Filename thread.
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you in Comma, user?
>Postal Loli
This is hilarious, what the source for this?
life posting
fucking kek
Please do not post WebMs. I cant see their title on mobile.
kek its true though, asians are fucking insects.
>Rhodoks vs Khergits
This is gold.
I've seen this posted a few times and still dont know where it's from
Get better phone faggot
nahonda vivid strike
I think
I'd take getting raped by a few lolis for a Bob Seger CD.
I don't know about you, but if you press under it where it says (x)MB Webm, it shows.
Not that you were missing anything, really.
hey hey people
>Dude edgy shit out of nowhere lmao
I think we need a Book of Mario themed filename thread at some point
Is this anime just a modern military force invading an isekai anime?
Blatant bullshit, no one gets a fucking currywurst when drunk.
I pity everyone older than 14 who watches shit like this
>"bro what if we made her kill a bunch of people randomly wouldn't that be cool and edgy"
I cannot physically or mentally explain how much I hate that people still think that this shitty, overused trope is acceptable
For half of it, yeah, and it's great.
Aeriel assaults on notRome, using f4 phantoms to fight dragons, it's some fun shit.
But then there's the other half of the anime.
>ywn have your own personal maid trainers
How do you know it’s out of nowhere, have you seen the show?
>Not curry chips
>Not Spice Bags
How do you know it's randomly? Have you seen the show?
I read somewhere that the girls she killed bullied her but honestly that still just makes her look like a violent psychopath when any civilized person even that young would tell an adult about it.
>random violence
>bullies tormented her, flushed a precious thing given to her by her grandfather down the toilet, and broke her phone so she never got the message that her grandfather died.
two problem for the bullies:
1. She's lost it
2. She knows how to kill
of course it looks downright retarded when shown on it's own, but in the larger context it's showing a more mature take on the whole "if you suddenly got a lot of power you better be responsible enough to use it" trope you see in a lot of cape-shit that turns away before it shows something this severe
>making it on top of the wall before dying
ray please shutup
Us healers use to hang with the warlocks on vent, fuck the tanks, no one likes those guys.
I threw up in my mouth when the portapotty started spewing.
And we're supposed to sympathize with her when anyone smarter would just tell an adult about it? Teenagers always do shitty things but killing someone is a whole new level. I hope she gets thrown into a jail and kept away from civilization like the animal she is.
>bullies tormented her, flushed a precious thing given to her by her grandfather down the toilet, and broke her phone so she never got the message that her grandfather died.
Well when your artstyle looks like moeshit people are just gonna assume it's generic yandere trash pandering to the "2DEEP4ME" retards and not watch it to understand the underlying story
I know its fake I think, but shit still scares me.
what movie is this
Starship troopers
Starship Troopers
This one still amazes me
>no kills
>team wipes, save for demo
>enemy team still six up
>cap and win on accident
fucking kek
>ray please shutup
why the fuck are you even discussing it if you havent seen it? Are you a full blown retard?
fug you
It looks retarded regardless.
>and of course the person shooting is a girl
should just be named "AHM DRUNK"
it's more like jsdf felating itself in anime form
the way the jsdf soldier literally slaughter everyone who stands up against them is off-putting
in any case it's propaganda designed to support the idea that imperialism is good since it's being done against a clearly backwards (anime) civilization
Anime is so retarded.
Please spoon feed me the sauce, my superiors
She didn't kill any of them, she sent them to the hospital. It's noted later that one of their faces is fucked up, but they're explicitly alive.
>And we're supposed to sympathize with her when anyone smarter would just tell an adult about it?
Japan has an extremely horrible bullying problem because their culture is one where you're meant to grin and bear anything that comes your way. Major incidents get swept under the rug even when they do come to light. She had been smiling and lying to her parents that everything had been fine while she got bullied by the kids in that webm for an extended period that slowly escalated until it ended in an extreme event shown in this webm. She snapped.
If you're using android, start using Clover you fool. If you're using iOS it's not like you can view webms anyway
What happened here?
>She snapped.
So it is generic yandere trash hence the moeshit artstyle, good to know.
what anime?
This was me everytime I had an uber forced on me. Funny enough, I've had way more successful Engineer ubers.
>Maybe if I act dismissive, nobody will notice that I'm a retard
Why do these always get deleted?
The follow-up
The way she hurt them, it looked she intended to kill and the injuries looked lethal if they didn't get treatment. Regardless she attempted murder.
Japan has one of the smallest homicidal rates, yet she decides to attempt to become the exception and not being smart, calling out the bullshit system or just being honest with her parents. Regardless she should face consequence for her violent urges.
>japanese """"""""entertainment"""""""""
why do they need a fucking sing for this, is this an indian subway or what?
So are we getting a sauce or no?
