I personally didn't enjoy this game very much.
I personally didn't enjoy this game very much
What did you feel was missing, or needed improvement, user?
That's OK you can't be expected to like every critically acclaimed game.
Looks boring as hell to me which is why I have not purchased despite owning a switch. Even played the demo at a Gamestop and just meh. I’m sure it’s enjoyable but i’m not that type of autistic. More the JRPG kind
Same. The environments just didn't feel very cohesive compared to previous titles.
It's okay to have your own personal tastes
I personally didn't enjoy this thread very much.
Sucks for you user.
I did, I liked it very much
ok, stop.
These 10 first posts are literal perfection. No console warring, people trying to start a dialogue or at least respecting each other's opinions... Perfection. Please stay like this forever Yea Forums
It's my favorite 3D Mario game. I wish it had a couple more substantive levels, though. It wasn't so much that I thought the game was too short but rather that it didn't completely tap its potential.
What parts did you not enjoy?
I played it all in one week and didn’t go back for the extra moons once I had enough to move to the next world. The boss fights were so utterly depressing in how easy they were and the chase sequences with bowser showed the utter lack of originality and trying to keep it safe that Nintendo keeps falling into.
That's fine, but don't you think you'd have more fun making a thread about a game you do enjoy?
I liked it, but my biggest issue with it was all the unnecessary filler Moons. Next 3D Mario in this style needs to focus more on quality over quantity like 64 and Sunshine did (most of the time).
Also, Wooded Kingdom was the best one. It's huge both vertically and horizontally.
That's cool. At least you tried it. The value is still holding well so you can sell if back and get at least $30 back
Why are Sony fans so obnoxious?
What is the appeal of Mario?
It's okay. The initial playthrough is alright, but it's not very satisfying to try and 100% because most of the moons you miss are just simple minor things like talking to an NPC or the hint pictures. I also feel like the ability to possess stuff was massively overstated; the vast majority are just puzzle pieces placed in front of the puzzle you solve them with. There are a few fun ones like the bullet bills and the not-wigglers, but even those ones are pretty limited. I feel like it'd make the game WAY more interesting if you had the ability to use a possession whenever you want (while locking more beneficial ones like bullet bills or the flying lizard until you beat the game).
Balloon World was a sort of neat idea but gets old extremely fast because there's only so many places you can really hide the balloon well in a given area.
I think the only thing that really pushed me to buy it was that Mario's movement options in this game are pretty fun. If it weren't for rolling around or cheesing stuff with the hat jump I probably wouldn't say it's worth playing.
I liked it but didn't like it as much as I hoped
After a 100% clear within a month of release I feel no motivation to play through it again
Luigi's Balloon World is the perfect online mode for this game though, perfect combination of a footrace, hide and seek, and horse
To expand on this, I played and enjoyed a Mario platformer on gameboy color back in the day. But when I look at something like Mario Galaxy or Odyssey, I just see a tiny Italian doing backflips for coins and stars. Is there a story of some sort? Or do you play it solely as a collectathon?
I'm not going to spoonfeed retards like you
People hype this up likes it's God's gift to gaming. I went halfway through it's literally a baby ass game nothing is challenging in the slightest it makes me question the fanbase pretty hard.
That's fine, it's not for everyone. What do you look for in a platformer, OP? Maybe we can give you some recommendation.
Honestly I enjoyed for what it was, but it didn't care for it enough to continue it. I'm one of the few that unironically loved the whole "moons everywhere" aesthetic of the game, but once you get enough moons the game feels like a chore to get the rest of them and the kingdom designs(outside of metro kingdom of course) are way too linear to keep your interest afloat.
Some people find it satisfying to play a platformer, it's hard to describe beyond "I think it's fun". It's like how some people like games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. To me they look repetitive and boring, but I'm sure to the fans of beat-em-ups (or whatever you want to call the genre) just find it satisfying and fun to run around and beat up baddies over and over.
it feels good to play and there's a lot of content with a lot of character and a lot of polish
watching a game and playing a game are completely different, any great game could be boiled down to "it just looks like x doing y I don't get it"
I disagree but I'm sure they're games you love that I personally dislike.
Okay user thanks anyway
Op here, to follow up, I thought the game had a lot of polish and played just fine, but the capture mechanic wasn't as cool as I was hoping and it felt too similar to other 3d Mario games.
Mario isn't really known for story outside of the RPG games. Though I do like how they handled it in Sunshine and Galaxy 1.
I definitely feel like metro kingdom was a bit of a bait-and-switch with how open it is. The only other really "open" level like that I can think of is the beach. Everything else has a pretty specific path you're meant to go through.
