Smash Summit .5

>Everyone is laughing and having a good time as a community
>Meanwhile people here have a personal vendetta against video games and people that play it because they chose to identify with a game they aren't even good enough or don't play at all

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Other urls found in this thread:


Right, thanks. Streamlink made me forget about Multitwitch.

They would be having more fun playing melee.

0/10 bait


Mang0's considering setting up Melee for last to send off the stream. Based

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zero is really loud

Hello there!

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When does it actually start?

>All of them are having fun
Fuck, I wish I still had friends to do stuff with.

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Starts on the 8th (technically tomorrow since it's media day) and ends on the 10th.

Actual Summit is this friday

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I don't think there is a media day for this one, not sure

>melee VS ultimate crews
Should be good

Can't wait for ChadKLeo to expose the frauds once again. Consistency > all.

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>Melee vs. Smash Community

What's going on with Melee scene? Why are all the Gods switching to Ultimate?

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New game that they're curious about.

when are m2k and zero getting married

They're not switching, they're just playing that along with Melee since Ultimate is actually good

It's a new game, it's also the first one since Melee were Sakurai pulled his head out of his ass and actually tried to make a fun game instead of purposedly gimping it out of spite to competitiveness.

>19er doesn't know that gods always try the new game
M2K competed in Brawl, and so on. I hate this board that doesn't actually know anything about Smash until Ultimate came out.

>Zero getting Jason over hyped up like a kid who drank 10 cans of coke
>last time this happened a lot of bad shit went down
>poor Zack sitting the back behind all this bullshit

As a traditional fighting game player that only enjoyed playing melee before, I find myself having more fun with ultimate the more I play it.

M2K is the only one who consistently played new Smash games. Ultimate is the first one to really draw in the Gods with a lasting impression.

Is that Zackray? I heard Mango talking about he's unsure if Zackray was coming, after that person showed up.

How do you cope with the input lag?

Zer0 and Jason are such manchildren rofl

Yeah, every melee player gave smash 4 a try and I think every god (besides mango) actually competed, but of course they didn't stick around long because they didn't like the game enough.

It's not fairly sure, but the story is funnier that way.
It's like that pic where the guy is in the corner with a cup by himself going "I'm bored, I was I was home doing X"

Who you guys main in ultimate?

Everyone is here!

Robin and Corrin.

My bad I forgot

joker soon

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Corrin was my strong 2nd in 4 but it just doesn’t feel the same in ultimate


Incineroar is hilarious to use

I don't even remember of the context of why Leffen said that yesterday.
Fucking great though.

Lucina mostly but I like also playing Pokemon Trainer and Mewtwo

I never got to use her in 4 as I didn't get the DLC so I'm not sure how different she feels but I do hear she isn't as good as she was in 4. None the less I find her fun to use and it feels fantastic to hit with her sweet spots.

I literally can't play any other character

Revenge stacking is the best they ever added

>That nervous laugh he does after he realizes what he said
>the chat's reaction

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Best girl always and forever

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I don't understand the problem in this statement

it was just a funny offhand quip said in an era of political correctness

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All this Smash made me wanna pick it up again, haven't touched Smash since Ultimate's release.
How about we make some arenas and netplay lobbies?


I was that way with Link for years

>Watch Leffen's stream
>Ultimate and Melee players having fun together
>watch Mango's stream
>Ultimate and Melee players look like they're about to murder each other

Baiting aerials with her counter was so fun

Haven't picked up Ultimate yet, but when I do I'm repping the Rock Man as I did on 4. I wanna try Inkling too tho, I wanted her in Smash the moment I played Splatoon for the first time.

