Resident Evil

Claire Redfeild (Kurea Reddofīrudo) was the main Star of the RE2, right? Not Leon

Attached: claire_grenade1.jpg (1204x903, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Both were, just like Jill and Chris in the first one. Claire was more popular until Code Veronica disappointed everyone and RE4 blew up in popularity.

You wish. This is now a Leon thread. Post more qt Leons ( of the noir kind preferably)

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>Claire Redfeild (Kurea Reddofīrudo) was the main Star of the RE2, right? Not Leon

No she wasn't you fag.

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I definitely bought RE2 to play as some autistic babyface, and not some cute boy.

>be Leon
>get shot and need to be coddled by some slutty Asian
>forced to fight g3 against will

>be Claire
>rescue Sherry
>volunteer to fight G3

Attached: 1550486457061.jpg (2000x1417, 568K)

>clairefags so desperage they're making song parodies now
get over it, never gonna happen

she stinks!

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Claire's guns are shit compared to Leon's

God, I wish I was Ada

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Leon is obviously the intended, definitive story. He has so much more going on. He's the plucky rookie cop thrust into the role of savior. The single moment alone when he shows pain at the thought of failing to save one of his comrades absolutely dwarfs everything else in autism-face's campaign. Everything about his campaign feels less generic than Claire's. Claire's interactions with Marvin are essentially meaningless when compared to Leon's. There's just way more subtext with Leon than Claire.

Wow it's nothing. You degenerates get hard over the most autistic shit.

From my point of view yeah, she is. Her scenes are more "heroic" to me.

Attached: claire_breed5.jpg (580x875, 83K)

>that pic
I feel like a high-ish FOV combined with her head being so close to the camera as well as to the edge of the screen causes her face to stretch out in a comical manner

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I just want to let you guys know that I find Claire Redfield very attractive

In the original she was the leader of the group while Leon was the rookie who got forced into the more dangerous fights. Claire was the get shit done type while Leon was the "shit I have no other choice but to fight" type

Didn't play the remake yet, but did they keep this dynamic?

>hate her english VA
>try jap VA
>also bad but not as bad
At least Leon's jap va is pretty hot.

>that thousand cock stare

Claire, you is smart, you is kind, you is important

Past a certain age, a Claire without a family can be a bad thing.

Attached: ClaireLoliVision.webm (1920x1080, 2.32M)

Leon is forced to fight G3, Claire willingly jumps down to fight it. So yes, pretty much.

well then we better give her a family before it gets that bad

Attached: clairexchris_kiss1.webm (1920x1060, 1.3M)

Lmao that's one way of looking at her Mother-complex. I think it was sort of worked into the subtext of RE2 that Claire desperately wanted Leon to impregnate her and she basically got cucked by the more interesting and elusive Ada so she settled on being Sherry's savior.

That's one way of ensuring the Redfield bloodline stays pure and undiluted I guess.

I love her English VA just for her grunts, hmms, exclamations and pain noises.

Attached: gotcha.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>"The whole story is about Marvin" - the post

Her VA grew on me as I went through the game. I hated it at first, but really loved it by the end.

Is jordan as big in japan as she is in US?

Attached: ofy.jpg (2083x1658, 735K)

no wonder why capcom, a japanese company, keeps shitting on her

According to Capcom's metrics. More people played Leon first than Claire

Since Claire A / Leon B is the canon choice, I guess technically speaking.

But everyone chose Leon first anyway. Myself included.

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Pretty standard with female protags. However "certain people" try to spin it, most gamers are predominantly male and will usually play male protags first.

>choosing leon first

Oh man that smile is so adorable. She's not exactly my kind of girl, but that smile...!

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Really? They're so badly acted. She also swears too much.

>But everyone chose Leon first anyway
I didn't. When I was a kid I always picked Claire, dunno exactly why, so for me the story of RE2 is Claire's story before anything else. So, obviously, I picked her for my first RE2R run.

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>ywn smell jordan

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She swears as much as any salty biker 19 year old would in a stressful situation.

chris dosen't seem amused in the slighest

>Playing with action figures instead of barbie dolls
You're the gay boii

Me and 80% of the player base.

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I wish Jordan was a little thiccer, otherwise she's perfect.

Yeah, that's my point when I said "not my kind". I like them with more meat around the bone.


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80% gays

>playing the canon scenario first

uhmmm sweeite??

>(Kurea Reddofīrudo)
>not Clarissa Camporojo
dios mio

congrats, you chose the non cannon route with all he other dumb normies

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jordan is VERY fit and perfect for child bearing!

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Considering how little difference there is between the A and B scenarios now...

>not clarita
are you even trying?

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>not starting with Leon A and ending on Leon B

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That's a nice shot. The cameltoe would be much more visible if it was higher res.

ok OP, funny thread.
post the nude mods

Only one scenario can truly be canon in the remake, it can't be both A and B. So in the B scenarios you are actually taking over as the main star of the game over the A scenario character you already beat it as. What's canon just depends which scenario you played, with the end result still always being the same between all 4 (the only difference being which character did most of the work).
You can assume that all the important plot stuff for the character you aren't currently playing as still happens, it just happens off-screen in a different way - probably with a lot less fighting

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The other thread got killed just as it was getting good.

I want to impregnate sherry's butt! she's literally built for jizz!

