Was Xoti in PoE2 the worst party member ever?
Worst party members
i stopped playing that trash after she was introduced and the first town was full of the dullest quests in rpg history
yes and I wanted to drop the game when I couldnt just throw her over the board.
>Not the gay fish that helped me make it a financial disaster
Wonder why the game flopped?
Must have been the gay fish
What was he thinkiing?
Sawyer never thinks - he just is - like all NPCs
>Empower Woedica
>Still acts like Berath's bitch
I liked all the party members in Deadfire except for Tekahu. I enjoyed Deadfire in general a lot more than the average Yea Forumsirgin, I suspect.
Pretty sure the merit goes to these two abominations. El Goblina and Walking Can of STDs With Horns are seriously an affront to writting.
no its serafen
I got to finish the pirate fortress(which should be fucking amazing based on it being a fucking pirate fortress, but it was just as boring as the rest) before dropping the game, and she was the worst up until then, but none of them were interesting.
Is PoE2 the only WRPG where the sidekick npcs are far superior to the main cast?
>Abydon is revealed to be the best bro of mankind
>The White March leaves him with a burning desire to exact revenge on the other cunt gods
>in Deadfire he's the same dick as all the other gods
>>Hey you want some gay sex?
>No, but while I'm also gay, I'd only do it if you were attractive *wink*
What did Obsidigay- I mean Obsidian, mean by this in Pillars of Eternity 2?
can't think of any other game with a companion / sidekick division
Mass Effect's crew members vs party members probably count, but it's not the same
>No real way to say no
What's wrong with this game?
>turbo-Catholic Mexican girl with a Texas twang
i fucking hate that her shtick is an allusion to real-world politics
saying you prefer women isn't roleplaying, it's thinly veiled bigotry
it has no place in games
>Makes sequel
>Treats it as a first in the series
>No continuity aside from Gods aren't real LOL
>Ignores official forums for Tumblr discord
Fuck Obsidian
Wow, your bigotry is showing
he wasn't a full blown hippie
also, he didn't barge into your room to fuck you
>Wow, your bigotry is showing.
>Ignores official forums for Tumblr discord
is this figure of speech or did that happen literally?
was there a tumblr group they listened to regarding design choices?
PoE 1&2 party members were all shit, almost as much as Divinity OS party members.
>Aloth disapproves
>followed by a long-winded self righteous rant
Aloth was the worst party member in the game by a fucking longshot, with the fish as a close second. Xoti gets third worst.
This is literal. There was a tumblr discord in which every single dev visited and talked to and took a lot of advice based off it. You know how Aloth is a twink? Thank them. They completely ignored their official forums and Discord meanwhile.
i barely remember anything from aloth
he had a side quest about thaos doing some inconsequential shit in the past and that's it
No, Maia is far worse by virtue of being a dirty rauatian.
Howdy pardner. Wanna fuck?
I also liked it a lot
He wasn't the worst by far in the first game. Then again I could never force myself to finish it.
You probably didn't have him in your party very often, or you were fortunate enough to always choose the options that he agreed with.
It was tumblr and the SA forums: Here's Sawyer/ropekid ranting about the reviews of the second game.
>is this figure of speech or did that happen literally?
It unironically happened. There was some offshoot fanart Discord for Deadfire and for whatever reason a majority of the devs and writers joined it. They answered questions, asked for advice and everything there. In comparison to the backer beta forums there were mostly crickets heard. As for actual design choices I believe they did take advice from them yeah one of the things they asked for were lots of gay companions and given we got them all bisexual (minus Eder) I'd say they did it.
Aloth wasn't the worst. At least he's involved in the Leaden Key conspiracy that makes him at least somewhat interesting if only indirectly. I think his voice acting is fine although the writers don't give him much interesting to say overall
>Waits less than 3 minutes to pretend he's not the OP
Jesus christ Eric.
Maia is bad by virtue of being a dirty whore.
The rest is fine.
The imperialists are always the best faction by the way.
>makes game trying to appeal to everyone playing the everyone is bisexual unless we can't retcon it card
>absolutely disgusted by the idea of banging bisexuals
>not catered at all because why would i give a flying fuck about romance written in gender neutral viewpoints and situations if I want to see two girls fucking or two dudes sucking, even on romantic/platonic levels it makes no sense
>literally a game that only caters to sexually devoid tumblr landwhales
Jesus Christ
i'm liable to accept it from user's mouth given how the game turned out, but if you have any wource on this, that'd be even better
Honestly if they kept the writing the same as the first with the gameplay changes Deadfire would have been great. Instead we get this super faction oriented story with lots of gays and lesbians. Like Maia being a turbo slut and Xoti acting like she's 16 when she's actually 29.
The romance is barely even in the game isn't it? Even if you go out of your way to do it I don't really think there's much content for it.
I have a couple of screens of that Discord saved from another user but that's about it. If you check out the /poedg/ archives you'll probably find something more concrete. Normally I'd give you the invite to join the Discord to see the devs in the Online list but they closed the invites once the server got more popular (since the devs are there) and they felt the original community was getting outshadowed (newcomers were talking about the gameplay over romance)
>by whatever margin Deadfire's story or storytelling may be worse than pillars, I don't think that margin is so great to explain a large difference in sales
The story is damn near always the primary selling point in an RPG like this.
He's right that the gameplay and the inteface with the setting itself is a lot more interesting in Deadfire, but the story is so much worse that going through the game is just kind of a chore.
