Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear cool and edgy in eyes of 13 year olds and actually post a genuinely bad game that isn't constantly talked about on Yea Forums and/or reviewed by every single youtuber.
Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear...
Record of Agarest War.
Kingdoms of Amalur. Fucking awful single player MMO complete with generic zones and fetch quests.
Final Fantasy 7
Trails Cold Steel 2
Absolutely uninspired and generic
Starcraft 2
Wasted 50euros on a fucking soulless gookclicker. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Darkest Dungeon
a boring grindfest
prove me wrong you cant
How do you even fight the fucking bosses? I cant even get npcs to move in. Such a shitty game
Reading your Hard Mode used up all my time, user!
This actually. Just played through it.
Completely bland and generic through and through. Felt like a piece of shit single player game that was actually meant to be an mmo, but the idea was scrapped halfway into development.
Dragon Age 3
Felt like a single player mmo , was a huge fan of origins and really wanted to like the game.
Quantum Theory for the PS3.
Mass Effect: Andromeda.
I donno though, I play a lot of fucking real stinky sketchy shit I pickup for free or a dollar on steam, so refer to the two I posted up there in the mean time.
Dragon Age 2 wasnt the worst technically, but man was it the greatest disappointment and thus the worst mentally
mediocre but not truly bad
Fable 3
Red Faction Armageddon might be the clunkiest, most boring third-person shooter I've ever had the displeasure of playing
Journey. A friend forced me to play it saying it was amazing and beautiful. It was just pointless.
You can just walk off the maps that take place outside, and when you're inside the house the only enemies are screamers that are actually just JPEG cubes that make a noise
Enter the Matrix
Paladin's Quest aka Lennus
gone home
what a total waste of time
My worst game is Bound. It’s basically Journey but even worse.
Terraria has one of the greatest progression systems in any video game period. Just a shame it doesn't kick into gear until you defeat WoF and everything before that is a slog, and that the progression is easily skipped with fishing.
At least with Journey you can sit back and enjoy the atmosphere. Bound doesn't have that.
I guess nobody played this.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.
1st game was jank but charming
2nd was great
3rd wasn't as good but still fun
Then they changed the games from fully explorable hogwarts into a horrible beat em up bullshit
That fucking gravity papercraft garbage shit game I was forced to play for coal back in 2011.
Absolutely abhorrent
"Kingdom Come: Deliverance"
There isn't a single redeeming quality about that flaming shitheap. And at AAA prices (on release anyway), it was a literal crime against humanity.
It's not that hard to figure out. I managed to do it when i was like 11. Use google.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon. Seriously what the fuck.
Pippa Funnell Take The Reigns
I really like horse games and I was disappointed with this horse game Pippa Funnell Takes The Reigns ha
I've been wary about this one, it has the price and feature list of an AAA game but looks like it has none of the polish an AAA game has for that price.
Bubsy 3D, but I think dunkey or JonTron made a video on it so I may get called a memester
At least it’s only 2 minutes
octopath traveler
Dragon Ball Ultimate Tenkaichi
Dumb glorified rock paper scissors I payed 60 dollars for
Is it worth playing just to see how much of a clusterfuck it is or is it just boring bad?
imagine being this bad lmao
Superman Returns. Almost no story to speak of, annoying af enemy encounters that get thrown at you when you're just trying to get around, terribly boring missions that make you feel like you're accomplishing nothing and no proper map to navigate the city with.
I only played that shit because 'easy achievements' and I still feel pissed off.
Most people ITT need to play more games. Some games are boring or frustrating, but a truly bad game is absolutely miserable.
Suikoden IV.
The list of things the game did right is several times shorter than everything else it did wrong.
A good contender, one of the games that introduced me to the concept that some games are simply shit and not worth the time.
I can only recall the story being shitty, the battles being extremely tedious, the autoplay AI being so bad, and animations being so slow any battle would take a good part of an hour
But Oni is the worst for me. Horrible graphics for what should be a stylish genre. Near unworkable rigged controls. Infantile and annoying dialog.
Reign of Kings. It was an early access survival crafting game (aka cursed steam tags) that I got suckered by my friends to buy since they were bouncing off all sorts of shitty multiplayer games looking for something to play. I played it for two hours and uninstalled it. You can go ahead and call me a retard, I deserve it.
>comfy as hell
>satisfying combat
>wenches waiting to be seduced
>a natural progression system
>likable characters
>based Bohemia
>excellent avenue for role playing, Henry can be anything from a Warlord to a celibate lay theologian
>lovable main cast
>strong attention to historical detail
Plenty of things to love about Kingdom Come Deliverance. And now that all the issues have been patched out I dare say it may be the most based and redpilled game I've ever played.
I think the worst game I've ever played was Simpson's Skateboarding for PS2. I remember playing it for hours and not understanding why I couldn't control it properly.
I was vindicated years later when I looked up some reviews and saw it had been critically panned.
Bought it for like 4 bucks when I was 13-14, its shit.
Unironically? Charlies Angels for the Gamecube.
I found it as a kid in a second hand shop for 50p, thought "I loved the cartoon, this will be fun".
It was the worst gaming experience I've ever had.
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Probably that Yugioh dice board traveller bullshit game.
Wurm Unlimited
Any of the souls games. overhyped garbage.
Nioh and Sekiro are the superior experiences.
Overwatch, unironically
Final Fantasy 8, easily. Nothing about the game is redeeming, they ruined the combat, the progression system, GRINDAN, the characters are the worst in the series, the DRAW system is fucking AWFUL and don't give me that 'just get magic from converting cards' garbage as that just adds more GRINDAN to an already overbloated grindfest that is the game. And tripple triad is easily the worst minigame in the entire series it's whole end game is the game literally cheating the established rules of the game. It's even worst than fucking Blitzball.
Mount and Blade Warband
>looks like utter shite
>terrible combat
>literally nothing to do
>capturing places does nothing
>money can only be used for weapons and food and shit so why bother
>forced to do endless quests for your counts/emirs/etcs
>terrible AI
>terrible story
>terrible map, so small
>map shows you the same size as castles, ruining immersion
Brainlet detected
Papo & Yo
Been a while since I played it but terrible story, terrible writing, shitty platforming, awful puzzles and just feels awful to play. Never been more frustrated from just playing a game as intended.
I guarantee most people don't remember what is really the worst game they've played considering how easy it is to play some one man project that was made in a weekend then uploaded for free download on itch.io or something like that. People will always remember the worst experience they've had though, even if the game they had it with was more competent than many others.
I haven't played anything truly awful, but this is the most disappointing. I was just waiting for it to be over so I could play better JRPGs
stfu fucking cunt
Wait, was there a Charlie's Angels cartoon?
dont meme on me but wh:vermintide
a friend bought it for me and i spent a few hours hacking away at a massive swarm of pathetic rats that path thier way towards me in fucking lines, only to be rewarded witha messy interface full of useless garbage i dont care about
fuck the game, i really didnt like it
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
What a fucking pile of shit, I don't understand how bioware thought it would be okay to push out something as garbage as that
I can't choose
Kingdom Hearts 3
I would call it the most mediocre game ever, but not the worst.
Ride to Hell: Retribution
I had no idea what this game was gonna be when I picked it out of a bargain bin for like three bucks. Even now I still feel cheated.
