Would you play a Shy Gal gacha?

Would you play a Shy Gal gacha?

Attached: 617085_pyrotechnic-moose_shy-gals.png (2692x1514, 1.25M)

If they included the many job variations and Shygal'd characters, sure

The other thread died. Is that one drawfag still doing requests?

No, because gacha. Otherwise I'd be all over that shit.

>Would you play ... gacha?

Gacha no.
Never gacha.
Absolutely not, I don't care what skin it has. Gacha is evil.

Someone redpill me on gacha, is this the work of korea?

Only if I knew the seed to get the green one to then give my seed

What sort of game would you it rather a game about Shygals be, anons?
Personally I'd like something where I could use many Shygals at once!

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Is it that hard to make a thread about a video game character that actually exists and isn't an OC?

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how about something like Pikmin?

Attached: pikmin.png (1212x1673, 2.16M)

why is the one in black such a slut?
she loves to show off those legs

That would cute if it's in that pic or OP's style. CUTE!

I am.
Taking requests, hopefully the thread doesnt die.

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Requesting you kill yourself. That's shit.

Shygal asking and reaching out for a hug

Excessively curvy Shygal hugging user.

thwomp gal facesitting shy gal

Shygal doing something (You)sexual

Gimmie a pink shygal who's actually a shyguy, Boss.

Hell no.

give fat

Shygal with perky breasts and birthing hips.

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How come the black one is the only one without stockings/thighhighs?

She is pure


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These stupid Shygal threads have given me a crosplay fantasy
One of these days I want to cosplay as Shygal

Attached: shy_gal_cosplay_by_jennalynnmeowri-dcagkfq.jpg (768x960, 60K)

Sorry you meant the pink one

Attached: lil shu2.png (495x474, 10K)

Haaaahhh, that's not what I meant, but that's still pretty fuckin' cute.
T.hanks, user.

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What if you get gangbanged while in the crossplay?

Can you draw Speesh Marine from SMT headpatting one of the Shygals?

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Oh you meant a trap shygal

Stop! you're giving me weird fetishes

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gimme thick thighed orange shygal

only if best girl is avalible
more best gril, pic related

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*SMT Strange Journey

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>haha let's rail user
>they discover you're a boy
>damn, user a nice ass for a boy!
>we don't care if you're a boy, user. You're keeping that costume on and becoming our cumdumspter

idle game

>tfw no good shygal braps

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i love her

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No, because gacha aren't games. Even walking simulator are much closer to games than these shitty apps.

Worse than gacha

a liru-h game style game but with goomba

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