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Probably similar to RE1, where both Jill and Chris explored the mansion independently.

That shot makes me want to tickle her

One shot is missing in that collage imo

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I'd help remove all that awkward sand with my tongue

>people unironically liked that ugly classic costume over the updated one

Absolutely BASED

Reposting it to help you

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I dont like her all dirty unless its the military costume dirt

We get it, Marvin was cool and did interact better with Leon. But he's not really fucking important. Sherry going through hell with Claire is much more definitive and has more meaning than the few interactions with a dying cop from a station that lost.

Naughty user

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Leon seemed so shook up about his death.

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at least jordanfags are slobbering over a cute girl, unlike vothfags

Claire is Claire
I love Claire

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I wish I was William when he got to impregnate her.

Claire is a cute little cinnamon bun.

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Noir costume huh? Best shot.

claire fags are the worst

dont @ me

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>tfw 0:06

I dunno
leonfags, adafags, and clairefags are all pretty bad
valenfield fags are also bad because their ship is bad

kek, I still find it hilarious that they had to minimise scenes in the remake where you could see up Jill's dress with the alt costume. The black panties were actually hotter.

By mods? Or it just died?
Mods usually don't seem to care as long as there's no nipples, genitals, or focus on bare ass / sideboob / underboob. And as long as it's not the OP image

Mods archived it. It was starting to get really active, nowhere near 10 at the time.

All ships are bad when it comes to RE imo

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>>be Leon
>>get shot and need to be coddled by a mommy Asian
God, I wish I was Leon

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Sherry is more important than Marvin though. Also Claire learns from him that Chris isn't in RC while Leon doesn't really learn anything new.

God, Guillory Jill was so smokin'

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not jill/rebecca or jill/sheva

Is Ada even supposed to be a full blooded chink? She always looks pretty HAPA to me.

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>not letting Annette shoot Ada to get a mommy gf

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Fuck that dumb bitch

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I wanna see, do you have the archive link or the thread number / dead URL?

anette can't satiate leon's yellow fever

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You know Chris got both at the end of RE5...

chris is much too retarded for that

That sounds fucking horrific

Leons story seems more like a 'what if' scenario compared to Claires, Leon doesnt even know what the fuck is going on in the police station and if not for Ada would have most likely fled the city after escaping the police station

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Angry Claire is hilarious

Fuck off with your goblin cuck.

Ada is yandere for Leon. But she is very good at hiding it.

Not OP, but I remember it from earlier. It had a picture of Wesker and one of those Resident Evil Thread quote things, it got archived around 150 posts. Can't seem to see in archive.

>Leon doesnt even know what the fuck is going on in the police station
That's a good point. I didn't think about that

>claire will never call you an asshole
feels bad bros

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Jesus fucking christ, the absolute state of clairecucks.


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Thread number was 453480287

I'd rather play a a chad then that fucked up goblino.

how do you even compete with this hottie

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I wish A/B scenarios reversed companions, I want to see Leon interact with Sherry, I mean, he's the one who ends up taking care of her

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>his MP5 doesn't even have front or rear sights
what a FAGGOT

why are the lips in her face scan so much fatter? she looks like a gerbil. in a cute way

well they needed to add some lips. Claire's face model doesn't have any

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>chad claire vs. virgin leon

You can't!

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nuClairefags are the worst. She's shit and you have trash taste.
This, Claire can fuck off, let me see Leon hang out with Sherry.

why do autists keep bringing this up like its not what would be going on? have you watched any war footage ever? Everyone is screaming and swearing.

claire definitely stole the show this time around

But Leon stole my heart

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>implying when Claire takes care of another women's kid and how alpha Leon gets with Ada right after G3
Claire was a cuck from day 1.

I see it. I posted in that one. I think it just died because no one bumped it

>them stretch marks
>puking emoji

claire is sherry's! claire never saw it coming but she belongs to sherry! now claire seeks other little girls to dominate her! it's sickening! her lust for children must be stopped!

Attached: claire assaults sherry.png (1440x1295, 1.72M)

ye hes a qt doe sure

I would have picked Claires first but the way the descriptions of them are set up it makes it seem as if Leons is meant to be played first

>no ass

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>elbow too pointy

Is the MP5 available for Claire aswell?

>he makes you doubt your sexuality

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god... DAMMIT...

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She's not shit and you know it, you just hate her fans. Even at her worst she's still tolerable and more attractive than the extreme majority of western female characters in AAA single player games

nah, Leon is a cool guy though

Kys cuckrunnerfag

>Claire Kekfield

Attached: Claire getting euthanized.png (390x443, 271K)

fair enough, her waifufags seem to easily be the most obnoxious out of all the REwaifufags. Maybe they just desperately don't want her to get cucked again.

Claire! I cant cover for you forever!

its cool bro, i have sun friends

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How old is this bitch? And why did they make her look like the one from The Last of Us?

fuck off, chris

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Why did they model his eyes like that

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19 during re2

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Nothing to do about the sun, but I see you in every thread and all you do is post images of recall human bean.

hey listen man ive nothing against the sun man

Was giving Raimi free reign a good idea?


Capcom doesn't put work into female characters unless they're Asian.


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Haha imagine if someone photoshopped a pair of braces on her that would be so funny lol

[Spoiler]it would be adorable [/spoiler]


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>I love Ada

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Based Capcom with the patrician taste.


like what?

