this awhile ago
Now he's going to be a smug prick about it
>I mean, it looks stupid, but it makes a lot more sense than actual VR. The tactile feedback alone makes it a lot immersive than current VR systems.
Looks fun.I play fun things.
>*Users can easily turn off the VR feature and use the included Screen Holder instead of the VR Goggles to enjoy any of the included games and experiences in 2D.
How the hell can a switch run two of the same image without it being 480p?
I would rather have the cardboard over all the shit you posted honestly.
>Sony: PS VR
>Microsoft: Holo Lens
Fucking what mate?
>Steam: HTC Vive
>Fucking Facebook: Oculus Rift
Eh, I guess?
It's true though. What's more immersive? You holding two grip controllers simulating a gun or holding an object that actually feels like a gun?
Like that’s the weirdest thing for young kids you could buy.
If my kid was over 8-9 I wouldn’t let him play with cardboard but it’s obviously for very young children.
so it's nintendo branded google cardboard with some motion control gimmicks
The Switch is so godamn heavy no wonder there is no strap with this.
the only right way to play the next metroid
>I would rather have the cardboard over all the shit you posted honestly.
How can anyone be this fucking dense?
I bet you also like to sniff your own farts retard
You can do it with smartphones already so this isn't that far of a stretch.
can I watch some vr JAV with this? I have a few ntr ones bookmarked
>zooming your eyes on a 720p screen
That must be awful.
>actually knowing what MatPat says and being able to recall it from memory
I thought you were better than this bro.
Don't know user, have you looked in the mirror lately?
I'll bite, but I'm going to cast the same bait back at you.
Whats more immerisve? You holding something in your hand that tracks its position 1:1 and usually simulates something in game, and allowing you to move your entire body freely, or attaching an elephants trunk to the end of your "vr" goggles and having to hold it the entire time and not being able to move freely around in the vr world?
Yep, this one is going in my snoy compilation
If that camera doesn't come with a free copy of Pokemon Snap clone, I will rage.
Google Cardboard exists
Ninty fans are insane
What a weakling.
Do you have aids or something? How can you be this weak? I can easily hold it with three fingers.
>I would rather experience sub 20 FPS on 720p screens jammed into my face by a cardboard frame designed for the head of a small child than a properly designed piece of equipment
Don't kid yourself faggot, you are possibly the epitome of the retarded console-war Nintendo faggots here by actually defending fucking cardboard to products actually made off quality.
You're replying to a nintendo fanboy, what are you doing, expecting an actual response?
1080p phones look like complete crap on VR and the switch is only 720p, at least it's just some labo throwaway shit and not an actual VR set.
If that was fun and enjoyable i would do it.But it isnt
why would it be sub 20fps
Except you're not really moving your body freely since you can't literally move 100+ ft. in your room to simulate real movement. Or that, no matter how much you want to believe, two grip controllers will never feel as real as a real gun/whatever would. It might be bootlegged as fuck, but holding an object that actually feels like the object used in game goes a long way in terms of immersion.
Had to check my calendar, I thought it was April 1st.
>looking into a bird's anus
For a kids head to hold it up you nonce
I've always wanted to look up a bird's anus
>720p screen
>360p per eye
Labo games are shovelware tier, they'll easily be able to render.
Not sure how the 720p screen is going to turn out though.
Biggest issue is resolution, not many phone can do anything about this without running at 2k for a decent looking VR output.
Does anyone have PSVR and how does that look?
>Properly designed piece of equipment
We've reached peak meme when Yea Forums is now defending fucking VR
You've done the impossible Nintendo, you've broken the website
It doesn't have to be the best at simulating VR, just good enough.
this shit is so embarrassing
It doesn't even pass the "complete fucking garbage" google cardboard test.
Look forward to two years of Yea Forums whining about a cardboard toy that's meant for kids
So, being able to move freely in a 6x6 area, and being able to have your head tracked with an incredibly high resolution and high FPS headset, and having your arms tracked 1:1 in VR allowing you to manipulate the VR world, and holding the end of the controller which has weight, and actuall feels like the grip of a gun, ISN'T as good as using a small flat tablet at 720p, having to hold on to it on your head, with cardboard, and holding near weightless squares in your hand, with more than likely shit tracking?
user, I totally believe you. I 100% think you rationally thought about this, and just aren't being a retard.
rev up the meme engines again
Dumb bitch the kids advertised are 9+
Honestly the novelty of VR alone makes it way more appealing than the first Nintendo Labo sets.
Are you retarded or just baiting? What the fuck is this post?
since this is an off topic thread can someone give me a quick rundown on uber
I've never used it before but might have to tomorrow
>Does anyone have PSVR and how does that look?
I have a PSVR. It looks okayish. When you're in the game for a while, and actively doing something you kind of forget about the lines in your face or the shitty resolution. As soon as it slows down, or you're not being as active, its a lot more obvious.
The PSVR I feel is just above the threshold of being bad. I couldn't imagine what this switch VR will be like.
why is anyone acting surprised that this is a thing
we've already seen half of these in the labo first look trailer last fucking year
>put credit card info
>put location of where you want to go
>gps will put in your location to driver
>wait for him and look for the car with the same car license plate
>get on
>get off
>you've paid already with your credit card
>since this is an off topic thread
How the fuck is this offtopic?
Reminds me of the episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force when Master Shake watches a movie about a horse's anus
>open app
>schedule ride
>app tells you what make/model car to look out for
>wave down car when you see it
>get in back seat
>get driven to destination
pretty simple desu
VRchat when?
If it is Falco's ass, sure.
Nephew was trying a phone VR game with a bunch of star wars stuff.
The stuff couldn't connect to the phone right and the app would only load with his mom's phone which she needed for some law stuff, and my brother couldn't get the thing loaded in the device and it was taking forever, and it got really tense and they had a big fight over it., yeah. A switch version of that where the controllers just hook into the tablet to sync, and everything is specifically designed for the tablet would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
I haven't known a single relationship growing up that didn't end up being miserable fighting and or divorce. Is it all a lie, or do I just have terrible role models?