Unless you're reading erotica, it doesn't matter if a romance is written from a gender neutral viewpoint.
probably the latter, but everything about the game is a haze now
is skipped the entire factions bullshit and went for Ukaizo alone as soon as i could because it was all so repugnant and boring
dealing with the factions was my favorite thing to do in NV
>unironically believing this
*braps in your ear*
What perspective was this written from?
Men and women approach romance from different perspectives. Men and women have markedly different psychologies.
Believe me it fucking matters.
is he really this fucking thick?
the game felt like a creepy sex ed video for everyone who isn't super engrossed in LGBT politics, did he expect people to take it?
Íf this is the last post in the thread, Sagani is best girl
>implying american government isn't corrupt
Must be sad being a blind delusional shitter
>I have a couple of screens of that Discord saved from another user
i'd love that
if you don't feel like posting them, i'll just hit up the general once
Then you have a variety of romance options who treat you differently, regardless of whether they use "he" or "she".
You can write a dominant character, or a submissive character, or whatever else, without necessitating the sex of the recipient.
The Burger government has been corrupt since its inception, orange man is just the latest in a long line of corrupt fuckheads.
if you think the difference between the male and female psyche boils down to just being dominant or submissive, you're about as enlightened as a Taliban battle imam
all the sidekicks would've made better companions
*blocks your path*
Ahem I say
Its a fantasy world, who cares if most of the people in it are bisexual. Everyone reincarnates so most of them have been women and men too, kind of makes sense why most of the cultures view bisexuality as completely normal t b h
i couldn't give two fucks about the kind of "corruption" J.E.S. alludes to in his twitter
>Not Ekera
You had one job freaky fish guy.
Don't bully my autistic Yea Forumsirgin
Bis are fags, and nobody cares about bisexuals except other faggots
I'm so glad this abomination flopped and killed Obsidian
Just so
Saying they took advice is really stretching it user. They hung out there and laughed at people's memes and enjoyed their fan art. The dev that interacted the most was the concept artist and she mainly talked about art and shared thumbnails of her work in process. That was about it
Different user but they definitely did take advice. A lot of shit in Deadfire was from their feedback.
Josh is there too sometimes, but I don't really check it much these days. Sith lords are obs devs
The owners were in talks with Microsoft well before the game even shipped. It flopping probably made them sell the company for a couple million less but it was always going to be sold, massive success or not.
This piece of tranny shit isn't dead yet?
Then the Kickstarter dream by Obsidiots was even a bigger flop than I realised
I'm making it a rule ITT that you can only post if your favorite RPG company hasn't been bought by MS
i got this
>sex is wonderful but be very considerate of each other, kids!
vibe from the game. all the inclusiveness, none of the kink, that's what bothered me the most
but on your point, homosexual relationships as they are portrayed in the game make zero sense in a pre-welfare society
most people in the setting only know from education that they had past lives, even remembering glimpses like Maneha did is rare
Thinking Swen won't sell the company the minute he feels like retiring is cute
how horrible, thanks
>Pillars of Exposition 2
Sorry OP, I don't play shit games that describe what's happening instead of showing me what's happening.
This, and let's look at the most infamous example: You KNOW what an old man looks like, but the game doesn't trust you despite giving him a fucking portrait.
Baldur's Gate prose
>At your side is Gorion, gray-haired even all those years ago.
If POE wrote Baldur's Gate
>Drops of what could only be sweat ran down Gorion's testicle-wrinkled crimson red face. His craggy features would have disgusted you if you hadn't known him for several years, going back to when your mother was dating new suitors.
See me even pretending to be as bad as Sawyer/Obsidian, I can't even come close to the badness in both Pillars games.
That is the fate of any successful company. Get big and have a large company buy you out so you and your founding members can retire and laugh.
Best guy coming through. Truly!
You haven't seen the depths yet. Picrelated is a fanart channel
>tfw #nsfw_pics_of_durance back in the days
He croaked his last joke and is very dead.
Reincarnation is common knowledge in the setting. Most of their slang revolves around going back to the wheel for another turn etc. A world like that would have different views on stuff, so I have no problem them just saying bisexuality is totally normal. Maia even thinks you're strange if you act puzzled that she's into both men and women.
Kana is better than the most of poe2 companions
I could excuse it in New Vegas with Christine in Dead Money because Obsidian was rushed and were building off the broken piece of shit that was Fallout 3, but it's inexcusable in a game Obsidian developed on their own.
Deadfire is worse because it pushes a SJW leftist agenda
I don't think there's fixing the state Obsidian was or is in when they hire... "talent" like this.
Fuck you nigger both Divinity OS 1 and 2 had much better companions. Doesn't hurt that the games themselves are actually good.
Which is strange since critics still didn't like it
Maybe there wasn't enough outfront faggotry
Taking a glorified pr puff piece on a Tyranny character as indicative of her writing is pretty dumb
Honestly I can't think of a companion in a recent RPG that I like. Maybe the Red Prince from DOS2, but that's stretching it.
Pathfinder? Enderal?
shouldnt you contrarian magacucks switch sides now when trump is mainstream?
haha holy fuck is that actually in it? didn't get that far into the game.
>kind of makes sense why most of the cultures view bisexuality as completely normal t b h
Almost every culture on earth besides burgerland hates homos what are you on about?
The base game was mind numblingly easy. Also the ending was disappointing. I wanted a huge-ass epic boss fight vs Eothas but you can't even fight him. I had the game set to the highest difficulty and level scaling turned up
Wow, what a den of homos holy shit.
It is
It IS tumblr discord
>tfw Chris Avellone steps out onto Microsofts stage at e3 2018 to announce Dying Light 2
>tfw the long hours and hard toil of freelancing since leaving Obsidian have all led to this moment. Feargus would no longer control his destiny. He had finally escaped.