Something about this game felt really low budget. All these levels had this really boxy, primitive feel to them like they were half finished. On top of that, the worlds are very inconsistent in quality. As far as 3D Marios go, they are usually the cream of the crop, but SMO felt amateur in places.
I would say "the foundation is there" but that doesn't mean shit when talking about Nintendo, considering how often they completely reinvent ideas. Would not be surprised if the next mario game is nothing like Odyssey.
It's not as good as the galaxy games but almost nothing is. A lot of the complaints i t gets come across as the complainer is just nostalgic for 64 or sunshine and won't like anything that isn't a copy of those games.
overworld of sand kingdom is pretty open too
Capturing stuff was definitely a big disappointment. They treat them like an equivalent to power-ups but they're basically only designed to work with the area you find them in and usually you're kept from hanging onto them.
good games, fun
It's the same reason modern day children love playing the zombie mode in Call of Duty despite Call of Duty being a realistic army game. It's just fun being fun.
It could've had some more places to check out. DESU
Oh yeah, for some reason I completely forgot sand kingdom, which is weird because I actually like that kingdom but don't really care for the beach one (they really needed more than one kind of capture for moving underwater).
The beach was nice, probably one of my more favorite kingdoms, but all it did for me was show me how little these worlds are. Like pretty much most beach levels in Super Mario Sunshine felt larger.
Try A Hat In Time instead, it's a much better platformer
I think Cappy was way too easy to use and devalued a lot of the just Mario movement techniques
Once I figured out that triple jump to cap throw to dive to cap hop was the optimal combo I found myself using it a lot more than I wanted to because it was so easy, powerful, and multipurpose
It fucking sucks. The last 3D Mario I truly enjoyed was Galaxy
Hat in Time had okay level design but bland mechanics.
On one hand, I agree, but on the other hand, a big part of my enjoyment came from trying to find shortcuts that likely weren't intended.
It's the only good 3D Mario in existence user..
Grown adults who play Mario games often also piss thier beds
I think the biggest reason this game gets complaints is people try to get into it who aren't familiar with Mario games. These people are expecting a 100 hour epic which is just not possible because these games need to come out every 3 years or so. Mario games are meant to be fun mid size games not Xenoblade or Zelda. If you don't like mid sized games don't buy a Mario game.
FLUDD was more easy to use. With Cappy, I could never get the hat bouncing technique right.
>A lot of the complaints i t gets come across as the complainer is just nostalgic for 64 or sunshine and won't like anything that isn't a copy of those games
To be fair, a huge amount of marketing was put into saying “This one is gonna be just like 64/Sunshine!” in order to recapture old fans.
I only played some of Odyssey at a friend’s but the biggest thing I noticed is that you don’t move as fast as you did in those two. Even with the hatthrow dive, the feeling of building momentum to a fast pace just wasn’t there for me. That plus the moons everywhere made me pass on the game.
Movement was very slow in sunshine.
I didn't like it THAT much either. It's by no means bad but it's nowhere near a 9/10 for me personally
Ratings should be given as a comparison to the genre. If you think it isn't a 9/10 can you give an example of another 3D platforms you think is and why you believe it's significantly better than odyssey?
i hate storyfags so much
I'm not comparing it. I'm rating the fun I had. If anything I'd compare it to the fun I had with previous Mario installments and that's where it pales
I was honestly asking what the game is about. I can appreciate games that are without narrative, for example I love Kenshi and Project Zomboid.
Do you play simply because the platforming/collecting/etc is enjoyable, or is there something more that draws people into these games?
That way of rating a game is retarded. I've had fun playing awful games with friends that doesn't make them good games.
it's fun, what more do you need to know? what other draw do you need other than enjoying the genre and/or fun games?
>It's fun
it's not terrible but it's the worst 3D mario by a long shot.
delete yourself
>saying than when sunshine exists
Why tho? If I cba replaying a game it can't be anywhere near a 9. I don't need to rate various parts of a game like sound, graphics, gameplay, controls, story, replay value, multiplayer to sum up a nerd score.
But yeah, if I did that, it would clearly not be a 9 as there are too many things I didn't fancy
3D land, 3D world, sunshine.
You shouldn't be rating your personal experience at all. A rating should be trying to be a objective as possible. If you didn't personally enjoy it explain why instead of dumping a number out.
I like 64 because it has a really good sense of movement, having a character with a lot of movement options that all feel useful or satisfying is a big deal to me in games. There's even a certain amount of player expression that ends up coming out of the moveset without the player really trying, and I really like that. I also think it has some really neat levels, I dig the abstract vibe the game has.
Sunshine has its issues but also feels so good to move around in once you get good at it.
Galaxy games are overrated, very scripted and mostly appeal to people because of the spectacle.