This seriously, seriously pissed me off
Shit like this sets VR back several years and gives a terrible false impression. How is anybody supposed to take VR gaming seriously when shit like this exists? Especially if parents see it as dumb shit for kids.
PSVR has broadened the VR market in amazing ways and has helped bring it on track to be something special and now this shit is going to fuck everything up.
is there no way to set a specific time for them to arrive? is the estimate they give you in the app accurate?
>Virtual eality
>Just a fucking device with a screen and goggles
the whole point of labo is that it's "dumb shit for kids"
>get in back seat
isn't this kind of rude if I'm the only one getting picked up
Imagine the state of the community if the current furry sissy traps of VRChat meet the nintendies kiddies
>Nintendo expected to sell a shitton of switches last holiday
>misses expectations
>thought LABO was going to be the killer app to get people to buy more switches
>release this
was it autism?
t. Early adopter
Lmao eat shit, VR will and always be a dumb fad
>>Nintendo expected to sell a shitton of switches last holiday
>>misses expectations
What alternate reality are you from?
Kimishima said they would do VR once they silvestre how to make the set comfortable yo wear during long periods of time. Guess they found a solution.
They said LABO performed about as expected.
I feel like VR is pretty dull without any tactile feedback. Good step towards it but not enough to get me into it.
Nintendo's audience is no longer children, it's single men in their 30s who refuse to let go of their childhood. Children are playing fortnite and phone games.
>strap an entire system to your head
This is going to look horrible. PSVR is bad enough and it's 1080p, has better lenses, is more powerful and comes with a separate processor unit. That also looks horribly uncomfortable.
On second look, it looks like you don't actually strap it to your head and the "games"/graphics will be really simplistic. Makes more sense. Fischer Price VR.
Can we have a fucking thread without consolé warring, you cretin fucks.
I know Rec Room is full of actual children, odds are that there are many of them on VRchat too.
but they literally say that it's specifically for kids and "kids at heart"
>Sony has VR
>Nintendo has VR
>Microsoft has... Hololens?
It's fucking over Xbox is finished
*sniff sniff*
Just because they say that doesn't mean that's who's buying them.
VR is for children
Top left looks like the device in that one BRRRAAAAPPP meme webm. Like that one where the glasses guy looks so proud of himself with that thing on his face.
thanks for the laugh user
>Sony has dogshit VR
>Nintendo has "VR"
>Microsoft has something that might be used for actual work in the future
I don't see the problem here.
Does this mean there will be a way for me to use the Switch with Riftcat? I need some better DOF controllers since using a Xbox controller is a pain.
How dare Nintendo make a mockery of VR with this cardboard shit
Wtf i love VR now
>Nintendo announces shit for kids
>Yea Forums goes on an childish autist rampage trying so hard to call people childish autists
make a serious console without silly shit like this first dumb manbaby
MS has WMR which is probably the best any company has done to VR so far, it's basically an open* standard that many big hardware companies are using for their own VR sets.
I'm so glad that this is the rumored Switch VR shit, so that it can be forgotten in a couple of months, instead of Nintendo actually trying to make some high end shit and failing horribly. VR is a meme
>Anons so hung up on console wars they couldn't make a single Virtual Boy joke.
Bunch of faggots.
Knuckles controllers for WMR FUCKING WHEN
This. Fuck VR.
I think mixing should work but knuckles will have to use lighthouse tracking, WMR relies on visually tracking the controllers with big LEDs on them.
This is going to harm VR more than anything
IF your first VR experience is a 720p60 screen its going to look like shit
The Rift DK1 really put me off VR, it wasn't until I used the Vive that the damage was undone
This looks so fun unlike PC vr. I want it SO BAD.
Thats literally what SteamVR is but HTC are the only company who bothered as Valve don't have the shekels MS do
I remember seeing Labo has some basic visual programming. Could you use this to make basic VR games? Might be a good holdover til dreams comes out
WMR is also a hardware standard so pretty much all the work is done, the manufacturers just do small tweaks and the outside design.
Nintendobabs are so fucking laughable
>b-but it's just for kids bro haha you wouldn't hate on the kiddos right *hides preorder*
imagine actually being the parent of a nintendo retard that bing bing wahoos in his bedroom all night wearing fucking cardboard on his head and back
Who are you quoting?
Incidentally, Sony's attempt to pander to the legit children fucking failed cause it was literally, knock off legos.
literally every nintendautist in the thread defending this cardboard shit
Is this the spiritual successor to the 3DS? I don't get how this works. It doesn't look like it uses the Switch in the headset so it must have a separate smaller screen right?
>Snoyfucks are raging over this cause it literally sold more then Marvel's Spider-Man
>Nintenbabies are fucking flipping out for the sake of flipping out.
This looks way more practical than PC VR which is overpriced headsets that require an hour of setup every time and a huge area of blank floor space and for what? To play yet another overpriced shooting gallery tech demo thing. Nintendo makes way better shit than that.
Besides that I believe VR settings were datamined from the Switch's UI so people knew Nintendo played around with the idea at some point.
How's that Toio set from SONY tm treating you, champ? You build a car yet?
imagine being this much onions
Why are you lying on the internet and getting angry?
Both factually incorrect I may add.
hey son are you winning?
Virtual Boy games confirmed?
Then both sides are just chimping out for no reason? Fuck.
What killer app will it have? Which games will get VR compatibility?
not really. If you sit in the front expect to talk, if you sit in back just relax
>Listing Hololens over superior WMR with it's 1440p 90hz screens.
>Yea Forums having children
lies & cope
I think this is more in line with hooking the 3DS' top screen to your face than it's supposed to be actual immersive VR. Which is honestly fine for a novelty. Nintendo already knows how to do 3D.
I need footage, before I can Sony on it.
>some cardboard wank that plays shitty minigames designed for 8 year olds at 480p is better than PC VR
VR in general is fucking retarded at this point in time, but clearly so are you
whatever you have to tell yourself
I’d fart ass into that hole
I would like a VR mode in MK8 Deluxe, but that probably wont happen
>Sonyfans come out in droves to attack it cause last time, it BTFO'd them
Not even a nintendo fag, but holy shit. You guys legit got BTFO'd by CARDBOARD
>Nintendo makes way better shit than that.