I thought Fez was pretty fucking terrible, I got to what I think was the first warp gate or whatever the hell it was and was so bored. I refunded it pretty much after that.
Gameplay wise I think Bayonetta is pretty terrible as well. Could never understand how to work Dodge Offset.
These aren't the worst but they are colossal disappointments. All they had to do was copy the mechanics and tweak the formula of dao by a tad but instead they fucked it to hell.
Final fantasy 13 is to me the worst game I have ever played.
I still remember begging my mum to buy this
>Apollo Justice
Was this image made before 5 and 6 had came out?
the worse game of all time should be done by people who made good games in the past and/or with decent budget and staff, expensive and of course shit.
gone Home
I unironically enjoyed it and I'm in no way a Sonic fan. I thought the combat system was quite fun.
dragon quest XI. I wanted to like it, I really did but good lord the combat is so dull and takes forever. There's also only like 4 fucking songs in the entire game for some reason
Zelda Breath of the Wild. I feel like I wasted my money, it was empty, soulless, not challenging, boring. Basically a modern walking simulator wannabe MMO single player game.
inb4 butthurt nintendies
I loved DaS2 honestly
As for me, the worst I've played is Dragon Ball Z Taiketsu on GBA. Got it when I was young and very into DBZ, fuck, it played like shit. It was so hard to pull off anything even remotely cool looking. I was so excited to get it, and I was so let down.
I remember a very shitty Lion King game on GBC too. Can't recall the name but one of the early stages was a mammoth graveyard.
Final Fantasy 13 is damn close too. Hated every character but Sazh, and he wasn't cool enough to redeem anything.
I haven't played too much awful shit, really.
Witcher 2
Very strong start.
Deep Rock Galactic or whatever the fuck that space dwarf mining fps is, tried it during the free weekend and deleted it after an hour or so.
I'd say it's worth a pirate, but that's it.
Smash ultimate don’t @ me
>Days, not DDD
>Ruby, not Pearl or Hey You Pikachu
>Adventure of Link, not 4SA or TP
>BN4, not BCC or BN1
Vampyr, easily
Spiderman 3
>Get PS3 after a week of trying to get to the store before closing time and failing and another week of waiting after a faggot neighbor gets in my dad's ear and tells him he should order it from some random place to get a deal on a warranty I don't give a fuck about
>Get spiderman 3 because I've always liked Spiderman
>Game is shit but don't care
>Get to lizard section with the conveyor belts
>Button mashing won't work
>Convinced something's wrong with the game
>Take the disk back to best buy and they replace it but the guy tells me the game is just shit so I shouldn't even bother
>Try it and it still doesn't work
>Get frustrated and stop playing
It was the first time I got todd'd, I really wish I could get that money back.
I can see why people don't like it but I love Borderlands. 2 could have been GOAT if the humor wasn't fucking middle school-level.
I think it would be Infinite Undiscovery
I literally played it for a few minutes and just got bored and played something else
>xenoblade chronicles x
the worst thing about the game is that it's stuck on the wii u
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Never played a game so boring and I played my share of shitty games
Just Cause 4, genuinely one of the worst experiences ive ever had with a piece of software
Hard mode: probably borderlands 2
>Post the worst game you ever played
>But don’t post a recent game even if it’s the worst you’ve ever played
>DAI worse than DA2
I find that hard to believe. Well, not really, but it's still quite the feat
>tried to warn my brother and save him 60 bucks
>he didn't listen
He learned a hard lesson that day.
New gundam breaker.
It's as recent as last year. But fuck me is it a mockery of the franchise and it's fans.
>He can't perform beyond his limits
The dialogue isn't the only thing that ruined 2, don't be fucking stupid.
The Witcher 2
Because even the worst recent game isn't going to out-garbage the worst games of the past generations.
Desert Storm 2
But also Bioshock Infinite because that game hurt me
Nah famalam, oldfag here and the ET have for Atari 2600 was absolute dogshit
Sunless Sea.
I liked the setting but it took me around hour 4 to realise that it as just a mediocre story locked behind absolutely un-fun gameplay. So I first started cheating away the need for fuel etc and finally asked myself what the fuck I'm doing and just uninstalled.
Fuck hard mode. Fallout 3 and New Vegas was such a disappointment to me it hurts my soul. I like the concept. I like the aesthetics. The characters, the writing. But the gameplay is so atrociously bad and dreadful I don't ever want to see these games ever again.
I remember me and my roomate starting it up and after the first level he was like "man....this is shit". I kept trying to make excuses because I was such a RE fanboy but once it was over I sobered up to the fact it was absolute trash and I'd blown $50 i didn't have on this turd.
Outlaw Golf was one of the worst games I've ever played. Literally the only game I rented from Blockbuster that I returned the very same day.
What's bad about it aside from the bugs? I am kinda interested for being a history fag and because I never played an actual game taking place in Bohemia.
For me personally it's dead space 3. It might not be the worst on a technical standpoint but the fact that Dead Space 1 and 2 were so good only to become "Call of Duty in space" in part 3 makes my blood boil.
What's wrong with it?
I'm envious. I wish Smash Ultimate was the worst game I played.
Worst game that actually had a budget and someone put effort in to? Diablo 3. Worst game ever? There were mountains of shitty near unplayable games released on the atari 2600 and C64 when i was growing up. It would be impossible to pick just one. Some shit back then was so bad the controls didn't even work.
I had an actual copy of superman 64 when I was a kid. Back then I thought I just couldn't figure the game out. It wasn't until adulthood that I realized the entire thing was pointless.
Too bad, ya simp. Me? I'm a Bethesda Chad, y'know, anything they're involved with turns up a notch. Oh just putting out rpgs? Finna pop out a dishonered, a genre defining stealth game, just for the lolzords
Fallout 3? Based! Fallout New Vegas? Redpilled! Fallout 4? Ding dong diddly! Now see the problem is son that you're what we might call on Yea Forums an incel, a virgin, a simp who needs to have sex. Bethesda Chad's soak pussy juice from miles around. Can't get no better.
So imma do ya a favour. Im finna give ya some advice friend
1. Gain height
2. Hit the weights
3. Have sex
4. Get a ding dong diddly fucking clue
Aight, peace, I'm out
Hugo 2: Whodunnit. Worst point n click ever
Lots of things. The shooting is stiff, the balance is terrible, the level design is garbage, tons of bugs, story is non nonsensical even for Resident Evil.
It's just bad.
FE Echoes. Some people love it but honestly it is awful, shit story, shit gameplay, bland music, boring characters. Awful game.
Ar Tonelico 3
a genuine piece of garbage
songs were good tho
As much as i'd like to do hard mode. pokemon sun was so bad it made me think i'd grown out of videogames.
It's better than umbrella Corps at least,
Sonic Rush
The gameplay is literally Hold Right to win and Press B to Trick. The Music sounds like aids and doesn't fit with the series, the Dual Screens makes everything harder due to having to look between both every few seconds.
