Megaman Battle Network Thread

What went so right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

5 and 6 were better
I agree somewhat though 3 had a great endgame, chips and bosses but still had the minor tedium of the earlier games
Fuck Battle Network 2, it's fucking trash and the BN2 apologists on Yea Forums are fags

Why you keep making these threads? they only died or get derailed into shota shit. The resurrection promise is dead, thanks to a dev too stupid to play low profile and CRAPCOM's merciless attitude. I just want to forget it.

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we've had hundreds of ontopic battle network threads in the past, don't act like this is a klonoa thread

In the distant past, but now they just die or get derailed.

>BN2 apologists
Nothing to apologize for asshole. BN2 is the peak of the series.

Delusional nostalgiatard, most sensible people on Yea Forums have decreed FOR OVER A DECADE, the best game in the series is BN3

I miss it so much

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>shanghai.exe gets shut down
>we're stuck with the low quality western chrono x trash
The OST is so fucking trash, and some of the navi designs are iffy

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Behold, the true tier list

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Best combat system in any RPG

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a cute

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What's her appeal?

cute design
thats pretty much it

People post the girls all the damn time and nobody complins, but one or two pics of the boys is "derailing into shota shit"

Of course, most of use are straight guys that like girls. Are you a girl or gay?

Didn't someone leak a complete game in Japanese?

So you're fine with people posting off topic shit as long as it gets you hard.


fuck off furfag homo

Yeah, problem with that?

>there will never be another battle network game

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Someone is mad I exposed him as a hypocrite.

Yeah, because you consider pictures of male characters off topic, but pictures of female characters perfectly fine.

>tfw BN 5 is my favorite
>Yea Forums proceeds to call me a pleb because my favorite BN is not 3 or 6


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Pictures of boys aren't the problem, pictures of yaoi shoatcon are the problem.

When is the Switch spiritual successor? Isn't Capcom supposed to be based now?

So you agree the softcore loli images and screenshots of girls butts from the anime is also off topic? Because they get posted literally every thread while shota stuff barely gets posted.

>a dev too stupid to play low profile and CRAPCOM's merciless attitude.
The dev fucked up by asking for money. If he didn't profit off it they would have bothered shutting it down

>its been 15 years since BN6

Still wish he showed up in Star Force.

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The game was leaked with only the final battle and post-game content missing anyway.

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Yeah, where the hell WAS Duo when Le Mu showed up?

Keep seething fag

wait what

what happened to shanghai

>Falling for newfag bait like reddit spacing


Rightfully thrown into the dumpster incinerator.

>he still doesn't know
It's dead jim

Probably enforcing justice somewhere else.

they got a C&D letter right before they finished

>your average shotafag

Got shutdown after the developer got greedy and started asking for money.

Dev set up a Japanese Patreon equivalent, started putting new builds of the game behind it, and proceeded to get cockslapped by Capcom.
It's dead, user. It's never getting finished. The most that we'll ever have is the last build one of the supporters leaked to the internet. It's playable until right before the final boss.

Same thing original Duo did while a bunch of wars and floods were happening,nothing

Hmmmm, I wonder who's behind this post?

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Fuck me this was one of the few things in life I was looking forward to.

Anyone have an upload of the leaked build atleast?

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And that fucking sucks, why playing a incomplete game you know will never be finished? it only fills me with anger and despair.

It's also completely in Japanese.

I remember seeing a screenshot of the discord translating it, and it seems a couple of them were anons, pretty sure they've finished translating the final build by now

The worst part is that it happened around Christmas.

They closed the series, capcom doesn't want to make that game over and over again.

Kind of reminds of High Max. Is he just as bullshit to fight?

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Who cares anymore?! there is not final boss! not postgame! and not online battle!

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>What went right

Other than the best boy you mean?

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It's called starforce. a new series would throw a spin on that style of gameplay and not battle network.

I like 5 for it's missions and the ability to turn around, but I always play like a super autist and reset if I can't beat a battle in one try.

