That's it for Valve. You cave in once, you'll do it again

That's it for Valve. You cave in once, you'll do it again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did you really expect them to actually let the shitty gobbo game on their store

Could always go pirate RapeLay and have a bit more fun then a crappy 3d VN.

Valve is a sellout anyway, banking on vr with boneworks.

Fucking good. VNs suck regardless of the content. I've seen better shit in .

>That's it for Valve. You cave in once, you'll do it again.
It's cool. Fallout and Elder Scrolls have enough anyway. And I doubt they can break down Fallout/ Elder Scroll sex modders as easily as they have with valve.

Attached: Skyrim Kawai edition.jpg (1920x1080, 522K)

I'm glad. I didn't want steam to be the rape game platform.

They're a private a company and they'll allow whatever the fuck they want. Stop trying to regulate businesses you impudent child.

>that image
rape+snuff is my fetish

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imagine this being the hill you want to die on. fucking pathetic nerds

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Fuck degenerates

Is okay you can always turn to origin for rape if you like so much, fag OP

stop posting this man

>Stop trying to regulate businesses you impudent child.
lmao this is exactly what sjws do by complaining and virtue signalling

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

Hail to the king, baby

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>incels rise up


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them violating their own rules of "anything is allowed" can probably get them in legal trouble of some kind if the makers of the game wanted to sue, goodluck winning that case with whatever lawyer they could afford though

So, you've become an alt-sjw?

>he thinks drinking soda is equivalent to rape
I think I can see now why people are upset, or at least I can understand the type of people that might be upset.

Discord trannies in 3, 2, 1...


>Paranoia paranoia everyone is comin' to get me

>liking ethots
>finding autistic face impersonation pleasing


lmao at the shitty photoshop job on those boobs

idiotic 100iq post

You got one.

Round the trannies up!

>[nounanka (Abubu)] NPC Kan MOD

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does the epic store allow games like rapeday then, otherwise it seems i's equally worthless

Do you just want me to post more, or something?

something that has been proven real more times exists
Yea Forums is the ground of a proxy war between different internet factions

I'm more so comparing the quality of the games, rather than their content. Since the word "shitty" was used.

Attached: suicide101.png (476x437, 209K)

i want you to put some copper wire in a plug and connect it to you anus

Why are you guys like this? You really expected them to sell this game?

Shit like this doesn't even phase me anymore. They don't care about morals, if they did they wouldn't allow violent content period. Its all about money and keeping the least amount of people offended.

kek. imagine being this dumb faggot who's manufacturing outrage for some dumb renpy "game" on Yea Forums. I'd ban you for an eternity.

Attached: suma.gif (360x272, 2.95M)

Its not about this, its about the standard this is establishing.

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>Very Positive
jesus christ i want all people who put up 'ironic' reviews to be shot fucking dead

If he had the exact same game, but called it "Murder Day." Would ANYONE care?

>Western garbage
And nothing of value was lost

fuck what mods do you need to achieve this
I wanna be a degenerate too

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>Valve kicking incels and their games off the store

Attached: 1551912623663.jpg (1056x794, 103K)

>ever caring about Valve

Nigger the game is just pure rape. It's a mental illness.

based valve

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I'd rather establish the line that tells degenerates to fuck off.
That's the standard that needs establishing.
Next: Telling the gays to fuck off.


>ban loli games
>Yea Forumsedditors support it
>ban rape games
>Yea Forumsedditors throw a hissy fit
Told you this was the slippery slope, but all you /pol/redditors keep on going MUH PEDOS XD

You made your bed, now get fucked in it. And I also can't wait for the retards laughing at rapefags to start seething when the slippery slope goes to shit on their favorite thing next.

t. roastie

they're about as pathetic as eachother

>arguing standards to the general video game populace
>A group of people known for having terrible standards and will purchase low quality goods and defend them to death just because it shines nicely

This whole exercise sounds like a waste of time user.

The original quote is better, never post that shit again.

Attached: original.jpg (638x479, 39K)

>You really expected them to sell this game?
Well....yeah. Movie get's banned. DVD sales go through the roof. Video game get's banned or removed. Sales go through the roof. It is going to sell regardless now. Vavle won't. But the game will.

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Isn't rape and snuff hot though?

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Believing in the slippery slope is why you have people defending pedophiles and terrible 10-second ren'py rape games out of "principle".

It's a romantic idea, being all or none of it, but it just ends up with everyone having egg on their face.

So by this viewpoint Yea Forums should defend the "SJW agenda" because it's something they don't like.


>he doesn't know they will tell useful idiots like him to fuck off right after the "degenerates"

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Oh you know the slope will hit violence soon. I can already see the articles rumbling.

I'm pretty sure there's a clear difference between the stuff I like to see on steam and a rape game. You can find shit like that off of steam.

Yea Forums should defend the SJWs' ability to voice their opinions, yes.
You contrarian fuck

Read that hentai and it was just silly. And nah it isn't hot unless I'm in the middle of having sex.

I honestly don't care whether Steam bans these kinds of games or not, I just wish they'd be fucking consistent about it. Seems like they flip-flop every month.

Yeah, that's the fucking point you inbred retards are unable to process.

Why do you read hentai in the middle of sex?

Yeah, and when they take one of your favorite games off steam because it has a big-tited character, it will be too late, because you told them it was okay to do.

discussion on different sites or even boards are easy to come across about the state of Yea Forums

Enjoy having your anime banned next, faggots.

>waaaaaa why won't valve ban all those trash games that keeps getting uploaded on steam I don't want this shovelware clogging up my homepage
>wtf why is valve banning this shovelware game? this is literally unacceptable what a bunch of cucks I love murdering women
/pol/tards are such a fucking joke.

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First Active Shooter and NOW this!?

Look at this confused nigger and laugh. He thinks Yea Forums is one very confused person.

You have to disable a default-enabled filter to see such content in the first place, you blind moral crusader.

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slippery slope is only a fallacy if there isn't proof that it will happen. It's like how everybody knew dlc would be cancer yet people still tried the muh slippery slope bullshit. We literally live in the age of "you should be punished for thinking wrong" right now

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Being critical against something is not the same as wanting that thing to be censored.
We need more debate, not less, if we just silence whatever we dislike then both parties gets dumber.

Im really Adderalled out and thought her hands were cat ears ffs...

I miss proxyfag, at least he put effort on this bait. Anyway


>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS

Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?

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I think fags kissing is more repulsive than rape. Why don't they ban otomeshit?

Valve is allowed to ban it from their store. However, the dev should also be allowed to release it by themselves as a standalone. Sure, they won't get steam's exposure, but they keep 100% of the profits.

Is this not the definition of a free market? I'm all for regulating companies when they overstep their boundaries, but this seems like a rational move from valve. They just need to be more consistent with how they enforce it.

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Fucking based

We support anything that trigger the libs lmao

Who the fuck actually gets off to rape porn? Fucking god damn degenerates.

why does fucking anyone listen to these pussies

There's a difference between big tits and rape. Slippery slope is a fallacy because we can see these clear differences, but I'm not about to get you to defend child pornography by pointing it out that we already prohibit it here, am I? First they came for our cp, I said nothing, I'm not a pedo, then they came for our anime tiddies, right?

too bad the "CENSOR NOTHING!!!!" fags are too autistic to hold any reasonable debate. They basically scream foul over second drafts. There's no debate to be had with unreasonable idiots as your opponents. Then you're just wrestling pigs in mud.

>haha look at this dude getting his head getting crushed
>OMG A WOMAN BEING RAPED?!?!? I WONT STAND FOR IT!!?!?! *tweets angrily*

the absolute state of progressive incels

Based and fuckniggerspilled

That isn't a good example, Soda Drinker Pro is actually a legit game and the soda drinking is just a one level minigame cold opener for a decent Yume Nikki esque exploration/warioware/artsy game.

if you cant rape men dont blame them for taking it down if it blatently promotes sexism

Based, curated and truly, redpilled

cuz he fucks ugly chicks desu

Honestly, I feel like anons forget that Steam isn't fucking Yea Forums, and you can't just post rape fest: battle of the three autist waifu kingdoms on there without it at least getting funny looks or a "please tone it down a bit so we don't get sued to oblivion" sent towards you. I know about muh right to make and publish anything, but eventually I wonder when the line is crossed where a game is defended not because it is good or even not shit, but just because people want steam to be their own personal second fapgrounds with VNs, hentai and god knows what else because they forget the vast majority of people aren't as used to full degeneracy as people on this site.

i wonder

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This always cheer me up

At least make the effort to spell the man's name right before criticizing others.

