Why aren't you playing a Live2D game?
It's what the big boys are doing
Why aren't you playing a Live2D game?
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That character looks a lot like me irl.
This looks fucking disgusting
Only with Live2D, can you get this effect
If I looked like that I would stream on Twitch all the time.
Or this
you have down syndrome?
Would resetera söÿs be pushing pro fat agenda? Go back to tumblr.
It's too bad that Maat is literally the worst attacker in the game. Worse than most 4 stars. Also
>Not modding your Destiny Child.
Being gay should be illegal
Literal cuckold paypig games
Meant to say that dark Maat specifically. Light Maat is a great healer, second only to Syrinx.
I missed the miku event so why even bother playing now
If you looked at this, would you stream on Twitch?
What does she look like in the game? Someone post a webm of her.
needs more core values
No I looked at it and I still wouldn't stream
Cant wait till this version of her comes to Global.
There are 3 Mikus
Jesus that's hot
I would rather have sex with Raitatrash than this
Why not make them 3d models
Gacha is for insectoids, play some real eroge.
Can't do this stuff
Big boys don't play weeb trash.
Here's a women that would suit your taste better then.
What gacha is this?
yeah you can, you just need a significantly more talented person
>Still not in global
Why god.
You can draw the Mona Lisa in MSPaint too
None of these games seem to have any decent gameplay.
Keep telling you guys since before Global, just go KR
KR is better if you're just in it for collecting. They give out waifus much easier
>f2p jew since day one of global
>spent 40k crystals on dark maat banner
>not a single 5*
It was my first and last gacha game, but boy does it feel good to play actual video games again.
that's a boy, yes?
She's got a pretty low hanging penis.
but i'm already playing one.
Most popular in KR
That link looks really good, what is it? Hope it's not a VN.
is there a version of her without guns
and how will I collect if I can't understand the skills?
You must be BLIND? That's a character with BIG BOOBS, yet you think it looks bad?? only homosexuals apply their aesthetic standards for non-booby characters to booby characters, what are you doing my man! If you dont think adding biggie boobies to a 5/10 design with a 2/10 artstyle automatically bumps it up to a 10\10 you need to get your penis checked.
Hildr needs her guns
The effect of highlights not changing with movement?
Is this on DMM's site? Name?
its not that level of difficulty my man
most dont, they just scatch several different itches people have (collecting, cute designs, sense of exslusivity and accomplishment)
Is there a version of that with a better background?
Can i play this shit on the appstore kr what, i got hard ftom this tobehinest
Anything is possible with cgi. Live2D is shit.
English patch is pretty up to date
and there's the English database website
Do y'all really think these fucking abominations look good?
>big tiddy gay
Join the 42% of death discord trannies
What are you thinking of?
>Anything is possible with cgi.
Don't even need cgi
You can draw every Pixar movie frame by frame with MSPaint.
This is very close to perfection. They just need to fix the face and not make it anime.
Found one!
Yeah, this makes it uncanny for me
buzz off roastie
This game must be dying
Where can I download this game
tweening is so shitty.
Oh boy, swetie, you do realize people have used y'all way before whatever that is friendo. Let that sink in.
thanks for the dump!
Trash artstyle.
Because I'm trying to make my own
general can hook you up consider a non-global version
These tits are great but the animation in these webms are so fucking offputting. Meet 'n fuck had better animation.
sure you can, just getting gifs is barely satisfying because you can't do much with them
oh boy i sure do like my waifus being completely unresponsive
Holy shit, proper highlights!
maybe you prefer static
I do.
Wish i could read Korean for Last Origin. Dem areolaes
low test faggot
Get the fuck out of this site
Is this game animated by the same guy that animated amourous?
because I don't play waifu shovelware
yes, an am*rican
because porn is free and gacha shit is horrible
Been playing this for about a month now, got both Snow Mikus but never got the superior original.
It hurts.