>tfw the entire time he was on stage Phil Spencer and Feargus were in talks for Obsidian to join the Microsoft family
>tfw Feargus won
What's everyone's big problem with Teheku?
You didn't like Ifan or Beast? The only ones I actually didn't like were Sebille and Fane.
Bisexual people make them angry, scared or questioning and they don't like that
>Most infamous
>The example I have been personally pushing for months
>It's 4 short sentences that are describing both his appearance and personality
Is Chris never going to work on a Microsoft game again?
I completed the whole game on the highest difficulty with level scaling while literally only using the flame skills from Bleakwalker Paladin. That's it, a single skill. It would 9/10 times 1 shot everything. The rest was just put on passives and all my companions were literally playing themselves. The game was a joke in terms of gameplay.
like 60% of the thread is one autistic user talking to himself.
Did you do it after they fixed the level scaling, rebalanced the whole game, and added Magran's challenges. Or did you do it near launch when everything was broken andevel scaling didn't even apply to like 90% of the game?
Seems like a pretty comfy intro honestly. Don't really get the big problem. Also lmao at holding Baldurs Gate writing up on a pedestal, that game has not aged well at all
>36 posters
>60% from posters are one user
I don't know, it was 4 or so months after release so you tell me. Regardless I'm not going to replay the game, it was a slog to finish once IMO. Doesn't excuse them for releasing the game in such a broken state. I remember that monk was also pretty OP just deleting enemies left and right.
Never play rpgs until a year after release
Kingmaker is miles better and literally the only modern crpg worth the title of bg successor
Both Divinity games, Ocotopath traveler, Personna, South Park, were fine at release. That's of the top of my head the recent shit that I remember. Stop settling for less than mediocre. I'm glad I pirated this one at least.
I didn't like the party members in this game either. I haven't liked party members since Kotor 1 and 2
No but she completely stopped caring bout Deadfire despite being "hyped" for the console port. She completely ghosted the Discord.
i'm only surprised ropekid doesn't see this in his infinite balancedness
You know what would be sweet victory?
>Pillars of Eternity 3
>Phil Spencer: We are happy to announce a sequel to a fan favorite. But perhaps we should let out director give you more details
>Lights pan to the side
>Chris Avellone walks into the stage
>Snaps his finger
>Music plays
>"Saw you in the flames..."
Lmao didn't Ayoballin and some guy defending him get banned?
>Durance MC
>Story revolves around killing the Gods
>4 acts
the game so expects you to like him for being fabulous but really he's just a faggot
i didn't take him along so i don't know too much about it
this would be so sweet
They don't expect you to like him. The party treats him like an idiot or makes fun of him. He acts that way to hide his insecurities.
You can call him out on it too. I remember another user on that Discord got banned for hating on him. I also remember them going crazy on the RPGCodex users on there
Is Pillars 1 good? Don't lie to me.
You have got to be kidding. Kingmaker was also garbage, it was a buggy unfinished mess and the companions were total shit. Even the PoE2 companions were better by comparison.
No. It was okay at best, really slow and boring, the plot doesn't make sense (animancy is like SCIENCE except it's totally a bunch of fucked up shit all the time every time, but it's SCIENCE so you're dumb if you don't like it), and the companions are not total shit like in Deadfire, just completely forgettable and boring except for Durance. Maybe pirate it if you're bored out of your mind, but there are way better ways to spend your time.
Did you like Baldur's Gate 1 or 2? If so then sure, it's pretty great. If you preferred Icewind Dale then try the White March add-on, feels more like that game. Honestly anyone bitching overly much about it had irrational expectations and some serious rose tinted glasses about the games that inspired it. Overall great game.
Only real downside is that since it's not set in Forgotten Realms or the like, it took me til about halfway through the game to give half a fuck about the setting, since you spend a long-ass time before you have a grip on the lore. It does a good job of providing it to you, there's just a metric fuckton of world building, and overall it's just your generic fantasy world.
I liked the party NPCs, the story was decent, and the combat was about what I expected out of the genre. Was also a lengthy game, which was nice. Also didn't feel like it was pushing any particular agendas. Even as someone generally on the left, it's nice not to feel like a game is over-politicizing itself.
Is it?
Animancy is science because souls are things you can fuck with without magic. They're things you can measure and read in that setting without any hocus pocus or divine intervention. Hence why they say it's a science, not magic. Though why you cling to that when it's literally a footnote someone mentions once in dialogue, I don't know. That's hardly the plot of the game.
The entirety of most of the plot points and major decisions in the game revolve around animancy. The main villainous organization and its leader are hellbent on stamping out animancy everywhere. The animancy conflict is not the final resolution of the plot but it sure as hell is the meat and bones of it. And because the game writers are dumb as bricks, they push the line that everyone who is against animancy is bigoted and shortsighted, while in the actual game events animancy and animancers fuck up everyone and everything, constantly.
They don't push that, the game treats being anti-animancy as a totally legitimate position to have.
Does NWN hold up?
Thankfully you can kill her, holy shit she is annoying.
I did not bother playing the game, why is she so bad?
Forgot the pic
she was ok
pillars 2 is pretty great its not as good as Original Sin 2 ngl but it doesnt deserve half the shit it gets in this board
Get your ugly ass out of my cabin.
Honestly, Red prince was one of the best ways of handling an "insufferable" party member I've seen. By act 3 he's an absolute fucking bro.
Sebille and Lohse though? ...No thanks.
All the OS2 companions were at least decent.
