>literally "It's ok when japan does it!!!!"
Explain yourself, Yea Forums
>literally "It's ok when japan does it!!!!"
Explain yourself, Yea Forums
I don't need to. It's okay when Japan does it.
Tone is important, user. So yes, it is okay when Japan does it. Better in fact even.
The main difference here is Nero is actually a likable character.
Nuro isn't though
Donte was great. Vergil 2.0 sucked.
Who the fuck is that?
>I have no argument
Fuck off then
They have already done it in 4
Nero is likable, and the fuck you comes at what is literally the emotional high point of the story, with Nero's frustrations with himself, his legacy, and his family all come to a head in a fervent display of rage.
Reminder that Vergil is so autistic it takes Nero literally beating him almost to death in order to accept him.
>Fuck you
>Fuck you!
>Fuck yooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu rabblerabblerabble
>Fuck you!
Spot the difference.
You're looking at him. Nu-nero with an entirely different face and personality that weebs somehow pretend is the same character. Donte had more in common with Dante than Nuro has with Nero
Context matters.
One is confused and enraged at his dead beat father.
Other (Donte) has "Fuck you" "No fuck you" "Fuck you" as his entire banter.
He did in 4 already.
It's okay when it is fucking used properly to deliver a fucking thematic fucking impact.
"fuck you fuck you fuck yoooouuuublaaargh" every other second is gay and fucking weak.
Nero pulling out a single "FUCK YOU" when he's really fucking pissed and flipping off his fucking asshole dad while fucking pulling his fucking Devil Trigger has some fucking meaning.
>Spot the difference.
Easy, you exaggerated the first one to create a strawman but presented the second one as is. What do I win?
>>This fractured state extends to the writing, as DMC5 feels caught between two versions of itself, one side that leans into the gothic and darker vibe of the original games and the edge load, angsty side of the reboot. Nero in particular channels reboot Dante’s insufferable attitude at several points, which again makes me wonder why the game leans so hard into him as the primary playable character.
Donte was extremely shallow and threw insults because IT WAS COOL AND EDGY. On the other hand, Nero had a fuckton of emotional impact in mission 20.
Garbage Character
Okay character
There you have it.
You're the most pathetic defense force around, you just deny reality. This is some tranny level shit. It's a fact that he looks nothing like Nero, what the fuck is the point denying that
Based first poster.
You don't remember that scene at all do you? That's literally how it goes after Donte insults the demon by talking about her age. She says "Fuck you!" He says "Fuck you!" back, and then she screams "Fuuuuck yooooooooouuuuuuuuu!" while vomiting at him.
El Donte's main character trait was being needlessly crass
Nero is just aggro
It literally is okay when Japan does it. No explanation needed, because Japan doesnt make it cringy.
nah, you're blind
>you exaggerated the first one
More like he downplayed it.
You're delusional
left: twink
right: twunk
>punk that really loves his gf and adoptive brother
>punk that calls his gf for counseling and want to save the blood family he just discover due to the guilt over the death of his adoptive brother
This but unironically. Also based
But he didn't exaggerate the first one, that is how it actually plays out...
>She says "Fuck you!" He says "Fuck you!" back, and then she screams "Fuuuuck yooooooooouuuuuuuuu!"
So he says it once then. How are you so indoctrinated, what the fuck is going on in those DMC threads, is this a cult
Absolutely based
In DMC5, characters curse casually. DmC belabors the point of how cool it is to say fuck.
It's only a strawman if your assumption that it was an exaggeration is true.
Unfortunately for you its not
He did that in 4 as well with the fuck finger. Also, there's a time and place for everything. In the particular scene and circumstances where Nero says Fuck it's quite clearly justified.
It's the point in the story where Nero explodes with emotions.
>he did before so its ok now to do it!
HAHAHAHAHa, fucking assholes, can you be more pathetic?
Yeah guys it's exactly the same character. Jesus
and people said dmc 2 wasn't real lmao
Yes it was oscar worthy.
The line when he says "fuck you" and flips him off?
Brought tears into my eyes.
Fuck Planescape, fuck Vampire bloodlines, this IS writing, THESE ARE CHARACTERS.
>you missed!
>my name, by the way, is Dante
>literally had arm ripped off by a guy people claim is his dad
>had a weapon stolen from him
>is stronger than him
>is mad at him for shitting on him, taking his arm, his sword, his only friend
>saying fuck you because he met a demon
>he says it once
how will westcucks ever recover
Yeah, is your vision really that poor?
FPBP, And also based and redorbed as usual
Do you have brain cells? Do you understand that repeatedly saying "fuck you," regardless of which individual is saying it, just comes off as juvenile? The sheer "tryhard badass" nature of DmC always being the thing people complained about? Let's not forget the scene where he writes "fuck you" on an entry list.
>DmCfags STILL seething over getting cucked by Itsuno and Matt
Will they ever recover?
Donte and Nuro both say it once. I don't know why you're counting giant worm's lines as Donte lines, I guess it suits your argument. But Donte and Nuro literally say the same line
Can someone explain why Nero saying fuck you is important?
Amazing what time and a haircut can do right?