Final Fantasy XV easily
I uh, that's wrong! *stares at the copy of Agarest War ZERO sitting on the shelf across the room* THAT WAS A WONDERFUL GAME AND I CERTAINLY DIDNT WASTE MY MONEY ON WAIFU BAIT YOU'RE STUPID *SWEATS NERVOUSLY*
It's a janky mess but that doesn't stop it from being peak comfy when you claw your way to the top after years of servitude to a king
Brink. Just awful.
dont forget the loadouts were pointless since they were so stingy with ammo, plus EVERY enemy is the definition of a bullet sponge
Land of the dead road to fiddlers Green (2005)
I am very confident that none of you, not even one, has ever heard of it let alone played it
Jump Force
Universal Combat or Tomb Raider 2013.
Two of the stinkiest piles of shit i ever had to play.
Honorable shitty mentions:
Everspace, Rust and Deus Ex: Mankind divided.
>mfw I bought brink in 2013
>no one online anymore
>put 200 hours offline into it to unlock everything
>AI broken, you have to do every objective yourself
>never felt more lonely than when I play Brink
>Still play it regularly
I don't know why I do it
Shaq-Fu, the controls were shit, it was a blatant MK ripoff, cashing in on EA's licence with Shaq, it was straight fucking bad.
Also; Wild Arms 5
Also also; Chaos Wars (Aside from worst voice acting, it was literally a shit combat system)
Roland's Quest, I sincerely doubt anyone on here will even know what it is. And this isn't a "LOL IM SO MUCH OLDER THEN YOU" it was a pretty fucking obscure game back then that I only found at a flea market in like 97.
Xenosaga 2, but I never finished Dark Souls 2 so it might be a tie.
Quake 4
99 nights
FUCK YOU. N3 is a fucking gem of a musou.
There was never anyone online in the first place that was the problem for me. It would put you in a team if 95-100% bots. I was so hyped for it at the time too....
Simpsons Skateboarding
Even as a kid I knew the game was fucking awful. I don't think a single thing in the game works properly.
>Lufia, Chrono Cross, Suikoden
Go suck a pleb dick
Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner
there were so many good psp rpgs back in the day and I chose this basura
factorio. its just garbage theres no fun
Travis Strikes Again
Holy shit what a hot mess that is, just give us No More Heroes 3 and be done with it. Better yet, don't even give that to us, you're clearly past your prime Suda
Unlimited Saga.
The ONLY thing good about this game is the battle music.
Sonic 06, but I didn't think it was that bad.
gothic 3
Release No Man's Sky, I thought the game might have some space content, but the gameplay was 99% shoot at rocks and 1% fly around with limited controls over the planet, and fly between planets in space with zero content. I just downloaded it out of morbid curiosity.
"A Game for Alexander"
some indie game someone made for their infant son that was just fart sounds and flashy colours, literally induced a seizure in me
I owned and semi-enjoyed it
Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories
There are worse games that I played for a few hours, dropped, and forgot, but that's the worst game I ever forced myself to beat.
It was worth it just for the final Riku cutscene
Ys Strategy
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
what did you enjoy of it? for me it was the worst because it's the most unremarkable game I've ever come across. not "bad" enough that it's funny or noteworthy but not even average, it's this uncanny middle ground of just nothingness. I don't know how to describe it. I've played a lot of shitty games but something about this felt different to me
Cross was, is, and will always be better than Trigger
How so?
Cross has a worse story and to even tell it's story it has to shit on Trigger
I have memories of the shitty tie-in game for the original Jimmy Neutron movie (from before the show). The game was programmed so holding a button down was the same as hitting it repeatedly. This made things like NAVIGATING A MENU a pain in the ass.
Thank god it was only a rental.
>shit opinion
>smug anime girl
APB:All Points Bulletin
I was so hyped for this game after Crackdown, and what was shown for E3 etc. Turned out to be dog shit and killed the company that made it.
Cross' story is better than the generic Trigger story by a country mile
Better visuals, better soundtrack, better atmosphere
More unique and innovative battle system
Orphen for PS2
Conception II
The Last Remnant
never refunded a game so fast. what a piece of shit
I was just a dumbass kid who loved zombies, so any first person zombie game was A-OK by me. Didn’t it have online play of some kind also? I don’t totally remember but I feel like I recall online. I will say though that I fucking absolutely hated the actual movie Land of the Dead. So disappointing
Mario Strikers Charged
This is one of the games I had as a kid and tried to replay recently, alongside Evergrace
They were both practically unplayable
Bioshock Infinite
APB is a great game with good technology, it's let down by its absolute dogshit monetisation. Apb is probably the best game that you shouldn't play just because of its shitty owners
This is utterly shit
Even the 50p I spent on it was too much.
Dark souls 3
Fuck having to run through a gauntlet of enemies with massive hp pools and retard high damage every single time you fuck up
Looking at you irythyll or whatever the fuck and archives
Xenoblade X followed closely by xenoblade 2. The first xenoblade is fucking great but the other 2 fuck man ass
Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
I really tried to like it, but it just plays so poorly.
The town themes and the story was kind of interesting, so years after my first attempt I was second guessing myself, wondering if maybe it wasn't that god awful and I checked it out again, but no it is terrible. The troop growth is tedious, the heroes start out too vulnerable and end up way too overpowered, the movement on the battlegrid doesn't even work properly since each space on the grid is much smaller than the units, which is a great idea in itself, but executed so poorly that units end up in the wrong positions because attacking from a certain creature from a certain direction can be done from several different positions.
Mass effect 3
Gravity rush 2
>it has none of the polish an AAA game has for that price.
well it's czech
If these are the worst games you guys have ever played then you can't have played many games.
There is genuinely so much to like about KC:D that I can't help but suspect people to who say its awful are just SJWs mad about a historically accurate game with no brown people in it.
Oblivion. Graphics and ancient HUD absolutely ruin the game.
Xeno x and 2 stung the worst because I wanted to love them but they were ass
The gameplay is actually better than the other 2 titles, especially 2. I'd rather have fun using my skills in TSA than sit there mashing Y waiting for enemies to stop spawning in a shitty parking lot. The game's story is pretty thought provoking too, and the Shadows of the Damned reference is really well done.
But no, it's bad because it's isometric and plays differently.
Super Man 64
Fuck andromeda. They had so much potential for it and did terrible job at developing your character, terrible time maneuvering in maps, terrible maps, confusing worlds, game breaking bugs. Felt way to short and after "cleansing" a world I expected a bit more side missions or more in depth instead of go 20 meters to this person and they ask you to collect 30 pieces of shit and bring back, by the way there are none on this world.
Fuck that game. It could've been amazing.
My nigger, there are plot holes abound, weapons wheel is limited, there's forced pandering and worst of all you can't even dick down Elizabeth. 4/10 would not Levine again
I didn't play gravity Rush 1 so I didn't care for the story, the gravity mechanics feel fairly clunky and resulted in 2 hard crashes. Only other game to feel that broken was bioshock on PC but I didn't dislike the parts where it was working as much. I'm sure I could name a worse game but I only had 10 seconds and the only things that played worse were flash games.
World of Warcraft. Played for an hour and it was insanely boring, and the characters were stupid and cartoonish garbage design
Perfect Dark Zero or Bad Dudes.
this guy failed hard mode
True. It's so damn monotonous and samey.
I still want to go back and try and finish this shitfest sometime. there was a weird rash of low-budget horror games on XBLA for awhile there including this and I AM ALIVE, which wasn't great but was at least playable unlike this.
