>Steam is base-
Defend this, Gabe cocksuckers
Steam is base-
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>some trash tier meme game doesnt get released on a store
o no
>Shit game isn't coming out.
No there's already a thread fuck off to it
/pol/tardetties on eternal copewatch
based and redpilled
It was a shit game, I'm glad it got pulled, they should remove all shit with mostly negative reviews and meme games like Dream Daddy
Now add Rape Day not shipping on Steam to your pasta.
Based AF
>>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
Bad PR is a valid reason to fire a PR person. Not a problem.
>>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
totally fine
>>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
who cares
>>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
totally fine
>>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
bad, but GDQ is shit anyway so who cares
>>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
totally fine
>>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>Game stores must indiscriminately accept everything they are allowed to
I don't see the problem. This is one of the primary reasons stores exist. Might as well have a distributed P2P system for buying games if no standards are to be applied.
Valve will pay dearly for this.
Right now as we type, dozens of prominent gaming youtubers will record a video saying how upset they are.
Oh no no no no, what the fuck my fellow Steambros? I thought Valve was safe from SJWs. They were supposed be better than Epic Store, what happened? it's not fair! Steambros rise up, we must take Steam back!
And then we'll buy their shirts to support the rise up.
>t. seething steamcuck incel
You can still buy the game, just not on Steam. Its not a big deal.
white incels btfo
Steam for AAA only, fuck indie VN.
I get it. Steam is too scared about negative attention by the media to want it on their platform. The line about respecting expression seems like they just didn't want to deal with backlash from faggots. They are weak but it doesn't seem to be malicious.
holy based
>replying to discord kikes
Resetera here. Just came by to remind you that we win every single time. First we btfo pesos, now we've btfo incels and soon well btfo all straight white males. Just face it, were the new face of gaming. Get on the right side of history while you still can.
Don't worry OP I'm sure Epic store will pick up that hot exclusive
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO
Either way, I won.
Hail to the king, baby
Based measured response poster
rape is bad
you're move :^)
Its pretty obvious it would be a tad controversial to have a game with the word rape in it on your store
So you can kill people in hatred and commit mass murder in gta but this is drawing the line for us moral upstanding gamers I am glad this distinction is being made
Jesus Christ you sound appalling user.
Naked Butler, Melty's quest, Evenicle and other games with content just as bad as this garbage are still up on steam.
They don't give a fuck, they just didn't like the bad pr
>Shitty less than zero effort Ren'py VN that blatantly tries to sell on controversy gets removed from Steam but if course we have contrarians with less brain activity than that of a brain dead person getting mad over it.
OneAngryGamer article bitching about this when?
Probably because hatred was still an actual game and the main objective wasn't slaughtering civilians, they were like a power up because you got health from executions. This is just a virtual comic book about rape.
Well epic, now's your time to shine. Give Rape Time a chance!
Yes it’s much better because Hatred actively rewards the player for committing mass murder what was I thinking I wouldn’t want people to think mass murder was something they would not be rewarded for
Good. Sexual harassment and assault will never be normalized and neither will pedophilia. Your safe spaces are shrinking incels. Soon, Yea Forums won't even be around. Your days are numbered.
Way to conveniently ignore 90% of my post. Hatred was still at its heart an isometric shooter that people might actually play and enjoy, this is a rape comic book for people with a rape fetish.
It’s good to know people will be able to enjoy the mass murder simulator and not the rape simulator we wouldn’t peoples priorities getting mixed up
This, I'll just buy all my baby-raping necrophilia games from Epic now instead!
>"Poses unknown costs and risks"
What happened to "anything goes as long as it isn't illegal"?
Bunch of posers. First they make that high and mighty announcement, acting like some kind of champions of free speech, and as soon as they learn that porn games have porn in them they freak out and back down.
But neither is a simulator. One is a game with actual objectives outside of killing civilians, the other is a glorified comic book about rape. I can understand why steam would sell one and not the other. Also I personally don't give a fuck, just trying to explain to autismos like yourself how the two are very different beasts.
Mass murder is objectively worse than rape and every legal system on the planet reflects this. There's no reason to allow Hatred and not allow Rape Day.
They just removed it because of PR backlash and wanted to save their behinds. Its not because of them being sjw like SNOY. Nothing to see here folks.