>tfw Air Hockey folder

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people get butthurt over liberation missions, I think they're fun



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You forgot 4.5 and Wonderswan, knucklehead.

I fucking love 3 and the Secret Net is the best post-game dungeon of any JRPG I've played yet but let's talk about some of it's flaws, few as they are:

The chip selection is extremely poor. Your folder is guaranteed to be alphabet soup until post-game when you can finally get your hands on some actually good chips and combinations. Then a lot of codes are locked behind a specific style.

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They're fun but they depend on a navi. Because colonel and Knight man are super fun to play. But Numberman and Meddy are cancer and suck to play as

nah numberman is fine by me, his charged shot is great but fuck worst nurse

The one singular thing I hate about all the post-game areas in the battle network series are having to collect all the chips and do all the program advances and stuff like that in order to advance past roadblocks that set all over the place.


They WOULD be fun if the navis were in any way as unique as their battles are. They're just level 1 shit tier Megaman with no good buster attacks except their charge that takes 5 years to charge in a time-limit battle and they have a unique chip that usually doesn't work well with any of your folders, so they just rely entirely on your fucking folder.

The post-game liberation missions you need to savescum to stand any chance of beating.

Everyone has different tastes. I've seen lots of people say they like playing as Numberman and especially using Number Soul. But like you I love Knight man and Knight soul. Not so big on Colonel though.
So I suppose your first comment is accurate.
It's kind of too bad we didn't get 4.5

I harp on this a lot because I hear people complain about the soul system. But I understand what Capcom was going for. With the style system you have control over what style you get but not what element you get. Also you have to grind for the programs you want. Then grind again for another Style. With the soul system everything is more freeflow. Because you can build your chip folder around a soul that you like. And those Souls come with programs built in. Another thing is that Mega Man himself got a massive buff with the emotion window. So overall you can be a lot more dynamic and change battle styles on the Fly rather than locking yourself into one preset gimmick.

As much as I love Battle Network 3, and I'll hold to it that that is the best jrpg I ever played, going through the game as Proto Soul Megaman was one of the most fun playthroughs I ever did.

Found the Guts Style alphabet soup user.

>that 30yo boomer still using Cannon chips

BN 1-3 are the best and 5 and 6 are kind of meh and look kiddy. The 4th was a disgrace. You probably play star force or whatever that gay shit is.

6 is just as good as 3.

With that said I want to talk about Dark Soul For a Moment because I think Dark Soul was a good idea. You can cash in Megaman soul for immediate power but you reduce his HP down to one. Which if he's hit you make him invincible but you lose control of him but then he also spams dark chips which are extremely powerful. So it's your one get-out-of-jail-free card in a high-risk high-reward play style. The only problem is that once you start playing Dark Megaman you can never ever stop. Because his HP never comes back. So if you did that and you decided you wanted to play something else you need to either start an entirely new playthrough or dedicate massive amounts of program space to restore some of his lost HP. Battle Network 5 tried to get around that with chaos unison but I think a better solution would have been to reduce Mega Man's Max HP by percentages depending on his dark level and let that HP come back if it's karma goes back to the light

Select your form!

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No I'm the guy with 4x Variable swords and have master elemental sonic boom.
But also I mainly use grass guts with undershirt on a grass stage until then, you got me.

the green paper sounded off the alarms to the japanese capcom dogs

I have a thing for lasers. Also this cross is the coolest looking one.

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there was implications saying he would tho

Not really. Even after you restore the Dracula post game you don't even get half of the postgame in 3

Can we take a second to really appreciate how much was there? After you beat the main campaign you go to the secret area. Once you're in the secret area you got missions. Once you complete the missions you got the chip hunt. While you're doing the chip hunt you got BBS missions. After you're done with the chip hunt you got the secret boss. After the secret boss you got the super boss. After the Super boss you got the time trials. After the time trials you have a souped-up final boss. If Mega Man Battle Network 3 were made today you'll probably get a quarter of that it may be another 50% as DLC.

