Why wasn't she in Hyrule Warriors?
Why wasn't she in Hyrule Warriors?
Because Japs have shit taste
Cuz she doesn't do anything?
The shitty OCs were more important
There's a Deku Stick moveset in the game
Because she isn't real.
She wouldn't have added a single unique quality to the game.
The deku stick is such a fucking shit weapon I'm half glad she isn't in and I don't have to use it to play as Saria.
What was her backstory? she was a sage and in love with link or somethin
Uh, yeah, she.
Saria is a girl.
Have you played Ocarina of Time? You should know this.
Fem Link is actually cute.
Did Saria ever once say that they're a girl in the entire game?
Stop assuming Saria's gender.
Japan likes her though, as shown in a magazine about their favorite Nintendo characters.
The real question is why didn't Link get the Four Sword as a weapon?
Could have been cool to have either 4 full links fighting as a squard or just summoning astral links ala the minish cap.
Cia's specials are close enough.
>minish cap
>implying they'll acknowledge that crapcom games ever again.
because shes dead, just like the rest of the sages
Hopefully they'll make it into the sequel. Hyrule Warriors is awesome.
So are FISH PUSSY and dancin' rock. Didn't stop them from showing up.
I wont stop
cia was fine and she needed a tactician, a role that wizzro fills well. Linkle is too important to cut because she tied together all the parallel universes.
Lana and Volga are the problem OCs. Lana is just a dancing bimbo and volga clashes too much; he is a dynasty warriors character pasted in
The main director for the current zelda games (SS and Botw director) was the director for the capcom games but nintendo poached him. Obviously nintendo doesn't think the games are crap if they did that
I'm eternally mad that Lana took 4 potential character slots
>Din dancing with the summoning gate
>Nayru using the tome
>Farore or Saria wielding the spear
Minish Cap was pretty good though.
Only reason Triforce Heroes wasn't another Four Sword game was because they couldn't get the Totem mechanic to work with it like the wanted.
They could have at least given her a Saria based costume.
>Vaati not in
>some literally who from TP is in
you could honestly use the entire main cast of Ocarina in a Warriors style game and their fighting styles would all be diverse enough to justify their inclusions