>the game that will kill Yea Forums
Who else is excited?
>the game that will kill Yea Forums
Who else is excited?
the last of us is for pedophiles.
Only you apparently
I don't want Yea Forums to die, user...
Fuck off to /r/eddit
I'll have to set up a filter for that shitty game. Just like RDR2. I bet Yea Forums had a shit ton of rdr2 threads
Cant wait to see the jew blacked in SFMs
I'll buy a ps4 just for this game
reminder that loli is pedophilia
Are you the same faggot who keeps spamming "Why did you stop playing Overwatch?" threads? Get some new material you fucking queer.
It'll flood Yea Forums for like a week, then it'll become equivalent to all the shitty RE2make threads you see now.
It ain't me starts playing
im worried about ellie being as main playable character, she is cool but i just hope my man joel gets some spotlight too, he might even be twist villain or something
The ending to the first game was incredible and the most poetic way to leave those characters is to never fucking return to them again.
This is flagrantly being ignored. And they're probably not going to bring back the multiplayer, which if you ask me, is better than any stupid Battle Arena that has come out since the fucking game came out. AND they're going to keep the dynamic difficulty horseshit in the game. They didn't even want combat elements in the game; they wanted a fucking walking simulator and reluctantly they cranked out one of the best multiplayer experiences imaginable.
Three points, none of which they're (probably) going to improve on. They didn't even kill the Golden Goose, they didn't even fucking know they have it.
>>the game that will kill Yea Forums
Good all of you need to fucking die and i hope this is the game to do it.
nice meme
The devs says they're not making this game for us. So fuck them. I'm not buying a copy.
>Who else is excited?
>Finally I can rape her.
>I know it was weird to try molest her in the first one.
>But it's cool now.
>Your cool with this
> Looks down at a*Girl tied up with tears down her face*
>Everyone is cool.
Whoever saying they wont buy this game are either xcucks or pcpoors, no brainer
This is without a doubt a must-have for every ps4 owner
If it's true nope
>first positive post
>not a new IP
REALLY making me think
lol no
around the world around the world
around the world around the world
>If it's true nope
If they are smart. They will take you to that point but not go over the line. If they are safe they will never take you to that point in the first place. Can't wait.
Somethings wrong with your h4x then moron. We're two different people. Don't make up stories just because not everyone is an incel like you.
I'm pretty sure he will be the villain it's gonna be symbolism for the oppressive patriarchy.
looks lit
>The game that will kill Yea Forums
>buying naughty dog games
>buying games from a literal "no fun allowed" Zionist
this game is a must have for circumsized goyims like yourself
nintentard detected. Any more quotes you'd like to take out of context?
why is this bug trying to hurt itself?
THIS. All Yea Forums cisscum need to go
This is a "Yea Forums is still mad at GoW"-tier OP
How would Joel be the villain, based on the way things ended in the first game, plus the information we have from the trailers for the second game? Joel is dead, bros. Or will die, once the shit hits the fan.
>TLOU posters think their movie will ever compare to the ass rage that BOTW caused and continues to cause to this day
Nice try.
Hello nintentard
>gook moot created a filter to defend sony from Yea Forums shitting on god of war
>tfw anyone criticizing lou2 will probably get permanently banned from posting on 4channel
>nintentards thinking their irrelevant game affects anything
Hello OP.
The east won’t save you this time v. When this comes out....it’s over.
97, call me when your irrelevant garbage games makes it among the big boys
I think we all know for a fact Joel will die. It's not even a spoiler at this point. Just a fact.
I fuck off shill..
Not him this argument is retarded East and west both make bad and good games but
>Chrono Trigger that high
Metacritic is irrelevant
I lol'd.
Did you know that if you post those images on Know Your Meme's The Last of Us entry, certain SJW mods like 3kole5 and Platus will delete it and ban you because they're butthurt little snowflake fuckers?
>game that sold over 17m copies is Irrelevant because it’s not the top on a list.
I love it.
> Implying the Last of Us 2 won't get a 97 on Metacritic like RDR2 did based on hype & Politics alone
haven't buy anything Nintendo related since gba. keep eating shit, Basednyfag
Been combining text string and image filtering for almost every new meme game release in the last few months, really makes this place far more tolerable when you don't have to constantly see faggots running some tired forced joke into the ground like Mr. X.