The objective of hatred is to kill people and the game ends when you trigger an atomic detonation ending countless lives
But hey at least some chick wasn’t raped before she was vaporized right
Why the fuck would they add this to the store? You would have to be mental
Rape is illegal, retard
Either you're being intentionally obtuse or you're literally autistic so we'll just have to agree to disagree.
I love it when rape cunt get fucked by the system LOL in fact if you like rape so much why do we start tracking you animals and putting you in rape camp to see how much you really like rape i'm sure by a week you will be begging to leave but we won't we just rape you harder till you die or accept your wrong and stop being asub human trash...maybe not most of you would lie let's just rape you to death instead.
Bros wtf is happening, how are woke levels this possible.
>Steam allows Rape day on
>SJWs wont stop bitching and whining
>Other talentless hacks make similar porn games and put them up
>Steam gets flooded with crappy porn games and becomes a second Nutaku
I'm happy they didnt let this one through. Now if only they'd remove the rest of that porn garbage
The problem is, all it takes is one person in a meeting room to say "this is maybe sort of kind of illegal in one state or one country somewhere" for them to say it's an "unknown risk".
Things depicting porn aren't illegal though, double retard.
Hatred was an actual game that took some actual effort to make. Rape day looks like the autistic scribblings of a rape fetishist. If hatred had been a glorified comic book about murder I doubt it would have seen the light of day on Steam.
You forgot your first line
>Steam specifically makes a big post about allowing all porn games as long as they are not illegal (CP)
I don’t think valve should be forced to publish it. There’s nothing stopping the Rape Day devs from publishing outside of steam or distributing it on their own.
so, if enough people drum up enough noise steam will remove a game?
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
ESA doesn't have this problem
Oh so it’s about effort now and not the content I am enjoying this slowly degrading argument of yours
Women not being able to make a profit off their body is far worse than murder. Rape is roasticide
How do you think Bloodborne got removed
That was your argument, retard. In my first reply to you I stated that it was because hatred was an actual video game and not a shitty comic book.
Yeah unlike making games for consoles, devs can just make a website and sell it there.
I thought it was because hatred had objectives not about killing people which it doesn’t but if you want to argue about effort in a project explain half of steams dumping ground of a library they don’t have some quality seal of approval you can buy literal stolen asset games from Chinese sweat shops on steam
>durrr hurrr hurr
Fuck off inceloid. I've seen retards like you trying to make your argument but the simple fact is that the society you live in, and hates you, sees things like rape and child murder as more taboo than regular murder.
No amount of fedora tipping arguments about morals will change that so either accept it or go shoot up a mall already and become an hero.
Yea, actual objectives aka an actual video game that might be fun to someone who doesn't beat off to rape porn visual novels. Goddamn you're stupid.
>Rapelay moral outrage part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Le sigh
>He support ABORTION
>He support murder
>He support rape
Pure scum your not even human your a animal that needs to be killed on sight.
>Literally who shitty porn game about doing something illegal and whose only thing is shock value isn't coming out on steam
Good to see at least some sort of curation there
Rape is also illegal fuck nuts not just cp
Why the fuck is porn allowed on steam in the first place?
An argument requires you to actually make a counter point but you’re incapable of doing that so it’s mostly me just talking to you like you’re a retard Cope.
desu it looked like it was a lazy game shat out to cash in on the controversy.
I wonder. Is Yea Forums REALLY dead now that this post and the posts about Resetera winning keeps popping up? Do they really rule all of gaming these days?
Cope with what? Hatred was awesome and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I don't "play" visual novels for incels and I won't have to waste my time scrolling past this retarded shit. Seems to me you're the one who's seething.
>waaaaah why aren't you taking my retarded "arguments" seriously waaaaaaah
No one has time to state the obvious, incel.
You guys are so scared of the SJW boogieman that you're putting your morals aside just to "stick it to the SJWs!". This is dangerous because you're willing to agree to ANYTHING that you think is against these faggots.
I never heard about Resetera outside of Yea Forums
Keep instigating their persecution complex so that they get even more invested in the "culture war". It's hilarious to see them seethe.
Rape is never ok and i don't need faggots like SJW to tell me what is right it's plain fucking obvious you blind sheep!
You can’t even explain coherently what distinguishes the two legitimately. It’s not a matter of time for you it’s a matter of genuine inability.
You’ll come to terms with it one day kid.
