Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1551898296577.png (700x700, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:,439&ssl=1


Attached: 4e5d931cb885800d93a9f1a05454a17dbd0d1a20.jpg (1600x1600, 705K)

Requesting Doomguy using his Eternal Praetor suit for BBQ shit, like cooking the food with flames from the shoulder gun or cutting the food with the arm blade.

Attached: 1551892211729.jpg (1199x701, 132K)

Requesting Mia sunbathing in a light blue bikini please.

Attached: IMG_0374.jpg (1200x2100, 496K)

>Nat gets OP again

Requesting Ranamon from Digimon Masters using her long frog tongue to catch Kazemon and probably do stuff with her

Attached: froggo's digital tongue.png (1300x1584, 2.24M)

it's almost like was right

Requesting loving handholding sex between these 2, bonus points if the Liar Princess has heart pupils.

Attached: 1547388882820.png (1552x1178, 2.54M)

okay chop chop post your 200 requests so I can post my taking requests post.

Requesting Nuru from Wargroove/Starbound giving user a footjob

Attached: Nuru Reference.jpg (1024x768, 113K)

You know you can filter, right?

ya gotta burn thru the garbage ones and wait for the 2 or 3 okay requests come in

Requesting Yuika from im@s Shiny Colors
Something for White Day would be lovely

Attached: Yuika_Mitsumine.jpg (2952x3894, 2.18M)

Requesting the Convicts from Dead Rising drifting Initial D style

Attached: convicts.png (1366x768, 1.05M)

Requesting Aradia about to say the N word!

thats not the point I dont want my post getting buried

Requesting a thicc Mei as Mihoshi and Snowball as Yukinojo.

Attached: meihoshirequest.png (1000x681, 898K)

Requesting Lyn lift up her outfit to reveal she's wearing skin covered leggings saying "You didn't really think I was going commando did you?

Attached: Lyn.png (1444x1144, 1.4M)

Requesting Rachel Claudius being princess carried up the stairs

Attached: Rachel Claudius.jpg (577x723, 69K)

Requesting this but with Skye and no sex involved. Bonus points for bedroom eyes.

Attached: skye grape elf.png (2150x990, 2.47M)

Aranea from FFXV driving a 50s- or 60s-era type car wearing casual clothes.

I'm fine with anything sporty. Because cars outside of the city in XV look like they're from that period. The Fiat 500 works pretty well.

Attached: FWTAE_Aranea.png (843x724, 441K)

Requesting Rin from Catherine: Full Body dressed as Ulala from Space Channel 5. Bonus points if you add Vincent as a Morolian.
This joke is actually related to the true ending.

Attached: Rin Space Channel 5.jpg (4468x2048, 946K)

im gonna attempt this but i suck and also it will take a few days. so someone good should probably pick this up too

An attempt was made.

Attached: riidaa.png (256x480, 8K)

was that spam?

Requesting schoolgirl Talim (soul calibur)

Requesting Len wearing etnas outfit

Attached: len.jpg (1364x1444, 608K)

Noire taking a selfie of her looking like one of those fake sexy "gamer girls"

Attached: noire_img.jpg (798x1642, 304K)


May I offer you gardevoir requests?

Attached: garde456.png (312x238, 6K)

Requesting for someone to draw Armor King doing Coolers pose at the bottom. Words included if you want

Attached: Draw request.png (2000x1500, 3M)

Requesting Raspberyl sloppily licking and kissing the head of a cock, or giving a footjob while wearing her stockings.

Attached: D3_Raspberyl.png (459x829, 281K)

Draw a corrupted Gardevoir bonus points if it looks kinda sad and miserable.

Requesting Iku wearing the same zeon outfit as Koume on the right(any other outfit from Gundam works, this one is easily recognizable I think) Any pose is fine, just make it adorable.

Attached: Even more Zeon propaganda.png (1083x707, 829K)

requesting dmc1 dante posing like the leftmost sonic and dmc3 and and vergil posing like sonic and shadow on the right

Attached: 1534661656191.png (3500x1240, 3.94M)

Dressed like a Scottish lass in preparation for new pokemon region.

Requesting this pic as Eggman without his glasses.

Attached: 1545619405281.jpg (714x544, 28K)

Yes, please.

Rerequesting some art of Himeko from Honkai Impact leaning over a short captain and suggestively telling him it’s time to hit the bunk.

Attached: F4FD5A6B-D649-4490-B261-1AC87FA90D1D.png (1334x750, 1.67M)

Mega Gardevoir behind a sub

Requesting her dressed as a miko/shrine maiden or a yuki-onna.