Jak II was miles above Jak III, but neither of them had shit on Jak & Daxter
>terrible combat
one of the few 3d games with good melee combat
Honestly, the qorst games ive ever played have already been meme'd to death by youtubers. Superman 64, Top Gun, ET, etc.
We Were Here
simple gameplay with moba shit, and with an anoying community.
Darwin Project, worst game i've ever played.
Or maybe they actually look for playthroughs and reviews before they pull out their wallet.
Bubsy 3D is considered one of the worst games of all time. It's a pretty common opinion
Two worlds on the Xbox 360.
I actually remember this used to be one of my favorites, mostly because of my love of sharktits and how baised I am for the awesome music. After playing more shmups and the creator transitioning I look back at this game with a sour taste in my mouth Still love sharktits though
I've had some really bad experiences with certain early access games on steam that tricked me with their buzzwords and screenshots and trailers.
Can't remember any of the names because I never bothered.
>Steam Early Access games are the worst ones I've ever played.
It’s ironic my favorite director made my least favorite game AND my favorite game
State of Decay. I don't know what the devs were going for, but the whole game is a buggy clusterfuck of boredom, bad voice acting, and awful gameplay.
>He actually buys Early Access games on Steam
Deep Rock Galactic is okay though
>Assassin's Creed 3 being the worst
Please tell me you stopped playing the series. It gets so much worse.
Why wild arms 5?
You are like a baby
I play one game at a time to absolute death and pour 200+ hours into it before moving on to the next some months later
Not only that but im very hesistant about buying games
This game is definitely the most overrated game on Yea Forums and a fucking terrible game. The level design is ass, long empty hallways, how do you like those "sewers", the whole game is you facing respawning enemies with shit AI. I hear "hey tone the respawning down", that ain't the issue, the problem is that the way you encounter enemies is just they spawn in some other side of the enormous empty maps, and you just easily kill them and then some more spawn, it's a brainless chore.
Replies incoming in 3... 2...
Quest 64. That game stopped me from playing RPGs for like 2 years.
>Please tell me you stopped playing the series.
Black Flag was good.
Odyssey was okay until an update fucked everything
Hydrophobia for the Xbox 360
it was a tech demo and an opening act released as a full length game.
gay faggot
Alone in the Dark. The one on the 360, not the original. It was borderline unplayable.
Dbz sagas : buggy, awful controls, couldn’t even bother finishing it, actual bad game.
Digimon World 4. I don't need to explain myself, there are hundreds of articles talking about how unfathomably bad this game is.
Play. More. Games. Pleb.
Godai Elemental Force
Just all around bad
The story and characters are good, and the songs are linked to them intrinsecally.
Dark Souls II might not be as bad as other games but it still is. On top of being a piece of shit, it's an insulting piece of shit.
Daemon X Machina. Hot garbage in handheld mode, can't see shit
Can confirm.
you WILL delete this post
>Monsters inc
>spongebob the curse of the flying Dutchman
>other cashgrab licensed games from the PS2 era
This. It's actually an accomplishment to be the worst Digimon game.
CoD : Black ops 1 (the only CoD I played)
Don't Starve
Driver: Parallel Lines
Saint on the wii
>Tomb Raider 2013
Maybe not the most unpolished games but one I absolutely couldn't stand for a second. Lara was a whiny cunt, the support characters were insufferable, the writing was poor, the tone was edgy for edginess sake and it was completely devoid of humor. The gameplay was completely shifted towards action, with a wee bit of press-forward platforming and weak puzzles.
>Fallout 4
Also not a 'bad' game but a tremendously disappointing one for sure. It was Far Cry in a Fallout setting. Even Fallout 3 had better roleplay.
>Agents of Mayhem
The blandest, most uninspired game i've played for a long time. Nothing is interesting or funny about it. A step down from Saints Row 4, which itself was a cheaply made full-priced expansion pack for SR3.
Go back.
Persona 5
If it was a really crappy game I probably didn't last more than 1 hour playing it and probably don't remember the game.
The worst game I actually played and have memory of was Fallout 3
black flag sucked ass imo, gameplay felt like I was going nowhere
all of my friends were ragging on me for not buying FO76
>bro imagine killing random players as a pack and taking their loot
none of them have played it since a week after launch
Devil may cry 2
Atelier Totori.
Don't know why this board memes that series into pretending it's good
The Sniper 2
Played this game ages ago before any YouTubers caught wind of it, it was so bad I ended up committing to beating it just to see how bad it was.
I think the worst thing about this game was that the bullets travelled extremely slowly for some reason, one mission in particular involved you shooting the wheels on a moving limo and then shooting a target who runs out of it, incredibly annoying when you could probably just outrun the bullets.
At least the cutscenes were laughably bad,
>all of my friends were ragging on me for not buying FO76
>>bro imagine killing random players as a pack and taking their loot
>none of them have played it since a week after launch
I saw footage of Fallout 76 and all I could think was "this is just a glorified mod for Fallout 4 but with a worse leveling system and PvP"
Black Fag is mediocre as fuck, not the worst game I've ever played, but people deepthroat it like it is some masterpiece. The naval combat gets old quite fast, all the on foot content is cancerous, side missions are terrible, and they got out of hand with boring trailing mission, and there's even a boat trailing mission.
holy shit what the actual fuck? is that a real game? I feel like I played a demo for it but maybe that was a fever dream.
I'm gonna look into this.
I cant imagine how shitty it is, considering I remember playing devil may cry 2 as a kid and ended up at least finishing it once. Orphen just felt really stupid and unfun.
I watched a friend play Black Flag for like 4 hours once while we were fuckin around drinking and he was having a blast but I could tell just by watching it that I would find it incredibly boring.
Nina Williams death by degrees or whatever the fuck it was Calle.
It was one of the worst games I've played and one of the first on ps2 as well. Shit was awful.
Ben 10: Omniverse 2
The console version was just a cheap temple run clone with small combat sections thrown in. There was only one boss, at the very end of the game, and you don't even get to play as Ben unless you run out of health.
The 3DS version was MILES better. More aliens, better gameplay, etc.
I bought Runny Egg on a whim because I liked the pun and it looked cute. It is remarkably amateurish, the gameplay was jank and dull and it was apparently made by some game mill in China so I can’t even feel good for supporting some small dev.
I was one of the few people I knew that actually had Superman 64 on N64. Don't need to expand much on that I think.
the order 1886 is the worst AAA game of this gen to come out and at least one of the worst games ive played
when the only saving grace of your shit game is graphics (which were outdone a year later), you know you fucked up. when your game releases as $60 and you can get it for like $10 a year later, you know you fucked up.
Shrek 3 on GBA
doki doki literature club
Ultima: Exodus on NES. Game is shit.
Sonic 06
I don't think I've ever played a game that was so broken and void of any kind of enjoyment. I've played games that are more broken and games I've enjoyed less but with Sonic 06 I don't have anything good to say about it at all. Most other games I can think of at least 1 think I like or enjoy.
Dragon Age: Inqusition t. over 70 hours in this godawful abomination
I hate BioWare for what they did to this mark. FUCK, I'm mad because of it again.
>not even out yet
lol gettin a lil overhyped are we??