These threads really do further highlight just how many fucking retards we have infecting this board.
Yea Forums really does have so many fucking gullible morons infecting it if they couldn't see this was obviously just an attempt to make easy money with a no effort piece of shit with making a controversy.
Why do you keep posting this, retard? You and your discord of trannies keep getting BTFO every time you post it.
>Steam blocks literal trash from their store
Same, if I didn't come to Yea Forums i wouldn't even know resetera exists
delusional cope
I bet that it may be one of those niggas who made the game to further the controversy to stick it up to SJWs and protect muh freedom of expression
I dunno. This thread seems to be trolls trolling trolls. Given the amount of posts supposedly from Resetera declaring victory over Steam getting rid of an obvious troll game.
Doesn't matter if the game is shit, retard. They're banning it for the wrong reasons. Rape Day was approved at first and it was only after SJWs chimped out that they had to take it down.
You'd have a case if it never saw the light of day but it was almost released.
>heh, nothin personell kid
Yea, you sure showed me.
Am I suppose to feel bad that this shit game won't be on steam?
Who said I support any of those things? Take it easy pal
Fuck that
Morals are for the weak and easily exploited
You’ve yet to show me a real point. Personal insults are a copout, but maybe they help you cope.
Seethe more. No man will ever love your mutilated penis, faggot.
Holy seethe!
>twitter mutants are mad because Valve didnt kiss enough ass while blocking rape game
>Yea Forumsirgin insects upset because theyll have to buy their shitty rape VN somewhere else
no one wins, fuck video game """culture"""
You dumb nigger
Good. Fuck gobbo trash.
How much of those posts praising Resetera are unabashed SJWs trying to raid Yea Forums and how much of it is just plain old Yea Forums trolling?
Yet another reason to be a based centrist
>be edgy teenage faggot
>care about a coorporation not wanting "Rape" to be on their platform
>proceed to be a whiney little edgy faggot about it
thats you OP
I'd rather kill myself than join tranny discord
Games aren't real, retard.
>>care about a coorporation not wanting "Rape" to be on their platform
but there are a number of uncensored rape games on steam
>HE's that doped up on hormone pills that HE uses the same word right after I use it
Bravo, brainlet!
This is a spambot
>no rape allowed
How Islamophobic!
I responded to every vaguely legitimate point you tried to make, then you tried to convince me that I was changing my argument and I pointed out that my argument was consistent. That was about the time you started responding with "cope" and "you'll understand one day, kid" in lieu of actual arguments. Sorry to break it to you buckaroo, but you're a shitty debater.
All this publicity can only be good for the rape day devs
you don't even known what the fuck you're talking about
show me some examples
Have any of you jackasses looked up this ‘Rape Day’?
It’s some shitty western porn
>Much of our policy around what we distribute is, and must be, arbitrary
There you go.
and they should be removed FUCK RAPE TRASH TO HELL!
Shh, we're too busy acting outraged and persecuted because of those meanie SJWs.
>fuck video game """culture"""
that's just social media and, by extension, internet culture in general
Do you stab your mom in the ass while you fuck her edgy?
I don't really get people who buy games just to "stick it to the SJWs"
To me this is all that seems to happen.
>Game comes out and triggers SJWs
>People buy it to show those SJWs what for
>Game is shitty
>SJWs never know you bought the game
>All that has actually happened is you part with your money and you have shitty game
Like sure showed those SJWs by buying a shitty game.
I'd rather just keep my money and spend it elsewhere than care enough about trying to offend some easily offended retards.
you guys are worse than SJWs
Which is synonymous with video game culture at this point.
Don't tell the retarded journos that are browsing this thread.
>I'm a retard that seriously thought they'd distribute a game about violent rape
Please give yourself over to the nearest mental institution. You are detached from reality.
even has loli rape
U mad?
the finalpill is there is no blackpills, redpills, or bluepills. childish dramatics coupled with soulless teamthink need no political identity, they're just traits of a weak conscious
So edgy LMFAO!
You never made a single valid point. There are games of even lower effort than Rape Day and just as reprehensible. I get that you’re angry, most stupid people get angry when they encounter something they don’t like.
That's not the point, the point is Steam is already breaking its policy again.
They think that they're sending a message to all developers that they should have rape and mysogony in their games or whatever. It's pathetic.
