Daily reminder to never apologize to SJWs

Daily reminder to never apologize to SJWs

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Kill yourself.

They lost my trust after bending over like faggots.

>tfw jim was right again

What did he say?

I am a proud SJW.

>not shitposting while taking a shit


Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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says hes on an Ipad dumb ass.

I love this, keep adding shit to the list, playboy. We need to add Rape Day being cancelled for release on steam to that list too.


Totalitarianism is great.

to never apologize to sjw's

Good thing all those companies and games are shit
>visual novels

>>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles

why is this important to you?

what is this legendary mobiuschan inci
you know what nevermind i don't care bye

Because /pol/tards seethe at it. It's good to see them seethe. Dab on any and all /pol/tards on your way.


is there any reason this meme uses adam cole, a conservative man, in a military family?

Trannies die, I laugh.

Why would I join "side"? Iim always hoping for another crash, which is unlikely, or for it to finally get bland enough in all facets so that I can give up vidya and devote time to my other hobbies. The various pissed off demographics of all sides help speed that along.
This is all great news to me.

American phone

>He doesn't use a laptop while shitting

I never gave any gamedev money and never will.

I'm not /pol/, nor seething. But that's kind of sad if that's your actual motivation.

>show taking place in Poland has the two whitest characters be brown purposely
I’m not even white and I’m bothered.

>meanwhile, 90% of the industry moves on as normal

neat winning side, you fucking Hon.

You forgot your avatar reset tranny.

Wait what did Klei remove?

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You seethe when your dildo falls out of your fake pussy

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honestly, I'm more interested in that oven/stove combo right now

I like it because the chant is obnoxious and dumb, so it fits with the rest of the post real well. Also, Undisputed Era and Reset Era, I'm guessing

there was a character that was more or less a typical scramble for africa nu-colonizer guy, at least that's what people claimed

>censor the fuck out of Darksiders 3, make it play like no other entry in the series, then back-peddle when people aren't buying it
>go onto a loli fucking forum and claim that they're based and totally right wing look how cool we are
>attempt to back-peddle on that the second trannys demand blood
>fail at that too
I have no sympathy. They tried to play both sides at the same time then tried sucking up to SJW's who are known to be less forgiving than this fucking hellhole. Fuck 'em.


That's how /pol/tards got here
>Not wanting unironic ResetErians to invade Yea Forums to accelerate this website's demise

What reason was there to remove an imaginary character from a game that doesn't take place on earth?

sjws win again baby


Thanks for the (you) :)

The developer said that it's because it's culturally problematic. The copy pasta isn't lying.

You have to admit that colonization is a bad thing and they were right in removing the character

If you've read your history books you'd know the atrocities colonization introduced

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I've been thinking about buying RDR2. Is it actually this SJW-influenced or is this post just reaching for examples?

I wonder who could be behind this post

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Fuck off tranny

The character was exclusive of the Hamlet update.
It was totally intentional

They can't handle it they shudder whenever they see nigger, faggot or tranny posted and need a cooldown

You tell me. Plenty of /pol/tards were seething at webm related. Does this make ya seethe?

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i still dont really see the sjw shit, except for sadie being an annoying token and an unlikeable bitch


Because it's a textbook case of blackwashing, the characters were explicitly mentioned to be white

It wasn't a bad thing. The contrary is true.

>It was totally intentional
No it really wasn't

>Patrick Klepek is the Senior Reporter at VICE Gaming, and he's been covering video games for more than 10 years. He secretly wishes he was writing about horror movies every day.
This gets an hell yikes from me.


It's over. They won.

>And above all... dumb white people

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bet you wouldn't say shit if it was an ottoman soildier or some shit

Okay /pol/ what's that supposed to mean?

It's pretty bad, especially given the time period. Is this the worst of it though?

Don't listen to him, he's just going to whataboutism you to death.


Now we're flopping their online and the game is forgotten, we won. Get woke no gold bars

Is Yea Forums being raided or is this just typical Yea Forums trolling itself as usual?

The only thing more appalling than colonizations is not to colonize at all. To have all of this technology, to be able to end easily preventable suffering and misery, would have been the greater atrocity.

