I've been playing this for about 3 hours and not a whole lot happened...

I've been playing this for about 3 hours and not a whole lot happened. The graphics are great for a GBA game and the soundtrack is good. The battle system seems fine if a bit simplistic so far, but like 90% of the game is just horribly written trash. The puzzles aren't even puzzles, I just move something once and it's solves. I finished the sol sanctum dungeon, but now there's even more shitty writing. I'm honestly thinking of stopping playing. Does the game get any better? It's pretty shit desu.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Combat is piss-easy, but djinn-combination experimenting is fun.
Later parts of the game (post-Mercury Lighthouse) have more Zelda-esque puzzles, but never anything challenging.
Writing doesn't pick up until Babi's stuff near the endgame, and then only slightly.
Second game is better in all regards, including pacing, but not by much.
Both are solid 6.5/10 games, though.

its a pretty poor decision to drop the game while it's still world-building, but anyhow, the game doesn't actually stops being poorly written, as in even when things fall into place it all feels like half-assed, non-satisfactory explanations, and character's motives and fears don't really change anything, but then it's only a videogame so yeah, go play something else if you were expecting a world-changing narrative; or don't, you might actually like to read a book.

Just keep playing, game keeps getting better and better.
If you finish the game and you end up liking it, play the sequel, it's even better.

Golden Sun is a great series, the only ones who hate are Motherfags since their franchise is trash compared to GS

I suppose this is true. I don't play JRPGS for writing, but because I like battle RPGS. I just didn't expect this game to be 90% dialogue. I was thinking it was going to be mostly gameplay, like Pokemon is. If the writting wasn't bad, I wouldn't have minded. I do admit writting in JRPGS are never great, but the dialogue in this game is honestly awful. I'll keep playing for a little but, but if the battle system doesn't expand or if at least SOMETHING happens that requires any level of brain power at all, I'm just going to stop.

I wasn't aware it was possible to be this retarded.

The game gets worse as it goes, as battles get even easier as you gain Djinn. The highlight of the series, imo, is if you head straight to Mercury Lighthouse and fight Saturos. It's pretty much the only time a story boss will ever actually threaten you.

Also, ignore posters who call the first half of 1 "world building." It simply strings along a series of ill-conceived roadblocks and assigns an ethnic stereotype to the next town you visit, complete with much hand wringing about alternate words for the same concept but no effort put into cohesion or investment. Worst one in GS1 is when you reach an East Asian area and have to scale a mountain to meet an Asian mystic, but halfway up the mountain is a West European village with no conceivable way that people could easily travel or trade. It's just a jrpg town placed at a screen transition because fuck you.

Drop it
The game does not get any better and the overall experience is mediocre. There are tons of great JRPGs out there, don't waste your time on this trash.

t. Motherfag
Go jack off to Kumatora you dumb Plapfag

lol OK. Whether I jack off to Kumatora or not has nothing to do with the fact that the Mother series has better writing, game mechanics, visual presentation, and music than Golden Sun could ever hope to.

It's not trash. If it was trash, it would be fascinating in its awfulness. It's bog standard and unengaging, taking a bunch of pieces from influential games and mashing them together to make a journey full of nothing novel.
Listen to the OST though, it's great.

> the Mother series has better writing, game mechanics, visual presentation, and music than Golden Sun could ever hope to.

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> Motherfags actually believe this

Why are you reposting this

Wait, i thought Golden Sun was a shooter?
I'm confused.

If the beautiful visuals and endearing music weren't enough to keep you interested, then I suggest you drop it. There's a whole bunch of worldbuilding that's really cool, party customization, but... wait hold up

>I've been playing this for about 3 hours
> I finished the sol sanctum dungeon, but now there's even more shitty writing. I'm honestly thinking of stopping playing. Does the game get any better? It's pretty shit desu.

>3 hours to get through Sol Sanctum

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Why do Golden Sun fans always hide behind a boogieman? It's always some coordinated force with a grudge, like Ashleyfags or Discordfags or Motherfags. Why can't it ever be that people just think the games are bad?

I don't hate it, 6.5 is pretty decent; just not GOAT, or even close.

Mother isn't even my favorite JRPG series, bub. There's a lot of room for improvement in it, but no JRPG should be looking to Golden Sun as a way to improve. Golden Sun makes Secret of the Stars look like a masterpiece.

I believe those opinions because they're true. Care to prove me wrong? I bet the first piece of music you're going to post is Venus Lighthouse because it's the only song you fags ever post. It's not that good of a song and is just as forgettable as the rest of the soundtrack.