I mean I'm buying it, but I'm not about to make any claims about it until I play it.
Rocky and Bullwinkle for NES. My parents bought it for me at full retail price when I was like five years old. As soon as I started playing it, I realized what a terrible mistake I had made.
That game you like is terrible.
I actually bought 1886 for like 5 bucks and played through it recently. I actually didn't hate it but I'm positive that it's because I paid a small fraction of what the retail price was. If I had to pay full price I'd be pissed off but for a Lincoln I enjoyed it enough. It was less than the price of going to see a movie.
Golden Sun. Not trying to be edgy, it is truly bad game.
The main problem is that Golden Sun is too damn wordy.
I recall hearing somewhere that Golden Sun has like TWICE the dialogue of MGS2 and this is only counting the main story bits of Golden Sun and all non optional codecs in MGS2
>Pokemon Ruby instead of Gen 7.
Definitely wrong. Others I can't comment on as I haven't played them.
Did you hate it because of the battle system? Did you play the GBA version?
>Yet to start the first game.
Def Jam: Icon
Such a letdown after how great Fight For New York was.
Hellboy: Asylum Seeker is a pretty close second.
Dragon Age 2 is a great example of a high-budget game where they managed to get everything conceptually wrong.
Thanks THQ.
Saints Row 4
SNES Lord of the Rings, hands down the biggest piece of shit game I ever bought
i'm firmly on the right when it comes to le culture war yet i found the game pretty boring
But they never came..........
Fable 3, It was my first game going into the series and I expected nothing, I was still dissapointed.
I loved the shit out of Xenogears when I was in high school. I go up to buy Xenosaga 1 the first weekend it was out and man, what a piece of trash.
I fucking hated that piece of shit, played it when I was 7 and brought it back to gamestop when they still accepted game boy games
The fuck were they thinking?
I bought and played sneak king from a gamestop for $1.99 two years ago
I’m gonna say honestly it was no mans sky
The technology blew me away when they talked about it but I got swindled hard, thank fucking God Sony let some people get their money back
Robots on PS2 was so bad it broke my system. Left me without a console for 2 years.
Damnation, holy fuck and I played the whole thing.
Remember me
First game I didn't even finish
sea of theives. my friend was really looking forward to it and we played it for 40 mins before deciding it was absolute garbage.
Only game I never got past the first battle, after trying to twice.
was it all the red user?
It's the only Red Faction game I didn't finish so no. Gimmicky parts were annoying and everything else felt extremely generic. Same feeling when I tried playing MoH:Warfighter and dropped it by the second mission since the game was making me want to kill myself because I felt like I had already played it a hundred times before.
Rise of the Triad 2013
Metroid: Other M is a pretty solid contender
Kingdom under fire circle of doom, it sucked ass, it was a shitty pseudo arpg with shitty levels full of shitty repetitive damage sponges, even diablo 3 was way better than it
Rexblade. Doom clone. Released in 1996 with worse graphics and very poor gameplay.
Math Baseball
Payday 2 the most boring shooter friend mad eme play i was bored about the first 5 minutes playing that shit
Turning Point Fall of Liberty
Diablo 3 at launch was the worst game I ever played. Its still pretty bad in my opinion
Maybe for my lack of experience with actually shitty games, but Cubemen, when I tried it, not only didn't click with me, it outright wasn't able to give me the idea of what the fucking goal was.
Two Worlds 2
Sonic 2006 isnt the worst sonic game
sonic boom is
Source: Have actually played both, 2006 is the gift that keeps on giving, never gets old fun as help, the epitome of so bad its good. Boom is just trash.
Charm School
Clayfighter 63 1/3.
They spent so much money on the voice actors for the game they forgot to give enough budget to making the game not play like ass.
No, I was thinking of "Totally Spies".
Star Ocean IV
I have throughout the years gone back to who wrote and directed that game and I can’t really figure out how anyone, even a subhuman Japanese otaku office slave, could think any part of it was interesting or engaging.
Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative
had just finished portal 2 and went out on a bit of an impulse for this one.
The golden era is over I guess.
i cannot accept long, drawn out cutscenes in RPGs
The golden era of Monkey Ball ended well over a decade ago
Spyro enter the dragonfly
A Japan only Tranformers PS2 game. Controlled like shit.
Why didn't you dodge, faggot? I bet you like peanut butter.
It's so fucking boooooooring and disjointed and slow
I don't even know where I got this shit from but it's straight up broken
Read the spoiler you dumb fuck
Some Game Boy space shooter game called Volley Fire. You had to shoot the ship across from you, you could only move left and right and there were asteroids moving across the centre that would block your shots. The problem is that it was nigh fucking impossible to land a hit. There were two rows of asteroids that blocked your shots scrolling across both ways, the hitboxes on the ships was tiny and worst of all, enemy shots cancelled out your shots. Oh and you could only fire two shots at a time, which meant it was impossible to fire enough to trap the opposing ship. But the worst part of it was how fucking long it took. Both ships had three lives, and each life took about ten hits. It was just firing across and hoping your shot doesn't get shot down after it managed to go through the asteroid belt and hit the ship that kept zipping around. Took far fucking longer than it should have but I did make it to the second level, which was the exact same thing except with even more shit flying across the middle of the screen. There was a two player mode but I can't imagine that would be any better since the main game is basically a two player game in terms of gameplay except with an AI instead. The only difference would be that playing against a person means they could dodge better and ergo make the game go on longer that it already does.
Shadows of the Damned.
The opening scene is pretty cool but its all downhill from there.
>Gone Home
>was having an argument with a friend because he wouldnt accept the fact that we didnt consider it a game
>download that shit and finish it in 5 minutes just so I can shut down his "how do you know, you never even played it" crap argument
It says a lot that so many people evangelizing for it mention how brave it is for being a safespace from brown people.
this piece of shit.
characters look like deviant art OC's circa 2006
story is shit
music is shit
the fights and combos are kinda fun except they constitute like 20% of the game lenght while the other 80% is running around and cutscenes.
fuck the Yea Forums recommended list and whoever included this borefest.
This guy beat the whole game in 10 minutes
Metal Gear 1.
Probably some bollocks I rented when I was a kid. Recently, though. Hard Reset was an absolutely tedious turd of game.
I was thinking of this one as a contender, Im not really sure what Id choose, I played a star wars game for the game boy color that I might choose but the bouncer I distinctly remember being hilariously awful
That's a TAS, user.
>LA Noire
>sonic 4
Anons itt need to play more games. Worst game I've played is tied between Superman 64 and Stuntman (first game). Superman 64 is shitty enough, that most people know about it, but Stuntman is hardly mentioned in trash video game threads. It's a trial & error driving game, with cars that handle like bricks, where you have to be pin-point accurate on maneuvers with no leeway, are forced to speedrun, and every time you fail you have to wait one full minute for a loading screen to reload the level. So if you have played games like super meat boy, hollow knight's white palace, or VVVVV just imagine a 1 minute loading screen each time you died, even if that failed run was only a few seconds.
>deviant art OC's circa 2006
I'm not sure why but this is a really stupid thing to say when the game came out in 2000
the game is not good though
Once when I was a child I rented Super Man 64 with absolutely no comprehension of what I was in for. Angered me terribly, but fucking gone home was a stupid jew abomination that has literally no fucking merit as a piece of media whatsoever.
