Why does the world feel so "fake"?
Even early 3D games had believable environments, skies, depth etc, this shit just looks like a diorama, it's uncanny, not convincing as a world at all.
Why does the world feel so "fake"?
Even early 3D games had believable environments, skies, depth etc, this shit just looks like a diorama, it's uncanny, not convincing as a world at all.
Because it doesn't feel like a Pokemon environment.
The whole thing doesn't even look like it's something out of the animated series either.
Also, they did a pretty lame job at landscaping. The same pyramid-ish hill spammed everywhere to resemble mountains.
Do you ever wonder in Pokemon trafficking and prostitution exists in their universe?
It looks like a diorama because that's how it behaves.
Obvious 2D backdrops, fixed camera angle, etc. Plus the towns are still just a pokemon center, a shop, maybe a gym, and 3-4 buildings after TWENTY-THREE YEARS.
which n64 game is this?
too linear/too small
A real town wouldn't look like that, nor would it only consist of one entrance and one exit.
you can shitpost all day but this looks like a wii game minimum
Because bokemon lost everything after they gave up sprites and 4-directional movement
only the pokemon models are wii-caliber. the rest is straight-up n64.
ehhh looks more Wiiware to me
not even AAA Wii game, just Wiiware
you are either trolling or you have not played an n64 game in a long time
Because we learned their tricks and know how much they like making outdoor corridors.
Yes agreed
, big open world environments are full of nothing and this small world looks full of nothing also
I'm just so happy it isn't another GO game, I'm concerned about the map tho, such a straight line, I wish they wound make it more like Gen 3 maps.
What are the chances we'll get to choose gym order again?
I know youre exaggurating, but this still looks way way cleaner and higher poly
Stadium and Snap had 0 details in their geometry models, all simple textures outside of flora
>it has to be realistic otherwise it's bad
It's fucking pokemon
>you can either have an upscaled 3ds game with n64 textures or hyper-realistic graphics, there is no middle ground!
Why does Pokemon still have a locked camera angle in 2019?
That would require Game Freak to either not put in a bunch of story roadblocks or put in the effort to make the gyms scale based on the number of badges the player has.
dumb zoomer is too young to have played an n64 game
Straight line is a meme
BOTW doesn't look realistic. Why can't Pokemon have BOTW-style graphics? Is Game Freak just lazy?
Nice, it still looks a little small tho. Shouldn't there be a big sea/water theme since its Britain?
Based zoomer calling others zoomers for making a point
Because that way they can save time since they only need to 3d model the viewpoint instead of having 3d models with a 360 angle
tldr GF is really fucking lazy and want to do yearly releases instead of proper games
mountains are generally not cones
I doubt GF makes the decision to have yearly releases. TPC knows they can print money.
The thing with Game Freak is that even if they were good devs, they literally cannot win. If they took a 2+ year break from Pokemon to make a radical reinvention like BotW, people would REEEE about the lack of a Pokemon game. If they made simple remakes or Let's Go to tide you over, people would REEEE about the remakes not getting enough effort.
Are you american or just retarded? Don't you know how Britain grew to a be a super power?
BOTW took years to make meanwhile these games were probably done in less than a year considering LGPE came out months ago
Inconsistent lighting and shadows
It's looks small because there doesn't seem to be a lot of space between most towns. It's like Saffron City and the surrounding towns in Gen 1 where there are just short routes between them.
Well, yeah, but I don't see how they could have a real maritime component to it without making multiple regions. Hoenn works because it has those outlying islands and even then people complained about the water.
But LGPE is made by the B-team. Shouldn't the A-team been working on this since 2016?
this is an n64 game I grew up playing, the textures and detail are completely shit compared to OP's screenshot, and this game was considered gorgeous when it came out
Pikachu looks like he could be from Ni No Kuni.