Sol Sanctum is the tutorial.

>wtf I don't like the writting, combat and puzzles of this game and I played the entire tutorial!

That's fine my dude, just go do something else. You have shit taste, just move on. Venus Lighthouse is a fan favorite song of course, not only because of how awesome it is, but also because it's probably the highest point in the first game.

In any case, if you want to be remotely taken serious ever, do not bring up Mother for ANYTHING positive, ONLY Motherfags like that shit of a series, to everyone else you look like a bunch of lunatics.

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>Worse than SotS
Let's not say things we can't take back. Although, the design and pacing is pretty bad, and the first game would be better if it followed Felix.

If you didn't grow up playing this game on car trips, it's probably not worth it

It's a nostalgia bait game of the highest order. The game looked pretty when it came out and the soundtrack can be good at times but the core of the game is terrible. Nobody can really pinpoint why they like the game outside of these two.

>The game does not get any better and the overall experience is mediocre
You are literally lying on the internet, why, user?

>Goldenkeks seething itt about their inferiority
The Mother series is well loved and has been a huge inspiration to a lot of people. Golden Sun, on the other hand, is kusoge of the highest order and is forgetable.
Also Isaac will never ever be in Smash.
Get fucked faggots

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I was gonna say Saturos' theme.

>not only because of how awesome it is, but also because it's probably the highest point in the first game.
>That annoying ass multipart dungeon with the "puzzle" of setting a path before starting followed by a bunch of block pushing and in challenging mobs.
Fuck no. The game ended on a wet fart. Mercury and the Suhalla were better than it easily.

>Nobody can really pinpoint why they like the game outside of these two.
it still looks and sounds great, I really like the puzzles in the game, interacting with the world using psynergy, I love talking to NPCs to know a city better, then using mind read to learn secrets and whatnot, using mind read to talk to animals, exploring cities to find hidden chests, the game really feels like an adventure everytime I play through it, I enjoy customizing my party, I love seeing the different psynergy animations, I love how fast the battles are (as opposed to other JRPGs taking like 10+ seconds to start one fucking battle), I love how well they combined the visuals with the music to create ambience, I love the freedom that TLA gives me once I get the boat, and after opening up the second half of Weyard, and I love the worldbuilding

so I think you're completely dead wrong when you say that, user

also I love summon animations

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You like Golden Sun, you don't have any room to tell others they have shit taste.

I liked the battle system well enough.

if you look that word up on a dictionary you'll find a cute picture with Ninten, Ness and Lucas in it

2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FFXV > 3

> The Mother series is well loved
Only because of Smash, nobody in the West cared about it before.

Also, Golden Sun sold more than your shitty franchise ever will and had popularity way before Smash. You lost Motherfag

Golden Sun battles
>Hit buttons as fast as you want, game will just go along with it even if the menu can't keep up

Literally all other JRPGs
>Have to wait anything from a few frames to almost a second between inputs

There are some things Golden Sun did right, that I rarely see anywhere else. One is menus.

Only theme that should play while browsing a golden sun thread youtube.com/watch?v=wb_zLitqH1o

But I thought taste was subjective

This fight between Golden Sun and Mother is the most retarded thing I read today. Good job pals.

>I take 3 hours to get through Sol Sanctum
>Mother is way better than Golden Sun!
>Mother is good!
>Mother isn't complete shit!

This is you, user.

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How did you know he was a rabid Motherfag?

I feel like this is simmilar to PM64fags shitting on TTYD because they're angry as fuck that TTYD is better in literally every single aspect.

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>N-No you!!

Guess who's playable in Smash.
Hint : it ain't golden sun bitch

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>shit insult
>use shit insult back
>now it's pathetic

it wasn't better before, son, maybe now you can reflect at your actions after looking in a mirror

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Since when do GS fags and Mother fags remotely give a shit about each other

Is this a bunch of kids jumping in on some sort of meme roleplay or is this actually coordinated shitposting I can’t even tell. What part of this is fun to you

>He doesn't know about IP count

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Yea Forums never fails to be an embarrassment

The puzzles of the game were very rudimentary. The game isn't completely awful and there were fun sections like the tournament, but overall a lot of it came down to mazes and pushing shit out of your way to progress. Not exactly engaging. A lot of the world finding was also made to sell guides, like the random djinn in the middle of the world map you have to run in circles to find.
Also I don't see how the battles were quick considering how long summon animations were. Every fight was incredibly easy and you could conquer anything by just spamming djinn and summons, making the class system all but pointless. Even still, it's not like combat was anything stellar. Simple JRPG auto attacks and basic magic spells including single target, bigger single target, aoe version, healing, and some minor buffs, which again weren't needed. The game only time the game was challenging was if you sequence broke and hit bosses too early.
It's fine that you like it but it's a game with divisive issues. I really don't see it as anything special outside of being one of the first jrpgs on the gba.