Don't forget the Omega Navis and their Omega Chips once you get all stars (which I've never been able to do because I had nobody to trade with. Downloading MMBN3 on the Wii U right now so I can finally have a completed all-star file).

Why is edgy Megaman so cool? Actually GBeast and FBeast look really fucking cool. And they get unique designs when they mix crosses with Beast. Damn I love these games

heat custom, great charged shot and custom is just great

That series didn't get to properly close.


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6 has better scenarios during the story though. Beastman and Bubbleman fucking sucked. 3 is carried by its post-game.

When the Beast games first came out I relied heavily on the crosses for every battle.

Replaying them a month ago on the Wii U, I learned how incredibly broken these chips are and aced every single battle and annihilated every boss and secret boss with these things.

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This image is not considered derailing by the lolifags.

>Most fun
HeatGuts. Rapid fire 2x ATK buster + a long range 100 damage flamethrower is too fun to pass up
>Most broken in-game
WoodGround. With Undershirt (fatal hits take you to 1HP instead) and SetGreen (GrassStage immediately when you enter battle), you literally cannot die unless they remove all of your grass panels
>Favorite to use in-game
ElecCustom. Extra chips are always great, and I liked using the zap shot to paralyze the enemy and then use powerful chips while they couldn't dodge.

Souls and Crosses were okay, but I really loved Styles because they were permanent and let you build a consistent strategy that lasts for the whole battle.

And now I'm gonna go replay MMBN3.

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wait, so they don't reflect a 40 attack back as an 80, they can reflect a 40 attack back as a 200?

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Wow the colors on that gif are ass.

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Yes, and they'll guarantee you'll go into synchro mode on most enemies, especially if you get in their face and use it.

>That 30 year old cannon using boomer chips

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>nostalgiafag spergs the fuck out
1 AND 2 are fucking trash, get over yourself autist

>Loves shota
>Wants to be a private tutor

That's gonna be a yikes from me.

>Isn't Capcom supposed to be based now?
No, that's just crapcomshills flooding the board
DEMAKE 2 is trash, megaman 11 was phoned in and shit, DMCV is soulless trash with the most generic story possible and gayest plot twist
>SFV now has gay ads in it
>marvel vs capcom infinite
>goblinos in all their games
>microtransctions in dmcv
>monster hunter world was dumbed down trash
Fuck crapcom, they're japan's equivalent of EA

>Folder Back

finally a nigger with taste, someone who realize the greatness of 5 can be called my brotha

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Imagine Capcom creates a new series in the MMBN/SF line, what would you want out of it? I’d personally like to see the battle system go back to 2D MMBN style, but expanded. And a story that has teens or young adults could be interesting. MMBN and SF didn’t have *bad* stories, but they were kinda straightforward and weren’t that engaging. I think having a slightly older cast would be pretty cool.

>tfw my folder ran out of chips and I had to beat him using my buster

>using buster attacks

what about one based on the mmbn anime, using sf3's ability to trans anywhere but keeping it classic 2d style

AquaCustom. MMBN is still a card game at the end of the day and anything that increases your draw is broken as fuck by default

>P code in general


>2D MMBN style, but expanded.
Did you say full 3D with no grid lines?

The weapons themselves are grid based though, how would those translate over?

5 was better, but 3 had the best music, areas, plot, etc

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whats the consensus

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Mediocre, ok enough if you need more BN in your life though.

Not as good as the WonderSwan game.

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What folders did you guys use for each game?

What went so right?

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I liked it, but that’s because I’m a slut for MMBN games. I even played that weird wonderswan platformer

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I never used crosses in 6. It was faster to Beast Out on the first turn, get full synchro and BTFO everyone with Vulcan

Since it was the last game they shoved everything they could put in there
and that redeemed the Starforce series.

starts off really annoying because everything kills you in a few hits and the buster is just as weak as in the GBA games. Bosses a joke when you learn to just waste all your shitty chips in front of the boss and spam PAs.