Rent free

You're comparing a crime with an actual victim to a piece of fiction whose crime is offending sensibilities, there is no true difference in that between rape and sexuality, its simply a matter a degrees.
And eventually they will get to the big titties, if they haven't already.

You have to stand for the principle, not the specifics, because those will always be interpreted differently.

>Then they came for Me, and I did not speak out - because I was not Me.

It is

Attached: Getting ahead in life.jpg (216x193, 21K)


>the free market only applies when I say so
>now I demand you sell my game steam, whether you like it or not

I see a useful idiot here, but it's not him.

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I got the sauce from Google image search, hbu retard?

>rape fest: battle of the three autist waifu kingdoms

Fund it.

>a bunch of contrarian virgins will call this a slippery slope when in reality this was created for the sole intention of getting banned and causing a controversy

>Visual novel that has no selling point besides "RAPE" "MURDER" "MURDER RAPE"

woah man 10d chess, I sure wish I was as gullible as Yea Forums.

some examples are /pol/, stormfront, r/the_donald

Is Resetera the top internet boogeyman right now? Amazing how little actual trouble that site has despite being the villain of the internet now. Most other sites would end up spammed, trolled, and DDOS'd to submission.

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>That's it for Valve.
It for them selling exploitative garbage that isn't even video game related? Yeah probably. And no fucks were given.

The difference is that killing often serves a purpose in game and not meant to make us horny. What makes us horny drives us more than the casual fun of killing in a game. The erotic nature of a game about rape makes it harder to defend.


I'm going to go and report every single VN and RPGmaker game that has anything even remotely resembling rape now on steam.

These bigots need to realize that they can just not buy the game if it upsets them so much

You have to try or else you're just as guilty of being an unreasonable idiot, which gives your opposition a justification to also act like an unreasonable idiot.
Break the cycle my legs are okay.


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Not everyone likes to eat where others shit.

Imagine being a fanboy of a company that not only managed to drop the ball on the newest Unreal Tournament, but also one that made Fortnite.

red pill me on rape, does it really feel good to dominate another person sexually while they cry and/or plead you to stop?

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Sounds like this guy was a faggot

>Valve says they wont ban games for adult content
>Ban game for adult content
Faggots like you should be shot.

Have you been on steam? Nothing but shit.

What would the reaction be if it was women raping men?

Where did all that bravado went, Gaben? You can't amke gammes, and now you can't even sell them right

Attached: [laughs in rape].jpg (190x223, 11K)


I need the sauce on this girl for non sexual reasons

They're not worth the effort to sign up

This is the hill you're going to die on? A shitty troll game about rape?

>Regulation is not regulation

Attached: 1528671411733.gif (645x773, 41K)

>Because I was not a socialist

Good luck. They won't get taken down though because they aren't retarded shit called rape day.

They also said they would be banning low effort meme games and make an effort to enforce higher quality standards. It's not perfect, as their lineup of new games can demonstrate (yuck would be the word I'd use) but I have to applaud them when they try.

Rape is only hot if you're an orc

yeah, and also women get an experience they will never forget

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I speak out against socialists AND jews though.

So filter it

I will pray for your mental health, user.

Dev: we made this controversial game about rape
Steam: we don't want that on our platform

>when he scooped her eye ball out

>a bunch of contrarian virgins will call this a slippery slope when in reality this was created for the sole intention of getting banned and causing a controversy
there is no proof of that
>Visual novel that has no selling point besides "RAPE" "MURDER" "MURDER RAPE"
game of thrones is doing fine

in mortal combat 11 you can brutally murder women, and that's the selling point
i don't see it banned either

that's not how this works

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More like they're too good at keeping riff raff out so they're impossible to fuck with. Meanwhile, Yea Forums is the easiest place online to manipulate due to the fact anonymous posting is a failure of a concept.

That's because of their registration. You need an email that can be traced byack to you, like a ork email. So you're bound to them and should you practise wrongthink they can get you fired. Not sure if it happened with someone from resetera but neogaf had the same process and we know of at least one dude who lost his job because he was against censorship.

its not caving if its genuinely objectionable and morally wrong on all fronts

yikes at this view my dude

You gonna post some proof?

Didn't think so.

>Wanting socialists and jews to """help""" you

>does it really feel good to dominate another person sexually while they cry and/or plead you to stop?
Yeah. Rape sells. Sex sells. Rape is sex therefore it will sell. Type or research Rape role play. That will help you fill the rest in.

Attached: rape face 2.png (486x390, 156K)

Where are my other full circle bros at? When you've been on the internet so long that consensual, and loving vanilla hentai is your fetish once again? Seeing a cute couple make love is best!

This is the same argument you faggots use when it comes to trannies and shit, stfu. I don't want the extremes of either in my video games and I just want to play fun games that aren't political messages or big fuck yous to the censors so they can claim mistreatment or muh freedumb of speech.

3 weeks later

No one here actually thinks when they post anymore and think they're any different from the very people they're arguing with. Get some standards losers, you probably suck at Yea Forumsidya anyways

>We wont ban game or censor them
>Does just that
>W-Why are you upset
Fuck off resettranny

I doubt you even like video games anymore.

That's not good enough, because allowing garbage like that, and that shit really is the epitome of garbage, encourages more of it to appear on the store, and then fuckheads will start listing their games using different tags to try and promote their garbage to more and more people. It just doesn't belong on there. If you don't care about playing video games then fuck off to some other platform.

Can you please show me a singular case in which that happened?

You can't. You're just a failure.

Double standards

Murder and killing, which almost all games have, is worst than rape.

Prove me wrong. Anyone jerking off to this disgusting shit and anyone who draws it should be lined up against a wall and shot.

Take that reserta shit out of here.
Advocating for freedom of expression ,even when it comes to the obscene has nothing to do with that, or even videogames in general, they are just a favorite target at the moment.

Do you just want to be autistic, or something?

Vanilla > every single paraphilia

Daily reminder that this board is getting taken over by resetrannies and this thread is further proof.

>valve: everything is allowed, except illegal or trolling
>dev: okay, here's the game. it doesn't break any rules.
>valve:eeeehhhh... we still ban it just because.

rape turning into a cute couple is best

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>responds over a half hour later
Autism confirmed


This user knows whats up.

On principle steam shouldn't have rape games. They weren't complete video game anarchy before, treating this as the start of the slippery slope is silly.

I don't get Americans. You can depict faces getting torn off, throats getting slit, limbs being dismembered, heads being caved in etc. All that extremely bloody violent shit is A-OK, but naked ladies and to lesser extent, swearing, is where you draw the line? The fuck is wrong with you people?

They will if a lot of people report them, which is why i am going to spread the news to people that would also report them :^)

>see game you don't like on steam
>ignore it or click "not interested"
>sit down to eat some food
>surrounded by the stench and sight of shit everywhere around you and literally can't enjoy your meal because of it
wow they're totally comparable

If this site is so pathetic that a small group of 15 people can destroy your /pol/ ideology, maybe it wasn't a good ideology and was always going to fall apart?


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Vanilla loving futa is the most patrician

I *really* hope you're not of the same persons laughing at people claiming a slippery slope as well.

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yes. it would be far harder to manipulate Yea Forums if wrongthinkers could be tracked and banned. upvoted.

>People actually defending a shit looking game
>People actually planned to buy it hoping it pisses someone off

Fool and his money are easily parted.

>B-but hatred
Hatred was actually a game

Attached: 0d2.png (600x466, 316K)

Because you lie a lot and no one can help you with that issue. Seek mental help.

(you) false flaggeing baiter.