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Inkling is my 2nd now with Link being my main. I played splatoon it was ight and wasn’t really excited for inkling but once I tried it I loved it.

melee is a great game and I think the three of them prefer it to Ultimate but tbf it's not the new game and Ultimate is still great so it makes sense they've all been streaming it and leffen's been competing

>smash 4 players, high energy, more youthful
>melee players, older, more laid back (except m2k)
interesting dynamic

remember when inkling was OP

lol m2k is like the oldest competitive smash player

>ZeRo shitting on reddit

It was fucking hilarious last night watching MAngo and his chat get triggered over Light (19 year old who got in through Nimbus Smash Ult tournament). Light is basically a younger Mango and you could tell Mango and his fans were super butthurt about the fact.


I was pissed off too, mostly because Light reminds of this one little zoomie shit I play friendlies with that does the exact same thing. Talk shit with your gameplay not your mouth you fags

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>people lose to this guy

I think they were just slightly caught off guard he was acting like that in a friendly environment, mostly at a time when everyone is trying to train. Mango mostly brushed it off like "lol this kid is something else". Light seems like a super competitive person though, he also reminds me of a blend between Esam and Dabuz.

>Light kicking Mango's ass across the stage over and over
>Screaming "FOR THE FANS" and "get the fuck off my stage" when he killed Mango
>Mango just sitting there dead silent hunched over looking pissed
>His chat absolutely crying about how triggered Light made them

Absolutely based.

>he didn't made in because of a SD

Mafia is going to be such a clusterfuck.
I don't actually know if it will be decent, bad-but-funny or outright terrible.

it was mostly banter but I was a bit off put in one instance when Light taunted as Wolf and simultaneously did the taunt IRL lol, like oh he's THAT kid, he's got a lot of potential though

mango's dog peed on plup

I don't think light understood that mango typically talks "shit" but in a more banter type way, pretty much how he talks with lucky s2j, alex etc..but light was taking it to heart and getting competitive with it, eh he's young.

second time the dog peed today (according to mango that never happens), it's def not used to having a lot of people in the house probably

they didnt even let zackray take his jacket off wtf

holy shit zackray is like 8 years old

Zackray kid arrived at Leffen stream against Zero

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Wait can Zackray speak english?

nope, he has translators with him

No he has a translator.

Plup - "God I wish I was Zackray"

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how big is Mang0's house? do people sleep over there?

Light is based.

>mango fell through the roof when a fire alarm went off
>zero being as loud as possible, hyping people up and might cause some trouble because of it
>one dog pee'd on plups foot
>one of the dogs also did a shit on the floor
>zack requires a translator to follow him around all day as he doesn't know enough english
>beer still on the menu
This has the potential to be a train wreck.

2 story, everyone goes home at the end

Honestly if the actual summit is even a bit better than this it'll be the best summit yet.
Okay let's not kid ourselves it won't beat the 5 Gods and 'M2K finally wins' Summits but it'll still be really good.

I thought zero didn't go to tournaments any more because he is scared of losing. Is he actually going to try at Summit or play a joke character so he has an excuse to lose?

all that is nothing honestly

summit is less of a tournament and more of a free advertising thing

>Melee's ceiling glitch isn't a proble—

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it's also raining where mango is right now


so mango and all the guys run a train on lauren at the end right?

She went with their kid to Ohio since theres no way the kid could have been there during this ruckus, that would have been one hell of an ending though.

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>no MKLeo or Nairo
What did they mean by this?

they're home already, his kid and lauren were in the beginning of the stream for a bit when it was only dabuz there

Nairo is already at the Summit place iirc.
Leo I've no idea why.

Nairo coming later, mkleo idk why he didn't come

Chat literally said Nairo was coming to Mango's place today though.

god damn zachray is such a cute little nip shit, isn't he only like 15 or something?

Oh damn I missed that. they gotta get zackray in there for the /ss/ finisher tho

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Rockman with Kamui as a secondary, green skins for both

he just turned 17

>mained wolf and ike in brawl since i thought they were really fun
>mained ike only in smash 4 since wolf wasn't in it
>want to main wolf and ike again in ultimate but now everyone calls me a tierwhore for it

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>Oh no the characters I like are good!
>What excuses can I make now?!

