Is there any game based on Operation Unthinkable? I want a game where USA,Great Britain and Germany fighting together against the Soviet Union.
Is there any game based on Operation Unthinkable? I want a game where USA...
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I'm pretty sure hearts of iron series has operation unthinkable scenarios
HoI is more like a spreadsheet than a game tho.
Western Allies would have gotten their shit slapped, there would need to be some additional twist like an anti-Stalinist secession going on in Russia to make it remotely believable
Nah, US would cut off lend-lease to Russia, not to mention superior air forces.
Well, I guess cold war gone hot games are the closest I can get.
>Operation Unthinkable was a code name of two related, unrealised plans by the Western Allies against the Soviet Union. They were ordered by British prime minister Winston Churchill in 1945 and developed by the British Armed Forces' >Joint Planning Staff at the end of World War II in Europe.
>The first of the two assumed a surprise attack on the Soviet forces stationed in Germany in order to "impose the will of the Western Allies" on the Soviets
sounds cool, fund it
>Western Allies would have gotten their shit slapped
how? Soviets didn't have nukes yet and had suffered massive manpower losses
>and germany
Uhh that wasnt a part of it
>The majority of any offensive operation would have been undertaken by American and British forces, as well as Polish forces and up to 100,000 German Wehrmacht soldiers, re-mobilized from POW status.
>Is there any game based on Operation Unthinkable? I want a game where USA,Great Britain and Germany fighting together against the Soviet Union.
imagine if unthinkable actually happened. Americans getting killed by their own weapons and ammunition that was sent as lend lease while the Russians zoom around on their newly created mechanized army furbished with Ford trucks
Imagine if Churchill and Hitler were allied from the start
the western allies were in relatively great shape at the conclusion of the war, opposed to the soviets who suffered tens of millions of casualties fighting on the eastern front. plus the us had nukes. it actually probably would have ended badly for the soviets
Soviet Russia could compete with the US but not Half of Europe+US,other countries would have given support to the non-communists too since most of them hated the Soviet Union.
>Americans getting killed by their own weapons and ammunition
Sounds like every current war in the Middle East the US is engaged in
Fucking Churchill was so based, my God.
Haha, Now imagine if the U.S. had nukes and high altitude strategic bombers and a man power pool that wasn't scrapping the bottom of the barrel and no threat of starvation because the gibs weren't immediately stopped, haha.
They had so many more troops that they could conceivably have just steamrollered their way to the Atlantic. The bulk of the American army would have been too far away to help in time.
They'd still lose tbqh with you familia
what are they gonna nuke? Europe? and risk the entire world turning against them?
amerimutts are truly retarded.
Massed staging points you fucking commie twit.
Have fun, 3rd worlder
>massed staging points
do you think this map conveys that there was 200,000 soldiers massed together in areas that spanned 3 km square you retarded muttnik?
>some fiction literally who youtube vid
opinion disregarded. go back to CK2 autism sims you chinlet zoomie faggot kid
>use a nuke to kill 5000 soviet troops maximum
>obliterate your foreign relations and make yourself the new nazi germany of the world
lmao the absolute state of armchair hindsight popstorians.
>Hey tovarich, don't worry about link up just squat in the woods
Stay mad Slav shit. Ussr would have been buried but it was more fun watching it shit the bed in Afghanistan to goat herders while David Hasselhoff danced on the Berlin Wall.
Where can I subscribe to your youtube channel.