ITT: games you wish existed

ITT: games you wish existed

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A month ago, I would've posted Rune Factory 5. They skipped Gen 7 but I really hope this series comes back. ;_;

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Is this a Jojo reference?

Real life.

i'm pissed that this has never been explored

Just play 7th Stand User bro

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They skipped Gen 5 too so I have hopes they'll return. I wish I could've had a Gen 5 PMD game, it would be WAY better than SPMD(probably, if it followed the general design format of Gen 5.)

I'd also play a Super Wario Bros game. Like Wario Land but co-op.

Gen 5 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. At least in the United States, I think Japan got a few Wii region exclusive titles, but nothing that I would've been able to get my hands on.

Anything using the Star Trek license that's worth a damn.

>tfw there's no western RPG based on TNG or DS9 crews let alone a good one
Same goes for LOTR. The most important contributions to Scifi and Fantasy are prime universes for expansive, dialogue driven RPGs and absolutely no one in charge gives a fuck.

I'd love to get Partners in Crime, but I don't think the people that made the initial M&L games great are around anymore. At least that's what it seems like since the quality has tanked.

Gates to Infinity exists, the general consensus is just that it's the worst one.

I would take literally any game with Waluigi as the main character at this point. Even if it was Wario Master of Disguise bad
Think DMC but in a Guacamelee setting. It'd be fucking amazing for the music alone.

Super Rhythm Bros.

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I always preferred the subtitle "A Friend in Greed"

>Star Trek Adventures: The Game
Unffff I want that

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Ok user you get your wish waluigi gets to be the main character of a game.


It has to have a unique genre (i.e can't be 2d platforms, rpg, zelda esc, ect.)
I've always thought a Nintendo gta kind of title with waluigi running around the mushroom and Koopa kingdom could be cool.

>a Kirby RPG that plays like older Final Fantasy titles
>a 3D Donkey Kong platformer, not a collectathon
>Diddy Kong Racing 2
>4-player Wario World sequel
>fully 3D Ecco the Dolphin
>Bloody Roar 5
>Viewtiful Joe 3
>a good Superman game
>Nintendo Musou
>Um Jammer Lammy 2
>Skies of Arcadia 2
>side-scroller Zelda like Zelda 2

Fuck that's so much better.

It's a 3DS title and it wasn't even that good to begin with.
I actually completely forgot it was a thing lol
I'll count it as Gen 5.5 since it's closer to Gen 6 design wise than it is to Gen 5(meaning that it's simplified, and has less possible end game content. I mean, REALLY, 144 Pokemon!? That's not even the same size as the original's 151! And recruitment of up to 244 Pokemon? Yikes, this entire thing is a mess and it doesn't even seem to have a whole lot of post game and main game content.)
All in all, if I have to wait for another PMD game designed with Gen 5 in mind but maybe allowing Pokemon from other generations in for too much longer, I might dust off my coding skills.
(My friends say Super is the worst one since it incorporates most of the same changes as GtI. GtI is just forgettable, atleast Super didn't fucking commit genocide and then leave one of my young ass friends scarred.)

>a Kirby RPG that plays like older Final Fantasy titles

A Kirby RPG that plays like the computer virus fight in the great cave offensive.

Four Swords online, except not butchered like Triforce Heroes was.

Capcom vs JUMP

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I love how sakurai pretty much using super star showed the way to make future Kirby games. Almost every Kirby game uses the templates in superstar to create a bigger game.

Do you really want the bastard child of MvC:I and Jump Force?

I mean that would be one hell of a trainwreck to witness.
But dear god that would be an abomination.

>Nintendo GTA
>Waluigi is a literal plumber.
>missions give waluigi personality and relationships
>Waluigi consistently visits his mom throughout the game.
>Luigi is nice to waluigi but waluigi hates him
>Wario uses and walks all over waluigi but has his back
>Waluigi is good with his hands and is quite talented in blue collar work.