But of course of all those fucking loser blogpost cocksuckers ate that shit up because its one of the only games in their life they've actually gotten to the end of.
>LA Noire
Is it because of the memes? Because that's a pretty good game IMO
what the fuck were they thinking?
Probably either Garfield’s Fun Fest or Nefarious.
Actually definitely Nefarious. At least Garfield’s Fun Fest had a few good levels.
I rented Superman 64 from Blockbuster once.
DayZ because it was just a massive waste of fucking time and all I did was walk
Jurassic World Evolution because steam won't give me a fucking refund
Mass Effect Andromeda for being a steaming pile of elephant shit
Probably one of the DOS King's Quest games.
Just frustrating trial and error interacting with everything on every available screen, because there's no logic to the puzzles.
The Technomancer. I wanted to like it, I thought the setting and depth of options in the gameplay would make it good but the game is so bad for some reason. The acting, the clunky mechanics, etc. It's all a chore.
Even if you’re sucking the dick of the DS2 is the worst DS meme, if you think DS2 is a bad game you belong in a penal battalion on the eastern front you mouth breathing pedant.
Usually I don't waste my time if game is bad. Too many good games I can play instead. This game stands out because I desperately wanted to like it, because sprites were cool as fuck. Everything else is bad. Lame level design, unbalanced enemies, but most importantly it's fucking impossible to play in co-op because of its dumb implementation.
Good question. And yes I like peanut butter
But five and six were good. It should have been the first Miles Edgeworth game.
Bad Rats and its sequel.
Sunrider Academy it was BORING
and i did all the routes cuz i love the artstyle of that studio
I owned that game as a kid, it was a meme amoungst my friends before such things really existed.
Mirrors edge. No question
terminator 2 on the sega genesis
aidyn chronicles for n64
>it's an rpg with slow ass turn based combat
>every round takes an eternity to just get your characters near the enemy
>probably the worst graphics on the n64, you can't really make out what anything is supposed to be
>sound is somehow even worse
>first real "dungeon area" is climbing a snowy mountain for 5 hours
>at the top is a single wooden shed with 5 normal goblins or something inside
that's when I stopped
Postal III
It took everything that was great about Postal 2 and took a steaming shit all over it.
It was a huge disappointment, especially since Postal 2 is one of my favourite games of all time.
Thank God that RWS still made Postal 2: Paradise Lost, which is the real Postal III.
don't forget all the bugs, I remember playing that shit too and getting softlocked a ton of times, I quit just after where you did.
Kill yourself cuck
Deus Ex as a franchise.
I know it's beloved but I can't understand shit. It's just hours of technobabble that is incoherent. The voice acting is dry. The shooting is stiff. I just don't get it.
Worst game that I've actually played through, and wasn't a well-memed-about "bad game" ?
Spyro: Shadow Legacy
Was super ultra mega fucking hyped for this game, being that it was both a new Spyro game, and on the new DS as well, and the delay in release date only made me that much more hype.
And then I got it and it turned out to be a shitty action "RPG", I use the term "RPG" lightly because there's very little RPG elements to it outside of level-ups, and the combat is literally just mashing 1 or 2 buttons until the enemy is dead. The platforming sucks ass too, because of the weird isometric angle, so you can never tell if platforms are above or below you.
The music is super fucking boring ambient music, the story is dumb and contrived, the bosses are generic, the touch screen drawing thing for spells was super unresponsive, and there's literally a gamebreaking bug where if you go to unlock a boss door and you don't have enough items to unlock it, the door will become permanently stuck and you're forced to start a new game.
They somehow managed to make a game WORSE than Enter the Dragonfly.
the only one the comes to mind from recent memory is Assassin's Creed: Revelations
They took annoying things from 2/Brotherhood and doubled down on them whilst making sure to slow you down outside of missions immensely
Exploring also felt the worst it ever has in a ME game too, even with the cutscene skip for going between objects in a system
So fucking awful
wow that looks pretty bad.
Fuck this game.
New Gundam Breaker
I don't think Revelations is that bad.
It's worse than Brotherhood in every regard (even the graphics for some reason) and the new additions are absolute nonsene (a fucking tower defense mode!) but Constantinople is still neat to explore and the story was kind of interesting.
It's still miles better than AC3.
I tried it once. There's a bonfire between the house and what I assume is a cliffside, it's just a shadowy mass. I'm assuming there's a passage that the ogre thing is guarding, but he can stunlock me to death, can't br stunlocked, and all my attacks are ridiculously slow. I tried watching TubeTube videos, but all people did was go through a tunnel after entering the house, but all I could find was the bonfire in that tiny backyard.
Ah well, I'm satisfied self inserting into commentary free let's plays.
I feel like I saw this on Nintendo Power once
The first Homefront. I hate that game.
100% worse than Brotherhood. You're right though that the city seems neat to explore but, I just can't enjoy it.
Fortunately I haven't played AC3, my full ac playthrough got stopped at revelations
Fuck THIS "game"
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic 2006
Vampire Rain (even though I had fun with it with friends)
My fucking god this game is so disgusting.
I've been a MGS diehard fan, playing and loving every game with Metal Gear in it, until this fucker came out. MGSV GZ is actually better than this mess that is TPP.
Devs just thought " hey what if we get everything that made MGS good and just throw in the trash"?, and they did.
>so much waiting time. like you actually need to WAIT almost 5 minutes just so you can go to motherbase, do something and do a mission, (not skippable cutscenes) you need to wait to enter the chopper, and then wait to get out of the chopper, and then wait for it to come back, and then wait get in the chopper, and then wait for it to arrive at the map, and then wait to get out of it, and there's no gameplay involved in this and you're just there, waiting.
>no character development, ocelot is a fucking robot with no personality, venom snake has 4 minutes of dialogue in the ENTIRE GAME he feels like another robot. the only guy that save this is Kaz, that actually has personality.
>no history-driven
>shitty "development department" just so you can USE A FUCKING WEAPON
MGSV TPP was a fucking disappointment and probably my worst experience with a game.
Two Worlds 2
Hearts of Iron 4
Darkest dungeon
Slay the spire
Original binding of Isaac
Gunmetal (original Xbox)
Fallout shelter
Turns out I meant Two Worlds. Just the thought it got a sequel is traumatic.
Holy shit this. I hated that piece of trash so much I literally broke the disk, took a shit on it and sent the picture to my friends
too lazy but someone should word cloud this thread
RTX Redrock
Telltale: Game of Thrones
I generally have liked the telltale games I've played (back to the future, walking dead, tales from the borderlands) and a huge fan of asoiaf and game of thrones but this game was on a whole different level of bad, not even in a so bad it's good way just poor in almost every aspect.
Trash opinion
2/10 bait you got me to reply
go eat up whatever trash AAA open world garbage your corporate overlords throw into your mouth next you whore
WoW Warlords of Draenor
Bioshock Infinite.
Game is fucking trash in every way.
This has to be bait but
>seriously couldn't beat dark souls 2 tutorial
Just keep walking through the fog gates like??? Mf just walk past the ogre this is the asylum demon but more embarrassing.