Yea Forums never looks up anything just look at all those stupid fake articles that end up 500+ posts.
I looked at the images of this trash earlier and fucking burst out laughing at how bad they looked.
we just want them to be consistent
You're not convincing anybody by dogpiling this thread, discord faggot.
Cope n seethe, retard!
No, you don't. If Valve started consistently banning loli and rape trash, you'd be crying about how they're cucks lol
This is the best you're gonna get, sweetie.
Nice meme edgy did you stomp on some dogs today?
>Valve started consistently banning loli and rape trash,
U mad?
>Check Twitter
>People are mad at valve for saying "We didnt sell it because I we didn't want to get sued".
>SJW mad on twitter even though they got what they wanted.
>Dev said he'd distribute it anyways.
>Epic-kikes on full force trying to slam valve when in all honesty Epic probably wouldn't have put it on their store anyways.
What a beautiful little shitstorm.
Realistically speaking there should be a seperate portal/site that sells the Ecchi/porn games it’s difficult to moderate if all of it is mixed together.
That's what I'm saying. If they started being consistent and banned that game too, you'd cry even harder.
So you did stomp on dogs today i see edgy did you also rape a 90 yer old women yet?
>buying porn on Steam
Just pirate this shit
That moment when you realize that rape day was created for the sole purpose of bringing us back to the rapelay drama.
U cope seethe?
resetera always wins baby
Jokes on you. I already bought Evenicle.
It's probably not even going to be worth a pirate.
I can already tell what's going to happen.
>Game comes out
>Some retards here buy it
>Claim it's great
>Somebody pirates it and posts it here
>Images posted of the game
>Everybody laughs at how bad it is and mocks those who bought it
>It's forgotten about week or 2 later
It's a flask i know.
Absolutely BASED.
see >retards make an asset flip cash grab with "rape" in title
>useless twitter retards start screeching and want the gubbermint to rate games
>the shitty cash grab is removed before things can escalate in a reactionary way they always do
valve did the right thing, you'd have to go back to pirating your loli games if they did literally anything else
Yup. The only winners are those who are in on the jape. SJWs and and their detractors are just the puppets.
>game is called RAPE DAY
>shitty half assed Renpy game that is basically a glorified VN with shitty art
>cheap cash grab that plays on controversy
>low quality, low effort
Gee, I wonder why Valve didn't want that in their store. It is almost like it certainly wasn't worth the trouble it would bring.
Where is that user who said he played it? Did you manage to zip it?
Who was raped?
There was no way in hell that was ever gonna make it onto the steam store, to be frankly honest.
>valve did the right thing,
nope when you bend under pressure like that all SJW's is keep pushing they're already complaining that steam did bow hard enough
They let a massive flood of disgusting games that are just as low effort and stupid and mindless
This game got the ax specifically because it’s got rape in the title
This game was such minimum effort trash I can't believe the creator had the gall to try and charge money for it.
You know those random meme VNs like Kramer's Hentai Quest and Gordon Ramsey Dating Simulator? That's basically the amount of effort that went into this game.
How anyone could in good conscience charge money for a game that takes less than 30 minutes to beat and has no replay value is beyond me. What a fucking scam.
>Before it was Jack Thompson
>Now it is leftists
Moral Panics are always bullshit
Yes. Because it had rape in the title. That is exactly why and it is perfectly understandable.
Not only was it low effort and low quality, the biggest sin of this game is that it had NO TACT. It was DELIBERATE rage bait. The game developers were purposely trying to generate controversy to make a quick buck from the people who would buy their shitty VN for a few dollars just to "meme".
Those other games you mentioned are low effort and low quality, but at least they had the common decency to be low profiile and get buried into the pile of shit.
>This game was such minimum effort trash I can't believe the creator had the gall to try and charge money for it.
If Valve had axed it because it was low quality and they demand their rape games to meet minimum quality standards, I'd call them based.
They didn't though, it was all about "rape is bad, boo hoo hoo".
>>>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>totally fine
t. fag
I agree completely but it is ridiculous to praise steam either way since it’s clear it’s just a CYA moment, they clearly don’t care, a lot like YouTube and the CP videos they deliberately not only left up but monetized and collected money from for months despite knowing what was in them.
This. Have an up-front fucking deposit of $50,000 to list your game on Steam so memeshit doesn't clutter the store up.