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Being able to transform anywhere. The Noise system. Luna.

>Battle Chip Challenge
what the FUCK were they thinking

Aren't they basically the same game?

Black Ace is so much better than Red Joker it hurts


Vagina Canons, that's what.

Didn't realize we had a star force thread not even an hour ago

Gacha gameplay before gacha games were even a thing

>Mods killed a perfectly good starforce thread
Not cool.

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This bothered me so much that I bought Black Ace after I finished Red Joker. Cygnus noise was too good for me to pass up. Yes, I know you can get every noise in both versions

OP looked like cropped porn, I've seen plenty of threads like that get deleted.

Oh gee, I wonder why it was deleted.
Certainly not because it was an off-topic waifudump. No way.

I finally got the no beam 3. It took fucking weeks now to get deleted by sere

Is Bass an edgelord or was he legitimately cool?

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I forgot, what was the difference between Black Ace and Red Joker stat-wise? all I know is that Black End Galaxy can ignore invis and RJ's laser can break shields


A little of both imo. 100% edge but considering when the games came out he's still kind of cool.

Where is the game?

personally 3 is overrated as fuck, the story is pure filler and the only good part is the endgame, meanwhile in 5 and 6, im having a blast all the way through

>introduce king of the undernet
>never brought up again, even when later titles spend even more time there
>never shows up when cybeast goes rampant in his domain
I don't understand.

How many MMBN clones are there right now? I can only remember One step Eden and EndCycle. There was also that Trestle arcade like game but it seems to be dead?

as a kid i tough he was the coolest mofo in town, and to this day i still do, it also helps his case that he is pretty fucking savage as a boss, and his chip is broken as fuck

He's edgy, but the game doesn't focus so much on his angst, so you don't get tired of him.

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imagine Bass being your netnavi Assuming he ditches his hate for humans, nigga destroys your whole computer just to get rid of regular mettaur

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I remember some shitty flash game ripoff on cartoon network of all places

5 is my favorite but I agree that 3/6 are the best overall

I don’t give a single fuck, I think he’s cool.

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Oh yeah, the Lego Ninjago clone that had ripped assets from MMBN6

The final boss, Youmu, and Mima were in the game. Druidman, Yuyuko, Flandre and whatever unreaveled postgame content the guy was working on wasn't.

>what was the difference between Black Ace and Red Joker stat-wise?
Black Ace had SwordFighter in the Meteor Folder and has multi-hit chips that get further boosted by the innate damage boost. It's hilariously busted.

Bass CAN be your Netnavi.
His eyes glow.

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holy macaronni, what is he as a netnavi?

how* is he as a netnavi

Oh, well, you know it is with Bass.
OP as hell.

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which battlenetwork game had the most extreme terrorism and why is it 2

idk about the terrorism but 2 takes the cake for how extreme shit gets solely because lan goes to a foreign country and gets fucking robbed twice in a row lmao

Who was the final boss? I know the evil leader was fucking proto-patchouli but who was the "life virus"?

I found Star Force 1 & 2 extremely slow and boring, first one definitely being less interesting than the second by a mile. I loved 3 and 5.

What would you guys recommend I play? Debating between 4, 6 and SF3, havent played any of these.

SF3 redeems the series.

>that fucking whackjob who was gonna blow up the dam in the campground
>beating a black guy in a rap contest for whiskey
>that gangster in the alley praying to god for chicken

MMBN2 was a trip.

Well, since everyone hates 4, I'll say 6 (especially if you play the superior Falzar version).

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SF3 is fucking great. I really loved the noise change forms

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You have 10 seconds to explain why Press was a good idea

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Honestly, would’ve just been better if it was a key item and it activated automatically. Literally no challenge in having to re-equip it each time in the navi cust

Cygnus>the others

press was neat and didn't cost much like energychange

I want a 3D game witouth grids that visually looks like megaman legends but the combats are like the original games (exemple: random encounters but in a 3D arena with real-time action gameplay)

wait is there a verion of shanghai with the final boss?