Listen to the cassette tapes you dumb motherfucker
Champions of Norrath
The only game I've ever played where I've actually fall asleep while playing.
After the amazing shit that was Black, we get this bullshit? FUCK EVERYTHING.
Bunch of Heroes comes to mind. It was just this very, very bland twinstick shooter I once grabbed a multipack of on Steam. My friends played it for about half an hour and we were just bored out of our minds. Nothing interesting, nothing funny, just bland and generic all the way through.
>past five years
either WoW:BfA or SFV.
>all time
Honestly IDK. My brothers had pretty good taste for PS1/PS2 gaems so maybe monster rancher hop a bout?
played 1 and 2, quit at what felt like 1/8 of the way into each. polished turds if i've ever played any.
Pretty much blantant waifubait game using video game references to try to keep ya invested.
i got it because it had anime titty mouse pad that came with it i think, and i thought it was funny so i got it. couldn't believe how shitty it was
Overwatch. I played about an hour of it, and then I realized Battlefield 4 is objectively better. So I went and played that instead.
How the fuck did the same guy who created twisted metal come up with this garbage?
Your a piece of shit. And so is your piece of shit opinion
I honestly don't even know how to quantify worst at this point.
Not the worst game ever but I wish 3 had more of the features introduced in
2 so I had a reason to permanently uninstall it.
t. James Willems
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
I think I've seen you post this before and I believe that this the most correct opinion in these threads.
such a fucking shitty game
That game were you traveled back in time to fight in historical events. It was all ww2, civil war, and ancient room I think. Besides a few kino civil war moments the game was trash
Dead Island
Mess Effect 3 if we're talking disappointment
Remove jak 2 immediately
Pokemon Let's go Eevee/Pikachu
I love Pokemon games, I'm not too picky with them but god damn it was that awful and boring.
I can't remember the worst, but for me Spore will always be my most hated because of the hype I had, and the turd it actually was.
(You) bait
Ten year old me was so excited for this game but was so disappointed.
Yeah 2 is no contest the worst in the series. 1,X,Torna, then 2 way after
Natural doctrine
imagine yo-kai watch blasters if it was made by a team of brainlets who had never played a video game before in their life.
now imagine if they had taken that game and balanced it entirely around 4-player local co-op, at a time when people would have been lucky to have even one other friend that still liked digimon.
now imagine if the controls were atrocious, the camera was terrible, and there wasn't even a map to see where you were going.
THAT is the digimon world 4 experience. easily one of the biggest piece of shit games ever made.
The first two worlds game
It's better than quake 2
In recent times probably Amazing Spider-Man 2; bought the RU version for 2 euros and beat it in 7 hours; I'm a big Spidey fan but that game was insultingly bad; like a bootleg Arkham game almost; just with worse everything; which says a lot about the Arkham games, not particularly hard games but at least enjoyable for a comic book character game.
Or maybe Skyrim/Fallout 4; both were cripplingly bad; especially Fallout 4; but at least I could play Fallout 4 for 20 hours more than I could play Skyrim.
(14 and 34 hours; uninstalled both before finishing main quest; shit games; paid 60 for Fallout 4)
There's countless DS games I could list that were genuinely awful but let's not bother.
Don’t you have some 80 dollar cardboard to buy?
No idea, I generally avoid games which are considered to be bad by both normies and Yea Forums
I had this for PS2 and PS3; PS2 version had a lot more content albeit obviously not the best version
Playing as New Goblin was cool as shit tho.
The Thing
All the games are shit, which sucks because there's no denying it has a charm, but each game is plagued by balance issues, gameplay problems and overall an underwhelming experience. I still own 63 1/3 and compared to the other two games, the voices are by far some of the most annoying I've ever heard in a game. Never mind the designs (RIP Blob) save for Lockjaw and a few others.
Speaking of shit fighting games, my friend brought this and returned it the next day. You ever notice the shittiest games still manage to have catchy tunes?
Gex on ps1
the most boring shit i ever played
The game was sooo boring that it made me prefer playing the reboot rather than 2
>Zelda II when CDI exists
Hunt down the freeman
I have nothing to say about this piece of shit
I really wouldn’t say I’ve played that many “bad games” but the end of Fire Emblem Birthright had me fucking fuming with how retarded the whole thing got. And not in a Fun way like Conquest retardation.
The game also got like 80% less fun when Lobsterlord showed up
ultima 6 on the C64. nothing redeeming about it
>take the lead designer of oblivion
>have him design an rpg without todd directing him
should have seen that coming a mile away
I was about to call out TMS being listed twice, but then I realized it actually is the worst game of two series. Beautiful list.
Armageddon, not Guerrilla
Armageddon mostly takes place in black dark caves, boring fucking game
Devil May Cry 2 is the only game I've played that I'd outright call terrible. Every other game I've played I can say has some kind of redeeming quality, but DMC2 is just bad from start to finish.
I played it pretty recently, so I at least got some good laughs out of it at the start, but once you realize that the game never gets even slightly better, playing it becomes suicide-inducing.
DA2 was the first game to come to mind for me as well. Not too bad on a purely technical level but definitely the biggest drop in quality I've ever seen in a sequel.
Dynasty Warriors 9 is the worst game I played recently, I don't know about all time though. Good thing I borrowed it for free at least.
Failed hard mode
Dear Esther. Fuuuuck that "game"
Getting Over It
Difficulty feels artificial, its not fun, narrator is bland
>he couldn't get over it
There was something satisfying about blowing up a building and just rebuilding it and tearing it down again. Sorta cathartic in its own weird way.
Lunar: Dragon Song
V3>>>>>Ultra Despair Girls
diablo 3 i guess
i have a hard time even thinking of trash games because i just can't remember them. i'm sure i played some horseshit on ps2 or nintendo DS
Dinosaur Planet? Or was it just called Starfox Adventures. That game was awful.
Shout outs to Sonic Heroes and Skyward Sword which are bad but ultimately don't hold a candle to that shitty "Star Fox" game
It's an absolute piece of shit, but I love it.
that art is badass and the name sounds cool. i'm getting it.
>Other M
I'm surprised you're the only other one.
Halo Wars.
Actually, I was gifted some steam trash that's under a dollar that was slightly worse.
Probably because there's tons of legitimately worse games. There's hating Other M, and then there's taking a one way bus ticket to stupidville. I remember some guy once couldn't decide if it was worse than Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius the Vidya. Good times.
it honestly stands out more in my mind because of how much it disappointed me (and was bad). I've easily played way more games that are objectively far worse than M:OM, but none were anything that I had been anticipating.
oh my
I was going to say a certian N64 game, but at the very last second I remembered Lament of innocence.
And I've played worse, but those were just trash indie games on phones or web browsers made with no budget.
Lament of innocence is the same 5 rooms over and over again with occasional monsters in them. HInts and relics of what may have been platform or exploration mechanics are scattered throughout the game, and the intro cutscene (240p) mentions leveling up your weapon.
The game feels empty and unfinished. like some kind of odd experiment to stretch limited resources as much as possible with one of Konami's most signature franchises. I remember this game getting a 7 or so in magazines back in the day, and even that score is baffling after playing it.
Well the thread isn't asking for the most disappointing game.