SJWs are scum, lower than scum, but this game was obviously for shock value and grotesque. I don't care if it's hosted or not.
The only real complaint I can see being levied against valve is why host the game to begin with if youre just going to change your mind based on pearl clutching proselytizers?

other games with explicit rape are allowed on steam

it's probably because they aren't low effort trash meant to grab easy money by baiting with controversy

People get raped in movies. Why are games somehow supposed to not be allowed to do this? How is killing someone in a game worse than raping someone in a game?

>arguing for a game low-tier meme game that promotes rape
wtf has Yea Forums become

Chugworth must have REALLY taken its tole on him to produce that shit.

>I don't get men
Fixed that for you, chauvinist prick. Men are okay with committing violence against other men and women who act like men, but rape is another story. It's indecent. No one's bitching about just "naked ladies," this was a rape sim.

it's not the view, it's biased double standard reality

it's called the Meta-Cult. look it up on youtube

Except they wont


Fuck, meant 'not worse'

Women are one of the sacred cows that we need to slay.

I unironically want a game where you hurt women, getting beaten Yakuza-finisher style.

>Site cries coonstantly about invaders and wrong think of opinions, including retards demanding mods ban "shills"
>still, does not want any feature or proven technique that would prevent these invaders and give him his homogenous site
Anonymous posting is basically open borders

Attached: cheers niggers.jpg (334x334, 88K)

Its an adult game like the rest, I don't see why it should be treated differently. I may not like it but someone else obviously does, why should they not be able to enjoy it?

Are people really seething over this edgy rape game with the budget of one dollar not getting on Steam?

As long as it involves tomboys, yes.

Attached: biri.png (837x554, 524K)

>He never actually got past the soda drinking part

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Atlus didn't censor shit

The real fallacy is calling it slippery slope
It's clearly the ol' foot-in-the-door technique

Why do people care so much about what other people play?
If some guy wants to play a today game on steam what business is that of yours?
Someone gonna looks at his tray and see that he is using steam so you're a rapist because you also do?
Would you not go to a convenience store because they sell playboys?
Why not attack places like pornhub for showing rape as real as it is in those games?

nvm I found it

Nice argument moralfag

Remember, bad guys are not allowed to be bad in video games.

>I answer the question I ask him just in case he proofs me wrong
Not him but you're just proving the point how massivley retarded you fucks really are.

Look at this retard

>defending 3d porn in any capacity

literally no non-/pol/cuck gives a shit. Go be deranged somewhere else.

rape is immorale and degenerate
steam doesn't need games like that on its platform to give them the time of day
quit being edgy

>Prove me wrong
its fiction. wow that was easy

Hatred counts? The violence is indiscriminate

it doesn't matter what the games is
the fact that it got banned cause sjws and media complained creates a precedent for further inquisition

>Anonymous posting is basically open borders
I hope you're not complaining about that ,because that is the whole fucking point of the site, if there was a mandated way of thinking this site would be fucking pointless.

He stopped doing that shit like 7 years ago. Now he just does normal porn again. He stopped because he didn't get enough commissions and I guess patreon wasn't a thing/viable back then.

A pity. Basically the only guro artist I knew who wasn't a nip that went way too over the top with their shit.

Attached: just hanging around.jpg (168x207, 19K)

Actually it's much worse
You need a personally identifying email because they run, basically, a background check on you when you apply for an account.
They search your email up to get your real name (usually from linkedin or something else work-related) and then work up from there to find your other accounts and places you've been on the internet, and if they find shit they don't like - your registration is declined and you're usually blacklisted + optionally doxxed and harassed in real life if they REALLY don't like you. If they can't find anything on you they assume you have something to hide so you're also declined + blacklisted.

They literally will not accept anyone unless they can blackmail or harass them in the future if they demonstrate wrongthink. It was like this when they ran GAF and it's the exact same on ResetEra


>make a shitty VN with shitty graphics
>Yea Forums hates it and wants it off of Steam because it's not really a video game
>Add an edgy word to the title
>Yea Forums loves it and seethes because it gets banned from the store and some people will probably actually buy it solely because it upset people
Like clockwork.

They let Yiik on steam tho

>furfag visual novel with sex scenes are ok

>i-it advocates for rape, why are you supporting this
Now you're going to get all shooting games banned because it glorifies shooting people. Way to let their foot in the door, retards.

what a brave, new world

>You're just a failure.
Talking about yourself again tranny?

There is a mandated way of thinking. It's just unenforcable and leads to people like you crying about mythical trannies and invaders

>videogames don't make you violent
>but they do encourage rape and violence against women!!!

Holy shit, I didn't know he added a new part. Sweet.

Murder is immoral too

Think of the polygon children!

yup leftards are thoroughly conditioned to respond to arguments like this with "slippery slope fallacy!!" only makes sense that they would project this kinda thing onto their le evil four chan in a false flag


I don't have a problem with Valve banning games, only with them doing so after proclaiming that they weren't the "taste police." It's pretty bad when their new "anything goes" policy is even more uncertain and unpredictable than the old one. They should drop pornography and stop pretending it's allowed, if a minor ruckus over a very common fetish is all it takes for a game to be banned.

Why his anus specifically?

The original quote isn't even real, it's a poem version of something he said in a letter, talks about communists instead of socialists, etc. That version became popular because the U.S. Holocaust Museum didn't want to appear too lefty in the right-wing death squad victim remembrance place.

Is this game just a remake of that old game rapelay that’s like banned in many countries?

Why, yes, virtual soda drinking is equivalent to the virtual exploitation of fantasy women. They are both fake and nonexistent, after all.

It is equivalent when the scenario is fictional. When will you idiot normalfags finally understand it? I could write a page about someone drinking soda or eating a cake and I could write a page about a tribe of cannibals eating and raping babies, their objective value would remain the same as fiction. The only context here is a bunch of insecure people that are emotionally still stuck at the level of middle school children and cannot stand when someone does something they don't like, even if they don't get to see it. Just knowing that it exists is enough to set them off and have them throw tantrums.

>Ummm people get doxed if they say bad things there!
Sure thing, retard

I thought he only did those because he had this one guy who paid him big bucks for a full color guro comic? I was told he doesn't actually like guro and was just doing it for the money. Also remember his loli flashes?

people gets off to blacked porn

>that promotes rape
opinion descarted.

Attached: Fuck Off.jpg (595x569, 119K)

Noone on Yea Forums knows how to even pay someone to do those things these days, much less get them going themselves.

>retards actually believe this will ever happen

Who cares?

I prefer Dhalsim myself, Rapesim just never really fit in Street Fighter universe.

Attached: 249.png (497x518, 385K)

In which venue do you currently believe yourself to be located in?

>says stupid shit
>gets called out
>moves the goalpost

Attached: kek.jpg (600x450, 49K)

>you give them an inch...

Rape can leave women with the rapist's child, women are weaker than men and easy to overpower if a man gives into natural urges so society sees the act of a man raping a woman as worse than shooting someone to death in a game. Rape is an erotic act separating it from the senseless fun of killing. Sex is seen as being indecent and reserved for pornography.

The game was always a poison pill to force Valve into removing everything from their store.

Not going to happen

Anybody that wants to ban shit should be executed on sight.

Makes no sense to make it your full time shit unless the guy was paying insane amounts. Dude opened an entire site, designed dozens of characters, wrote backstories and shit, and drew tons of non-comic supplimentary shit for it. I don't feel like you do all that on commission unless you have one hell of a sugar daddy

>People are upset about this
It's not just because it's a rape game, it's because it's a low effort piece of shit that intended to sell itself purely on the basis that it was edgy and controversial. It's like that Active Shooter game all over again.

Heh, don't you worry. /Ourboys/ will punish that fat kike accordingly. Looks like black ink 3 is on the menu lads

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Those poor polygons getting raped and murdered. Nobody has stopped to consider their rights and feelings. I'm literally sobbing over a picture of a hangman game because I'm getting second hand black lynching trauma from it.

The criminal justice system, retard.

Their FFXIV guild Gather Against Fate sucks ass and full of SJWs and tranny ERPers.

Reddit invasion since the 2016 elections. Thanks /pol/, I hope it was worth it.

Just like how killing someone in a game promotes killing. There is no logic to wanting this censored. It's pure irrational emotional bullshit. This obsession everyone has over what other people should and shouldn't be allowed to do with fictional media is absolutely insane.