>the textures and detail are completely shit compared to OP's screenshot
but not the soul
"soul" is literally just nostalgia
They were dumb enough to do the fucking remakes before releasing the new Gen games also they are working on that village game
of course not, I replay BK annually because I love it, but by modern texture standards it looks objectively bad
The more complex a game's graphical style is, the less room there is for imagination. Pokemon is a game that suffers greatly from the loss of imaginative space because the world it presents is not realistic or engrossing enough. Short routes actually feel short, not just scaled down. 4-building towns feel outright unrealistic, not just limited. Disjointed Pokemon and attack animations (think Blastoise) are outright frustrating because you can imagine it better than it actually looks in the game.
Pokemon should never have adopted a 3D perspective unless it was prepared to go all the way.
Thanks, I just can't remember any other map that isn't ORAS, and I feel it looked bigger.
Maybe we'll get to visit Kalos? Since France is near to the UK.
Low poly trees and grass
Looks shitty and lazy.
you could make a better looking place in fucking source, embarassing really
BoTW graphics are shit though
>splitting the dev team and doing half-assed shit instead of making a proper next Gen game
Then argue with that instead of saying what like a mouthbreather. I actually agree with you. As much as I think there should be some sea or maritime theme there. I also don't think they can use the pirate villain team card again.
Also iirc it's a industrial Britain aesthetic so it's already a bit distant.
I hope that happens but that doesn't really contribute to the thematic suggested
>Fucking dirt roads in main roads in Europe
Fucking nip monkeys, western europe was paved since antiquity unlike monkey island.
Cartoon/anime styled game worlds can still look convincing, Sword and Shield give me a Dogville vibe
"imaginative space" is a really interesting concept
I feel like open worlds becoming the norm have broken me of liking enclosed 3D environments
I don't know what you are talking about. The setting looks comfy as fuck. Do you want it to look like Jump Force instead?
that looks so much better and actually feels like a real place, Game Freak are hacks
>Hey guys, we're making a game about little critter battles where the camera is going to be close to the ground for 90% of the action, how high-resolution should our grass texture be?
Hoenn has a lot of towns separated by two routes plus there were a good number of caves and other points of interest.
Someone explain to me why there are people who defend Game Freak's incompetence. Is it stockholm syndrome?
Those are fair points, its just that when I think of the UK I think of boats, I can't see how they could do a water themed UK well tho, maybe the battle tree is in a ship?
Set in the Uncanny Valley
Isnt it canon that pokemon takes place after a global war that killed the majority of the population off?
No that's just a cringe fan theory
where the fuck did you hear that from
>finally make a console pokemon rpg
>don't have genius sonority make it
It ain't looking good.
game freak
Not in 23 days
You guys think it'll have split screen like LGPE? I know its shit but me and my friends had a blast with it in LGPE.
honestly though hi res grass textures look like shit this is the right way to do it.
Rent free
What good reason is there that Pokemon games can't be as graphically impressive as the best looking Switch games
Like not necessarily super duper hyper realistic, but just better
They are busy making more garbage pokemon shuffle content. God damn I'm glad I stopped with that shit.
Because you know it's going to be a corridor
a-are all of the buildings just sprites?
gamefreak are incompetent and they are not punished at all for their mediocrity in everything but character design
i swear to god their design team is all that's keeping them afloat.
I have yet to see a single mention of a newer game having more "soul" over an older one.
GameFreak aren't Nintendo. They've always been worryingly bad at technology, they were just fans who stumbled onto the biggest game in the world on nearly their first try.
It is clearly their main focus, they must get extra attention. Because it is impressive how EVERY other part of the game its shit.
X and Y I assume
because none of the pokemon overworlds feel any different and you're deluded
this is still the best looking pokemon world we've ever gotten though yeah it's on switch and they could have obviously done better with how amazing odyssey etc look. but it's game freak and they've always been behind.
the real sin is still having the absurdly soulless (absolutely no irony in using that, it's the most i've ever felt that term applied to anything) x and y battles/models/animations for the pokemon. they don't even look like they belong in that shot. it's nuts. for fuck's sake I know there's a bunch of pokemon but part of what makes them so marketable was their individual personality attributes and the past non-GF 3D games went miles in depicting all of that with the models and animations. they could even keep with their stupid futureproofing meme because the stadium anims were so good they kept being used through PBR.