Also fuck free tickets, they always give me the non-lewd shit
such a body needs a more mature face
What game is this my fellow anons? Is it fun?
wait, I found one
Meh have you seen the Venus of Willendorf?
Even in 28,000 BCE dudes were all about that shit.
Some things never change
her face isn't nearly as much of a potato there
Who knows could be meant to be a different character.
Well i just installed destiny child. Dont have a computer for a week until new parts get here so I'm without porn or games so may as well kill 2 birds with one stone. Any tips?
one without blocks
Destiny Child
It's fun to look at and the protag is pretty amusing but for the most part you'll just leave the game on auto.
the blocks are part of her
What's the game called?
Thanks. I'll check it out
I dont have Facebook or any of these other login options its giving me, will guest login still save my progress
They know what they are doing
Because I play a 3d game
>Live 2d is shi-
anyone got uncensored?
>No gun motion
Also I like her non-s rank better desu.
/dcg/ will help you out
animations look horrendous. Why can't they make it more realistic and less ... robotic?
>tfw 3rd Dana from devil pass ticket
>tfw 1st Mars from chad summon
>unrealistic boob physics
They look like balloons. Only virgins would be fooled by that.
>retarded face
god how can anybody masturbate to this ghoulish horror?
This is what Eve looks like in KR/JP
this one is slightly better
She still has a retarded face though
looks like the shitty porn ads you see on shady sites
just give me static 2D or full 3D
Is it strange that all this stuff does for me is make me sad that there's basically no high quality fully animated porn games?
It's all still image VN's and potato quality art animations, I really wish that there were some higher budget, higher quality porn games that looked better.
Post bellybutton
this but unironicly
Why is almost nobody using Live2D euclid?
I want more people to use this.
all kinds of face styles in this game
Does this game actually have nudity or are those mods?
I don't even know what game this, I just know I want these girls to sit on my face
Can you inform me of any that aren't mobage with gatcha mechanics? I'd genuinely enjoy playing one with a fair pay model, ideally something single-player. I'm being genuine here in that I simply don't like mobile gaming or how they normally balance and monetize themselves, but I'd happily buy some random good Steam game I've never heard of that uses this tech.
Only a couple here are mods.
Most are actually in the game
is that the black blue/white gold dress meme
Probably. There are lots of weird design references in DC.
There are nipples here and there. One of which already posted.
Fire Emblem and Neptunia utilize Live2D
Get an English Patched Japanese version of Fire Emblem Fates
Definitely is.
There are all sorts of pop culture references in the graphics and text.
>have a short hair fetish
>Don't realy care for any of the webms posted so far
Where can I find all these other webms? All I can find are stills and mod files.
Because live2d is a fucking meme and 90% of the time it's configured poorly
There aren't many.
How short?
good fucking lord my dick
I have the actual game
And then I make them.
other webm bro here, how are you making yours. Quality on mine suck.
People also used sweetie long before faggots like you turned it into a retarded meme word.
best girl has short hair
tits ass and guns the trifecta of chadness
Is this gacha? Is this girl hard to get?
Yeah, Eve looks pretty damn awesome here.
Live2d porn when
biggest difference is frame rate
Higher frame rate = smoother animation
on phone:
mobizen (mp4) --> Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate (webm)
Wondershare isn't great, but it's quality-file size ratio is great for freeware
on desktop (emulator)
WebMCam-2.4.1-FFmpeg (set to 50 fps)
>Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate
Can't seem to find this on the store.
ravioli ravioli gimme the loli I deservioli
ignore am retarded.
Not out. Wait maybe a year.
Not out. Wait maybe half a year
Normally very hard to aim for specific previous Childs.
This week, there happens to be a focus banner, where you have a 0.0196% chance to get her per 11 pulls... yeah still not great.
Get the game and ask the modding channel in the discord which mod to apply.