>they're already complaining that steam did bow hard enough
and? they'll whine for another few minutes and then fuck off to another imagined scandal, because the bad game with "rape" on the package is gone
Censorship is bad. If you don't oppose it, you need to die. It's that simple.
I am not praising steam for it. I just don't think it is "onions steam". It was a perfectly reasonable decision no matter from what point of view you look at, be it "community-wise" or "business-wise".
It was garbage. But it wasn't just garbage, it was garbage on fire and the smell was going to get all over the place.
>and? they'll whine for another few minutes and then fuck off to another imagined scandal,
Nope now that they know they can push they will keep pushing
Can't imagine being so contrary that you want to give some lazy japs money for a "game" that they spent literally hours making just because you think you're going to "btfo the cucks!"
>Censorship for rape
Yes yes and yes fuck rapefaggots.
I don't think any reasonable person is praising them. Just SJWs and incels REEEEEing and normal human beings shrugging.
Have you fags even seen Rape Day? It's complete fucking trash.
I'd rather play yet another cheap RPGMaker game I nicked off of DLSite than that shit. Not to mention the devs are fucking retards to did it for the controversy bait.
>If Valve had axed it because it was low quality and they demand their rape games to meet minimum quality standards, I'd call them based.
They would have to axe half of the contents of their store as well though.
they didn't get t rid of it because it was trash they got rid of it because REEEE RAPE
this is not the first and not the last time you retard, they're after the outliers
you can masturbate in the depths of your room as much as you want and no-one will bat an eyelid, but if you start doing it in front of a kindergarten, someone will eventually voice their disapproval
Reminder that libertarians are the fucking worst kind of hypocrites.
Not being allowed to do whatever you want isn't censorship. If you can't abide by rules, then you face the consequences.
It is a private store with a set of rules and standards.
>approve it
>people that don't play games reee
>delete it
What is this shit?
have you? where'd you see the game?
>If you don't oppose it, you need to die.
sounds like censorship to me m7
>with a set of rules and standards.
rules and standards that even steam doesn't even follow
A private owned company can do whatever they want with their platform and if you oppose that you're a commie.
It's that simple
>Approve it
If you're pro-censorship, it's only logical that your opinions get censored. You volunteered for it, after all.
>this is not the first and not the last time you retard, they're after the outliers
kara no shoujo was a outlier?
Yeah exactly. The controversy bait.
I have no doubt in my mind that hundreds of games have rape in steam just hidden because the devs didn't flaunt it around like retards.
Copy the whole thing. The "cache:" part too.
This. Free market, bitches. If Valve deems your shit game's bad PR more trouble than the profits it will bring then it is their right to remove it.
So? Most of the shit on Steam is crap asset flips.
I'm just sitting on the sidelines laughing at the incels REEEEing this is the greatest entertainment I've seen in years.
go home normalfag
>because the devs didn't flaunt it around like retards.
if the only thing that stop steam form banning those games is a lack notoriety then it's only a matter of time this also goes against steam's own rules
>epic game store
>not itch.io
clearly satire
They could have coasted by just like all the other retarded incel games did. There are games with worse content, frankly.
Those idiots got axed because they didn't follow the very simple rule of "havin fucking tact".
They were deliberately trying to cause controversy and shake the boat. Well, congratulations, they did it, so now they pay the price for being in the spotlight.
Valve is a business so it will make business oriented decisions. It will not take heat for a low tier meme game VN that is probably gonna generate not even a thousand bucks. Anyone that faults them for that must be some sort of child or man child that has no idea what a business is or how to run it.
It is simply that this game wasn't worth at all the trouble. It wasn't worth even 1% of the trouble it deliberately tried to create.
I can't in good conscience fault a company for making a perfectly reasonable business decision, especially when neither them nor I stood to gain from it.
If they were blocking a solid, quality game that I wouldn't be able to easily play because of this, it would be a different story.
fucking thank you holy shit all these news fuckers don't post a single thing proving how bad this game actually is
But it is so fun watching these retards throw their money away on trash and pretend its great
if they wish to be hypocrites by all means but don'
t get mad when people call them out for it
>If they were blocking a solid, quality game
they have banned a number of high quality VN's over the lest few month
>steam page up
>high reviews
>google shows a pedoera thread, the game murdering ass-jay-doobya stronghold
>not even they can be arsed to give a fuck
not sure what you're trying to prove
it is a fact that no-one would give a shit about rape day if it didn't have "rape" in the name and no-one will miss that shovelware, no-one wants to die on this hill
"Muh Free Market" doesn't make it okay to explicitly say one thing and do the opposite of it. Valve are liars and hypocrites, no way around it.