If you can atleast move the camera around the character ill consider it a step forward
The setting and concept art are fine, it's the 3D implementation that looks amateurish as fuck, Spyro had more believable 3D environments in 1998
In what universe does that screenshot look better than the OP's? What the fuck?
semi disagree, but then again, part of the problem is the inability to rotate the camera.
next is the HD screen, which makes flaws such as 2d diorama backdrops even more noticeable.
but ive always noticed them in every game, even the old ones.
so i can only you were the one who couldnt notice before.
outside of that, i agree it does give a cramped diorama feel.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think of the "vaporwave" aesthetic when looking at Spyro now?
Holy shit when did Goku become such a manlet?
>That grass texture
>2D buildings
which Vita game is this?
>Maybe we'll get to visit Kalos? Since France is near to the UK.
Are you seriously expecting Gamefreak to put in extra effort? I'll be amazed if this generation is more than seventy new pokemon.
It's trying to combine a small town aesthetic with an industrial town aesthetic. It's the main reason i'm not buying this game.
only hyper autists would ree which unfortunately is the pokemon base. it wouldn't matter though because they would gain sales from normal people and the autists would still buy it.
They're not talking about the textures, but the layout, since you could look around in Spyro but pokemon games have a fixed camera angle so everything is placed to look good from the singular viewing point. Which is fine, there's no way to see it from unflattering angles, but it's still cheap as fuck.
>become champion
>train to Kalos opens up
>it only goes to pic related
It’s because the mostly fixed camera angle means they haven’t bothered making a world that feels tangible. Every single building has to be oriented so that the entrance is head-on. Everything may as well be a paper cut out facade. There’s a reason why Paper Mario has the same perspective. You can’t imagine what it would be like to be in the world explorong because the design is so obviously and artificially constrained.
it's just autism. they only play pokemon games so they aren't aware that games have changed in the past 20 years. i have seen pokefans argue that a more open world would be impossible.
lol, you do you, but that's the worst excuse I have ever heard to not buy a game.
I always mention "Soul" when you just know the team had fun making the game, though.
Literally how? It's an adventure game, if you don't like how an adventure looks then you'll get bored.
Spyro skybox technology is actually more advanced than Sword and Shield, in addition to being vastly superior style-wise. It's inferior in other technical ways like the amount of polygons, texture resolution, LOD, but it still makes the most out of the limitations to look like a believable fantasy castle courtyard at twilight.
S&S's problem is that the level of graphical fidelity doesn't match the quality of the world design, at that level of detail your brain expects a certain amount of effort put into the design in order to comprehend it as believable, but Game Freak still operates on a Gameboy level in that regard. Imagine if Minecraft had 4K textures and bump maps out the ass, it would look uncanny as fuck, or if a modern Quantic Dream moviegame had N64-tier models and textures, it's important for a game's ambitions to be in harmony with the available technology.
These graphics remind me of sega dream cast and early ps2 games.
Mistress of the Sea. how do you not know this?
Doesn't change the fact that you are literally going from the bottom of the region up to the top. Alola sucked, but at least it kind of went a little out of order for island progression.
Only way it can be redeemed is if it does a 180, and forces you to detour to Kalos for some reason. Then you end up going back and forth between the two.
it looks like a gamecube era jrpg world
idk it seems pretty comfy to me.
devil may cry 3 and 4 have more soul than 2
I guess I'm not bothered at all by that because fixed camera angles are nothing new to RPGs and when tales dropped them everything in the games started looking like garbage. yeah if you stare forever at a screenshot of a fixed camera RPG it will look like shit because you notice all the tricks they used but not while you're actively playing it.
I'm convinced SwSh was originally developed on the 3DS before being ported over to switch. Didn't Ishihara say that he didn't believe the Switch would be successful? And remember, GF are always one generation ahead in their production cycle. So it would make sense that Gen 8 probably began on 3DS in case the Switch did fail.