If we're letting our imaginations do the walking then I think we can stipulate some ground rules:

>2D fighter is a must, preferably hand drawn or sprite models, but if not then at least in the same artistic vein as DBFZ
>Series fighter reps limited to 3 max, more can be slotted in if supports are implemented.

This is never going to come to fruition in reality but if y'all want to keep spitballing this then by all means.

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That sounds pretty kino

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Make it yourself, bro. That kind of thing is literally why RPG Maker exists.

I know there's a fan project or something but there hasn't been much progress from what I've seen

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Zelda 2 is actually a great game. It's one of the few zelda games I actually want to be remade because the side scrolling combat is really fun

pokemon showdown but with graphics

Battle Tendancy is best Jojo

Ripple > Stands

I like the way that you think, user-kun

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>Caesar is dead

That make me feel sad because almost all the rhythm franchise of the image are dead.

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>Pokemon Battle breeder
Gives you a farm to breed pokemon
First pokemon is always a ditto

Win money from fights you can use to buy pokemon for breeding
Can rent pokemon for battles and breed them to make your own. All Move tutors available
500 tms
Held item shop that takes normal currency

I would buy and never look at mainline games again

Jump Musou

I still can't believe these themed collab pictures exist.

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This post has done more for Waluigi than nintendo for the past 20 years.

Please, keep going.

If it had a one stop shop hub for everything and a customizable house and farm and trainer I would really love this.

And make evs be easy to add maybe candies or the minigames from x and y.

I'd play the shit out of this, but getting a project like that together would be a music copyright nightmare.

Are there more of these user?

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>Waluigi actually doesn't like to be in the spotlight
>only steps in because Wario drags him into a get rich quick scheme (sport jackpot)
>mario doesn't look down on waluigi but is indifferent.
>waluigis father belittles waluigi in the hopes he puts himself out more like his brother.
>Daisy is disgusted by waluigi but waluigi is head over heals for her and takes time out to do favors when he can to which she never thanks him for.
>all toads look down on waluigi.
>residents of the Koopa kingdom think he's cool and tough.
>regularly visits Koopa castle to repairs.
>billboards of Mario Wario and Luigi are consistently throughout the mushroom kingdom but none of waluigi

Wario land 5, Wario World 2, Pocket Fighter 2, Darkstalkers 4, KOF with 13 style and 98 teams (+K, Angel,...), new Street Fighter in 3S style and everyone like Alpha 3, Weaponlord 2, Earthworm Jim 4, Mischief Makers 2, Buck Bumble 2, DK jungle Blast 2, DKCR 3, new Soul Calibur with Link, Jet Set Radio 3, Starcraft Ghost, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory 2, new Métal Slug in 2D,...

These are all amazing. Thanks user.

Games plot is Wario got introuble with the pianta malfia and now they need 'a few favors' to which Wario gives them waluigis services. To waluigis dismay.

A game where we get to know more about this guy or play as him, not just the masked version

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I don't know why they haven't made a mobile app where you can breed pokemon that can be transferred to main games. Like I know 3ds/switch are portable but you won't always have a bag with you
I just want to fight with pokemon battle revolution graphics/music/animations

rampage but with cute girls

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>a Kirby RPG that plays like older Final Fantasy titles
So shit? Just give me a Kirby game styled like Mario and Luigi RPGs.

Breath of Fire V

I'm pretty sure someone ingenuous enough can just romhack one of the games

Kamaitachi no Yoru in English

>Vegita hiding in the corner

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you mean something different from the Breath of Fire V we actually got?
Personally i would like it if Breath of fire 6 got turned into a proper console RPG

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one of these is not like the others

>Waluigi needs tools and gets directed to e.gads labratory. He has no idea who waluigi is and thinks hes just some joe for the duration of the game
>e.gad eventually takes a liking to waluigis technical prowess and takes him on as an underling.