Requesting a 7-8 Month pregnant, no stretch marks, with Triplets and bigger breasted Kyoko Kuremi

Attached: __kuremi_kyouko_digimon_and_digimon_story_cyber_sleuth_drawn_by_yasuda_suzuhito__2d6bd1f8aebd79994f0 (1500x3163, 1.18M)

The average drawfag

Attached: C73D031B-CDA8-45A7-B0EE-B27BBC05EDE5.png (274x320, 78K)

Requesting a Yea Forums related mermaid. Any will do

Attached: 164BA94E-9261-433B-AC60-D81144DD02E8.jpg (1018x1181, 133K)

Draw it as a Psychic/Steel type

Requesting Totori and Mimi doing the "yuri shall conquer the earth"

Attached: totori-horz.jpg (2140x840, 188K)

Requesting Blaze the Cat looking up at AC Isabelle, like so. Same expressions

Attached: 1544683767936.jpg (540x540, 34K)

Requesting Rosalina licking a big grotesque monster cock with a naughty expression on her face as the shaft is covered with lipstick marks.

Attached: Rosalina.jpg (885x1176, 78K)

Requesting the Musashi of Despair

Attached: Musashi Sushicide.jpg (1816x1312, 1008K)

oops wrong pic

Attached: download.jpg (225x224, 13K)

>"Yes, hello. Requesting Nanako Dojima from Persona 4 being heavily cum inflated akin to the link included. Thank you."

Attached: 1549324954549.png (1080x1331, 938K)

Attached: thishit.jpg (1007x953, 217K)

This man is too much chad, he’s starting to resemble something gross and un-Chadlike
He’s deforming


That sounds cute

Attached: garde457.png (473x792, 20K)

>ywn carry Rachel around the mansion, finding something to bend her over to here her ramble about some Restless God

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" on her recently gotten Tulip Outfit, doing elegant stuff like watching opera from a balcony while using her opera glasses, eating on a fancy restaurant, assisting some important event, sitting slighty smugly inside a black limousine or any other elegant stuff you can think about.

Character reference:

Alternatively, requesting that reaction image of people looking scared, excited, annoyed, disgusted, surprised or pleased at a PC with the opera glasses in the character reference.

Secondary reference:

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1549429691149.jpg (800x534, 69K)

No, she needs headpats asap!

Requesting Harper and Sarah subsequently dominating Ash with their super massive hyper futa cocks.

Attached: harper and sarah.png (1252x1721, 3.06M)

Requesting Dronya getting her hair cut off just above shoulder length on accident somehow because of Luca and/or a puppet soldier.

Attached: __dronia_luca_and_youro_rekitei_refrain_no_chika_meikyuu_to_majo_no_ryodan_drawn_by_harada_takehito_ (2364x3257, 1.37M)

Attached: nanami.png (959x829, 192K)

He's looking more like Toguro

That’s exactly what happened to Toguro

Requesting Lyn wiggling and pulsing her strong, massive, smooth, healthy, erect, uncut penis.

I want it GIGANTIC, Lucina bullying optional of course.

Attached: 1550501341660.jpg (522x676, 128K)

This please

How big is that exactly?

She looks very cute in miko clothes
Good request

Attached: garde458.png (722x1173, 47K)

Requesting alt. pirate costume Poison stealing some treasures.

Attached: 1407857938278.jpg (1920x1200, 456K)


Thanks for drawing my request. Fits the sort of mood I wanted to see pretty well.

Very cute, thank you so much.

Attached: 1547999492818.webm (1280x720, 182K)

Requesting Opera Kranz wearing an oni outfit, preferably looking a bit buff or just thick in general.

Attached: ref.jpg (1320x1200, 397K)

Attached: garde452.png (479x393, 13K)



Requesting Dengekiko from Neptunia wearing a black chinese dress with some kind of yellow electricity pattern.
Sort of like I suppose.

Attached: Dengekiko ref.jpg (2428x972, 374K)

requesting Gardevoir playing on an arcade stick


Requesting Abe fishing near a lake.

Attached: Exoddus Abe.jpg (736x1118, 57K)

can someone draw madara uchiha, and I'm referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu. who will be farting on a yellow bee with a patreon pasted on its forehead

>being gay

Requesting the Blind Prince (bottom) being knotted by the Liar Princess (top)

Attached: 1550733649165.png (1552x1178, 2.77M)

stop projecting your cock lust onto others

draw kirlia with a dick

Requesting this, but mii brawler.

Attached: brawler.jpg (947x2077, 695K)


Requesting Aigis drawing a summoningcircle to bring Kujalla back from the dead. Please.
I hope he's doing well, free from the threads

Attached: 0.png (1000x750, 543K)

Requesting emo gardevoir receiving a hug.

Requesting this cutie with a thick futa cock mating pressing an user after winning a battle.

Attached: cutie.png (554x1036, 517K)

>being mega gay
mega oof

What about a big gardebooty?

Thighs are more than enough.

Forgot image.

Attached: garde459.png (605x797, 24K)

Then how about child bearing hips and thick thighs

I wish I could be hype for this game but I feel nothing I dont even wanna draw fan art I just wanna play white 2 again

>Be Resetera user
>Love Dragon Quest
>Everytime Dragon Quest is brought up people bitch about Sugiyama
>Lash out about it
>Banned for being complicit in homophobia

Galar Gardevoir regional variant

very nice

>drawing anthro gardevoir

so you'll add a whole bunch of features to a gardevoir but not breasts?

