What is the worst video game map you've ever had in a game?

What is the worst video game map you've ever had in a game?

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Thieves guild in Thief Gold.

This map is impossible to navigate your first time playing through it

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Literal hell.

I think this one is the worst because the "area map" is fucking useless so you have to rely on a minimap

>not using graph paper to make your own map

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This looks physically painful to look at.

The Nier Automata map is pretty worthless
Even more recently only having a minimap in kh3 and not being able to actually look at the full map was awful

>Even more recently only having a minimap in kh3 and not being able to actually look at the full map was awful

Yeah, that was bad.

Also another bad minimap is Death End re:Quest. It shows all the levels of an area at the same time, so you have no idea if the locked door is on the current floor or another floor

Almost every cave map in Morrowind was impossible to decipher what floor something was on.

Attached: MW-map-Sargon.jpg (630x530, 65K)

oh fucking hell this one is just impossible, what you dont see are 2 other levels that barely join up and when you think you're in the right place you then notice its 2000m upwards through some solid rock

Damn, I remember using this map when i was trying to find Omega. The timed gateways were bullshit. Add that everything looks the same there made navigation nightmare

Oldschool Runescape's Temple of Light
Overly convoluted map with bullshit roadblocks that houses a needlessly complicated and long series of puzzles and is also full of incredibly hard hitting enemies that also quickly drain your only consistent method of protection from them
Even with a step by step guide open this takes forever to complete

Attached: Temple_of_Light_map.png (729x691, 344K)

FFXI had a lot of shitty, unhelpful maps, but this one always stood out to me.

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It was tedious at first but after replaying the game for the 4th time I know the layout by heart

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In-game map...

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You were using a walkthrough for Morrowind? Really? The entire point of the game is exploration.

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BF3's last level fucking broke me.
That campaign was dogshit from beginning to end, a confused mess ripped off from COD that had done it before and better.
But the QTEs of all things broke me, I could not put up with that bullshit.

>D44M maps
they're restricted by the arena design but they're not that bad by modern FPS standards
Good flowing gameplay with exciting encounters, even though berserk is reduced to a gimmick and enemies all have uncontrolled movement and positioning

I never got the hate for this level
Thief 1 has far worse levels than that. I skipped at least half of the third arc of the story because those levels were insufferable dogshit

Morrowind is okay because enemies go down faster than a boner at an retirement home once you find a weapon with paralyze and the rest of the game is just leveling speed to make dungeon crawling easier

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