Yeah, all those fantastic Labo games like...
nintendo knows the software is more important than hardware
>killer app
Can't wait for the Yea Forumsr threads.
Sets can go for 200-300 nowdays and setting it up is as easy as tracing your play area, 2x2 meters is enough.
But surely this throwaway piece of cardboard is better than actual PC VR because there's Nintendo printed on the side, of course.
God of War (GOTY 2018) and Labo released on the same day. Which one got BTFO again?
Maybe if VR wasn't so fucking expensive people would be more eager to adopt it.
call me back when I can get PSVR and a game included for $80
this garbage was so disgustingly bad, really set VR back
By making it affordable?
>set VR back
Clearly you haven't heard of the Virtual Boy
But nobody was talking about it...
Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are doing something tommorow. Holy shit. I'm staying up until 2AM to see the China Hero Project.
>1-2 switch tier games
it's just going to be like the other labo shite except with extra vomiting and nausea
Nintencells should die!!
>being this fucking poor
It will never be cheaper than a mid-tier monitor or peripheral.
Just use grindr for a free ride
does Dreams even have VR? didn't see it in the beta
Are labo games even games? Aren't they just one-off toy things?
Actually Virtual Boy emulation is the best thing about cardboard
Astrobot will NEVER come to Labo VR
>sitting in the front of taxi unless you absolutely have to
What in the actual fuck? Why the fuck would you ever do something like this? That's fucking weird, bro.
It's supposed to be day one when the game launches.
>nincels still pretending that cardboard boxes are fun
I really hope some of these posts are false flags.
VR has been an absolute dumpster fire and Nintendo won't change anything.
So is VR officially dead now? Can VRfags stop shilling?
The WMR controllers are so much better than the Oculus or Vive's (bar the knuckle controllers) but fuck me I wish they sold light houses seperately so I can use them outside of the laughably small FOV of the headset cameras
>people are ACTUALLY defending nintendo's $70 cardboard again
I'm assuming it won't be part of early access?
It WAS dead until Nintendo changed the game and revolutionised the entire VR landscape.
>implying this is VR
>thing happens
>people talk about thing
The Virtual Boy had some cool games, but the Virtual Boy's failure doomed the VR market for a good while.
Yes? Is the virtual boy also not VR just because it's a poor product?
>looks fun
>makes more sense than vr
>this is more practical than oculus
Did you even read the thread, retard?
There was literally no excuse for them not to port/remake any of those games for 3DS
yeah, they just ended the vr fad by making it the most cringeworthy thing imaginable.
>thing happens
>people talk about thing
Yes I believe I already said this.
based nintendo.
>literally only a fucking 50% improvement in the per eye resolution over the god damn Virtual Boy
Jesus Christ.
Most of the library takes place in third person, so yeah, that isn't VR.
Hey at least it has more than 2 colors now
There are people praising/defending it in this thread which yes, is also discussion. Don't be retarded.
>why are people talking about recent news
I don't understand what you are so confused about
>the nose brap device in the top left
surely this isn't real
>$80 for cardboard
>google cardbard $15
so innovative
so original
I'm confused about why we're tolerating any opinions that aren't shitting on this garbage.
imagine the smell
I assume a game comes with the set.
Oh sweetie when you grow up you'll understand that people have opinions and 4channel isn't your personal army
>cocksucker VR
The cardboard is for hiding the dildo and what he's doing to it.
I need to update this image to include LABO on the side.
Why don't you tell us why you are angry?
In all fairness, at least it's a game and not a movie. I've become sick of cinematic experiences like The Order 1886 and Halo and Bloodborne.
Thats nice.
Unless this means a port of Tetris Effect, who cares?
Hello ACfag
You implied that no one was defending it, I stated directly quoted examples of people in this thread defending it and now you're trying to have some pedantic argument with me about the exact dictionary definition of defending in comparison to discussing. Stop being a re re, user. This shit is stupid and the people itt defending it are mouth breathing mongoloids.
But why are you mad tho?
>another series of months where Yea Forums goes apeshit over a toy designed for kids (note how kids are being used for advertising rather than the usual "young adult" type they use in commercials)
Literally the only reason I know of this thing's existence is because of Yea Forums.
>criticize sony
>immediately deflect
No wonder you guys were voted the worst fanbase.
Probably projection on your part since I'm not upset.
Did someone kill your parents with a Labo kit user?
If the goggles actually get support outside of LABO, I might get one when it's cheaper.
Saves me the hassle of tracking down a PSVR to play around with a meme.
>tripfag thinks he's gonna rustle my jimmies
This. Fucking pathetic drooling Nintendo haters always get so obnoxious and loud over EVERYTHING nintendo does.
>what why aren't people being autistic shitposters! STOP DEFENDING LABO REEEEEEE REEEEEEEE REEEEEEE
Clearly you are
It's worse when they deflect and call you a faggot, or bring up some silly boogeyman to deflect from their shitposting, like
you're a grown adult defending cringe $70 cardboard to try to "win" a console-war debate online. reevaluate your life choices.
Plus it’s cheap more people will be willing to try VR if it’s cheap
It motherfucking better
Cardboard VR is to real VR what a kick in the testicles is to a full body massage with a happy ending
I wouldn't take one of these for free but have fun kids. I'll stick to DolphinVR.
Nobody's defending it though.
It's literally a toy for children. It's obviously not supposed to be a full-fledged VR experience, hence why it's not $600.
The only people who've ever ranted about how Labo is an "embarrassment" are people who are desperately reaching for something to shit on the Switch for.
Wait, hold up. Didn't consider this.
Do it Nintendo. Do it and its a day one buy.
Tripfag genocide when?
It’s about 5-8 minutes off that times
This is your brain on console wars
Thanks, a new braaap reaction image added to the folder.
Is this that Black Clover anime?
Huh. Similar artstyle. What is it then?
Amazing I can't wait to see all the scratches on my switch that I got from the official dock close up now.