Do you feel accepting yet?
This thread
>repeatedly saying "fuck you," regardless of which individual is saying it
It's not repeated if he's saying it once, WHAT THE FUCK. Are you people retarded? Donte and Nuro lines are identical. Can you admit that?
Some fuel for shitposters to get some (you)s
absolute based
it's just okay when Japan does it.
Oh God DMC 5 looks SOOOO GOOD
I literally can't wait to play it
The phrase is the same words but the meaning is different. retard
DmCfags are seething because people didn't like Donte for repeatedly swearing and otherwise being a massive asshole manchild.
Nero is swearing in an emotionally defiant scene because he lost his cool, ergo it's not cringe inducing.
To be fair you could excuse the Donte line as him teasing the demon
The scene when he wrote FUCK YOU as his name to the club bouncer is dumb as fuck though
Japanese goddamn writers know how to fucking write shit and not make a god damn spectacle about using motherfucking curse words like a tryhard cunt. Piss dick ass.
I've come to say the "J" word!
This honestly! Me and my wife's son clapped when Nero said the naughty word. Best writing since Mass Effect 3!
Okay guys you win they really do look similar. I'll admit they're the same character
Are you okay, Barry?
Of your existence? Or your strength?
>FUCK YOU to everything
>Fuck you dad to deadbeat dad being a cunt
Might as well bitch on how Dante in 1 doesn't look like Dante in 3 you fag
Cause we are talking about context here, two assholes screaming fuck you at each other as...."banter" vs Nero yelling fuck you at an emotional high point at his father due to his current emotional state
Four times, four times the word "fuck" was used in that boss intro cut-scene, alongside the word "shit" and "whore."
>rat face with a mohawk
>chad twunk with short hair
Must be hard identifying people without your glasses, user
Both, you fucking asshole!
>deadbeat dad ended up turning his son into Donte 2.0
Based vergil
ITT delusion and delusion
>wider jawline
>flatter nostrils
>wider nose bridge
>brows are not as wide
>forehead is about half as tall
>different eye shape
Literally nothing about those characters is similar. It's almost impressive.
holy fuck, he really does look like the "mom said its my turn to play now" kid.
That line was delivered with pure emotional anguish and I love it
Basically Hallstatt Nordid vs East Nordid.
>I don't have an argument and ummm
Yeah how will OP ever recover... what the fuck
Nero has been taking some steroids. He doesn't look like a clone of Dante anymore
>literally just looks like an older Nero
Basically white man vs asian man. This is not the same race I'm seeing. Nero in 4 looks like a FF character
Well, now he looks like a clone of Donte.
Do all asians turn white in later life? Does their dick grow?
You don't deserve one. There are more reasons why DmC was disappointing than Donte flipping the bird and saying fuck you that one time, you're just memebrained.
>already played it
>it's shit
>mfw looking at all these hopeful anons not knowing what they're getting into
is this how no man's sky felt?
OP status: Anally Annihilated
Nero was so cute in 4, why'd they ruin him bros?
The real question is which one do you prefer?
Nero is hot, fuckable, and has a big cock
Donte is ugly, unfuckable and has (canonically) a small dick
If nero says fuck you, you know damn well i'd be down on my knees ready to be used
If donte said fuck you, id call him a faggot
After KH3, BotW, RE2, MHW, God of War, Smash Bros, Bayonetta and FF14, I don't believe anyone in Yea Forums anymore who says
>it's shit
>you don't deserve an argument, says a man still arguing with me
>is this how no man's sky felt?
No, they were fed dreams and hardly got any gameplay reveals . DMC bros know what the game play is going to be like and the story has been spoiled so that doesnt matter either.
its fine tameem, go drink your squirrel spunk and calm down
I prefer 4's devil bringer design but I actually love everything else about 5 Nero
it's okay when nips do it because nothing they make is to be taken seriously
But user they're exactly the same how can you tell the difference????
vergil final boss gameplay
>Says the bitch who wants an argument
Because it's literally a super sentai fuck you
A balance between the two will be great
For example use 5Nero and give him 4Nero's hair and chin
>Explain yourself, Yea Forums
Itsuno can make whatever he wants with DMCV. This shit is just the beta test for pic related. Thank you, Devil May Fags.
Were you that guy who couldn't Exeed on easy?
But I'm having one right now, with you. Sounds like I'm winning eh
>yes I'm a delusional weeb, so what
BASED BASED BASED wait how is this based
Dragon's Dogma was one of the worst games I've ever played
so dante and vergil get trapped in the underworld?
Hope you enjoy expanded V gameplay
1.0 or in general?
>Nero in particular channels reboot Dante’s insufferable attitude at several points
That's been Nero's personality since 2008, four years before DmC. From the start he's been an angsty shit, but it's handled a hell of a lot better than reboot Dante's.
>a big dick chad or a shy virgin twink
I'll go with the big dick chad
How about Itsuno finally put him to rest and focus on Dante and Vergil, a more popular character instead? Capcom trying to push Nero in 4 and it didn't work then they try again this time and people still more interest in that two old man more than him so I think it's time to put him to rest and focus on the one that really matters.