>Mid Tier
Lohse (Feels like a Tumblr's self-insert, but ends up being tolerable at least), Sebille (MUH EDGY KILL GIRL)
>High Tier
Ifan, Red Prince
>God Tier
>Elder God Tier
Fane (yall mind if the guy who fucked up absolutely everything joins your party?)
Only with friends imo, its a bit of a slog solo
Sawyer is still the reason New vegas was good and not Avellone, change my mind
"Get your ugly ass out of my cabin." is real way to say no
I heard some shit about best boy being a patched romance option
That being said If you didnt protect Palleginas smile they you aint my nigga
Who said that? They haven't sold out yet, so they're still fine for the time being
maybe one day i'll buy the game and play as an edgy vailian fedora-tipper to get that sweet, sweet bitchy birdpussy
i hate that the kidnapped kid had only 2 lines in the game
also going solo to the final mission turns the entire arcipelago into a bloodbath
>Good healer
>Easy to lezbo finger blast
>Southern accent that gets my dick ROCK hard
Is there a more kino party member?
Party member official ranking
>Dog in a mans body teir:
Eder, Rekke
>God teir:
Constatine, Fassina
>good teir:
Pallagina, Aloth, Maia
>okay teir:
Serefan, Xoti
>shit teir
Ywdwen (waifubait), Tekahu (really tired of trying to push the handsome fish thing, its all forced, besides that he has a good arc)
Maia and Pallagina get points for both being hyper nationlists and dropping bants about the other companys.
Avellone worked on D:OS2
Sawyer worked on PoE2
Case closed
Gannayev in MOTB is such a whiny annoying fuck. Every other companion is 11/10 perfect and has infinitely stronger character arcs so there's just no reason to ever fucking use him, doesn't help that he's a meme niche horribly unoptimized class in a 3.5 game where the other options are an epic level half celestial cleric and an epic level wizard, Okku is also a monstrously powerful custom fighter with a million attacks and on-hit magic damage which ignores all resistances
Gann's entire deal is being a whiny atheist in a setting where the gods are explicitly real and hate you, where you and multiple party members with high lore skill can tell him about how horrible the Wall of the Faithless is to which he just goes "no u" and you get a "Gann disliked that!"
Then his entire personal storyline is about being a whiny mommy issues fuck, as if anyone feels sorry for this template stacked faggot who literally cannot stop dream raping peasants into comas long enough to pull his head out his ass and quit moping.
fuck Gann.
Avellone made Ulysses, that's reason enough to know he's a hack
The trade companies are totally right, the huana are a bunch of naive, doe-eyed primitives and I don't feel at all bad for plundering the shit out of their lands.
Yes, he's a whiny, vain, pretty boy, because he has mommy issues. You're pointing out character flaws as though that equates to bad writing.
I apparently had him assume leadership of the Leaden Key years ago so when I continued my save he immediately got himself in deep shit with Eder so I threw Aloth in the trash can so I didn't lose my BFF meatshield
the best thing is playing as fane nigger
The perspective of a fucking summer intern
I think the problem is that Avellone is good at writing dialogue and setting stuff, but his characters themselves always fall flat.
It's completely out of place compared to the rest of the cast and his personal issues are utterly inconsequential in the face of the very real and existential threats encountered in the campaign.
Okku is a rashemen spirit which is already enough reason to have a vested interest in the spirit eater curse but he also made an oath to a previous bearer to help cure it.
Kaelyn is attempting to achieve what Akachi could not with his first crusade and end the abominable and unjust Wall of the Faithless.
Safiya is tied to the spirit eater curse and Akachi moreso than any other member of the cast and has even bigger and more traumatic mommy issues than Gann, except she's not a little bitch about it and decided to become an epic level arcane caster instead of a faggot
The spirit eater is a lingering curse of a dead god with universal implications and the potential to devour entire planes if unchecked, every other cast member has very real contributions to that storyline. Except Gannayev, who you find in a prison cell and who the guards only let you take with you to help because they're sick of putting up with his shit
This art reeks of tumblr.
It's a random sailor event that can happen with any of your crew members. So it doesn't specify gender at all.
Stop it! You're hurting my narrative.
He's also bi like everyone else.
He's good at writing asshole know-it-alls, probably why Fane was so well received in Original Sin 2 since he's an utterly alone jerk that was the architect of his own undoing and the loss of everything he ever loved
>God Tier
i fucked her in game and it was cool
>shit teir
>Ywdwen (waifubait)
Not everyone who is anti-animancy is some puritan or something. A lot of people acknowledge animancy is dangerous but you can't just wipe away all the good it's done because you heard of some retard blowing up a town or something.
Hell, the gods themselves are pretty much just animancy pushed to its absolute limits.
Seville goes total deredere very quickly, only her introduction is edgy and she ends up being utterly loyal
>Pillars of Eternity: Yezuha
>Written by Chris Avellone
It's gonna be a sweet revenge bros
Gannayev is a dream walker, and the only one familiar with the less academic principles of the soul. He's also totally in line with the thematic core of the game.
He's the mercenary rogue of the party, and that's such a common trope because it works. He has plenty of story telling value, and not having a literal link to the main plot doesn't diminish that.
I don't know how anyone could like Aloth in deadfire. He's boredom incarnate. He dislikes everything but being the most lawful neutral drone possible, he has no interesting input on anything, and his quest is, at best, inoffensive.
You could drop him from the game entirely and lose nothing.
They had an opportunity to make him interesting with his Leaden Key ending. Instead you get a hat and for his quest they do
>Replace "destroy" with "understand"
Even worse.
Kill yourself.