Still never played past 1. How bad is the new "no automatic healing after battles" thing?

But the best part of the games are the grid based combat user, making it a real time system would just make it generic unless they figured out how to translate the combat over perfectly

It’s the opposite user, the auto healing after battles makes things too easy. Just throw a few healing chips into your folder and stock up on the healing subchips and you’ll be fine

A guy on a discord found data for some bosses in the exe and made patches to swap boss data. Also found was the unfinished netplay code that had a hard time connecting, let alone not desyncing.

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What happened to the translation of 4.5? Still ongoing?

That was one of my favorite features of this game, making it much more chill than Pokemon and other similar RPGs before it. 2 losing the full health after every battle hypothetically ruined the series for me.

Meh, then i already knew it. I thought she was a postgame boss.

How did it ruin the series for you? It’s literally a non issue user. Not only do you have healing chips and subchips, but you regularly get HP+ rewards after battles

Not bad at all, I beat 3 as a kid.

The games aren't that hard, its mostly the end game assuming you are taking full advantage of your deck and get some nice strategies going

So basically the surfboard in 4.

>tfw Cygnus main in a sea of WolfxGeminis
Surprised I had a 80% win rate

>Needing full heal after battle
What are you a baby? BN is already piss easy. You have healing chips and sub-chips to heal anytime.

Still ongoing, but the "when it's done" attitude the team has about it means they don't talk about it much. Which is frankly a good thing considering how C&D happy companies are these days.

god dammit this would've been the best mmbn fangame but of course near the end the dev had to ask for money and get sniped by capcom, who won't do anything more with the franchise

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I'm probably overthinking it (sad that post-battle zenny and chip gets are sometimes replaced with HP recoveries, though). Though I bought a GBA for this game (thinking it was some kind of MMX RPG based on the early screenshots) and it was one of my favorite games period, Golden Sun and other RPGs took my attention away, especially after learning about the loss of the previously-mentioned feature. Something (perhaps too much nostalgia) prohibits me from continuing the series, especially after all its entries. Should I continue with 2 and beat the rest? Are there some I should skip? Thanks for the advice and for reading, user.

>megaman battle network game for mobile
>you can customize your navi, explore the net, battle, get chips, take down bosses, etc
>huge PvP element, with rewards, rankings, special gear only unlockable through high win rates, etc
>tfw this will NEVER EVER happen, and even if it somehow did, it would have horrendous microtransactions

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>mmbn dead
>shanghai dead
thanks for reminding me

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2 and 3 are god tier. 4 is skippable, but still a good game. 5 and 6 are excellent.

2 is still a bit rough but better gameplay-wise compared to the first game and 3 is best overall with the best post-game content.
4 is shit, 5 is ok and 6 is fucking awesome but way too short

I'm still surprised there hasn't been a MMBN gacha. I would think the setting just lends itself to the format.

If the only game you've played is 1, then you're in for a fucking surprise for how much better the rest of the series is.
Except 4. 4 goes the other direction.

Hey there, what's happening?

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would rather try and beat network transmission then that rng shit

So what did Capcom get the Shanghai dev on? Looked too visually similar to MMBN, sprite edits or what?

I just started playing 3 again this weekend, god these games own.

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make sure you don't get flame style before fighting bubbleman, happens to me every time

True. It's just a feels thing, not an issue of difficulty. Based on this single anecdote, I thought the whole series was going to play a lot worse because I thought it was going to become less unique than 1 was. Good thing I'm apparently wrong. The only issue is now I've got to replay 1 to recall the story (never deleted my file) and get past the sentimentality of the title screen music (when things were good circa 4th grade). Thanks for reading this repost from my blog, user.


Scary, they better not be butthuggin' the combat system, because I want to see more games in that style.