Over the line, DMC fag
Seems like it.
Granted they have yamato and just seem to be dicking around sparring
Somebody post JUDGMENT NUT END
Yeah, so CAPCOM can mage 6 a Dante's Inferno
>already played it
>it's fucking amazing
>mfw looking at all these hopeful anons going to get their expectations EXCEEDED
Nero sucks ass compared to Dante but Itsuno keeps trying to force him because he made Nero. Truthfully Nero has and always will be a clone in Dante's shadow
No he used to be a japanese boyband member, now he's a british boyband member. Big difference
in general.
Now that would be KHNO
Because he's too cool to give a fuck about what you think
Here you go lil' fella
Should have used the money shot, where stretches out his finger into the sky like the fucking He-Man, as bright sparkles of energy engulf him.
Nostalgiafags. Nero is alright
I'm excited but I just want FUCKING TURBO MAN. I guess they couldn't do with the online system they have
DDfags are infinitely worse
Dragon's Dogma is a horrible game that doesn't deserve a quarter of the praise it gets
holy fucking based
DMC fanbase has always been edgy americans with little dicks. They will tell you the gameplay matters but their threads are all about edgy garbage like picrelated or the now alrady famous dance cringy shit. Imagine the kid that drops fortnite to boast at recess he "grew up". dmc is his game.
>game ends with perfect way to put nero in the spotlight again and move the sons of sparda to the background for the next game
Oh shit
Holy based here’s your (You)
>because he made Nero
He also made Vergil. Nero just has more opportunity to develop as a character compared to Dante
Donte wishes he looked half as good as nu-Nero.
>He also made Vergil.
Well expanded on,fleshed out, turned him into the guy we know today, but technically didn't create him
I'll always love the devil bringer from 4, but all in all I like 5 Nero better. He's definitely been given the chance to stand out that he didn't in 4.
Today is my birthday and not even my father has called me to congratulate me, can I get some (you)s instead?
I like Nero but, i also liked Raiden when MGS2 came out so what do i know
5 nero is superior in every aspect, loved the military kinda theme his clothes have
>Nero is alright
In the same way a McDonalds burger is alright. It's mediocre and filling, but don't go around telling people that shit is five-star.
Any footage of Sin trigger gameplay or dual wielding Kailans?
The biggest problem with Nero is he is not interesting enough to be the face of the franchise. Fucking Hell, bloody Vergil manage to get popular with just 1 fucking game as a fucking Villain and people never stop asking for the guy meanwhile look at fucking Nero.
clearly making fun of DmC
ok retard
>Implying a couple of fuck you's and middle fingers is as much cringy edge NuDmC have or will ever have.
happy birhday bigboy
your present is DMC5 not being shit
ty user for a good dmc5
>Today is my birthday and not even my father has called me to congratulate me, can I get some (you)s instead?
Based. It's ok when Japan does it because it's not riddled with shit social commentary. Nero does it because he is pissed off at what's happening, not because someone in the studio wanted to stick it to the fans.
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear user
Happy Birthday to You!
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too!
Yes, he is alright but not good enough to be the main guy. It's not even Nostalgia but he's just bland compare to his uncle or even his daddy.
Your gift is DMC5 coming out this friday. Happy FUCK YOU! Day.
May you be blessed with the gift of light, user. Happy birthday.
just remember nothing can replace a father and anything you try to fill the void is in vain, besides if not even someone so close in blood remembered you it has to be because you're no good for anyone and your life makes no difference
needs a decent side character to help him at this Nico worked but we need another on-field devil hunter
Happy Birthday my dude, I hope you end the day a little happier.
Happy Birthday man. I hope DMC5 makes things better. Go get yourself something warm and comforting to eat.
Same feature placement. Same reason they cast ewan mcgregor as obi wan.
>Need another side character to make MC interesting
Might as well crawl back to Dante and Vergil, user.
You fuckin madman here's your (You).
Absolute B A S E D
No Yea Forumsros he can't do that!!!
I'm not denying that it's a problem, but it's just true.
It literally is because at this point "FUCK YOU" is a DMC meme as big as ur a fagget.
Also based.
>giving (You)s to Nero
Storyfags got triggered. DMC was always a joke in character development/story development. Niggers literally taking a fucking anime storyline serious when the games were always about being autistic with hitting buttons.
when japan does what??
Thank you anons, but I was goofing around. My birthday was actually on Christmas. Thanks for the free yous though! Oh! And DmC is way better than this piece of garbage anyway
you say that like it's a bad thing
It's okay user the birthday is the cakes we made along the way
Commend this man
>having taste that shit
No wonder your father didn't call.
>humanity restored
Kamiya said a long time ago that game characters didn't have to swear to be cool and he was right. DMC3 Dante is perfection. Nero was a faggot in 4 but he's even more of a faggot in 5, resorting to lame cursing. Zero class. Capcom no longer has any merit as far as this series goes.
This is just DmC2. Shitposters and autistic fanboys will say otherwise but that's just the state of neo-Yea Forums. Old Yea Forums would be pissed.
Based desu
...You're welcome. Dick.