Use reverse image search, you stupid faggot.
>You can virtually gaze up an avian rectum
Nintendo is bringing us the real shit.
>Virtual Boy Wario Land remake gets announced
You people love making stuff up.
>nintendo makes you eat bird ass
Based and cloacapilled
Alright already, sheesh.
Nazi girls are hot.
Kill yourself, Chaim.
You poor boys, so persecuted.
Literally the only correct line for a oarent
So you put your Switch in those cardboard molds? Its neat but that cardboard hold up.
Well at least there's always plenty more behind the liquor store.
No it's actually because Nintendo >>>> indie shart devs
>all these replies
>no mention of Laboman
I guess you guys stopped caring after all
If my 3 year old cellphone can do some pretty convincing lag free VR, I'm sure the switch can too.
Oh boy, this means more Labo shitposting.
The ultimate incentive to buying your own car
You know that's what PSVR is too, right? If even that high; it's substandard in every other technical aspect.
Are you a bitch? Gonna give the fucking driver a HJ or BJ faggot? Or are you a nigger trying to rob the driver? Get in the fucking back.
You could totally slip your peepee in there and get a handy from an underage negress
how do I make my doggo take a selfie?
Somehow I knew the snoybois would be more excited about this than Nintendo fans.
Top left looks like a brap detector.
PSVR is 1080p and even the 4k ones are substandard. Every VR is blurry. Every VR succeeds in tricking your brain into thinking it's in another world.
If you could pull your head out of your ass long enough you might see that it's pretty fucking funny regardless of what console you jizz over.
This can't be fucking real.
I mean, i understand the point of labo, but what's the point of this shit? You are literally looking into vr anyways, what's the point of building this cardboard
Why is there a cardboard device that smacks your shin when you push on the peddle?
I bet you think wojak and pepe are fucking funny too, you stupid cuck.
is that a brap sniffer?
neat. it reminds me of when my dad made a makeshift bombsight out of pipe, wood, and ping pong balls for a birthday party so we could see who could hit the most targets that were set up on the 1st floor
>Virtual Boy games confirmed?
THIS is a good comment I hope comes into fruition
>sniffing the neighbor's wife brap from the living room
Calm down bro your cardboard is rad, sorry.
Looks like my wife.
So this is the last one, I'm guessing? Sales for Labo don't seem to be too hot and this finishes the models they hinted at in the first trailer.
You know this is the most half of you faggots can afford.
>drum cyclops
What does their megazord look like?
>Every VR succeeds in tricking your brain into thinking it's in another world.
maybe if you're a grandma
Ah yes, because holding a piece of cardboard that can be crushed by holding it too hard and you have to hold dead center on your face worse than the classic doom guy totally feels like holding a real gun. At least proper VR headsets can have things like this so you can manipulate your rifles however you want
3D World VR. Would you buy it?
>nintendo reveals $90 cardboard again
>sony soi boiz parade around their $400 dollar gimmick that's gonna be dropped in 2 years
Neither is appealing but only one is hysterical.
As in cool 3d world?
Nightmares ahoy!
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
>almost 300 replies
>nobody has posted this yet
You disappoint me.
This saddens me. We have gone so fucking low to the point where literal retards are defending 720p cardboard VR. Fucking shoot me, pete.
Toio hasn't even launched yet my guy, it comes out March 20th in Japan
see Because those first THREE labo kits, because the third is actually out, has such great software
You haven't touched a VR headset, have you?
VR won't be in any of the betas, same for multi im pretty sure
whats the moonrunes say
I want to fuck Angelica.
I would think its fine to mock any shitpost calling Bloodborne and Halo cinematic experiences
>he says this while posting babies first rpg
holy shit kill yourself
The end times
You’ve been saying this for years
Cause I ain't gotta play Fire Emblem to know Lucina is cute and makes for a decent reaction image while eating
>he doesn't chop the tree for free cardboard
Get a load of this casual.
How old are you with those kids hands. You gotta be 18+ to post here
>nintendo 90$ cardboard vr is worst than a 5$ google cardboard
>sony vr is 200$ and its better than the 200$ oculus
Try to keep up
Sony shitty vr is nowhere near as good as an oculus. What drugs you on? Can I have some
Its funny he said this while labo barely sold 1 mil between three different sku. Is labo failure proof that nintendo fans wont just buy anything?
>tfw it's still deeper than any other VR game
>mfw this will probably top the Vive's lifetime sales in the span of a few months
fuck does this even mean
Nice try retarded fanboy. Someone up top literally just said they rather play with cardboard and proceeds to call psvr shit when its all shit. Stop being retarded.
>Nintendo should stop caring about being a company for all ages.
>They need to focus on the 30 year old boomers. Like me!
I don't know why making something for kids makes you people so retarded.
they're selling boxes of cardboard
>soitendo fans
Nothing says fun like folding cardboard for 2 hours so you can play a shitty mini-game with 15 minutes of content
F-Zero VR when?
Fnaf VR trilogy is finally possible
Based Nintendo saving VR from subhuman pc mustard racers. Fucking Epic FTW
What are the games gonna be though?
I like VR but there's no way i gonna waste my money on paper headset.
Maybe i'll just wait for third party
For specifics on what hes doing, you swipe up on the touch pad to shoot out a hookshot, swipe down to retract, and physically move the controller up while Astro is on the rope to launch him up
Will they finally bring back some virtual boy games?
>they don't make pokemon snap ultimate
>they make nes games in vr (only with nintendo online)
you know this is happening, niggas.
I want to bully loli Jahy-sama so fucking much.
The pages where she tries to not cry are the best.
I hope he stays for good.
This is going to be the only time I make fun of labo because I think it's pointless. But honestly imagine a full grown man using one of those bottom ones. (the elephant and the bird thing)
Astrobot got me interested in VR. I hope Nintendo can take what Team ASOBI did, and make it bigger and better.
The Asobi bots have actually been on the PS4 since the beginning. They were in both Playrooms. They might be stuck on Playstation's peripherals, but I think Astro will be around for a decent while longer.