What did you expect

Just a little bit of fat to her already existing thighs
Tits are a bit too much

Requesting that somebody finish this

Attached: SmugPit.png (369x357, 21K)

Requesting Issun violently screaming about how difficult it is to draw faces and giving up

Attached: __issun_ookami_game__b75104f8713ac2843e6e8b666d6fe034.jpg (300x313, 14K)

Dragon Quest is too niche for resetera. they just shit over compositor because they only heard about the series because of him.

Wait a minute...

Attached: 509.jpg (792x825, 333K)

Requesting an Ardainian soldier from Xenoblade 2 wearing the girl Pokemon gen 8 trainer's clothes on top of his armor.

Attached: Scotsplay.jpg (3876x1909, 1.25M)

Cute butt.

Hey there Hades old buddy ;}

Requesting Leon, Claire & Sherry in a pet store getting the puppy and parrot Sherry wanted

Attached: Trip to pet store2.jpg (1776x808, 248K)


Attached: 185724.png (1179x517, 102K)

/r/'ing Nanako being heavily cum inflated like so

Attached: nanako.png (1124x1602, 1.89M)

ugly thing

The same faggots who want a female only Dragon Quest?

Attached: fonlynom.png (1176x160, 24K)

Requesting Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II transforms into a gun like Megatron.
Like this way at 0:04:

Attached: MechaEli-chanMkII.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

Little but I've heard they had a decent sized community for it.

Not really a delivery per say but i started drawing this for the bi-monthly Jak & Daxer thread but it died before i was even close to done

Attached: Kierawip.png (804x1297, 288K)

delicious thighs

Requesting Mòrag from Xenoblade 2 in a Scottish tartan dress and tam cap.

Attached: Proper Scottish Lass.jpg (6347x2476, 2.17M)

she's cute, nice job.

Draw her as Garfield please that’s would be so cute haha

so did you want something drawn or

I've already done that. Drew her in a Garfield costume, but I dont have that image anymore.

Requesting drawing game covers with the characters on it replaced by gardevoir wearing their clothes.

Requesting Ywain from Eiyuu Senki riding a giant hamster

Attached: 00180.jpg (1280x996, 224K)

Requesting Makoto Nanaya as the girl in the left and Mai Natsume as the girl in the right of this image:

Attached: Makoto Mai.jpg (1330x1150, 426K)

Requesting a milfy, curvy Kashiwagi wearing Rise's outfit complete with really short pigtails and saying she wears It better

Attached: 1551871084036.jpg (1920x1920, 1.36M)

Requesting this picture but with Mr. X (role as Nemesis) and Leon (role as Brad)

Attached: Nemesis_Brad.jpg (1200x1400, 586K)

I used to kinda hate Mai but after playing BBtag I kinda like her also i like to imagine she still has a duck


Someone stole her duck? That's fowl play!

Attached: Carlos disgusted.jpg (407x349, 17K)

Requesting Pikachu and Samus having a grand time holding hands

Requesting SR-3MP from Girl's Frontline dressed as Playboy Bunny and performing some
random sexy pose.

Attached: 73365836_p0 (1).png (1400x2200, 2.42M)

Requesting Caesar from Eiyuu Senki doing the noble woman's laugh during her parade for conquering Gaul

Attached: 00268.jpg (1280x995, 206K)

Attached: 201903061735.png (558x819, 215K)

Ashiya, excitedly, doing occultist things and having Seimei, sleepily, trying it out too.
Y'know like demon summoning and the like. Could also have them looking like oni, as one the classic "blue and red oni" pairs
To clarify, Ashiya is the redhead, Seimei the bluehead

Attached: AshiyaSeimei.jpg (719x886, 115K)

Fuck this isn't the thread I thought I was in. Shield in a Barrel drawing would be neat.

Attached: 1551288540688.png (900x1200, 413K)

What would be some nice to put Gardevoir into?

Attached: garde460.png (284x240, 6K)

Requesting Clair shattering a boulder into rubble with her thick ass

Attached: HGSS_Clair.png (712x1027, 382K)

Requesting this with Ms. X and Leon.
Setting/background is the Raccoon Police Department.

Attached: 1549136257296.gif (328x302, 116K)

Requesting Hilda crushing Fox's head under her heels, laughing at how pathetic he is

Attached: Melee is dead.jpg (1137x864, 124K)

Requesting Curly Brace pulling down her pants & telling the viewer to bite her shiny metal ass.

Attached: curlybrace.png (1150x1944, 470K)

Requesting a interpretation of this but with Cloud instead of Aeris/Aerith

Attached: FF7 swap.png (2076x1364, 708K)

Something like this?
Tbh I'd be really interested to see what you'd do with the Prinnies

Attached: disgaea psp cover.jpg (800x1365, 216K)

A crude 10 second drawing of Pikachu. Literally go on Paint and time 10 seconds and post the Pikachu.

Requesting this lewd and cool Ashley (see link for full-image) fires with her Luger pistol. Standing or running pose.