Could you imagine if we didn't? We invent antibiotics and just horde it all to ourselves. Electricity. Adequate housing. Industry. Medical advances. All of it... And we let the people of the world continue on as they were?

Europe would be so far advanced compared to any other nation or people on the planet. I suppose you're okay with this because you're a white supremacist.

not really

What rights do trannies not have that everyone else does?

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Answer the question.

I'm sorry, but what kind of faggotry is this?

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Yeah. Oh, you also can't shoot Native Americans. But that's about it :)


, and That's a Good Thing

idk, but I would imagine there are some actual trannies on here. Trannies are strangely prevalent in video game """culture""" after all.

>17+ million copies sold
>This is somehow "broke"
The absolute cope of /pol/tardetties

>You have to admit that colonization is a bad thing
Based on what?
>If you've read your history books you'd know the atrocities colonization introduced
Hardly worse than what the locals did to each other before or afterwards

Baby is too problematic for trannies little minds.

how low is your iq that you don't understand what i posted?

nothing more reddit than this word

>yfw whites go extinct

>nothing more reddit than this word
Not an argument, /pol/fugee.

it's not even "woke" though. more like normie.


>whatabout reddit
He keeps doing it!

"muh whataboutism" isn't an argument either

Are they all key characters or some shit?

It took 8 years to make with non-stop overtime and their previous game sold 90 million+, it's a failure for them.

How come /pol/ can never back up any of their statements?

how come you can't back up this statement?

>don't associate your brand with honest to God pedophiles
This seems like a fairly basic rule of marketing, desu.

>le /pol/ bogeyman

And their standard of living was permanently increased. Even American slaves had it better than the natives if you think about it: whose descendants live in greater prosperity nowadays, free West Africans or Black American slaves?


Which is why big gaming celebrities are going out of their way to make it known where they stand.
Both Donkey Kong and Solid snake are trans rights supporters according to tumblr and they're going to really latch onto them as icons.

>no more gibs

Turn america into a crater already, I don't even care that I'm here please just do this planet a favor. This faggotry wouldn't happen anywhere else

West Africa is probably a bad example as its been torn apart by the hand colony, coups and mining corporations. East African Community territory is nice though.

those aren't rights tho?

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>Civilization collapses

There's no need to when the issue revolves around opinion, not fact.

you're free to be a man who dresses like a woman, but you're not free of the consequences of your actions.

How to alienate everyone in two easy steps:
1. Publicly embrace a site that half of people hate
2. Apologize for doing it so the other half also hate you

you read this as BYE BYE PENIS

I still don't think they would be enjoying the fruits of modern society even without colonialism though.

You're free to be a bigot, but dont expect not to accept the consequences of your actions.

"Trans rights" are literally the same as "Libra rights" or "Scorpio rights." All just a bunch of social constructs that people take too seriously.

No you're right, that's true. West Africa is a bit of a basketcase though, I was talking to one half black guy at a connecting flight airport once who got kidnapped by the DRC police for ransom due to being a westerner, and had to be liberated by the local militia. Meanwhile I had spent a few weeks in East Africa and it's chill as fuck.
Read the wikipedia article on the Congo Crisis for a wild ride. It has literally everything you could want out of a story.

Enjoy living with the fact David Hayter would through a tomato at your face.
That's a pretty sad existence.

"Men dressing like women" isn't even the issue though. It's "men dressing like women and insisting that they are women, with people expected to accept this or be shunned."

Because it's (((diversity))) in action and (((diversity))) is code for 'delete white people'

Newsflash, fuckers: A lot of you 'allies' are white or white-presenting as well and will be shoah'd along with the rest of us when you've served your purpose. Go read a non-biased history text about communism and marxism and you will quickly realize that you and everyone else involved with your joke of a cause are useful idiots for someone and you will all be disposed of after you've done what they've memed you into doing.

You can't demand nor gain respect by calling everyone bigots and forcefully inserting yourself into everything and wanting it centered around you.

Are you two retards not at all kept up with the news? This is a direct reply to the potential bill that would allow doctors to deny treatment to trans patients, essentially categorizing them as below a human level.


