Play the Megaman Starforce trilogy

Play the Megaman Starforce trilogy

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Already did, bit of a step down from the highs of battle Network but still pretty fun.

Tell me the sauce and I will.

Coudn't play SF 2, tried it twice but dropped in a matter of hours. Can't even put my finger on what was wrong with it.
1 and 3 are good stuff.
Get on it

I wanna have a Mega Harem of Mega Girls!

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Luna >>>>>>>>>> all


I want Sonia to stumm my dick

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I'm gonna post more Sonia until someone starts talking about the games

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can't wait until they make a sequel series to this.

Already did. Not as fun to play as BN, but much better characters.

Sonia >>>>> Luna

I was surprised when I found out it got music in smash ultimate

Wrong again Boco.

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Geo agrees, don't question him.

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jesus christ none of the games have a higher score than a 60 on metacritic.

>the site where Kirby Canvas Curse is apparently the best Kirby game

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>multiple dicks

What is there to talk about? Hardly anyone played them. Only reason people know about it is the girls.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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That site is for shitposting purposes only. Go out and form your own opinions.

>fallout 3 has 90
>fallout new vegas has 84

Childhood is having a crush on sonia.
Adulthood is wanting to fuck geo's mom realizing luna was the best girl all along

Why would Geo ever want Luna? She's a bossy, mean control freak who only loves Mega Man, not Geo.

That stops being true after 1.

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I just wonder why reviewers hate them so much.

>geo doesn't see megaman as himself
This is stupid.

Left over from when it was Battle Network, probably. Those games got hammered by critics for being the same thing six times, and SF didn't change enough for them to reconsider.

Already have.

Fembro love interests are the best. Convince me otherwise.

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No wonder why these series got shelved.
>We’d prefer a game that got a 9 and sold less, than got a 6 but sold more.

wtf I came for puffy vulvas not this videogame shit

Wif i can't

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Where can I get luna data?

>Trusting critics

Did Yea Forums get Black Ace or Red Joker? I got Red Joker because Black Ace was sold out

post source, OP, reverse search isn';t finding it

Literally one of the posts in the thread.

black ace.

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The only two games any store had around me was black ace and Pegasus, nothing else.


Watch a lp of the first 2 and play 3 twice

>being an unironic sheeple

But they're only 20 hour games.

>Sonia >>>>> Luna

jesuch crisht Boko whaat fuck du,man

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He's not wrong, though.

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Reminder that in the Battle Network crossover, Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE think Geo and Sonia are a cute couple that Lan and Mayl could learn from
Get fucked Lunafags

Is Star Force old enough for it to be considered nostalgic?

Reminder that Operation Starforce was a shitty port and has a lot of wasted potential

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If you don't source that i'm going to run off and tell the mods you are posting porn.

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It's a bit iffy with cropped stuff

i'm still telling

Boco is a faggot, but even a broken clock is right twice a day

Any moment in the past can be nostalgic, I'm nostalgic of the time before I made this post.

Not only that, but it starts with having Geo looking for a way to save a very precious someone. And then we find he's looking for a way to undo the timestop on Harp note

I wish you could change his name in 2 and 3.

He is wrong though.

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And when they get back Luna is jealous as fuck

battle network and starforce will never be revived and could only be a basis for another sequel series.

It's a shame they don't allow you that.

why did they turn mega man into gay anime shit

>no bro that is also your gf
why live

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Because Mega Man was always a reflection of the kids anime at the time

>gay anime shit
Lan is the only megaman protagonist to have a kid.


It's still a good series, specially battle network.
Starforce in general is a bit influenced by evangelion, and not always on a good way.

He isn't wrong for once, Luna is an awful choice for Geo. She's bossy, it takes multiple games before she finally starts caring about Geo in general and the only reason she cared in 1 was because it looked bad on her, she only liked him originally because he was Megaman, while she does check up on him it isn't until 3 where she's doing it out of actually caring for him, she treats him like shit constantly even when she's opening up to him, and she never offers him any decent advice. Geo is the one who ends up helping her out and helping her figure her life out, the most she's done is get him out of the house for her own selfish ideals.
At the very least Sonia is there for Geo when shit goes south and Geo is there for her, she cares for him and constantly checks up on him, Harp Note and Omega-Xis constantly banter about both of them, they shared intimate moments of their lives like Sonia being absolutely depressed and hating herself and her songs and Geo with his whole wanting to kill himself, and when she has time they hang out together.

This is like arguing Yai is a good girl for Lan when she barely does anything for him.

Yumekui Merry
Don't watch the anime, it totally diverges from the manga and doesn't go anywhere. Plus the manga art is just plain better.

Only REAL gamers understand this feel.

>chemistry shit talk about a shonen

Geo said he would've gave up being Mega Man if it wasn't for Luna supporting him

i know the doujin but I forget the name of it. do you remember it?


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imagine the smell...

Luna is shit, Sonia all the way.
If we're not going to talk about the games, can we at talk about other girls in the series.

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I don't particularly remember such a scene but I'll take your word for it. That still doesn't somehow make her action any different. She does end up being the one to push him to do new things, that's a good thing, but her overall attitude is more abusive than anything else. That would be a terrible relationship because she'd lose her temper at the drop of a hat and barely listens.

>he's STILL making Luna doujins

Somersault! by Ootsuka Reika

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>le cropped porno on blue board thread#4353 stays up for 3 hours
>fun threads with sfw pics deleted in minutes
Oh what's that they're shilling a shitty game too? And there's a tripfaggot in here?! Bravo very necessary,fun and good thread here.