>>steam page up
try kara no shoujo 2
>unknown costs and risks
Translation: This shit game purely made to poke the hornet's nest isn't worth the long term headache it's going to give us.
I said games, not VNs.
Muh rights to rape right? FUCK OFF AND DIE!
Rape is the best, its why any of us even exists.
>unknown costs and risks
that odd I didn't see that in the rules of forbidden content as it easily get anything controversial banned at whim
content is content if a vn is banned for its content what makes you think they are going to let a game pass?
It is called common sense. Like other people here said, plenty of games that have content similar or worse in the trash pile of the dark places in the Steam Store that aren't banned, simply because the developers weren't retards that thought their shitty game could make them a couple hundred easy bucks if they lit a fire.
Why does rape make you uncomfortable? Rape is fun, just like murder, robbery, arson, torture etc. things that games are full of. What's wrong with specifically rape?
Imagine being so pathetic that you make a thread solely for so that you can samefag your own thread with this pasta.
>It is called common sense. Like other people here said, plenty of games that have content similar or worse
and with this latest action steam is telling us that the only reason these games are still around is because the right people haven't seen them yet its only a matter of time
I am not arguing that point. If you follow the posts, you will see that my statement refered to the fact that I don't care about this because it didn't cost me anything.
Valve gets to stay out of trouble and all that cost was that I won't see some shitty "meme" rape Renpy game on the store.
It is not like they were blocking Sengoku Rance.
This game wasn't banned because it had rape. Other games have rape in it and they are still in the store.
This game was banned because it deliberately drawed attention to itself in a misguided attempt to sell through controversy. It backfired. They were retards and got what they wanted, but they bit more than they could chew.
I want to believe that a bigger, better game wouldn't behave in such a retarded fashion.
This just makes the line clear for steam games honestly. Don't make a massive PR tirefire using steam as your platform, while also selling a asset flip-tier trash heap, and you're fine.
Well yes. Is there anything wrong with that? If your game has contentious content in the public eye and you're releasing it on Steam then play by the rules and don't make it a PR mess by flaunting said content.
What? Do you want to start some dumb crusade where you list all the games on steam with rapw in it and make a gigantic shitshow about it just to prove a point?
doesn't look like it was ever released on steam at all
i'd expect you to come up with an entire wall of banned steam games, you seem like you'd have an entire pasta ready to post
>This game was banned because it deliberately drawed attention to itself
that shouldn't be enough to get a game banned if it is then the rules matter fuck all
This wasn't some secret game that got found out. It was a game called RAPE DAY. It was screaming for attention.
It didn't even have the good sense of being good so it could be worth weathering the storm.
This game wouldn't have made even a thousand bucks. I will say it again:
It makes perfect sense for Steam to wash their hands off this game. It wasn't worth the trouble. Steam is a private business, anyone with common sense would have done the same.
You really think that ANY company would have chosen RAPE DAY as their hill to die on? Hell, I doubt a single person that isn't hiding behind an "anonymous" name on the internet would defend it.
It was just an objectively bad investment both from a business and from a community point of view.
Stop getting upset on principle and try to see the reason in this.
>This just makes the line clear for steam games honestly
Yeah, the line is "literally anything can get banned if some bunch of SJWs raise enough of a stink about it".
You are right, it wasn't enough to be just that. It was many things.
It was a combination of:
>Being absolute shit in every single way
>Being controversial
>Being high profile
>Being fucking cheap
Because we've been to nazi world before and got off that ride.
Pink hair only makes it a worse place to be.
>Well yes. Is there anything wrong with that? If your game has contentious content in the public eye and you're releasing it on Steam then play by the rules
They literally did. There is no part in Steam's rules that says "don't make a PR stink". They didn't break a single one of Steam's written rules. And they got fucked anyway.
Why is this such a common thing to fuck up?
