So good quality of life changes? Damn, nice
The first dark souls selling 5 million copies just about tells you it was always a game for the casual market
Literally nothing wrong with QoL improvement and more tutorials.
>he thinks any video game is difficult
>uses a meaningless buzzword like casual
What's it like being a literal retard?
I can't wait for all the crying about artificial difficulty and the tears the first boss will induce when the game launches.
so, the UI will be less garbage and there will be proper tutorials? good
it'll be fun to see all the shitters on Yea Forums exposed by not being able to summon or outlevel content
user i hate to break it to you but not every major release is gonna be another tortanic ok? That was kind of a one off special thing. I think most anons are looking forward to it, except for Souls fans. You guys got treated pretty good for awhile but now its time for something that isnt yet another sequel/remaster
Give me one reason you're not pirating Sekiro.
>Game sold 5.000.000 times
>Less than 15% finished the game
Co-oP is easy mode in DS for those who need it
Wow, its literally the thing they have always said whenever a new souls game comes out. Seriously, it happened with ds2, it happened with bloodborne, it happened with ds3.
You fags have zero pattern recognition.
nep is always right haha
>Give me one reason
You love sucking activision cock with your ass.
If you're poor, go ahead but Sekiro will be a solid game. It doesn't have any season passes, or dlcs, or even a "deluxe" edition. That's enough to warrant a buy.
>need to summon people to wipe your ass when da boss is too hawd
>needing to outlevel content
>buying a game based on what it doesn't do, and not its actual merits
pathetic, I hate how the industry is so shit now that a developer saying 'lol we won't have lootboxes' is worthy of praise
who the fuck cares, cheap marketing piss
>pirate a game
>if you enjoy it, buy it
This is what you should do. Imagine going into a car dealership and buying a car without test driving it.
DS1,2,3 had dlc I bought them, fuck From
>I hate how the industry is so shit now that a developer saying 'lol we won't have lootboxes' is worthy of praise
>who the fuck cares, cheap marketing piss
I hate it also but hey, better to reward someone doing something right instead of blindingly punishing everyone by pirating everything.
>DMCuck mad because Sekiro is going to run over DMC5/10
Cope harder
Wait a minute
People still refuse to belive that From is not making another Soul Type "Hard" game?
Or this is some really meta level trolling going around here.
>>DMCuck mad because Sekiro is going to run over DMC5/10
But DMCbros are usually bros. It's probably just a PVPfag mad that there's no multiplayer
No it another.
>Game is not out yet but we already know it will be easy casual shit with garbage gameplay, durrrrr
You mean a bunch out of touch boomers?
Dark Souls is the new golden standard for vidya now.
>good changes
>will make game sell more
>more money to spend on development of Bloodborne 2
I see no problem here
>tutorial and user comfort
That is a non issue, what I want to know is how deep Activision has infested this game elsewhere.
Gameplay, dlc and general monetization are the real make or break issues.
Going to wait for the usual talking heads like ENBs and Lobosjrs of the internet to finish it first and see what issues they find.
Then I’ll make my decision.
Not really comparable since a car is a much bigger investment compared to a video game and will be a much bigger hit to the economy if something goes wrong. Not saying your practice is wrong though (just unlawful).
>Dark Souls is the new golden standard for vidya now.
Not a single major game with freedom of DS1 came out, only indies and junk like fallen lords tried to immitate DS.
Why not pirate the game and check for yourself?
if activision is publishing it, they would have been pushing dlc by now
might be the same thing with bloodborne, one dlc if there's a demand for it
Fromsoft sold out to casuals with first Dark souls. Before Demon souls did keep somewhat close to ACs difficulty but they really scaled it down in DS
All the faggots bandwagoning against dlc, when in fact large expansions are also DLC.
Pre-order DLC and season passes are cancer, not dlc in general.
You missed the other thread?
>exp and currency lost permanently on death, no death runs
>world tendency back, continuously dying fucks up the world and affects the story
>no stats to grind
>no summons, just one tiem characters that will help you and potentially die forever
I always think these threads are amusing because they assume we live in a world where Dark Souls is a challenging game.
Any game that requires you to load up a wiki to fully understand is trash
Dark Souls is the hardest easy game ever made.
>It doesn't have any season passes, or dlcs
If it's babys first game it will be challenging if you are veteran with 20 years of experience not so much.
lol pirating this casual garbage
They spent months shitting in RE threads and FromSoft threads and now their chickens are coming home to roost.
Demon's Souls is way easier than Darksouls and all of its sequels.
as if you actually bought all the games you enjoyed afterwards
>people think Dark Souls is SO LE NINTENDO HARD still
Am I in 2012?