The fuck... these stories are not fake. These chairs' lift spring works with a gas. It's not magic and if the gas is cheap or the chair has a really bad defect, it's really possible. Especially if you are a fatass.
But if you are not living in a small Chinese town, it's unlikely to happen.
>actual Link
Someone already said it, it's Vivid Strike.
>unlocking fire arrows
Thank you, I was being a retard
am i supposed to cringe at the guy or the woman whos upset marines are dumb and like pussy
It's ViVid Strike!
Why are little kids so strong, that kick sent her flying to the wall
Thanks doc
Did you ever receive a kick to the stomach?
>festive jingle jangle in the background
He's just sleeping right?
>tfw you still hear it after all these years.
he woke up several minutes later with a headache and wore an icepack for the rest of the week
She's brutal and ruthless.
Thats good, glad he is okay
I'm surprised someone remembers Darkest of Days at all in 2019.
>Drunk Foods
>Imperial guard vs Tyranids
It's from a Steam game
it's slap buzzfeed at the begining and you buying it?
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
F-fuck you :(.
>Doesn't just crossdress but genderswap shit
May your sauce be never given ;^)
I wish I had someone that cared about me that much
I laughed
it's slap me in the face too, i just got my 1050ti after using HD4670 for a decade.
wasnt a driver 1 level like this?
What the hell is that?
fuck you
Use your words
Shinyuu Affection - Best Friend Affection
even now years later this is the best one
It's a bee
You mean basedffee machine.
God bless you, user
chair lift's gas fucking exploded and the guy got his ass torn a new hole. It happens very rarely but can be fatal when it does
You mean basedffee machine.
fuck word filters.
>döner kebap
>they keep the ingredients in large fucking bits
>they cut the whole thing in two
what the FUCK
that dude in the striped shirt did the QTE though
>Ironbreaker joins the game
>indian dr who
>the red mist
Show/manga was fine up until they started to portray the rest of the world, IE America, Russia, China, England, etc as evil that just want to plunder the other world and Japan as the bastions of hope that wants to save everyone.
Japan has a serious hard-on for making itself out to be much better than it actually is. I mean fuck, just look at how WW2 is portrayed in their media. Japans atrocities are completely ignored and the rest of the world is always made out to be bullying poor little Japan
>google movie
>there's 5 of them
>F I V E
Two of which is full CGI.
What the fuck happened?
You can't hide your retardation user
I wonder if that seriously hurt the unlucky bystanders
Everybody turned out okay user :)
smallest reported rates. japanese law enforcement often sweeps stuff under the rug because good ratings and pr are more important than actual justice.
What the fuck
How is my brain doing this?
is this an edit?
Stopped reading there. Back to where you came from, faggoot!
I'm glad the train was ok
>his head just pops up before the explosion
2 days
It's an edit but the original scene is honestly funnier.
Mitsuboshi Colors
Anime is "Mitsuboshi Colors".
It's a meme dipshit.
>Japan has a serious hard-on for making itself out to be much better than it actually is. I mean fuck, just look at how WW2 is portrayed in their media. Japans atrocities are completely ignored and the rest of the world is always made out to be bullying poor little Japan
As silly and short-sighted-sounding as that is, that's actually the best way to approach raising a country. Telling your children over and over again about how bad your homeland sucks creates a huge cultural disconnect between them and their nation, which causes all sorts of problems within the culture of that nation. Like in most Western societies where white guilt has built up.
its a music video, search on your mark 1995
wait is that Nick Frost? I didn't know he had done any new movies
>he doesn't know about the long press
Holy shit.
Jesus, is that user still at it after all these years?
The CGI ones are decent.
Even when i am not actively doing incest i still end up marrying my cousins and niece/nephew because of alliances.
I think it's because your brain is greatly exaggerating the differences between the two faces, since it can't focus on the finer details.
when i lived in new york, i remember a homeless guy got woken up by a dad because this fucking idiot was sleeping horizontally taking up literally 4 seats and a 5th with his bag. he got up went to the door and pressed up way against it and i went "oh an insane crackhead, cool"
i look away for a second, look back, this motherfucker is pissing against the door trying (and failing) to piss in between the opening between the bottom of the door and the train floor, and theres piss all over the floor.
he goes back to sleep laying on his bag taking up 2 seats now. a woman gets on the train, steps on his piss and looks down and then looks up back up and continues to stand there because theres no space to move
you're JUST NOW realizing that anime is retarded garbage?
Says the basedboy
Can you link the video, with the dog too.
No it's a diverse Western country.
lookin at that arm rest, maybe the writing was on the wall
kek good times
you will be sucked
What a selfish fuck.
fug :DDD
>that red chunk flying off at the end
oh fuck
>rank 22
Nooooo don't remind me
she spends the next half hour of that video getting fucked by that dog
Truly Lynchian
why is this so weird
>top 10 muh dik betrayals
Whoever made this image has never heard of banana bread and that's not ok.