Because youre growing up user. I know it took awhile but its actually happening!
Pokemonfags will still buy this PS2 game under the flag "soul" and "muh childhood series XD"
I really wanted to love that movie, but all the sexual abuse "plot" was gratuitous shock-value peddling. Absolutely artless. A shame.
Hey, I think that explains why I don't like the newer Tales games then. I couldn't figure out for the longest time why I hate the look of the new Tales games, but this is it. I think they really nailed the fixed camera perfectly in Vesperia. Not sure why they just didn't stick to it. I thought it was fine.
What's your point, there's a shitload of popular JRPGs on Steam that have PS2/3-tier graphics
Pretty much always, Toriyama just draws his characters shorter.
Because see this very thread, people REEEEEE at the mention of fixed camera, when it... was actually fine, for the genre of games that are jRPG. They mostly are on rail games, bare a few exceptions.
Everything looks so blurry and muddled together, like look at how the grass transitions to the brick wall.
What happened? I thought Sun and Moon was great because its world was nice and crisp. Even Pokémon Let's Go had a far more clear style despite regressing to the Gen 6 art style. I think described it best.
what is this
t. not a poketrainer
>zoomer who's never played an n64
Fuck you, I couldn't even dream of these graphics back when I got my 64
Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Isnt there a Pokemon Board you can take this to?
Fixed camera's mostly good for me because it shows me where I can walk, and stop me from getting too lost. If I've got too much to look at, it messes with my focus.
Goku was always a manlet.
It's a ton easier on the developer to make environments that look nice from a single angle with mild variation than it is to make one that allows for a free camera, since you lose any ability to pull out several tricks of mixing 2D/3D assets and have to model everything from every angle rather than only one side. But as and this thread have pointed out, people hate fixed cameras for some reason, so they thought it best to go and make a bunch of lifeless environments with no identity because that's all their budget allowed for if you were going to be able to see everything.
That's still less than half the time it took to make BOTW.
BOTW wasn't actually in development for that long, they just delayed it so they can release it on Switch because they didn't want it to be exclusive to a dead console for any amount of time
Then why didn't Game Freak make it look nice?
btw I love you guys for using Abyss in your examples. My favorite Tales game.
I think it's just the whole open world meme that people have fallen into, forgetting that fixed camera isn't always bad. As long as it works fine, I honestly don't care either way.
But thank you very much for the explanation. I never understood what people meant by fixed or free cameras, but now it all makes sense.
they also had to remove all of the wii u gamepad features so the switch version wouldn't seem inferior.
I'm curious about the future of Pokemon, will Nintendo keep releasing home/handheld combo consoles like the Switch or will they go back to the usual two console format, and if they do, where will the mainline Pokemon series continue. Imagine gen 9 or 10 back on a handheld worse than the Switch.
and none of them are tentpole titles from $90 billion franchises.
streaming will kill consoles as you know them.
I don't really mind the artstyle, it looks good to me, all i ask is that they don't go overboard with the dialoge like ultra sun and mo-OH MY GOD, STOP TALKING ALREADY! CAN YOU PEOPLE SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR 2 MINUTES!??!? LET ME PLAY THE GAME!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All those features were probably just handling the map though, similar to Splatoon.
the computer generated fantasy world full of impossible creatures looks fake? I wonder why?
looks like an old (or cheap) pc game
Because its Game Freak, the people who struggle with developing on switch, the people who tell people to lower their expectations, who drop good features to make gens feel special.
It literally just looks like Kalos and after the travesty that XY was, I've lost any hype before it could be built.
you keep posting this trash but it would only make it worse. dumping a tonne of pokemon on an area without any thought or consideration looks fucking stupid. delete everything except the pidgeys, the ponyta, and a single fearow.
It's literally just a normal Pokemon town design but shown as 3D rather than being a semi isometric flat view. They have all sorts of towns in Pokemon that have one road in from the way you started and 1-3 out. It's just simple older RPG town design like Pokemon always has been, not some meme ass open world shit.