"Whoops! Turns out my mommy and daddy actually loved me all along and I was a piece of shit for no reason!" is not a good enough payoff to worth putting up with his petulance. Bishop being in the wall already fulfills the same role as Gann's hilarious atheism and the few dream segments where he's present could easily be filled by other casters. Spirit Shaman being a horrible class even in a game entirely based around Spirit enemies doesn't help. there's just no need for the sappy bishonen to be around
Eh, not really. At least back in December
>liking the worst character in game with the shittiest plot line
Sure m8
What a coincidence he's also best party member then.
Instead of shake his hand you can smooch now. If you do he tells you that soon Eora will know Yezuha even though he wishes that weren't the case. Yezuha is going to imperialize Eora.
Which disposition is the best and why is it [Stoic]
Personally I think fane as party member and ultimately convincing him not to take divinity is a better arc than playing as him and just going "lol round 2 first time didn't count".
What he says is actually pretty worrying. Think about it Yea Forums. Yezuha regularly sends missionaries to Eora despite the storms. Now the storms are gone. Yezuha is fucking massive and have their own monotheistic God.
We also find out in the last DLC that there actually is a legit God but the Engiwthins didn't like it so they made new ones. Too bad the writers are hacks and can't make good use of the world.
No fucking way. Are you sure you're not talking about rekked mod?
I always see hate comments about this games here.
But what about the first one, you guys like?
I am thinking in playing.
Lohse and Beast are too nonexistent to even be considered characters, Beast especially despite being the broest character together with Ifan, whether you play as him or with him nothing changes, might as well have been a background NPC like Lohar, massive wasted potential.
Ifan is alright but suffers from the same syndrome as Lohse and Beast, as in he's pretty much a non character, but at least his premise is better than both and ends up being just as bro as Beast.
Sebille is the same as Lohse, but extra bitchy and with a storyline that is absolutely uninteresting, with nothing that really helps you suffering through the first two acts with her for a meager reward of having a pseudo waifu in the 4th act, which means very little, especially since she's a fucking elf, and elves in D:OS are particularly repulsive.
Red Prince is another example of Larian not giving much of a damn to the point that his design is literally that of generic lizard NPCs, unlike any of the other characters, moreover he's quite annoying until later on in the game, BUT unlike the aforementioned characters he does actually have something unique going for him, actual unique remarks, a somewhat interesting storyline and some decent growth, he does kind of grow on you in the end, but he's better as a companion than MC.
Fane is one of the most disgusting examples of Mary Sues I've had the displeasure of dealing with in recent memory, he's the most unlikeable character by far, especially as a companion, and is only worth playing through as an MC because unlike anyone else he actually matters, you skip all the poorly written companion dialogue and has a lot of unique content, actually too much unique content to the point you might wonder what's even the point of having the other MCs, not to mention his Scholar/Mystic tag combo allows him to get the best out of the game, unlike anyone else, and fuck Avellone and his shitty self inserts by the way, god what a shitty, pretentious character.
We're all deeply fucked.
>too nonexistent to even be considered characters
You can't even imagine the possibilities for roleplay m8.
First one is fairly good. 7.5/10 game
Don't bother reading gold-named npcs when you play it.
>You can't even imagine the possibilities for roleplay m8.
You can do everything she does with generic characters, she's just not worth anyone's time, she's also ugly as sin much like any other female in the game and her voice is unbearable.
Every character in DoS2 is awful and smug for no good reason, I seriously cannot believe anybody enjoys it.
Mask of the Betrayer is about love. Gann lacked familial love so he compensated with physical and passionate love, but only because of their disposable nature and intentionally avoided permanent forms of love, his dream walking being pretty straightforward allegory for this. His mother is there to be the opposite, she was driven by the firm and obligation heavy love of motherhood, with again, the obvious metaphor of being literally trapped and bound by her love, forever denied entrance to the world of dreams. Being bound by the obligations and costs of love, does that sound familiar at all?
His atheism is ultimately a minor fact, just there so you have someone to ask "hey, why would someone be atheist in a world with present gods?" which is kind of an important factoid for the player to understand considering the plot hinges on the Wall.
I don't see how Bishop has much overlap with any of that, especially since the only reason he didn't have a God was because he was a cunt.
God I hope its not the one Serefan was talking about, the sleeping ancient that birthed Ondra the 2nd biggest bitch behind Woedica herself.
Demon ascension ending is exclusive to lohse
>You can do everything she does with generic characters
No you can't, because Adra.
Beast and Ifan are good, but the rest...yeah, not really enjoyable to have around, especially because they're not the kind of fun smug, they're just annoying.
I'm kinda mad they just scrapped generic interactions coming from D:OS, so your party of generics is completely nonexistent outside of some generic quest banter, I would love to have some meaningful undead companions, but Fane is fucking insufferable.
Doesn't really change much from the generic Adramhalik ending, all MCs have some "unique" ending, but the only ones who have something that is actually is unique to them and not a slight variation of some common ending are just Red Prince, Fane and Sebille.
Seek heaven through violence Watcher.
Playing as a real OG Herald of Berath, dusk-speaker is pretty fun. All immortals, litches and undead get the pallid kightly fist.
Based obsidiot
>tfw no Adramahlihk gf
I kind of whish they played up how covered in titles the Watcher is now.
'The Watcher of Cad Nua, Herald of Berath, Roadwarden of Dryford, Duskspeaker, Lordling of the Eastern Reach, Dragon-slayer.
Also potentially future arch-mage after you finish the last dlc in deadfire as a wizard.
That was pretty comfy.
this is a strange image
Its literally one commited shitposter,
Poe1 is fun, especially as a Monk, both games are best played as a monk.