Why does this seem so familiar...
Oh yeah that's why
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
rip stack fortress 2
Gro/v/e street
Variants of it have been posted for years like this one
It's just a cartoon
oh fuck
>I watch anime so I know of japanese culture!
>tell parents/school you're being bullied
>they sit the bullies down and tell them it's bad
>they bully you even harder and more secretively
Kids are stupid. Sometimes you unironically need to beat some morals into them.
That's the most pathetic ramen I've ever seen. Broccoli? Lime? What the fuck
you suck
wild force 2?
3. The truth exists beyond the gate
4. Guitar riff
Why is her ass so pronounced?
sounds like Yea Forums to be honest
Thanks for always following up, user
That might explain why I'm still in this shithole.
Severely underappreciated
So what happened here?
This one needs a name
What do you see? Nothing special is happening when I look at the cross, no matter how long. Is this like some of those 3D videos which you should be able to see by squinting? That never worked for me.
Just call it jewry, user.
Fuck you and everyone who makes these "mother will die" posts.
>Only injured them to the point of needing hospitalization
Oh well my bad, she is clearly a sane well rounded person who should continue to walk around in society reacting to any situation she dislikes like this.
Who are you quoting?
There's a word for this effect called shogunai. "It can't be helped."
The full CGI ones are actually true to the book.
What's the point of this plot point again?
Obviously not, but you would know that helping her realize she's been handling the fallout from that situation from her past all wrong for years is the main goal of the protagonist of that show if you had ever seen it.
Dude wtf
Doctor Poo
>Micspammer joins the server
is there actually a joke here?
>Cant someone else do it.gif
I know I’m mad late but just use audio capcha
It's been posted several times since 2017.
Where's the joke? The filename says exactly what the image is about.
Yeah it's called your life. *dabs*
>there are people POSTING, not lurking, POSTING on Yea Forums that have not seen this
You just reminded me that Slime Rancher is free starting tomorrow. Thanks
I miss this show.
is this TAS?
seriously? might check that out
After a few seconds the faces start to look like horrible monstrosities so long as you're looking at the cross.
mocap was a partial mistake, jesus they couldn't change it to have more weight when he punches/gets punched.
Season two never ever.
>believing in the lurking meme
They played you for a fool and you kept believing it all these years
>Bloodcursed Elven Arrow.jpg
i still want to kknow the source
Cause its bullshit anime. Actual female fights are just nail raking and hair pulling
you are evil
releasing e
>who is nevada tan
It's so that the different schools can feasibly have tank battles, as far as I can tell. By creating an even more absurd solution than them just moving the tanks around through some other method.
Damn it
>prop surf
Overwatch DPS mains telling people to switch to tank/healer
Is this what it's like to have Schizophrenia?
this is so perfect for demo
drunk out of his damn mind yet still accidentally wins
Best not be jestin.
I keep thinking I won't be surprised how awful China is yet shit I never seen before keeps popping up
You would not care for that one bit in Jackass 3D then.
Fun thread everyone, thanks again for posting!
sseth here
>final fantasy iii.jpg
Exactly what I was thinking. My nigger.
>there will never be better comedy movies than Leslie Nielsen's and Jim Carrey's
>there will never be new comedy movies with them
Fuck this gay earth
Thanks to this picture now I can't sit without feeling uncomfortable.
>Is somehow one of the strongest human beings on the planet
lol no
this is downright retarded
which DQ?
I'm with you on Leslie Nielsen, but fucking Jim Carrey? Granted Jim's early work is great, but his later stuff sucked ass.
At least Leslie only had like 1-2 bad shit towards the end, like being in Scary Movie and stuff
>asking a 10 year old to take down an evil corporation
or just in general
>NPCs giving you a minor side quest
When you look at the gross, the faces exist in your retinas blind spots
You don't notice the blond spot because the visual cortex of your brain fills in details for you, but with faces it can get weird, sorta like the way neural networks produce images
>image limit
>cant post immunity dog
every time
It's also pretty fucking tiny. At least by Finnish standards, where it's also the drunk food of choice.
Actually I think you're only the second user since I cropped that webm to actually give me a response. So thank you.
I love Liechtenstein.
Their Prince is based.
This one is always a joy.
where is this from?
Garry's mod.
Good one
Oh look, weebshit that by it's functionality is rendered less functional than a literal pipe or walking cane. Astounding.
This, and I don't even have a chair like that
actually clever af
fuck you
whoever made that image has also never eaten a banana and thats also not fine
Where do i fucking start...
honestly made me laugh. well done.
DS version
I mean like, what is the core game where all the other mods center around