Read a summary of the first game. BN1 aged like milk and as that other user said it only goes up in quality from there except for BN4.

>No virus names (Nitpick)
>Can't L to run
>All of the internet looks the same
>No * code chips
>Chip traders can be savescummed
>Boring armor system
>Only tile type is Cracked, and Hole
>Time Freeze chips only do damage after the attack is over. (nitpick)
BN1 had a lot of issues.

What is Shanghai? A new Megaman BN that was canned? Was it official?

the battery mechanic wasn't great

Touhou Battle Network with game mechanics from BN3 and 6, it was really damn good.

Touhou fangame using MMBN systems.

Shanghai Gensou Network is a Japanese fangame (not a romhack) inspired by the Battle Network series and using characters from the Touhou series, taking BN's gameplay systems and spicing things up with its own unique takes here and there. And it's never going to be finished. But you can still play the almost finished version if you want.

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You can just unequip it before the fight user...

how long is that forementioned discord going to take to fully translate the final available build?

Listen, I stopped following it a couple months ago. As far as I recall, I don't think they were going to share it if they ever even did translate it. If you really want to know about it, you'll have to keep track of it yourself. I have reasonable doubts about it happening, but don't take my word for it, I'm sure someone more aware of that field could tell you what exactly is going on, if anything.

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Shadow the Hedgehog wishes he was this cool

not angry at you but
>we won't share the translated build for no reason

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Its a big more messy than that. The guy doing the patches wasn't a translator, the translators didn't want to release more text out of respect for the dev. A guy on /jp/ leaked the beta v.502 version which goes up to the penultimate fight (druidman) in the final area. The postgame area(s) weren't finished/put in that build, and most postgame bosses weren't in there either. No credits either.
However, two postgame bosses and the final boss were found in the code and the guy on the discord made crude patches to swap them with other navi's in the data.

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What is so bad about 4?

Oh Kracko, will you ever be able to let go of your hate?

Bad translation
Boring repetitive story
Have to play through it 3 times to 100% it
Dark Chips are the sort of thing you either never use and thus are a pointless gameplay mechanic or you try to experiment with them until you realize you can't experiment too much because of the HP penalty
Overall it's a definite step down from 3 but it's still okay for casual playthroughs, not great though

BN4 is a bunch tournaments filled with sidequests that has no relevance in story whatsoever with some godawful minigames and the higher grade chips are locked to new game+, so you need to restart the game with all the viruses being one difficulty higher.

Newgame+ wouldn't be that bad if the sidequests weren't so tedious.

no newgame plus wouldn't be so bad if it were just getting the other navi souls, the fact that even mid tier chips were locked until the second playthrough is absurd

BN4 and BN5 are the only I havent played but now I know I need to avoid 4. I already found the tournaments in 2 tedious.

2 didn't have tournaments.

I fucking wanted him in MvC3.

Excellent game to play while you poop

I've never thought about this before. I wonder what stopped them from referencing Serenade again?

He had good reason and a backstory that explains why he got edgy in first place, otherwise he would have the personality similar to X, ironically

why won't capcom acknowledge bass

Why is being a Battle Network fan such suffering?

Why can't we get a Battle Network collection on Switch like the Classic and X collections? That's all I'm asking for

Capcom's greed and BN4.

Side note, let's take a moment to appreciate that the final boss in 3 was a primordial internet. Why not just kill the servers? And a primordial NetNavi.

Why would they port something from the gameboy advance to a Nintendo console?

You mean like they did for the Wii U?

I assume killing the servers would just stop alpha from doing shit but wouldn't delete him

>Why is being a Battle Network fan such suffering?
Not that I disagree, but remember user: we got 6 main games, 3 Star Force games, some spinoffs, etc.

Imagine being a Paper Mario fan, where we not only got only 2 main games, but then have to watch its shambling corpse continue on and desecrate the legacy with the sticker star style gameplay.