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hey what the fuck dude the sun and kekrunners are okay people

His pupils are wrong

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i notice that with everyone. look at marvin in his first cutscene.

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he's clearly looking into light, nigga. pupils become smaller when you stare at bright lights

Also half of the company loves Rebecca too who was inspired by a Jpop star.

Claire and Leon both eyes that just seem to focus in straight lines or something and as a result they look all crooked like they have lazy eye sometimes. Could also maybe be some bump-mapping shenanigans where the irises look like concave dishes that appear to go inside the eyeball, and that makes it look wrong from some angles

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Does Hardcore Mode include ANY checkpoint saves? Like, people are saying to save at each Birkin boss only, and... There's a lot of shit between G1 and G2.

It has nothing to do with light, it looks like he's wearing color contacts when he looks to the side

Can someone post the closeup of Claire's? Her's are fine for some reason



again, check on marvin again when he gives you a knife.

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I'm sorry user, I couldn't help it.

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heres one of Claire

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He's too far away here, watch the cutscene with the tape recorder

Thank you!

You can see hers are concave, leons pupils look like they were drawn on the eyeball

git gud zoomer

How white women can even compete?

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are you ready, Yea Forums?

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I hope RE3R will have that scene...

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>being called a zoomer when you were playing RE2 on the PS1 as a teen
...My soul...

voth is a good Jill

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trannies are not real women

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It should look like this reee

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yeah 1, when you get to RPD after the gas station, faggot

>I will actually be able to play 4th survivor with Shoo reskinned as all zombies
I dont know if i should be disgusted or excited

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god I really hate rev2s claire, it doesnt even need to look that awful when you see moira

Litally got chills when she jumped the platform and fucked g3 up

*chomp* What's going on here?

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>seventy fucking five freedom dollars for a jpeg of leon printed on a pillow case

you people are nuts

Attached: wut.jpg (1642x1009, 407K)

Oh man, this is just the best scene in the entire game imo.

Both are good!

uh, is there a claire one?

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>didn't fap to barbie dolls whe he was a kid
So what type of bbc does user like

this mod would look better if they didn't give her blonde eyelashes and light eyebrows. She looks super cute with Annettes hair and her normal brown eyebrows / eyelashes

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If so, I hope I could put a fleshlight in it

God I wish that was me

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>she can't look away, Leon, I've tied her to a chair. Let's make it in front of her. Maybe she learn something

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>This is a 40 year old woman
They can't

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By being caring, nice and fertile.

There is any new mod? I love mods.

she looks like a tranny

Afaik the artist draws mostly boys but there's this

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Chris I need you to fuck Leon

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I-Is it bad I wanna consensually impregnate RE2 Sherry?

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it's absolutely normal! sherry is made for impregnation!

I wish trannies looked like this

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I want to see Leon's armpits

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Mr. X says no

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>No Claire

Attached: Leon's bedroom wall.jpg (718x512, 48K)

Legally, yes. Naturally, no.

I found a bunch I'd never heard of in this thread:

search the thread for the word 'mediafire' to find the downloads. You have to open the links from a blank tab or mediafire will pretend they are dead

What is it user?

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manly jaw, tranny face, old. this is what you guys want for Jill?


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hows it feel the tranny is gonna be in resi 3

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You two probably summoned one of it's chasers and it's only a matter of time until it's digusting visage gets posted now, it happens almost every time someone talks about Jill looking like a tranny

>manly jaw
That meme needs to stop...

have you worshiped Jill yet today?

Attached: jillvoth_face22.jpg (640x800, 39K)

Thank you so much

Best DLC coming in:
>Claire meets Ada and doesn't trust her one bit, women's intuition.
>the two bitch each other out like real women do IRL, passive aggressive to each other
>Multiple instances where one needs to save the other’s life due to lack of options and not wanting to go futher alone
>they eventually tolerate each other, even share jokes and observations
>Ada nabs the G virus without Claire noticing
>Annette catches up to them and shoots Ada, Clarie shoots Annette out of reaction, ignorant of her reasons
>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Has to choose between trusting in his superior or sticking with his own sense of justice and defying the police chief to protect Sherry
>“Sir, consider this my resignation.”
>Sherry gets infected with G-virus and abandoned by Annette
>"Wh-why are you doing this?"
>"Because I... because I'm an officer Sherry, helping people is what we do. Now lets get you treated, I'm no good without my partner backing me up, right?"
>Leon helps cure her and bonds with Annette in the process.
>Annette, who's probably under immense pressure from her husband becoming an abomination, her own daughter almost dying, and all the recent events, finds sweet release in Leon, the idealistic and pure young officer.
>Ada shot to death
>G-virus sample destroyed
>ex husband dead as fuck
>Sherry cured
>Annette has a passionate, caring, hot, young stud to throw around the bedroom daily and an actual husband
>Sherry gets lots of brothers and sisters in no time at all
>It works with the old re2 ending too, the government would be after anything they could salvage from her & william's research and using sherry as leverage just the same

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user how do you not see her manly jaw or her gross cheeks

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The same way it's going to feel when it hangs itself at 30

>mod that gives nude Claire C-cups, D-cups or E-cups with bounce physics

how the FUCK have I only just heard of this now?!