Attached: lewd-ashley.png (425x325, 129K)

Requesting the starter boatgirls from Azur Lane drinking Scotch and getting wasted

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-022756.jpg (1920x1080, 918K)

Requesting Arle Nadja from Puyo Puyo aggressively fingering the navel of a boy she has tied to her bed, reveling in his nervous reactions. She is also wearing something revealing.

Attached: Character_Arle_PuyoPuyoeSports.png (399x622, 157K)

Requesting Hornet relaxing in a hot spring with the Knight

Attached: boss_hornet_02.png (1200x844, 268K)


Attached: Beyond the Grass.png (725x858, 126K)

Requesting Lewd Lea(Highschool Romance) art and/or her in your favorite female video game character's outfit.

Attached: Lea.png (419x729, 191K)


Nice, but I fear that now other people are joining into drawing Gardevoir she might become Aigis 2.0

Riovedrag I want him drawn bros.

That thumbnail looks like a MILF Kairi

Requesting Mila from DOA in her school outfits teasing the viewer by lifting her skirt in the classroom

Attached: mila in class.jpg (1143x910, 636K)

Attached: aaaa.png (705x775, 520K)

Requesting Matt & Itsuno, the DMCV creators, drawn like Nero & Vergil.


Oh baby.

Half of the Aigis gimmick is the reaction, so we'll see.

Well guess I gotta wait to post my delivery now

Labrys version please

>no smug face full image variant
it's shit

whys that?

Metis version please.

Holy shit, paddy, do you take comms?

Requesting Klont the Kangaroo from Kang Fu as new playable character in Smash Bros.

Attached: kangfu.png (849x699, 619K)

Holy shit, based

Ah yes I too watch avgn

Requests for these two together?

Attached: 1551860085704s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Requesting giga mermaid in some mermail type armour.

Attached: 1492979078747.jpg (1280x720, 206K)


I know this game (many years, since as kid) before AVGN.

bondage. all pokegirls look good in it

Am I allowed to post WIP undelivered requests

requesting ori “shield broken” like Pikachu and Ganondorf charging is forward smash in front of him. The background/stage can be the ginso tree or any other notable ori location.

if artist doesn’t want to draw Ganon, another character like Bowser or Dedede is totally fine by me

Attached: A279DB5E-AEBA-477E-A3CE-9C751A75D823.jpg (1024x894, 104K)

Hey having a shit day can I get a request just to draw a cute girl with big boobs? Hell feel free to ask me to draw a mecha i dont care just want something good to draw.

Requesting anything lewd with Kyrie from DMC4, preferably with ass focus.

Attached: kyrie (dmc4).jpg (2590x2008, 676K)

Requesting Rumia wearing really rad sunglasses.

Attached: 539c90f4f0e3071131bc196e4ccbd740.png (2000x3000, 1.36M)

im no good at bondage or anything really

Rumia is stupid

Requesting sword & sorcery homage pinups of Terra (Lingering Will) and Aqua clinging on his leg

Attached: terra will and aqua.jpg (1267x632, 496K)

Requesting Ichiko Ohya having a drink at the bar, too drunk to realize that her pants are down.

Attached: [D5]17189476.jpg (1024x789, 123K)

best time to practice is now

Getting gang banged by Durants

Rumia's cute

Cheer up, Iggy. Could you draw a busty Gravelyn?

Attached: Quest giver.png (529x553, 177K)

worst p5 girl

Ok, she is not so stupid like Cirno.

Requesting a hero party from Darkest Dungeon using John Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna, and Etrigan The Demon.

Attached: Justice League Darkest Dungeon.png (691x743, 1003K)


Attached: 6b9ff8277d4a5cebe432f35d4e0ac4d2.jpg (736x974, 78K)

I'm sorry OR, I've failed you, it was fun while it lasted though. Good request.

Attached: I can't draw Transformers (maybe WIP).png (1800x1800, 1.02M)

Requesting Kawakami wearing a cheerleader outfit that shows her slightly chubby tummy. While super embarrassed.

Attached: Sadayo Cheer.png (1124x1392, 3.04M)

Not OR, but nice

Requesting sexy pole dancing Serval and she shows her great breasts and hairy pussy.

Attached: 1550360028528.gif (300x266, 1.77M)

That's pretty rad dude.

my nigga

nice arm

What about a cute mecha girl with big boobs?

Does anyone know where can I find the video of this?

If that is a ´´failure´´ then i wonder how success looks o_o...

Want to try this cute bot?

Attached: vr-feiyen.jpg (556x567, 194K)

Stupid girls are cute.

Attached: 60482887_p4.jpg (621x800, 244K)

Bro... that's awesome


Requesting a fusion between Cloud and Terra.

Attached: Cloud_Terra.png (1575x923, 729K)

Dude that's fucking rad

requesting sae being facefucked

Attached: sae.jpg (2256x1384, 869K)

Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Requesting Primrose Azelhart wearing a tiara please

Attached: tumblr_pfl048TT9S1tm0yw8o1_1280.png (1000x734, 596K)

Requesting Nancy's huge nose blocking bullets

Attached: Nancy and her huge nose.png (1168x1280, 1.73M)

Nightmare isn't a Transformer

OR, user this is fucking amazing, I'd like to see what you consider a success. Thanks a bunch, glad you liked the request.

