>user, you're a gamer right?
>Why do you think japanese games are better?
because the women are cuter
Wasn't this bitch an Olympic gymnast?
why are you drinking mud in a cup?
goose poop smoothie, my favorite.
what the fuck is that pukey moss she's drinking.
Is this an American thing?
it makes her farts more potent...yes
Why are you sitting at my table?
Why are you talking to me? I barely know you.
Why am I even outside? Where am I?
Big ass fish lipped bimbo gimmie milkies
that hat is so dumb.
What if she's not drinking it. What if that's the color of her spit and she's spitting it into the cup.
What the absolute fuck is that, babby shit?
Ew, please stop taking to me.
yeah I noticed women started wearing chavvy baseball caps lately.
They look trashy as fuck.
Why are you drinking liquid shit
It's a vegetable smoothie, you fucking retards
Did she overline her lips :/
its alright if they've got a pony tail going through the holy in the back
Please get away from my table.
why? Drinks are supposed to taste good or get you fucked up.
Smoothies are supposed to taste good.
I don't know you, please go away before I call the cops
Aren't all smoothies made from vegetables? Why the fuck that one looks like fucking babby shit then?
>you will never feel those lips wrapping around your pp like that straw...
Fruit smoothies are not made from vegetables.
jesus christ her lips are perfect for sucking dick
Because women as pretty as you are only allowed in Japanese games.
No woman like that has ever thought about anything remotely close to this.
getting drunk is not a thing you should do
kindly stop
I don't. I think some of those game are shit.
In exactly the same way I think that some western games are shit.
Now can you stop drinking that disgusting looking smoothie in the most irritating way possible please?
>>Why do you think japanese games are better?
There is nothing wrong with the state of intoxication, provided you don't depend on it, you puritanical fuckwit.
ITT: amerifatts that have never consumed any vegetables
The compulsion to anesthetize yourself is the problem. The method you choose to use is irrelevant.
Yes and basically instantly after she retired she went full thotmode with a body to match
What happened to this fuckpig? Haven't heard anything from her in a long time
Remember how cute she was before she realized she could turn into a thot and make more money
Dipski in the lipski, boss
I don't tho, I think both sides produce garbage with occasionally good game
Also stop slurping so loudly, its rude
>pale skin
>nice bobs
>blowjob lips
>nigger lips
That is not the goal of this smoothie I believe.
Also that kinda looks like a green kale smoothie and that is just wrong and the person who invented that should be ashamed of themself.
Green kale needs to be served with pieces of smoked pork loin and some potatoes not mashed in a soup and put in a cup with a straw.
Absolutely disgusting.
t. scooterbeasts
Also a former Olympic gymnast. It's kinda sad to see all her former teammates marrying football players or other big dick chads and she went full thot and ended up alone.
>calling shitposting "jokes"
Youre part of the problem
>t. virgin stalker on the edge of becomming a tranny
gee I wonder if being a huge narcissist contributed at all
since ykno guys care about her veggie smoothie selfie so damn much
What the fuck are you talking about? Out of all the shit posted in this thread this post is what triggers you?
Dead behind the eyes.
She deletes her social media shit like twice a year after enough people call her a whore but then comes back to be a whore again for like 3 months to repeat the process
she oscillates between normal shit, being a megawhore and saying shit like "don't judge me I'll do what I want", or trying to be a "musician" (she's been working on music for years and has posted clips from music videos but none of it has ever actually been released)
sadly she hasn't posted any fappable pictures for like a full year