Attached: jordan friend.webm (640x640, 1.85M)

>womens intuition
Anybody that didn't stop reading there is a faggot but you're some kind of genetic super faggot

Of course!

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Is there a mod of shirtless Leon?
Not beachboy, just shirtless

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Jill Valentine is the best Resident Evil girl. She's the classic OG.

>She will never be real

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Takes one to know one

White women are non of those things.


Claire is.


Lmao no, Claire is just a cuckquean to Ada.

Not good, user. Claire is wonderful.

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If you have no taste I'm sure you'd think that.

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Post claire feet, please?

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How do I deal with this huge crush on Leon

I think my taste is fine. Claire is a beautiful, sweet, caring woman who would be a great wife and a great mother.

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there are no canon Claire feet in the series. only mods

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Resident Evil 6 is a good game.

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>ywn have puppy Leon following you around

Why live

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>tfw just started 2nd run Claire not ling ago
>just got to Stars Office, grabbed shit for Detonator, found Mr. X waiting for me outside
>still no new guns...yet

ah, fun times

>will never be real

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Dead eyes, Limmy called it within hours.

You are a patrician and gentlemen sir

HUNK doesn't get enough love

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I guess it's supposed to be a troll post. But I agree

Leon B is canon so he was the one to kill the big bad at the end

>claire was more popular

What's the difference between acid and fire grenades? Do they do more damage against certain enemies? Should I make acid grenades or SMG ammo?

by the way, how old is HUNK now? any info?

Attached: Leon.jpg (1920x1080, 334K)

acid rounds kill most enemies in one hit
flame does too but takes a while, but can hit multiple enemies, best to use on crowds of zombies
birkin is weak to flame and strong to acid

Yes police. I think we' got him.

Oh that explains why it took so many fucking acid rounds to kill G3.

Acid rounds fuck up G2 and G3 pretty well.

Tumblr tier thread. Pathetic


Not even a troll post, I think RE6 was unironically good.

I killed G2 using nothing but like 8 acid rounds+the crate, and G3 gets stunned momentarily even if the round doesn't hit him in an eye, it leaves him wide open to additional attacks.

I've only ever seen acid rounds kill weak zombies (like the one banging on the vending machine) and dogs in one hit. Usually it removes zombie limbs and takes them down to like 1/3rd or 1/4th health left.
You can kill most enemies in 2 acid rounds though. Flame rounds do multiple times more damage with the burning over time (that's why you can't craft them)

if there's one thing I'm disappointed in with RE2make, it's the guns
RE has always been kind of a gun porn series and the guns weren't in that great in RE2

>you can't craft flame rounds


how do you craft them then?



either hes a retard or hes being a cheeky cunt about re3

Attached: G3 demonic.jpg (1920x1080, 715K)

in the ghost survivors you get white AND yellow powders which let you make flame rounds and grenades

Attached: Bamboozling vs being bamboozled.jpg (847x1624, 426K)

I wanna marry and impregnate Jordan

you can make hand grenades by mixing white and yellow high-grade powder but mix either with gunpowder and you still just get acid rounds or shotgun shells

need that webm of Leon and Chris arguing at a table

Yes, just finish HC with S rank

Attached: 20190305135501_1.jpg (1920x1080, 357K)

On hardcore? Seems too ez

Attached: IMG_20190212_223048.jpg (838x471, 48K)

Acid rounds still stun G3 on Hardcore.

B-but you're just being a contrarian... like me

Jillfags, Beccafags, Clairefags, and Adafags are based

Attached: 1550706821837.jpg (634x410, 66K)

anyone who played it in 1996 knows its claire a leon b. also Leon is the only one who fights super tyrant,which confirms is canon in the remake as well

I cheated to give myself a no-reload infinite ammo acid grenade launcher as Ghost during his DLC mission, and it felt like I had to soak the zombies down like it was a fire hose if I wanted them to actually die and not have one bite my foot when I tried to run past

Well admittedly Claire is the more appealing choice for some reason. I feel the poignancy of her survival more than a buff tall dude in a police uniform and vest.

Number of games starring Claire: 3
Number of games starring Leon: 2
Choke on it.

I do think she's a little unrealistic in that she probably couldn't even knock an adult man zombie off herself in real life (let alone two, or a fat one). She goes through way more than any real teenage girl could ever endure

Attached: zombie bite.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Why does almost every thread turns to (homo)lust over Leon? Not that i mind it desu.

I'd rather be Leon desu.

And which ones of those games were more popular again?

Make a great cuckquean maybe lmao

thats only recently
At first it was neither, then it was Claire, now it's both

is it worth buying for someone who has never played the series and generally doesn't care for horror? I like some horror settings/atmosphere, I just don't get scared by things on a screen.

Well she has access to weapons and she isn't unfit, maybe punching a zombie who's got her pinned is realistic enough because the shamblers barely exert any force when they aren't leaning their entire bodies forward into a staggering attack.

Claireniggers BTFO

Attached: 20190126183010_1.jpg (1594x856, 327K)

More like definitely

Attached: 1549416974869.png (1200x602, 1.19M)

Adafags and Clairefags have calmed down so now Leonfags can thirstpost in peace

Attached: b7bd8644-45c3-4f29-9909-da95680a0c70.gif (366x380, 1.72M)

Attached: 20190131012850_1.jpg (839x1080, 83K)

You should probably start with the original RE1 and RE2, then play the REmakes. You'll get a better appreciation for the games that way.