Glad you like it, at least. Success is just finishing something, but progress had ground to a halt, so I had to cut my losses, sorry.
You telling me this absolute unit isn't the guy who changes into a fire truck?

post brush setting

No, he's from Soul Caliber
I apologize if you're being sarcastic. It's difficult for me to tell.

Requesting small nose version

Requesting DMC1 Dante flying his airplain

Attached: DevilsNeverCry.jpg (2062x490, 286K)

Yeah, sarcasm, no problem user, it's hard to tell through text, just having some fun with ya.
I'm too brainlet to utilize settings properly so it's just standard 'rough pencil' from CSP

Requesting Carnival Ying from Paladins having sex in the cow girl position, while she gets her ear rubbed.

Please don't leech on my request. Make your own.

Attached: CarnivalYingPaladins.jpg (512x492, 66K)

No apology necessary user, still a great drawing!

Whats a guy gotta do to get lewd art of Haruka? preferably in some kind of micro bikini. Please. Please god.

Attached: YAKUZA-KIWAMI_20170818203157.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

Ah, I see. It's a good drawing regardless.

Her game sucked.

>Snowboard Kids remake never

Attached: SBKDSNancy.png (1048x1447, 1.12M)

I mean the same art style BUT with small nose.

Requesting Tae using her coat as protection from rain like in the reference

Attached: P5Tae.png (772x806, 569K)

Not even his, he just found it
Requesting a Sonic parody

Requesting the twin sibling Astral Chain protags in Ice Climbers cosplay.

Attached: Cops & Climbers-min.jpg (6952x3181, 3.44M)

Requesting awesome, cool and epic art about Warzard or also known as Red Earth.

Attached: Red_Earth_game_poster.jpg (267x373, 25K)

Minori wearing the hamster shirt on the right please

Attached: Minori Shirt.jpg (1574x770, 307K)


Attached: 1546109393892.jpg (675x900, 136K)

neck too short

Attached: 1-1125.png (500x500, 74K)

I want to

Attached: 1483998401318.jpg (1280x720, 358K)


White versions

I already did, but I'm taking a break


I can't, I have too many assignments

Andira taunting like

Attached: andiraa.jpg (1499x778, 296K)

Seconding this

requesting kaz with the expression on the right

Attached: Miller.png (796x477, 458K)

That's reasonable, good luck!


Requesting drawings with this kind of feel

Attached: 92950BBD-6B6B-4BD7-B287-8F6C4C9D209A.png (2480x3570, 2.05M)

Requesting Escort Water Hime enjoying some delicious ice cream on a sunny day or a badass mecha musume version of her, her armor can be based on your favorite mech. Any other cute or cool ideas are also fine.

Attached: escort water hime.png (2524x1896, 2.89M)

The feeling you're going to be spending the next 25 to life in prison for possession of CP? No thanks.

Echo from Mobius Final Fantasy in a martini glass or chalice, probably all drunk and as erotic as a little teasing fairy can be. Wearing a cocktail dress if in the martini glass

Attached: EchoWallR.jpg (1524x1308, 380K)

Give me a girl from a video game and I'll draw her butt.

Attached: 3197450E-69DF-49C8-B364-934DF66060E9.jpg (654x750, 538K)

Queen Nancy

Attached: Nancy.png (476x685, 142K)

Ann Takamaki

Sure but im choosing the girl. No offense but it seems like you guys go out of your way to not request girls i like to draw and ask for girls i have no idea who they are and have zero interest in drawing them.

Attached: ORAS_Delinquent.png (222x399, 95K)

Attached: 1531458713274.jpg (761x819, 101K)


Attached: e62e609196522f43cf91e2aaada634ee.jpg (500x760, 171K)


Attached: Forté.png (360x450, 159K)

Who am I kidding, it is not going to be drawn

nue. more nuebutt.

Attached: --houjuu-nue-touhou-drawn-by-umiusio--6ad1bb80223e1417b4b00d2d0818a1d6.jpg (1000x1000, 615K)

This lil thug

Attached: __jougasaki_rika_ninomiya_asuka_and_shirasaka_koume_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_ (1280x824, 1.34M)

Attached: haruka.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: Pirates-Seven-Ann_Den-Shot_03-07-16_002.jpg (450x382, 97K)

Seconding Nuebutt

Attached: QQnnMnZ_d.jpg (640x346, 34K)

Seaport Hime.

Attached: __admiral_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_3678177__9fadf96dec7f77ef787fbbaa7e68e862.jpg (970x750, 354K)

Arisu tachibana went butt

Attached: 1516595237781.png (1090x1006, 1.53M)

I'll roll for the booty.


Attached: 1527206726274.png (1200x1672, 1.81M)


Attached: 1551922625468.jpg (464x895, 55K)

Attached: Kaederequest.png (992x1288, 594K)

Who user


Attached: 24404342_p0.jpg (800x800, 56K)


Requesting Liddell as an adult witch.