>From a Nintendo console
>To a Nintendo console

Jeez I don't know friend

Style changes

my dude I'm both TT

Anyone know the guy that makes porn of Lan

I kinda want to see it

Fuck off Chaud

is he the worst rival

Attached: chaud the failure.png (240x160, 8K)

if you had to choose one would you marry mayl, sonia or luna

That's Kaiba.


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Would you guys buy a potential BN 7, even if it didn't follow MM.exe/Lan, and was updated to 3D? I don't mean like Star Force tho, I mean like the same battle system but with 3D models.

Luna. Drill hair makes me melt.

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The entire series is long dead you fucking retard.

High quality sprites will always look better than 3D models.

around the quality that mmbn 5 double team's 3d models were, would rather have the 2d style

WoodCust with Undershirt

Sonia but only if Geo isn't around
Those two deserve each other

>minor tedium
3 was the most tedium of all the games, except maybe 1. The map was horrendous.

>Follows Lan (Or whoever) as an adult as they work as a netcrime agent and detective trying to solve the recent wave of net crimes and find out who’s behind them
>Much more fully fleshed out gameplay outside of battles, more quests, more secret chips, more optional boss battles, more secret areas, bigger overworld + net, etc
>Same grid battle system, but with 3D graphics and added battle features
>Online PvP, much more fully featured than previous games
>Net isn’t just a bunch of hallways, it’s more of an open kinda thing where you can explore and find secrets like hidden links that take you to the undernet or private home pages

I’d cum.

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>couldn't remember how to navigate the undernet in 3

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>3 had the best music
the comfiest

But we already know Lan aims to be a scientist, so he wouldn't become a netcrime agent.
In this scenario, it'd be more likely to have the game follow Chaud or a new character.

I could navigate it fine. It's just that getting from Point A to Point B was a total pain in the ass, even if you remember where to go. The quickest way to the Undernet was to go to MetalMan's operator's place, jack into her computer, use the teleporter in her computer, go to Seaside Area (which is obnoxious to navigate on its own) and get to the entrance to the Undernet. It was a fucking pain in the ass and you had to do it fucking CONSTANTLY.

On top of that, there was that shitty-ass Press program that NO ONE FUCKING LIKES. HOLY SHIT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ADD THAT IN THE GAME?

Also, fuck BubbleMan.

the teleport from metalman's operator takes you into beach square, you just take the teleport right before the square entrance and go into the undernet press sucks but it's not like you have to navigate the undernet on a limited battery

It's irritating because no matter where you have to go, it all takes forever. The quickest way to travel anywhere still requires you to go to someone's house or shop and jack into their computer, and even then, the teleporter is rarely in a convenient location.

Get on the bicycle, Lan.

nah I got rollerblades

rollerblades ain't gonna power your pet, kid.
and they're not even rollerblades

They don't talk about his kid much other than to let the player know he exists. If anything they could do a reboot or something where Lan hands down MegaMan to his kid after his kid loses his netnavi in a freak accident or some shit

What Battle Network games are worth playing?

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But Patch has Megaman Jr.
Do you want to kill off Megaman Jr. just like that?

The whole draw behind lan and megamans relationship is that they’re brothers user. It’s not as cool as “kid goes around saving the world with his dead uncle”

MMBN7 or MMX9 is all I ask capcom.


>Meteor G was not a corrupted by Noise Duo while he was on his way to make true of his promise with Lan
>The series didn't go full circle with Geo proving Lan ultimately right with the Brother Band, Lan's ultimate creation, used to his maximum potential by Geo through the bonds he made and his growth from loner edgelord to beloved world hero
It fucking hurts bros.

A reminder that he got robbed.

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what're you on about, he got his dad back

It doesn't need to be that in-your-face user, geo already showed the power of brother bands by saving the world 3 times

How could Capcom shut down Shanghai?
Didn't they use their own graphics? Or did Capcom actually copyright the battle system?

I thought ZUN shut it down because the developers started asking for money before finishing the game.