Did you play Labo? I've played F2P mobile games that were more fun and in depth
Are just going release game that can only play in VR or just gonna update old game to support it?
I'm having a head time wrapping my head around Nintendo and VR. They only have like three franchises that work in first person. F-Zero, Metroid, and Star Fox. Maybe Punch Out? But that's superficial at best. All dead franchises might I add.
It's going to be a handful a cheap fucking tech demos
>it's real
how do they keep getting away with it
He's getting stronger!
Do Labo kits have an actual game? Everything I've seen makes it seem like a "make your own fun" type of deal where there's basically no content
Imagine if this shit actually manages to take off and Nintendo pulls off another Wii.
You are correct in this.
The games must be amazing if they're announcing the console in tweet form. It will be interesting to see in a few hours.
The Wii got a bunch of great games tho.
The Labo shit has sold fairly well but it's not going to make the Switch another Wii. It's mostly just an easy way for them to make tons of money because they're selling literal cardboard and tech demos for $60-80 a pop
>bottom left
>you're putting your face up against a goose's asshole
Actually, this is the best move they could have made.
The switch is an underpowered console, Nintendo wanted to do vr for a long time, but obviously this console is not fit for it
And they have labo, a clearly kid oriented brand despite what some manchildren here believes
Just use labo to do vr, they can experiment with it, while selling it as kid toy, and then who cares if the switch's screen is 60hz, or if it's not powerful enough? Kids won't complain right?
If the kids start throwing up it will be pretty bad for business.
The best they can hope for is that if they can't fake a 120hz refresh rate is that the games have minimal head movement. And thats not great for VR either way
Nintendo already made a crummy VR system though
It's not like this is going to get VR games, can you imagine that? "Requires LABO VR kit, sold separately". Nah. It's just going to have some stereoscopic images to look at and retarded mini game to play once you assemble your cardboard toy. Nothing more. Labo is a gimmick for autistic children, not a VR headset
this is not proper vr, this clearly isn't designed to be a fully fledged vr experience
this is a way to experiment with hmd-like controls while still selling kids stuff
30 seconds of putting cardboard in your face won't make kids puke
I only care about games. If it's just another tech demo that has no real Nintendo quality games, then it's trash.
Do not expect full vr, this is just some other dumb cardboard labo stuff
it's not trash if you're 12
Can i just wait for third party VR headset instead this VR cardboard?
The switch is not a vr ready system.
A fucking google cardboard is a better experience than an hypothetic "full" switch vr
PSVR killer
Pretty sure Labo sold around 1 million units on basically the same principal. This will sell more just because it's VR, even though it's still nothing but demos
Except most 3 year old flagships have much higher DPIs (>500) than the Switch's measly 210 DPI. It's going to be blurry mess compared to your phone.
This one will be the biggest seller.
Again, Labo products are very good.
And this is a very good toy.
It would be amazing if we can play game like Xenoblade 2 in VR but i guess that's just daydreaming
>VR Duck Hunt/Duck Hunt spiritual successor type thing with the blaster
sounds tight
It is a fully fledged Premium Nintendo brand VR Headset, complete with high resolution immersive displays, surround sound, memory foam face padding and a library of hit VR titles, such as Metroid Prime 4 featuring Metroid from the Metroid Prime series (now exclusive to LABO)
Did Nintendo realize that half of their money is coming from broomer?
Imagine if they still won't do any rereleases or remakes of Virtual Boy games again like with the 3DS.
>VB rereleases on a cardboard DYI kit
Are you mentally retarded? This isn't a VR headset, it's just another Labo kit that happens to have VR as its theme
>VR F-Zero, Metroid, and Star Fox
what a beautiful dream
fucking kek, it's 2018 all over again
do your fucking job and defend this cardboard shit, toddlers :)
>what poorfags think vr is.jpeg
VR is only good for porn.
Oh shit, my mom had one of these. It was pretty neat how you got 3D photos.
>60 FPS
>Lag free
You clearly don't know what VR standards are, then. VR, as a BASELINE needs to be running at 75 hz. and ideally at 90 hz.
Fucking christ.
>This is going to be a lot of peoples' first VR experience
>To nobody's surprise, it's going to make them motion sick because the frame rate will be garbage, the split screen will be 360p pressed up against their face and they won't even have 6DOF tracking.
>Everyone's going to hate it.
>Everyone's going to just assume that's what VR is, decide that they hate it and never give another VR headset a shot
>The entire VR industry suffers
>The Waifu Age is pushed back another decade.
Nintendo, I love you, but you don't know what you're doing. The Switch cannot do VR. Please don't do this.
You're telling a pretty dramatic worst case scenario story and then confusing it with reality.
We don't know anything about these products. There's not even a video. Let's wait and see before we get carried away.
How would that logo look? VaRms? V-ARMS? ∀RMS?
Nintendo's audience is everybody, they release different products for different age groups.
What the fuck is hololense?
Yeah, just like kids think cardboard steering wheels are what cars are and the entire automotive industry suffers. Are you retarded? I doubt there will be anything more than viewable 3D images in the viewer to begin with, since that's about on par with Labo's other "games". No one is going to confuse Nintendo's cardboard shit for the real thing. It's very obviously nothing more than a toy.
(also works with LABO VR!)
>be a parent
>kid wants a fucking expensive cardboard instead of playing with legos or their phone
What a time to be alive
What's there to wait and see? The Switch's specs just aren't up to snuff for VR. Google Cardboard, at least, is splitting a 1080p screen in half before you slap it on your face. Switch is splitting a 720p screen in half.
Hardware-wise, the Switch is going to be worse than the original VR headset and, ironically, it's going with a cardboard enclosure too.
>No one is going to confuse Nintendo's cardboard shit for the real thing. It's very obviously nothing more than a toy.
Fuck me, I hope you're right.
Than maybe this really is a much simpler VR experience. Maybe it's reframing it entirely.
I mean, it sounds like you know the hardware necessary pretty well. If the Switch is so obviously under par, don't you think developers making it know that, or that the product will at least be play-tested to make sure whatever they're doing isn't this elaborate train-wreck you're envisioning is?
