Is this the perfect length for a JRPG? It tells a complete fulfilling epic story with memorable and developed characters all within 40 hours (50 if you're slow or try to beat the optional bosses). Yet modern JRPGs seem to go on for over a hundred hours yet fail to achieve what FFVII achieved.
Is this the perfect length for a JRPG...
Name 5 modern JRPGs that go on for over 100 hours in the main story.
15-30 hours is the ideal length for RPGs, anything more than 40 is mostly not worth the time.
persona 5
I finished it in 80
Nope, that's 96 hours on average.
Dragon Quest XI
That's 55 hours on average, not even close to 100.
I platinum'd my NG+ at 120 hours without skipping any dialogue
I'm not playing anything over 40 hours except Runescape or Kenshi, Rimworld, or racing games.
otherwise fuck that.
15-30 is a fine length, but for replayability having a few optional side quests, secret bosses, secret dungeons, and tons of minigames helps.
FF Tactics and Secret of Mana are Square's only good titles. Chrono Trigger barely qualifies. FF titles are hot garbage with shit gameplay
Xenoblade 2
>forgets Romancing SaGa
absolvtely plebeian
Dragon Quest XI
Persona 5
That's all I got, I don't play many modern ones. Don't know how long Xenoblade 2 chances and still couldn't get past chapter 4.
FF 4,5 and X have good gameplay
Xenoblade 2
Persona 5
Dragon Quest 11
Jackie Chan
>40 hours (50 if you're slow or try to beat the optional bosses)
My playthrough usually average around 60-65 hours on ps1. Using the speed up option on ps4 sometimes makes it much shorter.
Seiken Densetsu 3 and Legend of Mana are infinitely superior to Secret.
The perfect JRPG is somewhere around 20-30 hours. Enough time to master gameplay mechanics and not shoving tutorials down your throat 20 hours in. Doesn't overstay it's welcome in terms of story or characters being drawn out and boring. And enough time for any budget devs.
That's 65 hours on average.
None of those go on for 100 hours in the main story
Persona 5 is roughly 96 hour long.
Dragon Quest XI is roughly 55 hours long.
Xenoblade 2 is roughly 65 hours long.
Funny how no one can name even a single modern JRPG that takes at least 100 hours to finish the main story. Yet I can name an old JRPG that does, Dragon Quest VII, average of 106 hours, personally took me 123.
Secret of Mana is superior because it released in the US and was playable when I had friends to do couch co-op with.
Everything in this post is wrong
dq11 is not 55 hours long, it's at least 80 and for me over 130
you could cut the plot and dungeon parts of any persona to like 10-15 hours.
that garbage has so much inbetween filler nonsense.
That's basically Parasite Eve.
>Dragon Quest XI is roughly 55 hours long.
Maybe if you speed run it.
Why is it wrong? Are you mad that modern JRPGs don't actually take forever to finish?
Dragon Quest XI is indeed 55 hours long. You clearly played with the hard monsters difficulty, which pads out the time, I played with that on too, and it took me 120 hours, but without everything taking twice as long to kill, and without having to make sure I grabbed everything I could to better my odds in battle with how strong everything was, the game would have easily taken me half the time.
Parasite Eve is like 12 hours at most, Shadow Hearts and Grandia 2 fit that time slot better
Yeah I would agree. That is pretty much most JRPGs over 50 hours long. Just needless padding or ridiculously slow gameplay.
nope i didn't play with any draconian options, i think you're just pulling figures from howlongtobeat but the people on that site apparently don't talk to nps or break pots or anything
What is it with Yea Forums rushing throttle games? FFVII takes longer than that.
No, if you speed run it you'll be cutting it down to 20 hours or less. A normal playthrough without anything extra should only take you around 55 hours.
>Persona 5 is roughly 96 hour long
Wow huge difference from being 100 hours right
>Perfect length is when games should just be getting good
issue is that with persona you are literally just wasting time. like other jrpgs might add different places or some backtracking, but persona games always play out in such a small area and you spend so much time doing basicass chores.
like you cant really compare Persona 100 hours to DQ7 100 hours.