Yeah, I recently learned that there was a huge war in that region in the 2000's in which tons of people died, but no one ever talks about that. And Kenya's like a tourist destination.

Cringe tier post.
Based and Snakepilled

Legitimately schizophrenic /pol/tard spotted
Consider taking your meds

>washed up unemployed hack doesn't like me
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How will I ever deal with the fact that I have a job and he doesn't??

One not owe you respect, nor do you owe them and given that is a common occurence, as well the active manipulation of our youth in more liberal areas, don't expect any from anyone who knows what your kind and their enablers do.

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>running to your PC every time you want to check 4channel
Nah, im a phoneCHAD thank you very much

Why is it important to people to turn white characters into minorities?

>You have to admit that colonization is a bad thing
Cute. This user thinks he knows about history because his lefty psycho teacher is twisting his brain.

"Retards"? You realize that there are treatments for tons of mental conditions, right? Like eating human flesh or being beaten in the head with a club. I don't give a shit about their "treatment."

trannies arn't mentally fit to make such life altering decisions
what they really need is mental help, but doing that wouldn't help Dr. Shekelberg and his friends though would it.

Respect means being treated as human.

This webm doesn't work out of content. I'm genuinely convinced the only people who get mad at this are falsefaggers.

Arthur literally mocks a feminist for wanting to be able to vote, telling her she's just as dumb as the rest of the country for thinking it matters.

Trans “people” are mentally ill

Of course white people think that erasing culture and bringing technology is good. They think they're saviors. The ego

Why do people who hate /pol/ on Yea Forums always act like an even more obnoxious left wing caricature of /pol/?
Are you really that desperate for attention?
Do you actually think you're on some epic quest to save the internet by being retarded on an irrelevant video game board where people jerk off to anime titties and call each other niggers?

>obnoxious and dumb
ding-dong diddly cringe.

>Respect means being treated as human.
You need to act human for that.

Why don't you treat Donald Trump as a human being?

>phone poster keeps searching for outrage bait
Every time. Ban these zoomers

>Not acting like an extremist just to stir more shit

>Gamers blown the fuck out and SEETHING at trans rights Solid Snake

Based, this is why it's okay for him to steal 8ch users data and sell it to the highest bidders

>Yea Forums bans all phone posting
How does the site improve?

It's pozzed as fuck user

>nigger and half indian half nigger character bitching about le racism all the time
>one of the most cringeworthy strong wyman in vydia story, and it's a main character (seriously, definitely worse than Ubisoft)
>indians are le pure and good, they are peaceful and the white evil men just don't leave them alone, you can't even shoot them

Sure is, just ask /pol/

At any basic human level I already do, this isn't about a person to person basis but federal laws.
Cringe and small brained post.

>Not a Metal Gear fan.
Feels good.

There's a board for underage retards like you who think they're only pretending to be retarded, it's called Yea Forums.

I wish nigger was more frequently used. I cant keep up with all these intentional misspellings of vague slurs and insults I didn't even know existed.

choke on that yid dick harder, faggot

That's embarrassing on a whole other level.

They need /pol/, they need to be outraged to sustain themselves. The best way to create more /pol/ users is to act like huge faggots.

About as much as it will when the mods are shitcanned

Seethe, enabler.

THQ really fucked up here
Do they like, not have a PR person to tell them "Hey, maybe you shouldn't promote a website full of people who are too shitty even for Yea Forums"

Ah, nice. Not that I agree with that, but it's good to see a nuanced character rather than one the devs impart their views onto.

I've been reading this entire thread with a giant grin on my face.
There's a big Yea Forums discord that had a meltdown over David Hayter saying trans rights and I'm loving it.
T. Not even trans

8cucks trying to kill Yea Forums again. You can tell by their foreign use of "lingo" like pozzed

wtf i love doctors now

If it weren’t for colonialism, the renasaince would have never happened and the Greeks would be the only people with any sort of noteworthy philosophy and tech.

Leopold did nothing wrong

Yea Forums is always being raided
90% of threads on any given day now are literally just the product of some discord group or IRC shitposting for funsies

>Le pedophile meme
Why do you believe journey lies? Why are you a cuck?

