Skyrim looks like THAT?!

Skyrim looks like THAT?!


Attached: onlynatural[1].jpg (1932x1087, 2.77M)

What mods

basic unreal engine built in assets + compile button

Ok, but where's the gameplay? runs like 20 fps and the gameplay is still dicks

gehm...pulay? What is that?

It doesn't.

Charge in, attack, heal mid-fight, attack.

Beautiful landscapes.

Attached: enb 2018_06_04 18_51_07_73a.jpg (1920x668, 270K)


Attached: Meridias_beacon.png (673x589, 562K)

Why is it only ever screenshots of stuff like this, but never any pics of it running in game?

>tfw redownloaded it and modded the argonian females to be as hot as they were in this morning's thread
Feels more satisfying than I thought

Attached: 20181201_114909.png (258x332, 124K)

because it runs like shit and looks bad in 99% of areas. ENB's are made for screenshots and showcases thats it

skyrim has really shaped up nicely

Attached: 1550285682319.jpg (1920x1200, 592K)

skyrim has goblins you can get pregnant now

Attached: skyrim goblin.png (1920x1080, 3.5M)

Imagine if every city guard looked like this.

>alt-start as vampire
>get to level 12
>clear a bandit camp and open the final chest
>oh that's neat...
>...but I'm unde-
>...okay then...

TFW Skyrim forces me to become Blade

Attached: blade.jpg (140x171, 9K)

>takes five steps forward followed by CTD

Attached: 1502790442873.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>Implying I don't want to be Blade

You guys better uninstall your mods right now, skyrim is perfect as it is. Don't taint an artist's experience. You will regret this.

american mod?

>american mod?
Yeah and it's CUTE. america is based. europoors will never understand

Attached: you will never be this happy.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>skyrim ctds
sorry to hear about your retardation user

She's a big girl.

What race would most likely go through the Vampire side of Dawnguard?

I'm playing an Orc, and it just doesn't make sense for me to put my big 6' 6" badass two-handed user through a story centered around magic and politics.

Attached: 2p4AjxL.png (1536x864, 2.32M)

god bless this man

Anyone that doesn't automatically say Breton is a retard

Attached: curse_of_strahd_by_daarken_d9rvuc5-fullview.jpg (1024x1428, 92K)


Really surprised nobody has made a proper mod for him. Even a looksmenu/follower that actually looks like him instead of just a redguard with a vaguely similar haircut would be neat.

Attached: Blade Hansen.png (522x676, 164K)

dunmer, breton, altmer, maybe wood elf (i mean they are cannibals, right?)

For you

Attached: enb 2018_06_04 18_27_38_65.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

This but unironically


Dark Elf and Breton tend to make the most sense to me.

If you use Sacrosanct I wouldn't recommend using an Imperial. You'll get absolutely cucked by standing stones.

I legitimately regret learning how to mod. I actually spend more time moding Skyrim than I do playing it.

I just want to play the damn game, but my autism doesn't let me even fire the thing up without 200+ texture/model replacement mods, Ordinator, sacrosanct vamps, and a random combat overhaul.

Even then, I normally just play until the first dragon encounter before I notice a low-res texture or something that makes me keep moding.

The trick is to actually make a list of what mods you're using and refer to it the next time you start modding the game. You'll find yourself going through tons of random shit a lot less because chances are you've already used something better.