It should be good from the very start you retard.
Well I did most things the game had to offer and ended at 120 hours. Who just speeds through the story?
What about TWEWY?
howlongtobeat is a reliable source for how long games are, it puts up an average based on everyone's runs and you can look at each playthrough time individually.
The play times for DQXI range from 33-82 hours, with one of the guys saying he counts postgame as main game content, who clocked in at only 81 hours.
Gooder then
This is one of the biggest problem with modern Persona. They absolutely murder the pace so you can social sim it up.
Well there is nothing stopping you from replaying it and NG+ options if they exist. But this is just one playthrough.
Sure, that's not too big of a difference, but I'll tell you what is a big difference. Saying that all modern JRPGs seem like they're over 100 hours long when in reality most are around 60 hours.
Are there any good RPGs that aren't artificially long? I'm not autistic so I do not enjoy grinding for items/levels, etc. Something around 10-15 hours would be ideal.
I think I hit around 99 and I was fast forwarding a lot. That being said, the game was probably idle for a lot of time as well.
>10 hour RPG
You could play like the prologue/first chapter of any WRPG or JRPG.
In DQ XI postgame is literally part of the main game. You'd know it if you played it. You're a good troll, man.
Chrono Trigger
Completionist time is 120 hours, so that would make sense if you're including post game in your time. Its not about people speeding through the story, the thing that doubles the game's playtime is all the optional stuff.
50 hours? I'm not the "No, you're wrong, HLTB says..." faggot, but that's about a pretty average time for a casual playthrough of FF VII.
I'm not trolling, you faggot. I finished postgame at about 155 hours, and I loved the game, but postgame is called postgame for a reason its after the main story, not part of it.
Bullshit, I bet you haven't even played it. By the time you finish all the side quests (part of the story) and level up enough to beat Calasmos, you're in at least 100 hours
Retards like you who say it's 55 hours probably Stopped playing after the second act
It's definitely part of the main story you fucktard, Calasmos even appears in the second act. You probably think as soon as fake credits roll, a game is over
I played the game you faggot, I'll even post my save file if you want me to, I played through post game too. You're fucking retarded if you think sidequests count as the main story, they are side quests for a reason, they are optional, by your stupid logic, FFVII is nearly 100 hours long.
It literally continues the main story. There's unanswered questions and you can't even get the true ending without finishing it. It'd be like skipping a book's epilogue
FF VII doesn't take 100 hours doing sidequests. Why is literally everything you say wrong?
How can people claim 4 has good gameplay while shitting on the rest of the franchise? Has anyone here even played 4?
SaGa Frontier
you can clear a scenario in one evening or two
>by your stupid logic, FFVII is nearly 100 hours long.
Stop embarassing yourself.
>inb4 "mastering all materia counts as a sidequest"
it actually accommodates the ATB system by giving all the party members radically different speeds, ATB is pretty much just a novelty factor in every other FF that isnt X-2
Most FF games do that, and they also don't have a revolving door in their parties.
If credits roll, then yes, the game is over. That's how shit works. They aren't fake credits, this isn't Kid Icarus Uprising or Bayonetta where the credit get cut midway because they were a fakeout, the shit with Calasmos in DQXI is the POST game, P-O-S-T, that means its afterwards, its not part of the main game, its extra optional content that adds to the story if you want it.
Its still not the main story, its fucking optional content, postgames always continue the story, that how shit fucking works. That does not mean that they are a part of the main story's completion time.
I said nearly, as in, its almost 100 hours, clocking in at 89 on average. You stupid fucks need some better reading comprehension.
I'm not familiar with what people count as completion for FFVII, so I don't know if that's what people count. Still, the point is that its retarded to count optional content towards the supposed hundred hours that modern JRPGs drag on for.
Seems to be confusion about how DQXI works here.