Finally someone said it
No, those are in there to take a massive shit on DmC. Itsuno made a game to partially shit on the past one. That is based as fuck.
they fucked it all up
Nero swear precisely when he lost his cool
Kamiya also believes the series peaked in DMC1.
Man, Mega Man 11 succeeding really broke Blunderfag's mind....
I can smell OP's rectal bleeding from here
Damn right.
Based and Lightfilled
fuck you
>Kamiya said a long time ago that game characters didn't have to swear to be cool
Is that why Bayonetta has swearing?
Vorgil is like 25 and Vergil in his late 40. Plus life full of stress and lust for POWER.
Even Dante is fucked up.
Please, DMC friends, stop off the ledge from becoming as insufferable a gaggle of buffoons as the KH fanbase. Your games are actually good. Don't ruin them for me.
>letting a fanbase determine whether or not you like the games
>on a single-player series
How incredibly pathetic.
>letting other people ruin things for you
Is your spirit so brittle? You know, you don’t even have to be on Yea Forums. It might be better to do something productive
They've been worse than KHfags for the past year.
Why are you turning him into Bayonetta?
Based. Westcucks BTFO.
>Kamiya said a long time ago that game characters didn't have to swear to be cool
Bayonetta must be pretty lame huh then
Because that's how he should be.
Is that why he's completely redesigned each game?
Why pick out the shitty DMC4 models?
He has ridiculous proportions in that game, hell everybody does, either they're all related to that dude from beetlejuice, or they're all 7+++ft tall slendermen.
Use the Kino DMC3 models.
Shit, I asked a couple threads ago for Style Switcher for the HD Collection but it refuses to work. Does feel good to be getting back into the swing of things after not touching the series for so long though.
I don't like it either. I'm assuming this was pointed at Vergil though.
Indeed, and Itsuno managed to make it look epic.
Because it's Nero, he's the edgy teen. And he did it in DMC 4
The only change I would make it so stop Nero from swearing until this moment. The impact of it would've been glorious.
The only game where his proportions changed is 5.
7 1/2 heads is the actual normal human standard. You're retarded for thinking they wouldn't go with that when face scanning showed up.
I don't think Nero swore in 4 but he did use the middle finger.
>back slouched
>looks below parallel
>head craned forward
>hair has been firmly fastened to never react to wind or any laws of physics
>head is at perfect vertical angle at all times
>has figured out how to look everyone in the eye at all times at once
>does not register the emotions or feelings of others at all
>back so straight you could measure structural foundation with his spinal cord
>I'm retarded for wanting Crapcom to preserve their art style
Feels bad man.
Breakers seem disappointing to an extent from what I've seen + demo
>can't upgrade them in terms of effects and moves
>can't freely swap
>One loses it's niche by the time you finish the game and replay on hard due to buster returning
>ammo drop shit and then that goes away on higher difficulties
Feels like if they bring them back for 6, instead of just adding more, they should expand on the breakers even more with their utilities
>long droopy nose
>flat as fuck
how can anyone defend this abomination of re-design
It's been canon since DMC4 that Nero has a filthy mouth
People are already remodeling faces for RER2 at least, though facial capture makes it questionable since it will always try to contort faces to specific points no matter what. Might see some cross-tool compatibility and tweaks.
Decided to finally play the DMC5 demo since we're two days away. Did a lot better than I thought I would, reaching SS at one point and getting an A in everything. Don't fully understand what each Devil Breaker is capable of, but I'm sure I'll understand through multiple playthroughs.
>lady gets massive upgrade
>trish gets massive downgrade
did somebody make a monkey paw wish
4Nero only for the fact that he felt more serious even if a little bland. 5Nero feels too tryhard with swearing and gives me more Dante vibes with his banter than 4.
Nero swore in 4. I can recall him saying shit, fuck, and I think ass
Did you forgot when everyone made fun of DMC4 Trish for looking like a tranny?
How dare I dislike how the character design has done nothing but go down since 3?
Okay, this is epic
By the way, there is no Nero and Vergil meeting in a van. Fuck this fake shit.
nero is a character that would say fuck you
dante is not
thats literally is
>Artstyle has anything to do with having bad facial capture and mocapping
It's Capcom's problem with adapting to photorealism more than artstyle preservation
>Lady back to being cute instead of uggo like in 4
The RE2 mods aren't even good, I don't have a lot of faith in DMC getting an even larger attempt at fixing it. Maybe older models getting ported over would be enough, I don't know.
Lady looks fucking awful.
Lady looks perfect, you fucking shit eater.
Yeah, me
>not as fucked with transitions to RE engine
>covered in demon splooge
>Kamiya said
Stopped right there
Put me in the screencap pls
i mean when you start at perfection theres only one way to go
The entire artsyle is botched imo.
4 was kind of fucked but it was still 90% Lady. Nu-Lady looks like a chink tranny.
>Still this upset.
DmC was made for non-fans, but still expected fans to buy and fund it.
That's fucking retarded.
>pretending that Lady and Trish looked good in 4
imagine being so spineless that people cursing in video games upsets you
>not even the same eyecolor
Old Yea Forums here. You are a faggot.
