Other urls found in this thread:
>all that dlc for a game that just came out
>it's just $10 for a bunch of entirely optional shit
It's okay when japan does day 1 DLC and microtransactions
Preorder DLC is a big no no in my book, regardless of severity or the game's quality. I understand why it's done, though
>it's just $10 for a bunch of entirely optional shit
>seething discord trannies butthurt that their coordinated shitposting effort failed
You mad everyone and their mother already preordered the deluxe edition, fag?
even your idol jim sterling said the microtransactions were pointless, find another thing to shitpost about
>capcom knocking it out of the park with AAA releases this year
>can't even justify giving them 10 extra burgers for some throwback tunes and joke weapons
Not EVERY implementation of micro-transactions is bad, you know.
>seething discord trannies
>uses Yea Forums enemy of the week in his post
viper you better be shitposting
Your book sounds nofun and boring. Yawn/10
Holy shit, how do the alt style announcers sound?
That was a western company though.
better, but i'm still going to be turning it off. reminds me too much of DmC.
thats just the shit the deluxe edition comes with
>Yea Forums is complaining about a $10 optional DLC pack
Reminder DOA6 Season 1 is $100
haha epic!
But what about if it's about the game's QUALITY?
i complained when ea did it and i will complain when capcom does it.
repeat after me:
>could've included it for free
>Nah, fuck you!
eat shit nigger
>*plugs ears*
so get it for free and pirate the game faggot, not everybody here is dirt poor.
hows that corporate cock treating your throat you useless sack of shit
shoulda got the deluxe edition user
What does income have to do with disposition towards preorder practices?
>10 dollars
>Over 10 dollars if bought separately.
yup, glad we agree
it's not the cost, it's the principle of the matter, you semen slurping simp. and yes, i will pirate it now because of this. :)
>implying both aren't bad
of course DOA6's is worse but nobody with more than two brain cells to rub together would ever consider buying that game.
not buying this garbage, gonna wait for the torrent
Don't you mean "A big OH NO NO NO NO NO in my book?"
Remember where you are.
only cost me an extra 10 bucks
its literally a bunch of reskins and some shit you can watch on youtube
dont buy the dlc & dont preorder but its not ruining the actual game in this case
Yea Forums really will find any excuses to complain about games instead of playing them huh, lmao this board is garbage
look at all these fucking capcom apologists
Nah there are plenty of great games out there that don't have day one dlc
shut the fuck up nigger you're not fooling anyone
i bet you play nigger shit like league or overwatch
fucking nigger
>Yea Forums really will find any excuses to complain about games instead of playing them huh,
Having problems with Preoder incentive is hardly a new grievance, buddy
Jarvik was literally fanfiction tier bad, he didn't do anything beneficial either besides poting out how retarded their predecessors were and how they are just as stupid if not more. Even the Precursors from Jak 3 was less insulting reveal.
; ^)
fucking shut the hell up you goddamn nigger and show me your combos right now or i fucking kick your nigger ass
either falseflag or legit retard. ebin.
Any idea of what are the four extra secret DLC packs?
I complain about day one DLC every time I see it, no exceptions. It's always unnecessary money grubbing. But for some reason for this one specific games it's okay because ??? and I just hate video games.
Shut the fuck up and just buy it
What are you talking abbout
see i knew you goddamn niggers hate games, or doing combo and damage
you fucking faggots must be italian or something
shut the hell up and go do combos
alt colors, 100k orbs, wallpaper
Is this the preorder bonus or other dlc?
You mean when Capcom does it.
Am I the only one who really doesn't mind this Deluxe Edition stuff that Capcom's doing? Personally I'd rather have optional costumes or music and stuff like that with free DLC down the line like Ghost Survivors was than have to deal with other AAA bullshit like pay to win and lootbox gambling.
It's not ideal but it's certainly the superior form of jewery from a personal standpoint because I don't miss out on a lot of meaningful content or anything if I decide to not pay the ten bucks.
100.000 red orbs and a shitty wallpaper.
*edits ini*
Or you could be a true patrician and pirate it when it inevitably gets cracked in a week so they pay ever so slightly for their shitty dlc/preorder decisions.
or I could cough up the ten dollars if I wanted the content because it's half an hour of work's worth of money for me and I want to ensure that Capcom keeps making games like this and RE2 that I find enjoyable
>Pirating games
>Buying games with the DLC
>Buying games, pirating the DLC
i dont see a problem with it cause it's just repackaging all the shit that comes in the deluxe edition anyway, i pay less for it all combined plus i get the cooler looking box art to boot.
no its not ok when japan or capcom does it, fuck off. I've been in the threads hyped up for the game but defending shit that's in game that's already finished locked behind a paywall is asinine. dmc5 is a great game but it has shitty business practices. I understand why capcom did it in his modern gaming industry but it still doesn't make it right.
I take back what I said
do this. get creamy if you know what i mean ;)
how long until some journalist shrieks for an apology for this news post almost making a 'come' joke?