Attached: not sjw.jpg (1200x1039, 192K)

If this vn didn't have the word rape on the title, they would have gotten away with it because all the folks that fabricated this controversy are all morons who don't know anything.

What are you even talking about? You claimed people get doxed on resetera, I asked for proof, and now you won't give it. I am just going to accept your concession.

You don't invade resetera because you can't, and you make up some fantasy about doxing, depsite not having an example of it, and knowing that's a felony.

no. it's just a VN with a rape theme. rapelay was more of a proper game.

I'm literally championing that everyone one should be able to speak up, how does that mean that I'm "crying about mythical trannies and invaders"?
I'm doing the exact opposite you paranoid fuck, not everyone one you argue with is some sort of embodiment of everything you dislike.

Get some fresh air.

What a dumb fucking business move. They should have never allowed porn games on Steam if they weren't prepared to go all the way.

They were doing just fine on gaming alone. How fucking dumb can you be. Either go all in or stay the fuck out. Why even cause yourself these problems?

Yea Forums, if you’re gonna be out here thinking and saying rape is ok, then you deserve every fucking thing that happens to you. I’m not sure what else to say.


Hi chapo!

I'm all for giving people the freedom to make whatever 1s and 0s they want as long as it isnt hurting anyone. We live in a culture of victims, the whole fucking world is onboard and they've been brainwashed to keep it going. It is complete, systemic brainwashing for the sake of profit and destruction of ideas. It is legitimately making people STUPID. Its been 12 years and its still going.

Establishing some rule or 'free speech' site isnt enough anymore. What you need to do is make the changes yourself. Deem your own fairness. You make that reddit or Yea Forums clone, and you ban indiscriminately anyone who acts like a shithead. It doesnt matter how much they whine, bitch, and defame you, everyone needs to do this. Everyone needs to take part. You need to show people THAT WHINING AND SPREADING SHIT ON SOCIAL MEDIA DOES NOT LET PEOPLE GET THEIR WAY ANYMORE. YOU ACT LIKE A SHITHEAD YOU GET TREATED LIKE ONE.

and no I dont mean you just ban people because they post some leftist opinion you dont like. Its if all they fucking do is post that shit ane contribute nothing positive, you purge them to make a better community. Same goes for faggots who post nothing but trump shit outside of a designated politics forum. They contribute nothing good to discussion? They are leeches. Purge them. You can have good dicussions on any topic if the participants themselves make quality posts. Go look at Yea Forums or /pol/ right now, is this good quality posts? Fuck no.

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My question is how exactly is putting rape in a game "promoting" or "encouraging" it?

man am i glad i didnt have internet access when i was younger

Go mourn your missing dicks in retardera, trannies.

yeah, guess youre right. He was THE western guro artists for a while. I don't even like guro, but i do like his other stuff. That one chick with the glasses he designed is really cute.

why does it matter if people from reddit visit Yea Forums

Anyone that uses Steam from here on out is a liberal and should be banned from Yea Forums.

>pretending Yea Forums ever had an ounce of morality
kys newfag

Do you actually think rape is the end game of porn? What the fuck kind of retard are you? Jesus Christ.

Jews, unionists, and socialists all deserved it though

Today: Rape
Tomorrow: Violence and Gore
Later: White characters
give an inch, they take the distance between the Earth and the sun

Omega cringe

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>implying valve has any other position in this
>muh censory ship
>slippery slope fallacy

You retards don't get out much

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None of you were going to buy this so why the fuck are you complaining about it?

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Not that guy but the only doxxing I know about was when they found out who was publically listed as the marketing department's manager so they can complain. Not really doxxing.


>trannies and invaders
I mean, that's what you are. Why does it make you so mad to get called out?
You seem pretty heavily invested in thought policing even on an anonymous image board. I suppose that's why you project it onto others.
Yea Forums has always told newfags and normalfags to get out. Doesn't mean they do and doesn't mean we'd ever give up what makes us better than shitholes like resetera and reddit. Heavily enforced hugboxes smooth your brain, as you've demonstrated well.

On a side note: chemo gore dumps worked pretty well back in the good old days, but the mods are pretty cucked these days.

Its a fucking game retard


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>based valve cleansing their store of DAZshit

Exactly this.

>What a dumb fucking business move.
lol, are you serious? There are plenty of porn games still on Steam, but there needs to be a limit.

>LOL, Why the fuck would a company have STANDARDS for what they put on their store?
Does Yea Forums have such a hate boner for the SAYJAYDOUBYAS that they need to always be on the opposite side of them and defend this low effort trash?

Attached: 1548712048029.png (278x259, 63K)

What is the over/under on this "game" being made purposely for media to present for setting a precedent back on banning sexual video games on Steam?

Attached: 71.png (367x454, 185K)

it's not that rape is just in a game. it's that you're playing as a rapist, encouraged to take an active role in the rape, and the entire game is themed around rape.

So, you believe there is no expected way of thinking here?

Newfag as fuck.

Guess we better ban books where characters get raped too, ever read Stephen King novels/ They're rife with that stuff.

this is an excellent pasta chef

Good, somewhere along the line we forgot that rape isn't a joke or a plot device likes it's currently being used in anime.
I commend Valve for having a spine and standing up to the misogynists who'd defend this trash.
>Murder and killing, which almost all games have, is worst than rape.
No it is not

Unironically this. Epic store is based and redpilled Trumpkino now.

>"FUCK critics, game devs can upload any kind of game they want on Steam"
>Proceed to block game based on critics
This fact is important, the game itself is irrelevant.

It's about principles. This is a direct attack on white straight men and our values, you spineless cuck

>/pol/ boogeyman

Someone post the edit. You know the one.

You need to go back

Get some new material, newfriend.

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hi niggers

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Look at the first three responses in this thread. All of them were bashing the game for being shit; not defending the game because SJWs are getting bent out of shape. Criticism of SJWs is happening because they're getting pissed for the wrong reasons.

Wrong but not far off. It's actually futa portal selfcest.

Based and thank you, such common sense genuinely brought a tear to my eye. I'm also really high though so it's probably a little bit of both.

>freedom of expression
>private company

If rape day wants they can release the game on their own no one banned the game. Remeber when Yea Forums made fun of edgelords instead of worshipping them?

Why can't game devs tell the story of a rapist if they want to?

And so do you.

It's the principle of banning a fictional piece of media over irrational arguments from vocal minorities who had nothing to do with it in the first place. Depicting rape in video games shouldn't be any worse than depicting killing. The idea of wanting something banned because you're offended by it makes no sense. Don't buy it if you don't like it.

Jesus that's a little drastic.

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>Just like how killing someone in a game promotes killing
Game literally has rape in the title, the graphics are shit, the writing is shit, the game is low effort shit that is pretty much trying to make bank on the fact that it's controversial. Hatred was edgy shit about performing a mass shooting, but you don't see it calling itself "Genocide Week"
> There is no logic to wanting this censored
It's bad press to give any positive attention to a low effort game trying to sell itself on shock value and controversy. Valve can do whatever they want with their store, and have banned games for way weaker reasons.
> This obsession everyone has over what other people should and shouldn't be allowed to do with fictional media is absolutely insane.
See the above, it's pretty clear that this game wasn't actually trying to be anything other than an edgy meme.

So porn sites have to allow guro and loli shit because they allow adult content? Maybe valve should have said we will allow adult content and for all the special needs kids in the back that doesn't mean we allow rape and loli shit. But you are a fucking retard if because they said they would allow adult content that suddenly meant they would also have 0 restrictions on obvious stuff no business wants to fucking deal with.

Today: You can't say onions
Tomorrow: you can't say goy
Later: frogposters are banned
Give them an inch, and I lose my mind because I'm an alarmist child.

It's not. The people saying it promotes rape are exclusively shitposters and actual retards who think banning a video game is preventing rape.

I agree. I fucking hate ryouna. Why do people like seeing lolis suffer? It just makes me sad.

Attached: 1498452595962.gif (500x401, 137K)

>Get some new material
>posts from r/smuggies

It's just election zoomers and underage 8cucks throwing shit everywhere to win the oppression olympics

And now there are no guro artists in the west I know of that aren't absolute garbage. Makes me sad.