I just don't see a world where an entertainment product as cataclysmic as you're imagining made it this far in the development process. Maybe I'm being naiive, but that seems like a lot.
This was actually meant for you, but whatever.
>Ruining the clean White/Asian marketing aesthetic with a nigger and its dirty, ugly nigger skin
I think VR is only nausea-enducing when it's trying to simulate reality and fails. If it's very obvious fake, primitive 3D, I don't think it's the same deal. I never remember getting nausea in the Virtual Boy, and that's more or less what I imagine the quality of the Labo demos will be
At any rate this will have absolutely no effect on your precious waifu sims, so calm down
I'm a VR dev for my day job, actually, hence my knowledge of the hardware. But, yeah. You're probably right. This is Nintendo. They know how to make really polished stuff. There's no way that they would release something like this if it wasn't of quality. The fact of the matter, though, is that these hardware limitations are seriously no joke. The devs are going to have to pull off some serious "Nintendo Magic" in order pull this thing off with any amount of grace.
They do come with an actual game. The Vehicle and Robot kits contain more elaborate stuff. The variety kit content is spread too thin. They all do come with a development area where you can experiment with making your own stuff, though.
The nature of the product itself, the way it was made public, and the company behind it all make me think this is going to be a fairly simple, gimmicky, albeit very well polished experiment.
In the way LABO seems to be a playground for experimenting with odd contraptions and ideas, this seems like a low-investment opportunity to learn something about the territory.
Could they theoretically combine the ROBOT kit and the basic VR kit?
If so, VR ARMS would be crazy.
Google did it first.
>Nintendo Labo: VR Kit is a Unique First VR Experience Kids and Families Can Build Themselves
They know Google Cardboard is a thing, right?
You'll have a better experience buying a $4 google cardboard off ebay and using your phone.
Yeah, but that didn't have controllers. The Joycons have slightly more than what Cardboard originally offered in that regard, but it's still going to be not a good time for anybody with that screen and that framerate.
Google Cardboard is nothing more than cardboard and lenses that turn your phone into a 3D viewer
Labo is an edutainment product that combines cardboard props that you assemble yourself with software that teaches you how and gives you stuff to do with them.
It's really completely different. Didn't you ever have a "learning can be fun" type of gift? That's Labo.
Holy fuck. I haven't thought about Capsela in decades.
That's a very complex looking bong that you have there.
what the fuck am I looking at
I tried it at a friends house, takes like 30 seconds more than setting up a regular game.
"wind pedal"
will likely give you the sensation that you're flying through the air
Even the top quality $1000 vr nobody takes seriously you fucking autistic retard.
Cus there's NO FUCKING GAMES for the shit
i bought the robot kit just to build it and im honestly surprised that they're not using a similar headband in the vr goggles that they did in the visor
it was a bit screwy to put together but hell if it didn't work, although given that that the entire switch console is gonna be up front then im pretty sure it couldn't support the weight
>Strap an entire system
You know the switch is only an inch bigger than phones right? And this is obviously designed for kids
>I never remember getting nausea in the Virtual Boy
Because it was about as virtual reality as a fucking 3D viewfinder you imbecile
look at the picture you fucking numbskull
You can do third person in VR, but none of their franchises would work in VR third person, either. VR third person is also best done with a gamepad.
The cardboard probably isn't strong enough to hold the weight of the switch.
More fun than spending $800 to play a mini game for 15 minute
Pikmin could honestly be pretty good in VR. Especially with hand tracking to simulate pikmin throwing.
Pokemon Snap: Labo Edition when?
right, that was my point
>fourth kit made
Yea Forums wrong again lmao
I would have loved to have something like that as a kid. Instead we had to settle for shit like this.
PSVR is shit in regards to VR but its exclusives are fun.
>Fucking what mate?
Holo Lens is not VR, that user is retarded and meant Windows Mixed Reality, which is a line of VR headsets made by various companies.
Hopefully the Vive Knuckles will justify all of its ridiculous setup, but otherwise yeah it's not great
>Eh, I guess?
You're pretty dead on, Stormlands will probably be fun.
people playing tetris effect and thumper with the ps4 VR stated it to be "like headphones for your eyes."
games that could have vr compatibility wouldn't necessarily need to be in first-person, although yes, having the former without the latter does seem a bit stupid at a conceptual level, but hear me out
say you were playing super mario odyssey and looked to your left. the camera would pan accordingly so that it'd be 1:1 with the headset
splatoon already does this and does it well with its own motion controls, and has proven to do it well
but at the same time a discretion should be made between the motion of the headset and the motion of the controller you're using, so that movement could be controlled in regards to where the body is facing, or the controller in this case, while the headset is just the camera
im 21 years old and i wish i had this
it seems so cool yet so vintage; one of the world's first peeks into virtual reality
Lego is probably more expensive than labo, why the fuck is the price of that shit so high these days.
>please mom just one more
Are you fucking 5? That's literally designed for small children
i heard its all about the material involved in the elements, lego's have a sterner design that doesn't break as easily
im sure you notice how lego bricks and mega blox bricks feel slightly different despite both being plastic
At least it might have genuinely interesting games, something VR hasn't gotten in the entirety of its recent resurgence.
What the hell is Granblue doing in this image?
This is Labo we're talking about, what of their games and experiences (and Nintendo themselves use the word "experience" for their VR kit) have actually been interesting for more than a couple of minutes?
lets just cut to the chase
can I use it for porn?
the adventure mode in the vehicle kit had a fair amount of replayability
Astrobot basically does this. Except you as the "camera" are an actual character that is guiding Astro and helping him. Of course Astro is nowhere near as open as something like Odyssey, but its certainly laid some important groundwork with what can be done. And made it a lot more fun and unique than something like Lucky's Tale
Use lyft instead, I've used both and I have a consistently better experience with lyft
You could but you will have to hold it with 1 hand and jerk with the others whoch sounds uncofortble if you are used to jerking off with 2 hands
>tfw 9inches
The bird and camera were there in the reveal trailer, and we've now seen every kit from it. The real question is do they develop and sell any more labos than those in the initial trailer
>I literally don't have a piece of string to tie to the device
look at this guy probably never made his own JO device
>Nintendo announces shit for kids
Yeah, Yea Forums went apeshit when they announced the switch
>thought this was a joke announcement
>It's actually real
Well at least they seem to be doing some work with the pricing.
underrated post
LMAO it will probably sell more than actual VR did.