>Leon locks up the gate despite not knowing if Claire made it inside or not
Was he trying to keep her out? Did he not want to tell with her dumb face anymore?

No user, Claire is for marriage and for raising a big happy family together.

Attached: 1550446343898.jpg (512x640, 37K)

>Hey rookie, that book you got there...what is it?
>Oh, it's a little FBI factbook the officer gave me. Pretty interesting actually. Did you know that despite only making up 13% of the population, African americans commit 52% of the crime? Ain't that something

Seriously Capcom, what the fuck?

Attached: leonre2marv.jpg (773x616, 48K)

This user has it right

Attached: 1550700387710.jpg (720x900, 81K)

Based, I just want what's best for him bros. And neither Claire or Ada are that.

Attached: 20190204233124_1.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

but leon stars in 4 games

It's kind of "meh" that Leon hasn't really interesting stuff in B
He doesn't met Kendo, doesn't met Marvin, he only sees the chopper crash and Ada's "death" is better than in scenario B

And yes, Marvin is important for Leon's story, much in the remake btw but still.

Attached: 1549161320733.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

Nah, Claire is for constantly cucking out of any potential relationship in any way possible.
Why does this image get posted so much? It's not a flattering one.

Yeah sure, go back to your cats

Irons would've probably killed him in the parking lot. He didn't because Claire was a woman and he's a rapist

>Shit, now who am I gonna fuck, that autistic looking girl in the red jacket?
Wow Capcom.

Attached: 20190204233510_1.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

I want to hold Leon's hand

Attached: c18f4489-a0c8-4e96-8755-bd8d6a135ab1.gif (540x230, 2.95M)

I wanna give Leon a brojob.

Attached: 20190204232407_1.jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

Attached: 1551842640767.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

Leon wouldn't even consider touching her if she isn't asian

Speaking of, are there any zombie cats around?

If anyone wants to take cool screenshots of anything in the game at any time (even going through walls) and slow the game down to 1% speed while you angle it, you should download cheat engine and run this script on RE2 with it:

If you get the first-person mod below, it comes with a spectator-cam / free-cam thing that overrides the cheat-engine one and lets you fine tune the camera position while at 1% speed if you change the cam speed to 100%

You can change the FOV to an extreme degree to zoom in (or out w/ distortions) and you can move the camera around even during zombie grabs with the cheat engine one, but the direction that the camera is looking still automatically changes with the direction it looks during the grab animation, and you can't move it yourself. You can enable the free-cam mod though and fix the camera in some position / direction beforehand though, or even fix it mid-grab.
You can freeze time during cutscenes and change the FOV to zoom in or out, but nothing else there

Attached: Resident Evil 2 biohazard Re2 2019.02.23 - (874x1080, 3M)

why didn't the government recruit Claire as well?, not only she survived Raccoon like Leon but she did it with no official training.

Attached: 1551673335594.jpg (1500x1500, 236K)

if I'm not into licking character's armpits or holding their hand I'm not "__fag" enough?

Attached: 13834804207400.jpg (539x447, 26K)

well surely you aren't into licking necks either, right ?

Attached: 1551021927171.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

Attached: 1549819296948.png (492x430, 241K)

Leon is in more games retard. Also compare the success of their games and get back to me faggot

Claire didn't get picked up by up the military. She ran off in search of Chris leaving Sherry with Leon.

Claire melts my heart.

Attached: 1549649150746.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

I want to see my bloody boy.

Attached: b1.jpg (663x1024, 186K)

I want to hug_ Leon hard

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Attached: samurai edge.jpg (480x600, 42K)

Can't all us fags just agree that both Leon and Claire contributed well to the game and the only issue here is that the game felt a lil bit rushed (especially with that B scenario)

Attached: 89d0baa59e4aa8d3a09a85a2b8d4bbca.png (709x493, 182K)

ugly goblin
for me it's kidman

Attached: kid.jpg (1920x1080, 595K)

.....naaaah Claire's better

Attached: fbdne5g1zlg21.jpg (640x896, 79K)

ya'll are so fucking autistic it is insane

I love claire she is my favorite RE girl but holy shit you fucking nerds pls get a life. Go outside, go back to school, learn a trade, work on your career, have sex with a woman, FOR FUCK'S SAKE PLEASE

only if there is some other character(s) who you actually would be into licking their armpits or holding their hand

Yeah, I'm fine with both characters. I'm disappointed there was no V-ACT, from the concept art it seems like they were planning it. Would have been great to see Crimson Heads in RPD, as well as the transformation into Lickers. Maybe in REmake 3 we'll get that.

biting, probably.
it's not like I wanna do it, but I would, just to mess around with her

>Go outside, go back to school, learn a trade, work on your career, have sex with a woman, FOR FUCK'S SAKE PLEASE
I literally did all these things though

Attached: clairexleon836.jpg (960x1280, 259K)

>kidman will never sit on your face

Attached: 1542724777006.gif (391x428, 2.94M)

Yeah man
I was pretty disappointed cause there was concept art of zombies that are in the process of turning into lickers.

Attached: RE2_remake_CONCEPT_ART_-_Design_Sketch_C.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

The Birkin plot is actually part of Claire's story. Its completely tangential to Leon's.