It kind of fits Nero's character, it doesn't fit Dante's at all.
Nero is supposed to be a bit of a snotty punk.
>spend years shitting on fans of the classic series and telling them that it wasn't for them
>"wtf why aren't you buying our game look we put white hair in that's what you wanted right fucking entitled manbabies"
>Old Yea Forums here.
Said no one from old Yea Forums.
>not in a thousand years
Based as FUCK.
Old Yea Forums here. I said it and you're still a faggot.
He does but not to this degree. He swore rarely. DmC influenced this game more than it should. It's that or whoever is handling the localization is a tryhard retard.
X here is a reddit thing. 2012 is not old.
is the left supposed to be worse or better?
OP and all westoids BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
holy shit
Because it looks shit with modern levels of graphical fidelity. Look at the Uncanny abominations of FFXV, that's how DMC5 characters would look like with modern graphics.
Context matters
DmC was a trashy reboot done by western developers, a part of the globe that is utterly incapable of making a good action game
DMC5 was made in glorious superior master race Japan, the only place that knows how to make good action games.
Lol, OP got fucking rekt
Lady looks fine to me. I have more problems with Nero swearing than that.
But left is a thousand times better, right looks like a tryhard dyke, left looks 9/10 cute.
>is a clear tummy/spats combo
>can only focus on the one (1) foot in the shot
>Because it looks shit with modern levels of graphical fidelity.
No it doesn't, lots of Japanese games still use the old style of modelling. And implying image related would look like shit in a modern engine is just being delusional.
FFXV looks like shit because it looks like shit. The models are just ass and the renderer is terrible. Somehow even last-gen Platinum games look better than it does.
Pulling some autistic qualifiers to appear like an authority is way more Reddit. If you were here when I came here in 2005 you were probably a fucking faggot then just like you're a fucking faggot now.
el gringo....
>Being this inconsolably horny about the slightest glimpse.
Jesus Christ, foot porn isn't even rare but you fuckers act like the internet is a desert.
Ok kid.
His personality is like the exact same as the first few missions of DMC4 before he devolved into a brooding faggot.
Man, CG renders of that era were a weird thing. They almost never resembled what characters looked like in-game besides the loose design, but when you compare them to today's rendering they look really fucking weird. Especially Dante there. They're not human faces or even scanned faces, they're like mannequins with flawed textures on top.
DMC was pretty Mediocre. the "Fuck You!" moment was the best part of the game, not even memeing. I think it's funny that they're poking fun at the DMC hate.
there it is
So when people were complaining about DmC but are now okay with all the similarities 5 has to it, in the end it literally just came down to weeaboos being weeaboos?
I genuinely got fucking tricked into thinking these people had standards, but it was just fanboyism in the end.
>tfw you will never get another DMC like 1 or 3 ever again
>All these (You)s
Here another one, holy based
>His personality is like the exact same as the first few missions of DMC4
He's more immature, his jokes are cringy, and it seems like he has a screw loose. Nero in 4 was always "cool" until he got mad. He was never cheesy/cringe.
Yes, it looks shit.
Bishonen aesthetic worked in the past because it was a way to hide the graphical deficiences behind stylization.
Nowadays, now that octagon mouths ain't a thing anymore, it looks weird as fuck, because the characters are clearly supposed to represent humans and emote like ones, but they clearly don't have the skeletal structure of one - it looks uncanny as fuck, like living porcelain dolls.
Either go full realistic, or go balls to the wall Anime, like say - Near: Asstomato.
The middle ground looks creepy and will look even creepier, the more graphics advance.
If you were an oldfag you wouldn't have this faggot mentality that Yea Forums was your carebear community of camaraderie and unanimous opinion. This is an anonymous imageboard. Nobody gives a fuck who you are and how long you've been here. You are cancer.
in the end Yea Forums proved the gaming press was right and all the issues people had with DmC were superficial
Context is everything.
Sorry about your disability and short attention span.
I prefer Advent Children to Kingsglaive when it comes to character design but I don't dislike full realism. The problem is that the models they used AND the translation into game is just bad and not really DMC.
El Goblino vs El Virgen
Real life DMC characters exist, they should have used them instead of the mutts they went with.
It's a manner of principle that looks like autism to anyone who doesn't care. I would actually watch the Sonic movie if he just looked like Sonic and not a furry in a suit.
>DMC1-3 Dante never uses and worse than PG rated language
>DMC4/5 Nero goes around saying Fuck You to all the enemies and bosses
Literally the Donte of DMC.
Itsuno needs to commit sudoku.
You say this, trying to convince an anonymous person on an imageboard. True irony.
What a faggy picture to have saved on your computer
Holy fucking based jesus redpilled
feels bad man
Nero has a bigger dick
you're too smart for Yea Forums, go back to whatsapp
Why would you say that's faggy? You sound insecure.
Man it's kinda whack that Nero Angelo is the first vergil you meet in the series.
And the iconic one isn't until three.
lucky blue smith has a killer overbite, that the only reason people like his profile.