Jesus, you people really will shitpost about anything.
Never got Labo, might get this one just for the VR meme, had some fun with the PS4 VR, and the Android cardboard VR has some interesting stuff to look at. Though seeing how this set seems to take away most "normal" gaming aspects from you, and might end up just being a game about sniffing flowers or taking photos (probably without a cool Pkmn Snap mechanic), I'm not sure there's too much into it. Especially with a 720p screen cut in half, 1280x720 for both eyes gives us something like 640x720p, stretched horizontally - doesn't seem that great.
The starter set with expansions ends up costing less than the bundle, by a couple cents, but still.
>Yea Forums went apeshit when they announced the switch
Good times, seething shitters are still stunned and can't believe they got BTFO.
96% of this board is too young to have used one of these, that's why
It was a fun time, but Yea Forums really does have too much shitposting, especially with some Sony fans spending far too much time starting some console war shit and posting the same tired memes. BOTW looked really incredible on a portable, still can't believe the tech is growing so fast.
>VR you have to actually hold in front of your face
Okay what the fuck
>holding an object that actually feels like a gun
user you're holding the goggles themselves. Look at the pictures. Yeah immersive as fuck
>i started browsing in 2016, and im on FIRE for nintendo!
>splatoon already does this and does it well with its own motion controls, and has proven to do it well
It's actually proven to have 7ms higher latency than the Wii U, meaning the game controls like shit compared to Wii U hardware.
Believe me you are going to feel that lag when you're using your face to look around.
They'll reveal Nintendo Strap-on™ for a hands free experience.
>sony fans
It totally wasn't Wii U owners who got fucked by Ninty. Because every Ninty customer is a drone who enjoys buying 2 consoles per gen. They can't possibly complain that every game was released twice in the same gen
It's a lot more affordable than actual VR, so yes, it probably will.
It's just Google's cheap VR headset which was literally called Cardboard.
Your eyes can't perceive 7ms
Luigi's Mansion would be GREAT in first person. In fact, the arcade game already is.
Zelda would also work in first person but it would need a revamped combat system like Skyward Sword.
this is all that children are capable of, basic mimicry
nothing said in this post was of consequence, meant anything, or was based in reality
LITERALLY just a random collection of "Yea Forums terms" to try and fit in
things are so much worse than they seem
Except heavier and bigger and more annoying to hold
Pokemon Snap 2
You're a fucking idiot. 7 frames of input latency is HUGE. Kill yourself, fucking dumbass brainlet kike
>Nintendo Labo: VR Kit encourages passing around the Toy-Con creations among a group of people so everyone in the room can easily join in on the fun
I-it's a cooperative experience. J-just literally g-give the entire game to your friend and enjoy it t-together
>Nintendo's audience is no longer children, it's single men in their 30s who refuse to let go of their childhood.
it also has the actual children of today retard
>7ms = 7f
Nigga is you dumb. 7ms = 7/1000ths of a second. 7f = 7/60th of a second if 60fps.
>Everyone has forgot about Kinect already
>Even Xbox
just combine a headset with Kinect, and then make Kinect actually fucking work in 3d instead of 2d, ez
user, I'm a Wii U owner and I can assure you very few people bought one, and even fewer bothered to be butthurt at Nintendo. They simply released games on the Switch from a failed system, what did you expect them to do? Too many good titles were stuck on a quite crappy system - I still dislike the tablet, far too bothersome to play comfortably with some titles that need it.
Xbox fans stay calm, PC users either don't care, laugh at everyone, or use Switch as a nifty portable add-on to their PC. Only Sony users shitpost gold wojaks, some whirr shit, whatever else - I'm far too fucking old and tired of this, I just want people to talk about vidya.
>Nintendo Labo: VR Kit $79.99
>Starter Set + Blaster $39.99
>Expansion Set 1** $19.99
>Expansion Set 2** $19.99
>Your eyes can't perceive 7ms
It said it has 7ms MORE than Wii U. So it's something like 12-13ms of latency.
Just look at at this, the Switch controllers are not good enough for 1:1 head tracking.
>Sony fans spending far too much time starting some console war shit
jesus christ its been years and these nintendo redditors STILL dont know why people
1. hate them
2. can spot them from a mile away
You don't really help shitposters by being an idiot who can't read, user.
user I'm also a Wii U owner and I can assure you that I shitpost in every Switch thread and I will also tell you to go fuck yourself. I paid for a console that lasts a gen, I got jewed by Ninty. Fuck em
>what did you expect them to do?
What did Sony do with PS3 that was failing hard? They didn't fuck their customers in the ass, that's what they did
So it would be ok to play a barbie game as an adult if it was on the PS4 because sonys audience is wage slave gen X cucks and niggers?
this, even though I bought my Wii U somewhat late I still feel assfucked
user, literally at any moment there is a Switch shitposting thread, who makes them and why? How are Nintendo fans the bad ones when it's people like you who shitpost about Switch? Most Nintendo fans do is shit up the board when some big news happens and everyone is hype, but no one cares to shit at Sony, since both systems are too different.
My biggest fear about a new pokemon snap would be that they would take it off rails but if they do it in vr I doubt that would happen, so I am in full support of this idea.
I'm autistic enough that I'd buy a Switch just for this.
