I just tried this for the first time

i just tried this for the first time

it crashed several times on the tutorial and the gameplay and movement feel clunky as fuck

i dont wanna spend hours installing mods to fine-tune this game, is it worth it?

Attached: Fallout_4_logo.png (1215x439, 28K)

If it crashed that means you overloaded it with mods already it's the most stable Bethesda game

no mods, fresh install during the area where you run to the vault

ultimately no

Yes, it's fun

Attached: 4.png (509x156, 149K)

If you crave more 3d fallout, yes. It's fun. It's clunky but fun.

it is fun as hell when high. just get bug fixes and make sure to play on survival

Just wait 'till you see the characters, story and dialogues.

If you mod it enough, maybe. The core gameplay and rpg elements are pretty disappointing though.

did you pirate an old version? it was finally stable after they finished all the DLC and updates, even with 100s of janky mods.

fuck no.

No it sucks.
>rpg elements
>voiced protagonist

i bought the final version on steam lol

>it is fun as hell when high.
What isn't?

I really hated it. I went to the midnight launch and was so hyped for it, but it was dull as fuck. The writing was lame too. The only fun I had was building ziggurats in my settlements.

I think this game is one of the most shallow games ever made and yet I have over 700 hours in it because of the settlement system.

it's garbage and it took the clone of it, fallout 76, for people to realize this. fun as a sandbox for mods but I wouldn't pay for it.

does your computer suck?

rtx 2080 and i7 8700k

the story is lame as fuck, if you thought 3's "muh father" main quest was dumb, well this is the same shit but in reverse, "muh son". it's tolerable up until the 50% mark then it just becomes god fucking awful, just completely falls apart, worse main quest in any fallout game by far once you have unlocked all the factions to vie against each other. but it has some redeeming qualities, some of the side quests are good, and at least the Far Harbor story and setting are absolute ludo. Far Harbor is basically its own worthwhile game, and also like the settlement autism is surprisingly well done IMO. I didn't think it would be nearly as involved as it is, but you can easily make towns that rival the developer made locations, create all kinds of whacky minecraft tier shit. But since it's Bethesda of course they sorta shit on that too, because enemies just spawn inside your settlement occasionally, making walls and whatnot useless except for aesthetics

What the fuck do you mean? Its so fucking shallow and lifeless.

It's not the game, it's your PC


>across the board bad
That's how you know you're dealing with a biased cunt. The game is better than New Vegas. You faggots just quit early on because Yea Forums made you expect the game to be shit.