3D World is its own thing, almost like a 2D Mario game but with a more topdown perspective like Zelda. Mostly good because the challenges are fun to navigate around, but a little shallow compared to 64/Sunshine.
Barely played Odyssey.
I love Mario games but for whatever reason a large amount of fans seem to get sort of defensive when you ask why they like them, I dunno what's up with that.
all better, at least they aren't trying to be ubisoft shit.
ok retard
I said it's not a 9 ON MY PERSONAL LIST. I'm not rating the game as a recommendation or buyers guide.
truly epic reply
I consider 3D World in a different class of Mario game, but it was much, much more enjoyable than Odyssey. Odyssey wasn't a bad game, but considering the legacy it was an absolute disappointment.
Lol trying to use the secret levels as your argument. They composed like 1/4 Of the game. 3/4 used the awful fludd mechanic.
You must be mistaking Yea Forums for your blog again.
Me neither. I found it to be boring
Most of the game is designed around being able to cheese it with the hat jump. It's basically a 3D Mario designed for speedrunning.
I get filler moons suck but they’re literally there for cross eyed billy who’s this his 1st real May Re O game
While sucks I “Get it”
Odyssey does have moons similar in ambition to 64's and Sunshine's, though. It just also uses them where previous games would have used other stuff. It does dwarf the significance of the more involved moons when all the collectibles are on the same tier of importance, but the overall player participation is about the same.
Odyssey > 64 > Galaxy 1-2 > Sunshine > 3D Land
Never played 3D World.
>not squirting with fludd and diving onto the puddle for crazy speed gains
A few points in a lot of levels ask you to stay still or wait for a cue to spray stuff, those are kind of boring I agree. But if we're just talking character movement sliding over water is faster than anything else in 3D Mario unless you get into scripted stuff like star launchers or ride animals.
It's far too easy to get all 880 moons, I wish the post-game was as challenging as 3D World.
This game can get difficult when your 5 year old nephew only spams the jump button on cappy
the director said that easy-to-get moons are there for people who play on the move a lot and in short bursts, so that you have a good chance of earning at least one moon per session
"filler moons" is a dumb argument anyways, who cares if a few dozen are easy to get, you need hundreds to beat the game. They don't sour the experience at all.
it was ok
Not them, but challenge.
Good gameplay and replayability since the first game
They wish Sony has they’re own version of Reggie, Miyamoto and Iwata
They’re a platform for everything there’s no unity.
Just look at Mario games without Mario
When would Racing fags, XCOM fags, Fighting game fags, 2D platformer fags, 3D platformer fags, Jrpg fags and party game fags all together ever hang out?
Fucking never
It’s fucking Mario man.
It’s challenging, fun, and just a joy to play
I had fun with it but had no desire to play it again after beating it.
The real game is post Bowser
Even the post-game is all easy, in case you haven't heard. The final level on darker side is a joke.
I did love playing short burst and always getting 2-3 moons everytime I had 10 minutes to play
I've beaten every 3D mario game though (though didn't get all 120 shine sprites in Sunshine or do the post game of 3D Land), and Odyssey feels like the second worst after 3D Land, due to lack of difficulty and primarily uninspired kingdoms, even if they try something new like Luncheon.
Nope, you just weren't utilizing FLUDD's full potential, and I'm not talking about the turbo nozzle either.
It's the only 3D Mario game I can remember liking enough to finish. It was easy for sure, but something about it was just really fun.
I really want to like Odyssey, but it just feels so boring to me. I loved 64 and Sunshine but didn't like Galaxy or Odyssey much. The movement and level design just seem so boring in Galaxy and Odyssey to me. I don't know :(
I wish the game were more demanding -- something analogous to the old secret levers or Bowser levels would have been nice -- but it's still fun as fuck to explore and mess around in.
I'll give you 3D Land and maybe Sunshine, but 3D World was pretty good in terms of its difficulty, so I would actually rank it pretty high even if the art or 2D Mario game mechanics aren't the most appealing.
I'd give it a 6.5, honestly, and I'm a huge fan of 3D Mario games. And I played both galaxies for the first time within the past couple years and enjoyed them (particularly the second one) so it isn't nostalgia blindness either.
Did you unlock the moons from all those gray cubes post-game? They're literally even easier than the kiddie moons because they're all shown on the mini-map with an X. The whole game is infected with casualization.
That would be true if there were more than 5 challenging moons in the entire game (and all easily done in one sitting, including darker side, so not super hard).
3D World = Galaxy 2 > 64 >>>>> Sunshine >>> Galaxy > Odyssey >>>>>>>>>> 3D Land
Same. I know it's mario, but a lot of the time I felt like I was playing a game literally for babies