>only reason i played wolf/ike before was so i could john about them when losing
now that's one fucking projection there

M2K's Bowser is fucking insane wtf

mew2king said leo was on another flight

>playing a silly kid's fighting game for fun, shits, and giggles with nothing on the line and no real competition
>playing a silly kid's fighting game because SERIOUS COMPETITION
Fucking no.

>complaining about people doing things on Yea Forums
bottom of the barrel pathetic

>zero getting completely exposed by armada

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are Samsora and Cosmos not there?

Who's the fat guy in Leffen's stream?

I wish he would actually just go full HAM on Bowser, but he's too into the 'Bowser is completely unplayable' territory. I feel like a M2K who actually believes that Bowser can win would have the potential to win.

Vayseth. He's a TO and often translator for the Japanese players.

some fat weeb TO I think

no, but the word that was put out by mango is that anyone invited to summit is welcome to come stop by, samsora and cosmos must be busy with other things then

armada was exposing leffen on stream too

If non-Summit entries are allowed, why isn't Lucky here? He plays with Mango all the time offline, even in Ultimate.

Zack's Wario is so fucking clean.
Reading Void's movement and options.

he said on a video that he doesn't want to play heavies cause they get screwed by stages getting banned

m2k getting drunk

>drunk2king soon
the night has only begun

probably doesn't wanna come

Are you surprised with how good Mango's gotten at the game?

cosmos and light on their way apparently


>chick just gave Plup a blanket

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Fuck the haters

he's just stubborn and takes longer to learn because of it, but he has it in him. it sucks that people brush him off immediately because of that

You scummy lot sound like the types who make up fake drama on Twitter for clout. Fuck off back.

>zack's Wario 3stocks leffen's Roy

No faggot, I want to see Light play Wolf.

man I have no idea I had 3 streams up lol, sorry. It was during the whole time light was on his stream before he went to the other ones so use that to go off

Okay, that's actually enough to go on, thanks/

>streams for hours before his flight
>cross national flight
>comes in tired as fuck
sleep tight plupper

>not highlighting these posts
those say more than anything fake drama

That morning stream was comfy as hell

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>Leffen getting the most views now that Zackray is there

watching mango and m2k grind is really comfy

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In Metacritic:

91 for Resident Evil 2

88 for DMC5
84 for KH3
72 for Far Cry New Dawn
63 for Anthem
60 for Crackdown 3

I can't believe RE2 is still the best game in 2019
it looks like RE2 will win GOTY 2019

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drunk m2k trying to talk is pretty funny

Leffen literally plays ult like an average wifi warrior

I think it was scarf army cause that's when the viewers spiked, they probably just never left

>Light is 19
jesus christ, what the fuck does he eat

zd is18


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So all of these streams are in mangos house? Just how big is it


Sure, that's why he's going even with Void.

100% this, listening to him on Armadas stream right now you can totally tell Light took Mango's banter to heart, he wants to money match him because of it.


mewtwo is fun, is his jab true to tilts?

>reddit psychologist


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Nah, it's fine if you shit on mango, but at least do it good. Light is cringe incarnate.

>mfw I was on nofap during evo last year and captainzack's delicious victory dance is what got me to cave

Fucking slut

Stay seething, snoy boy

Imagine the smell

>unironically being gay

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talking shit is fine if you actually win or don't pick fights with people lesser skill than you

>ironically being gay

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light is not funny 75 percent of the time but sometimes he says some funny banter.

Wario highkey the most melee character in tr4.5h?

what the fuck is happening over the speakers

There's a reason mango mains him

I mean he's basically a less cancer puff so yeah

So if any of the under 21 players start drinking on stream, would that make this event and streams illegal? Could Summit be shut down forever for allowing alcohol and consumption of alcohol around underage players?