Princess Miku = original Miku
they do very similar things
>not using 3D models so people could do sfms
Do you even get to fuck them? This seems pointless as fuck
Link to mod pack?
check /dcg/ on /vg/
You know Yea Forums is full of fucking niggers n juice. This art style is legit shit. If you think tits automatically make a girl sexy while her face looks like a 6 year old drew it you are stupid as fuck
I hate this cringe as fuck dumb shit tier art animation style. Almost as much as I hate the niggers who praise it because "LOL ITS SEXY". Half you fags are idiots of just cringe
God damnit its either resetgender fags or actual MRA Incel types on this board.
>being this obsessed about random groups of strawmen
They are technically.
>im just going to open my mouth randomly
That sweat looks like shit and there's far too much, looks more like some just dumped a bucket of water over her then sweating. Otherwise it's hot.
Bless you webm anons for your posts, only thing I can contribute
Live2d textures on 3d models.
Think about it.
user you might be a faggot.
Why can't actual games have good art? Why are all the character designers doing gacha shit?
High school teacher here
I caught the guy we all worry about (his IEP is a mile long) playing that game and I had to have a talk about how titty monsters aren't appropriate.
Then he took his Switch out and played Zelda 2
They do not pay me enough, anons
there's a hot spring feature in this game
Is there an animated version of this one?
Why would i pay a shit ton of money for a the chance of getting a character when i could just look at the webms for free online even nudes and porn?
The animation is really subpar : we can clearly see that they're trying to make them look as alive as possible but the still image it originates from restricts the animator too much...
I think I found a way to create actual 2D animation with as much detail & rendering without making it look as robotic! (I won't use it for degenerate stuff like this though)
Theres also nude hot spring mods if you know where to look.
I bet you like Shadman faggot
>he plays gacha
Literally subhuman
I don't play gacha/weebshit, nor would I pretend that any of these are close to 'games'.
Sure you have sweetie.
There isn't any game with established characters that I like which uses it yet. Call me again when there's a taimanin game that utilizes it.
I bet there are
Why wait for a franchise to catch up to new tech?
Go to a franchise that already uses Live2D. There are quite a few, many bigger than taimanin.
oWo wuts this?
when is she coming to global
Name? I only know this game in the OP, which, while the girls are indeed hotter than average, the art isn't really my cup of tea.
Source of this stream whore game?
I like how they hide the shitty animation with spastic movement.
There is an entire webpage that showcases what you're looking for.
>literally 9 categories and many more subcategories across the top
what's it called when you nitpick and that nitpick turns out to be a incorrect anyways?
I like boob skeletons.
Where are the porn live2d?
Why not play gacha games that have actual porn with their jpgs not just occasional nudity.
That's so fucking gross and pathetic.
>How about playing actual porn?
something for everyone
holy fuck look at those BEWBS
>Still havent adapted to 1080p or 2160p
Literally fucking sucks dick.
Some come out and theyre still 4:3
Fuck off with that shit
>questionable bulge
>vibrator tucked in thigh-highs
I have so many questions for this mobile game
They don't have big budgets so they focus on good art on a smaller resolution
Its a mod
We get Cammy this month, right?
I like cute boys.
There are actually tons of cute males in this game.
Destiny might laugh at you in a few months, user. Hahaha...
Lune and their oyakondon games turn me on a lot. We got one with elves, they particulary know how to make sex scenes very hot. I still fap to eroges and enjoy my mobiles user
MUH DICK. please tell me the artist draws real porn and not just gacha teases
what is the gameplay of this "game"
Because Magia Record STILL isn't translated
P-Post them.
The previous game was way better than the one with elves
Switching on turbo and hitting X to Ultradoubt, post massive tits or gtfo
He seems to work for Destiny Child only.
maybe next month
But I prefer elves +1 to non humans so that one was a lot better.
What? no.
The artist does stuff for Blade and Soul too you nibba
Fuck your dying the incel game
Because still not thick enough for my tastes
But they're getting closer
Leveling and rpg elements. Equipment you can upgrade etc. Actual gameplay consists of timing and choosing what skills are right for what you're going up against. If you don't like grind you probably wont like it, but even the early game is satisfying. Late game is just about stats. Story is really cute/nice though. Really well done.