>/pol/tard so stupid and devoid of personality they now resort to lifting their arguments from the BUGS mantra

It's not even worth discussing, colonialism was inevitable. Nothing we could've done about it, so why even be outraged over it?

I hope the world gets destroyed before you guys take over.

Never apologize in general is literally the golden rule of PR.
An apology always makes things worse because the people who will forgive you likely already have or already will and the people who won't forgive you NEVER will no matter what you do, they want to see you destroyed completely.

That's just how crowd mentality works and I don't understand why companies apologize when the quickest and best way to get rid of a controversy is to just say nothing and wait the whole 2 weeks that it generally takes for everyone to forget about it because people in our outrage culture have very short attention spans and want to move on to the next outrage to be angry about.

It is. History proves this.

>hates Hayter
How to spot a zoomer fresh from the election

Doctors protested it.

Daily reminder that if you're going to apologize you should also disclose steps on how you plan to regain trust.

Seriously though, you know a apology can be good or bad and the issue is more complicated than just recognizing wrong doing.

>western civilization collapses

That's not what he asked. Answer him, why is it important to you? And don't answer questions with questions, only low IQ chimps do that

I thought all the cripples went back to their board. If 8ch is so much better why are you here?

Babies need more people to cry to or else they get bored.

Yeah, look at this vicious colonizer. Almost a 1:1 of Warbucks, right?

It's Theodore Roosevelt, who invited Booker T. Washing to dinner at the White House. This made Booker the first black man to ever be inside the White House.

Uneducated idiot. Don't judge on looks.

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>patrick klepek still hasn't been arrested for the gigabytes of child porn he keeps with him at all time

so what exactly happened on 8ch?

Yea Forums/4channel is a more popular anonymous platform and isn't slow as shit.

Nope, we went to /pol/ and made it the biggest board in Yea Forums HISTORY :)

This is the smallest brained post with the worst reading comprehension I've seen in this thread yet.

They keep winning, so they let us at cuck chan know.

>still using Adam Cole to ResetEra shitpost
Lmao he'd probably call you a faggot and feel no remorse.

>Patrick Klepek
Nothing more to see here, move along, ignore the troll.

His argument just boils down to "I know a tall chinese guy". I can just ignore statistical data because of my personal experience. You would have to be kind of dumb to fall for that line of thinking.

fucking normies.

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>caring that it came from the mouths of stormweenies
It's still the irrefutable truth, regardless of who said it. White people are being singled out and it's entirely with malicious intent and out of spite. You have to be blind not to see that.

Europe had to pillage Africa and Latin America because they couldn't manage their own resources. Europe would have destroyed itself and eventually will do it.

Yes and trophy hunting is also evil.

The truth sure makes you types angry.
Refute the hard facts in my post with an actual argument or slink off with your hollow ad hominem.

If they really just say "sorry" then it isn't much of an apology. There's a good way to apologize.

Maybe Anglos. Thank God I live in a country without these ratty goblins. Hell, if I get to murder anglos I might even join nonwhites

>regain trust
I didn’t realize going to a website was the same as being cheated on. These joints feel like they just got cucked.

Oh it will
in fact you could say that's the entire point
None of these faggots will benefit from the future they are trying to create because that 'future' is intended to destroy them as well
They are just another bunch of useful idiots who will discarded after they've done what they've been made to do.

Aka civilization

True, and let's ignore the conquistadors wiping out all the native cultures and eradicating the people into extinction. Good lads who literally DINDU NUFFINS

Ok, so you're moving the goal posts.
Why do you hate Africans?

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>act like an even more obnoxious left wing caricature of /pol/?
because they ARE /pol/. just on the other "team".

Yeah, looks pretty crisp.

Yeah? Where?

I have to do it Yea Forumsros

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>colonialism is bad because bad things happened some times
I guess driving is evil because some people get ran over

>let's further wipe out endangered species!
White power!
>B-but we brought electricity!

so far, every 3 days these /pol/ discord faggots from the left get banned, then they flood the board.
today is day 3.

What do conquistadors have to do with Warbucks? They look nothing like him.
You're just flailing wildly in the darkness of your ignorance hoping to score a hit; it's kind of pathetic.


Every place white people improved, aka every country on earth.