There only be one fag that rules them all and that's Leon, i don't think so.

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Ay, watchuu say nigga?

Attached: I cap yo ass.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)

that shit on the right is scary as fuck.
just imagine the sound it'd make

Dat kino pan past the pit...
probably something like this - headphone warning

Attached: 1550786193126.png (1400x1000, 766K)

all this talk about armpits just makes me think of this

Attached: looking at fire.webm (1400x1080, 3M)

Yeah? Why WOULDN'T you play the canon scenario first? Claire a/Leon b

Attached: image0-9.jpg (1242x663, 162K)


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Attached: claire_095223.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

Oh my fucking god Sienna would have been perfection if she JUST HAD SOME BIG TITS

>chris's wall.jpg

Attached: 1551557464326.jpg (1148x920, 229K)

Titty bounce seems a little twitchy and I wish the guy didn't make her nipples so long, but otherwise it's pretty damn good. I want a version for her normal B-cups though

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Attached: god I wish that were me.webm (1366x768, 2.77M)

Done by Sakimi "Same Face" chan.

Attached: 73432122_p10_Term_95_summary_JPG_PSD_video.jpg (753x1000, 90K)

Lol she didn't bother with the right hand

Attached: cfeet.webm (1020x1080, 2.98M)

Attached: g1 aftermath.jpg (720x720, 25K)

>that one time she drew a penis upside down

Ah, the choice of an avid gun collector. It's a nice gun stranger.

Attached: Merchant.jpg (679x1024, 71K)

Looks like a fucking alien ,what the fuck.

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Attached: claire_dg_nod1.gif (268x325, 2.96M)

We really have advanced as a civilization.

yep her irises and pupils are definitely like concave dishes going into her eyes, look at her right eye in that webm when she looks to the side

Attached: eyes.jpg (447x559, 29K)

What does everybody think of Ali Larter as Claire?

Attached: ali-larter-claire-1280-720x405.jpg (720x405, 42K)

She's alright

I still dont know who this guy was or what his deal was. Was he infected? He just seemed like a friendly, English-speaking ganado with money on his mind

better than Jordan for sure

There have been known ants who slack off and don't contribute to the well-being of the colony, stealing food and thinking only of themselves, unconcerned with the lot of the greater population. The merchant is one of these.

Attached: 20-of-worker-ants-idle-lazyloones-study-sapporo-contrary-to-2718967.png (500x433, 88K)

He's just a jew that infiltrated Ganado society and subverted it from the inside

Attached: BIOHAZARD_Clan_Master_-_RE4_Merchant_02.png (390x390, 27K)

She has no pupils

Lmao you wish.

Attached: NWF.png (1168x920, 36K)

She would punch you in the nose

>Clairecucks think they can compete with Leon in any way
Go back to arguing with Adafags about who gets to suck Leon's dick.

Just beat my Claire-B Hardcore run, I did it in a few saves less than my first and I was armed to the teeth for the G 3 and 4 encounters. That G5 "boss" was entertaining as hell, the ending was SOOOO 90s'. I love this game to death. Probably gonna start my Leon B already, gotta get that last Mr. Raccoon.

Attached: jordan_wink4.webm (1920x1080, 1.29M)

Attached: 1548717046541.png (540x760, 264K)

I have the game but I haven't played it yet...

Arent they brother and sister?

>Claire; RE2, Code Veronica, Rev2
>Leon; RE2, RE4, RE6

Idk bud I think Leon's prolly the favourite; they're throwing him in the numbered games at the least

Attached: 1543810062912.gif (299x383, 1.19M)

Don't know if anyone in this thread can help but I recently triggered the airwalk glitch on patch 1.03 by phasing through the railing but now if I attempt to fall through the floor to go out of bounds, one of two things happens:

1. I hit an invisible barrier under the balcony and cannot move past it

2. I walk through the area it's supposed to happen and instead of triggering the event, the entire library despawns and i'm floating in the nowhere realm until i walk around and smack into some bookcases again

The glitch is still supposed to work on PS4 and the new patch and I've tried several heights using the railing to adjust.

wat do

Attached: FaceApp_15514787524202.jpg (520x589, 469K)
>Claire just wants a family

Attached: LEON PLEASE.png (265x309, 63K)

Play the game normally instead of trying to bitch out by using glitches, casual.

Attached: 1550340406892.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

I don't like goblinas

I picked Claire first because I figured it was the same way as the Jill/Chris difference (inventory limits). I just assumed Leon was hard... even before Claire came along, that is. ;)

I've already S+ ranked all difficulties and finished every bonus game mode and gotten all records. I'm trying to have some extra fun, assrag.

Attached: Dl2LdQ0U0AAcWih.png (827x858, 581K)

>be in your room
>see this
wat do

who can blame them? leon is cute

say "Hello there"

I'll only believe you if you give us pics, friend.

in the wiki it says Ada sees him setting up the shop in the cave. when does this happen, in separate ways?

It's in Separate Ways, the blue torches aren't set up yet.

I don't need to give you pics, you're some random nobody on a moonrunes image board and you have nothing helpful to say. Good day, sir.

Attached: 72958130_p8_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 678K)

La Creatura....

Why even defend yourself in the first place then if nothing we say is meaningful. Post your results page or GTFO

Come on user, this is your chance to BTFO me. Unless you're just a chicken, cheep cheep cheep cheep.