That's easy. Space Station 13
>Meme game where every story ends "And then a clown opened up a portal to an alien world and blew up the ship"
>Controls don't make sense and are absolutely unintuitive.
>Game requires doing homework just to play the fucking game EACH TIME you load up a new character type
>Lag out the ass
>Two speeds for your character: Painfully slow, and Sanic fast.
>Entire enjoyment of the game is derived from whatever playerbase you're playing with. Find the Reddit/SA/Yea Forums base? Fuck your night, I hope you like aggroing people you start next to
>Even when with a group of decent people, you could have just simply played a better game
>Whenever you bring up the many, many-fold faults of the game, SS13 fans are quick to parade around the trash as a "casual filter", then wonder why they don't have more people on their servers.
it's not that bad
yeah but what qualifies for the thread? Do awful flash games count? I played plenty of shovelware back in the day. Maybe the worst I can remember playing is Army Men: Sarge's Heroes for the 64.
I don’t remember a game where I felt so encumbered by bullshit. Even saving the game is a huge fucking hassle, you have to sleep in a fucking hotel or make a camp, can’t roam at night, can’t manually drive, empty world, combat is fucking retarded, only good weapons take health away from you, random battalions of overpowered enemies drop in on you when you’re just trying to explore, have to watch a movie and other shit just to understand the lore and story.
I dropped it as soon as I got into the first battle and saw that it's a card based game
but that's what makes it the best KH
>random battalions of overpowered enemies drop in on you when you’re just trying to explore
I mainly used the hand grenades on them
I played Evergrace because of bad song Yea Forums threads posting the shop song. I wouldn't call it unplayable but boss fights are fucking crap shoot at best. The "puzzles" are really bland and bad making you use the coloring option in the stores and needing specific items equipped. Worst part really is no R analog stick camera.
I don't care if its been recently released, FFXV fucking sucks cock. I almost never buy a game unless I know I'll like it. Only other game I regret purchasing was Skyrim, and there was no indication it would be as bad as it was prior to release. Its my fault with FFXV though, there were three demos for this game and they all sucked shit. I bought the game pretty much for closure only, since I had been following Versus since it's inception.
Fairy Fencer F. Probably the laziest game I've ever played, too. Copypasted areas and enemies not even half an hour into the game, hell, the entire game is reused twice due to a shitty time-travel plot twist. Hilariously bad localization and voice acting, too.
>Diablo 3
Final Fantasy XIII.
Dragon quest 11 so generic and bland main story line and character are garbage.
Everything about this game is just awful.
I played this as a kid and even back then I couldn't stand it long enough to get past the second level.
>I hear "hey tone the respawning down"
You should turn it up, faggot.
But I guess you never upgraded anything beyond the first or second level. It's also an RPG, you need a bit of time to level up your shit before getting to the orgasmic part of the game.
Enjoy it ! Pro tip, upgrade you legs.
I can tell just by looking at the characters on the cover. Those horrible designs shouldn't be on display.
Beta had so much potential too, then they released the Technician mech and tried to make it like team fortress 2 and never fix any of the other problems the game had.
Lagoon for the SNES.
Music is the only redeeming factor.
If we are going by amount of time played, I would have to go with La-Mulana.
I played it for 18 minutes before I got annoyed by the controls and quit.
Yeah, dig up rocks for three hours inbetween sessions of inventory management, what a great progression “system”
i loved this game, played it so much that i managed to make a name for myself. i remember people would say shit like "gg anons here we autowin" with the occasional "don't you ever sleep?" remarks. yeah it's lame but I got a kick out of being among the top "pros" of the game. i was one of the few who pioneered the infiltrator when it was all about the scout/zerker even though infil was sleeper op.
you're absolutely right, the game went to absolute shit with the technician update. you can pinpoint that as the exact moment when it all started to go downhill although i remember not being too pleased with the kneejerk buff to rocketeer that made them monsters
>tfw you never realize you can bump by just not swinging your toothpick sword
the pain
Starforge. I don't even think you can buy it anymore. It was literally so bad the devs took it off Steam.
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights
Instead of going for a full Professor Layton knockoff, there's like several different genres in here and absolutely none of them are good. The Pokemon clone was decent but it wasn't explained particularly well so I just stopped like an hour in.
"Resident Evil" Umbrella Corps.
super lost potential, I would've absolutely fucking bonered over a more action-oriented Laytonlike
I can deal with the awkward puzzles, it's the relic fights that are absolutely atrocious
I mean I like the idea of some stiff-lipped gentleman fellow using artifact spirits to fight shit but when you're basically fighting nothing -but- the relics themselves, instead of say, the evil organization using the relics against you, a lot of what you end up doing feels like sidenotes while you just ferry the characters around to finish the plot for you
really think they could've used the relic board better if they absolutely had to
anything with a HEAT cannon was top tier
Blades of Time
I have't played the N64 one, but the GCN Army's men game, which I have played, is significantly worse than Other M, that's for sure.
Disney's Dinosaur Adventure
Shit sucked
basically an exercise in what not to do when copying other games.
This game is basically the breaking point of shitty Sonic attitude clones and non-Mario 3D styled platformers.
>Super radical dude that's just told, not shown he's cool.
>Ancient controls
>Easy to die instantly
>Grating music
>Extremely short
>Unreliable hitbox + hurtbox
>Hope you don't have motion sickness camera
>Boring level design
>Ending doesn't even have a epilogue, you just escape and that's it.
Forgot my pic
You can literally save whenever as long as you aren't in a dungeon you can manually drive, just not at first.
Unironically Divinity Original sin 2. Incredibly boring story for a story focused game. Combat was decent but you only get like one fight every two hours.
disgaea 3, i think
my brother got me it for one christmas and i don't even know why, i never gave any kind of clue i cared about the franchise
Dark Stone. Does absolutely nothing to get your attention and simply plops the most mediocre, unimpressive game at your feet.
I know that pain brother. It was genuinely unplayable. That fucking feel when Code}{atch are STILL making games
Thief: Deadly Shadows
I will never get over how shit it is compared to 1-2
Zero time dilemma.
Uchikoshi is a hack
A dogshit fps from like 10 years ago
Haze or something I cant even remember the title, had a dude with a yellow visor on the front cover
I remember nothing about it only that it was fucking horrid and I returned it to blockbuster the next day
Get fucked KC:D was the best RPG i had played in years
>characters look like deviant art OC's circa 2006
that's just square enix's "artists" user
Payday 2
Wall-E for the psp. Ligitimately the most boring game I've ever played. Even as a kid I preferred to stare at a wall rather than play wall-e, at least then I could pretend the wall might open up to another world or something
>worse than ff13
>halo 4
>worse than halo 5
Actually fucking this
It was so horrid I didnt even commit it to memory, and I beat it too
I cannot believe there are weebs out there who unironically like that 60 hour movie
The "game" literally plays its self
I liked it until I got to about the third village, the bird one, and suddenly felt like the game was just unfinished or something
It just felt so fucking lifeless and uninteresting
The world is so empty and the dugeons (if they can even be called that) are so lazy it just totally turned me off
Havent gone back to it since
nomura needs to be fired
the inly good designs he made was when he had people over him containing his twink faggotry and belt fetish
Megaman X7
tomb raider (2013)