Keep crying bitch. Maybe someday your seething will resurrect Golden Sun :^)

It takes 3 hours to get through Sol Sanctum because the dialogue is presented in 3 line boxes on a tiny screen, and there's so much text in the game there's no possible way for it to not take 3 hours.

>I finished the sol sanctum dungeon
I don't want to be one of those "it gets fun x hours in" guys but you've only beaten the tutorial dungeon and probably literally JUST got to the overworld for the first time. At least get the full party together and beat Tret and Saturos. If you're still not interested at that point then do what you like, but you frankly have barely even begun the game yet.

But we can all agree that FF series shits on Mother and Golden Sun. It has better characters and story

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Why do people get so invested in shitting on Golden Sun? Obviously every franchise will have its critics on Yea Forums but for some reason any time there's a GS thread some crazies will appear and shriek about how it's some sort of irredeemable travesty of game design and that its mere mention is a personal insult to them, as if Golden Sun killed their dog and fucked their girlfriend. Is there a reason it inspires such rage? At worst it's generic and wordy, I can't figure out why it gets people so riled up.

play this instead.
It's the better Zelda clone

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FF 1-10 yes
Anything after 10 is a no.

>being one of the first jrpgs on the gba

The crux of the series success.

The dialog is extremely boring which is a real problem when the game is as dialog heavy as this one, I got so sick of party members reacting to every little thing before I was even two hours into the game. Combat is brain dead, the only real effect of customization is what kind of special effects show up when you steamroll enemies. Puzzles are block pushing tier.

This is all based on my admittedly limited experience since I could only get a few hours in before being too bored of the game to continue, except the part about customization which is something that fans of the series all admit to.

It’s just not fun.

Mother series is overrated

anything below 4 is trash

Because the game is terrible. Golden Sun is an insult to the JRPG genre. It has no soul, the game is a perfect example of soulless game design. Piss easy combat, laughable dungeon puzzles, bland characters, terrible stoey. The game is shit, take off your nostalgia glasses and see the game foe how terrible it is.

FF is good cause of ATB, and the early games saving grace is customization. Those things are what put it above GS and Mother, though I’d still rank Mother games better than a few FFs.

Also this.

I think it’s a result of how highly praised it gets by its small fanbase. It probably is an overreaction. GS isn’t abysmal it just isn’t anything more than mediocre.So people go in expecting this great forgotten gem and end up frustrated at a very slow, dialog heavy run of the mill jrpg. Just a whiplash effect I guess. GS fans probably don’t deserve this.

Also every thread on Yea Forums has people who act like x game killed their dog and fucked their girlfriend, it isn’t THAT unique.

It's Trumpkino. You can't understand the game if you're from resetera.
Mother 3 might be more your speed.

Fuck off Motherfag

>though I’d still rank Mother games better than a few FFs
Please leave this thread

Man you guys sure seethe hard over Mother. I guess success really does breed jealousy.

I've played FF 1~6, and they're all worse than GS no contest, except maybe for the party battle customization in FFV and SOME, very rare parts of FFVI. And the soundtrack of VI comes close to Golden Sun's. For anything to manage to be worse than Mother would be a fucking accomplishment, though.

GS sold more than Mother you retard

This. It was decent back then if you were playing it on a GBA, but it has aged like milk

Sakurai should definetly not be used as reference for anything, ever.

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Which is why Golden Sun is alive and Isaac is playable in Smash right?

I can feel the seething from this image.

Why prove me right? "Insult to the genre" is the exact sort of overdramatic nonsense that makes it impossible to take you seriously. "Soulless" is blatantly just a buzzword you're using; you can absolutely tell they had a vision when making the game with how much they put into the worldbuilding and the art. Did it pay off? I think so, but I could understand if you disagree. But "soulless" is just such a lazy and wrong choice of words.
>Piss easy combat
This is somewhat true especially once you get the hang of the battle system but the major bosses like Saturos and Fusion Dragon are legitimately challenging the first time around at least.
>laughable dungeon puzzles
They're hit and miss in my opinion, often the puzzle to simply advance is easy but there's a more difficult puzzle to get to treasure chests and the like. I'd take it over featureless mazes any day though which is easily like 50% of JRPGs.
>bland characters, terrible stoey
The pacing is quite weak, but the world and story are interesting. The world's equivalent of magic being dormant, but slowly being unsealed which alters the entire world, and various factions fighting over whether or not to release it or not, is unique and a good change of pace from the typical JRPG tropes of "this is the bad guy, he wants to take over the world, go stab him" and "here's some political intrigue you're tangentially related to"

>GSfags hating on Mother
What the fuck?