Attached: cheep cheep cheep cheep.jpg (400x225, 25K)

>T. Virus is supposed to change a bitten victim gradually overtime a la itchy tasty, Marvin
>that guy in the gas station that points to leon is instantly a zombie when you come out
Shit game

Attached: re2 annette youll never get into my pants.jpg (1500x1124, 598K)

The changeover happens when you die, dude

How was the Itchy Tasty guy still writing in his journal after he ate another dude then when all zombies we've ever seen are too retarded to speak English?

it has on optic on it, who cares?

How tall is Leon supposed to be?

Literally happens in all zombie media.

Nah, I'm pretty happy they decided to not include OC shit in the remake.
Still thinks that they should've added the spiders in the sewers and the moth in the labs, done right they would've been creepy as fuck

T-Virus always took days or hours depending of the subject, not new.

where can i get a cool as pinstripe noir outfit like that irl?

Unironically Goodwill or the Salvation Army

>That awkward wink followed by that awkward smile

Attached: WhiteHarshAustralianfurseal-max-1mb.gif (320x180, 693K)

Which model is more attractive the one that did the face or the one that did the body?

Attached: 1551225262444.jpg (666x1000, 79K)

Childhood is idolizing Leon
Adulthood is realizing Chris makes more sense.

Attached: 1487124977796.jpg (448x447, 31K)

I want her to be my cumdumpster

Attached: 1540132357642.jpg (943x1174, 403K)

you couldn't be more wrong, dude.

Based VA

2 Claire > Darkside Chronicles Claire > CV/Survivor 2 Claire >>>>>>>> 2 Remake Claire > Revelations 2 Claire
Nothing can top her original design and model. She is peak Claire.

Attached: Resident_Evil_2_-_Claire_Redfield_render.jpg (281x500, 17K)

Fuck off, William

How are you guys coping with the fact that RE2 remake has already been forgotten about and DMC5 is about to release to tons of praise and usurp this series as Capcom's #1? Frankly it pisses me off as a longtime Resident Evil fan because DMC is dogshit and DMCucks are insufferable. We should probably do something about it

Yeaaaa I was pretty sad that the spiders were taken out.
As for the moth, apparently you can see tiny ass ones in the lab which I guess is a nod to the original but that really feels like a misstep.
How do you feel about the birds being taken out as well? I was pretty bummed out

>Implying Ada is not the cuck choice.
She is alway cockblocking Leon and using him as pawn for her objectives.

>False flagging this hard

Attached: 1548658118244.jpg (759x1024, 56K)

They literally fuck in their free time. And probably during missions, too.

The ivies were sorta OC and liked them; granted they are similar to the clickers from TLOU but they are way scarier than a flower with legs.

Im trying out the original RE as my first ever entry of the classic style games (4 was my first RE ever) and it's kicking my ass. I consider myself a fairly competent gamer - in fact I was able to clear hardcore mode in re2r with an S ranking my first play through - but this game is brutal. I have no idea where to go or what to do first. I've found a map but it's pretty well useless because it doesn't give you any indication whether you've exhausted the items from each room or anything like that. Also fuck tank controls, I can barely even move my character let alone dodge or safely run past anything. Thank God for save states. Any tips? Im tempted to just look up what to do in a guide.

rattle rattle mrs skeltal

DSC Claire and RE2 Claire are my favs.

Attached: f2xhhH4.gif (500x281, 950K)

Nah it was Leon. Always preferred Leon more anyway. It's cooler to play as a badass rookie cop instead of some college girl

Is that canon ?

My extraction point!

Attached: 1547704131893.jpg (672x372, 35K)

No nipples.
I don't get it.

Yikes. You're supposed to die in RE1 and learn from your mistakes. That's why the game's so short.

Plus Ada is hotter

>All adafags and clairecels fighting over wich of their trash waifus should leon pick
Ashley is best girl

>We should probably do something about it
Alright. So when and where shall we start then? Hm?

Attached: 1475850558936.png (230x252, 68K)


Imagine how crazy and loud she is in bed

Attached: latest.jpg (350x985, 48K)

Right now, report their threads, they should have gone to /vg/ months ago

This. Enjoy the death animations user. The fear of death and losing progress adds to the tension of the game.

Attached: 1523541030053.gif (480x360, 2.96M)

>my meme

>That pic
I like redhead claire in general

When I played this game when it came out, I never knew hunters could do this. I found out the hard way on a no save speedrun and went DSP on this game.

How is that enjoyable user?

Claire's pits stink!

Attached: re2 claire shower.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

Claire was such a cutie in her first few games. What the fuck went wrong?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>The way the skin peels off
I always knew lickers were a metaphor for male genital mutilation, RE is filled with circumcision symbolysm birkin's arms resembles a injured penis with the foresking forcefully retracted and all humans who transform into monsters lose their penises (Simbolising how mangling a baby's penis is a monstrous act that dehumanizes him).

Attached: cd58db1595ea6ede452c17cd19355a08.png (800x595, 334K)

Are you K12?

Attached: 1550700757361.jpg (2048x1536, 221K)

imagine the smell...

I'm pretty sure it's the opposite user.
Metaphor good one user.
Not able to see her nipples.
.Nice fan art user.

