Switch 2019

June: Super Mario Maker 2
July: Fire Emblem Three Houses, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
August: Astral Chain, Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition
September: Animal Crossing, Town
October: Luigi's Mansion 3, Daemon X Machina, Yo-kai Watch 4
November: Pokemon Sword/Shield
December: The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening

What are you most excited for?

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Mario Maker
Yokai Watch 4
Animal Crossing
Astral Chain
Box Boy
Links Awakening
Daemon X Machina
Fire Emblem

in that order

>Didn't list Digimon Survive.

Pretty good lineup. I see PC/nintendo console is still the way to go. No point in any other combo when you can play multiplats at 100+ fps on PC and so(y)ny's exclusives are nothing but 3rd person over the shoulder cinematic experiences (at 30fps).
I'm just waiting for the likely revision. What's the point of buying a Switch now when the Switch Mini/XL is right around the corner?

Mario Maker, Luigi's Mansion and Astral Chain. I don't care about JRPGS and capeshit

Switch is shit until pikmin

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Mario Maker 2
The new Pokemon looks like pure shit

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Pikmin 3 port is very likely coming soon according to Zell

>literally nothing
>waifushit, capeshit
>actual game, port
>snooooooooore, >game freak
>snooooooooore, garbage, kiddyshit
>>>>>>>>game freak

astral chain, daemon and then pokemon

I'm in the same boat. I've still got a ps4 though its a good multimedia station and enjoyed a couple exclusives like god of war, uncharted 4 and sadly had to play red dead on it ebcause no pc release. When will they announce new switch version?

mostly agree except for SMM2, it looks like its gonna be as much of a "port" as SSBU was

I hope its good.
First time for me with such a battlesystem though

Fucking hell just 2 nes games again

and you are lying about fire emblem and pokemon one is delayed and we have no fucking idea when pokemon is coming

is there anything this month, maybe im just sad because my R button is broken

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I'm primarily on PC, but bought a PS4 a few years ago for CoD4 MW:Re & MLB The Show. I haven't turned it on in forever though. Might pick up the new MLB Game and SpiderMan, but I'm working on my PC backlog right now. Will get a Switch once Pokemon comes out I think, as much as I despise the thought of buying a fucking console just for 1 game. I know I won't use the Switch much too. Or so I think.

>tfw you will never become a seething snoygro.
why even live?

but user FE is in July and Pokemon is "late 2019"
The only thing new this month is Yoshi.

>What are you most excited for?
Caligula, Chocobo Dungeon, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Three Houses and Astral Chain. But I'm sure I will find some good indie games, too.

Got to admire Nintendo for charging $60 for ports from an 8 bit system that came out 30 years ago.

I'm most excited for May

If Sony can release $60 Youtube videos then I don't see why not

Matio Maker 2 is an instant buy, everyone's been begging them for a switch mario maker since the system launched.

I wasn't really interested in DQ11 before, but most people seem to have really high praise for it, and with the switch version coming that improves pretty much every aspect of the game (including replacing the fucking midi's with orchestrated music) I might just get it.

Sword and Shield, because at the end of the day we're all a bunch of mindless cows to be milked.
I'm gonna get it, you're gonna get it, every fucking person is going to get it, because it's pokemon on a home console which literally every fan of the series has been begging nintendo for since the original gameboy games.

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>b..but sony
nintendo is literally a facet of your identiy, dayum

Mario maker 2 and Luigis mansion as long as it's closer to the original than 2.

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Pokemon will suck ass but i may get both version the first day

Has he said anything new since the direct? I kind of stopped paying attention. I saw a vague thing about more 3rd party games being announced this month