If you enjoy it, the DLC is godlike, the white march really shines through.
Smug is maybe the wrong word. Insufferably competent? Characters never really seem to doubt themselves or show weakness, it's like at all times everyone is perfectly composed. It's hard to explain, every character in the original Sin games feel like it's a character being played by some wannabe cool guy at your tabletop table rather than an actual character.
>Also potentially future arch-mage after you finish the last dlc in deadfire as a wizard.
I bet they'll act like that never happened in the next game.
I only like Eder and these two orlan.
I remember Josh said he hate campbell monomyth.
Someone used his ass to play the game instead of brain it seems.
What are some fun builds for 2-man lone wolf honour mode on OS2?
>every character in the original Sin games feel like it's a character being played by some wannabe cool guy at your tabletop table rather than an actual character.
That's not really true for the first one, your companions were all a lot more human and likeable than the D:OS2 character, even Jahan, D:OS2 went full retard on that, despite having generally much better writing.
Summoner with Hydro/Geo/Marksman
Scoundrel with Aero/Pyro/Warfare
>Find mysterious tablet early on
>Think it might be some late game secret puzzle piece
>Hold onto it the entire time
>Find Rekke
>He translates it
>Pretty excited
>It's just horse-sitting instructions
>My face
PoE2 had it's moments. It was certainly annoying and/or weirdly written in parts. But there were some real surprises. The shanties were strangely amazing for one.
Xoti was fucking top tier.
If you live outside the Yea Forumsirgin bubble, Deadfire wasn't anything special even by SJW standards. If the only criticism you can think of for Deadfire was that there were too many instances of bisexuality, then you didn't even play the game.
It was just a boring game, through and through. It had a few interesting things in it, but MAIN STORYLINE IN AN RPG was boring.
Bairdotr is an adorably naive wild child whose areas of expertise include fairytale folklore and how to convincingly bark like a dog and nothing else.
Jahan is a know it all demonologist cunt but he's also a thousand years old and has spent entire centuries honing his autism. Even then he doesn't know much about anything besides demons, when it comes to Source he's fucking clueless like everyone else.
Madora is a grizzled veteran who only really cares about yelling a lot and bashing in greenskin faces, I never used Wolfgraff so no comment on him.
In 2 all the companions have rather extensive backstories and are supposed to be established badasses rather than random chucklefuck nobodies, the fact you're ALL chosen by a god doesn't help matters but to be fair the guys you're going up against are just as overpowered themselves
The songs were so cozy
>Safiya is tied to the spirit eater curse and Akachi moreso than any other member of the cast and has even bigger and more traumatic mommy issues than Gann, except she's not a little bitch about it and decided to become an epic level arcane caster instead of a faggot
fuck i forgot how great the entire romance arc is. legitimate masterpiece
My only problem with Deadfire is how they centered the companions around the factions too much. Aside from Aloth and Eder we have no neutral companions. Plus they're boring. Had they reversed it and made the sidekicks companions and the current ones sidekicks game would be 10x better
Chris Avellone writing tier list
>God Tier
Planescape Torment, KOTOR2
>Good Tier
>Shit Tier
Druance, Grieving Mother, Fane, Nok-Nok
Imagine defending flirting with a gay fish in a video game.
Durance requires a certain...sophistication to get. You not getting it feels like a sort of a willing ignorance. Yes I do write poetry.
>My only problem with Deadfire is how they centered the companions around the factions too much.
I agree, this really made it difficult to like having Maia and Pallegina in the party specifically. They just straight up tell you to they won't support you if you don't support their faction. Serafen makes a comment about not supporting the Principi, but just says he would've done it different.
(IMO Eder was the best companion)
Holy shit, my sides.
>when the coolest character is also the most useless.
It's not fair. He deserves a remake where he can be rebalanced and shine.
durance and grieving mother are great though
you also forgot
>Blow up Maia's faction and murder one of their commanders
>She gives me a stern letter like a mother disappointed in her son
Fight me you fucking pussy so anticlimactic.
Wolfgraff is similar to Bairdotr, he looks up to you since he idolizes Source Hunters and he's stuck as a mute for most of the game due to his curse, he's pretty cute to have around since despite being a thief he acts a bit uncomfortable if you do steal yourself or act too much like a dick, mostly because again, he idolizes Source Hunters.
I like him a lot, he's probably my favorite character in D:OS, mostly because he's the opposite of Jahan and his demon autism.
There's nothing really wrong with Garr, BoF3 is piss easy, you can use anyone and win, I always kept him and Momo in my party and never had a single problem.
>It's 4 short sentences that are describing both his appearance
Which is already depicted via his portrait
>and personality
Which could be depicted by changing the facial expressions on his portrait with what he says and how you talk to him.
Fuck you
>Using a static image to portray a face in motion
You're not bright are you? Just read the fucking sentences jesus christ they aren't even long.
>tfw no /irpg/ thread
If you agree to kill the leader on Sayuka, she immediately leaves the party and becomes hostile.
The Gods aren't real...
I did do that but she wasn't in my party because I never used her, I guess that's why.
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spell resistance and +2 wisdom from the power of love
Why don't more games do this?
If you gloat about killing her brother she just leaves and doesn't do shit. But you kill some leader and she gets pissy and fights? What a bitch.
The first town literally takes like ten minutes to get through. Holy shit user, literally the attention span of a goldfish.
Pallegina is the only decent companion in either game and they didn't let you romance her lol
Oh yeah, the character who thinks the necromancers can be forgiven for their sins but at the same time goes on endless tirades about how petty, malevolent and insignificant all races in Rivellon are.