>I'm pretty sure it's the opposite user.
She looks like an goblin in this game. I would much prefer even her blocky, early 3D face than her current one.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

If that's yours, then thanks again user, I'm the original guy who requested the shop. That must have been over a year ago, maybe longer. Crazy shit

The tyrants are another big symbolism
>Veiny dried skin with open sores, look like its permanetly retracted.
>Head is cracked and dry filled with surgical scars the mouth is skinned forcing it into a eternally pained expression (Symbolysing how penile flaying leaves you in eternal pain and discomfort)
>Heart resembles a bloodied glans
>Rigt hand is a claw (Circumcision victims find masturbation painfull.)

Attached: proto_tyrant__t_001__by_jaimito89-d8cgk6l.png (854x935, 416K)

I guess you think classic Claire deaths are objectively hotter.

Still can't see it.

>crazy shit
I know, and I remember. I actually have barely been on since then. Funny how that works out.
Cheers, user.

Attached: haveadrink.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

Do people believe these myths? I'm circumcised and none of this is true. Girls in burgerland also prefer cut

I grew up with directors cut dual shock and I swear one time after being killed by a dog my characters skull was busted open and what looked like brains came spewing out. I'm not sure if this actually happened or if it was just 11 year old me's imagination after playing the game into the early hours if the morning
The death animations?

Attached: 1549409590902.jpg (572x644, 137K)

Attached: 1550770672592.png (430x354, 172K)

Where did I imply anything about deaths being hot?


>one that did the face or the one that did the body?
>They could not find one hot enough to do both
Claire confirmed too hot for this world

She is still very cute.

Attached: 1549737163021.jpg (1920x1080, 54K)

kidman gets my dick wet every time god fucking damn I wanna pound her ass until she begs me to hook her up to STEM and use her body as I see fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuss queen. Slay!!

This was confirmed a long time ago in-universe.

she looked disgusting until the remake

Umbrella's obssesion with superiority is a reference to ''chosen people'' and to puritan/jewish beliefs that circumcision makes someone ''purer''.
Also lickers appear only in the US with the exception of Africa (Local tribes genitally mutilate males and females) and eastern europe (Cuz jews and balkan muslims)
Wesker's backstory is about being traumatically circumcised as a child

Yes the death animation.
Cause your sexually attracted to classic Claire?
I'm not seeing it.

Attached: 06f.gif (480x268, 2.04M)

Objectively wrong. Most iterations of her are gorgeous. Revelations 2 and this Remake are some of her worst iterations.

Attached: claire faces.jpg (1817x3719, 623K)

Citation is needed user.

>Cause your sexually attracted to classic Claire?
>implying that has anything to do with death animations
I'm not seeing it.

Claire has only looked decent in Degeneration. All others until the remake were bad, face it.

Do you not enjoy Ryona?

This to be quite honest.


New thread when?

What's wrong with you?

When you suck on this dick.

Williams first form is rife with symbolism
>Oversized claw hand grasping pipe (Masturbation problems again.
>That exposed red cyclopean eye popping out from torn skin
>His face is torn and exposing the eye (Could be a reference to the glans being the ''face'' of the penis, the fact that half the face is mangled could also represent irregularities due to medical failure or feeling like a incomplete man due to lacking a foreskin)
>Torn shirt exposing deformities, maybe he feels anxious about nudity due to a botched circumcision ?

Attached: FORE.jpg (1200x1600, 393K)

2 hours

That's fair. I imagine you both just recently got into Resident Evil, not being born soon enough to enjoy some of the earlier games like 2 or CV. Maybe one day you will be able to see how much prettier she used to be when you get a bit older.

But I have no mouth and I must scream.

at first i thought you were a projecting fag but it's hard to refute what you just said desu

I think your reading too much into it.

Also note how as a human he looked like a standard american family man and was a sucessfull scientist; his monster form symbolyzes the darkness lurking whitin the subconscious of the average genitally mutilated american

Implying that I don't the original RE2.

>you dont find FMVs hot you're KIDS!!!!!!
user I've been playing RE since the first game, Claire just doesn't appeal to me until her newest incarnation. Now Jill, that's someone who's always looked good.

Attached: 1550152507356.jpg (1024x1280, 661K)

I hope he somehow escaped the island at the end.

There’s many hot females in vidya that Claire and Ada barely register. But Remake Leon is so goddamn gorgeous, no homo. I just want to hug him and maybe smell him, i dunno.

I agree with you when it comes to Jill. But if you really enjoy Claire all that much in this game, then you have my condolences. She just looks so goofy and overall unappealing in this game. I don't know what you see in her.

Attached: 1548794150064.jpg (2560x1440, 565K)


I'd have to agree with the other user. The remake made me fall completely in love with Claire.

>no homo

I got some news for you, erectus. You've caught the Leon bug.

I see Jordan, so how could I not fall in love desu.

There is also a sort of feminization in his forms
>2 form starts sporting a vagina dentata maw
>3 form he is now naked, his body is slimmer, the maw is bigger and he losts his penis, there is a sideways eye on his leg that could be another vaginal metaphor
>4th form is crawling on all fours and has a wide open mouth or vagina dentata
>5th form is a giant cunt/buthole with teeth
I think they are making a reference to that experiment where the boy lost his penis in a circumcision and was turned into a girl, or just saying circumcision feminizes men

The one that did the body. Her body is too good