It's gonna get review bombed by two sources for being a Sony exclusive and a cinematic plot-driven game. Plus look at that list and honestly tell me rockstar doesn't get a bump. It won't maintain a 97
???How the fuck did RDR2 get a 97 based on politics?? And it lived up to the hype... Sorry it isn’t on PC yet.
Chrono Trigger is the least insulting
>UnSharted 2
>Shark Cards V
>haven't buy anything Nintendo related since-
Stopped reading there. The fact that you bought a SINGLE nintendo product makes you a nintentard.
Best GTA Vice City not with it's brother's makes me question living
You really are just a sad, pathetic, fun-hating kike.
leave Yea Forums and don't come back until you've grown a foreskin
>Last of lesbians
Fuck no.
They've already said they're bringing back factions
I will never understand why everyone loves Rockstar games so much, they are all rehashed pieces of shit
>Be the sole god/nature gifted carrier of the immunity Gene
See you later humanity.
have you ever heard last of us praised for anything other than it's story?
>baseless ad hom
>lesbians cant have babies
virgin detected
Sounds like you're the one who's butthurt.
it'll probably be another 7/10 or 8/10 movie game which is fine. hopefully druckmann's head didn't go further up his ass after the success of TLOU 1.
All I *really* care about though is factions
all you care about is a low skill ceiling multiplayer? You could just play fortnite while you wait
I think it looks great in all honesty. I liked the story of Last of Us 1 a lot. Gameplay was just okay but the storytelling held it together really well. I expect more of that with the second game which is what I want from a sequel. That said I think the right move would have been no sequel at all. Some games just don't need them. But if they want my to buy a PS5 to play this I'll just skip out on it for now.
>inb4 go watch a movie instead of playing "games" with excessive cutscenes and story
I like narrative driven games and I'm happy they exist. Sorry.
>low skill ceiling
look, if you want to be contrarian just go to one of the rape threads and stink it up there
>This is without a doubt a must-have for every ps4 owner
Played the first one, it was mediocre and pretty boring. Didn't enjoy it much at all. The sequel seems just as boring and mediocre and the fact they haven't shown off the zombies is honestly telling me its going to be more "man is the real evil" bs.
It just doesn't look interesting at all and the only way I could be proven otherwise is if they had a playable demo so I can see if it plays any better than the first. Shills aren't going to work, you can sing praises all you want but if I can tell that the controls are the same clunky ass shit, it's a no buy from me. I play enough janky games as is on PS4, why would I pick one that's ugly and not even trying something new?
It's probably the same guy.
>tfw the show is stolen right from under you by the Phantom Thieves of Hearts
>You'll never see it coming~ intensifies
I know... Literally who won GOTY? No one knows or cares because Joker got confirmed for kids party game. It hurts, I know. But hey, maybe you'll be lucky this year and you won't get shafted by a random out of nowhere announcement this year and promptly forgotten about the day after.
Can you repeat that in English?
>big bro got me last of us for ps3 and a big guide thing
>buys it again for me for ps4
Literally have not opened either. I just like big autistic DnD simulators/ Strategy games
Just look at this, guys! This game is going to change the industry! (Again!)
she looks cute here not gonna lie
But I already played RE4. Why would I waste my time with this shite?
>ANOTHER movie game
Oh great. Can sony even play any other note? Whether it's Uncharted, The Order 1886, God of War, Bloodborne, or whatever else, it just seems like they can't get over their boner of 30 FPS cinematic cut-scene heavy experiences.
Getting kind of sick of it desu.
>think factions is anything but casual low skill trash
>double spacing
go back to /r/gaming
It's going to be incredible. Hell, this board was unreadable for weeks because of PClards and Nintendobabbies trying to meme God of War into failure. Think that multiplied by like 10 for TLoU 2.
>30 minutes of cutscenes
>can barely run at 20 FPS, devs and sony defend it as being more "authentic"
>blood and edgy graphics for "mature gamers"
Sure looks cinematic to me.