Maybe it was for the best. My guro fetish faded quite a bit when he stopped doing guro. Not a lot of good alternatives out there. Most nipshit is either gross or stupid.

Ironic given both of your arguments are just reductionist

we can be open to dislike and tell to fuck off but doesn't mean we want them shut down, the problem is we continue to suggest to make their own games, comics and such but leaving us to enjoy our stuff but instead they come and change our hobbies and force us to accept their terms instead of fuck off

Yea Forums is just full of contrarians for the sake of being contrarian. This shit will be all forgotten about before the end of the month and nobody will give a shit anymore.

This is the worst stuff I’ve seen on Yea Forums. It’s insane. The game looks like shit!!! It’s a shitty cheap game made to get people upset, and people here have memed themselves into defending it. It’s humiliating. I’ve defended anonymous posting, but if you cocksuckers are going to use it to support rape and fucking SHITTY GAMES then you can all go to hell, along with internet anonymity. Fuck you.


Don't ignore the faggots denouncing Valve over not wanting this on Steam
There's reasons to hate Valve but this isn't one of them

Only newfags think that way.
Have you not noticed that this whole site is characterized by arguing since its fucking inception? How do you imagine that happens if everyone agrees with each other?

We all deserve it, global warming wiping us out except the ultra wealthy is the best ending

Lolis aren't for suffering, they are for protecting.

Sure, it's not doxxing when THEY do it, but when anyone from 8gag or here does it, it magically becomes doxxing and they cry to their friend on the boards' respective mod teams to SHUT IT DOWN

'rules for thee but not for me' is their guiding mantra when they're at war with something/someone
They resort to all the same tactics but it's magically okay for them because they're on the 'right' side of the conflict.

It's a private company that peddles its goods on the territory of the country where free speech is a right, not a liberty. They are obligated to hold themselves to a similar standard, or fuck off from said country, the same way they could not continue remaining in the EU market without introducing refunds. Just because they're a private company doesn't mean they are exempt from the laws and regulations of the territories they provide their services on. Companies do not exist in vacuum.

Strawman would imply his imahe wasn't accurate, if you weren't aware.

All of your arguments boil down to it being a low effort 'clickbaity' game which means people just shouldn't buy it. Banning it because of that is retarded. There are tons of low effort garbage games on Steam that have all of those qualities minus the rape.

Read the thread shitheel, it has gone beyond that.

>he actually deleted his post to rewrite out this retarded shit
Get a hobby, dude. I am sure guro spam is totally going to chase off people literally talking about guro artists they miss, my man.

By the way, you mistook Yea Forums for all of Yea Forums when you came in 16, it seems.


Attached: 1495659984138.jpg (520x634, 34K)

Then why do Yea Forums argue against abortions, homosexuality and other "sins" every /vpol/ thread?


Rape games sold on a major mainstream client is just a bad idea. The company cans say no, they shouldn't be forced to sell something they don't want to.

Yea Forums doesn't care about Video Games, only politics.

Nice to see my post made it in the webm.


Attached: 1505235852233.gif (243x339, 949K)

Imagine actually thinking this game is about drinking soda.

High enough standards to not have fucking uncanny valley rape sim

Whatever happened to freedom of speech and expression? I get that they're a corporation, but isn't this opening a can of worms? What about violence and horror games where you victimize people

I do, and i am mad online about it.

>He's never heard of Carmageddon
It's on steam too. Just stop. It's only a controversy because the society is gynocentric and women are a protected class still despite supposedly having equal rights and responsibilities. Gay shower with dad simulators are fine, dick climbign simulators are fine, but raping a woman? Oy fucking vey.

>a business, a private one, decides they don't want someone's feces in their store
>retarded self victimizing faggots scream about oppression and how "They're" coming to get them

>Edgy guro ryonashit gets banned
Nothing of value was lost.

>Otome is BL

Are you retarded?

Yes it is

Your post has nothing to do with me or anything I said in response.

What's an imahe? Did you have a stroke, or are you naturally retarded?

I loved this post for some reason

Global warming is a meme, it's climate change, not global warming. The polar shelf is actually thickening, the ice is breaking off from it due to an increase in volume. You deserve it if you do nothing to stop it and unlike you, I don't intend to deserve it.

kys retard

Attached: duherrg[1].png (559x448, 73K)

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They've caved numerous times with these games. A fuckton of VN's were removed.


taking steps to remove the shills/brigaders would destroy this site because it would no longer be authentic/organic/free speechey. even though we want to keep this site right-wing Yea Forums wouldn't be Yea Forums if hiroshimoot/mods did that from top down, so our only recourse is bullying supposed shills and trying to sniff our astroturfing campaigns on us

>direct attack on white straight men and our values
So playing shitty bait games is a core value of the white man?

Free speech is not a right in the US.

Refers to the government and no one else. And it doesn't even apply to the government anymore as you can be fired/jailed for criticizing israel in the US now.

You're not providing examples, just settling on "provided the names of publically credited staff members is literally doxxing". I can't believe Konami doxxed Kojima multiple times in MGSV.

>All of your arguments boil down to it being a low effort 'clickbaity' game which means people just shouldn't buy it.
No, all of my arguments boil down to it's some stupid idiot trying to push people's buttons in a very blatant way to get easy money and Valve has a lot more to lose than to gain from supporting that.
>There are tons of low effort garbage games on Steam that have all of those qualities minus the rape
>minus the rape
Yeah that's kind of the big difference, Steam turned down Active Shooter, too. It's clear they just don't want low effort garbage made to stir the pot on their platform.

Do it. You should fucking do it.

How does Mandingo's cock taste like?

So if it's a high-quality game that supports rape, you'd be in favor of it? Step off your ivory tower, faggot. No one believes you've been here longer than a year.

What you posted implied no one was being contrarian faggots and defending it


This has happened before anyway.

>/pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels /pol/ incels

3DPD was a mistake

based and /pol/pilled

Attached: 1551742172837.jpg (478x566, 91K)

How about you read the thread instead of asking the same question everyone else is just somehow less coherently?

Troll games are banned from the beginning. What's constitutes as troll games is never explained. You are fools if never expect this.

>Private business makes a clear stance that all games will be allowed regardless of content and it's up to the consumer to buy what they want
>They budge on the decision because a bunch of whiny faggot game "journalists" don't want people playing games they don't want to play themselves
It's infuriating. We aren't arguing that private businesses shouldn't be able to do what they want. We are mad because private businesses keep making stupid decisions that only come about because of a very small but noisy group of people act like children because businesses sell things they don't like.

Only time rape is okay is when we seed anglo women to breed the angoblins out of existence after killing every beady eyed "male" rat. There is not a force on earth as vile, destructive and plain evil as the eternal anglosphere. Smash USA, destroy UK, nuke Australia and burn down Canada, down to every last child. This is the only way to secure an actual white future for real humans.

It still a fucking game retard

I rape rape

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you are in a lefty /pol/ thread, user. /pol/ is /pol/ no matter what the side. it's all cancer.

Attached: pol should be iraticated.png (1399x813, 479K)

Valve probably has some sort of clause in whatever legal agreement the dev's have to make stating "We can remove this game from our store for whatever reason."

You say that, but Hunt Down the Freeman is still for sale, and that's worse than rape

>Get a hobby, dude
Don't project. I play video games and garden. Popping titty skittles and mutilating your genitals is not a hobby.
Guro is not gore, stop being a newfag.
I've been on Yea Forums longer than I care to admit, even on Yea Forums. Stop trying to pull some assumed authority with more projection.

Which was directly responding to someone's assertion that Yea Forums was acting uniformly. I gave an example to the contrary to prove him wrong. It wasn't making the exact same fucking claim I was proving wrong just on the opposite side of the fucking coin you idiot.

Most of Yea Forums is too fucking stupid to know this and only "care" when it blows up into some drama shit.
it's juts faggots looking for excuses to shitpost.

