I've been kind of interested in this game for a while, and now it's on sale for $30

I've been kind of interested in this game for a while, and now it's on sale for $30.

It's been a while since I've played a turn based jrpg, and my only dragon quest experience was about 15hrs with the iphone port of DQ8.

Tell me cool things about this game to make me more confident that I will enjoy it?

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Follow up questions.

Is it pure turn based or is it more of an atb system?
Are there any actions to take in combat besides choosing your move (i.e. lost odyssey's timed button pressing)
Is it paced well?

Video games

>my only dragon quest experience was about 15hrs with the iphone port of DQ8.
You poor bastard.

I enjoy the art style of the game.

Attached: Dragon Quest XI Screenshot 2019.03.05 - (1920x1080, 2.66M)

It's fun and critical hits feels super satisfying. Probably the best Jrpg of 2018

Did you like DQ8? because 11 is pretty much just a better version of that.

It's old school turn based p much.
It's main appeal is visiting the variety of towns and settlements. The devs really made these areas feel like a living, breathing world.
So if you're into a more slow paced exploration, and you're into talking to the NPCs, then this game is for you.

It's Akira Toryama

I just picked it up as well and have been having a lot of fun. I’d recommend turning on the Draconian setting for harder monsters. It’s made fighting bosses seem like a challenge so far. Something you don’t see often in JRPGs.

The music is midi shit unless you play on PC and mod in orchestrated music, The switch version will only have 2 tracks that aren't midi. If you can, get it on PC.

Wait for the Switch version if you have one.

It's about as classic JRPG as you can get. It doesn't feel stale though, more like it's playing those tropes and styles really well. Story is standard but also pretty well paced and written. Gameplay is simple but rely satisfying for some reason. I'd say it's nostalgia but I've never played DQ before. It's too easy though

the soundtrack is shit regardless of whether you patch it or not, the composer having the fucking nerve to put a big fat copy right for the OST on the main menu is a god damn sham

Attached: 20180906104251_1.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

It's basically a SNES JRPG with modern graphics. To the point that the 3DS version can literally be played in the graphical style of a SNES game.
If you like those classic games and long for something that has the same feel, this will deliver.
If you're looking for something that will transcend its genre and push the boundaries of JRPGs, you're not gonna get it.

>transcend its genre and push the boundaries

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There is a handful of good new tracks, but there's also a bunch of returning music that's all good. Getting the mod is definitely worth doing.


Gemma is best girl

Its fantastic, best RPG in general ive played in quite some time. Its just a refreshing, old school adventure. Its surprising how long it had been since id played a game so pure in that respect. Also the game goes on forever. As in, there are 2 huge 40 hour acts and then one final act that can span another 40 hours if you do the side quests (or like 3 hours if you go straight through it)

i've spent the last 5 hours mindlessly farming metal slimes. Those 5 hours were better than the hours i spent playing spiderman, uncharted, horizon and god of war. Somehow the japs made a perfect game. Something cool about this game is how nonchalantly one of the girls get brutally raped and everyone goes on with their business like its no big deal.

Grab the Orchestral Overhaul Mod unless ya want to rape yer ears with midi

Should I play this or Xenoblade Chronicles X next?

This is the better game.

Do you have a source on the soundtrack for the switch version? If that's true I'll just get it on the PS4

"Only Field and Battle tracks", straight from the trailer for Switch.
Meaning you can forget about towns and cutscenes.

Get it on the PC and mod in the good music or you're gonna have issues with you're overall experience with it.

I say this as a big JRPG fan. I suggest not playing this game unless you really need to play a JRPG that isn't stupid shit like Neptunia.

This isn’t true I played on PS4 and the music was fine

Good catch.
Thank you.

>So if you're into a more slow paced exploration, and you're into talking to the NPCs, then this game is for you.

This can't be stressed enough. I'm convinced that critics hate this series because it's basically anti-reviewer friendly, in that it really rewards you for screwing around and exploring, but it would be lame to play 'straight through'.

Also, be absolutely sure to turn on stronger monsters when you start the game. This is absolutely essential for a balanced difficulty that forces you to not be completely braindead.

fine vs great


Yeah, the freaking Nintendo direct bruh.

>Meanwhile on PC Master Race

I gave up on my thread cause it didnt seem like anyone was responding. Then I came back and saw all these posts.

Thank you very much anons, I'm downloading the game now. I need to forget about Anthem.

>TFW no Yayaku doujins

>get to literally some random fucking cave #8465956
>THIS starts playing

Anyways, the game is good and full of soul if somewhat archaic

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>I say this as a big JRPG fan.

I see this a lot from 'JRPG fans'. 'Core' fans of JRPGs seem to disproportionately hate Dragon Quest and see it as a generic, bare bones variation of what they typically play, while conversely, people who normally hate JRPGs tend to love the series above the rest because it's far more focused on just letting the player explore and discover shit yourself over pushing you through hours of cutscenes and dialogue.

>tfw got fucked super fast by those
their damage output is fucking insane and they hit all party members. Even if I try to use Kabuff I still get fucked because in about 4 turns I'm game over.

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI_ Echoes of an Elusive Age_20190305205414.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

>Not using Hero
Fucking really? Hes amazing for basically everything but especially single target DPS with greatsword. Swap out rab or maybe serena. you dont need a healer and two semi-healers

The girls are cute

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Game of the year 2018

>tfw no green eyed gf

now play the game with all draconian settings on like a real man

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