Attached: Liddell A Witch's Tale.jpg (1024x768, 260K)

Requesting lolis as adults is terrible and you should feel bad.

requesting this as a succubus

All you have to do is say she's an adult and she is. She's a drawing.

Id rather drawn them as pailoli


Attached: YoRHa_No.2A.png (1046x2183, 1.24M)

Attached: Princess_Ruto_Artwork.png (1443x2413, 2.43M)

Not at all. Plus we've already had adult ones turned into lolis before so why not the opposite?

Requesting Pandora from Yo-kai Watch getting fucked by a guy, showing off s bit of a large insertion/stomach bulge from the lewd act

Attached: Pandora mini.png (526x546, 303K)

Kill yourself

Requesting Alfin with a bob cut

Attached: 8C28B502-2DC3-4C40-9A1A-DC74AEFF582B.jpg (1353x1353, 454K)

Requesting Ellie about to kiss the girl but she shows her real identity. Also make yell.

Attached: 241F788C-6F6D-47FE-B168-B7289C12010F.jpg (1242x2208, 276K)

>drawn art is CP
Um, no sweetie, it's not.

>bob cut
How dare you

Attached: Lucy Baker.png (130x452, 50K)

Light side blizzaria

Attached: BlizzariaLightside.png (464x880, 541K)

>treating drawings as if they’re real people
Someone’s escaped the asylum


Worse. He's canadian.

The same ones who think it's actually a criminal offense to properly call identify someone by one of the two gender pronouns?

Requesting the leg dab, either both panels or just the right, with 2B. You don't have to follow the pose exactly, just the idea of dabbing with legs is really funny. Thank you.

Attached: Reference.png (2433x1600, 2.83M)

Funny you think that "excuse" will stand in court. It's CP.

Stands perfectly fine in my court, Cancuck

Requesting an unconscious Tawna Bandicoot being carried over-the-shoulder by Pinstripe Potoroo.

Attached: tawna_ots.png (831x704, 510K)

Except, you know, it literally isn't because it's not real kids.

It has before. Multiple times. Unless you’re in an ass-backwards place.

Go fuck a moose

In this case, all gore artists must in the jail. Or death penalty for them. Because they killed "people".

prelaw here. this comes up a lot. course we know you're memeing

Why are you guys responding to him?

Yeah, he same people who outlawed the religious text of chick tracts

Ayyyy, lmao
Requesting John Denver interrupting a request

requesting mii gunner but it's from the pov of an user being pinned down on the ground by her
(excuse the pic, because it was the best one i could find to describe what i'm talking about)

Attached: mgp.png (535x394, 366K)

Dead By Daylight REQ:
Can someone do some lewd art of Kate Denson sitting on top of a Jigsaw box in her tight (possibly sweaty) top and Jean shorts and cowboy boots masturbating.
(if she has panties they are around one ankle)
Possibly with a shocked looking reaction face from a reverse bear-trap wearing Dwight.
or perhaps,
The Pig standing next to her watching and sniffing Kate's panties through her mask

- feel free to draw Kate in a "Total Drama" style similair to Lindsey (with Harold as Dwght) if that greases your gears.

Attached: Kate_bate_worksafe3bcd.jpg (1721x1191, 675K)

WTF is this head? Why so pink?

You know what you guys need? giant vidya waifus requests.

Requesting Mayl from Mega Man: Battle Network sitting on Lan's face.

Attached: mila.png (687x1080, 196K)

requesting my nigger teemo dabbing

Attached: teemo_splash.jpg (1215x717, 179K)

Requesting tribal or cavewoman 2B going home with a manprize on her shoulder

Requesting Chrom doing....something

Attached: prince k. Rom.png (343x500, 177K)

Requesting Vanessa and Izuna outfit swap

Attached: DS game girls from defunct companies.jpg (1597x900, 170K)

fugging lucina

second that


Attached: tVsF7PS.png (968x1390, 2.28M)

Attached: 1544920528678.png (500x550, 184K)

Where's that sword going

this, but he's dabbing to be hip instead. to her embarrassment.

Based request

Requesting all requestfags with this face.

Attached: 1551220724687.jpg (570x831, 74K)

requesting stoic prone bone

Attached: nine.jpg (1322x726, 295K)

Who needs a 'COONING?

Attached: 9a17b9e69e9c8ef960b8daec90f65902.jpg (1500x1061, 274K)

she looks creepy

Attached: Lulu.jpg (473x371, 34K)

Keep her hair and skin color the same?

oviposition first, or once she's already sealed up is the question

Attached: giant guns.jpg (466x602, 75K)

You have a weird obsession with bugs, shitposter-kun
Are you actually a spider?

your guess is as good as mine, like i said, best pic i could find of the pose

Fuck off
You're jealous that you only have six legs and that no one considers you to be beneficial
I bet no one's even has a phobia after seeing you
You're the eggsack that your mother should have trampled

Sure, just so she's still semi-recognizable.

Attached: Airy_BDFtS.png (814x896, 526K)

nice robutt

You’re just mad because if you ever got laid you would be killed and eaten

what should i draw with her?