>but there needs to be a limit.

what limit there are rape games all over steam the only reason this one got banned is because the wrong people got a look at it and steam is spineless

>if you don't think a rape game is acceptable that means you hate boobies
Based retard, how do you explain lewd shit in games like the Witcher being perfectly acceptable

only people above the age of 50 jerk it to 3d model porn like this

Carmageddon isn't literally called "Run People Over For Fun Also Fuck Drumpf and Shillary" are you autistic or just braindead? Holy shit. It's not only because it's low effort, it's because it's EXPLICITLY made to piss people off and make a profit off of the outrage and controversy. It wasn't made to be a game, it was made to be easy money. Hence why it's so low effort.

>cave to pressure
Way to spin a narrative. It's clearly a troll game with a dumbass name like that.

No, you fucking mongoloid. They are both horrible, but frankly, I would think that anons would actually care when they are being played like this.
And cocksucker, I have been here too long.

Yes, I'm sure a low effort rape slideshow deserves the same respect as proper games. What's next? Allowing cp on steam because valve didn't explicitly state cp isn't wanted on their store?

ironically Yea Forums becoming the sjw's

>muh oppression

You're all fucking retarded if you can't understand why the biggest distribution platform in the world wouldn't allow a rape simulator

Attached: 1320949640800.jpg (500x375, 40K)

But the way that many movies use rape is either for artistic or story-related reasons. Games can also have rape in them, for the same reasons above. However, this is a shitty h-game that is merely for the sake of outright pornography and shock material.
I do wish to defend freedom of speech and expression, but this is not a hill to die on.

According to your post, the limit is obviously presentation and exposure. Want your rape games on Steam? Keep it low key.

faggot-ass centrists get the rope no matter who wins

Nope, rape is not sex. Rape is violence.

>I play video games
Doesn't seem like it. Seems like you spend your time crying about boogiemen and people not being forced by law to agree with you.
>guro is not gore
AND you're mentally retarded. Christ. Please, stop pretending to be some oldfag.

Someone ought to make a game where the basic interaction with enemies is raping them instead of killing them. I want to see prog trash actually come out and say rape is worse than murder.

I mean it's not like Steam sold RapeLay

>cp isn't wanted on their store?

but they did how ever there's plenty of loli rape on steam

>It's clear they just don't want low effort garbage made to stir the pot on their platform.
No it isn't fucking clear. After a lot of this drama started with other games, they made a huge announcement saying they aren't going to act as adjudicators for what can be sold and not sold on their store, other than being illegal to sell. It's infuriating that a few noisy assholes complaining is making them go back on that.

Plausible. Can't say for sure unless a thorough background check of the devs turns up connections

I do have it on good authority that the supposed CP that was allegedly shared freely on 8gag that was used as evidence for getting them delisted entirely from Google and frequently used to smear them and anyone who associates with them (THQ) appeared only shortly before media 'broke' that 'story', and was likely planted and allowed to 'mature' before they broke news on it.

See what happens when we let third worlders in Yea Forums? Bunch of evil cucks with not a single principle.

This is about them shitting all over our free speech you faggot retard

that is pretty cruel user

>post and calling bullshit anonymously is dying on a hill
See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil.

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And Gone Home is okay because it has a fancy title despite being a zero effort no substance walking simulator that has even less gameplay than the rape sim? Why is it fine for that and not for this?


you're the retard thinking there's any reason to not allow a rape simulator when there's a bajillion murder simulators on the store

So what do they do if they can't sell through any store, try to sell it on their own site or release it for free?

>It is you who are offended!
Like clockwork. I don't go to resetera and tell them how triggered they are. That's pure obsession and projection on your part.

if only hitler had done sea lion. what coulda been

>Freedom of speech and expression
Isn't a thing and never has been

nope but they so sell a certain game that has content far worse than rapelay

Another! Another senseful post! I knew there were sane people on Yea Forums...

>lol why do you care so much incel
Calling it now.

>[insert x argument]

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So they got rid of the rape game. Cool. When are they going to get rid of all the other low effort shovelware on steam? Why is it just this one game that gets the axe?

>go donate some literal rags to the salvation army
>they decide they don't want it

Loli is not CP you cretin.

>deleting more shit
>can't type
Try finishing school and proofreading your shit, tardo. This is the average intellect of a /pol/ election tourist.

>a shitty VN with an even shittier story line gets banned on steam
>Yea Forums loses their minds
stay mad

Good riddance

Attached: whattheFUCK.png (673x842, 130K)

>porn dialogue

"Muh Free Market" doesn't make it okay to explicitly say one thing and do the opposite of it. Valve are liars and hypocrites, no way around it.

Manhunt 2 was already banned for violence
The fact the ESRB exists and any gaming getting an AO is a death sentence for game should anger everyone.

It's not the "being a virgin" aspect of being an incel that's bothersome (however embarrassing it is) - it's the rampant violent tendencies towards women that's a byproduct of it. Big employers should fire people with such malignant traits and I agree

oh all that's fine along with all the other rape games on steam


typical libtards censoring perfectly harmless depictions of rape

I unironically only oppose this decision because it was done because of SJW shit. I would support it if it was done by christian conservatives out of respect for the purity of the eternal feminine or some shit. Am I retarded?

>Nope, rape is not sex.
Seems less Rapey without the penetration when you say it like that.
>Rape is violence.
Depends how you gag them really. The louder the screams to less hard you are going to be. Also need to get the right amount of tears to achieve orgasm too. It's a real bonding experience.

Attached: pussy.gif (250x308, 1.73M)

>even suggesting this level of violence is okay

You idiot's are so delusional holy fuck no wonder you cant function in the real world.

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and yet...

Attached: this sums it up.png (923x603, 158K)

You wanna name that game?

This. What are the best anime themed Skyrim porn mods. I am getting VR soon

Yea Forums has been worse than SJWs for like 3 years now.

Yes, everybody knows the story. Guess what? Exceptions are always made. A game called "Rape Day" is a pretty easy exception to make.
Gone Home wasn't specifically made with the goal of causing controversy. Gone Home has actual merit in comparison to the rape simulator, which has writing that boils down to, from what I've seen "UNGA BUNGA RAPE RAPE RAPE"

And? Do you br monkeys even know how to read? I'm talking about cp, not loli which for most part they seem to tolerate unless it's very explicit

You sound like a /pol/tard, so yes

Because enough sjw's complained. People that don't like shit low quality games don't launch ideological crusades against their existence. They just don't buy them. It's not about this being a shitty game, it's about the very concept of a fucking rape game being offensive to some to such an extent that they want to rebel against its existence.

Impressive analogy there user. I think it can be improved by adding food to it.

yes, good thing they censor violent and bloody videogames too because violence may be normalized and that's not a good thing

>Am I retarded?
Yes but at least you have enough self-awareness to realize it's a possibility.

What free speech, you fucking brainless mongoloid. Steam isn't a platform for you to talk about shit you retard, it's not an IRC channel

Good luck having your average Yea Forums user string some form of argument for having a rape simulator beyond a slippery slope fallacy

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there's a eroge on steam where a loli rapes her father and when he about to cum she bites off his head

I don't get this "resetera is new boogeymon guise" meme. Resetera is Neogaf, the same Neogaf Yea Forums has laughed about and hated since forever.

Except it's worse than neogaf, it's the distilled version of Neogaf. Everything that was ever wrong with Neogaf is concentrated into Resetera. You will never hear of Neogaf again because it's basically dead, but you will hear of Resetera because that's where most of Neogaf went.
Do you newfags understand yet?


I'm offended by violent games too, yet we have Agony and Manhunt for sale

You don't do that because you can't sign up because they were smart enough to gatekeep their site.

But you're perfectly fine with murder simulators being on Steam you retarded leftist faggot

You're both retarded. SJWs get things banned to free them from "oppression." Being against censorship isnt the same at all

Why would they allow CP? It would break the laws of just about every country they distribute their products in. If you want to invoke slippery slope, then at least make it believable. Also funny how you called me a monkey when it's your arguments that are fucking braindead.

>yeah, and also women get an experience they will never forget
Then I think I miss read a signal my cousin was giving me when I was 15. We were play fighting and then she leg locked me and pulled me in close.
>Mfw she was signaling but I can't read social cues.

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Ease up on the projection, holy shit, you're going to blow that bulb. I'm not clamoring for censorship or defending it.
I'm not migrating to other sites and crying about how they are so "t-t-triggered."
Literally every part of your post describes you perfectly. Your subconscious is screaming at you to gain some self awareness.
PS gore is people getting cut open alive for real, not doujin.