>Several dmc threads
>they either bitch about reviews, bitch about character designs, try to bait people or are just fujobait
Fuck it, I'll ask here. I really shouldn't be trying to raise exceed normally but instead I should be going for Ex-acts right? If not, when do I rev? It seems a waste of time for just one move.
>DMC4/5 Nero foes around saying Fuck You to all the enemies and bosses
No he doesn't, fuck off
You have more reason to commit sudoku then Itsuno
Vergil and Nero don't fight at the end for some stupid reason is an improvement from DmC. Swearing is a huge gripe since it's unnecessary but Nero is saying it, not Dante, so it softens the blow. DmC had this dirty grimy look for their models while DMC looks cleaner if not shinier. Trish and Vergil look really bad in some cases. Would prefer a Bayonetta 2 style of models.
DMC4 Nero doesn't swear at every boss. DMC5 Nero is another issue but nothing feels like the "Fuck You" exchange from DmC.
the only thing DMC4 Nero did was flip off Dante
DMC5 Nero only says fuck you to Vergil
That was brutal
Just get the max act timing down.
He looks like young Vergil.
This DMC4? If it's DMC5, You can rev while moving into battle. Always go for Ex Acts.
Dante curses in this game too, I doubt he'll go this far though.
Streak allows you to hold it and rev up if you have at least one bar
Or you manually rev while platforming around
Or you do the rev taunt
But yeah, most of the time go for Ex-Act
>that's your kid dumbass
best Dante line in the game
>DMC5 Nero only says fuck you to Vergil
He swears a ton more than that.
My problem is 5Nero swearing everywhere else. Saying Fuck You to Vergil is perfectly fine. Everything else feels unnecessary.
>local man so fucking angry he transforms by flipping off his father with the force of 1000 suns
>supluxes angels in last levels of DMC4 and says Fuck you
>Nero says Fuck you to the final boss when you grab him in 4
>says Fuck you to the final boss in 5
You need to commit sasuga as well.
I heard about that and It's annoying that it's just throwaway comments that Dante has to swear in. I want them to patch it out tbqh.
>Donte says fuck you and flips off every person he sees
>Nero says fuck you and flips off his father who stole his arm and was never there for him throughout his entire life and is about to get himself killed for a childish cause right when Nero realizes he has a family again
In certain situations, the F bomb is acceptable.
Where else does he say that? I only recall the ending when he flips out after Nico tricks him into saying "Cry"
>supluxes angels in last levels of DMC4 and says Fuck you
>Nero says Fuck you to the final boss when you grab him in 4
he calls Sanctus a demon
He says "Rock You" when suplexing Angelos and is a better alternative that it calls back to DMC1 Dante using "Flock off" instead of "Fuck off".
>Frog again
I'll end myself after you
Nero says fuck you to Sanctus and even random Order knights and even flips off Dante
They were not looking for a young vergil, they wanted a vergil in his physical prime.
He says fuck you. Please do watch it again
i agree
the game was dogshit, literally the only thing it did right was the flashy combat animations (which doesn't count for much since the rest of the visuals are terrible)
stupid donte fan
He says in during the Goliath fight. If you stop his charge with a breaker, He says something like "FuckHead". He also uses "bitching" instead of "whining" when Nico was complaining about him breaking the Devil Breakers. All of these are littered throughtout Nero's dialogue and it's too much.
Putting aside Vergil just looks like a mexican, they could have used that guy for Nero.
Wrong on all fronts.
Play the game again.
This is reference to DmC
I watched it and I hear "Rock You".
This dude doesn't look like Vergil. Stop posting him. He has a way different facial structure than DMC3 Vergil's CG render.
You need to get your ears checked because everyone agrees it's fuck you
Same with Nero flipping Dante off and every other time he curses in 4. People don't like when Donte curses because Dante never cursed, but it's legitimately fine when Nero does it because that's how his character has been since he was revealed
Griffon is best birb
>if you want to kill yourself wait after we defeat the big bad, i'll even help you
He says "Rock You"
Nero aint Dante who aint Donte
With each passing day, Barry is getting closer and closer to his eventual sex change surgery and closer to his eventual suicide.
It’s not used for unfunny edgy humor but for an emotional delivery
Could be worse, nitpicking happens regardless but aside from denuovo, camera lag and wonky angles, I haven't heard anything really obnoxious yet (aside from a few plot reveals).
I'm personally fine with it because I like Nero and I don't like Donte. Simple as that.
folded on
Looks about as close as you can to him.
Stop shitposting. He says "rock you". Meanwhile Goliath says "morther fucker" like a cringelord.
I don't care if Nero only swears in important moments and it's appropriate. He still says "Rock You" when suplexing Angelos. My problem is everywhere else. Using swears is lazy and only adds an unnecessary edge to characters. I want good dialogue.
Man, why do they make one-shot characters so good. First with Vergil in 3, now V and his gang in 5.
Honestly? New Nero. However, he is the ONLY one from the new style I approve of. A lot of care went into him in every way, and it shows. Dante doesn't count, because he was modified after the fans turned on it hard. Nico is supposed to be ugly, so it's okay. Trish always looked weird, but they fucked up Eva in the process, which updated my journal pretty severely.