Bloodborne and DS3 were the easiest yet.
Defense force right on cue
Did you really think Activision wont butcher it? After all that destiny 2 went through?
It was doomed from the start
The moment Acti are involved people should immediately scrutinize the game closely, if it has the usual Darksouls/Bloodborne expansions to put on top of a lengthy standard campaign? No problems.
There is nothing wrong about being cautious, especially whenever big publishers involve themselves.
Faggot, game became easier once you learned it's mechanics and the ways to aproach it's challenges. DS1 is the easiest to cheese and poise tank, DS2 has unlimited healing due to lifegems. I didn't play BB, DS3 had only 3-4 difficult bosses i played naked with bandit knife only, on 2nd playthrough with GS it was face roll.
Fuck Activision with 10 feet pole but so far, no pre-order or season passes for Sekiro.
>muh secret h4rdc0r3 game
you are a total brainlet. it's FromSoft's IP and self-published title in Japan. Activision are only doing publishing in the west.
Think CDProjektRED and self-publishing in Poland, with Bandai NAMCO and Warner Bros. handling the remaining markets.
>The moment Acti are involved people should immediately scrutinize the game closely
Absolutely this. They don’t deserve the benefit of doubt at all.
Once you deal with the devil he starts to pull the strings.
why are trannies so desperate to pit dmc and fromsoft fans against each other. do japanese games really upset them that much?
It's just shit like on screen prompts. I saw a few times in footage when he's walking around in the hub the buttons would pop up over things to interact with. Which when you think about it has always been there even From games just not as in your face. It's a slight change but the core Fromsoft goodness is still there. OP is just shitposting to shitpost. Probably a butthurt soulsfag or a devil may whine fag.
>Which when you think about it has always been there even From games just not as in your face
what do you mean? The games have literally always had "PRESS X TO TALK" or "PRESS X TO PICK UP" prompts.
>do japanese games really upset them that much?
Unironically yes.
Not immediately sucking Acti-dick is smart, maybe you should try it.
Always err on the side of caution, it doesn’t matter what game/studio/publisher is involved.
But Fromsoft tutorials are great, they are informative but can be skipped entirely in subsequent playthrough.
Don't tell me Sekiro will have unsinkable screen prompts like every goddamn AAA game.
>nothing wrong with more tutorials
Tutorials are fucking cancer.
all these faggot ass dark souls memes i see all the time tell me they were already casual
how long till it's 20 bucks? desu
Oh yay, instead of just a simple skipable tutorial a window will POP OUT everytime i encounter something, buy that wont get annoying on later playthroughs, oh yeah, they removed the reason to do multiple playthroughs so i guess its fine.
I’m hoping they can be switched to an absolute minimum (standard) when you start a new game with babby mode there for the normies, sort of like Ace Combat with the standard/expert controls.
Why fucking games not simply include,
Skip tutorial (x)Yes (y)No it's not rocket surgery.
because every retard skips the tutorial and whines when they cant play the game
Oh no, not tutorials
My hardcore gaming experience is LITERALLY ruined
I think the best solution is having the tutorial be a separate level that can be selected from the main menu. That way it's completely skippable and retards can play it as many times as they need to.
Also no need for cinematics, story or anything to be integrated with it.
The only issue I see with this system is that people are so retarded they tend to miss it. I've lost count of how many times I've seen people complain about Liberty Island thinking it's the tutorial because it's the first level of the game or BING BING WAHOOs complaining about Tomb Raider's controls without even touching Lara's Mansion.
If they are this retarded they won't finish the game anyway, no amount of tutoring will help them, i watched some devs talk about this shit.
What pisses me off
>Game is 3rd sequel
>Little or no chages to mechanics of the game
>Forced 60 minutes of tutorial over 5 hours
Why can't game ask player a fucking question, like did he played previous games, etc.
No Denuvo
I would pirated Activision's ass so hard if it had Denuvo
I've seen it solved like this.
>New Game
>Game starts with tutorial
>Press ESC then choose skip tutorial
But i'm from times when before you even played the game you already read whole game manual before damn thing installed.
Sekiro isn't an RPG so I don't really care much about it
I hope it ends up being an enjoyable game for everyone else either way
>t. rival
get R1 faggot
>game manual
I miss those so much, nice having a good read on the shitter.
Nah, that opinion isn't retarded at all, please try again.
Has it been confirmed there's no Denuvo or just that they haven't announced anything regarding it?
From Soft doesn't use Denuvo