The one I always remember is that one slasher movie where they had a flayed couple hanging from hooks and covered in gore in full view - and that was a no-no, because you could see their asscracks. And how they made that scene acceptable to American rating boards was that they filled the asscracks with blood so that they weren't visible. THAT made it okay.

Fucking murrikans amirite.

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They already do, shit for brains.

I know what you're trying to do here, but I promise that if you keep pushing this argument we're just going to end up with both violent and lewd games getting censored

Why can't we just ban all videogames from the planet?

>the supposed CP that was allegedly shared freely on 8gag that was used as evidence for getting them delisted entirely from Google
When that happened 4+ years ago, chatlogs of Laurelai
immediately came out for having done it to false flag. If you were here long enough, you'd know that "it" was the reason for why LulzSec fell, as they had the FBI make them a rat in order to inform on the entire group who were going after the big banks.

Why are you replying to someone who was replying to that exact thing and acting as if the original one to do it did no wrong?

This is insightful but I think you miss the point with a reply like that. No coincidence a lainon makes comments like that, respect.


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>image board users don't use forums
No shit, Sherlock. We constantly shit talk them for a reason; always have.
At least you're honest enough to admit you're a resetard utterly assblasted by the very existence of Yea Forums.

The greentexts about this game are better than the game

boy i sure am glad i dont make politics the entirety of my personality and actually have other interests besides being mad all the time


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no, it's reddit

Why the fuck did they allowed to sell porn on steam? It causes them nothing but trouble

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don't worry, once they've managed to desex all games completely they'll come for violence next
they'll just keep picking away layer by layer until nothing is left.

It's never been about equality or representation, those are just wedge issues, the real goal has been shitting up gaming until it's totally unpalatable to those they deem 'the enemy' and the sooner people realize this, the more effectively they can fight back

Legit the world would be better off if you drank a gallon of bleach.

This fucking spic i swear.
The point is, they don't NEED to explicitly state "also, no cp, no rape, no meme trash" because we actual humans have this thing called common fucking sense and understand that even if they don't explicitly state something, we understand what people would frown upon

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that's a pretty funny picture of you

>murder simulators

Point to any that carries the same gravitas as an actual fucking rape simulator.

Yet again, you're fucking retarded for believing Valve has any other position than to remove this shit.

>hurr but you can murder people in GTA

Fuck off

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That's not on Steam tho.

it wasn't even a low effort game
the guy worked on it for 2 years


They want the porn money but don't want the porn.

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Manhunt and Hatred

Good. Spread it.

Not gonna happen

link it

Because miserable shitstains want everyone else to be just as pathetic as they are?

What hentai did they steal that line from? My god that's hack

>retarded sheltered zoomers think violence and sex is the same thing and thus should be interchangeable and equal
God, this board really is fucking stupid.

>The point is, they don't NEED to explicitly state "also, no cp, no rape, no meme trash" because we actual humans have this thing called common fucking sense
You trying to insult me repeatedly won't make you right. Companies don't work on "common sense" they adhere to strict rules and regulations that are to be outlined in a concise and easy to understand manners. They even have laws for that, that forbid vague wording. Not that you'd know about it, you fucking subhuman.

>it took him two years to make a powerpoint presentation

>Yet again, you're fucking retarded for believing Valve has any other position than to remove this shit.


>“This title features mature content that may not be suitable for all all audiences, including fictional depictions of graphic violence, polygamy, drug use, hypnotism, assault, and incest; both consensual and non-consensual graphic sexual scenes between adults featuring men and women, women with other women, multiple partners, machines, and fictional creatures.”

Not that user but
>Free speech
Oh so a private company is not allowed to do as they please with their own service?

What country are they based in? Because that shit you just described would be hilariously illegal in EU, to the point of "one phone call gets them a visit from Interpol".

Yea Forums hated neogaf for being a sony fanboy haven. This whining about sjws there is a recent development. Same shit with kotaku. Yea Forums hated it for being slow and stupid, not sjw.

no i don't think so. ideological-bent fanaticism is cancer. the retarded lefty /pols/ in this thread are just as bad as right /pol/. both are afraid they will not be accepted, so they wish to force their worldview on everyone else.

I don't think all that many people buy porn through steam

Very true. There's a ratio of every common sense post getting zero replies. Take it as a compliment

Jesus Christ, real question, real serious question. Why are things so bad? why are people so fucking bad?

>Joker sees Valve allowing anything that isn't illegal
>makes the most horrendous, stupidest shit possible
>game obviously doesn't make the cut
This is obviously what is happening right now, and you cannot prove otherwise. Some ignorant Yea Forumstard is stirring up trouble because "hurr funneh XD."

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>Trying to defend a culture that actually thinks the act of ending someone's life is somehow less taboo than sexual assualt
That's a YIKES from me

A government is not allowed to do as they please with their own citizens?

Not that guy, but this isn't a left/right issue, it's an issue of a company being within their rights to not host shitty rape sims. This is an easier case than "BAKE MY CAKE, BIGOT" but you're too hopped on adolescent contrariansm to realize that.

>citing ED on anything
>especially something that puts 8fag in a bad light
You realize they're hosted on Jim's servers, right?

You're a hivemind now? You sound like a pathetic fuck who desperately wants to belong somewhere so he picked a shitty taiwanese boat watching site because it was the only place his shitty personality couldn't be kicked out of.

They are, but if they want to market that service in countries where free speech is allowed, they better accommodate people that enjoy free speech.



It wouldn't have been the least bit surprising if not for Valve making grand proclamations about allowing all sorts of games on their store and leaving it up to the consumers to choose what games they want to play. People are understandably upset when they feel a company is going against their promises to the detriment of the consumers.

only good post itt.

>another Rockstar game

The fuck are you linking me? Some weeb shit?

>citing ED
Funny, Laurelai always cried about ED, too. Same shit has been around for almost a decade about said freak show.

This is a joke game in the sense that it only exists for a cheap laugh, and it's not trying to grab attention in negative ways like this dumbass "rape day" game.

Good LOL good job gabe your doing god's work. I love it when losers get fucked out of what they want! and this is a prime example to ban rape!

>Not that guy, but this isn't a left/right issue
Except it is you subversive kike. It's always leftists pulling this shit.


have you played it?

>pass out.
>raped again
>pass out.
This is like every 18-25 year old females autobiography.

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>everything I don't like is /pol/
You're working that pony to death, newfriend. I was here before /pol/ existed.

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God I can't wait for this stupid shit to be over and you stupid cunts forget all about it before the month is out.

>The fuck are you linking me? Some weeb shit?

just proving you wrong

What the fuck are you on and where can I get some?

Normies had their brain fried by social media, they go a bit insane from feeling like they have an audience of thousands of people watching them at all times, so do shit like that in a desperate attempt to be in the right.

So this is the slippery slope or how precedents get set?

Those games are literal murder simulators, that's their entire point. It's not like GTA where the murder is optional or a minor thing. Why are you and Valve okay with literal murder simulators but literal rape simulators are off-limits?

Thank god the thread is over. Everyone who participated in this thread please neck yourselves. Myself included.

So who made /wboy/ which is still up? /realshota/? /3dc/? And the bazillion boards created weekly only to be deleted two weeks later? Or the private boards not listed in the index?

And furthermore both acts force the IRL into the cyberspace, this was the following point of the initial image post. That's the part I hadn't thought about before, and now I can't unsee it when I read through the thread. Thanks for posting it.

Companies are in bed with the idea of infinite growth. The only way that a distributor of games grows is by either games selling really well or adventuring in unexplored waters. Delving into porn games is just another opportunity.

Now valve banning the game is also them testing things out. Valve has a history of changing things just to see what reaction is worse. The people wanting the change vs the people hating the change. Whomever wins sets the standard.

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REMINDER: "Muh Free Market" doesn't make it okay to explicitly say one thing and do the opposite of it. Valve are liars and hypocrites, no way around it.

sexual violence has been a turn on for men since forever.

You sound like a boring cuck.

Most quotes are just some dude saying stuff.


You didnt say a single thing original. Your two sentences are word for word stolen from someone else, as is your image. You should reflect upon that.