Lady is the one that stings the most, because she's really feminine this time around and looks horrific. Uncle Ben being Dante's backup jazz musician is fucking hilarious and I don't care at all 10/10 would share a box of Zatarain's with.
Vergil needs tweaking, but is very salvageable. Patty and Kyrie were spared with good reason.
Hello /r/Yea Forums!
He doesn't look close at all and I don't think he's the closest either.
what is the logic here?
Any character that says fuck you is automatically a bad character?
And because Donte and Nero both said it that means they are exactly the same?
Donte was an unlikable character for a lot of reasons and Nero is a likable character for a lot of reasons
Let me see someone closer
I knew it was "Rock You". Don't know why they didn't go with this for that moment in 5. Would've been really memorable.
Nero was saying "fuck you" since 4. He cursed repeatedly in 4 and in the pope bossfight he yells "TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT" every time you slam him.
>and Nero is a likable character
I want reddit to leave.
>Near: Asstomato.
That's the middle ground with almost PS2 tier render though. The thing about the graphic is you need to find the balance that works with your art style.
This thread was over a long time ago.
The original vocals were actually fine, they were just mixed too high. In these versions, with the instrumental taking center stage, it actually sounds pretty good. Too bad we're not going to actually get this in game.
It is beyond ironic that the Yea Forumsirgin DMC fans that post on here endlessly shit on DmC like children when DMC 5 is the most reddit game of this entire console gen EASILY
TLDR; you are the plebbit horde, and you're as obnoxious as you say they are
He doesn't say fuck in DMC4 and that's not as bad as the plethora of curses in 5.
Holy shit, so many ABSOLUTELY BASED comments these last days. What is happening?
I mean it's not even that Nero is a likable character that makes him good
It's really that his character makes perfect sense in the context of the story
>using FFXV as the cornerstone of your argument for modern graphics fidelity ruining anime style
y-yeah bro you sure showed everyone...haha...
There is no middleground. You go stylized or you go realistic. Realistic is really shit for games like this, for obvious reasons. It's better to have fantasy action games looking cool than to have it looking all weird like DMC5 does.
How can a man be so correct?
>Look at the Uncanny abominations of FFXV
That one looks like shit because SE tries to make their skin looks realistic when they have a fucking anime art style which of course will make it looks creepy as all hell. Seriously the art direction in FFXV is unbalancing to the point of abomination even more so when you mix anime art style with face scan photorealism in the same fucking game.
Who honestly gives a fuck? I don't need every character to be a cringe ninja turtle in DMC, the complaints about "muh anime man said the nono word" are pathetic. DMC3 ruined what was a cool character in Dante to me anyway.
This guy's good.
He's likable but very bland compared to his Uncle and Daddy. Dude just didn't work as the main character in the universe that Dante and Vergil exist.
He just went from anime chadboy to the chad that steals your girl in a party
Fuck you based
I care.
>Frogshitter wondering why no one cares about him
Does anyone have footage of Double Kalinana Ann somewhere? I saw it in a stream but forgot to record it to share.
You're a fucking loser.
I cant get over how cool that design is
>DMC3 ruined what was a cool character in Dante to me anyway
You mean the story about how retarded of a douche he was as a teenager and his growing the fuck up into a seamless DMC1 transition, down to going full SOUUUL cringe at his brother?
If you want to complain about Dante's DMC1 character being raped, look at DMC4 and now 5. Itsuno turned him into a sociopathic retard after 3. I wanted DMC1 Dante getting to see his brother come back to life, but I have to settle for the one without a frontal lobe.
Design looks kinda gay. Probably the hair
>Nero turn into a twink Onimusha the moment he goes DT
This will never not be funny.
It's official name is Sin DT now. I guess Majin DT is going to be used when referencing the DMC2 one.
And you have no standards, you're a fucking pleb.
>Just fuck my shit up
He says "fucking asshole" too. It's the worst.
It's note Dante who does it.
The real question is why Dante didn't go Majin DT against Urizen, since DMC2 takes place after 5 now with the wacky retcons. They really should've kept 2 in the distant future and not touched on it at all in the novel, now we're left wondering what the deal was with that transformation.
Happy Birthday, user.
That's Nero, not Dante. Nobody care's about Nero.
And did it again in DMC5.
Fucking based user!
we lived long enough for Yea Forums to get below rock bottom
He didn't have it on demand until he gets DSD. Majin DT only triggered when he was on the verge of death in the first place; he couldn't just use it whenever he wanted.
Why is DmC donte so mean? Dmc3 dante was smart-assey but not straight mean and antagonistic.
How does the buster work for this game once yo unlock it? Does it mesh well with his breakers?
Just needs coat wings. Only ifrit, sparda and alastor looked good without the sort of red coat stuff that dante has, or blue in the case of vergil.
Doesn't look bad in motion + white EX looks nice with it personally
Nico is cute though.