>>>Being absolute shit in every single way
so many games like this on steam right now
>Being controversial
>Being high profile
>Being fucking cheap
none of these are against the rules and if they are I know a lot of games that should be banned
You are right. "Don't make a PR stink" shouldn't need to be written down. It should be basic knowledge and common sense. You'd have to be a special kind of retard to think that game was going to fly with the amount of aggro it got while it the same time being absolutely DISGUSTING, LOW QUALITY, VN GARBAGE.
low IQ people
day of the rope? more like day of the rape am I rite?
Not making a PR clusterfuck is common sense you idiot.
I wouldn't start up a business and advertise it by shitting in the middle of the commercial district.
Yeah? What other games are as controversial as this one while being similarly low effort and are still in the store?
based and unironically redpilled
bad rats
so a pornographic furry visual novel is ok but not a fictional raping game
Phones, phoneposting, and low IQ shitters.
based based poster
>never actually released on steam
>caught in rejection crossfire between literal shovelware
>1st game still on steam no problem
seems like a case of glaring incompetence instead of sjw
Hatred isn't nearly as controversial. Murder isn't considered as controversial as rape. You might not agree with that but it is the reality. Society finds rape to me more controversial than murder, regardless of what you or I think.
Bad rats is shit, not controversial.
Like I said, this game was CHEAP, SHIT, HIGH PROFILE and VERY CONTROVERSIAL all at the same time.
>seems like a case of glaring incompetence instead of sjw
why not both?
and possible reason could they have to ban VR kanojo
>You are right. "Don't make a PR stink" shouldn't need to be written down
Yes it should you faggot. Rules that aren't written aren't actual fucking rules.
Shhhh. Dont worry niggers
Once pedophiles and pedoplilia become legal and poor oppressed people held down by white men the next logical step is legalized rape
>But no way. Women wou...
Well now the left lets men compete in womens sports and lets them BTFO of women. Not too far off from claiming rapists are poor victoms of society and some "women" deserve it. I mean. You probably wouldn't expect feminist to allow trans rights. Yet they pretty much did
The left wants all degenerate behavior legal to some degree.
Seek help you should me watched for our personal safety
It's a flask i know.
Why are we acting like this is the first rape game ever when it's probably over one hundred thousandth by now?
>Hatred isn't nearly as controversial.
it was for its time it was release during the height of GG and it maker was pro GG on top of the fact it was banned for while on steam until gabe himself had to get involved to get it unbanned
wtf i love leftists now!
And those games should be removed and the users who made them should be banned and put in a rape camp till he dies.
If you fags want to stick it to steam so much then go make a game with 10/10 gameplay but as controversial as possible with the rape. I don't know if it will ever happen but warching the industry implode would be hilarious.
Don't dodge the question bitch, answer it. Why is rape so much worse in your mind than all the other horrible shit in the world? Or are you advocating that games like GTA5 (which include and have the player commit all the rest on that list) should be banned too?
Don't dodge the question. Think hard and answer. Do you even know why it bothers you? Or is it just a knee-jerk reaction?
>With rape
Rape is wrong sir.
I wish Steam would get rid of all the other shit games so it stops being a shovelware service.
For thoughtcrimes?
Why do you ask question when you know the answer? if you need to ask that question seek help.
for rape
>actual literal unironic communists expect a company to not do what it deems in its own best interests
I'll be giving away free helicopter rides for weeks.
There are already rape games that are legitimate 10/10 games. This has never been about quality, it's just SJWs going WAHH RAPE IS BAD WAHHH WAHH while simultaneously pretending it's substantially different from virtual murder somehow.
>There are already rape games that are legitimate 10/10 games.
If you think this truthfully and not to bait (You)s I suggest a noose you fucking weeb trash.
we want them to follow the rules they made
I don't know the answer because I see nothing wrong with rape games. Rape games are fun and should be free to sell. You apparently disagree, so you need to justify yourself. I don't think you can though, because you haven't actually thought about this at all, you're just reacting.
Good thing I only play indie games.
It is not worse. Its just evil. So is murder. Yet you could say what rape and what murder
Drugging a girl and raping her is evil. Yes. Yet not as evil as beating kidnapping and raping a little child. Not all rape is the same. Not all murder is
However. In terms of actual rape (not feminist bullshit fake rape) theres no reason for it. It's always evil. Yet with murder you can have mistakes. Self defense. Etc
Theres no way you can legally or morally claim you had to rape someone and that you accidentally the entire vagina
Both are bad. However murder has situations where it can be forgiven.
Sweet can i ride your dick during?