Pleb opinions:

Pleb opinions:
>bloodborne is the best
>demon's souls is the best
>dark souls 2 is the worst

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You mean objectively right statements

But thats factually correct.

Unless you're one of them "Das2 is the best!!" Children?

Imo DS1 is still the best.

Pleb opinions:
>Souls is a good series with good combat
Only Dark Souls 1 is good and even that game has mediocre combat. And yes I've played the entire series, Bloodborne included, it's just watered-down DaS1 with a Victorian aesthetic for fedora fatties.

Bloodborne = Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Lords of the Fallen

Patrician opinion:
>Sekiro will be the best

Perfect game would have bloodbornes gameplay and aesthetic in a world intertwined like DS1. also level up at bonfires. Removing that was a stupid decision and idk why they've made that mistake 3 times after correcting it the first time

calling me a child isn't going to make it less true


Chad opinion: Dark Souls 3 is the best

What's a series with good combate then? You faggot. The combat is souls game is simple, but fun.

It's really damn good, people bitch too much about it. Better than Bloodborne probably.


DeS = BB > DaS3 >DaS2 > DaS1

Dragon's Dogma
Zelda 2
For Honor
Dark Messiah
God Hand

All have unironically better combat than Souls. Stop using Souls as a combat metric, it's journo-tier shit

None of these games are even similar to the souls games. If you change the combat that much why bother playing these games.

Yeah, because putting DMC's or God Hand's combat in a game like DS would totally work, it's not like they aim for complete different things or anything

Are you baiting or just retarded?

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>games have to be similar to souls to have good combat
what did he mean by this?

Stop being dishonest. Sick of you fags coming into threads about combat in games and crashing your dicks through everything by shitposting about how good Souls combat is. Now you wanna backpedal and say "w-well Souls aims for different things you can't really compare them"

Straw manning this hard. Careful you might start a fire. I never stated nor implied that the souls games had good combat. I just said that gamesusred aren’t similar. As in what game like it has good combat is he thinking of

this pretty much but reverse das and das2

>people shit on souls but praise DD

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t. desperate Sonyshitters

Combat wise, Dragon's Dogma has more playstyles with more moves behind each class, the ability to mount enemies, stance changing, attacks that depend on enemies being in the air or on the ground, defensive/offensive maneuvers, party maneuvers, etc. Dark Souls has:
>Lock on > roll > l1 > roll > l1 > roll > l1

If you just look at the combat systems and enemy variety there's no denying that Dragon's Dogma has way more options.

Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3

i've played all the games and you have not.

another one

I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence))) you like the sony exclusives the most!

I did though. Demon's Souls is archaic, and Bloodborne has the least variety of any souls game.

All you retards are wrong, Monster Hunter has the best combat among all the the third person action rpgs and the monsters are infinitely better than any dark souls boss.

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BB > 3 = 1 > DeS >>> 2

dont respond if you're a virgin

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das1 and 2 are easily more archaic than bb but you'll excuse it because you're underage and you'll give das1 a free pass for the same thing you'll criticize demon's for

hurrdurr game's old

I cant believe there are people who think ds3 is the best in the series. Also 2 had the best combat system.

Here's a correct statement:
DeS = BB = DS1 > DS2 > DS3
Sekiro will likely be better than 2 and 3.


Is it really that bad? (Lords of the Fallen)
I bought it recently while it was on sale, but have no idea when I'm gonna start it. (Currently playing DQ11, and after that Chrono Trigger, CrossCode, Final Fantasy V, Dungeon Rushers...)

3 is kino though

Opinion discarded

What about level design (mechanically, not aesthetically)?

DeS > DS2 >= DS3 >= BB > DS1
They're all fantastic games, but I don't get the hype around Bloodborne at all. It's a neat experiment and side game, but unless you're one of those fags who thinks atmosphere is everything, it's just kinda a interesting action game with a lack of variety in builds. It seems like every end game build just goes one of two routes really.

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It is unbelievably trashy, I honestly tried to play it 3 different times and never got further than 4 hours because every single design aspect is trash.
I would say the only reason to play it is to laugh at it.

Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne both have great level design. My memory is hazy regarding the rest of the series though

Out of the games I've played:
DS3>BB>the majority of games

Bias for DS3 for being my first souls game and had the most memorable moments. They're both 9.5/10 games for me, 10/10 for enjoyment.

When I see mediocre and/or low scores the first thing that comes to my mind is - bug. There are no major glitches and (game breaking) bugs? If not, who knows, I might even enjoy it.

Started DS3. Just got to Road of Sacrifices. Can't really explain why but not really feeling this one. I think I might just be bored of souls. Not all that interested in sekiro either

Animations are so shitty that I experienced some visual and hitbox bugs, but nothing too big.
I heard that there was a game breaking bug regarding shields, but I did not engage with the game in any capacity so I don't know what that is.

why do people dislike DS2 so intensely? I liked it

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OK, I will look into it later. Thanks, user!

Soul memory and non-respawning enemies murdered what would otherwise be a perfectly fine game

Actually, DaS1 is watered-down Bloodborne

>another DS2groid apologist thread
really sick of this shit. I swear you nigeres are worse than smashtards

3 was a shit cash grab. I don't care what your list is, as long as 3 is last, it's correct.

calling Bloodborne the best is unironically less of a pleb opinion than calling DS1 the best
DS1 is the ultimate pleb choice because it was the intro to the series for the vast majority of people


Based and Guildmarmpilled

>ugly as fuck
>slow as fuck
>all levels are dogshit and packed with mobs as a desperate attempt to compensate for abhorent level design
>garbage sponge bosses
>healing gems



>clunky ass shit
>horrible movement
>horrible boss fights that have 0 relevance to the world or story
>horrible ost
>characters were shit
>no memorable locations
>environmental decoration was 0 - literally repeated textures over flat walls: the game
>unfinished enemy animations
>some of the worst hitboxes known to mankind

They can't accept the fact that B Team made the best Souls game. Autism in its pure form.

I can respect any opinion besides 2 being your favorite. I was thoroughly disappointed by 2, the levels weren't interesting and enemies felt like they broke the rules of the game. Faggot spear dudes who block mid attack, and the big ass hammer cunts who just wail away infinitely, and a weird emphasis on bosses that are just a bunch of normal enemies in a room.

What the heck are we going to call these games now? Sekiroulsborne? Bloodsoulskiro? Soulsborneshadowsdietwice?

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just call it "the dark souls games" like a good journalist

Just Souls games. Also Sekiro is not a Souls like

But Dark Souls 2 IS the worst you fucking twat.


Make way for the right opinion.

It's actually DaS1=BB>DaS3=DeS>DaS2

Very popular opinion


DS3 > BB > DS2 > DS1 > DeS

I can see that
For good reason tbqh
Although just to clarify, I don't think DaS2 is bad, simply the least good

>Faggot spear dudes who block mid attack
That's always been a thing. Even players can do it.

The biggest problem for me is the vapid boss design.
>Reskins everywhere, even in fucking dlc
>Magus and Vanguard are literally just trash mobs with a health bar
>Too many other bosses have trash mobs thrown in because they'd be too easy otherwise
>2 of the 4 lord fights are gimmick bosses

The only bosses that even remotely stood out to me were Fume Knight and Ivory King. Every other one was forgettable or outright bad.

The first two are perfectly acceptable.

>2 of the 4 lord fights are gimmick bosses


Demon's Souls>>>Dark Souls 1 PTDE>>>>Bloordborne>>>>Dark Souls 3>>>Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Don't @ me, this is factually true