Kill yourself.
nico's reaally cute
Donte says fuck you to be cool while Nero says it because he's absolutely fucking seething at his deadbeat dad
>Dante doesn't count, because he was modified after the fans turned on it hard.
not only that but
ahah, i was looking for the upvote button, but i didn't notice i was on Yea Forums xd,
i know this website has a reputation of being filled with alt-right incels, but you guys are still fun xd
>mental gymnastics
There’s no Turbo? At all? That sucks.
>edgy punk literally SEETHING over the truth for the entire fucking game
Dante says:
Shit 3 times
Ass once
And Bitchslap
>gives me more Dante vibes with his banter than 4.
Not just "Dante's vibe" but Itsuno really turns him into a mini Dante.
he also called Vergil a dumbass
So it really is just weebs ruining the few actual discussions we get here? I thought it was a meme but all of the open-and-shut cases of hypocrisy I've seen in the past few years seem to be centered around west vs east.
This argument has always been fucking stupid
Dante is way younger in 3 and even by the end of the game shows up looking like he does in dmc1
Dante has also always at least looked similar enough that it never mattered, obviously Nero does have similarities between his 4 and 5 appearances but overall its very different
Im not even really on the other anons side, Nero looks fine in 5, but the dumb fuck "why didnt you cry when Dante wasnt the same" is a stupid counterpoint
>People complaining about families looking a like
It's people like you who can't handle critique.
>Nero literally seething over Dante calling him a dead weight
Like father like son, huh?
Still gay.
The fuck are you talking about? I have no problem with critique. I just genuinely don't understand a lot of arguments put forth on Yea Forums. They are irrational. That's not critique that's repressed emotions. I mean look at this thread, one guy even suggested it's all an elaborate ploy to shit on DmC. That's straight up mental illness if he's not being ironic.
That's nothing.
>DMC5 sells millions so DD2 gets made
>DD2 sells millions so DMC6 gets made
and so on
I mean sure, but still
I bet you've never been on another site in your goddamn life.
Never got why nero doesn't get Devil Arms
put me on the screencap, OP got absolutely obliterated
Yeah, let's hope he doesn't express his salt in a way that nearly detroys the world.
that's some high- functioning arm-pit
Does shin majin do different things depending on what style is selected?
Looks like it lost it's invincibility too.
If you asked me this same question after the trailer reveal, would said 4Nero, dem I love his Devil Bringer!! Now, after all these leaks, must said, a mix of the two.. at least in the "look" department. Still upset that Capcom cut Nero's hair and after saw a LONGER HAIR IN HIS DT I think it made me haaateeee 5Nero's look again due to his hair cut ... but the leak of the cutscene before the final battle made me forgive him just a little
I want a DLC with 4's hair and will be happy again or stay in DT forever to enjoy a long hair, lulz
The issue isn't that Donte cursed. Dante said pissed, bastard and ass in 3. The issue was how it was put to use: DmC overused it so it lost its comedic value very quickly. Nero however, saves cursing for an appropriate and fitting moment: fighting his deadbeat dad. You telling me you wouldn't be angry at an absent father, user?
Not as skilled with multiple weapons like his dad and uncle. It's probably why he has greater physical strength to compensate.
My bad I wasn't sure what you meant by weeb(both "sides" could be seen as weeb here). Yeah most discussion is being ruined by autists.
Caring this much about defending western devs is not based and is indeed pathetic
>comedic value
Maybe if you are a mormon or 12. Some people just swear a lot. Fiction is replete with characters that swear a lot but aren't supposed to be funny.
Imagine seething over your uncle shittalking you so much you spend an entire game looking for the opportunity to shittalk him back. And you unlock the ultimate power able to top every single character in the game just because you wanted to call him dead weight back.
>s.jpg, 2 KB, 78x125
Based as FUCK
He's trained his entire life with Red Queen as a Holy Knight. He doesn't know how to use other weapons.
We say it as a meme, but Nero is pure unga bunga.
He powers through stuff, his father uses finesse and is calm in a fight, Nero goes in like a berserker.
It's better for nico to make hardtech weapons for him, like a boosthammer.
This is the power of MOTIVATION user. DMC-friends are recharged now
Ive never understood the need to end Dantes story
I love Nero, playing as him is great
But you could have endless stories about Dante hunting demons
This isnt something like MGS where the story matters that much that finally letting the protag rest is something we should want
It seems tonally out of place
>inb4 DMC6's new Devil Braker is a giant hammer
The question is if hes that foulmouthed in front of Kyrie?
Better than a (You)...
Happy Birthday user!
i would actually preffered if in the devils cry scene Kyrie would've yelled at Nero for insulting Nico
Cheer up, user, you got us. Happy birthday!
We know he's not because he stops on Nico's foot for her saying Kyrie can call her bitch.
>he still gets to ditch you and go to hell with your child support dodging father
Relax guys, at this point, going back to one playable character would be a massive step back, they need atleast 2 playable characters per game, Dante will always be one of them.
What they really need to change is to have different stories for each character, from beginning to end, and not this shit to keep switching them.
imagine a breaker that creates a second weapon and he dual wields it with red queen.
>no game with at least 10-12 unique missions between the two characters
Do you have to say it every time someone interrupts us?!
Still it's funny to me how Vergil is now just as childish and bratty as his brother out in the open I hope he stays like that