Ah damn I knew I saw the art somewhere else but he doesn't draw porn I think.
he does
>want to play gacha with lewd art
>always gets censored when brought global
>don't want to support censorship
>don't want to download the gook version and read gook and fumble around the menu
My dick is sad.
How hard is it to get a character I want? Can I keep using my favorite or do I eventually have to switch to "the meta"?
Wait there is an english patch? for the korean version? does also translate the dialogues for events and story?
Some characters are going to be generally useless, but most characters have a use depending on what you want to do.
Because that design and artstyle is disgusting. And her face is fucking ugly too.
You can patch in the lewd sprites for Destiny Child
What's this game called again?
Guy doesnt do any porn.
Theres no R-18 on his pixiv.
You'd think for their promo video they'd go all out for an actually-talented animator.
holy fuck
Is there a gallery of all the animations somewhere?
My dick thanks you in advance brehs
Destiny Child
The fuck? Those are an S cup or more
You can easily find a live 2d tool and all the PCK files. Drag and drop and there you go.
You can see them at these sites
Very cool Kanye, thank you.
Yea Forums is now actually shilling fucking p2w gachashit
Just when i thought this board couldn't be any more dead
Can you uncensor the english one at least, reading events is what I like about these games.
Why does Santa have tiddies?
He's getting close....
And also the bust size 100 cm with a 161 cm height? That can't be correct.
Global version has had an uncensor patch since Day 0.
>there's even signs of pubic stubble
But you need to update the uncesor files each new character right?
What do I say to the retards in my discord server that hate on the art style everytime and think its disgusting.
Cartas sometimes genderswap for lulz
needs more visable aureole
>pubic stubble
You only need to update if there is a new censored child.
You need to be on discord if you want the fucking destiny child nude mods retard
I wouldn't mind getting Mammon'd all the time if he looked like that
Why the fuck are they on the Destiny Child discord server if they're going to shit on it?
Trolls as usual?
I ain't opening that shit but i bet they only show nipple bumps
You are correct
sounds like you need to find better discords
you can count on Destiny Child
Meet the Man Who Has Spent $70,000 Playing a Mobile Game
>only 70k
Small time.
ah, did you figure it out?
I like anime too, but this is some disgusting otaku pandering shit. No wonder japanese normies shun on otaku culture.
I remember playing one of those games a few years ago when it was in a school setting but it was cringe futa. Please tell me thats not the same with that one
Its not even japanese retard
Glad its not otaku then...
Its korean you mongoloid.
There is only one good example of live2d I've found so far
>Pic Related
the script is quite charming, if that's what you're asking
Because I have girlfriend i fuck everyday so i dont need to jerk it to drawings.
What game is this?
Are there are any actual games like this or just gacha trash?
>I like cute
got that covered
There was a website that kind of let you do the stuff that live2d does but much more simplified. I can't fucking remember it.
corean trash
no english version?
Are there any games like this in english? I havent played anything like this before and i want to indulge myself..
>it's another one of those warping a static image to make it look 3D animated
get fucked with this low effort shit
Wait DC finally has a fucking general? Been waiting over a year for this.
I like my anime titties but that artist is fucking trash, post some guns or boat bitches instead. (the chinese ones)
You're a few months behind because there has been a general since global launched.
Its literally not though you fucking retard
>implying it's not
>this is your mind on gacha and this user hasn't had his daily drop deposited to his account
>got her with the last of my crystals the day her banner ended
Not gonna lie that was pretty stressful.
Yeah its not, now suck my fucking dick like the worthless retarded cunt you are.
Gotta know which ones are worth stressing over
Like, you can snooze through the current Attacker Maat
You know you're just proving that it is, right?
Anyways, don't focus on it too hard or you'll miss your daily dose of staring at poorly drawn moving 2D potatoes.
right on!