>We'll be taking your treasure
I played 1,2,3, the two psp games and Ascension, and i can tell you with a straight face that NuGoW is fucking trash and I defended the series before since the ps3 days
>cool effects are cinematic
Lmao, nintentard detected. You can keep your 2002 switch graphics.
>30 mins of cutscenes
>actually 23 mins
>20 of those mins are boss intros
>can barely run at 20 FPS
Maybe clean your ps4 once in a while, you disgusting pig.
>no bias in favor of Nintendo whatsoever
>"lol nintentard"
Cripes, can't you take a little bit of criticism?
It won't do shit to Yea Forums. It's a "game" that's not very popular on Yea Forums. Some idiots like you probably will shitpost about it for a week, think they are superior while they get 499 replies telling them to fuck off and eventually you will forget about it like the rest of the population.
I can take criticism perfectly fine. As you can see, I BTFO all of your criticism with ease.
No need to hide the fact that you would rather BING BANG WAHOO than play a real game.
salty nintentard detected
Your imaginery detection must be as bad as the rest of your brain, since I'm a PS4 owner. I'm just not delusional enough to believe that Yea Forums will suddenly change their stance on the games they like just because you want them to.
Seething. How about you get up off your fat ass and show me a pic of your switch?
>No need to hide the fact that you would rather BING BANG WAHOO than play a real game.
No offense, but I would rather BING BING WAHOO. I don't need a game with edge and blood and murder and violence to validate me being an adult. I already dealt with that when I was a kid. Now that I'm an adult, I can appreciate light hearted games for people of all ages.
All the fags complaining are still gonna play it.
>dude bro interracial lesbians!
>give us free attention!
No thanks.
>I already dealt with that when I was a kid
>games for people of all ages.
children, you mean. Not my fault your childhood trauma left you a developmentally stunted infantile "man"
LMAo, this
They hate us. Yea Forums is the enemy to ND. Sometimes I think they intentionally make decisions just to piss us off
which streamer will you watch first play the game?
Almost like Yea Forums is super easy to piss off judging by that trans rights thread
>racemixing homosexuality on young girls propaganda
no thanks.
The Last of Us isn't for kids though, it's rated M.
morals aren't real, retard
yeah because the younger generation doesnt play M rated games or anything right? kys
*tips fedora*
go back to r/atheism or better yet, kys
Absolutely BASED Yea Forums scholar
>One copy of The Last of Us 2 please
Oops, wrong image
>in the apocalypse
>between lesbians
>where the human as a whole are on the verge of extinction
>and bone marrow pregnancy is more than likely not an option
what did he mean by this
>implying there won't be a battle royale mode in TLOU
It literally has all the tools inherently, including gathering and crafting
Itt: bootyblasted nintentards
no one who ever belonged on Yea Forums ever liked any of these games
OK nintentard
Jesus, nintentard shillbots going into overdrive today.
Those movements honesly look so unbelievably realistic it's hard to fathom how are NG gonna get away with it, coming from a big fan of them I sadly expect a disappointing downgrade
lmao, this
So all those squeakers on COD, which is also rated M, are actually 30 year old business men?
Nigga don't be stupid
I dont even think about it.
>Being a dyke in a post-apocalyptic scenario
>main role model was a decent looking man
>attracted to an ugly jew bitch
>movie game
>nintendo living in his head rent-free
How's Cuckmann's boot taste?
meh this game got nothing on how smash kills Yea Forums for 3 or 4 months nonstop
I don't like to watch movies on my Playstation lol
Everything in this clip is possible except the throw over the cabinet. I fully expect that was done up for the show
It should be alright, as long as they produce something of quality, and keep the current social climate out of the story. "Men evil rapists cause they're men" and "look I'm so gay, u mad str8 boi?" are not good ingredients for a quality story.
>mfw it's SJW trash
Its easy to say that when you havent played them. I remember seeing a user review for thps4 with someone saying that "there all the same game"
>Get hit in the head/collar bone/neck with giant hammer
>I'll just walk it off.
Snoy is trash.
Well, it's apparently a video game.
good thread
Riley (black girl) or Dina (jew girl)?
>Everything in this clip is possible
>But it's also a video game
Make up your mind
Not the same user.