Attached: mirco-cabbia-sciamano240-cia-finale-1-4.jpg (800x1200, 250K)


Anyway, Cia is for exactly two things, being made to watch Link enjoy the company of other women, and light/dark bondage parity yuri with Lana, usually as the top

Her clothes

And what are you requesting again?

Getting eggs laid in her ass, anal only so she can't feel pleasure

Fuck Patreon and making artists act like they're too good to take commissions

Could you please go back to /d/ your weird fetish isn’t funny

smug pov paizuri

Requesting Skye Autumn, from the Sanctum games, relaxing and using her right, non-robot, arm to jerk off an imaginary penis, like the reference on the right. Whether she's being cocky to the viewer or has a lewd expression is up to you.

I had requested this before, but I made the mistake of going with the left, big robot arm. Requesting it with the correct arm this time

Attached: Skye Autumn is lood.png (1470x744, 1.21M)

The hell are you bitching about?

Armour knight doing swors6 skills.

good taste

What does that mean user?

user, in one sentence, what is your request?


Requesting Nidhogg from DMCV with the "Please have patience I have autism" hat

Attached: rq.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

for the user who requested her. Here is a more complete pic of Glacia with bonus Glalie.

Attached: glacia-2.png (2020x2380, 833K)

OR here, nice job!

not OR but nicely done!



with Tamamo Cat

Attached: BerserkerTamaGOState1.png (512x724, 396K)

I might be OR, nice art!

>using my references without my permission
>saving them wrongly

Requesting Pyramid Kirby

Attached: x2.png (1285x1981, 946K)


Delete this

dude, language

Requesting more vidya girls with guns

Attached: 1551828466993.jpg (2500x1622, 165K)

Attached: it-was-like-she-was-looking-at-walking-garbage-page-3440250~2.png (500x474, 193K)

One day I'll get sauce to this and find out if it's actual porn or not
one day

I see what you're doing here.


Oh, whats the matter Mariel, you little baby? Can't handle a little lewd?

Attached: mariel cannot seal his lewds.jpg (987x1690, 511K)

were are the stockings you fucking hack?

Requesting a Caim redraw of the "GAYS NOT WELCOME" reaction image. So you know the intent, I'll be using it to make an "INCEST NOT WELCOME" shitpost image.
Context: In Drakengard, his sister Furiae has the hots for him. Caim finds out and is so disgusted that Furiae kills herself.

Attached: INCEST NOT WELCOME.png (766x972, 985K)


Somebody should take one of those 3d doll programs and have his shitty default settings PC get fucked in the ass so he can get cucked.

Fuuuuuck! I can’t see anything!


send requests

Attached: dddddddd.png (576x296, 7K)

Never mind, it’s on the booru.

I kinda wanna draw the cheeky tart, any requests?

Draw her tart cheeks


Her getting bent over Shield-chan's knee & spanked for being cheeky. Bonus if she enjoys it.


Draw her as a Pop-Tart.

Attached: 01858902_kellogg_pop-tarts_strawberry_22oz_right_facing.jpg (700x700, 91K)

Requesting this with Weiss from NieR.

Attached: clever ruse.png (187x293, 93K)

Applying for licenses

Lolibros win again

Requesting Gwen from Ben 10 but video games


No no no user you are doing it wrong, you have to claim she is in a videogame therefore she is a videogame character

I don’t care I just want Gwen

Any lewd request?

Dont know why no one asked
Her with big tits

Gwen from Ben 10 having sex with Ben from Ben 10 but it’s also your fetish
Make Ben turn into an alien for it if you have to
Maybe an alien from a video game

Should have asked me earlier of course itsnporn.

Attached: RinSachi_012.jpg (1280x1841, 444K)

In the lewdest outfit you can draw

Obviously in a schoolgirl uniform

If Bishy was here you know...


Attached: tranglekirb.png (636x387, 5K)

Didn't you asked for requests last thread? What happened


not OR

Attached: nue.png (1655x2464, 1.51M)

Do you have a pixiv or twitter?

Cute ayylmao booty.

Cute captain murasa

Noice Fuck, you beat me on drawing her

i didnt like them. if i dont like the requests i dont draw them. Wanted to draw something skullgirls or wayforward related but nobody suggested anything good so i deceided to try again with this thread.

>good japanese artist starts following you

Attached: sketch1551933804735.png (1244x1156, 242K)

Draw Peacock with a nice butt and wearing bloomers

>akumafag doesn't follow you

Attached: 1531840959939.jpg (282x277, 26K)

Cute kong


fishification. join the 1 to 2 weirdos on deviantart who for some reason pair this with tickling

Attached: 1474620796202.gif (1014x287, 3.11M)

They were normal looks like What ruined your day

Requesting Dr. Coyle deep kissing springman like pic related,

Attached: IMG_2721.jpg (1400x1400, 238K)

Requesting Filia wearing fishnet stockings and having black lipstick.

im already drawing somerthing for this thread wasnt asking for suggetions
had a doctor's appointment today

sorry i took so long user

Attached: PK DUMMI THICC S.gif (560x308, 335K)


That drawfag hates gardevoir with tits

Tell us the news doc

Nice, anchor

I did but he refused


Attached: F4E42548-2614-4435-9FFE-66FF23D55809.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

Requesting a lewd gif of Shantae's bouncing boobs.