DQ is a good game, but not a good BoF game. I managed a no SOL reset run, it took around 3000 deaths/reloads to save even .1% DCounter, and I got to the final boss at 97.5% even still; it's a great roguelike/roguelite/whatever, but it is not a BoF game. it is not V, and VI does not exist, I refuse to acknowledge it.

I had no idea this even existed

You focus on toriel I focus on the fact that the two women next to her look like Hinawa from Mother 3 and Ness's Mom from Earthbound

A moddable Ace Combat clone that's good.

A spiritual successor to Neverwinter Nights, with an even better toolset, but turn-based and using D&D 4e rules by default.

A Bethesda-style open-world moddable fantasy RPG, but with good writing.

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That game sucks.

>All your stats are based on random rolls, and if certain stats are low, you're permanently locked out from all the best content
>Can't respec
>Autosaves only, can't reload from a different slot if you fuck things up beyond repair
>Hardcore mode is always on, no way to disable it
>Have to grind constantly just to not die
>Random chance of suddenly getting a huge debuff through no fault of your own that costs a huge amount of in-game currency to fix, if it can even be fixed at all


Lol if only you knew

Well, okay, but respawning does take a long time and you don't keep any of your stuff, so you might as well be creating a whole new character.

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>Phoenix Wright vs L

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Shadow Hearts is pretty much Jojo the RPG series

>B-but the graphics are really good!
And there are people out there that think gameplay isn't important

The modern gaming industry and the modern gaming target audience don't like expansive, dialogue-driven RPGs.

It's just too bad we didn't get one when they did

>no kamina

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She is a mother though

A third Ogre Battle game. I'd fucking kill to have at least just one more. Even if it's just a rehash of 64 but current gen, I'd fucking adore it.

spiritual successor

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>Link/The Fierce Deity holds Termina's Triforce of power and is the reincarnation of Demise instead of Ganondorf, that's why there's no Termina equivalent.
>Instead, Ganondorf is the destined hero with the Triforce of Courage.
>Gerudo are scattered tribes in hiding because FDL keeps purging them every time he incarnates.
>Game where you play as a teen Ganondorf in BOTW era, the only male Gerudo of his generation, learning to use and control his magic and setting out on a quest to stop FDL before the next purge of your people, aided by the termina counterparts to Riju/Urbosa.
>Get a massive black warhorse instead of Epona, a phantom doppelganger you can summon to help in combat, a trident in place of stuff like Megaton Hammer/Biggoron Sword, ect.
>Dungeon bosses are all monstrous versions of Link's usual allies, IE: Shadow temple boss is named Impa, and has a ninja theme to it.
>Play tennis with FDL's energy slashes.

>caesar on the ground

Don't you need like, a japanese copy of RPG Maker to run that?

It is funny how he pretty much everyone but fucks up Rukia.

Stroheim did literally nothing in that battle and in fact actively made things worse.

I'll give him credit, it's a very accurate portrayal of Nazis.

You are thinking of violated heroine

oh fuck you

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Is there a 1?

I never considered a game with a younger version of Dorf. Sounds pretty unconventional, but if done correctly, it would probably be pretty dope. I mean, if they can make Bowser a main character, why not Ganon? Not a bad idea.

Nah, there's an english translation for one of the more recent versions


>B-but the graphics are really good!
You can't even say that, because a bad RNG can make the world look all blurry, and then you have to pay to fix it.

kek real life really is terrible when you put it that way, especially since any of your senses can be fucked beyond repair

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Before he goes Ultimate.

Better than Snoystation Allstars

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Gitaroo Man 2.

Yeah. I saw an article once that said a lot of people who play games can fall into the just world fallacy because games tend to be just worlds and they project that onto the real world. I had the opposite experience. The just worlds of games made the unjustness of the real world all the more apparent by contrast.

Stephen Universe beatemup where you can play as any of the Crystal Gems.

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MGS but you're an exhibitionist girl.

I just need to learn how to program and make assets so I can do it myself

I want the pre-leak Half Life 2 more than 3 at this point