Then their free speech is being violated which now creates a paradox.

What is wrong with you people

>low quality edgelord shit trying to sell on shock value gets taken down
>actual games stay up for sale
Whats the problem here?

Gotta stick it to the SJWs.

anyone have a mega for this?

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REMINDER: "Muh Free Speech" doesn't mean you have a say as to what a company decides to put into policy or not. If you think this goes against their policy, they will be changing their policy. They don't want shit that is going to hurt their brand and platform and will do whatever they need to do shovel out that shit.


>some weeb japanese dating sim is the same as a game aiming to be a realistic rape simulator

You sure showed me

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Valve was a pro-free market capitalist political force? Partaking in a system isn't complete support of it and they were obviously regulated.

>he says in a thread accusing everyone not agreeing with him of being from some evil place he does not like
Watch that glass when you throw the rock.

> imagine this being the hill you want to die on
I've seen GamerGaters use that phrase any time they're tasked with defending loli and find it too hard to defend. The point isn't that you're defending horrible games like this. The point is that you're defending the concept that "games do not lead people to commit real crimes," and if you make exceptions for that because you find the content disgusting on a personal level, then you're just as much of a hypocrite. Next time someone censors something you do like, they'll just point out the fact that nobody seemed to have an issue when they censored that other shit that most people agreed was disgusting.

You'd like that, wouldn't you? Maybe even so much that you get off on it? Perhaps someone could make a game where you line up people that play murder-rape games and murder them. Then someone else could make a game where you line up people that play games where you murder murder-rape game players and murder them. Oh wait: You want to do this in real life, so you're above all that madness.

The original never used the "stop liking what I don't like" strawman, it's unique to the shitty edit.

Are those actual CP boards and why would you know about them? Also, if they are later deleted, then what is the problem other than the wheelchair admin not having the time/want to sift through every board anymore?

We're free of kike brainwashing, unlike you. You of course see this as a negative.

Maybe, I know archives kicked them out before this tard sperged out though, for all the cp hosted. Almost like a site where you can anonymously create boards, including on TOR attracts pedoes or something

>aiming to be a realistic rape simulator

who said this?

At least you have the courtesy to out yourself. I applaud you for that.
I didn't plan on playing the game, I don't even want to, honestly, but you newfaggots really need to go.

you sound upset

Rape is worse than murder.

>Standing for the """rights""" of fictional characters

i wish gaming wasnt filled with feminist incels

>Says it took him 2 years to make the game
>Cheap 3d model vn thing
>Called Rape Day
>"Game" about rape, killing, raping dead people(is it rape if they are dead,though?)
>Thought about putting a scene where a baby is killed for shock value
>Initially Rape Man was going to kick the baby so hard it would fly away from the scene before the mc could rape a zombie
>But since the dev wasnt sure it was "realistic" he opted to change the scene into having the mc drown the baby and mash it into a pulp in order for it to no longer considered a person
>The whole reasoning behind this scene was that he feared that a baby being part(not involved, just present on the scene) of a rape could be misconstrued as child explotation by Valve so instead of just deleting the baby from the scene he wrote two incredibly brutal (and hilarious imo) alternative scenes
This whole thing reads like satire, im really not sure if the dev was trying to make a point or if he just bundled together the most "shocking" stuff he could thing of and see what would happen if he tried to sell it

bye thread

>doesn't mean you have a say as to what a company decides to put into policy or not
Great! Tell that to the people offended that this game exists on twitter.

>Weeb RPG with varied sex scenes
>Game where all you do is rape

Cmon user. Think for a moment.

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I'll go home when I'm good and ready

Tomorrow there's gonna be something else spammed to death though

>What is wrong with you people
>Mainly rape in general/#Metoo.
I have had this shit in face for to long. It is just comedy to me now. That is how much of it I have had in my face. Not up my ass yet. But in my face no less.

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They should have never allowed it to be posted in their store in the first place, now they look like retarded lazy pressure caving kikes and they opener another front.

You literally admitted that you come from resetera, bragging it to be the better site because it has gate keeping. You guys stick out like sore thumbs.
Too late to pull your mask back up now.

Not really

I have made the culture war the defining aspect of my personality and being

If you think it's the minority who found it offensive, you're delusional.

Because I occasionally browse /ss/ where these faggots advertise their boards and discuss how to hide them?

I mean if being a tourist to cry about differing opinions is your bag, go for it. It's your life.

I think the difference here is the eroticism. You know how people say being gay is a fetish and others say that sexuality is fluid and full of factors external and external? Well these two camps that find themselves on all sides of the political spectrum meet at the science of conditioning and desensitization. Games erotic in nature about rape may be harmful. There's no hypocrisy in separating sexual violence from physical violence and treating them differently.

Stop using a strawman if you don't want it turned on you, user

>If you think it's the minority who found it offensive
Doesn't matter. Society isn't enforced by witch hunts.

Who said all that? Source?

Point is, that's another reason why they're delisted everywhere, because 2-3 weeks of hosting actual illegal content isn't good. So that tranny was just pissing in the ocean.

>Weeb RPG with varied sex scenes

so when is steam going to tell us the right rape /vanilla/loli gore/slavery/bestiality ratio?

wow you dense

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>I don't need proof!

*reaction pic*


>Rape is worse than murder.
>Getting Laid.
>Dying not getting Laid.
Gonna hit that shit when it's hot. Whether you like it or not.

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Yea Forums never advocated for edgelords to be banned or censored from any platform.
That was the whole point behind advocating for Hatred.

if society actually got redpilled the way these cringemines want it would immediately move on incels and genocide them

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left leaning incels who unironically believe that sexualized despiction of fictional female characters hurts real women?

Your dumb edit literally says
>le thing I dislike
>le another thing I dislike
It's a strawman on its own

>a stealth survival game with gruesome brutality is the same as a game's sole selling point is actual rape, and acting it out with varied choices, weapons, dialogue

This wasn't a witch hunt. This "game" is nothing like the harmless h-games on Steam currently.

We should bring back stake burnings for you.

Why do people itt bother arguing with incel failures? just laugh, dab and move on.

Not necessarily. They basically want the Third Reich to be memed into reality again, and those guys were the original beta uprising. Seriously, take a look at the highest ranking officials, they were basically all weird-looking fuckups. Complete betas.

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No one was arguing with you, sweaty.

US obviously, where else does degeneracy like the kind they revel in thrive?

>games with rape and incest and bestiality that also have actual production value and gameplay are left up
>3d goblin weg renpy vn is taken down within a day
So is Steam actually doing quality control still? Will they free us from the neverending tides of shlock and asset flips? Have we reached the end of the dakrness?

Sorry, figured you'd need the pic to determine how retarded you are. I assume someone with above 12IQ can use their fingers and type in a developers twitter, or find sources of your own for validation.

>Why do people itt bother arguing with incel failures?

because they need to and try and rationalize their pro censorship bullshit to themselves

you ever heard of moderates?

>This "game" is nothing like the harmless h-games on Steam currently.
This will surprise you, but access to rape porn in entertainment reduces instances of rape in the real world.

Bring some Marshmallows and Lube too. Going to need something soft to chew while pound my burning love inside you.

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>pro censorship
this victim complex can't be real

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>So is Steam actually doing quality control still?

nope just this game attracted the wrong people with to much power and they broke

Yea Forums cultists and gatekeepers deserve to be shot

You know as well as we do this game was only made solely for this kind of reaction, and you leapt right into it arms wide open because you need to be offended by something.

The general stance here is to allow game developers the ability to make and sell whatever they wish, and allow consumers to buy what they please.

Don't get it twisted by people who want to cherry-pick what developers are allow to make. They are the real enemy.

Now Valve is a company and has every right to choose what they can sell. The real issue with Valve is that they say one thing and do the opposite. This is done in the sloppiest way possible. They will say, "X is cool and allowed to be sold." Then they will pick one game that has X and ban it, while leaving all of the others that have X up. If they are to be called out, call them out on that bullshit.

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>the science of conditioning and desensitization. Games erotic in nature about rape may be harmful.
Where's the evidence for this, though? The only thing I've ever seen are meta studies, which are just people interpreting results to suit their narratives.