You can shut down one and only one. Which is it?
You can shut down one and only one. Which is it?
i would hold my power for ransom and make konami release ports for all castlevania and metal gear games with no changes whatsoever and then kill bethesda.
Not bad
Berthesda. I want RPGs to die
I'm not into sports games
EA, studios buried, games unreleased.
One of four horsemen who unleashed micro transactions.
Only Nintendo.
EA hands down.
All the others have done shitty things but EA is the only video game company I actively want to see out of business.
What said, but I also make Sega fire 75% of Sonic Team and put him on the backburner for a few years/give up all other IPs to a competent set of developers who can do them justice.
I want new JSR, you fucking assholes.
If we shut down EA, 2K, Ubisoft Activision or Bethesda will simply take its place. If I were going to shut down anyone, it would be SEGA.
Go away console war babbies.
Ubisoft because they rejected my job application
I would shut down nintendo because I hate Pokemon only being on their console. But choosing from the picture
Bethesda, I absolutely hate how the fanboys of it support it so much. These dudes re-release the same game over and over and the retards keep paying for it, they launch extremely buggy games that look like they came out in 2008 and their cocksucking fans keep giving them money.
EA obviously, and all their subsidiaries too
EA, how is this even a question?
Bethesda. I liked Fallout 3 and Skyrim was fun for a while but lets be real you play one Bethesda game you've played and the formula's gotten stale and they show no sign of innovating or improving.
but lets be real you play one Bethesda game you've played *them all*
EA, their business models are only destructive.
how is EA not everyone's first choice
Ubisoft. Taking away generic normie cookie-cutter games would either cause people to get interested in more games or drop them alltogether. This is fine by my book.
far cry 5 is the only good game they've made in years and they'll probably never make another good one.
Because I love Apex Legends
EA or japanese EA (I.E square enix)
Why would you choose EA over other just as shitty companies then?
>Shut down EA
A lot of the others on the list are meh to trash (looking at you Bethesda) but EA's death would begin a new era of gaming for various entertainment licenses such as sports, movies, and etc.
Konami doesn't do anything.
Activision just pumps out CoD and killing them off wouldn't save blizzard.
Sega..owns sonic team?
Fallout 76 doesn't really justify killing off Bethesda, wait and see how the next 2 games are first.
Ubisoft has actually taken steps to improve themselves this gen.
2K is just owned by someone else. If shut down something would just replace it.
WB owns netherrealm right? Why kill then off?
Killing them off would end the "worst company of current year" meme so consumers can be made aware of other problems. All the shitty writers at bioware would need to learn how to code.
Starwars games could become good again.
EA sports will also go.
Konami, all their IPs go to better developers
Ubisoft because EA and Actvision are alreadly shutting themselves.
Oh ye-
EA i guess.
would be hilarious
Ubisoft or WB Games.
>Nintendo suddenly shuts down out of nowhere
>owner personally holds onto all of their IPs and nothing is ever done with them again in our lifetimes
The butthurt would be legendary.
The amount of hate Capcom gets from gamers is ridiculous. There isnt a single other 3rd party game company with as many iconic long running franchises as Capcom.
Then why kill Bethesda? They don't make RPGs anymore.
Objective statistics for these companies
> EA
Highest Rated: Burnout 3 (94), The Sims (92)
Latest Score: Anthem (60), ME: Andromeda (71)
> Namco
Highest Rated: SoulCalibur (98.5), Tekken 3 (96)
Latest Score: Ace Combat 7 (80), SoulCalibur VI (85)
> Capcom
Highest Rated: Resident Evil 4 (97), Code Veronica (96)
Latest Score: Devil May Cry 5 (88), Resident Evil 2 (91)
> Konami
Highest Rated: Metal Gear Solid 2 (97), Metal Gear Solid GBC (95)
Latest Score: Metal Gear Survive (60), Super Bomberman (67)
> Sega
Highest Rated: Panzer Dragoon Saga (94), Virtua Fighter 4 (94)
Latest Score: Valkyria Chronicles 4 (84), Sonic Forces (57)
> Square Enix
Highest Rated: World Ends With You (95), Final Fantasy XII (92)
Latest Score: Left Alive (Low 50s), Kingdom Hearts III (83)
> Activision
Highest Rated: Modern Warfare (94), Modern Warfare 2 (94)
Latest Score: Black Ops 4 (83), Spyro Remastered (82)
> Ubisoft
Highest Rated: Chaos Theory (94), Pandora Tommorow (93)
Latest Score: Trials Rising (79), Far Cry ND (72)
EA of course.
This is not even a reasonable question. EA is the absolute worst on that list
So long, Scamco.
Why do they look so condescending?
Activision. Preferably Tencent.