The character who bears a massive grudge against the God King and never fails to remind you how he's #not_his_king anymore but does a 180° the moment he's getting close to Divinity.
The supposed historian and genius researcher that tells you how your history doesn't matter and how cool the eternals were and how their history actually matters despite he himself being the entire reason their civilization was wiped out and a massive failure.
They're real, just not gods.
>Trying to talk to this fuckin Adra colossus
>Gods keep pulling you away to yell at you
>Just sit there and say nothing the whole time
>They just keep yelling
>Eventually sent back
>Fuck with them and the the things they love on the mortal plane
>Let Eothas destroy the cycle
>My face the whole time
Fuck those needy bitches
Good. It doesn't get any better.
Some things never get old
It's more fun to be pissy at them. Even Woedica praises you for it.
All we're missing is the No! guy and Olaf-kun
Where's Eder-poster?
I thought it was dumb Maia just starts shooting you, but Pallegina's thing was actually even worse.
When you start helping the feuding nobles, she threatens you. "Blah blah blah if you cross the Vailians I won't hesitate to kill you" or some shit.
When I got both families together, I just slaughtered them and she has no dialogue for that.
THEN when she asks you to rescue Giacolo in Dunnage, choosing to kill the pirates without talking to them results in her leaving the party and cussing you out. EVEN IF YOU SAVE GIACOLO.
>Welcome, welcome, welcome to the House of Yea Forums
>Prepare to see some anons with some very odd Watcher builds~
>Sit back, my anons Relax, my anons
>This thread is quite informal
>'Cause when you see these builds you'll be grateful that you're normalfag.
Meadow Human
Aedyr - Drifter
Ranger/Stalker - Lion
I missed you bros
If only.
I'm gonna be a mighty king so Eothas beware!
Jesus christ fuck that racial so hard.
Good to see that everyone's alive and well Unlike /poedg/ itself, but fuck it
>>The man who was cucked to death
Of course the real solution is to never free them in the first place, letting them die in slavery while you retire with your tiefling harem.
At least Octavia is useful
He's a good character insofar as he's a fairly realistic selfish piece of shit.
Not even close.
Man. I remember the fake leaks for Deadfire. Thinking back they were much more interesting than what we actually got.
>tfw no Maia-Aloth romance
Probably for the best
Tekehu and Maia were worse, and they were written by a literal IRL cuck fetishist.
No bulli
And POE2 has no foot to stand on with this Anthony Burch tier crap
Would've been pretty interesting desu. They both share the same views on duty. What were the others? I remember stuff like
>Woedica revives you with her ending
>Thaos is back with Iovara
>Eder becomes a vessel for Eothas
Romance was a mistake.
Was it a trap xDxDxD?
>>Deadfire wasn't anything special even by SJW standards.
>Game is set in a tropical environment where you meet a bunch of ugly niggers (the games art style managing to make blacks even uglier)
>steel garrote
And they actually delivered it in the end. I need to continue my Woedicuck pt someday.
nah you become her bitch though
>And they actually delivered it in the end
It was in the game itself already from the start, they barely needed to do anything besides actually activate it. Mods already did that months beforehand.
Dagoth Ur welcomes you Watcher
Everything they did after the game was "finished" was a mistake. The ship combat, the islands with nothing on them, romance, everything.
>actually think the generic and dull as fuck party members from OS2 are better than Eder, Aloth, or even Durance
How can someone have so much shit taste?
>casual turn based garbage catered to casuals that's not even remotely challenging on the highest difficulty with "randomised loot"
Absolutely hysterical, western turn-basedfags are the most delusional brainlets ever
How many threads can this one fit in?
>>The ship combat,
No it was go-
>Literal CYOA combat
>Obsidiots hyped this up when it was announced on FIG
Ah the naivety we all had that they'd care about the continuity.
are those skyrim characters?
Tactician in both original sin games is much harder than either pillars game, both of which boil down to "aoe choke points". Path of the Damned is the definition of artificial difficulty, instead of better AI every enemy just has enormous flat stat bonuses meaning you need to spam the few debuffs they're still weak to.
Might as a stat is also still retarded, my blaster caster wizard being able to bench press an elephant is dumb
Enderal, a full conversion mod. It's pretty good
>hating on best boy
Find a better general I fucking dare you
Enderal and Nehrim. Both are pretty kino.
You mean the Sweetie? Easy.
I just started to play the first Pillars of Eternity again and for some reason I'm enjoying it more than Deadfire.
I can't really tell why. The loading times are longer, game runs less smoothly and no multiclassing, but I just get more out of it.
>obsidiots and larianiggers coexisting peacefully in one place
What the fuck
They took feedback from crpg fans and not tumblr
The writing is better, and the atmosphere is more "dark fantasy"-ish. PoE2 is literally a beach episode of PoE series.
>crpg fans
Fuck rpgcodex amrite??
Jesus fuck.
yo fellas
restarting poe1 because I only got to the DLC and then dropped it off. Will a greatsword fighter be alright for the PC be alright
that's a lotta fucking be alrights I put in there
SA asked Obsidian to remove their ingame backer content before release.
I'd recommend a cipher.
Why tho?
>The loading times are longer, game runs less smoothly
I tried that the first time around
not into it
I figured i'd use grieving mother for a CC cipher
Fighter is solid
Beast is the broest of bros, kys.
Why does everyone call him the gay fish when every romance was available for both genders?
She remains an edgy murderbot until pretty much nameless isle. You're like 60% done with the game by the time she stops being edgy.
Because he's a sodomite.
The fuck are you talking about? There are two real ways to say no.