>try out Google Cardboard for your phone
>$15 if you don't have a spare box around the house
>there's a plethora of fun VR apps you can use it with
>you can even try using it as a bootleg VR headset for your computer
>here's Labo VR
>you can pretend to be an elephant or take pictures
>that'll be $80
And the fact that people are defending it in this thread is just 100% laughable
nintendo is unique in that the only people who give a fuck about nintendo are "nintendo fans"
there are no people who think "eh actually i'll pick this up why not" about ANY nintendo products
if you are invested in nintendo
you are either underage
or you are sweaty and big
liking nintendo is "ok", but autisticly shitposting about it is not
please do not blame other people that you are obsessed with a dying company who hates you
And how did Nintendo fuck Wii U in the ass? The system is still there. You got a lot of games, it was getting releases for 5 years. PS3 was getting releases for 6 years. Are you really that salty by a single year?
t. Obsessed Snoy nigger
>>$15 if you don't have a spare box around the house
Shows how little you know about how VR on Google Cardboard worked. Pro tip: it wasn't just strapping a screen to your face.
>Yea Forums exists
>no one likes nintendo
>everyone shitposts everyone with no prejudice
>no one gets shitposted harder than nintendo, since all their products and marketing are trash
>population shoots by 400% thanks to american media and reddit
>suddenly nintendo is the most popular dev on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums memes nintendo like they meme everything
literally kill yourself at your earliest convinience
Yes user, I'm sure you alone are right and totally only Nintendo fans and kids buy Nintendo systems, and that's why the Switch is selling so well among the core young adult group and became the new hip system to have since its release
I played Illusion's Play Home with google cardboard and my fucking Samsung Galaxy S6. And it was great
I really don't get why people so tremendously dump on any kind of VR Head Mounted Display that isn't the Vive or Oculus or whatever.
Why are you people so dead set convinced that VR has got to be complete utter trash and garbage unless it's 90+fps with 4k resolution?
That said this Labo thing looks silly and I doubt it'll have actual games at all nor receive future support.
Can't wait for the first niglet to scar his retina by blasting the cardboard into his eye socket.
>is selling so well among the core young adult group and became the new hip system to have since its release
this didnt happen though, i've now seen 3 switch owners laughed to death in public, and only 1 of them actually got it out, the other 2 just mentioned it, and they were judged harshly
Are you sure about that?
>Most Nintendo fans do is shit up the board when some big news happens and everyone is hype
This is just spam from ninfags and everyone complain about it.
But you too retarded to sit in1 thread. And always shitpost all boards.
If you have a box lying around the house, you can buy a couple of lenses and the tag to build you own for cheaper than $15. It's a fun DIY project.
>37% of the audience
>Are you sure about that
what the fuck, this is being generous and NOT lumping 19-24 in with children, although everyone knows that 19-20 DOESNT make you feel like an adult yet
if i did, that would make 83% of the audience children
>Are you sure about that
big kek
>800.000 email
>3.5% response rate
>Q: What is the age and gender of the person in your household who had strongest desire to purchase Switch?
>one bar
Nah, this is just horrible statistics.
And I am a PS3 owner, and that's why I have completely renounced Sony. Shitting on them relentlessly on the regular. I fucking loathe the PS4 with a passion.
No. The full set cost $80. There is an option to get a starter set for $40 instead. If you like that there is two expansion sets for $20 each (only available through Nintendo website). All of that of that combined (40+20+20) gives you the full $80 set.
im pretty sure that user ment the stuff on programming which google didnt have to do shit for since they were not making it. also google cardboard was not a product as much as a experiment to see if they could do it as it was made by 2 employees during free time. Also nintendos cardboard is actually higher quality it may seem like a retarded statement but there is a huge difference between different types of cardboard
user, even during Wii days no one was shitting on Nintendo harder than the others, maybe you weren't here long enough and just think everyone hates Nintendo simply because Wii U was a failure and you're mad Switch is such a success?
>>Q: What is the age and gender of the person in your household who had strongest desire to purchase Switch?
There is nothing wrong with this question. Even if an adult bought the console and filled out the survey they would answer the age of the person who wanted it the most i.e. if they bought it for their kid.
Yes, and everyone clapped, and you were a hero, right?
chan exists
>>no one likes nintendo
>>no one gets shitposted harder than nintendo
t. newfag
Yeah, it is. Same way the VR kit on Nintendo might be, especially if they allow you to program your own simple games.
It is retarded question and not really clear. They could ask - who play most of the time on switch console in your household.
Also, 16-44 ages lumped together.
3.5% response rate which is not representative at all.
This is garbage data, and can't be used for anything.
user, he probably thinks spacing is Reddit too, or that years ago we didn't have tripfags everywhere and no one cared.
I miss the days before 4ch was calling everything Reddit or Tumblr as a catch-all
add into this that Yea Forums isnt gay for traps and bara furry.
newfags complain about everything not realizing its old and ancient fag culture
Where are you getting 16-44 being lumped together from? There's a 16-18 bar, a 19-24 bar, a 25-34 bar, and a 35-44 bar. That's four different bars, not one.
"The person with the strongest desire to purchase the Switch" and "The person who uses the Switch the most" are not functionally that different, and 28,000 users is a pretty respectable sample size. I'm not understanding your complaints.
Why? They didn't drop PS3 halfway through a gen. They stuck with it and in the end it was as good as 360. They fucked up a bit sure, but they committed to not fucking people in the ass
>Also, 16-44 ages lumped together.
Why do you keep saying this? They're not. They're divided into their own brackets.
>3.5% response rate which is not representative at all.
Nintendo has always had a hard time getting people to respond to surveys, it's even harder now that Club Nintendo doesn't exist and doesn't give them an incentive to do it. 28,000 people is the best they could do and a decent enough sample size to get a rough idea.
Did Nintendo drop Wii U galfway through the gen?
>There's a 16-18 bar, a 19-24 bar, a 25-34 bar, and a 35-44 bar. That's four different bars, not one.
Oh i see. So it is shit infographic too.
>28,000 users is a pretty respectable sample size
Thing is, it is not a sample size. It is just people who answered.
Another 700.000 switch owners could be kids under age of 10 and all girls. You can't refute this in any way.
Do you think parents would answer such email after they bought switch for their kid? Most likely only die hard switch fags decided to answer. This is why age group so high.
I say again, garbage data.
>. 28,000 people is the best they could do and a decent enough sample size to get a rough idea.
See This sample "data" not representative at all. So basically garbage data.
Especially if you would look at miiverse and who used it.