The best game in a series is always number two or the sequel. Just try to prove me wrong

The best game in a series is always number two or the sequel. Just try to prove me wrong.

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devil may cry 2

Castlevania 2

Zelda 2

Mario 2

Super mario bros 2

hitman 2

Dark Souls 2.

Ace Combat 2

Black and white 2

Megaman star force 2

Final Fantasy 2

Sonic 2 is great but 3&K is still the best

Final fantasy II


Civilization 2

Onimusha 2


Fire Emblem Gaiden (most of the series is better)
Mega Man 2 (3, 4, and 7 are better)
Monster Hunter 2 (FU, 3U, 4U, GU, and World are all better)
Persona (3 is better)

Metroid II

Dawn of war 2

Legend of Zelda

Come on OP, it's like you're not even trying

Half-Life 2

Metroid 2

Doom II.

>The best game in a series is always number two or the sequel.

Zelda 2
Xenosaga 2
Dark Souls 2
MM Starforce 2

all prove you wrong

>literally all games that are superior to their predecessors

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Xenoblade 2

>Zelda 2


If you called me out only MGS2 I would believe you, but since you also called me out on Zelda 2 I think you are baiting