Game set in the future

>game set in the future
>guns still use chemical propellants
>ftl travel exists
>global currency is "credits"

Attached: file.png (480x640, 206K)

>game set in a mediaeval-equivalent fantasy world
>magic exists
>everyone speaks "common"

Attached: 1417304081699.jpg (550x535, 49K)

>game set in the past
>mission: kill 10 bears

Attached: bear16.jpg (495x520, 114K)

how would you smartasses name the currency?

>movie set in the future
>strictly adheres to current year californian far-left views

Attached: 1547255039430.jpg (960x1280, 157K)

Sneed's feed and seed


Attached: 346295.jpg (640x480, 41K)

islam units




>game set in the future
>white people still exist

Labor vouchers.

Attached: 1528125995301.jpg (1200x675, 133K)




if it's a space game, starbucks



Good Boy Points. Earned mostly by praising the government.

It'll happen with based sino century.

>game set in the future
>bees aren't extinct


Ocasio-Cortez Points

Attached: 465.png (1000x563, 707K)


>implying the future won't just be bees

Attached: WALLACE_GIANT_BEE-770x409.png (770x409, 332K)






>game has non-english-speaking aliens
>alien language still spoken with human inflection and emotion
>isn't completely unintelligible

Attached: index.jpg (193x262, 9K)

food units or energy units depending on how well the future society is doing


why WOULDN'T ftl travel exist?

what if advanced life follows a pattern due to some law we just arent very aware of, similar to how you cant find square or triangular planets theyre all spherical, maybe all advanced races are bound to be humanoid

Pure pazzack

hello i am anonymous and i dont understand energy density

you wouldn't because a global currency is stupid


extremely problematic of it not adhering to future california far-left views
will need to be purged from the canon in 10 years, tops

>still no species categorical names for fantasy races like elves and dwarves besides humanoids/men
What the fuck do we call a male elf in a sentence? What do we call a humanoid thing without calling it a humanoid?

>game set in the future
>white people still exist

immersion ruined

credits and dubs

based boys

I remember something about early anglo-saxon language havin a were prefix for men and a wo prefix for women, so man meant human while werewolf would mean man-wolf

Is it implausible for future settings to have different currency exchanges? I like the rare fantasy games that have different currencies which are valid in different places unless you've got one iconic currency throughout your series like rupees. Credits are boring as fuck


>What the fuck do we call a male elf in a sentence?
A faggot.

it is extremely likely to have multiple currency unions, and things like credits only appeal to naive retards that want a unified government

Possibly, but it's pretty boring from a creative standpoint.