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>Melee vs. Smash Community Crew Battles
o i am laffin

yes which is why mango said he won't let the underage players drink

>zero claims he identified as melee on twitter
>isn't even amongst the melee gods

Mango's got "the red plastic cup of juice" if any of the underages want to drink. Happened with Syrox a couple years back.

For as much as Mango shits on M2K all the time they seem to have some pretty nice chemistry together.

Yeah thats honestly disrespectful to actual melee players lol. He just doesn't want the negative connotation for being a sm4sh player even though that's what made him who he is today.

summit emailed every player and is letting them choose which side they wanna be on, no matter the game they play orginally

Ness. I honestly see him dropping off the competitive scene soon as the meta starts to solidify. Still sticking with him to the bitter end.

Missed this so far how degenerate is it so far? Have we reached the reads christmas special yet?

that wasn't the point of my post
the post was to make fun of the fact that he chose melee despite him only being a god in tr4sh and "okay" in relation to the actual melee top players

approximately 5% degen so far, nothing really going on besides friendlies and a few loud people

Will somebody get really drunk and have a racist rant about Indians?

man I wish Zack was there

he was pretty decent in melee though, and it's ultimate summit not smash 4 summit

its the cool kids table bro, gotta force your way in there somehow lmao


summit isn't at mango's house

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i guess he's fat enough to mass displace anything

Samsora still a couple hours away damn I wanted to see him there

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Will chillin be at summit? He mentioned it in the Salem diss. I hope it means chillin posting is back on the menu.

No, but it's a pretty common theme to have everyone drink shitton of beer every night and play drunk Mafia in a loud fit of low IQ rage

wasn't he a top 50 player in melee and one of the best PM players before smash 4 came out?

he's a commentator I believe

Speaking of commentators, will the Fuego himself be there too?

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Good, it can't be summit without chillin posting.

>have to be at least 21 to drink in america
wtf why does this shit country have such high age laws?

Naw he's all Melee, surprised Chillin is even there.

m2k broke his glasses

It's a struggle but I still love her.

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that body is criminal

Not as long as you aren't a snitch nigga

At his size chillin might as well be omnipresent.

how does plup sleep with that noise

he's getting even bigger

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Yeah, I miss when Zero bully him

Oh boy can't wait for him to get drunk and be a massive asshole


around top 20ish for bigger events but
he tourneyed melee only for like one year
he mostly played 4 and is better at it than he is at melee

this is about to be one hell of a summit then

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Post what you think Plup is dreaming about

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beating hbox

I miss Break the Targets man.

secret Melee stream here

>tfw only watch Summit for Mafia

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but nobody important is playing

Light is such a sperg

Zero was top 30 in melee at some point to be fair

I wonder if the Ultimate kids will be any smarter than the Melee players. Melee mafia is legit awful due to how stupid everyone who plays Melee is.

Alex19 is important

He's too OD on the banter and not very funny at the same time.

he's not playing though

>Melee mafia is legit awful due to how stupid everyone who plays Melee is.
It's only bobbyscar and toph. I swear those two are brain dead

he seems like the most normal one to me

Did they ever fix Ultimate's netplay issues?

I haven't really touched it since release week.

he really just needs to work on what he says that's all, it's like he's going for the jugular every time with his banter but really it's just a friendly environment

post the scar and toph wojak edit

>Zackray & Alex19 getting introduced and shaking hands in the year of 2019

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Vaguely. You now will probably get the ruleset you're looking for but with somebody playing on dial up.

that whole interaction was cute

Those two ruin everything they are a part of.

Agreed, Void looks completely over his shit.

Isn't Zackray like 14? Wonder what he is thinking in this house of drunks.

Alex sucks at it but it's just funny how bad he is. I think the worst part of melee mafia is the literal whos in the game

he just became 17

That is unfortunate

>these viewers
>mango's/leffn's/armada's faces when

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Just play in Arenas exclusively. It's not the best but it's serviceable.

>ZeRo replaced leffen's stream with his
>layout is exactly like leffen's with the graphic taken out


He's using Leffen's PC