If franchise sales determined playable fighters there wouldn't be even half as many Fire Emblem characters

The people who say GS is mediocre and soulless are exposing their own ignorance about JRPGs. There are a lot of really bad games that you guys have never even heard of. GS is far above the average.

Anyone can hate terrible stuff. Like Halo. Or Mother.

Why dont you play Chrono Trigger, lad? Is the origin of Golden Sun and Mother and a much more enjoyable experience.

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The shitposter won't acknowledge posts like these because they're reasonable, unfortunately.

Great OST that pales in comparison to Golden Sun's, some cool ideas with time travelling, combat is just as meh, way way way less customization, worse visuals, story is just as bad. I'll stick to GS though I'll replay CT's rerelease on the DS to get the new endings.

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Other way around

If you look up the definition of "painfully mediocre JRPG" you will find the Golden Sun series.

The post that started the reply chain was this one though:

Fuck Golden Sun
Fuck Mother
Fuck Final Fantasy
Fuck any other soiboi JRPG

The only JRPG that is worth playing is Ys.

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what the hell is Ys?

Imagine if 2D Zelda, Touhou and Devil May Cry into one thing

The result is Ys

bad news, the difficulty never moves above babby tier in the first game. The second has like 3 fights that require more than a few active braincells to win, but you have to get through the remaining faceroll fightsto see those 3 fights. Pick a different series if you're looking for tight gameplay.

I do love these games, but I will agree that the dialogue scenes go on for WAY TOO FUCKING LONG. It's very easy to forget details as a result. So even I barely remember what the stories were about.

but everything else was fun and worthwhile.

sounds like a mess

a fun mess

Nah, Tales series is better than FF.

I dunno, maybe I was a stupid kid back then (also had never played an RPG so...), but I think that Poseidon fight before you go to Piers' home was a hell of a fight. I had such a hard time killing that motherfucker.

play it. Even playing Ys games for only a minute is a better idea than ever playing GS.

Age can make a really big difference in these kinds of things. When I was 7 there were a few boss fights in Paper Mario that gave me a really hard time, which in retrospect is just kind of laughable, but I was 7 so of course they seemed tough.

Also as a kid I usually avoided battles, so I was always underleveled. I think this is a common habit for young kids playing rpgs.

after playing Ys I have a hard time getting to other JRPGs since most of them are either turn-based or single player MMOs. The only ones that are ok are action-oriented ones like Souls games

This one is overrated for sure

As a kid this game seemed the perfect gba game to me , still a masterpiece for me nowadays

First two are the only really good ones

Origins and similar games are okay but they just don’t scratch the itch the first two did

I had the opposite problem. If the RPG has enemies in the overworld, then you're damn sure I'm killing every single one of them. That was true when I was a kid, and that's still true today.

I was a freshman I think at the time I played GS 1 and 2. But having never played an RPG prior, I had no clue as to what I was doing. Mostly when it came to any complex strategy, or not using characters for their intended roles (cleric, brute force attacker, spells user, etc.).

Try Tales of series? They're action-oriented. I know the early entries were turn-based, but a lot of the more modern ones aren't.

Yup, never run from a single battle either. I hate doing so unless I'm really trying to get somewhere.

How to fix Golden Sun:
>Sequel or reboot with slightly better writing
>inter party dialogue sequences
>botw engine in towns and dungeons
>more unique equipment

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>How to fix Golden Sun: make a game that's not Golden Sun

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>How to fix Golden Sun:
Don't make another one

while that is a good start, it doesn't affect the existing games.

How do you figure I said that? Add more writing and a physics engine for psynergy puzzels.
You wound me

Fuck Golden Sun and Fuck Mother 3, they don't come close to the better Nintendo RPG on GBA

Superstar Saga is also great

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>3 hours

That should tell you how shitty Golden Sun is.

It's got good music and graphics, but the story and yes/no stuff is underwhelming.

I think 2 drags on a lot compared to 1 honestly.


Imagine needing THREE fucking hours to clear the most linear and simple dungeon of the game, the fucking tutorial
Jesus you can't even say you grinded for EXP or something like that because there's a limited amount of battles until you get out of Vale