I think what you are referring to more is pacing. FFVII has brilliant pacing as far as JRPGs go. Really the only problem I have with its pacing is if you're trying to get every single item/event then you have to back track at crucial story parts like with the stupid RTS minigame (so I never ended up doing them all). It's just really hard to have a 100 hour long game that has great pacing throughout.
Not really, its just that my fellow DQfags apparently don't know the meaning of the word post, and fail to understand that it is something that is optional and separate from finishing the main game.
>Its still not the main story, its fucking optional content, postgames always continue the story, that how shit fucking works.
A lot of the times post games are just random bullshit that may be small stuff related to the main story. For example, Tales of Vesperia's main story was wrapped up nicely, the post game doesn't really add much. DQ XI's was literally the third act of the story.
>I said nearly, as in, its almost 100 hours, clocking in at 89 on average.
Funny, it didn't count when it was Persona and 96 hours. And it didn't even take me 89 hours to do most everything in FF VII my first time playing it in Japanese when I was pretty new to the language, it certainly shouldn't take anyone that long if played in a language they're fluent in. My playthrough from last year didn't take that long and I did basically everything.
>all the side quests
>part of the story
>taking long
I think you might be mentally challenged, dude.
>If credits roll, then yes, the game is over.
Damn, I knew FFIX was fucking short when the credit rolled right at the beginning of the game. Good thing the post-game last all four CDs
>DQ XI's was literally the third act of the story
And its after the credits in the entirely optional postgame, taking place after the main story events. It is not the main story, it is a supplement to it.
It does not count towards the time it takes to finish the main game, because it literally is not part of the main game.
>Funny, it didn't count when it was Persona and 96 hours
Yeah, because that's not 100 hours, neither is FFVII's completionist time, which is why I said the word "nearly" and didn't outright claim it was 100 hours Also notice how I didn't have any remarks about P5 not even being close to 100 hours like I did with the other games? Because 96 is close to 100 hours, but at the end of the day, its not 100 hours, and its only a single game that even takes close to that long.
Its great that you completed FFVII in 41 hours, some people have done it in 36 hours, others took over 100 and maxed out the timer. That's what makes hltb so great, it takes an average based on people from a wide variety of skill levels, it gives you a good estimate on how long a game takes.
Intro credits are not the same as ending credits.
>Its great that you completed FFVII in 41 hours, some people have done it in 36 hours, others took over 100 and maxed out the timer. That's what makes hltb so great, it takes an average based on people from a wide variety of skill levels, it gives you a good estimate on how long a game takes.
Oh, so that means that DQ XI and Persona 5 can be over 100 hours for some people and trying to force a one-time fits all, "no that doesn't count because this website says differently" is pointless and you fucked yourself. Cool.
Oh so you go by whatever is the lonest possible time? Cool to know that you think it takes upwards of 80 to even 100 hours just to finish FFVII with none of the optional stuff.
Not really, just saying that you trying to say "No, that doesn't count because I'm only going by average times" is retarded.
The point is that the average times serve as a sort of objective viewpoint for how long a game is by creating an average between people who speed through shit, and those that loligag around for dozens of hours doing a bunch of optional shit.
There are 3 different times (minus the useless 4th time: all styles) for a fucking reason on that site, so you can get a close estimate based on your play style, whether you just go for main story, go for some extras on the side, or go for full completionist.
Sure, DQXI can be over 100 hours for some to just finish the main story an nothing else, but that's not the common number, so it shouldn't be used as the rule, same for why rush times shouldn't be used as the rule, 55 hours is a reasonable average of both ends and all the in between. Fuck, I remember anons complaining that the game was short when they were at the halfway point or rather the end of act 1 with only like 20-25 hours back when it first came out, and act 2 is the same length, which means they should have finished at around 50 hours.
Technically any game can be over 100 hours, I clocked over 100 hours into Zelda Twilight Princess as a kid, but I'm not going to act like that was some super long game, because I know I just spent a bunch of time fucking around.