>No, but while I'm also gay, I'd only do it if you were attractive *wink*
Where's the real way to say no again?
You forgot
>t. int 1
While every faction has it's flaws, the Huana are easily the worst. Their caste system and traditions simply do not work, but they utterly refuse to change.
Ideally a compromise could be reached where the Deadfire enters the modern age while not forgetting its roots, but the Huana are so stubborn that they will literally let innocent people die to protect their traditions.
So you're just one of these people that hates everything, gotcha.
The backer shit is super cringe and distracting. Everyone who paid enough gets to put in their own garish stupid OC donut steel that if you have the misfortune to click on get to read their mary sue backstory as you glimpse their soul.
The entire game is filled with these chucklefucks and absolutely none of them fit into the depressing magic-fearing dark fantasy setting, doesn't help that 90% are godwoken with literally flaming heads
Somethingawful posters told him they were fucking stupid because they are but they already made the Faustian bargain of taking backer money for donut steels, at least it wasn't furshit
But you can't do demon acension without Lohse.
1. Explain further.
2. No. Fuck you.
3. I'm interested, but no.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. No.
Are you perhaps an ESL?
. No. Fuck you.
This option is not "no fuck you"
Obsidiots will defend literally anything.
What are you talking about? If you talk to them they express doubt and weakness all the time. Even in their comments about random shit they show concern and uncertainty.
>It's literally impossible to have several static portraits each depicting a different emotion
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
My bad, I flipped 2 and 3. 3 is absolutely "No. Fuck you."
2 elementalist mages was fun. Dump minimum requirement for all 4 schools of magic(3, 5 if you want the 3 source skill), polymorph needs 5 points. Once you get apotheosis you have become death, destroyer of worlds. Cast Apotheosis and then spam 3-cost source thunder storms and meteor showers and hail storms and whatever else you want. Works well on lone wolf because you can make the most out of your 2 turns of apotheosis, but also works in 4-man parties if you have haste and adrenaline rush.
I mean all 3 of your points are factually wrong but whatever.
Gay fish was a meme started in PoE general by ONE guy. I actually thought it was stupid but it stuck. It stuck and it was stupid, what does that tell you?
Why don't you learn to read first?
>OS2 Casual
>Can complete all of POE2 on hardest difficulty spamming a single skill while playing blind
Tell me when you can complete all of OS2 on Tactician with a single ability.
Reading doesn't give you (you)s.
The way armor works heavily rewards stacking one damage type. You'll want some staple too-good-to-not-use spells like adrenaline and tactical retreat for any build.
Shields are really, really good so if you're physical grab shield throw, the aoe knockdown smash, chicken claw, and tentacle lash because once someone's armor is down you want to permanently CC them.
Necromancy spells do physical damage and benefit from the Warfare physical damage amplification. An obligatory dip into hydro for frost armor and regeneration.
Magic isn't as good at shitting out ridiculous damage as physical teams are but is probably easier to build. Just take as many fuck you spells as you can, make sure to rain with elemental affinity, etc
Unlike the first game where taking a ton of low level skills from every school was the best the armor system really cucks you out of diverse builds. Since CC is not percentage based and shields let you fully restore the armor they provide they're also way way way more useful than they have any right to be. They also come with a great aoe ranged physical attack.
>stacking damage type meme
Honestly, outside of a couple fights, I've found that a balanced party does just as well as a stacked one. Most encounters have multiple enemies anyway and most of the time they have them split half/half between high melee and high magic armor enemies.
Plus full melee gets fucked hard by evasion while full magic sometimes gets fucked by resistances(a lot less).
In the end all 3 are viable and it comes down more to how you play each specific encounters and use your skills.
I want to do a lone wolf + waifu run of OS2 since the first time I ran an all-guys bro team. Who is better, Sibelle or Lohse?
Haven't tried on honour mode (only classic), but me and my friend went:
Pure finesse Scoundrel/Polymorph (Undead Elf OC)
CON/INT Pyro/Necro/Geo (Fane)
on our first save and
Summon/Leadership/Necro (Lohse)
Summon/Pyro/Hydro (Ifan)
on the next, and had a blast each time, especially the summon one that was good shit
Full physical in my experience is a lot easier than the alternatives. Archers are great, everyone can stack warfare, necromancy is a stacked spell school, melee have lots of ranged ability options and ways to close the distance.
Sebille. Main Red Prince
This piece of shit
Sebille is an edgy murder bot for about 50% of the game then turns normal. Lohse is kinda normal upbeat girl but has some obvious issues with the demon in her head. Take your pick.
Sebille is good if you're a weeb
Lohse is good if you can stomach Tumblr-tier schizo freaks
Dos2 also is a better game
More like 60-70% really
I'm a weeb and hate Tumblr, Sibelle sounds great then.
Oh yeah, would double mage or 1 mage 1 archer be better?
Physical is a bit easier because you can focus targets, but magic builds are stupid powerful once you realize you can just stack all the enemies on top of each other and AOE them down. Once you get the 3 source spells for each school of magic you can literally just delete every encounter in the game by spamming them.
After the first act dude
Summoner + archer and you'll kill anything.
I mean Lohse has a pretty valid reason for being a schizo freak.
She remains edgy murder bot until nameless isle what are you talking about.
For clarification, by Tumblr I mean completely mentally ill rather than "muh feminism", and her concept reads like it was written by a wattpad writer.
Double mage is fine as long as at least one wears heavy armour, and you at least dip into necromancy
Haven't tried mage/archer
I'm not saying she doesn't. Still makes her a schizo freak.
Well in the end not really. She's not imagining anything, she's actually possessed by a demon.