Attached: Shantae.jpg (2720x2048, 1.11M)

i requested the other nue pic you did.
i appreciate you dude

requesting diddy kong eating a bowl of cereal

Attached: chocopops.jpg (1311x981, 229K)

post it, cutie

Im not here to talk about my health im here to draw tits prerably big ones ok?

Attached: 234234243.png (486x386, 168K)

draw her also the world needs more nuebutt

Attached: 190304.png (1920x1080, 342K)

Let me guess, lung cancer.

Nice try, Speaky

I can't compete with that picture user

Maybe some huge Valentine bazongas to take your mind off things

Attached: 1488532798444.jpg (863x1028, 501K)

You'd be a different style I'm sure so there's no competition

not this time again i dont want to talk about it. i just want to draw.

Not OR but I was hoping he'd get this image done for so long, nice work dude.

Attached: 1475978871137.gif (150x150, 7K)

Requesting Mistral picking up a TV remote and saying "I've finally found what I was looking for"

Attached: MistralPP.png (751x598, 354K)

>someone thinks this laughable shit is erotic
It's disturbing at best. Fucking weird.

Do madotsuki butt

Attached: Never finished CaveStory.jpg (1000x1094, 472K)

What? I haven't done anything user, that's not me

Attached: VyoSTe74KGU.jpg (1969x2047, 382K)


This is really good

Absolutely fucking fantastic.

Great Curly, glad to see art from you again.
>Never finished CaveStory.jpg
Any reason why?

Oh fuck, that's both very cute and lewd, which makes this perfect. Thanks a ton user, especially for keeping her on model and giveing her such a wonderful expression!
You happen to have a blog or anything?

maybe next thread like i said im currently working on a request from this thread.


Attached: oofff.png (549x434, 12K)

not an active one


Attached: 1412042806962.gif (320x180, 996K)

Now that's a cute shiny metal robutt! Nice work user! Gotta blog?

Attached: Neat.jpg (500x491, 28K)


Here you go. I tried.

Attached: kawakami.png (750x878, 276K)

Damn, I hope that changes in the future, you've got a nice style, one that fits characters like her perfectly.

Ah, I actually don't remember I think I just started playing other games. I did like it very much though.

Are there any other recent threads that got new art?

Would clang clang that metallic booty.

Recent yeah but I dont know, I only saw a pair get deleted without art

Im sorry.

Attached: edit.png (750x878, 275K)

Attached: djjdjdj.png (549x299, 6K)

Remember kids! All smokers, smoke, smoke!

Attached: BA0A56D3-B9E9-46B4-AA38-8CDC8323202F.jpg (512x512, 33K)

Well that was fast

Attached: 1540334762802.png (403x346, 249K)

Holy fuck, you made it hella hot


Attached: chub.png (750x878, 272K)

Not OR but it's pretty nice


Attached: slimeteeth.png (576x337, 6K)

Pretty cute fatty.


Requesting Assassin posing with her blades.

Attached: soulcalibur3_1.jpg (743x385, 111K)

thank you friend, it's great

bretty good

Well she's the first mecha girl I thought of to draw with big boobs so hope you like it. might finish in a bit.

Attached: aigis bazongas.png (1760x2000, 928K)


Attached: trash.png (618x252, 11K)

Thanks, I kekd.

New bread soon, fellow drawfags!

I’m gonna say the F word!

Attached: A4A9B6FF-8E05-47D7-BA16-C1AA491C6881.jpg (2048x2048, 565K)



Requesting Sorlag in an easter bunny costume

Attached: sorlag is a girl look it up.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

New thread

Boy can't wait for that OP image to get deleted in like five minutes.

More like lameal!

Fave deliveries time!

I don't think he cares, as long as you have to look at his delivery for those 5 minutes he can feel good about himself.

Attached: 62A3ABCB-6A18-4435-BC79-47E98675A544.jpg (502x482, 82K)

Unirinically based. Its a good picture

I think he does it on purpose so the OP image gets deleted so the thread is harder to find, and less people that aren't him can request.

Attached: absolutely unepic.jpg (499x512, 41K)

Attached: 11acd57a3b397c564b3f123d0b7429a616646cf3.png (2160x3316, 2.5M)

Fucking ESLs always shitting up the thread

Isn't that a good thing? It would mean less request spammers

The person who makes 99% of the threads, including that one, is the worst requestspammer

It also means less drawfags, and the spammers already there spamming more.

i like that image user

Attached: Smugpit.png (734x610, 425K)


Not him but thanks

Attached: 1551244315260.gif (128x128, 115K)

Get smurfed

Post this in the new thread for more attention, you did a good job on it.

I never got to say thanks cause I got my retarded ass banned when it was delivered, but big thanks to the user who drew this.

Attached: FunkyCobain.png (1000x3000, 103K)

Delete this

Now you're just being paranoid

Artists come and go